Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 14 Jul 1887, p. 8

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"-" n'3""'n'.-|c\vn I (over yon)-- . - A FINE PARK Oman. pllli \J.II$l`l [Grin fl` IP(.`|evoIAnd. inst hi: cottage In`. ' Hnunv'nnnlI.uI1 nf adv vruwcwuvur wwqvu lwvivtvi WIIC Oloryuxnpcuoohlaalollud. Thocrlelconuahbotvou Nnpunud Khptnqulboahtdldd J- olnnelubndund by lucxul plqyhg. lhncuh: `tho ca-hkolon Gone` `liohulvu with ln|.._:Q__._._ I_ I.Q 1.LA_.n nllllannlp Ipndill. In Al. lUlIdllIl|h-lnIliI8|Iolh. 5: Phlhdoh phlu. It `A: \\`uhlnlon-ChlcoJnI.n; Wnlhllllolt At New You-k-HuIhI 3: Nov Yuk; 7. A: nouton-DouoIu. I : It uulum Roohcslor.. ` 'l'nI'unlo..... Jcnqycity. lauhrms... Ii. Sow .. m.n.a.m.x J CI ID 0 Eu-pod runo-0uura.6; Park Nine. I. Two has Mu4. Hula. Three hue Mu--J. Mule. t Vdoh. Gulllol. Englinh. Shea. Home nnn~ `Guillol. Uodd. line on balls - Vnloin. 8: MnIu'.1 Bun m M! hr nil.-had hnll-I_~ I uluuol. ulna. Inn Fhlcrd. Ban on hit by pitched Inn: valoll. I (`u-thy [Alt hneo-0lu . on v ; Run. &5. struck oul-\' ` 2 :clnl.vro. 8: Detmll.. I I . .1. u&.`. .'?.1.'f:.. but 1:. :1`. Lil o..(ff.'.'. Klnlnn 1 n [Walker i 3ulIal|.Lf...'...... ` .I. J. l.I!tiQl.xlb . . . ` . .. lclnt: p..r.t... AtsI.l.oIb-- O;8t.IaIh.1 |At loclavll)o-I Czlauhrnla. I. A Clad u-Amauuu~cn e. Acm$a-nnuuu.h:('.'|'?=':.L IVXITCIX: K1`. Iljjllffl `I hoplonou-Q WI Iolllllltitt ||( 'Cl'flD'nn.I..Ivn -I-hi (hit '1`. Murphy. 1-. 1.. Shot. ('1 . ; Mcomh .u;I'.. ll. blur I.8b.. Robluann. s.a . Md 9h PARK mu Walker 31).. mum. Lt g _ orruv \nl-his. p. Guillol , c.. I-Tnnlinh n In unusual Jana. Us A Scnnt 1;?-U - 1 A{n.c..2.'.2$;':t..ia;%n.u AImuhaman-&Innun.l2:RnrI.lt Aun-unu `Anna-1 uncut 1 I pn.-uy my-scraper an Inn nelu. The (`i!i:u reporter was also delighted with the game. but he found the Kingttuni un more than liberal in the bestows] of marks of approval each time the Limestone` ` players mule good play." The oicial score was as follows : orr.\w.xs. AJL 1:. I!L1'.lL l`.0. A. R. \'..|..x... 5 a I 1 I 7 9 I Matt): at Ottawa. In speaking of the haselull match in Ottawa the Frcc l`rs.- says : Tho specu- tou w\i'nosso1l one of the tinest exhibition: of hnse~lull given in this city, end the way both tennis played would do credit to any league team. l.\'ery mun in both teams lnd plenty of work, aml all did it in I very clever manner. The erron were few and for between. and were of little moment. In fact. only one proved cuotlv. that of .\IillMl, in the eighth innings, when he unied I pretty Iky-ocraper It left eld. Tim (`Ilium renm-tor \r:u also deliohtenl 1 lip. `u IWIIAXIICII III5 I IDIIIU ITIII. A locnlpriutaaya: It is no \\`om]er()ttuva came out ahead after scouring the country for ball luyers, some fmm Ogdensburg. and the ear lmows where." Is this as sutc-V. ' men: of fact? Did Ottawa plnv any out- ` .~" ler against the Park Nine 3 We Iron` \ I P Iaruy. . June: McLeod, who caught for the King /won: 1-at you-. is prscticin hard. He is a goodeutcher, And will IIlI e an excellent nl or players In Ille Clllll OH SITIKUS. x `hicago is having All the luck. Anson`: men are in superb condinioii. .0n the other hand Boston is crippled. New York ditto. while Detroit is minus the services of Dun- I lap, And Twitchell Inns a lame arm. A Imnlnrilituvns It in no u'nInl|>|-Dttnlvn -` n0\\`. CIVIC uuuuny Ill Kill} I.l3_Y CIKV. Tlw Kin tons have asied the Uitsuvas fora: into. cut they cannot. nt one just The statement that the Kingston: play in (menu on July 23rd is untrue. Perkins. pitcher. and (J. Martin. catcher. comprise the bnttary for Kingston`: second nine. Perkins is very effective and Ill: succeeded iately in outing some of the best players in the club on strikes. ffhimurn in hgvina A" than Incl , A nmn'x I IIICIII III SIN. XIII" l'DlIIl|l l"'U II decides A bet mu e last night. Thu Kinontnma nlnv at I (`uh IIUCIIIX I Ila lllle IE3` lg III. Thu Kin tons play at n (`utholic pic-~nic ` in Bellevil e. on the 27!}: int... with the Bellevilles. This day has been xed as me civic holiday in the bay city. 'l'Im Kinonhxng Inn-n naked thn l)ltxn\':u anu play me nluguona. The battery that faced the .l`u"k Nine at Ottawa on Tuudny is the same as face (1 them at the fair round here last fail. This .l....:.l... - l...A ..._. .. I_..a ..:..La. uuuuuul 1 elder. ~ 4\.'|.--. IIUIIIUI} 4 lhen Jerry Denny. the crack third hue- nu\n,. nds time hanging heavily on his lnudn, he utilizes some of it in signing total abstinence pledges. A tnlnumnu from Part Hana, rnvnivnd Inst ` HIKIIIIUIIIX Plalw ` A telegram from Port Hope, received last ; evening, states that the hue-bull club of ` (hut place will come here on Tuesday next` and play the Kingatona. - The hatfarv that faced the I`:u*`Ir Ninn at rs. nu. mu (3IIulp-j'|.. g...u. 0] 'u.. ' - "\ Lonuo--cc-non`! ota. The G -ordons, of .\Iotilx'eal.}sturt `(in n westward topr on Jnly 25th. The)` may \ pig the Kingston. - \ mimnn_ of Hm Kisnum (`lulu ix lmennn. 1 Iuiury pronoun; ILS I mu uueunu. 0 audience: At the mdotin of the : Kingston hue-hall club luxury ge. Ibo M In-Eintniutiog is gradually groiring in popu- a . Jnymnn Kl:-`Ann ! In-Inn nnnnht for khan Rina. VI` VII. l\IIIx` ll- . amiesou, of lb Ringswu club, is becom- iu "very procianns I first hueinnn. ho Audinnnnn AI Illu minlinun nf Ihd '1'wA imasrows `rumo- Ilnu--Ball on-on Yucatan. xA1'Ioxu. I.l.|0l.'l. XI-.I_I_Ll_ I_.Il__._-IA- I . I11 Tom! ` `$i>R'1"uuG INTELLIGENGE xl 2: SI &:Iuton.... uluuux unocurlox. An In A.L|..n__ WUC A.r.vIu nqntuhbllqnpuhhnuun. 135'-'-';.`|u `Jun. norm II n auburn! Kl . In caudal uhuhu. Mn. vnulnly astound bynllvlohovhut. Ills Ibo Ptdtlnl and Iln. (,'lovc|IIdI'l`lvHHh`I'heundIIhIdncu Q-A-nnl-up -.-A `$4.--ulll-n `organ IL: LZUIKIUVII nwdunl, WK ml 23.`: " ""..:'*""....*""...,..."-.:, ~ I U can gtukuun Nlulcal hum manna Ia.O&.n`.n' EI nnndvile.olBollldu|.Ps. an hilt . It. aqua iupnnlunt in-oudaltrundgoutoollovilhtolookd. Mn. Chvnlnd or" "us 'nLnhnnpnnnnInr`vQ!InIvnnnn- in `TI 11 .. mo..." pa." ad" "b""n.'.T'.'.3ii um -L. ` Mugs. bound. Jon` , left and: forsyruangonuvhittof . J. I". th. the and I 1 Queen`: ulinnity. In an 0 Mr Allan 01 am... mum at tn-y lauomu for tho Klngnon club. hllthocity. T50 vinitor El good bu nhvu-. IJTIIK ll, Ikb. I yly nfow da 11:: CA-Ii i vrda agoofdiphthorin. " {Alf ' of Ru. Mr. `psrling. L IL 1 Sgancotnd W. Mckouio, an the Kuvutmhu now tailing on w:I'|:3.....x. It lmn ucoounpuiod 3 but non Maurice. MnnI'lnlAnn.uvl_ (Hnimm IIIIIIUUG-I ID caning khan. Ihufnoo hllod by many: nun. he know that buunncnt mount. Whohaddwqyubon . H :)l:mNo:I. IIw:xrounuon.nyun-1 ax-nlyur lalVl'IlIHa Mn. A. Smith. of New York. In: become funou. she as and I 78 hpotnrpon near Alunndrin . 'I` ll \Y.-L :_ _.-_.a-_. A_.__..___ R- , T. \\'. Nah for the K. & I`. R. ` company. and Mr. Neville hold: the ' of Iuior accountant ` The at damn: of Rev. `V. Gal- bnitll, ILC.L. of `His. diod unexpected Iv I for dnn mm of dinhthorin _ IX ,WIIX'WH'WIIIwl.-u.I.y- Izhomu Bodnm, gun:-uncut inspector oftheocIIoflionuiupocton.hint.he cl . . `tmiin Jnnnin Anal I-`Jig; lirinnntnn nf Elj UUUUIK CH" EH1 37% OK Port Stanley. an at their uncle`: ox-Mnyor Livingston. MEI. A. (II. NEH I11: honulno rooplc Whoa Iovoncu. laying: and Dolnu Ann-not Attention. E1-AH. Adult! loft today for Salty`: Bu . when he will nd 3 holiday. mun: H4-|I.Inm_ nova:-nnnnt inuuofnr VIII, IlElI\I.'Il IIIIVIIIKIIWDUU I. rlwfonl, foot of Queen ctnet. CI-XI-CTDITITZ I nvonotqokuu eunuunlnhd widen ndhnrkwnn. . ISIS. A 6;}: octurnd on Ontario street this morning, between a lurhar uni n cabman. The former pulled an ruor, but was pm-\'eut~ ed from doing any dump with it. `Inc cue will be triod at the slim court. `Ix... ...... J... ..I..:.... In .... .....a. J... UIII ICIIVIIZI, %Il Ell (El, ICE II a distance and Hi! bonds Iron lnnloned by toil. his roundoc by an- (|I_\ . IIIII-USIUT tvuu I3 I I".-`WT I I A moonlight excinion. under the us- pices of the Silver comet band of Unmann- ([110. will he held this evening. The uteuner Princess Louise has been churteredpntl will sail among the islnnds with the excursion- ists. A RALA ..........I A- l\..A-..l.. -A_....c. L:. CT `VIII 1 ITICXI C` in! "$ Cour`. Try our dry edging: .50 per cord; dry pine blocks .$1'5er con] ; dry out cord:-ood, ugood us o imry bu-dvmod8!.50 per cond, delivered throughout the city. R Crntfm-ul. fun: If Omsen unmet. I PIECE UK our JUIUI [VII-Illllllx ll-IU -33- Twoexcursion parties were tnknn from Claytnn to Gnnnnoque yesterday by the steamer John Thorn. On Friday the will carry 3 party to Brookvillo {mm Clayton. ` The hnnnl uhn Innk over [In Inna-rn nf \ CIT" upurly U! IDITIIIVIIIC IKWHH \/Kyllh I The bond who look over the of > lhuise examined for teachers` co ' tee in this district will meet in Tomato on Tue- lay. Iunpoctur Iqdd is a member of it. Amonnlfnht nxonrninm under the nu. ll one KIIITH YXIU. \\'heezin_2. gas iug sufferers from Asthnn receive quick an: permanent relief bf using } S-mtlu-rn Asthma cure. Sold by 11 drug- gists or by mail nu receipt of price. ` Rv lm Il'A\' thn nnn.u,rvntiwn want in ma! SIS`! 01' U) "lull "II IWLUIPI UK llflla By the wny the consu~ntivea want to get the protest in Kingntou cut 021 it would seem that they feel sound as to the pun- pect of Sir John retaining the nest. 'l`\|-nnnmll-ninn Inning warn tnlrnn from ' \ll'?l\'lll(.'..\.UIIB`e `WW5. Seven Toronto men have been sentenced to the penitentiary for larceny. Five get \ terms of ve years each, one four years, and one three yous. \\'hns-na wncninn cnlffnemm `I-nun Aunnn J. B. Carruthem has an excellent photo- guph of the 40th battalion u it marched up King street. during the time it was in camp here. '1`-.. 2. .... ....I.:L:L:.\... 2.. I\Y Y \I..\'..2. IICTC. There is on exhibition in W. J. Mcxoifs our store an excellent nmnle of this ear s `barley. grown on the premises 0 Mr. ` |:m\'illc..(`ollege street. .\'o\'v-n Tnrnntn man hnvn hlban nnntnnmul `u r."lUI`l In 'lhe South Renfmw reformers select a candidate on the 21st inst. Sir Richard (`artwright will be present and speak to the | ClOC'.0T8. I I! l`..-.....oL..... L...` _.. ........II....A ..I...s.. uunulluno cllwul :1`! too oncn nee genius \\ithonthdlut;I'ou>oofUen hurthobny-. ing of the nitrous biped: without long an; hut loo dowoueepencoalanpcdon the "human divho." Ir`:-Id homptod, tout nwotuly ton , to upal to lllhat indlvidunl. 5:8: only stand 3! ll (Hanna: and Ivuln Hi: Lnnnln -man . | u emu: xmnrp um gnu Imlne II 6 0 czocx, ` For the best quality I Scranton stove unl. also for English (Newcastle) black- uuitlfs, coal at lowest rates, go to gas wurks coal _\'&h(L n..- I .....I.... ..l_. 1 ..-_..,._ :_ .|__ c.___. com _\'l\l1lx Our London ale and port-er is the nes! in Cunulu. pure. healthy and rcliuble.-Jss. Crawford. 'II.- \`....I. l)....l ........ ..J'........__. -..I._._. - flue members of the Ilderan bicycle club. of Brooklyn. N.Y., arrived in the city to day. Tho qlnnnnnr Iv`:-I nn-nu Y IsII:nA L. an ..|.n .. .. Ill) . The steumor Princess bonito blou ht an excllrsionn party to the city. com _ of 55 persons, from Guuanoquo yesterday. ` The Hero`: '.ntuuh\' nu-nninn in uh-nni.- perluus, nnln Irlllzlnoqllo yesterday. [ml in another column. She leaves at " o'clock sharp an-l gets home at 8 o'c!ocl:. ' For the heat nnnlihv nl` Rn:-gntnn Hero`: Satuulny cu-union is ud\'ertis~ ~ uu nuuuveu to me new station next V003. The schohsra of St. John : church Sunday school ic-nicked at Channel Grove to-dny. Bree ` R Booth : is the chmnmt nlnna fnr scuuul u:~uIcIerI II Lnnnnel urove to-any. is the cheapest plnce for bunclnvood. hard or soft wood. cut or un- cut. 'l`I... .........I.__- -t .L, In | . - n - I Meeting` of the school "band this evening.` Hcuic Imus or line roll at 101:.- Ju. `Crauvfonl. V I) \l..l -.....I.I:_ -._I,n 112.; n___ .1 n , , , . 3.1.. antenna or my horse: torpoo, M The \-ucdtion of the St. Pull`: Sunday school will continue during J nly only. The books in the K. k, ,R, `lilum-v will avuuun In In Luuunue uurun Jilly only. the K. & ,R. `library will be removed 00 the new station next week. Tim nnlnnlnnrc M` Q l..}...v- ..|..._..L c.....a_.. Iuuvu, ulu cur!!! Ill our llIOI.lQl'll ICIIOOIS ex hon. outing in hellish shadow: un thmtud thoyonngnvotooofton no Po\'e_rty choclljng ugly fnr_roII on oqco uinu Jamie and Elna` of `or: Slnnlev. III Yilinn II lhir undo`: nu. Spire of Every Day un--Ivhu in l ulnl*o cure Talking Abo"u&--Vothlug III- cipes rub Attention inf Thanh Who an \ Taking sates. UB8. \.l'iIV|'l0I'II. ` .` l ._ Mclaughlin Iolci \\'ood Bros. of Rome, M I\.\ .. an teun of buy homes torpoo. Thu vnrntinn nf oh. Q. n....|v. u....a...` iS (7IY)i:`S"fS+ZfFi1iE'13I7 PARASRAPHS PICKED UP v oun ausv REPORTERS. PERSONAL MNT|ON. uu: uuuv. nus runny nu to Ivuegonl In witncu I cheerful` and ul counten- ance. We too oftcn meet excitement, whose every movement it uoennitivo u thojold led to the duct:-ic cm-rout ; we too ten moot wedth. when every limb ia fetterenl with weight: ollud ;I`I oftun meet emu- ` lndon, the curse of our modern Ichools ` nun-nu-Kn-mg pg-03-... ls. L-IIZ.L -L-..I-.__ . _ I nuunvu I'll". ll llII'l'\! no rocunecl (IR very Picture at happiness. not contentment mere- _\`. 'l`hi- ;;unt!eInnn_ to me. was the central ` pi-tun: of the pic-nio. e veritnlale apple of M gultl in '|I`c!l.|I' of silver. I have seen not a\ few 0 the Inge cities of the world, but I think. without exaggeration, I never new happiness so depicted. The lupp feces mm sees now-e-dnye in city life on tie can. on the boat. etc.. ere limited. We often hear the uoiey laugh. nee the and end [rhin- tive unile. but ruely are we ivileged to A elltarflr and Inns: nl suntan. : cu nor 5| Iecuulcu puper. On this day then; \\u 1 motley group, as 'l'ouchstone lays in Rosalind, of both taxes. and of All ages from the infra: in Anmto the octogonnrhn. One man was nit- zi . in true Ysnkoo mim with foot hi; or than his heal in 3 nnvvy wheel-bun row. smoking a clay pipe without a coat. on and vent nnbnttouod. I looked at him. and looked again. am there he reclined the very nicturc ox hnn')incu_ unt cnntnntlnnnt nuwn. urlue Ullltl. 1 The site selected for the pie~nic was ori- * ginally a spherical and circular basin. but the live great agents in the employ. not pay. of geologists in altering the surface of the earth hlare not been idle her_e countless ages. gneous, metunorpluo an ueous mcks alike have erurnhled to dust fore the rough and ruthleu chbel of time. Lon before prehistoric man fashioned his tools 0? stone. ong before our sandstone was rain- pitted. long before our forests were trodden by the mastodon or Iuegatherium, long be- fore the Canadensa was the sole occupant of the Laurentian group was denudation at work here. At present the once conical hills an: attened and covered with vegeta- tion : the once inverted cone presents the ap- pearance of a miniature Roman amphithea- tre and recalls to one`s memory the famed Hwennap Pit, England, rendered immortal lay the preaching of John Weslev, and in which special services have sinceheen held every year, and which was excavated far the mineral thereon. some historinns claiming before the Christian era. 1 also thought what at hlessin that a member of the Chi- cago grain exc ange had never seen this arena; if so, he would at once set about tramsferring it to the exchange. and instead I of having four its there would be only one I pnndemonium mm which would belch, like as from a volcano. the sulphnmus vapors of hell, hlighting every iota of human nature vrlterefer its inuence reaches. Apro I will say that during the evenin I ouud some beautiful garnets imbed `in ruins schist which caused me to think, but my views on the formation and ition of these garnets are relevant only um \\' ill be reserv- ed for a technical paper. lllll tllV than unn A lhntlnv rnvnnn no ouuu luvloll IIIJWUII Wlllcllg ll `HUI CH" ed in some s::l,tcred spot. loot: their eslrelrgy. their vigour, and die; `It in often the case with indlvidunls. In themturul element they am: healthy, vigorous. and ofthu beautiful ; trans rt them to that `H termed more fun ourub e circumstances, manhood dies the brute exists. 'I`L- -:s.. _..l..-A-,X k_- -1 nu unawnox u|Iy0IIng;I`OlDO0IlOlII00` ororty chioolling furrows once nndsomo check: :11 too often no genius `it.hontlnlh.|t:I`ounnI'mn Ilanr thnhnv. I wuocunn or rerun, it me time I thought one of the best selection I had ever seen grow.- ing wild, but an every winter is the oold- M eat and every eurnnior the hottest within ` the tnemor of living men in ever of the world lave been, and 0.3 au{liP:':ete- menta are not always true. I will content myself with,` saying there ll a splendid and rare variety of fern: growing in all the beauty and freehnus of their native soil. I have often seen neu the line of perpetual snow prettytinyowen which. if transplant- sheltered Ipot. energy. eL..:.. .-.._\.... __.I J3- Ivevwuhvu . IIIIIQII XI U XU,` KN)` elin. em , Iprnoe, pine, um eoft fneple end heuwood, e pic-nic we: held. The locality ebonnded in an innite variety of wild-berries. from the hard ooemopnlitnn to the tender exotic and whose power: of chemistry are something wonderful extract- ing from the almost bu-ma rock in IOIIIO pleoea nnitritoue dud et all time: tnble article: of food. Them was also a utiful collection of ferns, at the time I thought l)@ ever seen l.n'n\|n.- In A tracklouiuirznl almost impeuetmble {opal of cedar. white and blsck uh, mck elm, hemlock, had .1 annln And hgnouuuvl n -J- -2- ...-_ L_I I Toinelulng on` some of the Paula and Politics at! our `l`lIueo:'l'rno~lla|{plnoog_ And now It Is DepIctod-.\ Gathol-In; \I`ItloIt the Frltoltloo so lngldpnt go " Life In un City. THE RL'1uLlSTS' P10-NIE T . % 1 ` THELOCATION or ITSKETCHEDV IN GRAGEFUL LANGUAGE. ' nl-uh. AnIn|ulonhIn.1 Jun nounnh-J nni ha ..IA. 1 J|IIIXIX; 1~KI`T lilwx Orupnu nu uahy I uuv'IrIr vlolmtudn .A._.I. IIL. ll.._I..- J-...LA.- J . w`TuUITU'I'C'1 in Doonnto. By: oltvonoomnon Y nvdugaunurlnl ltd Ildutnoclhlo wshnudonn can bout oautnuiou vs-wv `wt: o-- u uuluu Edward. M0000. Juan \;;;ohn and` Jun: . dmnh. lined SI and cant: ouch. M. \ duh. nuintdning I piuu I1:Ev5hntv'oc:ty foot to the aunt, rd 0 oyco ndnguhulvo harp, that: can uljou-Ind. Jun: on-do :u- n u:I -:. AnnnI%dI`Hn::=: Km g\ICjI'l1TI&Il;IV V ty.hlnvinhuls nu. * awn on the most on Ay llght Tityvvlulunsldodlorodny. 1 It Wu Very Larjoly Attended. g Th; funenlu of William lhrgrnft And daughter occurred on Tuesday. The comm cunuiuod H6 cu-tinge; The mayor and the civic oonn were in uttcmhneo. The Ion) tribuhn were the most beautiful ova noon in Cohou . Min Maggie`: incur` loolod build! in duels. Mr. Hugnffn fan was much [united by the crud web I the iron-bonmlcoutolwhlch be In: dmwr od. Hr. I-lu'gnh'n life was inland tot IQJIII Ll. IVXIUTCIKI. Ill?` :5. D. KZIIIIINI ; wife. Mia Penn. V. J. CAl1l\u-ll, R. A. Barton. Toronto ; I`). B. Goodnre. A. B. Muthnll. Montnd ; I . )1. Sims, Bnntfonl; M11 1'). (Heat: and than bur, Chathuu : F. A. Wine. Ottawa : R. . Snyra and wife. Bothlehm; R. Bull, agent Banana : show. Llr. Wine. superintendent of the Rideeu canal. doe: not believe the: the government will ever take new to lower the inner to n that the drowned lend may be reclaimed. The cost of such work would require more than HIIMXXJ. and the land. 2.(l)0 acne. luring been paid for it would be unwise to incur lbeexpenditnreofrepurchning it. The ` treic on the canal in equal to that of pre- l \-ions yeut. Tho llotpl Arrlvnls. Arrivnh at the Britinh American Hotel-- \\'. J. Robortpnn and wife. T. C. Dawson, F. Rogers, Rt. Catherinei: W. Smith. R. H. Ilockoll, New York : J. Owen. London: I. \\'nnDgn--nn Inning - Q II [Luann Anal Ddhtholycn. * J tho NIH I`|lI-.0 KIIQOI` )..3...|...u..m.-...1...a.ul This morning an information. with two 1 chugen on it, ran objc;-ted to at the police court by hlr. Ilchtyro. The prosecuting Attorney. Mr. Mach, unended it. \\'hen he got through Mr. Mclntyro aid, \'ou'-I hunily know it now. it : no Aland." The nngiotnte aid it was nearly as much altar- ml an .\lr. Mnclur was hmnelf. "You'd ` hardly know him." aid the justice. v--u-.vu an nwvuuuo Death of a Postmaster. Yesterday D. F. Britton. postmaster of Gaunnoque, an honorable citizen and one of the early settlers of that now thriving town, died, 1 over 70 yous. He was the fntheri M. Britton.Q.C., (now in Eu- rope) I". Britten of the Unnnnoque Rcporlcr, and C. E. Britton, manufnctumr of the same town. The `mineral of the deceased occurs to-morrow. I am sorry to add that the ionic was not altogether 3 success; ntnciul y it wu, but alas, it hekod that ouentinl element no chanctoristic of such guthoriuga. namely. I tistic encount.er.-PwcA\'l. gures b uctunl measurement, Inch don tless would qwe mu Eleasure. C .- cl`- 6.... L... ._ uIu l._y uugruua. I ll. IIOK gnrlll [D086 athongh Qnnl. gsnlg Al .I_.... ....-... E|lL'lI l}UIlUlulI$ I'UIIIlI `IVE IIIU ICISI Such atyle of dress may no the fus ion oaght I know, but I hope not. as my c oaity would almost prumpt me to u whether the shape! ' form of wonmn deteriorated to sue an extent in a 1--` - MIIIIIU I IIIIIEICJI ICTUH. Inu [full] `"0 ICFOII to the lvic bones, or rather where they should an uniform iuwanl slope of about thirty degrees. I am not givin these figures bv nctunl Inensnmnmenn n thmmh I "aura ngu. "II nun: ((0 mo K851110113 come ` lroln 3" "Paris." And where does Paris * get them 3" From the Devil." Imagine a ne-grown hulthy looking young woman with O pleasant countenance, clean ringing musical laugh, and a but on straight from the thorax so could be for about six inches. than 3 horizontal projection of about four inches, terminating in C rounded form, not unlike a musical scroll. and from the scroll tn elm n.Im'.- Iunnnu ...- not.-. ..-I...... n..... I II 1.1." "'I.`ll, III` "Wm `uh .. -vcsvyrbeiug llerewere the woprffhd-.`s ses`- ` man. not its puppet sliows.- Here were the ones who feed the mu .` clothe the naked. " and who will hear--i anyone hears-no matter what their beliefs are. if any. Inas- much as ye hnvedone `it unto the least of these my. little once," to. I often comfort myself with the reflection, as a workingman, that as in this world I here no connection with idlers, or those who contribute nothing to life, neither will I in the world to come. The group` of country lads and lanes" were especially worthy of attention, nnpol- luted or unoontaminnted with city hellee or dudes, with their unreal, articial peacock lives; they were assimpleand unsophisticated as nature fashioned them. Gray : elegy spon~ taneously burst forth, as I thought on whet a force is here . if properly directed and used, used personally and not by political or any other intrigucrs, and we trust the day is far distant when such" hardy sons and daughters of toil ivill sell their birthright for a mess of ttsge as has too often been done in Clllllflo. Ah ot only in manners and general conduct were these boys and girls superior to in equal number of city folk, hut in the manner of dress with one excep~ tion. Often when asked how such and such alndy was dressed I could on! reply, I knew she was not naked:" and $st was all I did know. There is one article of dress I do know by name. pnnnicr," having come across it in Homer. but I dou t know where it is worn. Recently, I hove noticed that not a few ladies wear their dresses to set off their dresses, but here on the l2th July oni- country cousins" were their dresses to set off themselves, and an ill-dressed lady. no matter how costly her apparel. is to me a thousand fold uglier thnn Punch. The exception referred to put me in mind of an illustration in one of the comic papers many veers ago. Where do the fashions come imm 0" "nus. " --Ami wt... .1... n...:. `yu fur l..invae`u.I; mun ` \ .11 unubnod. thc,:rcl,;l"s::`- ._`_s_ ....a :5. .... .._s _Ic...... ll -.. ._'-_,`.L _ IIUUIUII, JUW I07`: muweu. IJXICIOIII T\\'.mm.n. Lock :5: B. oaouum ife. \ '. ...n..._ "`.___._A_ _ I.` I) 1V_-,l__- A ll _Ialoo(0l|y|IdIIwdIu. 41.5.... ..4A.I 'I'.l.l.4L-_. Pollen (.`oI-`I'll!-clay. __I `.41-- I__.._ lI}L-I mu soc be Room-uod.' ABOUT THE CITY. Clnlpd All Bound. -_._ _ -_ ._R._.._. ,. L:__ IIIC IU3|IIU- :0 f for . curi~ ma tn mm `run BRITISH wan,-. TH 1:I JULY 14; ECU has few | IIUL :2: Ih' dJ.g. . I `now Iollundntip . ll u1I:"'7.:(::"a M yarn)-W. no-p -.0|?'."L-III.|.I:|'crrm)-Il. Bvnho. llzreuun a llama Iolhhl. `IT W. :'.'.!..".`. ."}".':.'.i""'.......;........"""""' ';`...."':' rw""x(ndu|; )-w no. `nos . u.'E'uu.ua-.aruu. H-ma -can Inna: I0 \'lI. wuonthou mu: nndlndnitllvncnlihnnnhnn nlhn -n.` IIIU IIIIIIHII PICIIIIX I. L IIIHIIUW I nil `rho Cllldton 0! st, AIIlII'I sabbath ` \ School Invonclolly Ion). ` Tho umul picnic at St. Andrew`: Sub- lnth than] in hold At sum Paint vnnhr. t:,t:h: river. mfl 'Fl{o um: cottage. nut Wutmluur park on the Cun- dinn side. in pnonlly conceded to be the lundoounent on the exterior with in clean: rounds. H. H. \\'u'|nr`| cothgo In not nnnnonunial fnr norm-A! van:-L R: will \ i`..".'"$$up.`: '};..".'.'3'.'.'.? .7. 3'. .';'E'u' iurrivunoonwithhiaymcllt. uvhichhoud `his family livodurIn.thoummor.ndthou 30 Among the inland: and sh 3! thin ..I.. -.... .\1"r'i oT(..:i-cv:iA;<;.-i: '3: L5 Kati}. on Island. 8. W. Downy`: oottqo, of Brooklyn, `nut above Flonnoo Inland 5: the ` bu . ' bl tho tokgnntl nhlod xnnythrrivar ft an-1.;:Hlll TIL I`|&nr I IIIIXICIPIIII, nll Dllul I D. W. XIIQI Hill Crest" o posits Central Park. Kl- Mnvor Rnnn. (flu-nlnnd. in at him eothna Iullilf IIIII HUI" IIIII DKIKXIK III` Will.- B( nnio Cqltle," I us Dr. J. 0. Holland spent some of his In `eat hours And where be conceived some in but works, in oc- ` cupied by Mn. Holland And relatives. St. ` Elmer in one of the prottiat conga on the n`vor. and in occu ion! by its owner. X. W. Hunt, nf Hnnnk vn H H, .\'hinInIL 1|` river, um I: OCCUYIOII Dy III owuur. n. n . II. Hunt. of Brook D. H. Shields, 0! Philadelphia, ha in 3 new cottage culled Hill Front" nnnnnitn (`.hl|tl'll I51-K, Rx. uneuu, l\- 1. DIII II ulull 0| ulllluguuy,` with e tri le expnneion en `ne. The smoke- eteck is bre.u.eeerenll erlittinge, and ehehu eeenopy top Sheirpeeeingellthe been on the river, even the St. Lewrenee, and has n record of I9 7-I0 milee. " hnilt for n S)-mile yecht. She is not eohen eome. but cnn go like lightning. end when at full npeed can stop still within e dietnnce of twenty feet. Her onet wee $3.51!). She is attracting oonuidernhle nttcntion among hoetmen end in eoneidered the futeet boat on the liver. The Little lyooon in thought to be the hnndeomeet hy meet people, nnd her owner, Mr. Porter, is having eoue good timee with her huh` unong the ielnnde. ` Br nnia Cgetln," n In Dr, J, G. Hnllnncl Dulce. `III-I. I. you: and ova)-Davin. L`UW IIHK \.cnl.I"|l. The private yacht: suncting the moat stuntion are the Lqunntcr. And the Little T . The fornpr in owned by 1-2.; F. lioldcu, New York, who has I cot at the Thousand Island pork, and wu ban 3 at Britta]. K 1. Sb: in [mi]! of lnnhmvnnv, Ill! IIIOIIIIIIU WK, IIICI WII UIIIII II uuuu Bristol, R. I. 81:0 in built of lnlhoglny, ` with I trials exnunion emrim-_ Thu -mnkn. IKCTU IIIU IIIUCTIPCIOIX, -"l'allgU\\'|KNl. -`In UNI` fashioned mantel over a hriclt tireplace is in eachroom on the lower llloor. /And each room is lighted by gas nnjl has electric an- nunciatois. The waiters are college students. The park is on the main land and covets 30 acres. Stables have been built and a half mile track will be made. J. S. Hartzell, of Cleveland, have erected elegant cottages on the park and more will be put u another year. A dock costing $1,500 has n built where the largest hosts can touch. The rules of the association are such that no cot- es can be erected with a kitchen, com- ling all to take their meakat the hotels. `he future of l-Idgewood Park is indeed bri ht. ' majorit ' of the steamers and yachts that break t e green waters of the St. law rence sail under the stars and stripes, al- though they don't nnfurl them in the breeze as they once did. The largest steamer is the St. Lawrence, which makes four trips daily from Clayton to the bay and return, and sandwiches in an occasional excursion in the evening or on Sunday. The ay- nanl makes two trips daily from the bay to meet the R. R. W. & U. at Cape Vincent and comes un to (.'ln_vton `in the evening. The John Thorn is used chiefly for excursions, but makes two trips between Thousand island park and Kingston each week. The G. B. Farrington, owned by the Round Is- land park association, makes ve daily trips between Clayton and the park. The Jessie Bain runs tn ice each day between Clayton and the bay. The two most popn~ lar excursion routes this year will be the Is- land \\'anderer s among the islands, and the weekly tri on the Ella Ross to Montreal, Ottawa an Kin ton. The Princess Louise lies between housand Island park and 'ingston, and is also used as an excursion boat. The Maud brings large excursions from ton and other places. The owl- like whis of the Armstrong can also be heard occasionally. The Ontario has un- dergone a change. Some $6.0) have been sreut in equipping her with state rooms, c osing the main deck, taking out the wind- ing stairway, etc.. and she is now one of the finest boats on the river. She comes from Charlotte. She runs in connection with the New York Central. `FL. -.-:.._a- ..-..|.a_ -aa..-a:.... aL- .._...a I I I I I I uu uu Iv cuueeun . It IS cnueu "Ant! tau - wood, in n It en structure of wonderflil architectural beauty and a magnificent view of the river being obtained from -it. A we- rendah extends Around it, which fall: under "the shade of I Mantiiul growth of young trees with just enough room to obtain a View of the river and to qunif its ex- ilereting fragrance. The interior of the building is arranged to perfection. The liullmnre carpeted with Moquette carpeting. `and the rooms with the best mnttin. Every Exec of earthenware and all the si verwaro re the inscription, .Elgewoul. An old- fnshinned lnnnts-I nrnr 2| in-in-I: !in-nlu-n is in . I uulu, ux-ally!!!` Elle, OK L-Aeveunu. (I18 um: John A. Logun. and others. The hotulo n- ed on 'edneniI}'. It is culled The F n:nnI{--u- .I .. -s......o...... .J ........I. Ivuuulluwu lllllx. ..Edgowood Park" is one of the most lovely places on the St. l.a.wrem;c river. It is owned by an association composed of ex-President HA ea, Senator Sherman, of Ohio, ox-Mayor ne, of Cleveland. the late John A. Ilmnn nml ntlunrn Thu Iinful nnan. tin PLACE Tl-_lAT"WlLl. soon as A FASHIONABLE RESORT. xdpwoad Park Run on nut (`Inn Frugal. ` plan-`I110 lijoata That are In lixcpnlon } '1':-adaontlnb RIvnr-Suluo 6! mg the ` cottage: and GI-ou'nds. Wntnrlown Times. uI:|.I..__.__) II In - , -: .|,- , , . PICNICITAT STELLA POINT.

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