_._-_._.._;._._j_ ANDREW ANDERSON, DOWRIQI`-CUQWII lIlllHl .' Cloudy all that we nrulcl do was to trust to our sense of feeling. and attempt the pun`? In the dark. In in we cnpt. tearing IIIII we dolnyecl to do so our exhaustion would ounsoms us. and we should p:ubo- ` um down and die when we were. Ihn Ln-Inn: nl Ilnnl Igul Illnnnll `Plug oulynwry usuo. mr II In: nlgnl on!`- heul. Atu-rthnthognsuof wlnddo~ and I1 got dong rather betur. anduhsxrndhedthououthot the llm. can orlunnel. But now a fresh ttonblo IlAlIdlDIlIIllQfU!:0lll'()IlI`llS)llO.lnd the lamps were. no doubt` crmh to pow- dor beneath the tnllen rocking-own:-. We won even without n drop of water to any outthlllt. lotwo had drunk the hat. In the chamber of Nuut. How wen we to no to make our w \' mmugh this but bowlder-out-urn tunne .' (gar-ID -II If-:0 urn n-nth. tln can on can-O un 3 amp. For some hnlf-hour In lay than without speaking I wurd.And then I! laugh begun to one Along the grant spur us but we might a the dean giuom. As we got to- ward the tune of the elm. huwovet. from \ wluchtho spur ng out like a spike * Jronlhnll. thew": Incnutd. though onlynn hula. Itwun In our- hnnd. Agar that tho inn: nil`:-Ind cl`. pouring n-um our Inns. And then, an baton. the light went out like I lamp. Fur nnma hnlhnnr we hr thug I-ithnm. top or we I r, wneu. OIYIII8 (0 ml pou- uon. he h aollttle urchnee. For n few neconds swung to and fro. while he gathered himself for the eort, and then heard hlsslnews cncklngebove me. and felt. m{eelt lifted up as though I were at little eh ld. till I my left If!!! ronndthemchendmyc eat. wu resting on it. The netwuenay: in two or three more seconds l we: up. and we were lying panting nlde by side. tn:-mhllng like leaves, and with the cold Del-splntlon of tenor pouring from our akin; 1 And then. an before. the light want nnt I ,.. By way 0! answer 1 let u. llrst with In lelt hand and then wit the right. an swayed out as I consequence cleu of the overahndowlng rock. my weight hanging upon l:o`su-ms. It was as dreadful mo- ment. Ho mu I very powerful man, I knew. but would his strength be equal to um me up till I could get I hold on the top the: r. when. owing to his poul- aollule Janrchaae. "nu Q 0-: nnnnntlo :-vuinn In Ant` kn ing: and landing: well on to the rocky point. he threw him up-in his face. to irevent hie pitching utf it into the de ths. felt the spur nbuve me shake be-neat the shock of his impact. and as it did so I saw the huge rockim:-stone. that had been violently depressed by him as he sprung. fly hack when relieved n! his weight. till. for the rst time during all the centuries, it got beyond its balance. and fell with as most awful crash right into the rock chamber which had once served the phi - mo her .\'not for I hermltauze. as I have no don . forever hermetically sealing the pnssnie that leads to the Place of Life with some hundreds 0! tom; 0! rock. All Ohio Mann-nan` In n ngnnvnl and one-L .\'t.r1 Instant I M: Lm srlzr mt by not right nrriait with both humhi. other two nnnules. Next] Letmaled to the for side of the rock. out! whit;-d till one of the chopping gnstaof wind got behind me.; and {when connnendlngmy 80l.lI`_l0 God. I ran the length of the ham! Rmnt`. some three" or four and thirty feet, and spun wild a air. Ohtt-he sic oninggygai rots t as unc In t t 3 mm 3: :75: I In hed It ha :,*.".:..,..'*`."..:*.' ::.*~.*."......."'....'*"".`?::.'..'*: r I s o _ my as nplimd that I had 1" short. an no it was; In feet never` chad the mt; thcay won I down into space. only my as on body come in contact with it. I gri ped at it with I ell. but one hand sljppog: and I swung rig t round, holding by the other. so that I faced the stone tromwhich I had . Wild Istntched my lefatphans, s time up Puma sun-3 AID laoonoluol war: In under. nun ucnou: amulet to. Ctuun n&h. OAIPIN ullnl. 3 'I.lIBl:lWIllIll0ll0I`QI@Iu)lIVI an- : othcrtwo minutco. i \'nv I unknnnnul In th fur nlilnl nl olun ` tne lIelt*eHI-ligni,-W-uuinoltlnnaa oHoe&- of empty air beneath me. My hands were holding to either side _of the under of the spur no that its point. was touch my head. Therefore even it I could vo found the streu th 1 could not pull myself u up. The most t mt [could do would be to hang for about a initiate. and then dro down. down into _I he bottontless pit. 1 any man can imagine it more hideous posi- ` tion, let him spealt. All I know is that the torture ut that hall minute nearly turned my brain. I heunl L-:0 give a cry. and then sudtlt-:il_\' s2|_\\' hint in mid-air springing n and will like ll chuznois. It was at splent id leap that he took under the intlut-use of his ten-urnnd despair. clearing the horrible gulf us though it were notlr leffhan, and this managed` to a knob or rock. and there I h in \ t e Rome nttltght.-with thousands of of emntv air beneath Mv hands warn ...:.~..'"';.."'7*......." '7..." .. 1'. CK AC W \II' QIIAJ liinivivll H. B R1\"ME""', Thooyll lmhmnchune. :51 "V Ifliwi 156 ii. 136. vluvoiulonlsul at -t-mt c-uncut-Q-up -n-$123. Wald!` Tlokct Aunt. Johns and th- ORAXD TRLWMY A lB8`l`.\'I`l0.\' mama onunonua MMY; l:ll `I1 ;-`Int lulu can wlth the Extra suuuuull onhklny. vaklnntonu 'l`hunln,ynl I` m mlmdug can be hooh`lh\-In R. 8 . av. men. snooty ol|hol.Ql.I|n|h and the at tho 8:. La 13%. And every Inn:-luau apt to | Flllllll I.lA\!f`-I' . Inovuu. T`lut tnln cuuoeung at Quebec with huh connoeunl whh Iln ltxlrnl Batu o!PuIno gmowsunnonz hon bee Loud nd `and LI : c.unt7o.m R`:-u|:n38ll0. Um Int 0- Return-3. Bled-nan It Roux-nth. &IoootPuncobytholxt.n8tcnnon: (`O Q M 070. Rouu-15-5. no and Oil. tctuzllnlo-OI Baum L. st u very bwnlu onnuhlp oho Allan Una coin direct to the Railway I'IMr\`-1|. and passengers an forwarded onhy npoehl train: to Monmnl and u Iho Wen. 0 , ...-. _.. r .\`ERVIA.... I l~ITRURlA.. ] AURANI.-L 2 L'.\lBRIA... 9 SI -IRVI.-\. . .. ' 1-1 l`RL`RlA.. ! AIJRANIA. I UMBRIA... nUnlu:.urA1nx. (3.1. Cmrnn.u.n.. ouooenur to Dr. Ju-vb. P Surgoomao. Oloonnd Residence near was the Post Once. Welnnzton ~Su~oe intho cilyor country promptly atlondcd to. - ...-..-..-,. -\u\.. u nu 5 rm: - snnnrlisf-`nu - PASSAGE. AVERAGE TIME 8 DAYS. V CABAVUAV II: DEV II 1` C DU. Or to J. P. Gilderlloovu. Agent. 49 Chr- cnco Stu-cl. Royal Mail Steamhips. C5` l`IK$ Through Bills of IACHIIQ Inn for Belfast. G I . Hun. Antwurpgnnd other point _ on t 0 Continent. llld for Hoditcrrlnan ' ports. l Fnr finial)? and nnmnnn Annlv at Dunn- ' \..omn-uuu, can Iuuowu, Iuxblulngw Io- oomlnodstion. lnnnnodistc pA-gv-b. Stoengo as Very Law Rain. tango Ticket; to and from London and Quouw ` | tom: and d1 other parts of Europe At low. `; est rates. 'l`L__.....l- I).'l|_ ..l I -.l.l___.l.__ I-.. -Il_-A Ouulhnlcl _i-olI- o- I am_'rED-> ; way A y_o_{.f/( /mo _L_{VE/?PO0L f From Pier No. 4o,N.R..New York. :01//VA /20 WE. PUM P8. PU M P8. uux men!" Dead!" he gasped. impossible! Ste who never dies-dea.d. how can it be? and then peroeivin . I think. that his face was bein watched the mutes who had come runn ng rig, he c ecked himselt. and mo- tioned to e which the did. Fortune ely when we arrived some broth T was boiling on the tire, and with this Bil- lali fed us, for we were too weak to feed um-selves, thereby, I rmly. believe saving us from death by exhaustion. 'l'hen he bade the mutes wash the blood and grime from us with wet cloths. and After that we i were laid down u n piles of Aromatic ` . and instant y fell into the dead zalgzp of absolute exhaustion of mind and V. m to carry us to the cunp, * 5nc-who-must~n.~oo'mn ' Dead `both dead." I answered, "but ask no questions; help us, and give us food and water, or we too shall the before thine em Seest thou not that our tongues are I) k for want of water? How can we talk then? T\nntI!" Mn nnnnn hnnnnuihlnl KIA: RATES of 5.435401: : Cabin-$3. U80 Indw, uoconiiugho no- ommodnian. lnmrmcdintn nnnun._L ` COIIIIEEIIIIIOP. ' Oh. my Baboon! my Baboon! hocriod; "my dear son is it indeed thee and the Lion? Why. his mane that was as ripe as corn` is white like the snow. ' Whence come ye. and when is the Pm. and when too Shmrho-mus(~b.~0b'yI?" DQlld.1)0th ;':':1=':Tn:-uczv.-4*: ml llll wun 0llI' T988011. ' I Pnesently to my intense relief I saw old Billali hurrying toward u and even then I could scarcely help am! in at the ex- pression of umsternntion on dignied countenance. l\h Inv llnhnnr Inv llnhnnnl }|nnI-In- uuug ruemouug mu mm 100: mu: wmcn ll startled person wnkes from doe aloe more than anything that I can an t o Andreslly it is not to be wondered at. What I do wonder at is that we escaped At all with our reason. Ilnnannv tn mu Infnnun `rnllnf I an! aid snocnng suznt. 1'0 negm. ueo wan Ins lden curls turned .a snowy" white. his c othes nearl rent from his body, hinworn face and his ands a mass of b cuts. and blood-incmsted an h-.was a cleat- (l{1|$ed himgsel a15:fem"gr $3xn3. andui have no doubt that I was little better. I know that two days afterward when A I lookedatmtuoeinIomewateriecu~c_ely knew . I have never been famous for bean , but there was something beside ugliness stamped upon `In features that I have never t rid of um I this day. some- Tmng noun tag that Wild 160! `mm which ` n startled nu-son wakes from dean aleen msr xPnss_m/L stay/_c_._ o wj UT-um IlI"iIOITIIAInAlDQ'1 PAPERXNG1NG mum. can came nmihng up to see what sort ot strange animal we were. Ho stared . d stated. and then held up his htmda ui ` horror. and nearlv tell no thuground. Next he started off as. bud as he could for due move some two hundred` am May. No wonder that he was ho at our nnnenrnnce. for we must Inn been a DWI]. N0 WOBGOF U133 no WIS IIOITIIIGII ll our appearance, tor we must have been a shocking sight. To begin. Leo with his Roldan curls turned; snowwwhlta. Ml I. r freight and pangs apply at Con. \ 7`: Olco. Na 4. Bowling Gneu. Now i. }L'.sL1:1:\:i$ Ar` "uInx_u.mnom VI-`.R2\'0X 1!. BROWN & C0 r\ .| D ll".}nIalAn\~n `nan! 10.? .LLA1\T i:}iNE IUII IIIIII TTUTI IIIIWWTIXIIIK W I THOMAS HANLIJ3 n_L,- .___. :\_____ I_L__ -_ -_A {:;z""$iaE`3l To be continued. PrincoucndBrook Streets. Particular anon. non paid to pnnarvnuon oltho natural teeth- mt .nuy.. .mIJnly. ..|llh Au; . 17th Aug ..9.'>Ih Aug`. lllt AI`. '3 -\I-\ I II ll .. mu. .I.IA`I'0IoJ . . July lvth . . Saturday, July 28rd . . Sgturdny. July Nth . . .Saturday, Aug. 6th . .SAmnhy, Ana. 13th . .SnturdAy. Aug. 20th . .S|!lll;..l|3`. AI`. .. .Snt ny. Sept. 3rd ..IuJu1y .. an Aug lilh Au; ..Illh Au; .h Aug . Ill Sept -4-A ....._ .. .v ,.s.' .-:_c-:-----'... uue}AvucLo:anAnoT'a _.--.`;- ...__.,_.._-----:--- um (t3)Alihuh.lI1.I`1y lam 4-nrundnlvuunuuulnn E.-3:'..."'~'-... ....... .. .. ....... 0.-,-;g.;_-g-.'i=;I.:::I " -3.352;:-Tu: IN THE D__U_L-L SEASON Queo SQCOMPA NY mm no auLFo7'sr. uwmce 53- `3`_`13_+3.`;`._I31' hloiu-auIcnrn'l'uu.I-nyo dolool noon. noun:-u. um. &l n ..a' ' It ntdht. leaving au- 0! Quinn: on y.-........':" lino:-pt kunnruod. o- T tnnotl ueteuund nun. In huruugnulovuilolowut. ~ --*'~~-'::-m-..-15:." ' ` Ann}; llgr h, (cu-r. nnm. IAITIIJ \\'lII have Olin`: wharf Over) Honda: ann- lnc at I o'ohd.|ll: Mount}. culling at (In- n Btockv Fnooou. cabin. - rm on-.. running an Inn: and #2 IIQIK U 0'. Ni alum ll 1|- lllwk ~ "-....c...: ...'.`.`.`::":.'.>':.*..$:. ovulnc. In laurel any Ran:-Au- Inn-u I-uni Tiudnn n I: uomrnm AND my PORT8 hluoonnodimn Umumunatuma "ALEXANDR|A' Int: Nounnc :(hpL .l` .8m %:uJnmcn% v`t';l;llnnIA1:I\.u`" A! II. I .'.';.'.'`1-u.""".......'n...""`."`.........:"" ".`. .`.'.'3 3.7. vr have aunties. ottu rpnlucuhnnpplylolhouqnir Inna Knnnnn D King - (km A Innlnr nlnn u 111 Java Luullol or Iuanu Tn md tank] at I! o'c|o.3 LIn.. mill at In! tzmgnnd will Arrive at lh`u Falls at I10` um. aunt. will have Smith`: huh ovary new -.3.-r*..:z-m.':.':-3 """:`.'&..`.` at All Inluhdhlo porn. arriving at \ Ctoclock In. All `AI :1 nirinn nnnm-tnnllv nl nnnlna tin '5-I1` PBINOB88 M s'mn:m~. `z`:'w'`ul .`':~a 0 loosen "K. 1 Will! \' K1331 `lhcdgy TI `tartan: I`!-oat`!-0.3 mhlm Int tanoru.nnd urlvo R/ouu; (T Y TRIPST anwm xmcswu asmnrs mus. Null. lawn Ioxnui. . ON ION DAYS. AT 8 RI. gm.`- u 3 Ex leaves on at 3:8 pan. : ll'l;K\'8 at hot bin at pan. ; Rumor at p.n. No. 1 Ian: [I at ll .oon- -oouu :1. (19.11. N 9 run. $31: In slut and won \ hot hie (or an out . J. H. `rnwn. , F. xwu. B. W. Fomluc. Ant. Supt Am. On. 35:. An. Supt. N): I`)... I Klnguul st lt `o. eaves III. An-Iva ox-onto 9:10 :0ttAI-A. 5:J*p.m. Menu-oAl.9p.|n;:il'l.`_b Iasumwm Win In 0 hours. No. I ad lonvo|X1$toa7:|.n.:u-I-ire at shu-hot Luke tom um. Reutrew us and p.In.. connecting with C.P.R. Ixuuu for point: 1*` '*mv:.;*.:.'.';.*.*::.*:a::;_ M = nu. Bmr AND-E-HEAPEST noun: Bot King] Pete:-hero. 'Doroato.Utu Ouch;-;and all polntaout and :3? lrrnw rr oxcl: Axn YOU Inu. rat xo onnn EleunDrnvr1nRoom(`ausu'or\.n onnl Express Trains hetwoen Klnplon undslnr hot Luke. Na 1 Ilnn Innvm Kin-nn at lt nun. ruumran In It and on sun phone In --T u up an: --.ur- OM/ADI PACIFIC IMILROADS. and ` 7.: 7 New. Dlroct. sbonut.3lekuz. Chen Eq p All Roma to I And the Non: Wat. " loaves Boll6vlll6 )l o|idTWed- n and at on Am. thaw: Donor- onto :3); . PIcwn0:mo.In.;lnvu Bob lovillo Tu and Thunllay at mo gm. : Dc- nemutnkuul Ploma 7:0) Ln. 0!: Bum-day l:)`1 :.ntnxday.`ds`l';:n;`l'uly and A thin nteAmerlmnYk`es'_,n special extcgnion :3` Islands. on Kingston u m. - i lenveollggunn funny pg:-uatspan. cent accommodation for puneupn and lowest freight mus ginn. ` Full infatuation than by tnnlrinz to the xuyncnnllvllilgvl Ill C.H.HA A.GUNN&GO. J. P. GILD LIEVR. rkhl A313. Pun. Anmn. (c. n. xutnouoll. In-rut). Will. until further mug: II1:;otGunn`:.V\'h.|r2 [ am . Q11]. pong nrnggllgbmnnt :3) llI.&l|dll)I1I.Il'0ll[h to Dena-ontonnd Belle ooverynig texoepl. R-ldny. when Illa no at Ploton our akin . Rom:-nlnz Ellovillo Xondu. Wed- BAY OF QUIME STEAIBIIAT ROUTE. [ DAILY LINE T0 PICTON. DESERONTO AND Vnnoouvm-.B.C 100.00 Vicmria. B.C.. l(ILlII Winnlpe.,Mnn 851!) Muskolm. (Kos- aoau). Ont... .. 13.80 .\`ewc.-aatle. 37.8.. 25$) Most ottho above Ticket: am good to re-` turn until 31st October. and Some for A longer period. ' .1. P. GILDERSLEEVE, Thwknl lmnnf (V D D 10 (VI-..-.4 Go nlaollnuolnlnnd. xx ::`;:i.'""1 s ans A 0 (` . Moncwn. 28.50 .\lomere .Cal... 110.!!! Murray . One ml) J. 11. Uhdluxn. 111.11.. u.U.o., u.u.o., Dnvnu-r. Graduate of New York College of Dentistry. 0lIoo--Wellington Street. between Princcaundllrook Streets. Pu-uculu anon. 86] PI-hum Stunt. onnyduhun Shard. 4VlUlICIKJIIg .\ n I.) . .. KOJII . One 15.!) J. 1'. GLLDIBBLII July 2. ' a!n!Bqy,Quo 19.!) Halifax. 24.8.... 9.40 Loo Axcelos. (`al 131.!) Mackinac Island. I 1.09 Juwelos. (`al I Island. Mich . . . . . _ A .. Cnulouatown. P.E.I . . . . \ . .. Chnthnm. N.B.. `gnu.-outlmlg) '10. ` evohnd. o. Ilulhoul-II. NJ! .. Dorchester. N.B. \ Dulnth.Minn.... ` Gnnnn. Dun Chu-lottotown. 1 P.l!`..l . . . . . .\mhont.;?.S. ..8 28.40 Bum. B.C .... .. mm RETUR. l`lkE`l`8 FROM) KINGSTON vrltll be cold the undc nigned at the tollowinc in a:- .. . - `Tl I -in It. 5. aranno, u.u.o., L.u.o., Dl."l'lD`l'. 0oo-PI-lncess St. between Mon- uud and Sydenhun Streets. fleaidenoe~.\o. 21 Charles Stveot. Ollloe hours. 8n.m. to 6 m.. slur! onlagumu evening: 7 to 10 o'clock. ale- 1) one The Fast und Rlocsnt STR. E 5 WE5.UWE%.TR1P5 cA~x'.5i;s."';s;;";".=;5'iaxm. Ticket Agent. C.P.R.. 42 Clarence St. Kingston. lllh July. 1887. v KiNGs'roN & PEMBROKE r1:a`u, Lake iuia mm-), uAr\nA'n I-`Arum-urn nnn (D. NOONAK. XAITKIIJ THIBTIAXIB 7raAvnL:iRQ Junols. ` 1o.u}'| GIIIBIIIOIIIIIO. P.E.l ..... .. I115 Susaex.l\`.B.....` 28.66 Tndounc,Que. man Truro. N.S..... 8.40 Vanoounn-.B.C Winnlpem. Mun `I0 Nlngnn Fills 10.35 Oldm-chu'4'l.lo. moo alt`.-{Sound on! 14.10 c angu one. 11.3 `ncmu. x.s..... mo Porthnhur Out. 87.!) Portland. lie... moo Pol-llAnd_ lllllll {3u, Ill!-. p EHERO, Th Clll A! ll hi DON'T WAITI Phuh work and Gold Gliding I specially. Remember that prices an 8 per cent. lower hnn Inform vv_..u- ..-.3 ~...-... D. A. GIVENS, BARIIISTIR. Soucn-on. Coxuuxcun. &c. ` 0Illoo-eor. Brock and King 513.. over Express ollleo. Money to Loun. wxn In: In . nvxonit ulnrvulr nlI't\rp'lVl\ ._-_ V--. _...... ..~. ...v .. ..... v_..... SM YTHE AND SMITH , vsoucnons. Etc.. 19! Ontario Street. I. H. SIYTHI. LLD. Clue. Fll0.`1'IN.\C S.\|rrn .\..-...-..... nu- . ... uunnnx annn, _ BARRISTIR. Soucrron. Cox\1:\'Axc|m. ac. Olce-Corner King and Brock Streets over Wndo`oDrugS '\ n 4 . I1VI'I\V(1 WM. N EWLA NDS,J R., Anctnmcr. corner of Block and King Street. over Wain`: Store. Enu-moo on King Street. next to the me once. IIUIILV BDIVAIJU, 31.11.. A. U. , U. .\l. , (Suooouor to Lute Du. McCun|o.\'). Pmmcuu. summon. &c. 0lIloo-Monu-oal Street. between Princess and Brock Su-oats. ...-. --....o- . .o-.. .5 11. J1. .\lU\\ Al, Anuuus-:13. Soucrron. Coxvn-:n.\'caR &c.. lIVotd'I Block. Brook Street, Kingston. . one)` :0 Loan. IFYOUWANTTHI 0/Ieapestc BestFurniture OF ALL DXIIIIPTIONS. CALL AT v-nan -nvuu .v -v-... DR. ELIZABETH s.\lI'l`H~SHOR'l`T, * 0.31.. no.1). 4230.. `Late of Huniltoni. 6`! West Street. Diseases Women and Children. Feb. 5. IV A.I4I\l'-J1 N VV \hl\E4.\l. A`l'l0lt.`llY8. Solloiwrs. &c.. Kingston. op- posite the Post Otllce. Iuclunu WALKII. I Josnrnn, wuxnx. * __ _ _____,_____ , __ ,_ 4 Pnrmrux. Sl'nnIms'_ kn. nmc-.e_x.nm l)r. U. 134. a\lU;VlJl.'4LL, IXIL, 31.11.. L..\l., Pnnxcux. Sl`RGDO.\'. kc. Olce-Lnto Dr. .\lcCnmmon 3. No.25 Montreal Stu-et. -m xmmcxss rnur.- _ Q_AA4LA--1-gg ovum ouu.-mun. u..u., Soucmon. &o. Onlco--Cln.renco sttee op polite thoPou Uloo. MONEY To 1.0. Hat M 0'1! current H! has. B; W. `G. ANGLIN. M.RC.S..'ENG., on-rc:-.s2 Earl Street. near King role phone communication. ' ca.-. .._... .--_..- - - .. vs. J. H. CLARKE. M.1>`.. no.3. 1.0.3., I iI-w-I-nor u-AIIIIAIA nl NAG Vmk Onllmre 0 Swoot. non. King ` auA.\1vu'AlS,l nu IS. Acoourxtn-. Avqlmn. &o.. 0010: Clarence ~. Inauiivdiiu . `on .....v ` 'd 1.. u.r;.\1a:N1& Pm - gglngtou Street. aw-ho-1 our Ktingswn. '--nu W 3|: . TELEPHONE-38. vv vuavu --u. \,....\.. `(CHI V -. _. DR. ALICE McGILLIVRA\_. Diseases of Women and Children a epechlty. 0rnc:-amP:-inceee Street. at Dr. Sparks etnnd. Telephone number l. --......-gr.-\ A -curvy P1! IIIC FUCK. UHIOC. cu;-rout rates. nlN1n3nuu, u __ ;;___ In_A._.4.L._ --A run an An U sum`, and Building Survey Street. Klmulon. . nu vaun-smog-`J on. Once ULIIIJVBIY E AIIIIRSIJH. July ll. JOHN HERALD, M.A.. M.D., C..\l.. lsuonannr m hum Du. M~.(`.un|n.\'L R. GAGE. .AnnrrI:ci`. Orrxcn--)lon%I.roal Street. .. . II n-..-;- ago... PRo#7ssi?>L cARPs~{% F. O. MARSHALL, upuotsrtnrn a cmur Amen. runwa- K E. SPARKS, D.D.S., LD.S., l'1'Ill'I', 0nn_Pr-Incas: St_. between M Cheap Furniture and Upholsterers. (At1& Xi) DRVIYJL Rnllnilnl-1 kn, Klnvnh FURNITURE, &c. "$7.? in?! $0-eet. man. &o. 0lco--l}ln.n3m-as 8:9: an-In II n nnnnamnr tn .-... -_._ .-_... - :n_ S0l.l(`.l1`R_ (`.n\'vn\' iA * \vr. Al_'nrI~nn_ hm. mun. V"-?'.:"v-1`?&*: men and Bnlldinn Surrmrr H. M. hlO\\':`;'l:,:_ L Snum-rm: (`awvncv _. --- --.<.--v... llrnmlv nnnrnihu than Iootndfh ,WI" r..:.-.-.*.-:::-':'-'.".:.'.=* lino your n wit` .IIyII'Y."lull."l:n&'n: IoIh"IIuout@ln.vbonvul Inony on u. In L lnniulunul with u lIot|.|lItIlII1.'lI ldlrln thlmt had I In ' mu. hnv. ` he forlneanl. II Remember um: prices are 1: per cent. lower hnn before. E- OEILKE- nun- I I Ill. nllruy I1` mun IIOI cunt ll. . nomnnwo - `nos:-u near" I. `Do yvm. to-llmr."A\uweu a `'1 Han lpnl thunbonlvloollhucouo to Itodyll. Yonnuntuskonuohl-an an un.I.I:lJIIIl|g|Mh;nng| pulllhnn I` K . A-nnhmntl milk:-nd.n:ulIh.n-nldlal-1 I I was I am! enrich and mllell tlatlolt. Shortl one this. sudden without the :1 in `onion vrurnlu. in pan! rod in In of (M an: nnhlun the dnrtnonn throuxh and (Month. at tho an none on which VI lnpzmd ruudlu palm upon the nplfopgnllte. .\I~.m- for It. ul-I Ian-now or never. We men and ntrotclul ourul and looked at the rlnml-wn-uthl. shine: the color of him! by that ml nu. an an tan munch the nic .1-nlnl do-pun-I . and than at the y npnu-o-Imm-on thaw- Innnnnn-uull 1:1:-1.1: met. and In our In-u-In clrll n-I pnpurd lul` A dams. Hun-Iy in mild not clear It. | (bun:-rah Hymns`: to Inna. n on non mo oumen on our none; It will be remembered that when Ayesha was stlndln; on tho , hdon we crossed to tho stone the W . tun her cloth from her. and Irhlrlod ls away Into the darkness ot the . It could not no whither. Wol|- y like to tall the story. It Inn doubt the c had chuht some plnnaclo ol tho cl. and van hlown hlthot a chance (ad. has In: I and cc and tonchhc lleldeut Short]! nfhr lhh In-idnnlt wllhnnt the OIIIIIIIOIIHI IIIIIIWIIIBOI Ilwlh deccribe it. ..:l u.m.a to the wild voiceeotthat'l`u-tnrnn. ueetm the doe undertaone oi the spur tc. again: which the wind hulnmed o nome awful help. they called to each other from preci- glce to pncipice. No nightmare dreamed y Inna. no wild Invention of the rounncer can ever uni the living horror of that place and weird cryinc oi those voice: at the night no we lay. like ehipwm-kod mnrineuonnrnimnnd tnneedonn Yuck. nntnthomcd vrildcrneeeol Ill . Fol'tmu.te- gnu mnperctnrewunotn low one-in~ cod. the wind was wu-In. or we should have perished. Well, we hm] listened. and while we can were one out upon therocknthinglnpened that was en cnriou and 3 re in itself. thouzh doubtleu it was 5 mere coincidence. that. ii anything. it ndded to rntbenhnn deduct- , \ Cd ffln [ha hnlvlnn nn nnr nnnrnn u nnyuumlt added to nI.|orunn< ad from the burden ll 1' ha minnunhnnn Okn -.n [ I-IIQPQ IIOI' IIWI IIOIII III ICITOI and misery otmlndsod tlntlwillnotattem to vulva: nf lhnt. Tn!-tn:-nu an an! In oh. alggn ung unca \\ INN] tut` UH I.` 110-11`. 30 U) ill- I aid of its dying light we hastened to crawl I out of the little chamber and clunber up the aide oi` the great stone. I As we did ao the light went out. The difference in our position was a mi- ciently remarkable one. Below, in the little chamber. we had only heard the roar- ing of the gala oval-head: hero. lying on 1 our faces on the swinging same. we were ` expoaod to in full iorvo and fury. as the dralutht drew mittmm this direction and ` then from tha howllnxaaalnstthe hty {art-cipice and tough the rock cliffs in en thousand dcqniri We lay there hour attar hour in error and misery of mind aodaon that I will not nttnlnnl. tn Igor 1 un rung at-am Ill we cnamoer nna t e risk 0 a swift one in the air. 0! course there was no arguing ncalnst this. but one thin was clear, we could not nttem t that ` lenp n the dork; the only thin to 0 was \ to wait (or the ray of light wh ch pierced ` through the gnli at sunset. How nut to or how fat than sunset we mlxht ho neither of us had the faintest notion: all we did know was that when at last the light cxune I it would not endure more (mm It couple of minutes at the tvllisitle. an that we must be pmpured to meet it. Acwnlilxgly wemade up our minds to creep on ,to (hr top 0! the rucklnlrstuue ml lie there in rt-adinou. We were the more t-::.~l|3.' n.-urnciled to this mnrsc by the (ac: that our lmngun were uncv mur m-.u`l_.` x x.x.-t:lstt-ul--i:r:u- i. one In: -.'um- out in Ii... and the nth:-r was 6. . . . . . . ._ - ~n. ..~. l .I..u~n u- run llnnu nf - nan nveu nnu men. But now it fresh terror stared us in the face. It mnybe remembered that. owing to poor Job's fear and awkwardness. the lnnk upon which we had crossed from the 3m to the rockinpstone had been wh l 0!! into the gulf below. How were we to croea without the plank! There was only one answer-we must try and jump it. or else stop where we were till we starved. The distance in it- Ielt was not so ve ' grent-between eleven and twelve feet. I 5 mild think-nnd l have seen Leo jump over nineteen when he was I young fellow nt college; but then. think of the conditions. Two weary, worn-out men. one of them the wrong side of forty, n rockimr~stone to take on from. a trem- bling point of rock some few feet ocrou to land on. and It bottomless cult to beclenrcd in a raging sale. It was bad enough God knows, but when I pointed out these things to Leo. he put the whole matter in a nut- shell by replying. merciless as the choice was. we must. choose between the certain- tof lin ring death in the chamber end t 5-, risk n a swift one in the-nir. 1)! course \ IITOVOG Oil!` S!ll\'llIl(|Zl. After this we mined the lucky. natural stair without much further truuble. and in due course found ourselves back in the little chamber, where the benlghted Noot had lived and died. Hut unnv n (hash lalirnr efnhnd Inn in Olin V ALWAYS on HAND ---AT11Il-- Picture Frame Factory, 115 BROOK STREET. The Lnrgeat and Best Assortment of llOULD- [N08, FRAMES, PICTURES. V11 : BTIIL INORAVINOS. CHRO- H08 AND OILS. `[10 top. It IS 1| IlH|l'\'El IIIIIB I SKIOIIIII IIIVC recognized it. and. indeed. we had already passed it going at rinzht uncles tothe roper pcth when s0n1ethin;.: about it stmc me. and i turned back and examined it in an Itlln nnrt nf umv nnal us it hnnnaznnd thin and 1 turned nae: nuu exnmmeq II In idle sort of wny. and, as it happened, this proved our sal\'zmn:I. After this ruined mob`. nntm-nl wan-n nan (mu \\`0Ill(l go-we qnunuereu on. During the last twu hours we were completely lost. and I began to fear that we had got into the tunnel of some subsid- iary cone, when, at last, I suddenly recog- nized a \`'l`_\ larm` rock which we had in descending but a little wa ' from t the top. It is a nmrrel that I shoulc have reeotmized it. and. indeed. nlneadv nves \V'IlllS( we could. nnn. mueeu. an natur- al lnstlnct prompted us to it. So for some three or four hours. I should think-I can- not tell exactly how long. for we had no watch left` that would blunderetl nn l')nrim1r the ln.-at [um hnnrs was warm I I I . ' _._< culgles sulreu us in the race. The ` first of these was the laborious na ture of the ascent. `mid the next. the ex- treme difculty of finding our way. in- deed. had it not been for the mental notes that I had fortunately taken of the shape i of various rocks. etc., I nun sure that we i never should have managed it at all. but I have wandered about in the dreadful womb I of the volcano7for I su pose it must once I have been something 0 the sort-until we died of exhaustion-and despair. As it WIS. we wenevwmng several times. and once nearly fell into a huge crack or crevasse. It was terrible work creeping about in the dense gloom and nwfn -stillnem from bowlder to bowlder. and examining it bv the feeble light of the lamps to see it I could recognize its shone. We rarely spoke, our hearts were too envy forspeech. we simpl stumbled about, telling some- times am cutting ourselves. in a rather dogged sort of we . The tnct wasthat our spirits were utter _v crushed. and we did not utlv care what happened to us. Only we felt bound to try and save our ' lives whilst we could. and. indeed. a natui-- I nl Inefinr-I nu-nynnhul nu in It Qn fur unnln 4 `A msronv cfiovisuruaa 1` (NH l:~|ll\. l|2I\l Kill` _- up 2r.x.| d-mu, as the I Ira wncu me on is done. - .n_n_ _ 1AA`; _- L-_A____ BY VH. RIDER HAGGARD.` xumnn xn'tx.--wx um-. I ii-I paused thronszh the_ caves without trouble. but. when we came to the slope of the invert- ed cone two dim- (cult_ig.s stared rstof 1 Ihn `nhnv-Inna nn Done. Do not wait for the Spring rush. The work can be done better now. An elegant line I Ringing: to select from. Always the best Ioloctod and most stylish stock ln Eastern On I I uulo to choose how. Give In I call and look over our stock. No trouble to show good: at nnnnunnlnn I11; I I l'\A I'\l.1I'\ nnnnnl `I\l'|(`\' I` IIIIU P ll.um- 0! n .-. sob) that j ...I 0- --.-| J '1`!I_L BRITISH \\'Hu;. TH U'P.SI9.-\ Y. J1..'L,Y 14; II'IIIlVCI nonouuwo now ".:'.....""`' II $00 lltli EIIQIII thoay and found nunolva an in tho rockitold on no nl oh. nll IIIAI -III L. n. VIII: UVVIIAIIIIJ lb`. DIIII III` siluulll `LUIS N no the horror: ol than last. tunnel! The wuutrown with menus. and we lull owl` them and knocked uum-Ive: up again: then till Ire were blue Hug (mm a .n::eo`o(u:oIIIh. Onrktauly ido wuulho mun wn we e tone as and no Inwlhlavtldu we gnnwfz`uhodnrk- nun um we Inn-uuvusl umeuulnudvnh .thuorrln1nIhou;hnhnt hvhd Innnd and won traveling the wanna w . On we went. tooth . and um man In . for hour outer . stopping enry tow unn- OI! * nunureas on runs or rock. ` All this happened in a second. and curi- ' onsly enonh.not\rith.-msndingm terrible position. I noted it all involuntari y, as it { were. leven remember thinking that no i human being would go down that dread : path again. Next instant I felt Leo suit: me by the right. wrist with both hunch. Bv lying at upon his stomach on the point oi rock he could just reach me. You must let go and swin yourself cIeu'."he mild. in a cum an collected . voice. and then I will try and pull you up. ` or we will both go together. Are you vault?" ii?i'"I?$6? "WKfL_ gum DEPOT