Pmat73a7 uid?`-Ems, Mny I0. May 19. The |bo\'o,?oda can be sold at 50, wand 75 Cents on {he Dollar. van... Re_member Sale opens on Saturday `PHI IRON PALLOI PAQHUGII ITILHIB DEVOTING OUR TIME EXCLUSIVELY WALSH & STEACY. I4! PRINCESS BTREET. 3'.-m!Ir.'sm2.-n.":-....-n.}.; Llvu-ml And London And Globe FIYOl'D A ITITH IV? I Two large Bump: seem at am. 1rurn$.mngs- Innn . A 0--.. 11-..- :1, TORONTO, MAY 1800, 1887. F. X. COUSINEAU. Homokoopou. if you wnnt Decided Bub gdnl in Cumin or Curtain Materials call Cumin Nets at all prices. Curtain kids at lossthm wholesale prices Murray & Taylor, Lwo0nrtu'ns 500. Lace Curtains 75. Lace Curtains 81.00. mo Cumins_S1.25 Iaoo Curtains 81.50 and up to $10.00. ALSO BY THE YARD : Aqt Mum r & TA no/el ForthoNext-wD|yI,willo'crthobulAnoo oft.heirStockofIAceCnrtsinnatl( por cont. lea than Regular I)..l--_ 170 PRINCESS STREET. M3316. W wdcht. alum of to V onrnun.-R0 AL Pownm 00.. ms wgn sweet. New LACE CURTAINS. '11- 1-uwuc IIIVC VIHC. Allnrvei of purity. rib sud wholoononeu. Mon tlnltho ailing`! kinda. nd - none in competition th the l:ll.IUt::Q otlow tunlhat wdlhnnlnm ofnhounlnta LACE CURTAINS. ---s.-..-.-.-.-.-'-*--" ?P`P . L-Absolutely Pure. Insurance Agency, Inn _ INSURANCE. In competition with the multitude that ll 1 hwnnzdxghung 1? nun. A mu-nu` :h and `hnIQnl|nnnn_ Mn g-uuunu-I-u-u-uvu-uunatlj. Ull-Oundkultljnbb ilhliilltnl I& ll jdj. ll. nuts-unhhtucnowdolonrpuIn;&t thoimuvldunmyol thhodur an In nonc- nhnlat [nut dhunou Io vlvudh calm uulher at gun: dhhnca in nnydlno `lion. mlthuuon povuful pa-tuIo-y olbunru pupa`. win utopwlllpuj oltho 1ound.Andd& Innl Illlclentlopnnnt lb do; fro-following Ihlnil 9 an-luau Thomictophonohloeonntruchdthntitan bolnddlnctlylountu-conduit KGB Ell-I$lI'U} AB'arodImdootanhduIcothntcu- dncbnoundwull. '1'hhrodhho|dinnvnrd- cal podan by A tripod, and to In uppur exh\nicyhuthoIndsnshlBoboxeonh.ln~ ingnmtaopholnl. 'l`honppIntIuiIou:- pltbd bynrqcnuuvodrypilql: chlo- Iuodnl-.T.undopnrIhpdoonhct. tint pa-ultaot huh; tho plh drcnit opunmndcwlclodngltcnlycuhonolnunto ohuuuon. 0nnovlIuIhomd.A.omrthownIu'plpo unylnk thumb on bodhluyhurd by that. Itqpnnthu the Iunnlvau-at thnnnnhuhnchihntthlghuukulin tbpipulnddnot chouocnnbouccnninod houlnmut Whntlnoharntim h uncle in I plan. whcothoroinnuuhntolshwelltountwo ` hhphouncolva-|,oI-,1! bntonobonnngto clononooubylmnnnotaumlldcvtco whit-hlr.Pu'c|cdlncnant.iphono.nnd -L&.L 0 -_- -n `L. __n:..__.. _n .x, . "'I "'-"I Photqnphlcotchlguponboxvoodblodn, nehnnu-an-din-and an-an.-I-m I.-I...- ALPBID R. MARTIN,` I.. ...._4_ A4 A .4... Ourlnl Application 01 Electricity to :_Wouvon' loom-_-A Ga-nan : luci:l- ` Watering :50 floor: at Ilu nudging 1....-In.-- --..u.a_ oI._ ........ DANGER FROM LlGHT'NlNG catsh THAN IT WAS nrrv vans AGO. semen ANDPROGRESS ion: none". (or uonp In Wntcr I_nln Duel-lied and Illustrated. lonoooll-olllnlhqs. -Io-pl -.-.-...._l...._* _ `onootl ___;..._,,;n-,,n THE BRITISH wu1(;,THURsDAY. MAY 19.` ENGINEERS AND FIREMEN H wruu. win. [3 irt 3 T U W `wnblm? dlwnlhld 5-ungun-u-nun-. A r uuunuu untc.-rvulm II uljllml BC! `unhlh nhdnnnmequnollhn Innbu-ntothohhuitnlcool whlhb|ood- Jolnlountphunnb-cntlhbuanoudll cHhoupotl7.u1lIulnu hpowccvr dnogupurlalotdxvynn. II. had nlldin-nhhnul nnnnnnun II. -__.I ounj utstw uvwunwunuynotng Iortuxhoutlwut. Thluyyunuodny` dnuumbavduboutuln Abwhy:qo-outhoO.h lnut.-Ihom. Iuuthchletor-nolt.ho1huca.Iu-sum tlmolthelluqnelnlcdu-uydloduhh Manon thorurvulnuofhh,poophnnr Rlllhlh Hldlnnnnnnhn Iliu- " ' ' Alt of I'.`I1I0l. l1'Pl.IAlAl`l.`h.|",ud`&yi haunt rattan! our thocountry to an ntnnndumthj Thirty run!` again.- IMIBILI Illll_I!llIl OIIIPLIY. tonnkoltamatttottolno imporuncoon whlchddotheydood Inahhl hntwuennm Ilons Tbywu-uvaryhad pct:-Iota. nth; ddnwtihtlolnglhhhthovarofthorvvo lulitmnndunklngnoundol Irwbbtortho faithful hunt who llhu-and Am:-lcnnum Brlt.irI.|oI1th lhnannanundthonvwd. llohlld |.aL.. -I.. 'l1no Olden! lroquolo Sachem Dleo Nou- Nlnxnnn Ihlln -u.-u-v u-uni-nun: wuu ltUl1I'.II`$ nlmlnIonnistnncotohlmwIIenhopartecudA thotIll"lP1I.tho1n ottlnllnt rotnryprintlngpn-bumby I.Iioo.u'o nohlovanulnthocu-oarotIr.LbIll. Ir.Aball'cthroouuun,Edwin,G0ot-gucnd Wultannn uotlvdyunochhdwlth him in chopubcntionot'l'1:o8nnudln hhhrppropercyintuuta. Hobunvenl huchuamnndhuboonawldovm-dncol858. Foramnnothisagoholnremnrhblynctivo undwollpuarved. IntheIummerhono- dda|tGnulold,henneItconnh1aeutneAr Bnltimora. 1 .1umuu-gunoumndxngmmuoannu-y wnunctodtor'l'hoBu.p.nndb.uowoounpIed hilt ` Thoponyoxpnuduringtheltexicsnwur, uclalo nnocint.ionwithProtQorHmuand. Viihhilbnnnn hIvn-L.-L.-`-0.-L-J U1 uIurrvvllmIeIrIU'Io!,W(l`KlII tin] prints In Donna and NewYorkcity until 1%, whn, with Iomnfwqixin and nmuIs.lyI|1'm`l1ISPMli8lhTuI33-" gu-,nndthotollowlnynrThoSuninB:lt.i- Hr. Abel! with Mr. Swain was the owner of'l`|ieIndgu`whenitIwuoo|dtoGooz-(ow. Child: OOIIIIIIOTCCI U wodthieuvnowspapu-publhhnrinthll coun- u-y.nndalnrgonnmbur of the hunbomest buildings in Badman have beenbulltand u'oownodbyhIn,uwulluthomatmInm- cant prints building in Wumingion, which hohujul completed on 11` Iuugund Lu nnmodlt"'l'heBnnbnllding.' In-.Abullwuborn In Rhodehlnnd,Ang. 10, lnnnrvedunappauoahipinthoomco 0f1hPI'OVi%nh`nC_(I-l'mIAnnnnn1; Av, Lunyurvullnllwiotlplnthom ot'l'hoProvidaucoPnh1oc,workedunpnc- nlnrintcln Bannnnnd NawVnn-in-it." --w `a-nun JINCTIIIIU $1 One hundred and uvunty-In ; K Irmxnoh Indiana an-tn nn-n-lb: P`! lsglumoro llonon `Clo, Prop:-loco: M oI"I`hO Sun. ` _ _ 'l'hocIt council of Bdtlmonhann-coop nindtho{hcmgc'rhesnn,otthntcny.wu 50 you! old optholhbo! Hnyby nnorlenotruolntiancougutuhting .A. 8.Abe1lthcthohuboon spared towitne-` the ungveloul uneven of an onhrpl-he ho whlchhedevooudhiaetrlyyenmhismntulfed mnnhoodu:d,hhveneI'al:loqIs." A The Sun wutonndhdvbylr. Abel], and `tortyyunhnrumimduduhhowner ll lfll IIBIIMIIII MIPHY. TH! Tlldhl. A VETERAN JOURNALIIST. A CIVILIZED CHIEF. oonnidorcd the lull-Inn. in thin man- _ .;..:. [UNDERWEAR AT W AEF 1: M 3 CH 'I' L` We sell Underwear at Dry Good: Prices. 7"..".'u.:'@_&".'.=."-51 '"-'..-.m'.:""-' tho :.'::=.`_"r:-=~:_'a=:v_.:-:-'a~,:':..=-=-mg...`-m:=.' j Ladies, see our Daisy French Kid Buttoned jBoot at $2.60. the nest finished and best tting Boot in the city. D. F. ARMSTRONG, I _"ITEE"DQTf7XETETf SHOESTORE rluubwalii-unua. Our time iegiven exollnively to the manufacture of Clothing. We feel in en- Bnu ' our cnetomere that Perfect Satisfaction will be given ee to Fit, W p end ty. Thos. Moore, - 59 Brook Street. llll In To the manufacture of Ordered Clothin , and guided bye very long experience In buying in the dfen.-nt nurkeu, we Are to oer to our Old Customer: and to New One Weetolhacland &VoIdCloth.lbl'Dl'0D8u1tI. Flnelnclhh Wot-nod. lhlvenlncnndnr-eeeweu-. - lnlIll:.aooeonnndOnnndhn'l'|-Budneu Sultana. Iheknndllueic-jean:-Bnnnerlulitncu I-Ichtovuoeulunlndlruxsoolnunarlnnlncwenr. itmylnmahouoclnclnndlnnmx Tweedn. eepoclnllyedsptod tbx-the not llomnaofauznner. otPr|oeewhIchde!y competition. F/NE 030.5350 CLOTHING A SPEC /AL 77. Gnwhlhthxnnll-bcndPIaII. !.nnhn'oouunVuu89.83.86.3ao. uhu'Iunnovuuo0.oa.7aozoo1.aa 156:3` Inn:duI00.C5."I5toOOo. u:Idnn'|Oouu.OottonundBalbrIg;un Voiblnuwnylu. Morning. F. X. GOUSINEAU & G0. Our Gents Furnishing Store will be olosed until Saturday Morning to enable us to receive, open up and mark off the above Stocks, and to arrange for the Most Prodigous Sale of Gents wear ever inaugurated in Canada April in. , ,.`_- ..--v-- -. uwuuuu a uuun-uuusv consisting of Uhdorweur of every ducription ; 4 One: Man : Cotton, llorlno and Cuhmere mo pom. Buses; Dozens Hamnmmara, son Dixon: Gina` Tis and Scarfnt :4 Cuba Men : Wdiking Shirts ; 5 Cases Men`: and Boys Hats sud Caps, 300 Remnant: of Scotch, English pad Canadian Tweedl, in length: uuihble for Boys Suits and Men : Paint. I V F. x. COUSINEAU a; 00.. KINGSTON :-- __ , _ I hnve jut` boujhtsnd shipped you L Underwear 4 n-_|._ nnn In. In A A-- - --v vurvwu jun ju cowwv INSURANCE 'O Y. Oxldaoldlll Edd oapula dull; ahead at as low man any lot . '......`9:-._:_x\.... was I :0 nnuullol cl ht& mm Tho On-pay dill unhtnlu ohh In ``1`.""""""..`I.`..`n,"'.1.'..:...2'.".'.`.`... unm- lhnlaau ...... .. In-Llhlaaun ...... .. 8.3.8 TBOIASBRI