wuuujuaw-u wu--nu-up n. wxnnuur rnin. AIhnlbD.=dHhI$I. ' IIIUUTIIIIIIK U" Vllf V IIIIIIJTID I UIIKIIIII . ` smlowucough md conllun don cure it ` Ioldb unonnquu-Antes. t cure: con- uump . W. . . Wilton. agent, Kinnton. Kuuu cit In! your consumed i 000 pounds boof.6.0(l).(Xl) pound: of pork, and {MAID ad: of mutton, all of which cost .14). . QKII:J\'n ngogpvh In-vngalv 3- I nnnifirn nun-A con uz.1uu.uuu. Shiloh`: oanrrh remedy in I punitive can for catnrrh nnd diphtheria. For nle by W. J. Wilson, druggiat. A nttlnnnnkn I'll found in the mail '\`\' n::c"'\". ' Point Phil Sheridan Wu A1-railed uul conned three dam in the gunrdhonoo for brushing: fly 0 his nose while on dut . llLlI..L'- I. 6-H... I. -Iu-9 u-an mg.) la- III I)'IllpK()IIII OI FF ITIW IU III 75 vent: r bottle. R`. J. Wilson, agent ` Mn. Annsh O'Brien. an Irish widow In New Huron. hul her home draped in mounting on Queen VicoriA`I birthduy. Rhlln-uh`: nnnoh And Nmnmlmntinn (man It Shiloh : V tuber in what you need for constipation, loan of Appetite, dininou. and ll to of d Prion I0 d ?.-. .'i.'. J '1n....u3T" `\'-'.`J.xm....,...`.T.'. II... I ____L 1\-h._:,_ __ l_1-L _.'j._ l_ "A To kn %n invented an egg-beater and 901 it fox-SL401). This beats the re- cord. uI--..I... _L.La_ ..-.I- .._2____|J- L.. AL_A L . gieeplcu night: mule minenble by that ` terrible cough. Shiloh`: cure in the reme- ly for you. For sale by W. J. Wilson. ` Lgont, kin ton. \\'||nnt `ant Pnint PH Rho!-i:`An urn: ` IUD) UTUBI IIIUIT Illl". IIIC TUIIIIIIIIU iant, Goliath. died of a bang on the fore- xead." ` The Rev. Geo. H. Thnyer. of Bourbon. Ind.. ll 1 : Both myself and Wife uwe our Iiwl tr. hllohi con-n-L auto." \V. J. 1n&.T'.;; '5 7'-'1>:i."m-RT: Hid 7irf.'..7.'5-T} live: to. hlloh conga-pa W`. J. Winn. Ana-Al. Kinnlum. COAL, WHOLESALE & RETAIL :-.`.: O`. 10.3 nnjij Young ladies should le \'e careful how they dress their hair. T e Philintine oinnf linlinfln nlioal nf I lnna nn than fora. IIIIIIIIIIICFIIIIIII [Ill UCIJITIUUU. I_` Thou shalt not steal 3" formed I text for the remaining portion of Dr. .\lc(}lynn'a latent rhetorical eort. LU LUIIIU LU IIICIII-IT IU 80! "Our l'Vl U . If the Son of Man cum to cart to-day he would not be allowed to spank from any of His pulpits. His dress, Hi: manners, Hi: doctrines would up at atnnge to those who claim to represent im here." ('nnfinninsv the -`maker gain} 30 annual `Hun WIIU IIICIIII IU IWPI BICIJI llllll MEI`. Continuin the speaker said it caused him heartfelt am unconsolable regret that those who represented Christ on earth should no misunderstand Hi: doctrines. u'r|..... ..l...h ..-. A/\t" w t.._..... I - `M11 x... U61 0118 J05, UBO IIKFIQ 01 Out ueuumu. If they do not ermit us to teach these ` things from the pul)plt," continued Dr. .\lc- 1 Glynn, we shall preach them from the stage of theatrea. from the ublic market. laces. from barks by the sen ore, and even mm the tail of a cart. In truth, my friendu, the time is not for distant when you'll hnve to come to theatre: to get your rel` `on. N that Son of hlnn coma in am-t Qnalnv I1 IUIUIVIVIII8 IU llllllll. "We want the earth! We wont the \ land, because we want the Kingdom of Hea- ven. We want the earth because God wishes we should have it, and we would be ainning against the Holy Ghost were we to surren- der one jot, one tittle of our demand. If then! (In nnr nnrmit nn tn tnnoh tlmnnn IIUIIKIIF Ill ll"! HLl'lIKglU [or JUICICC. Vociferous cheeriua pnnctuatea`. this sen- tence. and such cries as Fight oihl" You're a mart r for the right ! made it evident the an ience interpreted the speaker`: words as referring to himself. ` "'n want the onrth ' \\'n u-nnlt u: 315'. [U BPUTII Ell`! Cllrlll llllil VVIIK In n8n\'en. This truth makes life worth living. The blessed consolstigu that comes from this truth makes thelaurden worth the hearing. To the man who believes in this faith ght- ing and sutfering for justice`: sake becomes 21 leuure. Yes. friends, there is a erce ie ight in the struggle for justice." \'nvif.x.r-nus vlmm-inn nnm\_t.|mtm.! this um. llU3I.'(l HUT- It is a glorious thing," began the doctor, to be permitted to justify the way: of God to man, to hear a summons come as though from the very voice of God, to forget our buer selves, to rise a little neerer to the dignity of rational bein , and although we are animals, condenme to walk the earth, yet, to spurn the earth and walk in Heaven. Thin truth nmlmn lifn wm-H: li\-inn 'I`Im ll HUS. DUVUFOI IIIIIIU glfl Wllll HUTII Bl- bemn bigger than themselves tpproached him to other their ifts. The re\'er,L-nd gen- tleman patted can 1-hild on the cheeks and kissed her. MIA. 2... .. ...l.\........ LI.:.... " I........... `L- .I....s.... root Chnuouauoot. RDIR8 hnuho Jana &&vo|.I'oot nu.w.t-I|`IopvnpI.l:`:.l rdnnhnounnunloluun. DUB l0Clly ll lllilllg. John Mchleckin pmaided. And be ad- ` dressed the meeting, not as a representative of the united labor party, but as A Catholic. "As a Catholic," continued Mr. McMaclLin, I have learned to know what Catholicity is. I can distinguish between my duty as as Catholic nnd my rights is In American citi- zen. (Loud cheers.) TIMI:-n um: A lnnul rinuina nnlvn nf -1 nnlnnan llill. \l.J)|llI CIIXTB.) There was I loud, rilwiug salvo of umvltlllse when Dr. McGlynn up roached the foot-- li hts. Several little gxr s with oral em~ I) am: Inioanr thnn thmnnal\'p.| um:-mu-hml _ .')lmle`at u Sfyotlnglu New \'or'k---17 W; the Earth." He San, Il|lI. Henry George was there. So was Miss Agatha Munier, with her well-tmined con- cordiw chorus of 100 Voice: Music bu now become an indispensable concomitant of the society : meetings. John MsK'InnLin nrnsialm] And In: mi. ew York Morning Jpnrnnl. Public interest in the Anti-Poverty societ. ' ` meetings is` by no means on the wane. large force of police guarded each entxrnnco to the Academ of A unic on Sunday night. Even t`ic|Let"ho{ders who arrived three-qunh ten of an hour before the proceedings com- menced found itinlpouilnle to gain ndmia~ si`nn, "SPEECH `or on. M`-GLYNN. Astonishing Iuooou. GLEANINGS. 1,006 :=`a;;.;}4... Bummer pram. including Dutch Bluu. Oat meal. Roptta. Buttons, Ohambnys, Dark I-`uncles, Drillottoa, Light Fanclu and other now makes. Prices 6. 6. 7. 8. 9c. Extra qullty 10und11c. WALSH &' STEAOY. Clearing Sale of Boots and Shoes 'W'. J". DICK 8'5 SONS, Special Prices an [ace Pongee and Satin Parasol: and Umbrellas. [ "T'EAoY s GREAT SALE OF PARASOLS The thvorlte mbrlcs of the present season are the Light Colored Scotch Tweeds, Blarney Tweeds, Bennockburns and Plnaheokuthesearetsklngtheleed. E. LIVINGSTON & BRO. 5 The time is close at hand when the Light Weight overooete ` can be safely hung up and the Thin Garments donned for sum- mer campaign. We have everything eeasonable. `MAY. JUNE. We are certain that the verdict would be entitled to con- dance. LIVINGSTONS. With wide-awake, zealous, intelligent man, unbiased by pre- judice, keen in discernment, fearless in judgment, earnest in seeking alter truth, and we should esteem it a privilege to be tried before the bar of public opinion as to xunnnud. YARD-Oahu (hut-Io and Want amen. ||Il(hhl'|oBU'0OIl- The Excellence of our Goods, the Honesty of our Representa- tions, and the Reasonableness of our Prices. 360 Pieces Nbtngham Lace Curtains. Wolhculucishddoutun TT 5 U0nlluoo|nl|uuonuMIolup|u.' FILL THE JURY BOX TH_}`I`IEAP8IDE, -John lfidlaw & Son, BOWLES & BISONETTE PARASOLS I UMBRELLAS I Mu 8|. `Guns 2. III& 31%! Iivvj ~u.sa':r.':7ir'i."7:'s.'.":"' ' 3 TIIIIAIJCI fl Ar; oering this week Special Bargains in White Mus1ins,~Lawns. Laces, All-Overs and Embroidqries. :.:__;L_;: -, ELLIN Two of obs boot Outtoravin the Dominion employed. New Cream Luce Curtains, handsome designs. New Medru Curtains. pretty coloriugs. New Crete Curtains, hnndnome styles - ;'_,._ New Congress Curuim, low prices. " Riclnrdsoifs Best Irish Table Linens and Table N npkins. Richardson`: Towellings, Crushes, Trov Cloths and Towels. t=?A_ll House Furnishings at Reduced `Pi-ices. June 2. W 111135 UDBCK l!l.llB11Il8 only 50. Our Handsome Dress Muslins at 5c are qutting fast. Chsmbrsys and Satesns all reduced in pnce at White Check Muslims only 40. Our Hnnnntnn Th-ans Mingling I J mm 2. PRINTS- PRINTS- NEW CHAMBRAYS AND SATEENS, special values. NEW PRINTS. Please see them before purchasing. HOSIERY, in Thread and Cotton. l GLOVES, in Thread, Taffeta and Silk. so HIBBONS, New Shades. F 2:; SUMMER DAYS. SUITS PAR EXCELLENCE I Continues all this week. I91 PRINCESS STREET. R- 'VV'_A_LI)IB.OIN'- NOW 00130 ON A!` UPP. WINDSIJR HOTEL. JULY. AUGUST. (`t7ni7foIi. P:-has Btroot. will receive pro nuonuon. Z`l`u|oulonooonnnInu.|on. x.n.-onun unu_a;onoury sun-oouu (`I-nvfou-d.PrhoaBtroot.wiIl noolvo wunpt. .n.nno-L 3'!`-Inhncounnnnlutkan. i -----:-v-------'1`-"-'-"` THE BEBT DRY HARDWOOD. -._A__.n___ -njnnnnln rrnnljn 251 Princes: Street. cor. Sydonhun Stn'ot. K hnntln, ".`"bwWFoRo 8. 00.. - - 4 l\.- A... Q`.-44 HARD Ail) son woon. Ygd ' no - I HAVE this day purchased the entire Inter- est 0! 'l'homn.| Wade in the buaimu done un- dcrthe mine of Wndot Anderson and will continue the mum in thoold promise 3 Block * street. All dohu (ho [ho bulina an to be paid to me And all dobu owing by the business mum " m M 1"1i`iv AxDa:nso\' Kmgaton. Mu nun. mt. ' IF` YOU WANT THE 6 /zeapestc BestFurniture II I Y\EQIVb'IYI"I\\YQ l`l' I 1"` Pntwn Scrru AND hovmlrs of every des- cription mnde to order. Rnuuuxu nromntlr Intended to. (`hairs Bootnndttoilnlhodty. Foot of clause: and lnmck Struts, M. MALLEN. [ F. C. MARSHALL, UPHOLSTERER d 018/IIETNAKER. '0AI?lV0b 6 I(Y & gmos/236/V, l"l.\'l' ART l"UR.\'I'I`URE. ANTIQUE AND )1oDI:n.\'. MADE TO ORDER. TURKISH J: ALL 0VERS'l`L'l-`I-`ED WORK . 13-.-... . . _. FINE ART FUR.`:lTI`URE. ANTIQUE AND -ro l iHV`vfgail-t-ant;-0rr;H1;n%|i'WI wounwnnms 85 IIPHULSTERERS. \\ ill o er in A week 12 Dozen of 5 feet Poles. ` brass nished ttings. forthe small sum of 40 CENTS a piece. la )-2\'er)'bcdy should secure aomo at thp Picture Frame Factory, 115 BROOK STREET. ed. cnllttal rcstubd or made to order. CARPITB cleaned and bid. as A c Uni-ubqvluvnruli Inuit!-ninvalvl U .lJLI\l\.l3 L) L LUJJIIH ul. , P- OEZLKE- \lnv '7 `W7. . 04 ._`f~ _.W" _. .7- cnpuon made to on-uer. R:{AlRING promptly ` zan \ Iy, II P. 'W'.A.LBH S, 000-. Ontario Olavraohl. (XML YARD---In-not R, until . `I . u. ruwuva. Aug. 0. ` CURTAIN POLE8 IN EVERY LENGTH. Brass Flttlntjust received. They arenBarg~a1n. H3"*3"*"/1!`*/Ti E731 POLES. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,l0,ll,l2,13.% POLES. OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. CALL AT Done. Do not val; for the Spring} The work can be done bettor now. An elegant line ' (Hanging; to select from. Alwnyu the best selected and most stylish qtock in Eastern" On 2:19 Q szhonntmn. ' .. ` - (thy- ... - '..-n -...| I....I. ......_ ....... ..;....n- xv- Give us I all and look over our stock. No I trouble to show goods at _. ______ ..-`\_.__ _-___ ----- '4' "`-lilac nuu Ianlllllul I Inaucu. 281 Pnuucg ST. TELEPNE--33. A ROBINSO_N_ ' uvuul $0 IIIOW SW mi DEPOT :3` Designs and Estimates furnished. MC HlTIlI3f'I'\f\ I`? KAIITIIUUITIII?-I 241 pmN5 STREET. DRY MILL WOOD AND SUBS, PA%PERjfI'KNGING%l IN THE D.U_L_L SEASON W 59". 5.3007: A -_J I|rx-|._. - 2:HENRY BRAME, Undertaker and balmer, 5251 PRINCESS SIRE!-3T,- :-----v- `V" root at 0000* -9`'``- -v - --gguv x----..... Cor. Bydonhsm Street. 3 Telephone communication. 7 agot Street. NOTICE. mun v v nuts): I A SPICIALTY. But your pril 9. 3-;&InlcIlvhh|nonh-non -' hulk In I 1 bah . IIIIIIIIHI any A hshhhulhoohu-ublluol Inudphdlutbnlutit ull-. -uwuvur, nu uupwnn w Ill uuuu. w `nulooluhaugunbluyouh on M manor AM unlnln grain-no nlnln Aug. I. JAKE SWIFT ?:. vvvu-Q nvvouu --u nwuv I - now pvt- Ith tonotloo howphlnnll dlllanryhubocomo. Nottenyeu-Iago ovryhdyhudhor Inonognmnndborcnot Ftju -Lu-yhul eta nnunutu Kill` WIIUWI IKKIIXU IS 13 } pa-potunlly. Tlnubon model: mddeucdp Jianuvfromfhouun. huuukmmwuuum. E glam Inn Itodnllrhlq oath Itllhvibdlhohvunndolhlrnp T IJKZI I-JjPL'IIlLI$IIl1%XIn Q-ITHIX ntdeopmournlugotdxorcven twelve months the widvwh dun unybo madool cr`upolmpu'hl.nnownnu-hl,ottoI-fuller t.olIotr|ch,du|l,ootdoda'npo,dooplyrimmod VidI'lIp0,lDdQ0lI,Ih0Cl'lp0I}nlll[` unllljntonnnuhuvndmmul Intbolnou-nlngcuunlntoru parent the dun 5 mad; 0! black cuhmoro trimmed wlthcnpobund9-bow:nd and: and tuned chuahnp. Foththnrorlnotbardoopcnpo hurl-nfnl-nit nvmthnr nlgln hhni fnr dc :.:;: Izzlnttiw. rsx|uulwwnIuuwIuq)11upu hwcrnfordxmontln; black tordx `noalbmndhnll torthreo. `u `nmornlonppllutouounddnughtat. Tlnloog-8 ptlod at wurlng mourning fl! A II-nndnnlnnl In nlnn nuunthn ch: I ' I wmow`a nova: roxnn. Tholndoordnusdnown In thelllnstration bcntlrdyolcnpo, with nwhitoa-ups mp, collnronddcopcus. Atntthocupshould be made of black cap and Inbuqnontly whimphln muslin orcrupo, withtnrndawn rmlhr and dnnnmul ha Innhdl Ah-tho Wlllig yllll IIIUXIII \K UIQP. I'll KII'fIWu counrnnddoepcustomueh. Ah:-the lut damn lnnnrnlnn nf cl! nr anon (main: -,__. _._=,_ wmow`s on" noon TOILIT. The out door toilet is made with a plain skirt entirely covered with or-ape and lulled thickly at the back for the tournure; the visits and veil are also crnpe; in (not, as a widow wears the deepest and longest mourn- ing of any one, herdross should be composed entirely of crape for the first six months at least, also mantle and bonnet, from which is suspended a craps vell generally thrown back over the bonnet and hanging down the back ` from one to two yards, the longer being more elegant Mary Stuart bonnets are a favorite shape for widows, and the cup for in doors nlsn Mourning Attire for All Conditions and. l Ages-[low 3 Widow Ought to Drou. Both at Home nngl out o! Dom-o-'l'ho Popular Lb:-gnotto. In the uccompanyingmdstntlm are given 1 the two important toilets in mourning attira -tho widow's out of door and in door cos- n lunna , `WHAT SH.-\_LL WE WEAR`? Lotion. locus and Non Pnpor. I. .4.-Lhln-A. ....at.. L... _|_n.. "eAs;.1s.g;.sLE"sm.5+.:}.;i THE` BRITJSIF WHIGJFHURSDAY. .IUNI_?_._2._ COAL AND WOOD. IIIOII IIIIOIIQ I UI'l'IIl ayrllp In III III won- t dorfulqulitluhhovuto hoirithmlnln consumption. Invrencon emu :nu5|ul:n,pnoIno|h.nnd In hct`nl|thm udlug dhnnn. Kc pawn ouunlt vlthoutlnnodhlonlid. Thuodonnwlll rol|onnycnu.udwoooudu-luhodr tyolillydrlggbh-:iIIonn:n:|lthIo out V0.30 to on m:|.o.u|$.lll)duInintI|nvcro Inc yunndnocno who It bllodvnlh Such A -albino uthootnn `eunuch ho Iidolyhun. Auk vnn:-1|:-na&nhQI||. &-lkto lththoduty ol o;ory ponoawhohu and Bunches`: Goran Syrup to lot It: won- dn-Onl nnAIl&n Ln Lnndn In lid! fl-land; In W35? 50 `U ought to ho a nnl hupm. Shiloh`! cam-rh rcuody--s positive cure ; (or cum-rh. diptha-ls ad ognker mouth lllll WIOII OI KIIU IIIIII CIT. Sleepleee night: mule mleenble by that terrible cough. Shiloh`: Cure In the remedy for you. W. J. Wlhou. agent. Kl ton. A Weleh mlnieter veering e 1' e-pneeer- ver, tooth up I collection lorh the heetlu emo t e on I e eteane Celtl':e!ter ta: oollggl. It tee e good tin: to pun the bet when the peeeengere ex~ ` to go to the bottom. Thet mlnlner mmht an be e nnl eenhunnt. \\ . I . `V lI-IlI, GTKIBKEL A ruttlunlko was found in the mail pouch taken on the (ruin st Morrow`: Ita- tien, G:-, the other dn . and he soon Ind full pouunion ol the Inn on. Rlmnlann nlnhn mule Inhenble bv tint