Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 5 May 1887, p. 7

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Impmnud \vnoa...1. no.1... In ' Crockery, China, Glassware, Lump Goods. Plated Ware, Outlfy. M. said last N W W 31- IYIITINI Dli am will 79500 In tone all htohn clown cnltlltluu cl W0 Iyulom. In pIroI|u~ In; R. 3.3. him at eountarfolu. _..._.._-- V -J_. Will I80 block. Tho but clock hoods unuhun. and wind- ing up who: the IIIII-Opting run down. So. 000. via the lacuna mohlury given out. It and: and the cal: mun blood) lath . Burdock ac... -Ill -ggnkh Am Qnnn A honing Lune lnohllrlitl-`m- nuocint ed with-bouluthn. Innmotlnu-at with luovuyduylllqbntunnlowo nd not nnnrnlhun tun dill} oonnldnll Ill IQ In a Dull Condition. `'1 van no bad with dylpopoin thuloould ` not use food of any kind without diunu. and could not an 5 drink of water {or I month 56 I lino. I have been 5 grant an!- leror from Ilnroou t and (larva for mu: yous," any: It Nelson . Vhiu bani. ol Nixon. (ht. whom two bottles ol Burdock Blood Emu: cured. Advioo to lothon. ; Mn. \\'innlow`I Soothing Syrup should slwnyn ho and who: children no cutting tooth. It relieve: the little Iuforor u once; 4 It product! nnunl. qulot sleep by rollo the child from ' , and the little chem nwnkolu "brlg I II a button." It in n plounntto tho tutu. It noothentho chi! , when tho guuu. Alloy! all poln. roliovu wind. regulate: the bowels. sudiathohut. known romody for diorrlwo. I-hothot nrhlng hon hothln or othot cums. Twonty-vo cums `hot 0. Bonmnnduklorlln. Winslow`: Soochingsyrup. and uhno other ,\uu1u--nun. nun 11':-n It in the duty of every person who he; ueed Hoecheei German Syrup to let in won- derful qualitiee be known to their friende in curing coneulnption, severe coughs. croup. asthma, pneumonia, and in fact all throat and lung dieeaeee. No pereon can me it without immediate relief. Three doaee will relieve any caee, and we coneider it the du- tv of all druggiete to recommend it to the Ear, dying ooneumptive. at lean to t. one me. an uo,ooo doaen bottlee were eol laet year, and no one where it. failed waa re . Such a medicine aa the German \ yrup cannot be too widely known. Aak your druggiet about it. Sample bottlee to try, aold at I0 cents. Regular eixe 75 eta. Qnlal In: All dnnnrilu and dealer: in the L I-III \lllAJ Ina-raven: A-an COOK'S FRIEND 313???? _PW T`_*W....%__- , Iold II I!) cenu. ncgulnr Inc to ca. Sold 3.11 in: `u an! Unit Sutunnt Cuudu. I Ill! IWTII WIIIIIOW. The ebb had Already run some time. and I had to wade through I long belt of swampy and, when I sank several times above the ankle, before 1 came to the edge of the re- treating vnter. sud wading a little way In. with some stronxth nnd dexterity. set my ` comcle. keel downvnrdn. on the aurlace. U16 WIIDIO IIIGIIOIIKB. One Wu the great tire on share. by which the defeated pirates lay carousing in the swamp. The other. I more blur of light up on the darkness, indicated the position of the unchonge ship. she had swung round to the ebb--her how was now toward me- the only light: on bond were in the cabin; and who! I saw Ins merely I reflection on the fog of the strong rays that owed from i the stern window. "`I-A ALL LAA -I-._J- -... ..p.__A LI...` and I llglll. [E 00110 WIN) I IIIUB HSI. Down I at to wait for daxkness, and mode a hearty meal of biscuit. It was a night out of ten thousand for my purpose. The log had now buried all heaven. As the last rays of daylight dwindled and disap- peared, absolute blackness settled down on Treasure Island. And when. at last. i shouldered the conclo. and groped my way stumbllngly out of the hollow when l hud auppod. than were but two points visible on the whole onchonge. l\nA u-an Oh; at-out lino An nhnnn Mn -hinh txxuuagq u.u- uuu yv. cu-nu. Well. now that I had found the boat. You would have thought i had had enough of trunntry for once; but in the meantime I and taken another notion, and become soot)- etinatoly fond of it that 1 would have car- ried it out. I believe. in the teeth of Captain Smollett himself. This was to slip out un- der cover of the night. cut the lllspanlola adrift. and let her go ashore where she fan- ` cied. 1 had quite made up my mind that the ` mutlneeis. after their repulse of the mom- lug. had nothing nearer their hearts than to up anchor and away to sea; this, I thought it would be a fine thing to prevent. and now that 1 had seen how they left their watch- men unprovlded with a boat. I thought it might be done with a little risk. '\nuvn I an! On urn" fnr darl.-nnaa and `U; V: uyunnivua I hnd not seen a coracle. such as the an- cient Britons made, but I have seen one since, and I can give you no fairer idea oi` Ben Gunn's boat than by saying it was like the iirst and the worst corlcle ever made by man. But the great advantage of the cor- acle it certainly possessed. for it was ex- ceedingly light and portable. ll'7-II _..u- -5.0 I lunl ':uIn.I Or... 3...: _-.- nlva ....._, ...,...... I dropped into the hollow. lifted the side of the tent. and there was Ben Gunn s boat -home-made if ever anything was home made: It rude. lop-sided framework 0! tough wood. and stretched upon that 3 cov- ering or goat-skin. with the hair inside. The thing was extremely small, even for me. and 1 can hardly imagine that it could heve * oated with a full-sized man. There was ` one thwart set as low as possible, I kind oi` stretcher in the bows, and I double peddle for propulsion. I 5.-.: .....o nAAn g nlu-onln mun. .. H... .. \VCl'U IU uuu IIIU UUHI. lllillv CV|.1llIIIKn The white rock, visible enough above the brush was still some eighth of a mile further down the spit. and it took me n goodish ; while to get up with it. crawling, often on all-fours, among the scrub. Night had 11- most come when I laid my hand on its rough sides. Right below it them won an exceedingly snmll hallow or green turf, hm. denby banks nnda thick underwood about knee-deep. that grew them very plentifully; and in the center of the dell. sure enough. I ` little tent of Koat-skins, like whit the gyp- sies carry about them in England. I .I_..........I t..o.. AI... I...II.-um I:lL...I LL- -z.I.. ' cnum cumpn Just about the same time the sun had gone down behind the Spy-glass, and as the fog was collecting rapidly. It began mgrow dark ln earnest. I saw I must lose no time It 1 were to nd the boat that evening. 'l`hn nvhltn rnnlr vleihhl nnnmrh nhnvn Mu: IICY IIIGSICT 3 WUSL Soon after the jolly-boat shovedo and * pulled for shore. and the man with the red cap and his comrade went below by the -cab%n companion; T T June} nhnnb lhn nnmn timn Ihn nun had nhnn V! U IIIVII ulv witty:-vvuvu n ---uu our _ many new cumin WITARI REA Y FOR ALL We hnnmadotho|u.nd- and olonx-`Eda Lhorstoonnldcnuun. and csnoondon clnlmlhntfnrchnrsctm-and u-nnmun our stock It not excelled In the City l _._1._._,_-, .:__ _ .. Auongsme my `one of the gig, Sllvef in the Item-sheen:-liimil could always recog- tnize-whiieacouple of men were leaning over the stern buiwuks. one or thein with : red cap--the very rogue that I had seen `some hours belore stride-leg: upon the pm- sade. Apparently they were talking and laughing. though at that distanee--upwa.rd of I mile-I could, of course. hear no word Mot what was said. All It once, there began the most horrid. unearthly screaming. which \ st tint startled me bugiiis though-I had soon ' remembered the voiee of Captain Flint. arid even though 1 could make out the bird by her bright plumage as she sat perched upon ` her master`: wrist. um... -co.... 0).- I.-.llu_hn.t .|.......a -5 ....a 11, A be Cu-od. g .I_LHh Autonlnlulug Iinu-en. u . r _, ___A_ (To be Continued.) Ouronatomonosn nowboIup- pliodwlth FREE OLKIS. The am baking on Batu:-dsy. T. _M.._PARK|l, Wmmmm o. D. FRINKLIN, ll . --1 _-`nu .-- 5FrT'i=T.6U _8)-R_E. can condently clalm that for character and uumnoat our nook City :1 PRICES WITHIN Tl-ll REACH OF ALL A JUST ARRIVED AT vans. J. x. OUWIR BEES BROS, ' TEE LARDER bAL/roar}/Ii 0/?M6 8. work can exceed In nnnmn Ann naunon. :1 built In my style; second to nu no In Can A an bullden. nun.-niuur nu. nlu-on. .n1-rnm Ihn Pnlnmnll [ Cnnuln bulldot-L , Remember the rims-Mun Ibo (`alnrnqll rkln In Barriao d. - April I3. J. KNAPP & SON. A [139 Stock of Pleasure Boolund Shooting ` Bkllll Alisha and descriptions for nle. No work need In nnnmh and nmtnon. nal: hunt in un Itvlo : BOATING. I Panic: wishing to go! Bout: It moderate u {rivet will do well lo ml at the OLD BOATING \ :5-nnLnmuI:.\"r. xr Tn: F001 or sumo: 31.. ` near thelhrk. Kingntomand Ioefor themselves. ` We Inmnlee a Bu-spin and good ugh! boats 0| Boats repaired and made tight. Oars. sans and (`uuhiuna mule to order. To Rent-A law boat homes ; can only and lllf ll I I IVIVII HOATll. |l.lIE`(. N A-1|! A Hm Supply 0! FRZ3 OYITIII. FBIBI BOLOGNA. USAGE. ' OHIOKIN. HAM I TONOUI. A cum m 4 muTmsr A spncum. THE 61.0 "ESTABLISHMENT \J.:. .1. 0.9 ; A LARO QUANTITY OF BOATS FOR SALE OR HIRE VERY CHEAP. VA. 0. KIMPP. ('.|TA April I6. Those who Are Interested in Bonn or Boutlnk; ll you`:nnond to purchuo I bout of my doo- on ; It you Jan: to him a Boat for any length of we : If your Boot requires to be put in good condi- tion. ` (`all on or address the undersigned. We will endoavorloghre satisfaction In every way with anything in the line of Boau. A: Cheap in the Cheapest. Ikjfvered at any part of the town Aug. 9. April 14. From Riverside, at the BAZAAR. (ISM! Maple Supt at the BAZAAR. INK- ]SdI_A.LLECN"S /hiss/A'i-II)}iEifA*L wk rm cow, E. "v"s"7"1"i'.""1'A"ik"s`7'"i?jfii D, ._ -1 r|_:._...._. cu WOOD and COAL i`HE BEST DRY HARDWOOD, \/Ullh I. l'|I\.I M. Fenwick`a. 'VV'.A.LSI-I S, IV-.. l'l..J.....'.-. l).un....-Ah Q05 {N4 Inch I1 .1. KIMPP a 8-()-I;,_BAI?I?IFIl.D. "COAL AND WOOD. Ynrdfxo. l-Ontario Street. ` 1-013:-ence Street Wharf. " 3-8:: Lawrence Wharf. t?Sccure delive before broken weather sets in. Chief 0 ce-St. Lawrence \Vhnrf. Branch 0lce--Corner ' and Clarence Sm. opmite British American otel. m t and satisfactory delivery a specialty i under cover and well screened 1:ll`nInnhnnn Dnmmnninnf inn. ' Aug. 9. May b.x obulned from W. R. Mclbm cl Co.. Grocer! : J. B. Loahy. Grocer ; Junes liodden. Grocer. &o.. kc" Klnnlon. THE IIPIRIAIAI unlversullyrocognizod as STANDARD BRANIJ. For ado an all leading Hotels. (`lubo. etc. Portland Cement,-;V'nter Lime, K. & PL White Lime, and Hair, all of the beat qual- tv II b6TL,' WHOLESALE & RETATI: Foot of Clannce Street. IIORDERS left at the stores of Mr. James Redden.Px-incess Streonnnd Messrs. Mclielvgg, & Birch. Brock Street. will be nroumuy I111 : KCUHUILND ICU. ill l BIUTOS DI RIF. Juluup Birch. Street, promptly folenhone Communication. Z 1 -1% 1:71 _--..a .1 . 1 ..v_:... - , era. Vessel me and \`Vholeule and Retail ml and \V Dealers, Conls of the very best description. under cover, well screen- edamd promptly delivered. Bunch wood and , Hard and Sottconiwood of rst. quality on hand. Inspection nollelted and aatlatectlon gum-an . YARD-Comer Ontarlq and West Streets. @0fc&-(`lnrence and -Ontario Streets- Foot of Clannce Street. k1'RD|1`.RH loft nl Hm nfm-ml nf Rh-, Jnmm _AuanLic Dock. foot of Princess 8:. 0lce- Upstairs over Eilbock & Murray's. I.`..l. I vua\.v- Feb. I. `Foot of Quen Street. N.B.-0rdox-3 left at`-th_a Grocery Store of Jaw. Crawford. Princess Street. will receive prompt atumtlon. ll'Teleuhone communication. Four feet long, SOFT \\'OOD. KINDLING WOOD and SAW!-JD WOOD cheap at El TYTYTTTAIIINI YTATWT If on waht the nu-E}. Cheapest and Best E Maple and Beach Cordwood. Oak. Birch ` or Hemlock Cordwood, Sawod or Un- vv . Ox-if ouwantKindlingWood.(Dr Lorstove Con? Coal. No. 4 Coal. Soft C or Black- amit.i1' Coal, go to - ` R. CRAWFORD` & 00., /N0/ms/Ive Xi/?A`b..rj Goal an under and well In tC"l`olephone Communication. - . -p--pu one COAL YARD--Barrack SL, next Dr. T. J ln`nnuyin|y`- Ann 0 \._-..n___._,__,_r.._,_ , , HARD AND so` W001); R ulrcn. Brock street, will be prompuy um Pelephone Agents '.Black Diamond Lino. L. W. BRECK. Aug. 9. , E. A. BOOTH. urv UIIC. TBQMAS N. SHARMAN, .-Huron :4-rul -C-or. Otnvtario J3 Barvraclc St:-1. BEST IN THE MARKET. ;E5F9.*. :.9.9..T;!i:_% April 19. Bofirs I DRE On A MTYTV OI` BOA 1"! WOOD ANPP94:`:L;_ Can anrays be obtmined as QIVIFKQ I`. Q! IFIII ll'\lI' mm. - smvol Srutrr, [15 our the Park. Kingston. hed-l-u|. and Butler vrr, - uvnu (unmqn Iinuoon. Kim SWIFT. Mm. Confectioners Mun? locus. BOA T BUILDER. unman- Confectionor IDGK. ' Kingston. Ont. ICII III: J Aug.` 9. BAY OF QIIIITI 81211301! ROUTE. 'DAXLY UNI AND 1'!!!- l WIIKLY `IO DXIXNKD AND XIII! I1" uavu Aliu luv Wllnln In-5 SVVIIIIIIII R! t Drawing R (`an I (In alums Train: hot`:-:0: Kll.IlI`oIInA`:";h:r to lake. N SE! ha Kj0tl$ . . Aor1;-an . tugs aggnwa. ktt-.'m. on III.; in II. I-uqufuvu hylihuhn will reach Win! In I No. I set! Iona 1upton1:3A.n.:u-rlvu Ibalhw :0 at Chariot [ah wan a.m.. and p.m.. can with C.l`.R. lawn: is poms GIL N ` I` h .1 ' 0 ` testing It I ('.l'.l'L'N it lurch` :t ahubnt [Ala for all out and rot. No.53: Iou'u_ sup. .ooI- swung ('.I'.lL h h lurch at Uharbot oil] J. H. Tnwn. l".l0lIVAY. W. rouun Antimpt. Aas.0cI.l`nu.An. Bun. ._._..___ |TH). nssr Axtfiuunuzsr noun: ` ll Peta-horo.'l` 01 "J.3rl':. Q=3'oo?`u .u ;u.u3'.'.'{.a '33.? -73! fl` OKCI AND YOU WILLTAIE N0 Ufll IR u-|_.._. lg.-l__ II..- I'\--- -- nu - - pl McL.'A.u.uum mum, Klxoamx Hons: Excxuxon. Livery and Boarding Sublet. corner of Brook and t streets. Anew and stylish outt of value an ` nnd excellent horses. Charges moderate. . ........, J $I Iuuyav Ia-uuv . 000K'8 Flfi /S GENUINE. KINGSTON & pmmnozm -A.\'D-- CANADA PAC`/I10 RAILROADS. I W '*:::.':'::..*.'.. ...':::!:.:. "`~ New. Din:-I. mmlctm. Chen mi N No.1. .ulI:I) No.4... ..u!:1Lu.m. llxod.. . nl&'I5:.m. No. C. ..nI4:.`Bn.m Hind. nl I:l5 I\.m. Mixed. . .. at mo p.m. lixpnu Trdnu .\'on. 3 and I run sunduo in- : cludod. Na Idounot run on londny. T T A T T? six months. ~r Trains loan the new City Punen [er Depot. foo! Johnson Stnet. u Mlown :- oomo 3431- (some Ivnr. STATION. corner of Johnson and only-Io Eta. Winter excursions by the All Rail Itouto Io 84\nI"n\n('Inco. Lot A and points on the Pacic (`out in (`:11 la; ulnolo Florida. Went Indies. Bermuda and other u-oplcnl ou- mnle at atly reduced mu. Tickeugood for I mon Dnnnnnnu-r Train: has-A an nan (`ilv Pnnon Anm` daily. I-`nu-e as low as nnf OHIO!` mum. Ao<'un\!o and reliable nformauon In realm io Rates and Route: mu K0l'l)llll|' or b` mail at the GRAN!) l{l`.\' ' PASS NOE * STATION. of Johnson and Ontario 518. ` \\'lntm- nvonninnn hr tho All RA]! Roma lo all put; ol the world I vhlly. Purchue you: Ticket: the Grind Trunk Rnilwg. connecting at kvillo with tho R. W. . Railway. haw York (`antral & Hud- nol River Ry. And West Shore .. for New \'ork.Alhany. `rroyyhuumphm. uh _ on. L'umi_`8.);racuse. Rochester. And all points um and . All ml] route. Two connections duly. I-`nu-cu low other I-onto. ` A_<}'I_1mto raga A Is",-__ _n..-_ --__-__II-. _- L.. Th 1' li rnnn thmu h Pull fromokol" M to u."1m antfwoat. THO)! SCOOK 80N'S Tour1su1 All mm; at nm wnrld A nnnnhllv. rromlu nlotnelmslanuvu 8 COOK Touril all at the world vhlly. Purchue your 1' G AUA`u I I0 u\I.1.V. _ Ix Lane: on SMALL Sr.\as.nt low rates or mtereet. on (`ity and Farm Property Loans granusd on City and Count Debentures. Ap- ` ly to THOMAS BRIGGS. an er. I-Yontonac and Investment Society. nrIc:-0ppo~ site the Post Olce SHUBTEST. BBSTQEHEAPBST ROUTE? ` Mhmesola. Dakota. San Franco's- co and British Coluoubda. `ti-itlrni to M6'nu-ed and the West ' ' The last train connecung at Poruud with the MM] Steamers. calling from that port on Thursday. loaves Kingston on Wednesday at 1:40 Thpmhn train oonnec with the Mall Steamers at mum: leaves lnzslon on Thun- day st 1:40 part. 11']! you are nondlmr for your friends we can day 1:40 III! you sending your furnish you with p eortincueo to bx-in than ttom . Frunce. Germany. Sw on. Norway. to. Rate! of pounce Always on low so by any other line. For Tickets and over) Information Apply to IIIIIIIIIAQ III `7l InV" .LJ.l\r4ln`nIJ .J.aa.nv naaagg World's Ticket Agent, Corner Johmon and On- GRAND TRUNK CITY PA `GER STATION VGRAND TRUNK RA|LW Y `:13 en. run; over one um unuer twelve. - no. The Sloamuhipo of the Allan Line come direct to the whnrvos of the Into:-colonial and Grand Trunk Railwnyn at Halifax and at Portland. and pnnengeru are forwarded on by special mum Montreal Thu Int II-nln rnnnnmlnlr nl bOl1lAhd with RA'lES OF PASSAGE :-Fmm Portland or from Halifax to Live and Londonderry. (`nbln-Q50. 5.` eturn- 100, 81%. 8150` lntcnnodh Return Rxparurn nl at III GLASGOVV AND BOSTON LlNl.-UlMgow toocton. IntermediAto-325. Chlldrenunder n?! $150; over one and under twelve. A LII. trrslmxn. rnon PORTLAND. rkox HALIFAX. Ciroamian . . . . ..May6t.h . . . . . . . . . ..Mny 71.11 RA ! ES OF PASSAGE :-l"1-om Portland from Hnlifnx m Lh-arnnnl and Inndnnderrv. IMPERIAL SODA WATER, .G|NGER ALE,&c. m - snnnrnsfsn - mam, AVERAGE TIME 8 DAYS. UT-Pd 1 once Stre.et. . r:.?E;':.';; I.a'F.2 I..x .Xna`3T.'. .`mx q"1'..Z';`.`3 town and All other part: of Europe at low est rates. Through Bill: of Lsding given for Belfast. G1 w, Havre, Antwe and other points on t e Continent and or Meditornnem -.;.-L- ALLAN LINE Royal Mail Steamships. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. The only line running Prom Kingston the 1 RATES OFFASSAGE : Cabin-860, sso mdsfoo, iocordingto Lo- commodation. Interniodiato puno-$35. 05--..-- ..L I7... I... D..L.... 5--.... rnsr xms._MAIL SEI? wo. AURANIA . . . . . . . . . . . .Satunlay, Mny 7th UMBRIA . . . . . . . . . . .. `Saturday, May Nth SERVIA . . . . . . . . . . . . .Saturday, May 91st ETRURIA . . . . . . . . . . .Sgturda , May 23th AURANIA . . . . . . . . . . . .Satu ny. June 4th UMBRIA. .. ..Saturday, June 11th SERVIA. . . . . Saturday, June 18th ETRURIA . . . . . . . . . . .Saturday, J une 25th ~ (LIM_;'r_m1$.) V` NEW ran/( /ma `Z/1/E/2/00L,. (CALLING AT CORK HARBOR.) ; FrbiiiAPiBrAN6.Wm;iTL.';N3ir_drl. Stceruro ' V 3:33). _ GLASGO Ah-D STON LIX E.-OlAIsow m Rmmn. Inter-medhto-.m. Children under N law 1.1 v ms 1 , I.\' (`0N.VlC`I'l0.Vl wrru ST. LAWE.V(`lI 110111. on King Street. ; First chm run will always be on hand on the ; ` 01/A/A RD u/v. l OTK. VERNON H. BROWN & CO.. Or toJ. P. Gildenloave. Agent, 42Chr- mma Strain. DUTIE- For freight and passage npply,l.t Com~ bani : Oice. No. 4, Bowling Green, New UHIIHOIIHHOH. IIIBUITIIUKIIIIIU Steemge at Very Low Rates. gtoengo Finlmtn tn and from London gm! Ouaann. Int llul rIllI VII -uIlun;. EIANLEY- :%_T..____ Io In-r ..ut 1:0 pm. at III) \.m. ll 02151.31. LUIS uuu UV cl] uuul ulauvu nyyn; THOMAS IIANLEY, A ___.4 n-__ -_ I_L_. -_ -_A DATE OEAILING: _ TRAVELLING? UANHU 11115450 DISUD. , I-`l.\uNclAL AGENTS. King Street. Money to I u l on real estate and othur securities. and Cl. \ Tourists Ticket: I n-vlnllv, on King Street. ; First rigs will nlwn '3 horlest notlcu. I-.`LUll{ iRU3.. Proprietors. FMaW0MA`s AN6MDALs .`ll.I.`1.u All AIVI. nu D, ACCOUNTANT. Avnrrou. &c.. omce Clarence Street. near King St. .. . o.-.-nu:-nu-..-s -.-..\.. street. LXIUI attended to. We have the utllhwuon of number! with mr new onunlnon. W ARI unu nr Inn ALI. W. hgnnmndnthnngnd. Is. 15. orruuxa, u.u.o., u.u.o., DENTIST. (mice and Reslden Princess SL. ; between Montreal and Sydo Lm Streets. 1 N itroua Oxide (Laughing Gan) administered for ` minlan extraction of teeth. Telebhone. \ I78 PIM0888 8t., Kingston 0. 1'1. bun nun, Lu. ll. , u. u. 9., u. u.o. , DENTIST. Graduate of New York College of Dentistry. 0tllco--Welungwn Street. between Princess and Brock Streets. Particular atten- tion paid to preservation of the natural teeth. `II l\lf1I.`t\II A l\II \' l lI)1lUlnlI,`:;3lt``UUIH nuuw1L near )7 0 l 0 C0. 0 UIKTDIJ uunn the oityor country promptly attended UISB. UIUADUA` a`\LVU 1313110, PHYSICIANS AND Svuanoxs. 0'1c&-81VVel- lington Street. near Earl. Electricity a. spec!- ` adtf. Telephone communication. L`. L Dxcxsox, M.D. J. H. Brrrs. M.R.C.S.. Emz. I1U4ukaUrl11l. 1 . C. L. Cvwns. 11.0.. successor to Dr. Jarvis. Physician, Surgeon. &c. 011100 and Residence nearly posits the Poet Olce. Wellington oltyor oounuw Dromptly March 25. N ltroua Uxluo (Laughing Una) ulmuuswl painleu extraction teeth. Telephone. vi: :ur.nuvn |lr\ txnn tn .. ...... -. .. an .....v. I!- D. A_ GIVENS, BARRISTIIR, Soucrron. CON\'EYANCER. &c. Oice-Chu-once Street, over Telegraph olce. Money to Loan. nn var Y?! A nvsvnir all run! LIlI1\I`n'IVlV w .u. n r. w nun u.3.a rs. , Ancnrrncr. corner of Brook and King Street, over Wade : D Store. Entrance on King `Street. next to the Vine Umce. ' gnu...-u-u. .`vn nu.--n-v IVUDDIVL OIIAVV, B.uuus'rnn. Soucrron, Co.vv1n'.mc1a:n, to. 01ce-Comer King and Brock Streets, over Wade's Drug Store. I\ A I` rivrnlvn SMYTHE AND SMITH, Soucrrons, Etc.. 192 Ontario Street. E. H. Smr'rmc.LL.D. CA8.FRON1`ICNAC3MI'l`H * Allan wsteamship ALi'ne; J. P. QILDERSLEEVE. gont. .2 cmnm an BTRIIT. ` A .....II III dunn nnrcnuu, m.A., m.u., u.1u.. (8u`o<.-euor to Late DR. McCAxMo1\'). Pmrsxcuu, Surmnox. &c. 0fce--Montrea.l Street. between Princess and Brock Streets. Iuvnt \v|\IIvI A rvr-`.4 tn .-.v..v; vu ..v-... DR. ELIZABETH .\`.\1I'l`H-SH()R'l"l`, C.M.. M.C.P. &b`.0.. `Late of Hamilton). K! West street. Djsouses Women and Children. Feb. 5. ...vv-u-pa-vu w. Avvu -. .v H. M. MOWA'l`,V BARRIBTER. Soucrron. CONVE\'A.\'CER. &c_. fora; Block. Brook Street. Kingston. Money 0 n. ..,n vun up. \lVhU -v gnu-up any-an 1). E. MUNDELL, B.A., M.D., c.M. , Pnvatcux. svnanzokw. ace. 0lce-Lnte Dr. Mccnmmon I. No. $5 Montreal St;-eet. -_ -- --p.--..... MYAEEESF & muuzu, o**a*.::f'=- -~ '``"""' ** ,.RICl:lAkD._\lALKIl. 7`Vq _..JO5I2H'.B. WALKEL, UJV. Aulblh J!lC`L1'1l4l4.l V [VA 1 . as of Women and Children A specialty. Orr: n-Prlnoess Street. three doors ltbovu Win It Hqtel. .. .. _-----..---- .. . --.-. ,--- "" HUB OLIVJILVUD, lAl4.l.)., ` Soucn-on. kc. 0Ico-Clurence St:-eet op mtho Post omoo. MONEY T0 mm at owoot. current rates. FIIvADIOw- - ....-up-`.- ..--. - \.aIo nnA1\aa-AA! .-..--.~...;q 0rncI:-52 Earl Street. near King phone communication. -nous. 4-n..~.-o.so. .w n r-,--~-T-- ->- v- --~ - - --~n-- - - ----==r--- ~-v--~-vA--' .. LIACYLEMENTS, . Dnrrlar. directly oppodto the Post 011100 ` &llington Street. Eumbllahed in Klnaswa. 3 . . . n `BK: w. G. ANGLIN. M._m;.s.. ENG., III E`. -I ClA_4..m _.._- I7l_.- IFAIA It null! dun, lune. nor ummonh, and It i tho not tlknu oonuIl.u- uou Ir tutu . Iuooun Add nuns? VA]. RR .3: we no that o lyndnpulh vumottho klwhau in on an among mumou 0! In mm. ...a up pounce. Iiovnn 0! such. xv- -.I.uLl.... on an up-nlntlnn vnn IE. unun, AR(`HlTE(.'l'. 0rrICE-MontroalSu-eet. UVV DIV IILIU QULV, A Rcm`1-new:-x and Building Surveyors. . Ofce ` Wellington Street. Kingston. an - - ,-.,-o-.-.--.--~_. V--v~- --..----- -<--.~-----`--v~-- l l)E\l'l'II'l`, GI-ndlmrn nf New York (`nllmrn n GROCEEIES, LIQUORS. HERALD, M.A., M.D., ().M., lRn`nt-nnnnr In Lana DR. Mn(`.nnm2\'I. , _._-- _ ..v.-.... 3......-_... JOHN STI;ANGE, LL. B., Street. bonito the Post Omoo. MONEY LOAh mm-rln-r, nlne and Rmidnnna Prinnnu 'PROF_`l7E2SS10NAL pgnns. v v-uvu -nu ..... .... \IIII - V-. DRS. DICKSON AND BET'l`S, rvmmnm Ayn SIYRGICONR. nmm,_s1 ".`4" "u,.'.I-"v.n." " '"i2n am "0 `weumpxo name: __--...` -An:-Ann on nrlllllllf _.,_,,. ...-_.....,._._ ._.. .._ .. - DR. ALICE McGILLIVRAY. hlnnn nf /nmnn and ffhlldrnn A Inn \IC-I --..... 1/ CARRU'i'HERS BROS. , `lAl.A!1lV`Pi Kimr S-hrnm, F .\lcCA.\l MON BR.Ub'., xv nan: Err-nAvnl:. I. mu. .. V`... - . .........v ....... ..- ....... .... WM. NEWI.ANDS.JR. 'I"I:n'r, r-nrmnr nf llrmxlr and Ki,m ..a*T\i}f-AarxIuf:f' -nu-r Arnl-ran kn, Om:-1 I 1r{O.\I(EOPAl`HY. nun II n -nnnnnnnn O 'Moxn:Y T0 LUA.\'. __ n__A.- u_.-.... ,. I NEW LIVERY, runv an-ru R-r LAWN zn, Rnunrrnn, (`,nxn.'m.' -:-_ [8 A PURE n'z`u1r- Kiixirowunn oontnlll uni: sin-. ummonh. 2&1. lgldlfi row:-:14 AND SON? nrvrn and Rnlldlnnr Qnrvnvr AWARDEI). M.U. J. H. Bu.-rrs. M.R.C.S.. Eng. .nur.u I-\ rnn R. GAGE, 1r|rImr:_Mnntr Te'le use nu`: m tut Ipu. Behind unwutluln. In front the un- chonu. 'l`hoIahnrntu though It had the noon: Nova ltu-It out In Its annual violanoo. was mad: at an and; It luul boon oncoroded by light. vulahlu nlntmu the south and uoutheut. cum-lug nut Innluol tau: Ind the nuisance. uudur In M Itch- tonlnluod hr Itlllndloutonuwhm Inc In enlcml It. `I'M lqnuloln. In that II- brokon mirror. wu rnctly pvutrayul from the tntck tn us wntu-r-Hm, the Jolly Bogs humus mum hot wuk. - Hill! Ill IIEIII IIIIIII IIII ITIIIL lhavn never noon an as quiet round Tnuun Island. The can laugh: blue our hand. thonlthowltboutubtnnunthouurfnou smooth and blue. but mu than nut rollcru would In running along nu the exams! cont. thundering and thundering by any llld night; and 1 mm bellow more |l one spot In the blind whats a man would be out of cannot of mar noun. I __-II--A `I--_ L-`I.I_ ILA g-g-I --IIL jg-I Ill XIUTIH OI IIITIY Elli I walked Alon; banldo the nor! with and anjoymont. uu. think! I was now not In enough In the Ionn. hot the eons` of some wet bushel. cad mp: wmly up to the ridge of tho Iplt. |ln.I:InA:nn-nntlnnnnn In (vnnt IL: an. uvuy nun-uu xw---an. --.. `.- Itook mv wn) 1-lruikynt for the nu! coad ` of the Island, for I wudotermlnod 0030 down the uuldrot the spltlo ovoid oll clnnoa of ohamuon (tom the onohonn. ltwu olnody his In the ononloon. ol~ though um warn and sunny. Al 1 con- tinoedtotnudthohll woods I could hear tn-on fur baton no not only the continuous thundct of the nut. bot ucomln toning of tolluo nnd grlodlng of bougha which showed no the nu broom Ind not In higher than muol. Soon cool drought of Ill be- nntoruch Inc; nndnfow naps lunhetl ouno tonh Into an open burden of the 70. um out the no lylnx blue and tunny the horizon. Inc! the surf Ianbllnx and toiling Itl tout along tho bunch. I have. nouns n-an (ha nan nnlnl vnnlnl Robertsolohrs, vol vcu . n um V... V. ..., V. -v...,~....v.... This way: my second folly. nu worse thnn ` the lint. In 1 left but two wumlmento the hum.-; but like the lint. II In! I help toward uvlux all of um. I AAAI. Inuit n-nr -I.-..ln|.I lnr Hun -n-O Anni In-nu nu, uu-nu -,~ Well, u thing: at Its: fell out. 1 found on n admirable opportunity. The squire and \ ` uny were busy holplnl the captain with lulu bnndszes, the count was clear: I made I bolt for It over the slockule Ind lnw the thickest oi the (nu. and be-tun my abunre was ob- served 1 was unto! cry of compxunons. nu. ._ ,__ -_... ___.._.n :-n.. a..- .-..._- .1.-- I WIUI II III!- As for the scheme 1 had In my head, It was not It had one In ltselt. It was to go down the sandy splt that divides the an- chorage on the last from the open sea, nd the whlto rock I had observed hut evenlnx, and ascertaln whether it was there or not that Ben Gunn had hldden his boat; I thing qulte worth dolnx. as I stlll believe. But an I was certain I should not beallowed to leave the lnclosure, my only plan was to take French leave. and slip out when no- body was watchlng; and that was no bad a way ofdnlnxlt as made the thing lteoll wrong. But 1 was only a ho) . and! had made my mlnd up. aaI_n _.. AI.l..._ -0 I--o 0.1] ....e I I ....A -_ Cull- lwua tool, It you like. and certainly I was going taodo a foolish. over-bold act: but 1 was determined to do It with all the pre- cnutions In my power. These biscuits, should anything held] me, would keep me, at least from starvinx till far on In the next \ div. nu... _-_A u.|..... I I-l.I |...I.a -0 ...-.. - |..-_-._ (IIV. The next thing I laid hold of was a brnce of pistols. and I3 1 nirudy ind 5 powder- horn and bullets, I tell myself well supplied with arms. I. 1..- 45.- ..I........ I L....I |.. .._.. L..-.l n III WIS Ill]-|I.I|| I3 BIIUIIK I3 IUII. All the time I was washing out the block- house. and then washing up the things from dinner, this distrust and envy kept growing stronger and stronger. till at lust. belng near I bread-bag. And no one then observing me. 1 took the tint step toward my escapodo, ` nnd lled both pockets 0! my coat with bu- cult. I -...- - .I\l\' If I-nu Ilbn gnu ....-6..lnl.. I % DUI] LILIIIII. I was right, as appeared later; but in the meantime. the house being stifling hot. and the little patch of sand inside the paiisade ablaze with midday sun. lbegun to get an- ' other thought into my item. which was not by any means so right. What i began to do was to envy the doctor. walking in the cool i shadow of the woods. with the birds about him, and the pleasant smell of the plnea, while I sat grillinz. with my clothes stuck to the hut resin, and so much blood about me, and so many poor dead bodies lying all around, that I took a dlsgustot the place that was almost as strong as fear. A ll Hun Nmn I van unnhlnn nut Ihn hln4Ir_ I lll. "I take it. replied I, the doctor has his \ Idea: nnd if I am right. he's guimz now to * see Ben Gunn." I .....- ..l.-I.o _ n . _ . . . . _ ...I I..n..-. |...A I_ 4|... Ul I-Ill! IJIUW lUl Illllq I |l|l\U Ila Well, shlpmate." said Gray. "mad he may not be; but If he's not, mark my words, ifnm" 1 uuvugu EIIC |IU`.'r5o Gray and I were sitting together at the far end of the block-house. to be out of earshot of our omcers consulting; and Gmy took his pipe out of his mouth and fairly furgot to ` put it back again. so thundemtruck he was \ at this occurrence. IIIITL... 1.. cl._ ........... -1 l\..... l........ n .._x.J DAIRY GOODS. of the choices: A: well u the Output. mound duly. OANNID 00008 otdnry undo at Ila lalll IRXZUIICLIUC. ` Why. In the name of Davy Jones. 1 he, is Dr. Llvesey mud? Thu run cart: I Ulla`: nlnnno Ohn IIU` I3 Ill. IJHCBCJ IUIIU-' "Why, no. says 1. He's about the of this crew for that. 1 lake It. \l7nII Ih|nrl'|n.n " -nhl ll:-nu H-na.I ILIMI LIIU Ullllllu After dinner the squire and the doctor sat by the captain's side awhile in consultation; and when they had talked to their hearts content, it being then 3 little past noon; the doctor took up his hat and pistols, girt on n cutiase. put the chart in his pocket, and with a musket over his shoulder. crossed the pa- ilsade on the north side, and set on briskly through the trees. Ill-on and I warn -Ifllnn Onnnunn no Ohn fru- VVUUII MI lll uuuscr. As for the captain. his wounds were grevious indeed, but not dangerous. No or- gan was fatally injured. Amiersou s bail- for it was Job that shot him tirst-had `broken his shoulder-bisde and touched the lumr, not badly; the second had only torn i and displaced some muscles in the calf. lie was sum to recover, the doctor said, but, in the meantime and for weeks to come, he must not walk or move his srm. nor so much ssspesk when he could help it. M11 nwn nnnldnnfnl nut nnrnca flux bnnnlr- Ila Bpvl WIIUII HU CUIIIU lllp II. My own accldental cut across the knuck- les was: ea-bite. Dr. Livesey patched It up with plaster, and pulled my ears for me Into the bargain. A fin!` dlnnnr Hun nnnlnn and lhn rlnnfnr an! i, F I lvlaunn uu nu-u -any --vvuv. u rlwv tun. ltiwuuuu Out of the eight men who had fallen in the action. only three still breathed-thai one of the pirates who had been shot at the loophole. Hunter, and Captain Smoiiett; and of these the tint two were asgood as dead; the inutineer. indeed, died under the doctor's knife. and Hunter, do what we could. never recovered consciousness in this world. He lingered all day, breathing loudly like the old buccnneer at home in his apopiectic tit; but the bones of his chest hid been crushed by the blow and his skull fractured in failing. and some time in the following night without sign or sound, he went to his Maker. An 0.... IL... .....A..:.. I. uunnn cuavrna XML low 1 nzoax )1? sin; anvanmn.` There was no return of the mutlneere- not so muchae another shot out of the woods. "They had got their rations for that day. as the captain put it. and we had the place to ourselves and n qulet tlme to over haul the woundet_1_ and get dlnner. Squire - and I cooked outside in spite of the danger, and even outslde we could hardly tell what " wenvero at; for the horrorohe-loudrgroam`* ` that reached us from the doetor e patients. 1.-.. -: u... ..|..|.s ..'...... ...o... 1.-.! 0-1!-.. I- Auditor" of Th4? Strung`); Cseuof Dr. Jekyl ; and Mr. Hyde, Tine D1mm3ter, etc. T R'EAs`UR%E%%J%IiA NT. THE BRITISH xvmck THURSDAY.` MAY n1-_1ii_iii"s'-'ti1i1'1I'A"J iiiiioisx. QBVKIIVIQQ $EC19D

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