IIOHOIIOPOI`--v'lil' `V Dill` FIm0 tN3`glD VI tuw ucauuluuu. One thing, however. was certain, the death throes ceased-nt first I thought he- . cause he had got beyond them, and crossed ' the awful river. His face turned a livid pellor, and his heart beats, which had been feeble enough before. seemed to die away altogether--only the eyelid still twitched I little. In my doubt I looked upat Ayesha. ; whose head-wrapping had slipped back in I her excitement when she went reeling -nu-Ana ob... -An-n GI... In-nu poll! `\r|`1`II'\aI uu ..u_y uu nu nun. \IIIJ\4Ilt When I reached Leo's side he was plainly expiring-his golden head was slowly tum- ing from side to side, and his mouth was ` Ilightly open. I called to Ayeeha to hold ; his head. and this she managed to do, though the woman was quivering from head to foot, like an aspen leaf ora startled horse. Then. forcing the jaw a little more open. I poured the contents of the vial into his mouth. Instantly a little vapor arose from it, as happens when one disturbs nitric acid. and this night. did not increase my hopes, already taint enough, of the emcacy of the treatment I\-... ALI..- L.\.__..-_ _._.. _.._A_l_ nun, I711 .3`. \.|a\-I Lannie: an... I glanced toward him: it was true enough, 1 Leo was in his death-struggle. I saw his poor face turning ashen, and the breath began to rattle in his throat. The vial was stoppered with a little piece of wood. l I drew it with my teeth. and a drop of the ' uid within ew upon my tongue. It had a sweet avor, and for a second made my head swim and a mist gather before my eyes, but happily the effect passed awayas swiftly as it had arisen. `XVI.-- I _-_-I_-..I I -.J.. _A.I-L- -,,,, n . . uuu.._, luv \|l\4vnA\.I\ . "TmL she saidgwith a. start. Oh. why did Inot come before? Iam unnerved ` -my hand tremmes. even mine-nnd yet it is very easy. Here. thou Holly, take this phiul. and she produced a tiny jar of pottery from the folds of her garment, and pour the liquid in it down his throat. It will cure him it he be not dead. Swift! now, swift! the man dies! u 1. ,_,_,;Lp-__ n4_,_ A u nu -\||\| \ll\/ u ....--- .....- . .-.. ......,...a \IOlC Unless thou must help him, A_veshn, . I put in, by way of (L reminder, thy Kalli- krates will soon be far beyond thy calling. Surely he dleth even now. l ul`l\_.-.."H ..I... ....h! ....ul. .. ..L....L llI\\. tun` hunt. I l Ah! she said. perchance thou didst | not know. Learn, my Holly. learn; there ` 1ies--thcre lies my lost Kalllkrates. Kalli- liratas, who hm; come back to me at last, as I knew he w0uld-ns I knew he would; and she began to sob and to laugh, and generally to go on like any othorlady who is a little upset, nmrmurlng KalliLfrates, Kallikrates." ' ".\'onsense." thmiglit I to myself. but. I did not like to say it: and. indeed. at that nmment I was thinking of Leo's life, hav- ing forgotten everything else in that terri- ble nnxletv. What I feared now was that he should die whilst she was carrying on. nIV..I.`.... AL-.. ....-`ab hnln 1.]... A......L.. H ugn: | 33. I ' Thou dog!" she said. In her terrible I whlqpex`, which soundad like the was of a ` snake; why didst thou hide this from me?" and she stretched out her arm, and I thought she wa gol'mt- to slav me. What. I ejaculated. in the most lively om--.u._--ml...n" IV uuu 1 rJnu terror-"what.*" ..-.n 1 ,.n_: VV IIBW I \' dead 9" " at... 4..._. \l1EllAl.' ' She turned. and sprang iow'urd me liken tigress. `"l`hnn rIna' lhn said. in hall fnrrlhln E*'?""9"*5 W ,gerlng.buck tlll atwlaatl she bvruck the cavern wall. "and than thqre burst `from her lips the `most awful and unearthly } a6`renm that I ever heard in all my life. ` ~ u\1m..n.n Avanhn? I .~`. -mi la n. 5 mougn sue him been shot ornt.ubbed.qtag~ Icrelun IDLE I CV81` neuru In lllvl I'll] HIE. What in it. AyeshI_IP I_ cried. Is he _ land I" X`. I"\ W.` `zz. um I I B=`_`j__`O.'A.g:1VG-. __.- --v'v-- xv: -j`-t- jv. whoa! shaman: : I (`ompmud ol the follovrhg u:-clan nldcr |Il.1`ll.V IONTUKAL AND QFIIII`. ` M Qncbu`. (bu. .\'ohoIL . Moolrml. cm. Ito) . nrrwxx,-g mnoxm um IONYIIAI. (`oIIk~An.(` .85 Id ;Akurhn.(` ptfho all '.'or1nthlan.`rapt.aXclu: 1 spartan. (. lrv`|'no. Uomueoduuuu Tl RMMY. `I'll 2:100!` JLZVI2. Ind nuulfnrtlu-rnooo.oaool 0 Above mun:-I will lure II no daily (Ionian I uovpulbus . tor 0.\'1'0 mac n (`ohou Pun . Pawuogvll wuulc rr-.u':Ti...a`'5's ` D \ 0?! at tn. fur 0N'l"RlZAl.onI| 1 . ling at (thymus. Round lnhad. I Alexandria ht. llvorlllo. :. (`un- dahruu W . mm. nnndlmlnndtho Raptdo of the III. Inw- enoobvdukbt. , :3-'3... E u . . :l`nlh ova.-7` :4 lmIvhr.n-Ibujlhn -:'.:2....' s:+. II. lulul. mun: at It Dual 0% I y mail! If Richelieu&0n1u1oNavigation f nu-wnnxnr mm BETWEEN KIIGSTPI I. SMITWS FALLS. T T a{Fiii``s* `r.T `l`Il..IPIONI-OI A uuIuIl--IIIZ IX I'll?! II III E. l.W- eoonbr kit. noun 0 at (Hull: Bullhead Run. ` I.`u-Irina Ian Iothu on Forum MOIl!olI_. lawman. a. bound. ` all New York. no Ilninl-And nun mks Inhgnnnnhn --la ; I ha a }lol:W.alIh 331 J22 IIII . I:l.`5 p.m. ` The Inn mun oonnectln with the Rxtn \ seamen am on I-Ylvlny. vuklnguonon ` Thu:-udny II I: fun Punengeru dr ring:-an be booked wh R. k ' Ont. Nu`. (`o. acumen-3. enjoy! the leaner)` oflho|.lll) Island: and the R: of the BL [AI rt-nee. Pot `Helen and every lntnnuuion Apply to runu 1 u I! 1 wt 1.-v J. rm 4 s7if'um:n:w. a:-ma-'"`r.*-_='.'s_='sv: `N The Royal Mail Through Line, nannnaud `J uh` 'n"An I-I ..|_.. _.l.. and uuuu and L lluurn mm 0;`-S-AILING: FROM l.l\`ElH'00L. STIAHER. FROM Ql"R8IC. Thnrsdn .1\1ag"5` .Sarnnlinn.'l'hurnday. May 8 ' lI`riday.. agl . ..`(`lrmulAn....l-`ridn,\`.June3 Thursday. lnyl Snn1InInn..'l`hnrudny.Jno.9 I-`ridny. Mtu'27. `Polynesian... I-V-idny. Jno. I1 1'humda,v.Jne.2. . .Pu-mam. . .'l'hundn,\'.Jne. as ThurIdu'.Jno.9. snnmum. _'l'hundn-_.lm-_m lnrlo Sun! GRAND TRl'.\'K CITY PA&`GIR STATION tip: I IVDUII llllll CVVI uulltilllllll ll] K0 THOMAS HA NLEY. World`: Ticket Agent. (`ornc Johnuon and On- tario Slnou. mu.\'n TRl'\'K (`l'l`\ l`AR.R [R RT u-mv K Dulgu and Intimates furnished. -yo vn to--Qt U: BBC taut I (` b` -0511 I!) 03 8'0. R t and` slxnm lnlentn.ol:i|nt;- 88)? '1' steel-age at very low rates The bjonmnhlpc onhe Allan Line 4 means at low rates The lonmlhipo come direct to the Runway whnrwu. and puneugeu an f ' rd in lulu-M M '(r)'|;I`:`|_u:`lon y spec unto oulrcgnnd Tho Inn! Opnln nnnngnvlnn no ling}... _.lo|. Ine W est. V The last train connecting it Quebec with the Maul Sleunen. nmnq from glut on ` ' 'nn5IIr|tk)'. leaves Kingston on cdnmu .ThpB.n;.IJIl Irnln onnnnlnn with than [urn n-uov nu ruin-U Uy BIIU ICU DBCUIIIIFIZ ` Pmm whee In Londonderry And Liverpool : (` bl 70:380. R -8110. Om. nan. lI:teI=nodhl:-M. Ilzttwn.-nn-). suoe:'mu on Bet 060. Runs otugunco by the Inn Shanon: {`nhin_I.4'.n Em ...4I CHI 0...... can nun: 'l'nurndn,\'.Jne.2. .Puriuan. .Thundn,\`.Jne. Thundny. Jae. 9. Sarlnauan. .'l'hunda)'. Jne. 1) Ram: 41! Puuco by the Inn Btounon: Putin Dnnhao In Inntlnntlnrvw and I I--A-u...l . } ms - snnmsf-"sn - nssws. AVERAGE TIME 8 DAYS. ALLAN LINE Royal Mail Steamships. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. v r.r\.\u.V n. nnun R I K/U., Or to J. P. Gildersleeve. Agent. 42 Clu- ence Street. DIITITIT I-I -uI. an nmotsa s'rruwr._ "T'1:3:,';h Bills of Lading given for Belfast, Glaa w, Havre, Antwerp and other point! on t e Continent and for Mediterranean nnl-On ` purw. ? For freight and passage apply at Com- gnnii Oica. No. 4, Bowling Green. New ` or . \'I.`n\'n\r ll Y`II\l\II'\V ; an l vuluul . rmeuuw . Stea:`s:;U:t V121; Low Rates. gtoernge Ticket: to and from London and Queen \ town and all other parts of Europe at low- eat rates. 'l`L......._L 'D:II_ _t I _j.-_ _ _2__ _ r _ I-Lin, . Z ?/"7/ ;/i75;b:[W?T RATES 011*-FAssAGE : Cabin-860, 880 and$l00, accortlingto commodation. lntermedinte k`t.uu..n.. no `'.u... I A... D-A..- 5--..-- msr XPnss_u/L st/M05. ETRURIA . . . . . . . . . . .Saturdny, June 25th AURANIA . . . . . . . . . . . Saturday. July 2nd UMBRIA . . . . . . . . . . . Saturday, July 9th SERVIA . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Saturday.July 16th ` ETRURIA . . . . . . . . . . . Saturday, July 23rd AURANIA . . . . . . . . . . Saturday, July 30th UMBRIA . . . . . . . . . . . . Saturday, Aug. 6th SERVIA . . . . . . . . . . . . .Satunlny, Ana. 13th 1 i(CAVI.I:I`.\'G AT com: HAIBBORJ From Pier No. 40. N.R.. New York. (LIM_I:ED.) .` "5 TI .01?!` .M`_ .__4!V. ??00` nun: And she htopped and laid her hand_npon the golden head. and thou bent down and kissed the brow with uchastened abandon- ment of tenderness that would have been beautiful to behold had not the sight cut me to the heart-1'or l was Jealous} (To be (.`ominued.i or Iii nnsctumoxs. mu. AT `vs zungle venomqn s';n-ar. mi`! pierced me through and thromih. beumse- once again Ilmd lost Knlllkmtes! .-\ml then. when all was done. behold! he sighed, behold! he_ lived, and I knewthnt he would live, to! none die on whom the drug taken hold. Think of it now; my Holly--`think of "the wonder of lu-` He will sleep for twelve hours. uud.then the {ever will luqve left him! A ' . . A__l_L,,. .. . . . . .- VERNON H. BROWN & C0., n.` P `:i'1lnl`C]nn\`n Annnt. Al) (`I TRAVELLING. (1 ll. IIAICII. Aunt. D-cldtbcueuuqn JJIAPPOQI. KT TIXT Kiwi IXVT Oullblnhulql Uthn land dihuad IA-Q-- ./usr THE mm M mime. idhlcjiiji _uL_` h h-&: I uull: IU UIIIIW [\lIBlI Ill izbnlusoyrs WALL Bum DEPOT ; .,`c'oox's7nEFb7-'nu/us. ' one-R-:.u[. I78Pnnoaa 81., Kiggatan I lupnrhnuul mo:-.3. hula-Ila V lcrockory, China, Glassware, "" "3.`!`- '5!" """' ugnu-uwvvuuIuUvu1IIlII % mm`: - lllt - Ill - H0083. ' an s T I .1's4:'Irr'S.*".:!& {acmrmcui_nmumu.n. Rpbertsop Bi`othe-r-s-, , we burn the uxlngjtzu at swim t:."mn1zL_w. .. .32.. 3 I I sum! din I mo/rusmo IIMDE. Tiwmrs on HAND --- ATTH E- Picture Frame Factory, 115 BROOK STREET. GL1 IS A PUa;_;l{Ul I" `ACID POWDER ll 1lAI1 Inllhx AlI- I1: nan gm-nun-I- COOK'S FRIEND DAlIYO%X. .g. L_____; _-__.__- ` .. I I(`I('lI an no ooulnotl mom u Iuderuknsi N on production of urdot signed by Mc.\-Icoll. U.P.A.. usual. or W. R. Callu- wny. I).P.A.. Tononua. -J. P. GILDERSLEEVE. 1..-. mnvI-_.__- u. p.,_.-A I Winnipeg and Return ! ma LAND swxsm me ron nouunr om 325.00. 6mdlnnPacm6way mcurxion Done. Do not wait for the Spring rush. The work can ho done better now. An elegant lino H-hnzinuto noloct from. Always the but selected and luau! ctyllnh stock in Eastern On uu-lo to choose from. nn..- ..- - ..II ._.I I-..|. ....__ ...._ -n....I. \`.. *0/v 301/2 JUNE am y. rnonp uxcunlon 11-nu will be told be- tween all nations in (kind: at one 8 I1.- I-`Int-Clans Fare. good on Friday. In J . onl . Ag Return Tlckotl will be cold on Thun- day.Juno Illa. and Friday .11: In. at One Single I-`Int-(`Inn Fun And (300 . (nod to \ nsurn Ell! Jul: uh lnclunivo. IIIQ Tmlo Huh onov-Ijpulg. 3 GRAND TRUNK `RAILWAY' mmmr. Agent. 4! (`lu-coo: 81.. Klnpton. Juno 3. DOMINION DAY. Tk-ken be obtained from the undersigned an production olnodnl Island In D. `uncanny evening. Roturnlns. lava Montronl `Thu:-sdnyn at 13 o'clock noon. for Kingston, arriving Fridny night. leaving Kingston for Trenton and Bay of Quinta porn on tuniqy mornings at 4:30 o'clock shun. running In rapids. Passenger accommodation unaurpnssod. Re- tnrned ticket: at reduced rates. Freight rates as low as the lowest. For tickets and other information apply to A. umcx h an Wu] loan Gina`: wharf every Monday oven- ing At. 8 o'clock. for Montreal calling at Our nnoque. Brockvllle. Prescott emtm. Mo!- on only risbnrg. etc.. and uvinx in Tuesday evening. lleturnlnz. Montreal Thunrhu-n nt 12 MONTREAL AND my PORTS uu'lI.I IV UIIIJI1 Ilvlna Give us I can and look over our stock. No trouble to show good: at l\l\l\I\Il\llIlI II? A l I Y\ A I'\I'.!I'\ hI'!I\I\J Fast. Commodioua. 65.: Cabin Steamer P _ a-`ALEXANDRIA,-W, mun unu Juno 1!. onoomnms. fL1QUoRs{ (`honp Excursion 11cm . will be sold be- zwoon in cum. :2 one Emmi..- *---`--' "var 13th and 27th June. 11111 and 25th Ju '. 8th and 22nd .\ ust. 5th and 19th Sept.. and ltlh October. or Pictou. N.S.. calling at Quebec. Father Point, Gupe. Pen-co, Summerside. P.E.I., and Charlottetown. P.E.I. The nneaiuip or tho aeuon for health and comfort. urrnun AHERN. Soontnry. Quebec I-`or Tickets and State Rooms apply to (IE IIAIIIIVII QUEBEC SS.COMPA NY mm? AND auu=-o7sr. LA WRENOE ss-_ `MIZM_ICEZI -n`u-.-... . May 6th. Saturday at 6.11) am. Magnicent nccommodnllon for pnssengezs and lowest freight mun given. Full information given by nnnlvimr to the IVIILU I-All clllq IIIIII r Plcton Tuesdn ' and `'1 Saturday 6. Murnlncentv nccoml 1: Avn__l:n'nonol own as no pun 'yumodal to. chain -~=:-.'r.'.':*.:..-`- *- -*-~ AA! 1&3-Q3 Qlij Tnursuay um Slllllny night: only. _ ' Rotumlr|xI..`:_on\'es Bolleville Monday. \\ ed- nlsodny and Id at 8:1!) mm. sharp: Deser- onto 7:!) a.m.. an Picton 9:!) mm. : and leaves Thursday at 7:1!) a.u1.. and Will. until further notice. leave Gunu`s Wharf an $80 p.m. (ah tor Plcton dulv. going throu h to Dene:-on o and Bellcvillo Tuesday. Thu aynnd Saturday night: only. R9turnl1;x._leM'ea Monday. Wed- Juno 9. 5. `T (0. li. NlCll0I.%N. IAITIR). loovo ounu`s run. (shun) Plclon dnlh`. Irnlmr mar QUmfE$fiLh0AT norm. ommr mm: -rd pxcmn AND nu- wmmxumnnsnnouro AND E`I`.I .H1TII',I,I| ON MdX?;.Xi7 5 P12 0u\. _._.I no-.L I.. STR_.f Junou. FRIDAY, JULY lst, I887. POW:Ii)ER * 1335. El HITYIYQB-lI-DlIl'nnAQ n -.:v:--i-1--.< Leaves MONTREAL _TRAVELLII_`I_ (cu-I`. ntrm. nmm) nrormnuon apply A. 6 CNN & ()0 Ann -avu--; -yy-; vv "c. n. HATCH. L Iunnnnno fl`- . A-I. ulacvu. KIN0810.\'. Ox'r. EHERO, IN THE o__u1L SEASON C LU.- Agents. PAPER`%`HKNGING . an \InnA-|vA5J4' o-u.-as. ...'.-.--, ...-.v., Dtxmrr. Graduate of New York Collette of Domhtry. 0Iloo-Wemngton Street. between Princes and Brock Stroeu. Pu-uculur anon- non paid to prooorvnuon of the natural teeth. .Z Plush work and Gold Gliding I tpecinlty. N hllnzmcmbor that prices are 2.5 per cent. lower ` R. E. SPARKS. D.D.S., L.D.S., DI:x'rls'r. 0llIoo-Px-inoesa St.. between Mon- . trenl and Sgdenham Streets. Re-sidenco-No. `:1 Charles rent. Office hours. 8a.m. I06 .m xnd on Saturday evening: 1 to l0o'clock. ck; ;xhono IN. I ii til` nv\I,Pv.\ II I \ Ix nu I I\ u Ul-"l"lCl-$3 PHD? 3?-POOR Ill old stand. 'l`elon`\one number IN. II-4\I:.v\r\in . -vrnuv HOMLEOPAPHY. C.L.CUB'l'lB. u.n.. nuooeuor to Dr. Ju-via. \ Physician Sux-geon.&o. 011100 and Residence ` nearly 0 poulto the Poet. Oloo. Wellington Slrt.-e(tl.dULllsln the city or country promptly .'|'.[en (0. DoN'T WAIT I ....--._-, .,--...- , D. A. GIVENS, BARRIBTIR. Soucrmn. C0_`I\ ls'.YA.VCER. ac. Otllco-cor. Brook and King 513., over Express otce. Money to Loan. txru us: up: . I\IIvnIt ..-sunny .-lrA\l\uwl\ '!3lPrbcuI In? we-874-in 300'-'~ Jan. 13. A Ancnrrxcr. corner of Bryce): and King Str_< over Wade`: D Store. Entrance on I: Street. next. to the VHIG Olco. SMYTHE AND SMITH, Soucrmns. -Eton 192 Ontario Street. E. H. S.wn'1'm:. LLD. Cxus. FRo.v'nc.v.\cS.\u1'n -`Au...-..-. F... . ..- KVUDDISI. Ol'I.tl\V, BAnms'rI:n. Soucrron. C0.\'\`EYA.\'CER. ` Olce-Corner King and Brock Streets. 0` Wade's Drug Store. 1.IvvI\Iv -lUfI.,;l'I!al\A'\I4U \l.A. m.u. b..\1. (Stmrcssor to I1|;o`LI)n. A\ ICCAM.V'l0.\'L ' Pnvslcux. SURGEON. &c. 0ll!oo-.\lontx-cal Street. between Princess and Brock Streets. ` `I'll 11-nun:-u ..vp... ..-. Uh. DLJLADEAIII L`.\I1l.l1'Dl'I`Il'V.l 1, .M.. M.C.P. &S.0.. Lateot Hamilton). 6! West street. Diseases Women and Children. Feb. 5. n. .11. mun A l, n.uuus1'lm. Soucrron. C0.\`\'l2\".\.\`('l-IR. &c.. Ford`: Block. Brook Street. Kingston. Money :9 Loan. D. E. i\1UNDEL'L, B.A., .\I.D.. (3.! Pmmlcux. Svnm:o.\`. &c. 0!ce--Lnto 1 Mcumnmon s. No. 25 Montreal Street. 9. -- --..--.__ Pmrslcux. Sl'nmtn\'. am. n'Inn...I.nIn \V.'1l4l\.l'u\l K \Vdl.l\l!i.\l, A1"l`0R.\ In s. Solicitors. &'.c;. Kingston. poslte the Post Omce. RICHARD WAl.Kl~:M. I Jonnpn ll. w.u.n '_""xi`7r'oTv{r'AmA '__"'rnn 0heagestdBestFumiture i nl AI_l.l'ilC`lIU'I'I'I (TA Ll. AT DOGIIO U10 F081 . umce. I J09l1PIl B. WALKRM. ___:,__ -. I1 unnvnvnn-o .. . -..~;_'- _ iii ;-`LARKE, M.D.. D. D.S., L.D.S.. I\-.o-._- I\_..I.._s- -1 \Y_-. `P--L IVAIIA-u. A yuuuv vvuuuuunnvv-Inn. JOHN STEX` mu-2. 1.1.3., Soucrlolt. kc. Olqo-Cln.renco Street. o1 posne the Poet otnoo. MOXEY To LOAN a OWOCI current rates. ...-.-...- _ .--_--..._- HENRY BRAKE, '1:..:.'-*"' -2-3| PRINCESS H'IREl'.- Ouzlydammltrtot un. u. u. nnuuxn, m.|1..t,.3.. I: IN -0rr|cn-4ia End Street. noar King phone eonununlcauon, 111-: xv .-an-. yum .-_.v.a .-.-u.--..... v gu. . . Diseases of Women and Children A specialty. 0:-r1cn:-5l&)PI-lnoou Street. Dr. Sparks nld 'l`elon.`\one W. U. ANGLIN, M.R.().s.. IJNG.. _ ~4;rr|cn-42 Eu-I Strnnt. nmr Kim Tnln ""'"'"",;'"c1a-T.;;;;'Ts, 1).. . dl tl posit `lb I`-`oot'Oh'oo. : x;K.'.'$n 3333:. Bl .w:..a :.. mm. 1 ' 4 GEORGE OLIFF, -_____l Z-_.l 1-1.. A ADAM M AR'IHUR. Acoous - \:rr.'A1vm1on. &c.. Ollloe Clarence ; Street. Im..r King st. ' _ I Iunllvixnn Anvn ...\\v F. O. MARSHALL, UPIIOLITERER 6 OAOMET UAKER. . . V-.. ...... nv\I~Ju --nu unvu uuvvxo. WM. NEWLANDS,J . Ancuxrxcr. of Bnock and King Street. wot Drug Kim: vnalwvl _-.v...., r ...n.--. DR. ELIZABETH SM ITHS H1 )RT'1`, _M_. M.(3.P. & S.O.. l'U\V DIV .`\l\U.DULV, Ancarrnc-rs and Building Surveyors. Neulngmn Street. Klnmton`. " - 4 \ I in l."II `Olin.-u. _JOH.J1ER.ALD, N.A., M.l).. c..\1.. Lnto D11. MCCAMMONI. : R.GAG.__._.V Ancnlrncr. OrrIcI'-Mantra! Street. PROFEsIdNAL CARDS. ,- ~_-~-------- W-----`- -- ~-t+_-- - DR. ALICE McGILLIVR.AY. . In Rial!` `ORNEY8. Solicitors. km, Kinnmh l"lAV& l\I I IIIVIVITVTT II.` Il`\4 I'D lIa`II locum. Mm: 1'0 UIIDIIL TCRKISII 6 ALL O\'IR81'l.'l'li'l:D WORK A srlrnuv. V2/'7'? uac Street. ._:"......."'i ......a......' .. "i=7URNrrURE, &c. _'.*Ti<>i ..... ......... vunuo . luv.` . ROBERT SHAW, :11. Snmnrrnn. Onvnav -- -::-- 'i;..__L______.. _ POWE ANILSON, tam nnd Bnlldlnn Snrw-vr L Souczrmn. (`.n\`vI:\ Have your L W 7 A V Awllt FINE ART l'UIONl1`UllI. A.\`1'lQL'E AND I`--nn-u `I A n.- -n l\-n-n Olco * Iunonoth mu." .nu.. Tole `nu uncut CO!` I.` V ' tu..`n.'1.a..J'r:-_-~_,-_','."_':!'2.`*.. ....-- ll` whlill lotto [III Us cwiwovsxr & Aivot/2.9077. Cabinet and Ornamental WOUIIWIIBIIRS & UPHULSTKBBBX. ' .__ _. "Rho doth not like to leave 1:0," I an- uwond. not knowing whnuony. Ayah _..- -V, ..., -_... --- ..-.-vvv... "Why doth not that wotnnn leave us. my Holly?" uked Ayala. from the other and 0! the CIVU. when Ibo was engaged In eanbuly cxunlnlng tome iculptuno on the wall. A_J._ want!" she whlnpered. divided between her {ear of the terrible queen and her anxiety In rt-mun neu'l.'no. "II he lllhnlv lhn P`9'II nl n Il"'n in I-4 nn-Q qua-vu nun net IIIIIEI. IA! rtulllu lIl'Il' 1.50. "It is surely the right 0! a wile to be neat her hlubuad whonhe dlnh. Nay, I will not go, my lord an Baboon." J ulivl... ..I...L ._-- .L_. _..-_, _ uuucrungn nuuulu ycluvnv luy WLIIIUIH. Thereon I told Ustnne In Arabic and Job In English both to leave the room-u1 or der which the Inter obeyed mndlly enough, and van glad to obey. for ha could not In any way subdue his (car. But it was oth- erwise with Uluno. I V him backtufe. my Holly. In that nun ` there thy servant. and is that the method IICI IIIL`l.'u "Thou comes! in I good time. Ayesha." I Iuid. for my boy He: at the point 01 1 death." So," she said. softly; "provided he be not dead. It is no matter. for I can bring I I I when-ewmn thy Iervauta greet strangers In I thy country?" I II. LA fr-lnhlnnnd nf Ohv (park It h-oh - , um L\I|lll|| r \ He is frightened of thy garb, it huh I death-like air." 1 answered. She laughed. And the girl. Ah! I see now. It is she of whom thou dldn upon to me. Well, Md them how to leave tun, and we will see to this sick [ion of thine. I love not thnl underllngu should perceive my Wisdom." Thniutin I Onltl l'ntnn- In Au-chin and In). uvuuug Bllllllls LIUVVII IIIK` `NINHIIBC. For a moment I was puzzled, but pres- ently, of course. it struck me thnt he must have seen Ayesha. wrapped in her grave like garment. and been deceived by the ex- traordinary undulating smoothness of her walk into a belief that she was a white ghost gliding toward him. Indeed. at that very moment the question was settled, for Ayesha herself was in the apartment, or rather cave. Job turned and saw her sheeted form, and then. with :1 convulsive howl of Here it comes!" sprung into a comer and jammed his face against the wall, and Fstane, guessing whose the dread presence must he, prostruted herself upon her face. c.lI\|..... _..........a 1- - _.-._.| x___ A ___L_ n . I Lug UM cuu VIILIA ucllul. Oh, God help us. sir!" he ejacula I frightened whisper. here's a coming sllding down the passage!" For n mnmant. I was: nu-rvlnal hut 31f,_: oHLKE- lll uuc . I wrung my hands and glanced round. Ustane was sitting by the couch, and in her eyes burned the dull light of despair. Job was blubbering-I am sorry I cannot 3 call his distress by any more delicate word- audibly in the corner. Seeing my eye xed upon him, he went outside to give way to his grief in the passage. ()bviously the only hope lay in Ayeshn. She. and she al0n&-unless indeed she was an impostor, which I could not be-iieve-cou1d save him. I would go and implore her to come. As I started to do so, however. Job came y- ing into the room. his hair literally stand- ing on end with terror. I-f\k (14-ui Main nu gin! Ln ........I..o...I in I DMD lll ll IERIIIJ, I. \V'lll IUIIUW llll`l'. Accordingly I went. only tond Job and Fstane in `a great state of grief. and declar- ing that Leo was in the throes of death, and that they hall been searching for me everywhere. I rushed to the couch. and glanced at him. Clearly he was dying.- He was senseless, and breathing heavily, but his lips were quivering, and every now and againa little shudder ran down his frame. I knew enough of doctoring to see that in another hor he would be beyond the reach of earthly help-perhaps in another ve minutes. How I cursed my selshness. and the folly that had kept me lingering by Ayesha's side while my dear boy lay dying! Alas! and alas! how easy the best of us are lighted down to evil by the gleam of a woman's eyes! \Vhat a wicked wretch was 1! Actually for the last half hour I had scarcely thought of Leo, and this, be it remembered, of the man who for twenty years had been my dearest companion. and the one interest of my existence. And now perhaps it was too late! Y .._-._ ._ __ __ |.,.,y, _.,,1 ,,u-, _,x _,,,_, .1 Well. m oily. art thou tited of me already, the hon dost sit so silent?" she said pr-esen,tl_v.with a little yawn. Faith- less men! And but half an hour since thou wast upon thy knoes--the posture does not suit thee, Holly-sweax-ing that thou didst love me. What shall we do? Nay, I have it. I will come and see this youth, the Lion, as the old man Billnli calls him, who l came with thee, and who is now so sick. The lever must have run its course by now, and if heis about to die, I will re cover-him. Fear not. my Holly, I shall use no magic. Iinvelnot told thee that lherelsnn such thingea magic; though there is such a thing as understanding and applying the forces which are in nature! Go now, and presently, when I have made the drug ready, I will follow thee. Annnrdinulv T unant nnhy frunul .Tnh nnd S : . A HISTORY Bf ADVENTURE. `BY E. 311523 HAGGARD. 'he ejaculated In corpse 5 nnaanon" THE BRITISH wmc: MONDAY. JUNE -:7. Icuctnwluu. Andillnzauply-at ICU HI, $'IIVZT- Alld lb0I-IIlnI of It ollll. oh. Holly. .t-trench uothor none. 31:. not on Illdnlhoo In tbmuuld nun at mp-ad thou shalt have It In payment 1! Lb: wt-tIhl: at lust my dounnrouno wloulhdwoubodudwaucd for NI. my now and low `tun: nyunuu! homo haoslckuntodeuhmnd ltIntr-I Ihohld wdhd lot blah! IrouuumuIyun-|Inw It not. And annual-an-.u-1 tuna. waluuhnnuhl by shit :-hid!) mnhhlvlhulmhthbllo *juruatduth.whnoono at ifotunrulnltthochounuclnotbor uh- I I I I I I DIIU IXCXV. "I-`urgive me. my Holly-forgive me for my wonknen." the aid. "Thou scent. I!- ter :1]. [Am I very woman. 'l'hlnk-now think of It. Thu tnornlngdidnt thou Ipeok of the place 0! torment nppoinltd by thin new nllglon of thin. Hell orllndea thou dldnt all 19,-: place where the vital eo- uenco um and retain: an Individual mom- ory, and when all the error: And fault: 0! Judgment and unutlnllod pontoon and the nmuhotanthl tarrono! the mind what withlthnthotnny time had to come to mockutdhuntuul [Ibo and wring the bout (aunt and forever with tho vision at its own hopolcnnen Thus. even than. have I lived tot two thnound you~n-(ot some tiny gum-nttou. on yo Nolan tum -11: I Hot]. on that collect It--tora|tod by the memory ot 1 came. tortured day and night with on unfullled dedte-l'Ith- out ooupulouup. without eoututt. with- out death. and Id on oolyduwn Iuydnu-y toad by thuunl lights 0! Hop. which. though they ltctond here and than. and now [towed Italcmnd now were not. rot. ulnyulllltoll us. would on day but Into my dovcnr. And .Mh_ J II ll` `L Ilnlln uca t:ALIavaul:u|. Naarla nuv tall. actuug across the room. She was still holding Leo : head. and with a face as pale as his. watching his countenance. with such an expression of agoniaed anxiety as I have never seen before. Clearly she did not. know if he would live or die. Five minutes passed, and I saw that she was abandoninl hope: her lovely oval face seemed to tail in and grow viaibiy thinner beneath the . pressureoin mentaiagony, whose pencil drew black lines about the hollows of her eyes. The coral faded even from her lips. till they were as white as lieu`: (ace. and quivered pitifully. it wan shocking to see her, even in my own gflet i tell. (or here. "is it too late?" I gasped. She hid her face in her henda. and made l no answer, and I. too, turned away. But as i did eol heard a deep-drawn breath. and looking down perceived a line of color creeping up Leda face. then another and another. and then-wonder of wonder!- the man we had thought dead turned over on his aide. "Thou eeeet." laid. in n whisper. I aee." ahe anawered. imarnely. "lie in aaved. I thought we were too late; anoth- er moment--one little moment monhand he had been gone!" and line burnt into an awful new. ..I o--_ ...|.|.a.... .. .s...-...L I.-- I l I y u: uuu ucvu guilt: Ill lulu uunu lull) Ill awful ood of u-urn. sobbing as though he!- hurt would break. and yet managing to look lovelkr than ever. as she did It. At hot she conned. ` an-lF..._n..- _- __ lI_I|_ n A . . ` n... 1...... 7.}; 5;; .l..}u.{..{{ Zciioum IN05. PRAIRIE. P1070333. V11: 'BTIIL I1fOIlVIN'G8.`CBRO- HOB AND OILS.