`~QM N`? t;&"~2i kn `-:1: 5 Ladies, see our Daisy French Kid Buttoned `Boot at $2.50. the nest nished and best tting Boot in the city. D. F. ARMSTRONG " HEAJDQUARTER --SHOE STORE.-- ? T1105. Moore, Our time in given exclusively to the msnufacturo of Clothing. We feel Wutiod in wring our customers that Perfect Satisfaction will be given an to Fit, '0: manship I Illtn lln-n Iurin c Dun ility. To the manufacture of Ordered Clothin , end guided by A very long experience in buying in the diereut markets. we are enebled to otfer Do our ()ld Customers and to New Ones West of angina Brood Cloth. mr Dreee Suite. Flue English Wound. mt Evening and Dreee Wear. Encueh. Scotch end Canadian Tweede. for Buelneee Suiting-3. Black and Blue Sercee. fbr Summer Sumnge. ugh: Over-costume. tn dimrent colore. tbr Evening Wear. nncy In-nch rmuurmgs um niumx Tweede. eapocuny unpcoa for the Hot Month: of summer. at Prlcee which defy competition VF//v ORDERED own///va A SPECIAL ry. F. X. GUUSINEAU %& G0. D.McEWEN&SON. F All-Over Em broideries, SILK, SPANISH AND ORIENTAL LA6E IIJPAII-IQ-unlaooonrhlnu mnll. Novlnyl-uBuu.OoooIch.I..splndInh. Ncwlcndngtonlquuuqazlnndal-axcyudgohoop. Nowtrtllhdghnndnouodclknl. oxtnohonp Ohoopcuth-unohdurvdlt. Tnpuhwoarllhbutohonrpoh. Your attention is called to the im- portant fact that we are now EMBROIDERIES, CLEARING OUT LA D IE ST April 19. May 16. H huonhandnlu-[onndwellnuorted~ aloe: of Lndlu`. Gentlemen`: and Bo u Boots ofall nouol :A|Io'hunh. Valium. c. I .I_A-_) --I.l__ f\.._ap._. Il``-I: . -;4.l-Io- In Black, Oream and White, /1/I-Ouer Laces, * White Mus/ins, Swlbs 0/rec/r Mus/ins, Lqwns, Piques, Etc. At 50, 60 and 750 on the Dollar, our entire stock of THE IRON PALACE PASSENGER BTEAHIR DEVOTING OUR TIME EXCLUSIVELY 14: PRINCESS smear. IR- 'W'.A.]'_.IDIROl\T. "*'".-.:'-".s.*:.':'s-.:.*.:~*:.-n-' .. %"'.% K'n"f"3.1A$3'-`.'3LI1v}"'.T..'Vs..c. nun UI Ill vnrlouu gnllll lllluuu. I-nuts. up . I intend making Custom Work nu-adult having uocurodthe Iorvlcuol the bout wor men. 59 Brock Street. RICHMOND 033 J (XL u- l.":L II`..- _._--|.:-. -...I IIIUII. "W - -=1-":.:. ':'.,.'::'.2:,".':-..'r.1' :=' X"`"' ".'2".:'ui .n .1 M! c . nu e V runu-mg hxruou 1 pt on getting good . THOR. CUNNI.\'GHA.\l. l J Late of D. I-`. Armalrongl. begs to inform his triends that he has opened 1| Hoot And Shoe Store on * PRINCESS STREET, z _ _ . . u _ _ _ _ . _ A . _ x __|_Lnn-. l\I.I :3.--) NEW BOOT AND SHOE STORE. LOTT`! [or (DC, WUTIII WRI- Soo our Unbreakable Fi\'e~Cluspe\l extra Ion Corlots for 85. worth $1.00. I .. .I-.. .|..._ .. ....o... Rnnunonn-. Pn-`no I0 \/OTKII (or DOC. "Drill GLUU. \ e the show an extra neateen Comet, silk ossed, and with ve clupe. in Old Gold, Light Blue and Pink, for $1.25, never sold lea than 81.50. An) . Cull Hnn nf l`v-nn\nOnn'n \Hnnnc an.` es mun 91.41:. And I full line of Cromptoifs Misses and Children : Corsets at lowest prices. ` Va invifn ovnrv `adv tn inlnort this .\`ne- 1 Murray & Taylor, .....u&::'L.`I{' i'.";.."......,""" '3`; audit: I In unrllnru point. Inuiiuyjuruuwuul Alan A -nnuop 1.! Nu. Ana` .nnnnt|."nn;. L IIIIKITVII I LOVED`! II IUWBII PI'll.`!!B. W0 invite every lsdy to inspect this Spe- rid I08. lJ....._L-_ al... ..I...... . 30 dierut makes in ad the latest styles and cuts. Corsets for 25c, worth 35. Corsets for 27c. wonh 50. Corsets for 45, worth 60c. Corsets for 65c, worth 85. Corsets for 75, worth 90. Rn. nur lTn|u-onhghln F`i\'n.('huxnn.] ntrrn lay ll. Having just received 1,000 Pairs Corsets direct from the manufacturers at Special Prices, we now offer the Ladies of Kingston and Vicinity some unheard of bargains in this Special Line. as we are able to sell them away below Regular Prices. MU/9/M m 7/! mm '8 I WANTED I 1,000 LADIES May N. This Powder never varies. A marvel of purity. strength and wholesomeneos. More eoonomi than the ordlna kinds. and can- notbe d in competition-w ththe multitude of low tut. short weight, alum of phos hate wden. Sou) onv xx cuts. R0\AL' AK- YNGk POWDER C0.. 1% Wall Street. New or . w THOMAS CUNNINGHAM, mu nos. Rember the place : at-:6E3E OLIFF, lhcctumllu-cl Estate Agent. Directly opposite Pu-Hall)`: Old Stand. 176 PRINCESS STREET. in but: r-un .1.-a CIGIIVIL RT M. HORSEY & oo. tl The Lenderi in Low Prices`! To buy CORSETS at _P_0_Vl_D_ER _?\_l);_'olI;t_el-y. P-u;e-. nuusiii. Alnsnum 0! Nu uclnaond-Hun-I hghaud no and Bonus {or all from Hlo . ndhg Coal. . n'.:.."n'..'{. .... m....""n....." JUST THINK I 176 Princess. Street. '1. ~'~::*:.:.-'.....-.:'-:..-*'.:.: um-u. vo no. 9-nnnnlnhwd h mgjittlllu wul nuvuu III Itlujiljgg `dnlllgnhrtllnx. Onreuphlnnndhbtwo` -Anna-at-an-ht Isnlllnl-ntlun-I: nouns. lna1na_:nd Dollar lath. IJCD Willy Iuu uuInI- u\llI UK IIIUITD houuly; nan don: In tho nkhtupono nvo;oun.and-- `Grub! on: captain wood lnthooompuunonvny` uudglutvdupntnnlmmthocabimoghnlf (roan. lcl:Ivendunontho"|bonkn bylb aukluglulnanuut. "GrIb!bochoppd outothhhnglikohem Aa'."hoou- thud h I Hutu Yoln,gI-ab`: 3:-than tlhvcnnl. Wo|uno|ty|o;`n uop-uh nln'uInttopI-lvnbrouInndIhtl" lpund uywnydootb'Hnooh"IuI~ udtlocnhln. `l'Iuu.-boon:-cnnonpn d'Inknontowunanunly.alldIh~ iudonbunncy. I downlhnnrnw cuupulouvqy nhugultuun .`l'htmbinwuuIunIIlxl`uOIqunn.k. nngnnllnc. (hi-nib:-Ihhl-n nun `Anny:-. aunt. ya-a.un,.\. uluuu run magic to what was hung kn. bound. In Ihnuuuoold Portland to-sugn-wlmhnnd I|u.n|1kenddannItnm!:d. Bntthotughnnlng hack to pnrI.lb Illuhigunodovn buhind tbel ml. thodty light: how tulnllyln the fur clhuncqtho gnntlhhtrotn Portland Hood and Hal!- wnyocknshcngiilymll nil in u."fou' bolh"chnp and bonus from the tonli hnnnunlvv wan!` -Inna In lhn nl-ht nan-A uuuulzuluu lluwuu` ajuujry nuuggj our ccpnin would Inn no longortortnr weather. Sonhlttbo old nnport dtyol which Iaaxfollowwroto: j lnuembu-thohlnckvhnrvuundthuhlps. ` Anaunuaudutouungfnu; } Andtbespcnhhullonwthheanlodllp. Andthobemtynndmyiuryottbonmps. Andthemzgicolthons \Thenwcrenobuucynnd mystery of tho Ihipnthuovening. Tbonngicolthonaahad evidently knockcd on , too. Truo enough, an thosun went. down hohlndthomwnthcniru much to uouourunorung tug jerked and hnuhdourvenelthrouxh the choppy nvu 0! (ho buy. But It In ghastly, Nth`. dnnry, nvtulanvnrd In er-ry rvcqnitim and glimpse. `rm. porlulgx added nu] math in IILAQ. In hnlnn I.-PL lnhhul In ':\s'nyo\vorauuoqpo.n,.g..| 3___II_I_0:lIc.'lI|I'|!!wI-I.vn.l cunugulgi Inu utacllrnllwt. wuscn llllfllll hwmnkeutnndninviohhlnovidoncootth dolnpol Avenal and than lupomiblolc` but nloty. ntuunnrnnn Ln-ling jnnnunmn -:_LA -_.I ll1lIIl UI(,V.VJ JIIll`I.IHluI`XJl-. Iunulo in the intuutlof historical accuracy in saying these things, bonus I slnllhkogood cnrotonoverneet dab par- ticuhrnlzwatnrhell klungdn. Butlcnn never forget my negotiations with hhnlortho voyage, nomorethnnthovoyqoiha. AllfsnMho|ag'mmnMl|ohqlQoltl|o Ihipikugdnng the voyage, which I mod- utlyanisaed In; and the gnuyold neon! wlbonrwmn-.lnInyhunNodzhonphy, toandlandlubbu-`I on-nut oortl Iopnt inpnopernnhngungoeachdnyiundnklwl events, the queer impudom of tho ip`: ocon, the eountlcu nckonlnggdildg, chnnginglnndoccunwancqwhlch nu-idno ` Inn mnim stand as lnvinlnhh ...m...... .-.0 sh- qucu: Lvunpuny, cluulplal qunruus, wugu II!` and e royally rough voyage. my mat ex- trevagantaepirationeweretoherealleed. ` Out-captain was what might be conclesly described as an Awful Pruence. Born among the rock: 0! Maine. he had been reared in innite peuuriousnen and ` pickledlnsaltwaterandwhlaky. ewaglnu tact, aeort of tough old Flnnan Haddlo,' dryandthlnesaherrlng.andaalterand dlrtler than the worst old hitter mackerel ever lettoverjntherock salt of amstawaylleh tub. He was proud of lth, gloated Ingen- eral meannes, swore awful oaths simply to enjoy the honor they causal, reveled in rat- ged clothing because the ship ow ereobjected tomandseemed to perenniallyeujoyaeort oflnnerecstasyin anything onthe llneol miscellaneous cunedneee. He was tall. gaunt. skinny. His face was cadaverous, red, hleary. Hie little green eyes, no bigger than peae. were set away heck underneath perfect for ate of ml eyebrows; and his otherwis picturesque face was given sublime atrocity of expression by a wide mouth, ever open, and monstrous teeth, always net as if biting quick and hard through all opposition, all of which was hall revealed, but strongly intensi- ed by a tremendous mustache. usually one- mented withdivenwelldeflned stalectltaot (roan tobacco juice and drool. I am nnfn in ILA ingan-Q. Al l.:..e..-:..I uuuu! nuu unvul Uu[5%lll.|ll.'lU DIll1)[E III a mouth, was that same one punonger; and if I had my romantic notion About dodring queer company, cramped quarun, tough tau and A rovnllv much vnvum, mv mrnt av. IIVIII BISIIR The old Uranus was a three masted schooner of about 5(X) tons hurthen; was laden with shocks consigned to Havana and some miscellaneousgoods for Nesau, Baha- mas; and when she had cleared for her ocean venture her manifest showed that, for this voyage, she was entitled to carry one : master, two nmtea, one cook, the seamen and ` one passenger. I. an humble American journalist, in search of health and experience, dilferlng from those of the aristocratic liter atonwho travel on pasuunduuonurope In In lnnnth. wax that nnmn mm nnnuunauu and Jar nus]. Booncnmoa howling January njghggnd Ill` hnnlnin Innltl wall nn Inn-up In: his- Bosrox, May 2-I.-Down in old Port- land town by the docks end slips; down then; where the tide rises and tails, and the waters of the see gurgle and splash among the rotting piers; down where itis ever damp and.dank with spray and foam from the fretful movements of the tug: and steamers; down when the splendid air of the sen fonever battles with the necking odors of decaying sh and the ooze and slime of a city, lay the Uranus, sunk in mud a halt a fathom, fot the tide was out, and whatever of her black, old hull was above the mud was buried out of sight, save her jibboom, spunk- er boom and spams. by I meet load of ` shmlkc hnlmd nnd stave-A and hntfnnml in ` Illll l.l Ullh Ill TVV IIUI JIIJIKQIIQ DWI" shocks, lashed and stayed and battened in place until the little to`castle and the as little cabin and bulky fe rails were fairly hidden from sight. Thin nhl [Tanning Cvnn` n hvaan run-Oar` ` A connssponoem covers 1. SEA ' vovaee aw/V SAIL: `And 1]; Secure: Pungo on I Vessel Loaded with snoolu to;-cub.-1on. m. Experiences with the Cnptnln and 1191-- ullzu on Sailor; In Gonotsl. 1r1:0.\1 MAINE T0 CUBA. {Secml Col-nspoudeneezl y \l'.n, lu _.r\4-no-I in .- THE BRITISH WHJG, THURSDAY. MAY26. Iubhuuhjvuiucllc-`oli othhqbcqq. Ijofclia. ` . very 1 pdluul vihm. `llutuhv-n yeti- 11:03: union um: hum rm pu- I In! lnuhrlythmlr rnuun ...-':..;:r.:-.-.-::.-:.W ' Q1 V11 '. alt hitch: lclvho tho liuxrit uni Elnrph uh uncut so want`- ha The In hgll-D ora. `MWEU|'u~hVONII-ht u Mnir In I-In-h mm uncle! uvru Go`-.uu,un. lhrchh-an-dlphn Inn nhq-I ml. we dlhubhaghrtuhcquootuxnvt ulcnonponeuolenhr. lhurud-In vunhontololutinl Ihhynrml uvdvo urxtsuuml thI-nhhIrouuNn In ` yuan--'ur YIIIT Rol!1cruor.!ooj&-o:nI`rocouI.l..own Mowers. Boon loom Ou-dcnnooo. Iron Bodgboorlhu. Acouooo Andi:-us DIpAf\--- xlnyluvur-an-nu nnnnnuwholuno. Elli. ullthhtrcn thnmnrwonldmhyuuhvlbvonn gahngln-a--Ill-again-unnllimn Innnlmn $.\III- fl`; Il-lI-1uj.lIIvunl I pan to Ian: Ihynn In Ihonno"\ogq wihhnovcrlnvo thdrbodkn `[50:11 N111. onmunnn, `Quanta byhbovn nan-nun Inlhouulnthdxa IIICIKI dunno uni. thlr.?hnelIua. thlr IlI-nlunn.ho1. llllhhfliikl Ijll(,(lll' VT; Iwvunru-Ilul oompnud each watch. The vaurlm an ouch four hour: nlght and day. with tho exoepI.iono(l.botwodogwuccb-not tvo hours each. That is twelve hour: of and twonLy-{our to hard hhor and Inupuxdbility. Tbenlhenis cndla acting uni nengol nllmnllhands an Ihhlo ctmylnomnsb hulhlmdnckhmurknvhnhngwh ugtntuurvico;Gnpnnpuotohoi- od.fo|'everyd|lpbkl;Ihl'dh|ndul ` unobonuddgohleh-u-onlvnyinnt lnntunuan;ncvnthnotbo"bnt"lnpha at that lost in qulh; old nib n In pu.~Iud;uu~cugonqnl:uonnthnnllook Alb: tn-nn'&Hu.'0odnltvnll: ch xu-men uy. Dntuthodnyugnv znuovnokgnndwo avptmtomowunchhdqthnnnk toldupermecottlhuiotutulexlnneo nIu:nd0o!dourqy,givhonovhoun npplyt.hoplulaoplyolpsthnooudlndIlu~ cncolounnndhb an-onndlngnexutadk nnryopportunltyfortho lnrguviovulhl nongnunroutndyotmfolknndnnlitq. (hnIh:'u;wanndocInr:Anilor`aIob nouhoononuulnthohnllnh Innuend- Iu-mundolduuadnyuninkht. 'hko.l or l_.o..u.. n-Ir n-nl Two naunnnrl numb Bil`! \J"j Jlondylnxocl rum I1.$ucnuon. :3 ll unnocv D. I" put. A very inhenng and llvdy chu-ax wniourcnp&uin.hhn`bynndhrgv,`ut|u3 fulneruuy. nntnnthn (lawn -nu hntn umkgnnd In bhluywoluullnvuxunuuuuuw oncounundinthotenthgultolold Lncilu J-__I-h-.- Illh. and MINE In lIl`IIU nun --- unttar, clndonlyindnwen. undershirt, 5 uouresoorhntnnd mbba-nhoaghonoonnd uboutthbmieootndonlikoneugulbeu-,or Inol'OIdundq1nt.tereduthindesk.acr|Dchin Jndauxingonunoldumwichuninty pandl.und| tholnosturribleoatb onocvel-heuwd,ul hokeephiunolf agnos- blocolnpcny. Atthcsolimennnoldbrinr rootpipootoodouuidewisotmmhisncnggy jut. And be puffed. puod. pued. For cantlnnuoulnmpntientwith than who lovouobncoo. Bnuhogndoolourcnpninh tobaoco,thc-ugeottbntbrinrroot plpqtho condemaduzd ncondonstd actions at that _...n.. _L.x.|. .....|.I L... hgnnnunoht mlia IM `umuuuaI condemn: Ilnoko which could have beeucnuzhh ID5094- twmodnndhungupuodry. '0" '"*`NnC -...4I.~...l.m..llo -mu. than Vinril nnd Dunk , lnyswnes, we slcxnvss on we sea. It would be sure to record about one week of my voyage to Cuba as being a period of dreadful blank. It is possible that such expe- riences are needed to humble man. If no, oneahould tlgureon thingsso asto behem- bled that way only once. But after what _ one might term a partial restoration to con- sciousnes, there was much of true interest about me. The captain, who. to do him credit, had underneath his prepostemusly mean nature ` some bite of warmtlnand geniality and an occasional revelation of colossal humor: pve me the hallo! his own berth. which stood in the side of another little six foot cabin at the rear 0! where we ate. This compartment waaaqueerplace. The wallaweretllled with picturesot sea ght, and many worse than those pasted agahlt the partitions and gloaed over with varnhh. The carpet, whoae aigaag pattern was obliterated with grease .a.ndtar..had hem. mnnenanelsl npatEaatporthyonreaptaln`eg1-andmother, along about the time when the Enterprise "took lnthe BoxeI'QndtheConatitution cap- tured theGuerrlerelnPoI-tlandand Boston harbors. The old halt loungeyawned and created with theceaaelenlnovementot the veuehandnohodyhedthehearttobunienlt turthc. Attheheedotthehedntoodthe aoftlytlcklng ahiph chronometer. Agalmt thecenterotthetorward partitiouwualls tledeekwherethecaptalnetndiedhiaeonraee. his logarithms and charta.and gured his ' and his gains; and ova this. dayand night, swung a very smoky lamp. Betorethin.aahetoreamidnightahrlne.l .:.-n -...... .......mt..u- nm-nantalnrfor-.o.fwild ygeueruus ,I loll 0!` Iron vuucu uluiu Lhmughthodoorottho companion nytnd muted out thq nvage hilarity of theaoold salts` meal in n jiy. giving me escape TF0!!! their persecution and thexmelvea something besides a lnndlubber to play with. durinz which hea\'en~sent. intaennision I reeled into - I...-ol. .....l sI...A ...`.l.I.... Jnnoluluahnvxun whinlu WHICH llL`I\'E~WIlI IIIYEITIILSIUII I naucu IIIIN a berth. and that sodden. denthly stupor which fbllows the best phylical and lntflllnl etloda uf um Ur-avast at men to bums against, that divest of scour-gee and most inscrutiblo of mysteries, the sickness of the sea. It. would ha mt: tn moan! about one week cnunuvnuuuunrx. lsllwuvuulu hmphnd [I1-utluminoun rip "~sh)nuu:\' It. tacunndmrmlotourmphlnbold nnd hh two mats grew gignnticunddwufotl * to pigmienrith each lurch 0! tholnhoriht vane]. I don`t knowqihl` miahi hi" MP penodinmydeqvegau dqkneunnd furylnd hotthe nchooner ntnt instant shipped I nanarnnu -no . O1\n nr -n.n! whian Imrut 3 uulnulv ICIIKIIILEI lI\unn uuiuuua ugnypvu I generous neg: ton or too! which bunt thrnmrln an rlnnp n! this nnmnnninn wrnv And ` val unhcanbly b_ loathsomo. E I-hi:-lad and damn! shout ma. 11v 113:] full WHIIIGI -u uulmtl NIKKI! llln J1 Ijl [III like I bulloou hanging` about among` clouds of solid rock. [saw double. `Ibo litoi .-45`. In-nu. L-.l __...t In-ninnnn ihuun nLnmb' WK unuurnuly KEKIISUILC &V whirled and danced about me. My haul loll HI.-n A Map .\Q|`l\l\DI Imnvvimr nhnnl nmnnn iif -T CAREFULLY - CHOSEN ---BY-- . RICHMOND, ORR & co.` NEW Goob s HORSEYBHARDWAREHOUSE.