Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 5 May 1887, p. 2

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All Departments are now complete and an inspection is re- spectfully_solicited. JOHN LAIDLAW & SON. A Special Range of Black\Dress Goods, suitable for summer, is being shown. We take this opportunity of asking our customers and friends to inspect our new stock of SPRING DRESS GOODS. We are offering Goodjhaterials at Very Moderate Prices. The assortment `is large and embraces Patterns and Materials that are already scarce in the wholesale trade, so that thoze purchasing early may have goods that will not become too common. aooour'm>ootrrOarvoh.l>.88.48u j~ ncupOuvo\I.7.lQ18o. ! llilohollandoonolnacurmcufrozpaoo eocmaoggu. F. X. GUUSINEAU & U0. ' `J ' 7V '7`-"' -' 25c. , All-Wool Albatross Cloth, 36 inches wide, all new shades, at 30c. EAII-Wool Black Cashmere at 35c, worth 450, (Special Value). The Great Leader is our Heavy, Extra Wide, Pure Wool Cashmere at 55c, worth 760. April I9. 5,000 yards Dress Goods, choice new colors, at 121-2c, really worth 20c. 2,500 yards Combination Dress Goods, plain and fancy, ! at`l2 -I-2c. _ 1,500 yards Nun's Veilings, All-Wool, new shades, at Me. See our Jubilee Jersey Suitings, all the newest shades, at -~ r- ------- . .._ _, _._____5__`_ _________ __ `-REGKLESS[YREDUG|ED- In Oar-pets.OiI-Oloths and Lace Ourtnln. MM; 4. GREAT JUBILEEA SALE THE IRON PALAOI PABBINGIB BTIAXIB HEADQI.*ARTER] I4! PRINCESS STREET. N OW GOi11g` 011. 3muIr.'s2-::':..e1:mvs..I.} Notlnoonolntuopuyoarwu. \ Thh cnorlnoun Premium lncolnoo I to} convlnoo uuundottho dull-mum ol In thou-luInnoolnAOo`yuo noun. Thoonnnnunlll nnhuunl chum _FoR 0U-R--- Oppalita Vin!!! ml. -- - wcrwwu 1-`. -vunvc tun: UIVCV INS URA N08 00 l . 0. onhobutndntclt b VII In oolnpnnlcldouu Ezunnoatlho-cted at as low rates any M [coil . -\-.:-.:::..'*~:.%`.-='*,.. .. A ' cnorlnonnPr:.nl um lna=\ $.14: Linrpool h T An}: I.onT1u7fiid am; '\.'L"'I) I \ IVI\ tillll` If Call early and secure a choice st This isaGenuine Bu-gain. We bought the lot and have them in both Ladies and Children's sizes. I This is A Job Lot just received and bought direct from the manu- t`.-L.-...... NIL- .._-_l_ -_- _I_`_LLI._ \IjJ`VI\l wan: VVIJJ UV CURL Gt IJ GINA looapainandworth from 20ot.o ORA Inuu IJ\lu.|.lU I-QIIIJUU IIULIJ IILIU l.l.lCl.Ill' facturers. The goods are slightly damaged and will be sold at 8 and 1A.- ...-._ __.I _._A\ A_-... nn- L- nun s`rusn/f` Ms. J. EOILDIBSL IIVA Agent, Murray & Taylor's, 5.510 8. Ann. THOIASBRI Aucutl. Murray & Taylor's. 100 DOZEN -HOS|ERY- May 3. nah: Powder mg on. A ma:-\-(Q 0! p . strength 1: ceomenoas. . on economical thnntho kindgnnd mn- notho noldh competition than multitude or low to short weight. auum ot phos to union. woxntmcwq. ROYAL _K G POW ER 00.. III vun Street. how Direct From the Mill 178 PRINOES STREET. _7\bsT)lJte |y Pure: HARTFORD (X)NN. INSURANCE GIOLLIINOIHIIIT AG EXT. (`at no .................... .. 4..I. halo." nary ht. IQ. .. .I.G.!r1I nun . . . . . . . ` . . .. I A wunruu uxnotviuuvlllulnltl Inelldlobyclinh Iwuverylnuch on-ltd Iorntowminutquultlnnlstnck otntforlbtlur. lhndnnloonerdoneuo thnlnwnnuhlnwnxvmzumunml couldnutuunundlnnndlxearnrnumuul grou.InpI~ocn:|IulroInthv-l,:ouundtbopo- ulngunuo I by: to swim down strum. }ILn fnrhnlm-ugh. I...-.- Illlllll l88!I_I_0l IIIIIPIIY. u.uu;uuu.wuu-.1 luuguvv.-r Inu opplllw IX bolhn Wage: toleuphhon theovonlng o(Ap-il I `Then the steamer unloaded: hrpnnountof ngnrmharwhich tho run uptothoconl hugonndwu hkinglnaonl, and thntwutho lutlknowuntll [found nu-ulllnthorirer. lnthocxplodonlmusc banlxouthmwnhulylmfoet I-nkonly ones llynrntthooghtwathnuhostecnner wu cloaotonhou and that! had hand l`h'Alh '2.-n---...L uuuung-uIn,u-I1UvIWlI1I.I iuj. mninodor umldomweroborne dowuby tho unpitying loodmoveud witheho bodies otthodndnndqying. Nono.uppu~auly,Iv munndnnbut `lib casualty his atoll- aryplncoln huory: but It tnmplred Jul at I that at hunt uclluutnt connoehd with Lincoln`: u-ndnnton.undItwaIoIno- whnowl-looked. OltlI09.Mlonhou'donly T3 was nltnnrud found, 1,355 having. peruu Bu-ry8umInorvillo,o( thosecondlndiun cnv|lry.hntnIdtlo|toryol his patience InIMnIn1hIonlhlr.ufollowI: Hy qnuinn were on the enbln dmk,on thoglnldmotho Idkovtr and opposite Ibo hilhn wlf kl Qhn nvnnlnn uaouwuuuu xuuowvuneexpnouonwu Inn-iblobeyoodnxpnnion. Itwuotshon dunt.ion.nsthoglnro\I|nt lnlnlnotl the Ikyundnndovhlothourmldeapdroftbo hourooon died unyurhilo darkncu non tutu: than OVII` scaled down upon tho IosIInhulk,nnINIovIotlnno(tI|odhnIr. maimed OI` CZ` `HIPIIQ Anti: luv vuuu ur. Layton, ulopuoli noperuuoomoa imminontmndthoevouudvunandr of mum-rv an uuywuuu. xuiitanlernlll propercob mom. of won-thlnou,u:dwu running at hu-and rumor npeedmmoorunmilann hour. Mr. Roborry,thochiotInnoe.whohnd `charuotthoboatntthathour.nndwhovu unongtho sur\'ivon,wuln thopilot homo with Mr. Clayton, the pilot. Noperiluoomed imminent Ind IQ QVQIII ll] Door: An Ahn Al uuu vavw ulllllUI'l'|ll` l' ll!!!` UIIIUTI WEN! leaki hadly, although they had been pro- nou good jut before leaving St. Louis on `her downward trip, Indthe engineer refused to proceed until they were repaired. That was done by competent mechanics. and to the satisfaction of the boat`: chief engineer. She lay at Vicksburg altogether about thirty- three hours. She was boarded by LNG Union soldier-eandilsoioere. juatrelealedtrom` Andereonville and Cahaba prbons. making a total 0! 8,141 persons, six timea her carrying capacity.. The soldiers were mostly (mm Ohioand Indiana regiment. It is needlea toqythat they were huddled together like aheep in the shambles. Many of the eoldierl _ were yet euering from wounds received in battle, and most of `them were eadly emaci- ated from starvation in the prison pens, when they had been conned for weeks, but now they were on route home; the cruel war waaover. and the visions of loved once and dear. familiar eoenea illled them with child- iahjoy. Memphia was reached on themth. coaling the presence at danger was notmaniteat, nor waeitintheleastanticlpated,butinthe darknqu that follows midnight. prechely at 9:!) a In, just opposite Taglemanh landing. eixhtmlleeabove hlemphle. the steamer ex- plodedher boiler: withterrinc force. and in a few minutes had burned to the water`: edge. No adequate cause has ever been assigned for the explosion. Thesteamerhad propercen 0! worthlnaq And in runnlno at `I'll SUI. TARA DDAITII. (rronnnoldmt) Thounnothnt followed tho e Lnlhhlmvnndnrmxlnm xplosion was It -An nf -Ins-O The tragic fate of the steamer Sultnni on I the Missim-ippi river, just above Homptals; on April 27. 1813, was one 0! the libs} nppnlung chnptcns in the history of tin civil war. On the morning of the 91st tho 8nlt|nA,fI'oIn New Orleans, with I capacity of 376 panca- gers, u'ri\'ed at Viohburg with managers ulderow numbering 110. Bar boilers were hnlrinp hullv nlthnnah than Lg Inn: nuts. 1 _A llhtntor Unique `In tho Aqllnln or .. . . _". _ -- TH: rnuewrrun EXPLOSION or-' `me ` STEAMER .SU_L`l ANA. llownnnydthaohdlonnduuucnanwho iunnthvu and their polda Ihnoqlz ad low holy (than will nucnhu. an nun than now. tho In-nu ctndmoufound on ndpdlelul 'l'IoluudnAy.nI tho Inootdullbnncnunulohukluouool that condition. `hat but nut-I Iotttttlo pulhyvlthont an-. `no `lUN' |uIcnn~ notcvuv uounlmnnlpouuluond hunted In In pm-at um:-an For lnluunuon nnlylo (V Bill An\|.~\voI- toI-y otpn survlvol-. (`annuity-`!"ho Cantu Still I `Kyla:-y. lluudn-ls -rc-mum: Outrlghbovlng :u____ , p .~,__._n___ ..\,n1\/`Ian HORROR. .o..""u":..uc:cu-L '"'" "m'.L':}" will In nlnuvhu nhcd. and at [INN] wuuoguawuyvuypsnmanu-nag hodupponnqyllvululnllnlnndow uwllkhint-tun-I|I$lyvtII Inocul- Ivan:-auIuutunIIvIIhthhnhr.f ldlhcfvutlnchulohdii Qua-III! ultra `n-supp-trill. lthumm-lynoo-u-yto add that It or- pchncofurthcrjdllntholdgnchlnmn ulvumgn um ho Inmlcnlnhlygnut. We II [WU IIIIIII jljtl WTZ quanta dduot-thuppurnll. Ilhuunulvndjfiltn mid IL: 3. c"inLL. -- Aunt C5`lPIIN%I1'. 0Il(l$.`rIlnl|uq~1IwI|uI$:IjnyII hulk angina The [moved or douhb Ilmpdwhoolhonlyonoo(hodovIoa- ploycd topnvunt an-`Hunt. and Ir. Iu chins that 1! try vial of ovary at -n-nthrnunfuunlhhngl-I-gnu-Omnibus (II: It! in Ivcy with In vvuy I1 wuothmwnnoulhbuugulfucgiho Q:-nu-in nun-1 vn-nIn nlth an bunk `F1111!!! Int` lIC`I III IZTIT uoundbmkenndlrnguhrttrvc up gruluu:tu-pul6tuocuo|houl|o-cd- hdontotbou-uckuncund hyacinth- othdu.-ribalulhpuuwnhlbntityd Lnnvhr nnalnnn 1`: Ililid no dtnhh ` InIlIlCIal8K"CIIU WX"`Cll1JCIII- IJIKIII` T 3 Idbdon. and that any extra prn toward owner all n! tho car would vuylnctj tborcdsta an Ir:-ununndhdou. Tho -_._ _-.. L- ..||..| a..L..|._ --.._A LL45 3L. FITlIIl(U f `TI-IZI1 IITKL IT cumnybo mlhd tubnlnnoxcopt thtl Cb bottomlulenlaln mm Btncotblntob -.._J....-_A- 5|... Il.l-- A-.l_ L`. L.._ g.- TIN`: \IIjlVU IIZIKIV IIUIZ WHXZTICI at an angle a time above 65 deg: : that they an doep grooved inntad ol nngul. doubling OI.` nnmn an it rain and ung dnnhllnn tho `IT WP sI"lVXI HT` `K I-KW` `l"`|w` thoange.uitwan,undl.lnn doubling n m!h-ir~.n and that Ant nth-n nrnjvn Harald Uur Ill`! UIIEIII Ill` TUWI Ell KWHI U] C VII onthotnrk, nhotholruckgtbopouund In toning. Ohuern that the truck Irheeh Rand at an gnaln A link nhnvn LI darn - that tho` Ulglllli ll-III! IIIIIIICI Hi IIKCIIE `donolenxinonndeunhothotrurkhocund bylnclinod whodggroovcd mu-conpro Joclingodgu bolowtbocenterot them:-,u null an hi hnrlnnnhl thank may uses. xnueuu,luIuun IlvucL'Iu'\uu.Inn Along passage:-ongoing nroundizhuita middletocuon Almonontirolyo the track. thou-uchlouowtngu-ound Ihocurvouvho t.homr.otcouna,rcmn1mauuhL Almost everyobwrver,|ndnotnfowenlnoon.nid tlntun engined thlrtytongwiththnder, druringncurlongor thnnlhorndiusol the curve,mdthotr|1nomupyingl06nU.hol57, feet in the hall circh. could not pbly mskoarhummnn tnculndauulo otlneottotholnlb. YoHIwudono-no| onccgbut many hundnd tins. Tho adh- nlnn nf nntinn and Anna tn thn trnrl: in nu-nlhrl In I! IIBIIILIBI OOIPAIY. n . -.--a;-.-. A... well an by horlnontnl whoa]: ff Inlilfl CC {I IJOIIIUI I\I`U WK VIXFU. I III! consists of I level wqy abruptly changing to ngndeot 13) (none the mile upounlnlf `clrcloorhoneshoo curnonnradiuaot only *nftyteet.. Indeed, oonhon kthocunothnt A Inn. nnnnnaor nnr nninp Annnnd I`. ha: in IUT FIE lWH W III XVI.` IHUVIE-I Rnllwqy oompnuy." to construct: road from Bowdoin uqure. in Boston. to the city of Clmbridgo, restricting the widest part of the truck to twenty-twofnnd one-lull inches, and providing strictly that such road should not be built. until its nloty Ind been proved to the bond of nilmud oommhioners or competent engineers appointed by them. To convince them and other doubters the experimental truck at East Cambridge vru erected. This nnnninfn nf a lawn] unv nhrnntlv nhnnoino tn TI QJIIVUTTI I III VKWIKII WEI UIIIZIII signed I petition for I chnrtar. This provided ` for the organization 0! tho Moip Elevntod Rnllwnv nnmnnnv," to construct A rnnd from I313 Ippuxnuuu J FIX XHIITIDC if lnmn for n elm-tor. but was ovuwholmlngly tlnfnntnrl `Hun: vnnn nf Ihnnl work ml-nmd ! Ilolll` III" I LTTT} UIIU WT UVC"WIlIIlIlII`l defected. Three ynnot bud workuacund him thonpproulol the legillntung but ntho n|eAnthno|nlnuenthlIucHonotBowonhad bun couvertaod whhviowuumd 64.0(I)ciI.inans change` - nntltinu On: Q nhnrlnr In an-\vC(IAr' _- j IIIGI ILIVATID BOLD. Our ant ongnvlng shown the and of a car an u hunk nhn ILA Q1-unis u tuna! and In El`. ECKI yI LIIII IKLVHIIEIVCI FIE IX X of such I railroad In 1857, but In: mu` tvnntyyeunln perfoctinglt. lnl81'9-N ho formednnnnocintiontoplnh it; In 1881 he made npplicntton to the Xnmchuotb lqb I-hnn fur a nh-1-mar hut Dun nvnrnhnlrnlnnlv l)I" US HIV Ull[Ul].|l`l$. Wllll C IJFIUI Uflrlphl in connection with the out we present. will enable the reader to form I judgment on that: important question Kr. Help my: that hoconceivod the idea nf nmh A rnilnnul In `M57, hut in: ngr n ' other dangers and uuu uuu unruly discomfort. But is it practicable - and rule! A his 3 "1"- tory of the enterprise. with I brief description in nnnnantinn with tho min was nrmnnt will an un Aasgyon omm. The In-llllnnc Conception 0! Engineer Jvgogln y._1gl31gn. of ljooton. Are ween the eve of a revolution in nil- rond carriage! `Engineer Joseph V. Help inninh that we are. und (in: dome interesting facts anal zurea to prove `it. `For some yeah ` his scheme, for an elmratodzrallwuy, on I single lino of posts. supporng can to run on` inclined wheels and be driven by Iiorizonhl whoelsmubeeu dis- `cusulbythofow and vaguely known fn khn Innnvo and A A `Maw Au.noAI5 IDEA. ll-.. I [BIGDRIVE THI IE:-av ' ' '....:m:."..-:-a..=.-.-.':.".-:..'*.:.-.-.:.-.-:'-..m.n.' Wan` 1 Ladies, see our Daisy French Kid Buttoned Boot at $2.50. the nst nished and best tting Boot in the city. D. F. ARMSTRONG, --SHOE STORE. ll

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