A Cure tor Drunkcuuou. nu II I .|,, A Succouful Renodv. FOR ` Gra9 FSyrup Bqd Spruce GuI_n I I Y: 5" H PRICE. A POSITIVE GIIHE run slcx JHEADABHE. vSM/ALL IONIC tidal. AL_A L. Will be found invaluable for the hair and acnlp ll cleanses the scalp otnll Dnndrutf. invlg-orates the growth of the hair. and ln cases tbaldneas \-`here there are tho allghtoat sxgns 0 room left ll will producogood cropsof hair. It restores 3' hair to its orlglnal color. and is an excel- ent dress . lI | \Y'I' FLA \' If rnnr hnir In in It walk tn appearance L1.-A` 1n price. on ins oulioloot. D\3\":\`\ \ UL] II. - 9LHLLUK`UIs JACOB HERB Ilu nnfn.-h~rn-v- aifk" A-no, lucompnrg !'- its and durulzh Montreal Mnnougments. mar to us onguuu 0010!`. and is excel- DO NOT ELAY. If your hair is in It weak condition t aboldc at ones. For sale y J. O. King. A. P. Chown and all drmmists. Ask for it. 033 ech Ontario Announcements. English Announcements. PLATE (TAT1 MONGENAITS, aowm :, col IIONTIIIAL. ' I VT! IIVQII U Ul VII Knives. I-`ox-kn, Spoom, etc. .\x-Holes hearing this Trade Mark are Genuine Roger.-` Goods. TonnIt4.|0unpu-c.Yuohtumonund Fhhannunlhouldooll nduoosu-noon oI(hnvuBootIundBhou,O|.uphgBhogg, Onno-Ilium. Wkw-nllppor-. Bo-ncshou. an They ___ __-I __.l --._._..LI.-...L . A. DORENWEND. - Solo Mnnuhcm 'I`0RON'l`0. CA.\`.\DA FOR THE Flnmncno 8ll;;i lah Pvnnlnn- r\..a...- 11-.-A-_II..) 1-: In no Do: Um-lulled glurnabmty an l-`lnnhnhao IDA`! 3-...-- II... I nu nook llvollnlutd in onuncvamnu. Brunch. 1'-pmy. Woo, 1: Inns and Ken . F-.-CHDICI PLMRNI AND IDW PIICH--.. Oirtinohglvuoxoludnbtotbo Innufuctnt-oolCloth|n;. Wohol Inn oIIrcI|IIoIICI'IIhuPOI`fooI Buhhctionwillhoglven utot, \\' nnuhip sud T_1.1:_)_s. Moore, - 59 Brook Street. oA.iaP:a:'I'I CARPETSII \ ;'D< >th nun! tnof0rdo:odClothln.und byuvorylong podnhlm ; In th:di'ot`;z:I:xlu-ha. we no onabla to to out-0|dCuntonon;ul IIXIV 0113: Wutoftnclnnd In-udclotumrnroustntm !'InolnunhWouIod.1brlnn1DtIndn'uIIWO|I'. Incunhamwhundonnudhnrwoodan-lnlntuBmt& Bhoknndlluoofl0I.hl'8umInorIuMn(I. ugh: Ovomoounclun dlhuntoolaxlbtlvgnhcwur. hncyhwnohhmnainuundlsnhx {woods Olvodnlhod locllonthndlumucrmtfouvhlchdoa ooxnpouuon. L/A4153 Rf/0'8. F//VE 0/205/250 czof///7v'0/1` (9/>52 /71Z A. Dorenwend (sun 10: Hair (`woods In Canada. May 3). CAM?) FURNITURE AT JAS. RElD S. ` ALEXANi3if+R `R0 SS`. LIIIAIULAAAJ ll IIIIIIII , `I11 I84? Rogers Bros. Knives. Forh. Snonm. etc. Jllyl. uuuuunuup. 4 --CBOICI PA'l'l'lRN8 AND LOW Plllcls.-- Bcudunouuehh-unulunul `hputryal-pa. Qllnlun-booutuuh. A jjj LL` Ilny {ll J nno 24. See our Wove Wire Camp Folding Cot. See our Upholstered Camp Folding Cot. See our Folding Canvas Camp Cot. See our Large Red Arm Rocker. See our Large Arm Chairs. See our Red Se Chairs Veranda Chairs ofall descriptions at } COHkS_U.MPIJN lo.-.-'8 IFLAVORING .enoc:n`s'. Qllhlllrn H.Jonas&co. "I:'u'r$ia'nEs. V DEVOTING OUR TIME EXCLUSIVELY Dr.FOWLER S} nuns: an Lodxmrr. DI. F. D. GILIBIT. Gov. ofCol. of Phys of Prov. Que?-cc. s\ys--"I have nuhesinunn in rlcchnug it \`.1~*tly superior In any pn1-.u- ation of non ll luvo hull;-no nml. A pun vegohhlo Ingudlont, and I-`roofromlcrcury. son It An Dauooutlg HIE GREAT ENGLISH MEDICINE. moms I. bfus, - Iuucu T Inserts Advertisements In Nun- r.a--.-, I pa rs All over the world It buahnn lowest rates. Spoclnl rates on Cundhn E Papers. ' ____,;. -.___ [#3: Iim nmrmn I I Advertising , - Agency COCKLE S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS. HOT WEATHER. Agenc I Av-u-H -um-ntn I I .._u-._ v nonhil` uunc. Dncembu, I` G|NTLliIlEN_ K. R. VIM` A Mlstet of Rad- nonhill Hum. IL.-pink: nj 254 c 256` Princess 81`. AND PAIR O; OUFF8. ` lndispennblo And econunlul for hot wouhor. ladool elothndnn oomplohly REVERSIBLE. . D-nanny)-1 u-scan. Au... For Carriages, Furniture, and USE RA M SAY S VABNISHES We vlll pay the above Reward or any man of Dy`! pepsin. Liver Pnmplalnt. .~i.~k Hecdno 0. In- -Mgesnnn or (`nsvonen we can-' Hut Clll 0 `HI WE'lS LIVER PILLS. when the Dlrecuons are strictly complied with. L: norm, cnntnlni 8) Pills, oenu ; 6 Boxu. . Sold by all Drm-ghts. E-WJNNYBOYALWAFER8 Pnoa~`l8uou of A wnlohn who huh All!!! A uu nmnlh v with hm-fut-I nnMu- hr lwmz 1001.8. A. RAMSAY & SON.` ~-~r- aunocns ARIN tlugug 99gL`i* ALWAYS RELIABLE. 1Iu.:n Baos. an O0. IONTIIAL Ag 500.00 kind: of Woodwork W. LA R K'S nus!` Annnn ic">'s `H ATFS M A G I 0' "that vb Cod \'6l'0I1 mgluu The Advantages of Horse's carbalited Cod - Liver Oil, it in believed thatthe not un nent and dis- couraging failures of plain Cod var Oil and other tonic and alternative treatment to cure consumption. grow out of the fact the have no punitive wor to an-ts! the decay xii: lungs.- U Wl|ltl"0f ndi tissue on \`itaiil)'t t the disease has m e. as no other known eubetnnoe can, itdoes not exercise any controlling power over the dis- ease itself : It only gives Nat um a fair chance to work herovrnoure. Sam:-lIn'u morr u':nmnled-` SOME1'IlIN() T0 ARRES TIIE D160.-I l 1'HA1'DTRO'Y8 LlIi'E-oome prompt rente- dhl agent that alunll not directly u n the dis- ease to pheck it while the Cod ver Oil is building untho system. Thlaim rtnnt addition we have in Mot-se s Carbolnt (`od Liver Oil. The power of Cnrbolic .-\cld-lo arrest dem aomethimr nmrrelous. The. destruction 0 J. GEO. KING. - DRUGGIST, The or Cnrbouc .-\cld-lo arrest aeca something nutter cannot proceed where it is administered. its disinfectant. plirit `in and cleansing pro- portieeare truly renmr ab 0. and have been of the greatest practical value to medical man. It is palatable` and now put it in bottles bel. noldinn full pint. Price. 81. `ormuln on every # 1' *9 have on hand constnlntly :1 fresh and complete stock of b1i"IJr;'i-air` GOODS, PERFUMERY, ma ` ` ' 1 Also all the lendin Patent Medicines. and a full stock 0! Paints. Ila. Etc. 11- Pr-r.ncHnh`nn.n cnmfullv dlanensod. Good I full stock of Paints. Ulla. Etc. t3'Pv-ucrt no caromlly die used. I valuo gunman cod. Favor us wit a call. A. Doren wend is the leading manufacturer of Good: Canada. "icy! ikmtskw s cu .av`m.g NE7__c;.ooos msmunownnauouse. ; b; DOTRENWEND'6 I'l|II3'l'&l lillilly Wlluuuvwvu 9;: mar uonary In SoItIAnu-lea. soudouulildrcod urclopo to Joann `I . Imus. Button ll L1.- Uni `- ?3-BD- SOLD BY ALL DEALERS. EXTRACT of WILD -~--CURB3---- nrmuznd-3A. I month on:-1 (mhden. with our I (III India. Plenum. sue. that . ladies. uk&'our dr - gs: Puuytoynl don. I MEDICINES. 'l`oAllwhonnuuk'lnlmInlhoonuIu:d tudlnnthnndyutkunuawukuguru domnlouotnuhood. 83.1 wlluuln ro- o|pollntvr|lloIn!oI.`l RII 0!` CHARGE. l'unu-cu. and: wudboovu-I by: lab- 4...... I- Caulk A--Inn In-4|;-nuddnjnd Kingston, Out. CV`-QXTWT I'll "mm-:.-'.-.-.-.2-.-..:.-:..~l`.=`-.i......% .-(NaullIn|I. ` Iva In the vvnlln IZIIIIII. rnnwnurvu vrrgunxuuj It uncnencrmor an m`: -rrr at } luynhnlmf. nut tho cum: I.` The lncowumlncd. and Iouu_::- '5lTIIlI` nd blhtneu wu mum. 1.". small nuvanmunl. Anlnlntnll. n . I.m|oubO- Q III-Cw J-I-vu u--.u-vwrvu ` A lumbar at the Lindon arlnocncy In an mm mm and Wmno H dbubll. PI-tau van Wmh In .4 ._ ..- .. nu... nnnnm -ml I--ufv..c-on at TIC `Z31 vu out Uvuouqo couhotoundollovertboplnohnlo o! oouthcrnotatoo no hooltlxy no my tuuulnsho world. some Innlldo no hoglnnlng to understand this not and ptotlrylt. M km A mllllon lnvoll `nnwanmpeo nuonommt as would winter In t no southern pine hill: oodonoho I ohoro If they know tho hoooot mi! about tho ellnaco at tho oontlnorn ot:.to|.-(.`hIcao Times. Gov. II!!! has just h\u;:ht .--. xzmloll clock. the mechanism of \-`nick .'apot- Mono! 0 magnicent mimic |;c:.' which Prcderick the Great prescmed lu ;~. 1.-.vo|~ lto lady ct his (curt. It In 1` r-. -.-I of swat tom-cl wooden ute lm'llu\\`ed by ` ago, en:-yonoln-in'.vmora1h;~.xx :1 fa-ntuty ` old. `rhobox wan uuaumlln the lady`: ? Innnn Inn Inna:-nnnn Inn I.v'~nl\ Vn 1 Q9, IIVII1 UIXU Il.'ln'.' mun! \u.'.u an rcsuury old. The box u-cuuml tn the Inn! for generations, Int: llrzvo yen! ago It calm under the hammer in Berlin. _`IIhIhnInlnl|h Hm` uruopu to D New Yen D II (`ulna uuuct uu u -PNlndIlphl| Tlln. MIBI. lV\I,UUU U] u, .I` ',\vIv n.- ooivcd from the :.x;h tmu.~ :;:- LI run Into hm-,-. ..[ :.ln)ul. l.'.' and these at:-c ~.,u.r'cd In NH` .- qniring in IL.EJ form about Itorage r.y::l.cv.` mquxn-a by The sugxwmtcnxfom has talu lion tn : .~a_\' the ruins. an` remnrkally time to the :1. can \'ur)'in;,' more than cm-~ I per cx~m.-Duaton 'l`r1m::cr: ` uneasiness in regard to the case. Myatery About Dom Podro`a Health. The daily reports of the physicians in attendance upon his majesty the emperor have uniformly reported satisfactory pro- gress toward recovery. He goes out driv- ing and walking every day when the weather permits, and at times shows much of his former capacity for long Journeys. At the same time it must he confessed that there is a very "general and decided No one disputes the aaeurany ot the daily bul- letins. lint there is a very general impra- aion that they do not cover all. There has lately hccn a noticeable eort to seclndo hia Inajesty and to prevent. Via`-1101`! tron: seeing ltllll. This appears inconsistent with the reported improvement in MI health. if slight restriction was put on visitors some weeks turn when he was so, weak, why slitmltl they be enfnrcozl now when he'ia so |`.lll(`ll stronger.` There in a very general lmiief that his :J;:jest.y I mind has hecmno l!`l`lt`\'. :~: -{ that A knowledge of this is In 2,0 ktzil i':`uIu the public torn time it pm: .9 iv. l'!;L.~ belief we most sincerely tntst is unfounded. but it must be confused that the minister! and phyaicinnsttm not prucce-lint; in the right way to correct it.-llio .\"`\v.<. coma: us suv -.....v . TI. nanny omro In about last 100,000 of ::;:m.000 tr: ' I- _.-_ I-4 l.. Dull] DUDE Ill` uunu QQV ll lUH. JIM? aroused for knife lmmllos. Thi_'.:h bones bring more. They go to Europe at $75 3 ton, and come hm-k here after u while in the shape of tooth brush handles. The foreleg bones are undo into paras-ol han- dles, collnr buttons, trousers buttons, and other small articles of usetulnow. Glue comes from the water in which the bones are boiled, while tho dust from the saw- ing of the boneafknakes excellent medicine for cattle nnd poultry. All the rest that can`tbo made into bone black is ground up into powder mud sold for fertilizing purposes. "\\'nlI u-hn`:l thnncht`. thnt. nlal t-nrrmss pllI'[lBQ`.B. Well, who'd thought that old carcass was wmh so much!" exclaimed the car- ter in surprise.--Phlhdelphi3 Bulletin. IIIOVIU OI :1 uuuesa uurbv Un H luuw bll1.`lfl.. Lots," answered the other. We'll llrst of all ship the old hulk to the glue factory. There the hide will be taken oil and sent toatuxmery, and the flesh re- moved from the bones. The beuos are very valuable. and when the frame ls separated they are distributul into piles. Shin bones are worth 6-lontun. They nag nag.` fnr Irnifn ln-|n1nu Tluiarlu hnnna \n\aI\n nu .. --\a- Say, what yer goin` to do with that old nag?` shouted a passing cartdrivor to a man who was superimvncling the re- moval of a lifeless horse on Willow street. HY nn " 0|... 'n`l` nuaunnv-nal no Inn mm (IISCUSS Hit` lnL`x`I'.s Ul llll' In.-w pluuuu-. It will not be many years before we shall see gentlemen dres-ml in full suits ` made of strong and elegant cloth woven of Floridn s own native plant, and` then she will be in all respects more inde- pendent of the outside world than any other of the states of the l.'nion.-J:1cli- sonvillc .\'o\\'s-Herald. tune. Every one who has seen and handled tho`benutiful spvciumus bcc-unu~s cxxtlxxxsml over its possibilities and prn-Llictc. that oranges will not 10!!" lmuur main rm- duct. '0 udvisc our T`oadux':s to hum up Mr. Burden, oxnmine the bers and hear him discuss the mcrilsof the new product-. It n-ill l|:\' I... I\\nn\' \-u-n-a hnfnr~n TI ALL SUMMER COMPLAINTS. In \l.'K_\ _|,n';.\. Ix: found the px::r:l.- a good supply a f taxmnluly wit? <.r.t nrn-4! P1-Vn rf'1`u- I Iauvuuuxy \\|.. ML. L`.u'.' lvl. 1.1: 1.... com r.1:u!<- cf 1':(` I3l`or.~: twi.~':u! In t of :::1 urdin:xry loud pom-il \~.'E}l : 2,000 pounds su.-spondcd fur any Iv: time. I.` ....... ..- ...I.-. |..... ......n .....1 l\ glitz;-. .u his new di` out other I utteutimx. ........ lo l|CI1'. IL \\ill 34"` J ' agricultural im`.::.~ on tlr.-sun(1ic:t:;x.r!a utilizing soil \'.`l-.'.`. E lu-Ed am almost \\:(I:`tls}~ place uf hemp mu!` C in rnrv VI-nvt h.--M r\- ` _ Z'`"'j-3 , .l'Iu- In-lo [tom Which llexlcnns Halo ' Pllquo to Be More Useful. III`. D. ,Bnn10ti, of Sanford. began two years ago to experiment with the growth of am ill(U_::t'll0ll8 plum he dis- covcrml in 12:: \`icinit$' of Sanford, ma- gu:-_\', and v. :p~\(`ies like it, but of some- wi::.z i..q hcr, which` lie culls bylin- otiur .`\l'\'.|\'iC:ill-'Ilulll( , agave. Of this .p!:`n: tli beverage pulque is distilled. I-1;-. liurdon mine the olln-r day to zrwille to cnlist ourlcnding citizens and c1:1..t.1Ust3 in the new imiuntr_\', mid lips nut vcitli S0l`.\1lC]l(`l`;(".`.tZ`.' !tE&`ll( that he will 1'ox;x"`n 0\'cx` fur :'r.'. -. A =. m days. l_Ie _l1:x_.~_4 izd. .1 Ul'lnI\1\- . ' x "l'.) the Bezixitliful'Esil\'ez-_v ; ;i-}Tyi1i.Li3;-. ; .- .-.u I into tln'eml:.`, any one of \\`|iSx~h is .. . quitv. . nxuugzi tn 1:.-.-; . . jury, r.~.u'."-nv l`n|'v:I-I 'l'lw 14:: i ". I`! - Txrw ~'t, or n`.K`\\ and xrhon once it t-:` 1111121)` r.ll1`.(-219:1 to l`.-7 nu--u-. `Hr ]'.Hx','- '1 f lul\`u'.I. An ' A hlno `III-not Itoploopor. A.. -_ . AL- A__A-I-_ 4-Q L13` of the Trade hnilurn. - . u ,. , v.~- _ ..-_. ......;___._ --..._ _ 4... -..._ A .1 A NEW TaxTu_{g' PLAIWL nu `III: 0! an loath. ., _A -uu ,_,,.x__n .5 by w. J. '{vh2o: j:.-:--_&. ....~_ A Want vaqouh Chlo- A|.|..._.. I 3` .-_-.L- A 'l'I-anon:-ud llnolo Hex. 0-n-`Q _ 5,. Gold in a Horse : Carcass. LlH.~\Ill\\'l_ - .1 rl:\1xnrtl:un1':2 ~ ..3.1I In. \n u I \\ \J _\ funl .` Io THE BRITISH WHIG. THURSDAY. JULY H. I`: HT |..m|c_mM- .:I no , ::n'ilh of i L I C; KZIXII ongllx of C H O L ER A, CHOLERA - INFANTUM, I `.1 IV` ` rie? . L them ( I|I' -A llolafnodg. AC||laI U tbs! broho a union! yb.-. Iupgtloo 5 .vnn-nu to op. I Ind. lu-add III!-foo no hot. .;`:':'.:'.........""""".".'.:'."..*.."........"' "` " Dr. Fowler`: `:I'x't;|Tc:ol WM Btnwborry ad a! c 1 :-......- '-'~.......,-* . -v-.r.'-.r...._ ...:' ........'" :: STRAWBERRY} can bu booudhoovond. llupopulnrl In Il|'f',`IK"1]O. Allndldu dcgon Inn .2;om...a. Tohl chub the 3 number mh any monththls your. Seven oltbo wonol pol-Ion. nqodlncwoounml 75: two. 17 and 35 yous, uvon bemoan two week: and II VoI`II.lCoI|;lll1`llIujlI, 3; Vila. Ilort any stauula. The following an the mortuary statistics of Juno: EryuipeIu.lnnuution at bowels. oongudon ol lung. luhmnndon ol bnin. Inunmndon o! uouuoh. d y, drownod. nculu. About 0! both. 8 by (in- wot-h.lc|oh; Brlgldbulu, 2; con- nnunllnll Q! flmlt ml. C \4III" I'll III Z_UlllICK< \ " um. morphine, chlonl. tobacco, and kim red hnbitn. The medicine Innybo given > in too or coho without Ibo knowledge of thopononukingitiho duirod. Sondc \ In nun for book and tutimonhln (mm \ thou Iv o luvs bun cured. Addnul H.V. Lubon. 46 Wellington St. East. Tomato, ` Ont. Cut am out for fntnn nfonnoo. when writing mention this paper. Ana the Flu. What i: the first thing to he done in case or fire?" asked the pmfeuor. Sue the insurance company." promptly unver- od the boy at tho foot of the clan. whose fuhor had been burned out once or twice ; and nppurod to have undo I good thing of I \ it quickly yield to it. .1 wuwxvuunue n-w--vuvu The beet medicine writer: claim that the succeuful remedy for mu! caurrh must he at nonlrriting, emy of application. and one that will by It! own action. reach` All the re- mote IOPBI and ulcerated surface. The history of the elforu to treat cutarrh during the put few your obliges us to Admit that only one remedy bu com letel met these conditions, and that in y'I Lyreem Balm. This sofa and louent remedy ha mustered cntnrrh u no ing else has ever done. and both phyeiciuu md pnticute freely concede this fact. The more distressing symptom: -.1. "J..`..,'1"..."'..'.I.u..""'..... ap- opdn I alum ovary hon round .5 L... ...u... .........nuI I trial Ill ror one by J. u. tun druggists.