1` M1 M May '2. Ap`il I9. Has attended our Great Jubilee Sale, WILL OFFER TO-NIGHT 2 A New Line of Children : Lace Collars at 6c, worth 10c. Ladies Linen Collars 4c. 3 Pam Ladies Fancy Hose for 26. Big Drive: in Corsets from 26. April 30. Shepherd Plaid Washing Silks at 35c, worth Latest News from England to RICHMOND, ORR &. U0. : H}+L\])QUARTER Om; of the best and Safest : business In Canada. lnnm-um-am ullhc-In-(I nl an I 14| PRINCESS STREET. .A.- J- lI 1I.A.IHIO]'- B. IldI F_A.'U'L. RICIIJIIONI), ORR llppoalto Windlor Hotel. , all kinds of Goocla, .\Iil~ their Insurance an a to y no pcurtly aocun-. The (`ompnny still nmintnins Ila clahn ` doing the largest Fire Business In the world. Tho Pumgnn has avuuuly paid since n.-. i e low formaliunl 1 in; nnms:-- For I-`in: losses 3. .0O(l`.:.\5 For Life home: . . 2.S.&I).5 .;____Il0'.',!Il15l0 -vI-.1 - E. C. HILL. -- Aprllo. (67 PRINCESS 8'1`. -}__ -____.____ l3 lnspectim~ in\`ih~l am] :1 pIm.~`urr :- show goods at Murray & Tay|or s, Nun's Veilings, Albatross Cloths, Canvas Cloths, Jersey Cloths, Ottoman Cords, Camels Hair, Crepe Du Fran- ....:.... Ru... .0... uu ...-.J \.......V.. ..... -.. .-.._- ,-... \\'e are also showing A Complete und Choice Stock of To go direct to MURRAY & TAYLOR`.\', where you will have a Splendid New Stock to select from. and where the prices are so low that they cannot fail to please vou. II`. A... -I-_ ._L,..-.:_..- .. I`..._.-.l.... .... l And a full line of Silks in all thc lv:ulin_:. DRESS GOODS or SILKS N A I D A N A C OOSTUME DRE88 00008 ...j-.--- .__ , _ ,_,, ` ALLAN srrumi/"P1/N5. J.P.GILDER3LEEVE, Agent, PHE NEWEST AND MUST STYLISH Murray & Tay1o1 s. IIOL IE uulu Ill culupuuuuu nun Luu Illuuuuuu of low test. short weight. alum of phus hate wdoru. Sow own: In cms. ROYAL AK NG POWDER C0.. 1% '31! Street. New Vm-k. 7/8 MONEY IN YOUR P00/(ET8 When making purchases of W. ll.(1U[)\\'l.\'.A|rt-nl for Kltuntnn. Slob. 18. Human Wmu urru-3:. Thu Powder never lvarlos. A mm-ven or purity. strength and wholeeomenesn. More economical than the ordlnar kinds. and can- not be sold in competition w th the multitude test. welnrht. Dhusphate \ IIXJIIUIIIIUIM uutu luv Vnuulu Aluun. nuu will- with weight. N nowdarn. Sou) sv- Ann-LI. AH I0. SIEIIUIOGCJ tAI..... . . Toul llvulod ado upwudno! .B.I)|.ll) Toullnoomo . . . . . . .. 768.!!!) Jun:-Inca utboubyl'Irosooopt.- utho can-oncrnuasndchlms ngmlwithout nhnnoo to the Board st ` April 27. A ugusf 9._ This Powder (varies. A nurilv. stronnrth Mo Anna .u..vv..\..- --.... v.vV- ..._- Materials for Ladies Suiti just received at makes, all as usual at Lowest l riv-9. 176 PRINCESS STREET. P0_Vl_D..EB Rbgalutely Pure: Caah Capital. . . . . . . . . .. . I l.(lIl`U).0) `Total Assets. January lat. IS}. . ll.I)3.f7`l.N lnuupakl Inn)-can . . . . . . . . . .. n.con.mu.oo The Iounf Fin Insurance (`onngany on the Conunont. II Annual Promlum locolpu Ir. Canada and mo United Blnlu are larger than tbouotany other Company. and It has an un- bhlnhhcd rocotd ol yearn. ..___. - I AMIH curt:-r 1..-. IN SURAN OE. II A RTl"0lll) (`O.\'.\'. 3-3.IIl.2'.'-1 -__sno7.:cn.s:o 'ru0;.1As muuus. Amml, CI CLAIINOI B73831` igxlm JAII8 S\V'lF`l'. Alint `. compnnk` . A(3l'I.\"l`, \ Uoopt-rs now: an nun-um, uuu.-u. -.... [unebmzuoubo nunudud Ihonironho American forut. Charla Employ bu \ Itnmnntho norhldltyol |.howor|d,nnd Ind } I grant mm} to uppndnh the pantry ot sound lnalnnt:-on; lunch: and fnnhatr. Tlnckcnydhlagnndworkln c-nriouturln; tho pntoudouto paullty and ugh Nomi. : Dichnihu hull! hh own Iuoumnont In it boob. whk-.|n nnuovctluungulutor the mrulthouulhulnlollljkn. Nomlny, llkoIhus.IInd0llkMIl&.nn|nuI In right proportion with othur lunch. cannot holpbut |numolaun|IdpIIr|lI|ll:lInt.olu fortlulouthnomound Impnn Ilh-uunlhol nugtou noupnpon 11-1 II 0- xwr W--W hue loam you-lltlnu ad bind with .1. :.n.....| nu. an-ulna: unborn. You Liidmool And London And Glob INS um .\'(`I-.' ` ('0' 1'. in tilt` last [Wt-III) 3111!. Now, it. is amid much circunnsimicm that I put this morning a question of nvernmsu-r- lngimportnm`o to you and your families What. book: and nu-wspa;--r~ shall I'-- rmcll You am I group thnm mgrtln-r. A news- paper is only a hook in a re ufta r and mum hie slmps, and the .~:;um- nilm whit-|. will apply in book r9adur_.; NI apply In newspaper rv-uiing. What shall Wu mad! Bhailour mind: he the nvu-ptarlu of cw-ryA thing that an author has mind to n riu-l Hindi thcnbo no distinction hetwa-n tho tree of life and the trim of death! Shall weatuop down and drink out of the trough which the wlckednal of men has filled with pollution and shame! Shall wu mire in impurity and chau fantastic will 0` the wisps avman the swamp: when we might walk in the bloom- ing [anions of God! Uh, no! l-`ox llie-ah-of our pr:-nut and ovurlnsting we-Hana we mint nah an intelligent Christian choin-. Bland- ing an wo do chin deop in llci.li.lnu1I liu-ratung I the question that many of the young am asking me in: Shall we mad novels!" lnply: Thoreau novels that an- pnn, good, Christian, elevating in the heart and onnohllng wthe life. Butl have cull further to I] that I holiovo ihnt ninety-nino out ol 11!) novels in this day an halt-!ul and ddnictivototho lutdogno. A punwork ol notion in history and poetry combined. It in a history of thing! around us with the ` lloenua and the an-uml nan)!` of pantry. ` The world can never pay the debt which it i own to Iuoh (lotion writer: 3: Hawthorne and In-Renato. and [anion and Hunt..and Arthur and Ha:-ion Harland. and others what names am familiar to all. The follies d high life were noverhottor expand than by Mini liahpworth. Thomunoriaoltho put were never man faithfully amhnlnnd thaulnthe wrii.inIolWalhI-Scott. r`: uovoh an healthful!) ndohut with .0003 n.. Imniiinlun xwlwil All IQIIIKGIII, IKKIVSIVP, buI'Iauuu [II uluuu W I have to tell you this morning that the gneattst blessing that ever mum to this nation is that of an elevation! literature, and the test smnrga has been that of unclean litemtum. This last has its \ri(`u'ms in all no- cupatinm nml departments. It has helped to ll insnno asylums, and penitentinrim,|I1l ` aims [mums and dun: of shame. The India of this infevthm lie in the hospitals and in the ` gmvea, whiln their souls are lacing (anal over intoalnst on-rIu't_v. an Avalanche of hormr and despair! -n.- Inmlnn nlnrvno R'.'|_\` Imthiusz tn it, That ma despair: The Inndon plague was nothing to it. That counted its vlctinu by thuusnmk, but. this mmla-rn [rat has already shove-lnl its Iuilliuns into the churn:-I house of tho morally dc-ml. `Hm long:-st rail train that ever run over Ibo! Erie or [In-lmn tracks WIIS not lung enough or large enough to carry the haastlinem And the pum-(action which have hum: gnthv-ml up in hml lxnks and m-wspnpon of this land in the last tm-my yrarv. \`..... ac L. nunhl nu-In 1-in-mnnlulniuvc that I i May God speed the cylinders of an honest. in- i lswr 0! Int` lnniprl, auuuuulg In In pluplu, unau responsible position; but! do not think it is as responsible ms the position of an editor or a publisher. At what distant point of time. at what far out (~_\`('le of 9t(`l`l|lt_\' will cease U18 inuence of a He-nrv J. Raymond, or a Horace Greeley, or a Jamcs Gordon Bennett, or n Watson Wehh, or an Erastus Brooks, or 11 Thomas Kiinselln! 'I`a'ke the simple fact that our New Ynrl: dailies now have a circli- latinn of nhout .\`nI,UUO per day, and add to it the fact that three of our weekly period- icals have an nggn-gate circulation of about l,()lli_m:I_ and tlu-n (`l[)lII`l`, if you can, how far up, and how far down and how far out reach the inuences of the American printimz pnesx` Great God. what is to he the iasue of all this! I in-lit-w the Lord intends the print ing prcse to he the chief nit-ans for the world`: rescue and evanm-lizritiou, and I think that the great lmzt battle of the world will not be fou__r:l)t, with swords and guns. but with types and pre-ms--a puried and Gospel literature triuniphing on-r. trampling down and crush- ing out {unwer that which i< deprau-d. The only way to overcome unclean litomtum is i lay scattering ahroad that which is hcalthful. ` helligent, aggressive, Christian printing pram. I Imvn on bail vnu this morning that uuuern lllg Uul R1 U1 pl UIll5IK7 uual uuul U. The printing pram is the mightiest agency on the earth for good and for evil. The min- ister of the Gospel, standing in I pulpit, has a I-.n4~nAI\ci|L,n\ n...irinn- lmf. I dn nnf. think it in IV 81], my ll'll'llu3, UIIU Ul. but "ulna Ul uuu cities of this country is A great bonre of bad books and newspapers. We have enough fuel to make a blue 1200 feet high. Many of the publishing houses would do well tothrow into the blaze their entire stock of goods. Bring forth the insufferable trash and put it into the tire, and let it be known, in the presence of God, and angels. and men, that you are going to rid your homes of the overtopping and underlvin`g cume of proigate literature. 'l"l-m nu-intimv nrnsn in Hm nuiahtinst l:Vl\hlV suvcr." Paul had been stirring up Ephesusfwith some lively sermons about the sins of that place. Among the more important results was the fact that the citizens brought out their bad books, and in a public place made a bon- re of them. I see the people coming out with their arms full of Ephedan literature, and tossing it into the ames. I hear an economist standing by and mylng: Stop this waste. Here are $7,500 worth of book_e-do you propose to burn them all up! If you don't want to read them yourselves, sell them, and let somebody else read them. No," said the people, if these books are not good enough for us, they are not good for anybody else, and we shall stand and watch until the last leaf has turned to ashes They have done us a world of harm, and they shall. never do others harm. Hear the ames crackle and ur. '1 aunnge BOOK 101' Ill: wxu new AAA. 1 *"1sI;a'ny" 6?" `irxmraxsa viIiiIi' ifsed" `Gin -i6u` arts bmu,;ht their books together, and burned them before all men: and they counted the price of them. and found it 50,000 pieces of silver." Bnooxuxv, May l.-At the tnbemacle this morning the pastor, the Rev. T. De Witt Tnlmnge, D. D., expounded some of the Pro- verbs of Solomon. The congregation sang with magnicent effect the hymn beginning: Arm or the Lord. awake! uwnkel Put on thy strength. the unions shake. Dr. Talmnge took for his text Acts xix, 19: 61'iT.'.'..{{' AT 'i`|}.'ain"'i{lEi-E viIiI'i3Ii' ifmd" "3.X1_\ny of Them Also Which Uul_Curl- ous AI-up Brought Their Bookp"l`o- g'stlneI_-.`nnd inn:-nod Thom Before All: Men." ' busmeas In ummun. knuumlutm ulllx-led all as law rule as n:., on crgood (`om v. Invested I-`u mmm .\'el Income for the past yunr mu 3s.&'>l.&'l\. This enormous Premium Income ou ht 2. (`0n\ ill(`l! amurod 0! the desirnbilll of gnwilw their Insurance in L`u'y perfect y The (`ommnv |. ELOQUENT onscounsa CONCERN|NG\ " GOOD AND BAD LITERATURE. -._.___,._\ DR. TALLiAGt's SERMON.` `OCT! Well, my friends, one of the want: of the MI... at Old: nmunh-v in I errant. hnnrn nf hm! TEIE BR1'r1s1L.\m1%G, 'M01\'D'AY. wrluuug Ill HI!` I.vu-cu vs V. =.-_, ..u-'..-... (`unul he the hook! that try to make Im- purity nlu- an-I crlmo nttrnvtiw and hypo:-risy noble-. Cnnal In the Inuit! that swarm vrllh lilx-rthllu and Imp:-rmlun-.-, who make the Imun oi the young people whirl with villalny. Yo unborn who write u-m, yu pnhlh-In-n who print them, yo hoohalltl who clinrtrllruta them ill" ll (`In to plat. If the hall (I! Divluo vonzcunoo. which shall swap to um lowest pl: 0! pnnlluon all ` yo munrlom-u ol snub. I Ml you, though my maps In this world, you will CIlIIlll|."U@:|Iwuu-uu-I-II1 gmlpuhmmupo min hhtnqxu-us 'l`I..nIm|. .9.-ah. -ldnhht. A hlr Inna KN`! IIIIIIIH nxulnus I uu-pun-nu uv--u-u.r. Again, abstain (mm those books which an- npologrtit-nf crime. it in I at thing that some of the best and mat hmuttfnl hook bindery. and some of the nat rhrouic. hum been brought to make sin attractive. Vice in n borrihlun thing. anyhow. It is born in Ihuneuul it dial howling in the tlgrkmu. In this vrurlci it is mourgai with a `thin of Ictrpions, hut l"R|"Ild the thnmlon of God`: wrath pursue it ncrnn a lmumiku dart. hunting it with ruin and was. When you coma in paint mrndlty. do not paint it 1 as looking (mm behind mtbroiden-I mrtainl or through luttkvtwl royni Iarnglio, but In writhing in the mouth: of a city hospital. book! that to purity aim-ut n.._.._I L. aI.- I.....l... M.-. lllt` QIIIITKI IllWl_)s (`II I its at uni sung unu--. Again: I charge you to stand off from all those lnnks which corrupt the imagination and inninn the puniona I do not rel:-r now tnthat kimluf a hook which the villain has under hi-c vmt waiting for the school to gut out uni then, looking both ways to no that them in no policeman around the block, often this hunt to your son on his way home. I do I10! h`|Il*:lk of `hit kind Of literature. but that wliivli nvada the law and comes out in polished style, and with acute plot sound: the main that mnsm up all the haser passions of the soul. Today. under the nmtriln of this land, there is fetid. R4-king. unwnahod litan- ` tun ennugli to poison all the {nuntaim of public virtue nnd unite your mm and daugh- ter: In with the wing of n destroying angel. and it is time that the mininten of the Gospel blew thu trump:-t and rnllinl the fun`:-9 of rightmiiswu-em, all Inn?!` to the tooth, in this gnu! lnmlu against a iii-prarui iitvraiun-. .|m.i.. ginuin fmrn those books wliich ARIES, ll ulnrugn \;uuuu-u_- , nu -uuu._. \|\r' Ju- pry into an evil hook, your curiosity is as dnngvmus as thnt of the mun who would tale A torrh into a gunpowder mill merely to see whether it would really blow up or not. In I menngerio in New York a man put his um through the Inn of a black leopnnfs mg. The animal's hide looked so sleek, and bright, nnd bountiful. He just stroked it once. The monster wizul him. and he drew forth I hand mm, nml nmnglml. and I-It-ling. Oh, touch not evil. event with the faimest stroke! Though it may he glomy and beautiful, touch it not, Int you pull forth your soul torn and lnlw-ling; under the vlutch of the black Ioupnr-I. "But." you my, how can I flml out wlwthvr a book in good or lwl without. ; wading it."' There is nl\\'lI_\`~< nu-nu-thing sus- plc-ioun nhout. u had hook` I no-vvr know an oxm-ption-\niotlilIig Fll|\l(`lt)ll.'4 in the index or stylv of illustration. This wnomous I1-p- tile almost nlwuys carries a warning rattle. \ ....:... I nhnrau vnn In ufsnul n frnrn All urn Is'smnci:%culPLnv. hauxtlve work. Again: .-\h~tain from all those hooks which. while they have some 1 things about them, have also an admixture of evil. You have I`l`(||l books that had two elements in tlwm-tho good and the had. Which stuck to you! The bad! The heart of most people is like a sic-w, which lets the small particles of gold fall through, but keeps the great cimlcrs. Once in a while there is a mind like alomlstnno, which, plunged amid sun-l and bras: llings, gathers up the steel and repels the brass. But it is generally just the oppo- site. If you attempt to plunge through a hedge of burn to get one blackberry, you will get more burrs than lll!IA`kb0l'H('. You cannot. afford to read a bad hook, how- ever good you are. You say: The inuence ls insignicant." I tell you that the scratch of a pin hnaaolnt-times produced the Iockjaw. Al, if thmugh curiosity. as many do, you _. :...\ ... nuil hnnlr \-nnr nurinnifv in an or loan in the nruor wnn me mum ura- J perndo. Oh, these conrmed novel headers! 'l`he_\'are unhtted for this life, which is a trennemlousdisripline. They know not how tngnthmugh the fumarea of trial through which they must pass, and they are untted fora world where everything we gain we achieve by lmnl, long continuing and ex- haustive work. u-...o..:.. (mm nil Ihnsn hooks uswn. _ I charge you, in the first place, to stand aloof from all books that give false pictures of human life. Life is neither a tragedy nor afarce. Men are not all either knaves or heroes. Women are neither angels nor furies. And yet. if you depended upon much of the literature of the day you would get the idea that life, instead of being something earnest, something practical, is '3 tful and fantas- tic and extravagant :thing. How poorly" prepared are that young man and woman for the duties of to-day who spent last night wading through brilliant pasagesdescriptive of magnificent knavery and wickedness! The man will be looking all day long for his hero- ine in the tin shop, by the forge, in the factory, in the counting room. and he will not nd her, and he will be dissatised. A man who gives himself up to the indiscriminate reading of novels will be nervelem, inane and a nuisance. He will be t neither for the store, nor the shop, nor the field. A woman who gives herself up to the indiscriminate reading of novels will be uvntted for the duties of wife, mother, sister, daughter. There she is, hair dishevelled, countenance vacant, cheeks pale, hands trembling, bursting into tears at midnight over the fate of some un- fortunate lover; in the day time, when she ought tovebe busy. staring by the half hour at nothing, biting her nger nails into the quick. The carpet, that was plain before, will be plainer after having wandered through a romance all night long in tease]- aml halls of castles. And your industrious companion will be more unattractive than ever now that you have walked in the ro- , mauce through parks with plumed princemes i lounged in the arbor with the polished des- ..,.....in n}. tlwse mnnned ~ TQQIIIK." N IIIB uru yuu Ivuuulgx :1. book." You look at the book; it is a bad `book. Where did you~get iti" I bor- . rowed it." Alas, there -are always those ubrodil who would like to loan your son or, daughter a bnj hook. Everyw_here,every,- where an unclem literature. I change upon it the destruction of 10,000 immortal souls, and I bid you this morning wake up to the magnitude or the theme. I shall take all the world's literature--good novels and bad, `travels true and false, histories faithful nnd incorrect. legends beautiful and monstrous. all tracts, all chronicles. all epiloguee, all V (nmlly, city, state and national libmriee--and pile them up in a pyramid of literature und then I shall bring to bear upon it some grand, glorious, infallible, unmistakable Christian 3 principlgs. -(lodhlpme,t9.!m1!k..V111Lh,[.f.9.T:. ` en`co to my last account rind God help you to listen. - `L, LL- ....L alga.` On 36-urn` ~-- ncopdon room. Yqu see a light lnjgur child`! P09!!! late at night. You suddenly go lnandsay: Wham are you doing! I am tending," What are you reading! If hnnlt " vnn Innb nf H13; `Hulk? it it! ll R `mlla CFC. " Great Carpet and Oil-Cloth Sale now going on at R. McFAUL'8. We undertake to show the Largest Stock, the Hendsomest Pattern: and the Lowest Prices in the city. UNP/?0ED/V 750 8000588 / .MAYQ- nuns a nrsmmrn, April .10. How many oflhooe ladies and gentlemen who iuurethelrllvca read their policies through; and how many of thooo will remember. ten yarn horn now. the numoroun condition: found on moot. policies! The Insured may. :1. the time 0! death. he unconsciously breaking one of than conditions. Then how mnrh bettertho policy without them. The "SUN" iuuu All- aoI.L'1'u.v unmnditiotni policies and is noted for Its prompt oottlt-monls. For information owl! to I.` I` I1!!! `III-`\"I` Do vuu want to lm the Newest Thing in Dru: Good: at the Lowest Pouuiblo Price 1` Then call and no Mu` AH()N`.9 Dreuoodn Mock. Evorythin new And all the Intent at loo. Examine than uquinite Combination Suitingn. beautiful Ihock. Plaid And Stripe `I ma. 3 I0 [N100 I1" D0 Ill!` I0 -$l Wlill your I'D lvvsl. Ill nuuv June will In: uurprieeul that such elegant In cun be eold at such 5 low re. We etiil have eomo of c use M315 Hlovu which we are eelllng for 500. but they are \ hciug eolal vary (at. Cell and get 5 pair before they are ell gone. lloonls shown with pleunre. A__ _ - ___._::_ Ladies, see our Daisy French Kid Buttoned Boot at $2.60. the finest nished and best tting Boot in the city. D. F. ARMSTRONG, EEGOoDs Not only is this the lnemlqnarters for Carpets, l-`loor Oil-Cloth, Linoleum, I Curtnins, Curtain Poles nnd all sorts of House Furnishings, but also for Dry 1 linery anal Hantles. t1"l>'i\`e per cent. taken ml" all caslx purchases and thirty clay accounts by SAONETTE In anticipation of this their impurtatious of Brussels, Tapestry and \\'ool Carpets fur this Spring are much larger than fomierly, and are being sold by them at the Lowest Rates such goods were ever offered in the Dominion. The Patterns this season are very ` pretty. , `V \ BUY YOUR CARPETS NOW AS YOU MAY NEVER SEE SUCH VALUE AGAI-U. CARPETS ALREADY UP & LIKELY TO ADVANCE. --SHOE STORE.-- %?l.adies desiring to take advantage of these Wonderful Low Prices are requested to call at once, as the goods are selling rapidly and cannot last longer than this week. i7Ii"mu1 }1usum"uiconP1'xr; GOING VP IN PRICE! 70c. I \l\aI Blaclg Satin Merveilleux. "(pure silk) at 60c, ` worth 750. ` Heavy Gros Grain Silks t 75c, worth $|.25 wholesale. Colored Extra Wide Dress Satins at 65c, worfh $|.00. The Following speeialotferings FOR THE LADIES, W311 C011ti11ue This Week : F. X. GDUSINEAU & U0. IA MARKED SUGGESS Still it Gos on. >'.`II. AGAIN the price will be sure tn heat with your up rovsl. In (Act you will be ....:...| Qhnl -nnh nlmlnnt mod. cm amnuu AssI_n_mws cmnv.