BEOO ND - HAND BOOKS suture RI 5 SKIRT) "I ;)l'- U. Why will you cough when Shiloh's cure will glve immediate relief? Price, l0c., 50c and SI. W. J. Wilson, agent, Kingston. Messrs. McLaren & I-Awards expect to The Spice of the Articles Called From the .\`e-wspnperu of the Vlclnlty. The (`ape Vincent school closes on Friday. June 17. . R. H. }uk{*F{ Desernnrn, has [im-chased the Butzor property for SL500 \`|uilnh`;. .~unu-rh rmnp l\' -1. ImsitI'\'e rum [He I3U[lI T property H7! ':lv""" .~`hiloh`a x'ilNll`!`h renu-ly-. positive cure for catarrh, diptherin. and canker month Jnhn llnrnn, nf Pmnlnrnke. has retnrnml [ Illu uuuereu, (Jul. wuu I acuuc Ul BGICD an my breasttowhich I had for some days I tle aepulcher , not forgetting before I laid down in it to thank God from the bottom of my `heart that itwas not a aepulcher in- "deed. as, were it not for a merciful combi- nation of events, that I can only attribute to Him, it would certainly have been for me that night. Few men have been nearer their end and yet escaped it than we were on that dreadful day. Ila nnhn-u: Ghlif nioht Whn It I @'\t 1 apparently Iealllgwsa auuutuuca That which is alive hath known death I and that which is dead yet can never die, for in the Circle of the Spirit life is naught and death is naught. Yen, all things live forever. though ut times they sleep and are fomotten. .-r- I... (\.....:-.n.u-I \ 011 was areaaxul uay. . My dreams that night when at last I got tosleep were not of the pleasantest. The awful Vision of poor Mahomed struggling to escape the red-hot pot would haunt them, and then in the background, as it l were, a veiled form was always hovering, M which, from time to time, seemed to draw I the coverings from its body, revealing now the perfect shape of a lovely blooming woman. and now again the white bones of a grinning skeleton, and which, as it veiled ` and unveiled. uttered the mysterious and * apparently meaningless sentence: 'T'hnf mm. in nlivo hath known death. nnd b:ttered, but with 3 sense of skfety in 'inv M-an-9 on n-Iain): I hm`! fnr nnmn rlnvl It Ileooolol Well. DISTRICT DASHES. 1To be Continued.) cua-mm POI..8S-I?1~ EVERY LENGTH. Brut Flcunanjunt received. They are a Bargain. bmnchlt.i_I 42 - Clarence - Street. 1 1 Nut 5 I ALLAN I iSTEAMSHIP LINE, J. P. 0/[DE/78155 YE, III II U411.` nail! Ivv villnlullih nil IIIIIDG an wm..'.3%u."'m"'-.." "' "$33 \'n I gum: I-u-an Ih-nun at K 1:1. j PIIEIIQIII lawns] wh":..`l.m!I.Qurul Al lint-hm! Aka I0! Inf: Db-`I ARI Ll'llLl|I'I'n-`I HULIB 'x`c'J.'I'..`:L`o..u..`"`.'L'"Iu?.T.".32I`ta`:'.`.5 `TI? HOSE LSD YOU WILLYLII X0 UIIII D|___. lg._..A_- n_._ l\.._ -._ __ ._ -I nu. new .umT"HnPr:sr noun: D-IQ-1 Klnj: Ihlclhnnn Tcxunin IDIAQQ ` ' xmosibn & piunrioizsju - A N D- ` (MIMDA PACIFIC /M/LROADS`. W_/`4H[T_. . 0NL_Xff0c. `HWA/7. ohppum to 1 N . Dlnct. short "Boot Until the Sun v\'uI. .\luu-cl ` `hum Not. I and 6 No. 0 does not run on Monday. T T A TTT nix monlht. Pnoenccr `hula: lure the new (`icy Punt-u [er Depot. foot Johnson street. as hllowu :- oolso nrr coma wan. all pan or me worn a sgccluly. Purchue your Ticket! the Grand Trunk Rail:-nf. connecting an krillo with the R. \\'.( . Rnilwn_\'. .\e\v York (`antral & Hud- son River R)`. and Wont Sh0l`OR .. for New York. Albany. 'I`rn_r. Philadelphia. uni on. L'iic, Syrncune. Roch:-sler.nndnll point: ml: and Du. All rnll mute. `hm connection dnily. I-`me As low an an?` other mulo. Au-urnlonnd reliable nformnlion In rqmrd to Run and Romeo van or b until u the UR.\.\'ll Rl.'.\' PASS SUE STATION. corner or Johnson And Ontario Sit. \\'inu~r excuruloun by the All Rail Home lu Qnnl-`y-m-i-vn Inn Amnnlnn and nnlnln an Hun > Winter excuruoun by the All RAH Home lu SanFrnm-loco. but A loo And point: on the Pncmc (`out In (`Ali ornla: nholo oridn. \\'c-at Indies. llermmln and other tropical ell- mnlo nl `Ply reduced rates. Ttckeugood for I In": mon Pa-nan.-r `h-ulna laurn rho new (`In Pun:-n I rmm Kl on lo we l'A_lt Ana \\ est. THUM. SCOOK SUNS Tourinu Tickets to , all parts of the world ogcclnlly. ` l*\m~hueyonr1`k-kels y 1 jfojn Min nesoln. Dakota. San Frauds- co and Britlsb Columbia. The only line runnln Ihrou h Pullman (`an from Kl to the All an Wool. _j`HU)l. _s _(`()()K_ _:so.\"s To_urhu hot IAIO. .\'o. I Ix learn Khguan at III fun I-1 ..`.`..'!`.I3_ . ....'? u.':k.'1'.`.1'."`.": sunnrssr. Bxsrgmrnsrlwmn ; ma 5,s,7.s,9,1o.n,12,13. POLES. KINGSTON AGENCY. (0110 5111013. GRAND TR L'.\'K CITY PASSOIER ST.\Tl0.\' GRAND TRUNK.RA|LW'Y Thursday at H5 p.m Passengers dc-slrln can be booked via R & Om. Nun`. ('0. Sn-amen. enjoying the scenery of the 1.4!!) Island: and the Rapid: of the st. Ln`-re-nee. For Ticket: and every Information nppiy lo MVIIIIII (C! If I \! DI naval-`an: p C ` World`: Ticket Agent. Ca-not Johnson and On- lnrlo Streets. GRA \'n 'l`Rl'\'K (`l'l`\' PASSCGICR S'l'A`l`l0\` the '05:, . The Inst train connecting at Quebec with ` the Mail Steamers. sailing from that port on , ;l`:t;Irsdny. leaves Kingston on Weducndny at : m. Th`: Inst tnln connecumr with the Extra 1:45 35.11:. The connecting ` Fonmeu nailing on I-Yidny. leaves Kingston on ` ` Thursday I245 p.m ` Pauemrers den-lrlnx i lVD|Z VI KCBWV U, tut Esau Q L)vcuI.uv|u - (`abln-m. II) and 870. Relurn-NI. H0 and SIS). Imermod1Mo- no. Return St at very low rates The teamahlpo ohhe Allan Llno come direct to the Railway whnrves. and passengers are forwarded on by speck! trains to Montreal and Tim lmn train nnnnnmimr at Duohoo with `TI? UL WW II LILY JIQIJ QUVCLLIVIB - From ucbec to Londondorry and Liverpool : 3 (`nbln- $70. 38). Relurn--8 I0. 81!). I150. lnterm hue - 83). Return - Steex-axe 920. Return 840. Rate: of Passage by the Extra Steamers: l`nLl- IRA &| and C90 Dnvn-n_I(l\ Qll FRO! LIVERPOOL. STEAMER. FROM QVEREC. Thursday. Mn 5` Sarmnl lan.ThuI-aday. Hay $3 F1-idny.M I . '(.`lrcauiAn....Fridny.June3 Thursdnei. - ny19 .Sardinlnn..Thunday.Jne.9 Ft-idny.. aj'27. `I'ol_rnealan....Fridny.Jne.l7 Thursday. ne.2...Pu-ininn. .'l`huradny.Jne.?3 Thumdny.Jne.9. .Scu-Innlinn. .'l`hursdu'. Jncdi) iii)_I`3`IVri`(V)_-IV`_""ALI._ `1_ _APER DEPOT} Rates 0! Passage by the Man Steamers : ans I1.-..l..uu on lnndnng-um amp` I irnrnnnl - THE - SHURTESIT-`SEA - PASSAGE. AVERAGE TIME 8 DAYS. ALLAN LINE Royal Mail Steamships. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. I (JFK. VERNON H. BROWN & C0.. Or to J. P. Gildersleeve. Agent, 42 Clar- ence Street. ` CBC TIKEI. Through Bills of Lading given for Belfast, Glas w, Havre, Antwerp and other point: * on t e Continent and for Mediterranean ports. For freight anal passage apply at Com- fxnifa Uice. No. 4, Bowling Green, New nnxmo up IADDAUQ ; Cabin--$60, $80 and$l00. according to nc- \ commodation. Intermediate passn -335. * Steel-age at Very Low Rates. bteerage Tickets to and from London and Queens- town and all other parts of Europe at low- est rates. 'l`l._......|. I !:Il- .J` Y ...I:......:...... In. I'2nIh..o msr Exp/zs._MA/L snwc. UMBRI.-\ . . . . . . . . . . ..Snturla_v, June llth SERVIA . . . . . . . . . . . . .Snturday, June 18th ETRURIA . . . . . . . . . . .Sa\tur(lny. J une 25th -AL'R.-\NlA . . . . . . . . . . . .Szmmlay. July 2nd UMRRIA . . . . . . . . . . . SMurday,.July 9th ` SERVI.-\. . . . .. .. . ..Saturday.luly lth : * ETRURI.-\ . . . . . . . . . . . Nnturxlay, July `23nl ` AURANIA . . . . . . . . . . .Saturdny, July 30th 5 NEW Y0l_?/( A7472 _l./VE/5 P00l., ` (CALLING AT CORK HARBOR.) From Pier No. 4351 .R.. New York. ,____ >@ LUUWIPUZ//VE Done. Dunot wait for the Spring rush. The work can be done better now. An elegant llne fanzlmlm oelect from. Always the but ` selected and most stylish stock In Eastern On l uurio to choose from. nu... __ _ ..II ....I I...I. ......- -.._ -oA..I- 1 RATES o17AssAGE : |\:n_V\ Q91) nl-u`Illl nr-nnlvnntvf *9 n-rr VD,` mo sun. .1! |:?.$ mm. at hunm. _nt C:I5n.m. ll7|B Iluu C \ 1'1 ,1 Iunu Iluuuuu nypu; THOMAS HA.V LEl'o -a-L-. n....._. n._._ I_L_. -_ -_.I DATE 0F-s_s.IuxG : TRAVELLING. (LIMITED) v AGENT. .3: ma p.m. at 2:") mm. at 4:5 Llll ll cu n.n. '31:: 1.". ma . .L.::.d .3 HI: sum: 1 II III II Ulllj llil Give `III a call and lack over our stock. No trouble to Ihow good: at win. at N5 p.In. 015 nl Y-Mum R113 `l Puucn v: I was .-- --n v ' I .nuIu.uInIn `M l`I`O_Il lUO I O I D |Lr|- ( ny Dan. A: _ , . To nun-;\ n ROL Th ` no--nu} I (mat and no 1 nun `"""":_', PI-I on ll -__A.nL__ j j ITO?! OI-loo-31:0-uhrlnnhnI@ lam llnltuylulltildlonullll , ICIWI Um ` B1 II; nhaIn_a-j ILA (Minna-nl Horton IUD alluau and work an rxcecd I: uncut Insane: not mu cab. and null: Lu: sum in II)` urir : nrnnd In nun: nun:-on but he -u-nun the (`aunqlt "X'SM{""""!r 4.xxurasoaL `BOA IUI put: 3 n .-v- `u: nut ul pun mum rwliuz X\H TIIl' II n II'D-'F . F In \\ ill you let them sun'cr. In short they cure all Diseasos nf the mom- nvh. Bowels. Blood. Liver. .\'(`r\'c.~1. Kixlneys. Bright`: Disease. 8l0lX) will be paid for a (`use Ih--V will not cure or help. "a:!I.I!!9!hI1I.513.!.s*;_& XI}? VZII92T ` -"- \ I I land 1 J:".".I. .``.'.'.'H:`.`. 6.3 n....`;`.'\-S .R?AIl.llIlI.\'1'. n TII ham or Slum: I31-.. mulhhrk. Klunomand cube Ihouwelra We uonliupluud pdlluiathau ( ulndudundo til. (`uINonuhAd:IooIdrr. hi heal Mun: all rod: and HWIIIIJ T ?Fi"dLo ES1'A`ausHiv*I~'T i i."oT'}Fi} i'i=','" (`Ali on or nlldruts the under! '0 till a-ntlnnrnr nurh-Q an (`CH Idd [H0 lllld . We will cndmvonu re out -Hon in every way with Anything In! 1- [boot Ihnls. A Elll LQICLAAAIADA Thr-no who an interested in Bonn nr Bozultur It you mod to purchuo I Inn! at my d I : It you run to hire I Boat for any length t are : IITIUTI IIFIICI `I'll ILIIII W i """.'E'..".."""'l'.'a...2 .4}. .u"1..`.."'.'.'.'.`.a".'."'..:`&.'L';".:`-5 IJLR4 In i -"Pia mi `mommy evening. Returning. Ian-an Montreal 'l'hurndu1 at I: o'clock noon. for Kingston M1-Hing 1du night. leaving Kincnton for `I11-nton and Bay of Quinta porn on &lIudn: morning: at 6 o'clock sham. Pnnnnnnnr Aocnnnnuatlnl inn nnnnrnnngnd Do. \ OVCIOCK Ihflk Punengct u-counnodu Ion nnurpasscd. Re- lnrucd uch-to at reduced nun. Prvkhl rues ll low as the lowest. For tickets and olhcr information sup}: to A. (}l'.\'.\' & (`0.. May 6111. Annu. mu lean Gina`: wharf ovary Monday even- ing at 8 o'clock. for Montreal calling at u uoque. Btockville. Prescott. eusbu . Mor- rtnbnru. etc. and arriving In out early Tuoorlny evening. Rolurninn. lean-an Montreal Thnndnn 1|! hr .1. nm 4 s37.}umrILo. MONTREAL AND WAYPDRTS Put. Commodioun. Upper Cabin Steamer L sengen. Freight mutated with can and aes- pntch. Through freight oondgned to our care will have mt attention. For In er nnniculnn nnnlr to the nmnrio- vnu lm\`:l0nIplnllenlI1lI. I-`or tn er pnnjculu-s apply to the amine- lon. .\`oon.\n & Bnjns : Capt. A. Foster. Sm 1 `:1 Fall]: 11:;-Jllllm Swift. Kinntou. 1|! April I6. run Al 1: o'clock pm. Rouu-n . will leave Smith`: Falls every Monday. \ cdneodu` and Friday morning at 5:65 o'clock And Jones` Looksnt 6 o clock. calling at all intermediate ports. arriving at Kingston 6:!) o clock m. All day t p. wivinx op mum` of cool the upload! sceneryot the dean and other he both ways. Pusenn-In will have nearly two IN THE ouf. SEASON All an ' trip. mung tunil\' ot u-ei tno glvindl Olhelfy t ways. Pusengv.-In w are near hours at the rictutuqne Jones` Falls. one of the most woman! 4: spots on the continent. l:.\'ery Attention id to the comfort of - Freight mulled with and en- nntch. Throunh frelnht conned I/DEA:/I Will leave Kil|8ll0lI.G\:o.l'{ 'l"ueIda`_\'. Thurad and Saturday an ll o`cloc I.lll.. calling at I intermediate 1'15. and will M1-1\'e at Smitlfo Falls at I3 o'c ock N Ramminn. every NIIIQ u yourhlrul mum to be put In nod mad I . ' TRI-WEEKLY TRIPS \ BETWEEN KINGSTON & SM|TH'S FALLS. and lowest nugm rules glvc.-n. lxll information given by applying to the gagaln on bond. or to HATC A. GUNN'& C0. J, P, GILDI LREVK I-`H-lnht Anita. muarax. gov} OOOTIA. fit patch. no Ilt uuohnuhn-0 \ Ca min bond. to C. HA'.lU% CO , J. P GILDI LREVE, Freight Axis. ' Pun. Agents. 'l'nlll`sdl\)' and Saturday nlxihtn only. Return! leaves Bellev llo Monday, \\'ed- neodnyjnd id at &(9`fI_I. sharps Poser- onto "' n.m..a oton . a.m.: wee Picto`n Tueod ' and Thursday at 7:mun].u1:and Saturday at B n.m. Mnnnia-ant nnonmmndminn for nnnsnnluirn ` Sllllllillf II IIIIIJII. Magnicent avcommodation for passengers turd lowest height rules given. win.-n by annlxinn rich blood. anu SW00! Drelh and health. The poor. bedridden. invalid wife. sister mother. or danuter. can be made the picture of health with op Bitlors. coating but a trie. Will let them sulfur. thev . SM mu moo-II 9"", ,.::.s -:'j 10. ll. .\ l(`ll0Ls0N. MASTER). hlrlzwtifce. lgvo 032$`: Whiau-f at ` pm. or clon v. 30 ng throlfgh to Deeeronlo And Bellevllle 'l`uesday. Thu :1) and Saturday nlhta only. TT `_`.!!""3'!8...'?`.`Y"_ 3211 M.ndr. d~ BAY or uu11nr`Aiium:uUrs. DAILY LINE T0 PXCTON AND TRI- VVEEKLY TO DESERONTO AND that 1 1317171 Ill Huston and New York. For tickets and any other infommtion npgly to thoundersignenl. at `the (mice. foot of Jo n- son Street. May 1.9. V1887. C. H. HATCH. Agent. 5 u.m. tor MU.V'l'luAL nu QUEBEC. calling at Clayton. Round Island. Mill Island Park. Ale.\'nndriu Buy. Brockville. Prescott. Com- wnll and Cotcau. puslmr thrm h the beautiful and romantic scenery of the La 0 of tho Thou- sand Islands nndtho Rapids of the St. Law- ence by da `light. Return ckets at Greatly Roueed Rates. Excursion Tickets to the Ra It.-nay. Ports on the Gulf of St. Lawrence. H fax, Portland. Boston and New York. _ l~`nr ll:-hum And am: mhor infnmmnon nnnlr "'i`r7bMAs N. SHARMAN, ..--on nun Hosanna Innu iiuu - ii -I '0. "5 I \I\'IFT H In ___A -__..---- _--v -vvl`u- --wun- no-navvneoc `nanny, Cposedfhfoll lltl aid`- ;..::.,1 s'::.*::.:..:' W ~ . mi-r\\'m:.\' uorrnun AND ounce. Quebec. Capt. Nelson. 1 Memmnl. Capt. Roy. um-\\'1-:I:.V -rono.\"ra Am) uo.\"rRu1.. (.`orxicz1n.Ca Lsinclnir ` Alxerianfapt .'l`I-owoll Lorinthinu, `apt. Ada. Spartan. Capt. Irvine. l`nn\nn\nnIna nu "I"!-lI'l}QI'I I \' TFUI` 9`-1\ III` *Ixn'iiiici"' IHI PU) `D HIE? I TIE OIIAPCIT. I 900 n! Olm .A.nQun__ ZIAAQ The Royal Mail Through Line, l`nIn Ivuml nf vhn fnllnn-Inn -an :\`uc9 nhlu PAPER HANGING j Y Q} L i C =5`?5<`>* 3? -" v's :'fs`53 ?{.A`ff STR_: AQUATIC MATTERS. Bolfrsx I QY`A\l'I`l`Y`\` l\I`i'|A'l`I NurlhoPI_lI. E -18a7_ II lI!f?I'-K II-Elill The Fast and Elegant (`nuuot 1 Damon Kin: THE STEAMER May 7. ._:g_ING. iALEXANDRlA, '33} 'r'Ei/71053. EHERO. .BEI.l.E, "571 pnmomss smmm. OF 7A7;.7L*D*ESCRlP`l'!0.`IS. CALL AT can-nu Inn uc an an 57 ll. 8ll.I0.VD8. A-n I-nnvmnn 3-:9. sovereign rented? In an sucn compuums. lfyou nre wast ng away with any form nf Kidneydisoue. atop temptin death this mo- ment. and turn for a cure to op Bitters. It you are nervous use Hop Bitters. ` If you are I froquenter. of a. resident of R I miumatic district. burcado our sfstem at the scourge of all count oa-mn rial. epidemic. bmous and intermittent fevczxs -by the use of Hop Bitten. It won have much nimnlv or sallow skin. the 0! op nmerl. It you have rough pimply skin. bad breath pun: and aches. and feolmlscmble generally 80 Bitters will give ou fair skin rich blood, ugh breath and calm. Thu nnnr hath-iddnn invalid wifn III.-zrnr KWT Nature in making you well wnen all else mus If you are coetive ordyspepllc. or are sui fering from any other of the numerous dis use of the stomach or bowels. it is your own fault if you remain ill for Hop Bitters is: sovereign remedy` in all such complaints. lfvou was! nu nwnv any n Scipio. N. Y. A Goon Acoot'.\"r.-'l`o sum it up. six long years of bedridden sickness and sulfur lng. cust- mg Sill per your, total 31.200. all of which was stopped by three bottles of Ho Bitters taken by my wife, who has done or own house work for a year since without the loss of a lay. and I want. everybod to know it for their ht-netlt."- Joax Wnxs. utler. Never Forget This. If you are sick Hop Bitters will surely aid Nature in making well when all else fails. lfvou are or dvsnentlc. suf~ "OlAlDI'l'AND.' 241IIM0t.Iuvua`Pn'neuunuun i . , finun'rm 1 _.___.I _... _..nI-- I Jan. 15. ` '7 1K KXILLI I"JI\. LzlJD1I\\I I l'll!n`u lbeliove it to be all wt-ongand even wicked for elcrgymenor other public men to beled into giving testimonials to quack doctors or vile stub called medicines. but when a really meritorious article is made up of common valu- able remedies known to all. und that all physi- cians use and trust in daily. we should freely commend it. I therefore cheerfully nnd heart- ily commend Ho Bitters for tho ood they have done me an my friends. rm y believ- ing they have no equal for family use. I will not be without thclII."-l{l\ . E. R. \\',uut-;.\', Scipio. N. Y. up. long U. Goon FOR B.\Hu:s.-\Vo are plettsctl to say that our baby was pcmmnently cured oi ll serious protracted irre ularity of the bowels by the use of-Hop Bitters 3' its mother. which at the same time restored her to perfect hculthund strength."-'l`ut-: 1 uu~:.\'1`s. Ml-SERABLE. 'ESS. The most wonderful and marvelous success. in cases where persons are sick or pining way from A condition of miscrablencsa that no one knows what nilsthem (protable tionts for doctors). is obtained by the use of op Bitters. They begin to cum from tho rst dose.nnd keep it! upilmtll perfect health and strength is re- s on . Ilvinvrnn Innn nl I.`Y)fV\'IlI.`\` lslanny I. Inn \I\1lla.4c Goon Wonns-FRo.\t Goon Al`T0RlT\'.--- ` ' We confess that we are perfectly? &ll]ll'l7.l,`(l at the run of your Hop Bitters. We n ver lmd _nnything like lt.nnd never heard of he like. ; l`he writer (Benton! has been selling drugs here nearly thirtv yours and has seen the rise of Hostetter's,'\ lnegur and all other hitters nml patent mediein es. but neverdld any of them in their best duysheglnlo have the runthat llop Bit have. ` \\'e e n'L er enough of the . '0 are out. ofthem hnl the time. ` ' From letters to Hop Hitters Co., from BH.\"I`0.\`. 31YERS st (21).. Wholesale llruggists. (`le veland. um-1m-rt:m-suo.; ` ~ I wish tr my tcryou that I havcbeen sntferin for the last .l\'0 years with a severe itching as over. I have heard nfHo Iilttc and havctu-imi it. . I have used up four ttles:E .me more good than all thcdncto that they could use on or with me. [am old and poor but feel to bless you for such a relief from our medicine and torment of the doctors. I ave had titteon doctors at me. One gave me seven ouncesof solution of_araonlc- anothcrtooi; fOlllqIltI.X'l8 of blood from me. All they could tell was that it was skin sickness. Now. after these four bottles of your medicine. I am well and my skin is well. clean and smooth as, ever. v IIENRY KNOCHE. n___ un-___ rx..._.. :1... n-_ ndit has done i and mudiliuv.-st ` .V0\v I 1101- B1'r'rEus Co.: I `rich '1' .-nv Mn -231 l'Rl*h1`*I-;~;s7 Kvrarzsr, Oct. lydonhun Bu-cot. HENRY BRAME, hood Undertaker And hnllnnr ' mop` ooununlcsaon. #1rcnrxu I-`IV! -._' `L-wG`o.' * NEW AUC>TiON ROOMS { J `WICKED FOR CLERGYMEN. ...u._.... 1. .. L. ..n ......._.......I ......... u FURNITURE`f&'L' V Bagot Street. .\'mv Bloomeld. .\liss.. Jan. I EH1-I()n,: ' MEDICAL. Hn we your p41 lrv mus. suf~ x dis- l\ \\' I1 .1580. IF YOU WANT `PHI 0/reapeatci Bestfurniture nlp All hr.-ul (`Al I 1'!` lexplunodholtmuwolluleonldmuc voryuhn:-tIy-l vruurrlbly wound, and onlypornododtohlkunll Iluoucllnr olocndlagonuopmvortul It I refusal todouo-whatvrcnthoplopoI-uuol(n- powder. and he luunlly that I Ihonldmmtnuwhnluld opcnuu oath otonootthopu-InnuuI.0Iw ho .novvrwouldboI|hud.|ndlt wolldnotonlybnvorytnhnuingtohhl. butwouuginmouoppuinnydnlr cannon: qt nvnuo. He was `hotly utonndodwloaholdhtlnthatltwunoc ouctmoutouvup onnnlvoolneold Noodudthuvnlonvnpuoototho lnw|ndAMhorPbwor.o(wMc|:hoknow nothing. loaded. however. that when I I-uoovncdlwomlduko him on: shooting w1Ihu.ndInIIonldunnAnlnultot hlmultmnduthbhovruuplnutluc cllldonhoptonhuolnuovtoy. ` I__A AL`. I...-._.J Ll. -.... L._--g wry-----v'~v-u:wuuv-u-cw cw . Jnnuhulhoopoud lb cyan haul tlouumnluoflouobnndytotvlahl V0` -III] L-A A IIOOIAIOHAI In}: LAA nuns-`J J42- KW Full Ul BIIUIII IIICI Iii U, UuI "CHUC- `Ah." he went on. "It was a gallant ght that ye {ought Knowest than that thou, long-armed old Baboon that thou art. hut crushed in the rihu of those two who an laid out than as though they won hutaothoahelldaneu! Andtheyoung one, tha lion, It was a beantlfnl ght that ha mada-one agalut so many-thru did he Ilay outright, and that on then." and he polntodtoabodythat waaatllllnovtng a little, will dla anon, for his head In crackod acrou. and other: of than who an bound an hurt. lt wan gallant light. and yo and he have mule a mend 0! Int hy It. for I love to an a well-fought fray. But tall me. my non, tha Baboon-and now lthlnkoHtthytaco.too.IahaIry.and al- togathor like a hahooub--how was It that yoalowhoththou with a halo la than! Yo made a noun. they aay. and alaw than -they hll downonthalttaoaaattha noun!" I -__I_l_.j A. LA-_ __ :.II -- I .4_Ij L._A it is A custom," he answered with I shrug. "Myself I think it an evil one; but then. he added, by an afterthought. "I do not like the taste of strangers. especial- ly after they have rendered through the swamps and lived on wild-fowl. V\'hen Shewhtrmutct-be~ulx'yal sent orders thnt ye were to be saved, she said naught of the black man; therefore. being hyneaa. these men lusted After his esh. and the woman it we: whom thou didst rightly slay who put it into their evil hearts to hot-pot him. Well. they will have their nurnrd. Better for them would it be if they hnd never neen the light then that they should stand before Site in her terrible Inger. oppy are those of them that died by your heads. Ah " ha want nn "It run - nnllnnl ur nuuu uy um put, Iuu Ulwll. it in hospitality tnmod upside down." I answered. it-ebiy. In our country we en- tertain I stranger, and give him food to i eat. Here yo eat him, And no enter- ` mined." urn 1- _ ___4_._ ul L- _-___-_,.I __:A|. - J yruru. "Ah, no," he answered. Thou seat, my son, here therein A custom that If a stranger comeslnm this country he may he slain `by the pot,` and eaten." II In Lnanltnlhw On:-ngnl nnnhln nlnuvvu " I ugun. up lul eyes. "Fear not, my son." he answered. "Ven- geance shall be taken on them such u would make the esh twist upon the bone: merely to hear of lt. To SM they shtll 30. and her vengeance shall be worthy of her greatness. That man." and he pulnted to Mahomed, I tell you that man would have dled n mercltul death to the death these hyena-men shall die. Tell me, I prly of thee. how It came about." In . 1...... .......I- I -|.--L..a _L-s 5.4! L--._ UL H13, IJUIV It CIHR? lllul. In I few words I sketched what hIdhIp- pent-d. Ah an" MA an-manna` 'I`1unn Anna! Ml IUIKJYBK." Thanks toyour arrival. my father." I answered. In another minute we should all have been beyond the reach of recov- ery, for those devils of yours would have slain us Is they have slain our servant," And I pointed toward Mnhomed. NVL- ..I.l _.__. __..._..I|1 A ,nnt_-_. --.u - yvuuvwv uvvvunu .wAuuuu.1l. The old man ground his teeth, and I saw an extraordinary expression of nmlignlty light up his eyes. "Paar nnt mu nnn " ha -nan-anal "V'nn. PAIMIIVITDAIII lnvxcnol ovary do at Iounulotoui . unulo puny: stunned to. Chin W cruadowa-in b hu ' A A I 31393235 Qlljl wound. It s a nasty cut." he said. but the spear has not pierced the entrails. He will recover." Iupclunruunus lllf \.'||l|lllI|l.) [II (III UL- Presentiy he turned. and perceiving that I was sitting up. mivancod to me, nnd with the utmost courtesy said that he trusted that I felt better. I answered that at pres- ` em I scarcely knew how I felt, except. that I mched all over. IF}... I... I`--.0 An.-um n-"I nunnd-`AA Y nr\`n ll (Ill UVCI-I gathered for the dreadful feast. Near me lay Leo, still apparently in a swoon, and over him was bending the tall form of the girl Ustane, who was washing adeep spear wound in his side with water preparatory to binding it up with linen. Leaning against the wall of the cave behind her was Job, apparently unhurt, but bruised and trem- bling. On the other side of the tire; tossed about this way and that. as though they had thrown themselves down to sleep in ` some moment of absolute exhaustion. were the bodies of those whom we had killed in our frightful struggle for life. I counted them:_ there were twelve besides the wom- an and the corpse of poor Mahomed, who had died by my hand, which. the re- Itained pot by its side, was placed at the end of thmirregular line. To the left, a body of men were engaged in binding the arms of the survivors of the cannibals, be- hind them. and then fastening them two and two. The villains were submitting with a look of sulky indifference upon their faces that accorded ill with the bamed turythat gleamed in their somber eyes. In front of these men. directing the opera- tions, stood no other than our friend Bil- lali. looking rather tired. but particularly patriarchal with his owing beard. and II cool and unconcerned as though he were superintending the cutting-up of an ox. Ihnnanntlv ha tn!-nnd nvul nan-nh'ina int (A msmnv or ADVENTURE; | Ucuvu nu UVEI. Then be bent down and examined Leo`: BY H. RIDER HAGGARD. uzurrxn lx.-A LITTLE root. THE BRITISH \\"H'I(}. WEDNESD.-\Y.~JF.\'Ii S. 1 U M M U which we had been `Tn-.. -mg F. O. MARSHALL, UPHOLSYEIIER & CABINET UAKER. LU|l.Ill Any- sell fying on a skin .....4 ....5 MICE` IIUU far from 5:13;` I opened my 0108 again I In nrl Univ, not leuIIhthInp& chub. The Q "uohI'uoJuanI|IIov|nvoh `uhuhlurullln. ` Althnnlnglndhnvcekum II U-Uvvvwvu vvv 1: c n and -`linen. 85. --- .~:'.::=-"""......-----"'*-~ 5 A 3 -0 :17. our also lvunouo. -40:30: Cnvfocd. A.` I; Quanta` LI_0 OI Inner. Nor. am. mu.-u-um `r. mum a A Co.--l whhlhul Ind BIB. ooonr. which won!-I have and no nun ol Goring with III I soon thud! sway "".In"i"`..'s:."i"n`i{'?..'.',a."""' "` "" "" 3|: Itching. NR1 @Il;=lt hr! II In` Inna! I-I. wan Rank , 1 rzuun. I-:9. nun. rm ' " -".'-i%:'..-'"-".~2-......`.."."...g," r.::2s ="-`iv 0 I I . nu. horns. and boot lwmqrto tho 4 `nut. II Hnlow. Mr. I"!-ea vu hruhod nboutlnhhuluvloaokg. Ihohoyaap odurltb vcuhg. Own! the bonus In ribs I:-aha. Tboutllvrubully unsh- t wqpuvu on no otl.ntIho latch in will `nmlzi \\'odnco-by Henry Free and his Inn won eroding tho bridge at Marble RA-ck in. human! tlIIr_'I_ghII.udhning rnhigonlho w|.&ou. won nouly `nf-K1 aha In-Han nnlhia . Inning man. `II- J udgo Duper and W. I . Jones, Albany. N.\'.. were negotiating for the purchuo 0! lot: at Truman! Ihrk, from L`: t. Duh. `Hun damn. with their funllea. Inn spent: put low you: at this populu ` summer noon. and a proof (but they we roll plouod with (to treatment roceivod at the hand: of the pmprktol . Mr. (7. A. Soc. they ongsgul accommodation for I party ol thirty. [All \\ nInnnlnv Ham-V Free Anal his in u. H uuun, Igrul, l\lll 'Iu-u. Twn cans nuninu Jo n Mann, for Alleged infnction of the Scott Act, were head on Wudneulr. hefon Mngiutntu G. Eady, ` jr.. sud A kn Mc.\'ub, at Renfrcw. In the tin! can. the what-as uunrnnned did not uppou. The cut was ndjoumecl. In tho ucond cue the evidence wu utnightfor ward. .\lonn In lined N10 and cool: H6.- All I'\. II. -VCIJCII. KVUTIII. The rm o!Crou & Hur1|ick,('ape Vincent, hu boon dissolved. Mr. Crou retiring. John ` Armstrong bu urohuecl An intent: and the firm is now urdick & Armstrung, the latter gentleman to be n-presented by his son Charla. I l`_...._ _.L-.._:__ .......L -...I I....._..|.lo3_ BU LIIITICK Croup. wh ing cough And immediately r:l Evd by Shiloh`: 4 J. Wilson, Agent, Kin mu-n. Trn (`non luninnl, .In In Mnrnn. I IIIBIKKNJ. On Wednesday last 3 wedding took plane at the residence of Dr. .\lnnro. Perth, the {nrtiu being the Rev. J. B. Stewart. Prom ry terian minister. (`nth-funl. and Min ; Jean Mcbecn. youn It daughter of the late R. A. Mchun. Port . TL- 01-..... ..ll`..... L Ll.....I..L I `g... \'i...\...0 \.`I'IU|UII rill` CUTPB. Sleepless night: mule miserable by that 1 terrible cough. Shiloh : cure in the remedy for you. For sale by W. J. Wilson, agent, Kingwon. (in \\'uInpnhv hunt I I`IHlcllU tnnlx nlnm KTJIIIIIUII KHIUVT IIIU II.K'lJlIIUIl\U Ull IIIC IICCI. The ulution otceru at Perth have been changed. Capt. Rees. Napunee, takes charge. (Supt. Uarnett and Liam. .\lcKeo ` farewelled and left to take charge of the Carleton Place corps. Hlnanlonn niuhtn maul: rninornhlp luv that l'CI'Ty Illll IVCKIIUTIM [or &`I,lKK.Iu On Saturday, the T. I. locomotive run into I drove oi cattle on the truck, belong` to Rnbt. (3. Thompson. killing three. `rho collision threw the locomotive 0!!` the truck. 'l`L.. __`.<-A:.._ ..Al...._. -1 II.-;I. L-..- L..- pecxeu parties. Cctarrh cured, health and sweet breath secured, luv Shiloh`: Cutarrh Remedy. Price 54) cents. Nasal in enwr free. W. J. Wilson, } agent, Kiuglton. A mare belonging to .\l. Conway, Adm- tou. dropped I foul which had no eyes. The cult is loin v well. This is certainly a very strange ire of nature. I". A. Hall, barrister. Perth, has sold his Lxroperty adjoining Knox church union ouno to Mn. George Smith. late of Oliver`: Ferry and Bnthurat. for 83,000. n.. \`.on.~.)-u oh. 'I` I ln.........oi\-- run inon D1135. HTIIPTIUT. The burning of a ham of J. B. W. Turner, Leeds, in said to have been caused wilfully. and information has been laid agninst sun- pected parties. (`Amrrh r-urn]. health and sweet breath `It is reported that .\lessrs. Eddy & Co., of Hull, are negotiating the pun-hue of the extensive limits, mills, &c., of l\lcL3chliu Bros. Arnprior. The hurnina of A lmrn nf J. B. \\'. 'I\1rner_ (my. Shiloh`: cure will immediately relieve ronp, whooping cough and bronchitis. W. J. \\ ilson, agent, Kingston. A nursm nf mnnov wan uivon tn Kliu A. U. `V IISUH, IISCUC, I\IlIgBlUlI. A purse of money was uivon to Miss A. Raymnre, organist of the .\I-thodist church, Hauanoque, prior to her removal to Toron- to. [A :_ _A_-._--,l 4|.-. \lA_...... l.`.l,l.. I. I`- tum l. H . J. H usun, u 'Ulll, nlugswll. expect ` cut `. .'$.0(l0.(|00 feet of lumber at the mill: at ` Carleton Place this year, working night and ` . (lay. SI-.ilnh`g mm will immedintelv relieva I0l`lll|'l. For lame back, side of chest, use Shiloh : ` Porous Plaster. Price 25 cents. W. J. Wil- son. agent, Kingston. Miss Rmmn Seelmr has been nnnninted glft, l\lUgU(Ull. . Miss Emma Seeber has been appointed lilvrnriau of the Smith's Falls mechanics in- ` stitute at a salary v-f $120. \\'i... ...:n ...... ........|. ..-5.... QI.:l,.|\'. M.-- l I0!` Cl\ULI'l`H, (upulerul. H V-"KEV HIUIIIH John Duran, of Pembroke, has returned from his winter's stay All Southren Catl- : fornin. ` 1:..- 1.....- I\1\l\II .:.a.. A: ,.I..... .... m.n..w. wm otfer In A week 12 Dozen of 5 feet Poloa, [mun nished mnxs. fortho Imnll sum of 40 CENTS I piece. [l'E\`cr)'br.d)' should uccuro some at the Picture Frame Factory, 115 BROOK STREET. 1-. u-In-I--1 -I-1--I?