4.5) (X) 3.31) 00 -_g`4()9 Tl 9,463'83 .8131 57 I1 l0.W? 9 THE Bfutrlsn % WHIG THURSDAY, MEDALS AND DIBLOMAS. Ill-III! IIIUIIIIII KIICI IIIC `III. "_ Mu Illa Inn and women would V0 in Ch Inna! cl u now vm Him tho rculdu olr own claim (ntlod. olouronolorotlbylln.` bun Rohnll and Nb lhllok :5 no-no was gun by Minn: A. Dr! and Iavoll. and IIII.J.(l|'@ |l!J.@u'd;Nr. `J. V. Aulln nulnmhloulrvulocoulz mmut pyaycn Iron ohvd by uwnl 7,954 93 I .u?,?.u shunt" union: . III WIIIIOIII UIIFDI III IX QIVIIIOII 0| Itch 43 hell. goo)? O QV , _ Bland Ih<`su':;:`1"{hot them: we unorunohlnu ulna Inn uul roman Imnhl 1 llI NT! Ill "IO \;I|lIlVI-"HCDCy." IIIO dutch Indiana} nnuonlduosunl Io : read an call!` u the work. but they `hon y hohtl tlu nlncvn vu. Hr. Sprung oddtboqoutbntvunuc "(`Antholuothoo Inuvod wltbonthogcnpulf but"Ccn we bound l!wodonotuIul ltto than ?" Ho 4 had more hope 'ol the solution ol tho hu- ? than without Chrbt that tho nlntlon ol Hg -In_l-nl._. .-In. A.-l..I A. -n.._ uluuui cnurcn VII IIOIII Ill ||GI urn: church Int even ; Rov. R. v'h|unq&:- aiding. Rev. R. H lll Ipnh upon ` . noontion ;" Rev. 8. (3. Blue! upon "A Pur- pou In Life ; and Rev. J. W. Spun uu 0 "Th Nood ul tho C|umh-Nonoy.' dlnmh Ind nun: mnnnnnlnnl "Dim A film: Iloollng II 0:00: Bk. Iiothodlnt (Ihuroh--PI-oooodlup at It. A we moodn otthlocallannch ut the ones`: An It took olthohlm tbodbt church was I11! in g ahnnsh I... -.....l_.. . D-.. D TIII K'I"lI'I AI'I'I1.Kl'lATI.U. M r. (lildereleeve accepted the reward and expreued epprecintion of the interest ehown by the education department in the ul\'Ance- ment of art. Hell It not been for its on- couragement an Art echool could not have been eetcbliehed in Kin ton. Already he had eeen ticel neeulte tom theinetructlon given in e school. He hoped the Itudente would continue to show their Ip reclntlou of the henelite elfonled to them. r. Poor was asked to make I few remarks. but he uid that he we: so lettered thnt he could not lay anything. The hep y event then termlneted by the preeident timatlng that a very lerge number of rereone intended go. lug up {or the art exem uetione, which occur in I low we-clue. 7 A VII ICII Ul V` IIU UXUUIITI III UU "I.u UI'.uCuI7!. Then the diplomn and lnodnl for the Art achool was turned over to the president with the hope than the schnol would con` tinne to ourish. that in upiln would be the Iocipionta of many rowan 3. And u! the in- ` Itructiom given in it would be of grunt ser~ ` view to thz students in after lilo. BTU Cfrluilllly C0llIpIll0lIIIr,' [U nlm. It was gratifying. aid Dr. May. to ten- der newnrdn to C. Wremhnll. Hi: dilplaya were most valuable, end were upoken of for their great excellence. He trusted .\lr. Wrenahull would 0 on in the new eld of labor, that his war would become vulanble ` in L pecuniary sense As well u A source of ` delight. The docwr knew ofno lady, he- 1 sides Mrs. Power, whose work wu more ` varied or u lm excelled in no meny branches. I Than thn alinlnme Aml nunlgl `nr u: Art HI . IHU rutmru UK .\l|'. roor `VI-I \'el'_)' . His etforu hnd rusultod moat utia actor)`. The reward: given to his pupils were certainly complimentnry to him. It Inn urntifvina mill Hr AI in tan. HA3` |`UlI'l.l.P..\T.|K\ KL.`.\KK. In tendering the (loculnenu and nuulils l)r. Mny was very complimentary. He mentioned the work ol Mina Shun` us being worthy of each I painstaking student. Miss Helen Fraser was considered A wonder. She i would surprise the people or Kingltun some I (lay. The record 01 Air. |'oor Wu very I stood. His eifnru hml nuullml mnat utin unla Audltun IIITCIIIQI-IVCH 9] [H3 ulueruut. l)I'IlIlII sions. The foremost in this group is India. second Canada, anal thinl Australia, the other countries forming together at very large company. The border of the diploma is formed of small shields giving the names of the various British possessions. In a(l- ` dition to the medal and diploma the minis- ter of education presented to each recipient two pamphlets prepared specially in connec- tion with the work of the exhibition. One 0! than is Dr. May's report of thcexhihition l I I just published. THEY ARE` PRESENTED TO THE T; ART SCHOOL PUPILS. The tliplmnzu preecntenl were \'o ry elabor- ate, of large size. about two feet by two feet 1 six inches. In the centre is B group of figures with allegorical representations of 1 Great Britain receiving tribute from the re. ; presentntivca 9! the ditferont British posses ninmi. The fnrunnnt in thin urmm in lnalin l CHE lU LIIU HCIIUUI. Altogether the Kingston school lllmlt` ninety-three exhibits, consisting of perspe c- tive, architectural drawing, mechaucn! draw- ing, original designs for industrial uses, de- signs for oilcioth, anatolnicnl figures, shad- ing from the flat, outline from the round, shading from the round, shading still life. ower drawings, water Colors, and oil paint` \ ings. 'l'hn 1lll\lnln.'\a Ilrnullll.-.l M`;-rn \'nI`l' nlAl|nr. IHTIKCLL, HUI`: LII!` I` went to the schuol. \I,......|..\.. .I.._ Dr. S. P. Ma. , the late commissioner of the education apartment to the Colouitl and Indian exhibition, London, 19:13., climl ed to the studies of`the Art school yea- terdny afternoon and resented highly em- belliahed di lomaa andpeilver medals to the pupils who ed exhibited their work at the great ex ition. Before the gifts were be- stowed r. May chatted plcuaautlv with the mini]: and nthnrn and viewed the work of The School tlIe\I(Ql;nIent of Many Enco- mlunu-'l`lie Exhlblt Greatly Admired Mnssiomnv sznvnca. Confel-ed Upon Thou: . John cu. nuns-I one .u...au,u vusvlllo. Ind..oo8nu(lAy. ucncnd expenses : l`n-n In Innlnnn Another Oh-I hr Annie MoK . cl I-iydonhu. or:-sud yuhniqyu illlll oi lnr iuim. was child this morning with Iuui ohluu an out. Int. nu-i. boot rubbers. the pvowrty of hot niuot. Sin guilty. or inhor aid also In I conical Eollnul codes who wild ndnll his man N rotll hot hi provod Ili. Her uunpio might lead MI olhor childnn nnllnv. Th: nddn-uh uni. but in thy UIIUI UII'II T IIII DIET PRIIIIIUII many. The nbtnu out but to the Manor fort:-cyan. _-o.-pi-u ow; nulysuv. lot 5 Dlcullllldll. ID! I IlIOI- non. Ill; u-an . K); Rockwell. ll): Canon. 973; R. llsnn. 975 : Punch. 970; (`3'r|\-u.KD; Anola boJ$5:HoIl|oy.948; on . ; non am` am`. IN; Thuritoll, I05: W`. Ibo: I77: um. no; Spout. ms; cu-total. m; Inllcup. III; Lynlo. III: Swhdlolum. H0: John. N: Anglia. 70: Ptturula. 75. nurr. .131: runl. am: n uln. Ill; Uni`!- onr. ill): ROM. ll); AIIQIIJID ; Gourd`. `I39; -n:|ytho.9l7z McDouno||.Ii7: Jae inn. I Hllnnnn K1; Ila-mi-all XI. I .. v........ .....-........ ' The nnnunl meeting of St. Andrew`: oon ' gegation occurred an evening : Rev. J. nckie in the chnir. The manager:-Mean. J. Minna. \\'. Irving. A. Rose, end W. H. Ct-nig-were re-elected. and the nencini ear changed to run with the oslendnr your. e Ladies` miuionnry ueocintion ruined CIJXX) for the schemes of the ohurch,nnd the i 0 fund was reported to have increased . to MIX). The membership of the church hu increased 0838. The receipt: for the you were C.1.Ul). and the expenditure H.- II). the deciency being erected by exten- sive repair: to the roperty. The euhject oi _ I new church in eta" I under consideration. ' lodol Hchool mm. ' The following In the Ihmllng of the pal pila In Mr. Joyner`: clan In the )lodo- ` school. (or March. 450 murln hung obhln: able: Donaldson. (I5: 1!. Can. M8: Dnlmn. MI 3 D. Clue. 8-`>4 ; Wdkcm. 3 - Kerr. 399: Foal. 810: Wnhh, I; Obli- dnu Mil. mm mm. AII_ onn.n....a- IIIIIIZCKIU. Brook & Booth have arranged to ship I0- 11!) loan at was from Howe Island to To- ` route, to be and In the hrookwncor about Hahn`: Inland. ' XIII- The Vermont Central nplo ha loaned tlnpnop. Nobruh for All). The Chi- oIqoandOgdouburg line will have nine ` good shunts. ` M H Hnnth luv: Al-rnmnnl In nhin ll). ` I IV!!!) ll: llII'\IV|I IIIIIHI. Capt. Mchhugh. St. Cntnnrinea. purchu ed a Iwumor. and pro runni it be- tween Youngstown um Niagara the neu- XII. V llIlV'III on KVIIIIHI . The Iclu-I. Gulnc.i)I: um ! J. H. Hm-.-k have been chuiorod to carry timber {mm Tn. leulo to Garden hlunl. 1`--.I Il..\l_....L L`: l`-An.-._:__- _.._-I..__ .5`\1rplua::-M Returned r.u.v miumn -can u-v u an ngu ulvuuun The steamer Piempont will reach (`ape \ Vince-ntonoturdny. v in nnlun lInInAh- anal _I H Hun.-L Iuur. ` The Park .\'|ne Club. F I > ,' The inembem of the `Punk Nine base lull J clulr will commence practice next week. ' The only change in the team this year is ' the addition of Pomfret. who plnyed with the Kingston: last year. and the loss of Wslker. who held down third base. Moran will occupy his position and Pomfret will .uctsuhort stop. James Little will not leave the city as reported. He will take clmrgc of the first base. ` Ill ' `I3 IKIPIUIQ (IV '\`Sll'l`- : it the white hoot hlzu-k 1.1.-ks the black _' |o0t-lIIm'k's lunar, \\ ill the black hoot-black`: 1 lnont be ltlnckeul? If the white hoot-black blacks lvut one of the black boot-Mm-k's x lmnta. what will the black boot-black In? | If Hm ..I....... J..- ..... .L.:..|. n-.. .1-.. v I A New llaml Formed. The members of the Glee club of Qucelfu college have orgsnized : voow phone band. The iuatrumenul are curiously uuule. but very Iwoot music cnn be supplied by them. There ll`! thirteen player: in the organiution. They will. soon After the clmi of uoeu`s collegqgive concert: in Wolfe ll ville, Smith Falls, Alnmnw. Perth and Ot- ttws. The club expects to give eighteen concerts. sud, rock- , I I I IHIULH, WIIIIL Ill (H{' H the abo\'s- lm-s & Thompson`: w.~, .` three months. (`uro for nys; l|r.n\' as long lm-nth und in I as rapidly as pnssilule : f I.,..A l_l._,.I.'_ |1\/\` .. ill .I.,. Clue: Allowed to Staml. E I This mnrning the ma istmtc stayed pro ceedings in the case of .\ rs. Georgina Stale?` I I for kee iug a diam-lolly house, and Joscp I Theobn d clmrgeml \\ ith being nn inmate. The magistrate sni.l it was not his intention j to deal lenientl_v with Thoohuld,bnt As Mrs. S .\`taley'.~: mu-c wns pc-rmittcd to stand the sulne privilrge wnnlul Le nocorded tn him. .\ Promising .`.lusiclnn. Miss \\'rc-nshail played the Emt,u' mush-. anthems, voluntariea and hymns. in the S3- denham street Methodist church on Sunday. and doscrved the compliments of her friends. She is a promising musician, and as a per former upon the organ nnd piano bill fair to win distinction. A Fine Display. 7.. l're\'nst has in his window as line dis- play of Scotch twueds for suilings. An at- tractive feature is the huttous fur the coat and vast, which are of the sauna: nmto.-rial as each piece of goods. These Ionk Wu us they are nnwahown on each pievc. Hr gmu'un toes an A I fit. `V clu SW n A grocer got a. new pair of scales and V (ll`W large crowds by` zulvortizinv Pretty girls given a. weigh. Hemlry & ' 'lmmpson are drawing the crowd by giving away with their tea and co'ee beautiful ten sets, and all description of crockery ml glassware. l 0(; Court --'l`luIri-lay. John Costello, drunk, decision reserved ; H. McDerInott, $5 and costs. or in default of Yayment one month in oal ; W. Lent. $1 am costs or 10 days ; 1). mm spent $22.22 eaterday, ned Si and costs or l0da_va; . Sly. $2 and costs ; given time to pay it. ounovmuu. Purchased poli- riot Mlulon Band Tea. The Methodist mission band will give an orange tea in the lecture room of Sydenham St. church on Friday evening. A good pro- gramme has been prepared. --w nuzuvlvvu - naulu H. Strutlohl, who mu an exhibitor at the Colonial and Indian exposition. held at Lon~ l don, England. received 'esterday from the ` secretary in bronze medal N-mu mum. - ~"- The only medicine in the market that will immediately cure cold in the head, And per- ` l maneutly cure cntarrh, hay fever, etc. ` -Frackla Ln/t;oVn.( Bell's lotion Kgill remove um, L sunburn, pilnlea, blowhes, etc. APRIL 14. 4 coal: A Church Advancing. .....I ..._.AI.._ .R mg I. I Murine Pu-ngrnpln. .....-- l)}_.......__a ._.:Il _. n. Re ;L ..Llx'_,` ___I.- ._,,, I `I `A Lock L annvifii-E; llll [~03 i`n;0l value. 19.3 II `T No. '0 cool. I 1'8`th9' hesrptlw` ily to purchase genuine Scranton I . \Velgh Away. .9 .. ....... ....: W uu'u:| UUUI.-UlM'K (ll): not cure drink Hendry 30:` or (500 Huck ten for I|_\`spfp.du. 1 repent the folio. ii'IlI` T frock lea. T\\'ent_\' ~ mdrv I PlU\.lI`:IlllI tnucu uunpnees. f . ` _ e juror: regretted to not so little acti H M ; Ext)" _llll0llg.}l')I0 \'alr 1:lun \vortl1:;hop; inthe pong. I _eImury. ey ieve t t e enforced ! ulleneu of the prisoners render: them more dnicult to manage, md ldtll much to the relil _poeeihilit_ to future trouble with them. The u_ it; }uron fan tu are the wmlom of the conten- g non that this clue of none ghould be for u ever a burden on the onset people of our om" t`0l1t|`)'. when they could, by their ov_n'n in- H I dultf)`. qoutnbute much toward: their own M! i support III the prison. .1)` KIM`. Dlhf lillhlin inlfifnfinnn \-initml Nutter Probabllltloo: Mmlcroto In full winds. nut`;- Mr wallet. I-blag Iouponlu-0. I bun oom- wo lunch. in u come am. the largest on new the committee law not Ind report. ur'IIi uuouuuy. IHWGIIVI may OIDOI` incur. Etionuootlon nlnluhun ul- \ Iothogrntovlloltho Iougountlou of non: for durhogtlho win. urn an t can -, u. moo poverty 'l\. A.A.I -....._n ...._...l--I I-.. .L_ Expenditttrez To policy holders: Claims under ll Ilfh I .11 Q!) m 4 saw] uuuuvu IIIII ulu cnrllunn IOIIIIIIDOIII 0! the oommnnit would have Y-can da?ly out` rugod. if. wit ublic funds At the hpnul. the committee sllowod won one of the | most undo: to perish from utuvutim. i From Ilia rum 1- nnnr nlhl Inna I-vnninn _---.-. - uuwvv v-q-. uvir iy';Fa?.aT"'i' um. nmupuc. About ti-only-n fun in nu unbhd In lun- por.|lry 'd%:;c:.o{ `l`lIui:;pochlal,nd omoutod to C I nun I'll run is :11 wonhlp the Iu;yvI'.nn|:`a0 by r. T. 1 Rohortntn. I I'll luhhud on th: dgon dulnd. nlnply on tho 3|-maul of urgent mm|u.1{Lvrmln dun} I-I till Ill IIIIT `IKIVIII III|II"I|IIKp Vol xi. pun (Taxman on. u o! :xnuInb'rm bullion (1.'II&|;I;.;II won-slug-man. ooronlol than hula; hu- ly u-rived I` twanh-lln Inn in van animal In I-m. d,tvrenty- two lemlllee the ueully helped by it. o`. e.. widoweor Innu pet-ecu ncelve-I eld during the whole winter. Filly-eeven other femlliee received ueletenee mom or leee frequently en they required it. The Aid given vree neeelly fuel end heed. meet and gmoerlee being eupplled in ceeee of elckneee or special need. Over end ebovo the enietuce ghee out o! the ordinary fund, e emell epeclel fund Iree couttibuud la two or three genemue ludiriduele. for I exm-an nunmeonlnelhvlnn elm -nu. fl :nu;;o:`uu'IhuIrvIn1.Iro nuuunn Iuvuuug neat nuvemuor The committee aprointed at the lat an I nual meeting of_the loor Relief Aeeociation have endeavoured to carry on the work of administering relief with an much care ea pueeible. The collection: taken up in the city were very good, and an the winter wen long and severe, the funds were all needed. While the committee take all 'hle care to l\'0iti innpoebaara. they 5 that it in eim ly inn ' trey: to rqect the aid givelh to tmlwho are called the "deeerving ." tho h theee of comic have always the ret claim on their ueletenca. But even the nndeeerv poor cannot be left to per ieh for went 0! i and fuel in bitter vrin~ M ter weather. especially when the innocent children must euifer with the parents. and they believe that the chrietien eentlment of (ha nnenmnnilv nmnlnl hum Ln... .I..nI.. ....o The Lu! Meeting for the l'ent-'l'he War): It u Perfonned. I The connnitteeoi the Poor Rh.-lleiAaa1~ cietiou held its nel meeting for the Jolson ' on Monday lent, to wind up the society`: l work. The following antenna! of in work ` and ex ndilure vru submitted and in plllr linlned y order of the committee. The l more detailed report will be given It the annuel meeting next November : Than nnnuuiltua Annninogl .9 cl... I--. -.. : vupyullp Ill HIE TIEUH. Of the othe`; ublic institution: vinited it is perhaps eutcnent to uy the! the build ingn And remiecs of each were epotleealy clean. uxrwell kept, and that there was every evidence 0! cueful meat, nnd that eve etfort Wu made to Add to the cumfort o the petienu." I.-us ux um sauna. u. is wluun me Knowledge nf many jurnrs that the act in openly violet ed, and that drunkenness is not reduced. Public sentiment. in favour of temperance may lie, and we believe is atudily growing. but is not yet equal to the enforcement of arbitrary prohibitory measures. The iurnm vicitml Hm rvnnl pin l.........I. I vvuln vuulu ausu uu uunu uy we prisoners. . "Touching the temperance question the i jurms feel constrained, with regret to T any that the Scott act does not accomplish 5 the cxcellelll object aimed at by the promo- ters of the same. It is within the knowledge I nmuv iurnrs the act in omnlv vinlm moo. Internal ill uIuul'_y prumuuury measures. The 'urore visitocl the gaol, city branch asylum, otel llieu, general hospital. Rock` woo-I asylum, and the penitentiary. .\Ir. ('urbctt lil.`l.`0Ill])lHlell the jurors through ll)!` gm] and atfonled every infornintion as to the working of this prison. He reported eeven~ teen men and St`\'t`ll n omen in gnol. One of the men is an i-lint zunl has been conned in the gnol for Hiroo _\'eru`s. The jurors are M the opinion that ho ahoulxl he removed In the asylum. l'lvcr_\' part of the premises was spotlesely clean iuul bore witness to the cure- ful manageinent of the governor. The jur- ors stmn vly recommend that the limestone Boots in he lower portion of the geol be re placed by concmte oors. The cost of this iinproveinent would be triing, and would prevent much dampness. The inmm roamtfml tn nan nn Huh. .,..r: mg to me revenue or this needy institution. The jurors recommend that the manu- incturing industries, heretofore carried on within the walls of the penitentiary, be re- vived. They are of the opinion that all the paper required for vernment use, throu ll- out dominion, coul be, and ought to_ , manufactured by the prisoners. At the re sent time as dry-dock is much requir at Kingston, and could be built at Portsmouth. When built it would give employment tn many mechanics. The jurors are of the opinion that this dock could be built by pri- * sun labour. A breakwater, too, is required In be built between the hosiery mill and tho Rnthbun lumber yard on King street, this work could also be done by the prisoners. Toucliinu the temnaranea nnnnjnn ti... yuulluuulll. cuurioynient mr them, but the prisoners couh , for the slunmcr, be employ- ed in laying out the court house grounds. constructing rinauent walks through the 3 same, and ad: ing much to the beauty of the ` property. They could also ' be employed in gardening at the general hospital, thus udd- ing to the revenue of this needy institution. iurors recommaml tlmr. ch. n\nnn QIIBIIIIKKII 3 ` The grand jury of our hnly the 4 noen. for the resent court of the Maize, to report tiiat they concur moat hear`tiIy'Tn the upmion, expressed by your lordship, touch- ing the prison labour. Thev are of the opinion that each able-bodied inmate of the guol nnd penitentiary .nhonld be compelled tolnbour at some useful work. Many of the gun] risoners. being in for short sen- tences, tiero is a difficulty in providing permanent employment for them, but the prisoners . for the .=nnwuu- I... ......a,... .-..-.._ ----v...-uvuu-cu nu ulv Goal lllnlu an Prison. and upon the Dry Dock and -\ Breakwater. lur tho Penitentiary Mun- tt-r-\\'hut \\'Hl the (lnvornment SIYI-' Yesterday afternoon the fureman of the grand jury presentodhe following report to ` Sheritl'l'`erguaon, an-I,~the jury was by him. ` pursuant to the judge`: instructions. then ` qliamihssod: ` wr ......... r. V r - - [ JURY ON. PR1g5N LABOR. Sunum-r (hurdenlux Roconuuomled fur the n_...n -nu, . - - T!-IAE Convuclf SHOULD BE vM' PLOYED IN SOME WAY. poor: RELIEF socfzrv. Id Teflllll. commission nn Innnn rn. y subtly : U KW!` udlturo ` - Iunuon out. 441' coqpimug Mrfollou.-lac tuvntnaola .- \l nnlnlnnl n.|.\. Income : l`renIlunuw Inn I-1-nu: Xv: assets. Dec. 31. I896 .. . cn.nc|:llm: moon pun policiu has ledger bul- zuwea written 0!! including $814.53. Induc- ing the who u! the ram puny`: omcr) . (llI'R`lG`I` "Q and uilclll O 2.03:) Manager. acro- IICCII Ilnsnxtsetl Dy one-unm 0! one per cent. \\'e desire to call your `attention to the mic of iuteicst on our investment from which our surplus is so largely derived. l n.~\'inus to 1881 our interest income en ublexi us to allow eight per cent on our in ten-st hearing rmervo.-s, but the decrease in the rate of interest on investrnente at this time made it necessary to reduce the rate to seven per cent on reserves, which has I-ocn maintained up to the end of I386. FINA Xl'l.|L srnmaxx-r. The amount of new business for I886 is :27 per cent greater than that of I886, yet the ratio u expense to income has only been increased by one-thinl of cent. '0 clcsirc to call your `attention tn Hm L. IIIIIIII unuo [W0 Int! ure oudovmnltt. LWHI) Pumhnnmi null Ancwry prugruns. The volume of new bnsines-. the premium income, theintereet on our investments, the number and amount of policies in force, the net and total assets, the reserve and surplus, hnve all been largely increased, and the amount paid for death claims is only I little more thanhalf` the amount paid the previous year. 'l'l1ew'fcts are fully veried by the following tabulated statement : pout-|u.... . llllll undo I`l'| Inn) urn uens iron: 1 uuuulee WI! present. The president, I. E. Bowman, F ., hav- in token the choir, on motion W. . Rid- lell, Eaq., secretary of the company, acted as secretary of the meeting. Notice, calling the snnual meeting. having been read, on motion the minutes of the last annual meet- ing were taken as read, and the same there- upon conrmed. The prcsident then read _ `nu: Dlnncmiu REPORT. It affords our directors much pleasure to be able toau niit to you the following report of the aiira of your company as at the 31st December, 1886, showing that the past year has been one of great prosperity and satis- factory progress. The \`0lllIIIlI. nf nl-tr linainocc Hun nu-nnn'n... The seventeenth ennnel meeting `oi the _ company was held at it: heed nice. in the town of Waterloo, Out... on Tueejey, the 5th dny of April, I887, end in addition to mmy local members, elnbrecing the leding business and professional men of the town, at In number of repreeenhtive policy hol- ders roan a distance was preeent. 1 win ! I-W "II JIIIICC-1* II Mnnkslpnl Dob`: Pun vdno... JIIIJCMI lhy Jixhlblt n Favourable 0Io-'l`lao Com- pariun sauna: and what u Indi- `r-Ha muum. MEETING or Tr-It msunmcs` oompmv. THE ONTARIO MUTUAL T - __ ,._v vtvvuu the llocoptlou Aooordod do Then. -.. IJIUW I'o'lI.DI D uumoxun. A-:1-I. I. I H.587 (IRS IJIJU III I ll .1.` l.&I\'v Ll 79 8.47! .`IZ$i 7!.&)d I0 Lum :3 `I man so I IJICIS Ilfl ll I - O ll.I(D.`.l) JQMIO IQ` .-`undry expend!` H lures. lnclutl I printing. .'.'t'r orllulng. I ~ I 17.37! .' snows: xs Q3081 3.58 samm: (13 -~- amsazao THAI not and: I III . ll. 0' ` lIIW,01 ~ in; (run his mucus. 4 I IIIU Ill` UTIJITTIIVIII I DXIII` nut the In mag. The In must have boon uuould In the rdhn for some II:-no -n `M 3.: - gang J --uuI-A -l.l..I. The Gonorsl lloapltul In Danton-Sana! by the Blink of the Employees. About 4 o'clock yesterday Afternoon the . plate ln the lnunnlrv room of the gene rd luilftnl fell on the hood of one of the lnnndnuel. And I tire in the roof of tho mull stone ntructure, sdjoinin the main building on the west aide, than ndin vent burn out and made the laundry but I huty ntrut. The nlnrm Iprud over the lnltltntion. and olclnln and patient: were ucited and alarmed. Sunnnl Wanton And Mrs. Watnon, however, mnnlullod their forms roll. and um! I nmall bone. a Bub- cocl extingulnhor. and I hand force-pump with Inch good eoct u to control the fire within twenty minutes; then the flu bri- pdo deluged the place and nverud All dun- III`. Tho Hmnhnt Al-rm -u lo pl..- o|.- i 1 . uue wu unrln VII loll wnen the gnu teec ed the cornice over the third * story. connunicnting from the he or n bIrnvi:f cinder. This wee befon the brigede nrri nndwniorhedtobeurriedusin peilefnli. the young Indy nunee exten ing lheirnimhleeervieeeuweliuthemnleu detente. This eecond danger wne averted. The en: tleeerve the end: credit for well and vipmm The Ion will he conned to the laundry, u only one I-oolnintbennlnbnild wee eothreetew ed the! furniture had to removed. The in! in hand for 010,500 with the Len- `nn -In. DA-nun` `mane-Anna an-rung-ml-. w u uuou I0. one 0] me most largely Attend- osfinnonthl And thoroughly representa- : tire meotin of the com y was brought } lo nuumrglclooe. pm ` ` Aftel the nnnunl meeting the board mt-t. ; when I. E. Bowman, I-231.. was re-elected | president, And (`. M. Tlyllnr, l'Iaq., \'ice-prc- I sitlent. for the ensuing year. IIICI IVUTT C" II- hut alarm Iru (alt when the also .1 -__._..._X..A.l__ l._,_ .- n}.a.J.1m.T " .. ml.-M. oHImdv|l.|qrqnnt., 1| 3 Igltl IT 'l'.WII WIUII III` KAI!` mm and R0 0` I lino! I The n mu?r:>nm:.l:eou: nil tho Inn lnnlnn Th. n mnno In. ` Vote: 0! than I to the president and li- rectors. tothe manager, nocreury and of- cinl stud} to the Agents. medical exnminera and referee, having been tendered uul re- : udod to. one of the moat largely |ttcnd- 1 ` 0?illll0ntKI And thomlmhlv rnnnunnntn. lllr Cl! CIITTUIII CIT. Salaries : n- .n,, uul ulv clllulll HINDU ] . On motion, ours. Henry F. J. Ju.-ksou ` ` and J. .\l. Scully were re-appointed auditors ` for the current car. ` \'..o.. .J LL__ _A_ A... _, 3) . I |- 1 UIIIUIB. The lullutin for directors Iesulwd in the ` Ie-election of R ours. I. E. Bowman, M.P.. 1 JIIIMI Trow. M l`.. Alfred lloekin. Q.('., And the election of A. I . Clemenuof Messrs. ; Bowlby & Clement. lnrrinten. etc . Berlin). for the ensuiu three you-a. (hi motion. llrl "nnrm- I-' _l _'Anl.'n:\n ulc pm-out uuuuuuwu IIIIIIJCIII uaouuy ol the com y, and of the gratifying success which c nnctaerized the operation: of the past your in the face of the koeneat competi- tiou from rival institutions. Among the ~ speaker: were the Rev. .\leura.Mnrrow and Bums. Dr. Mcbellsn. director of teachers` inatifutes. Mr. Allison, Q.('., of Pia-ton, and others. 11- I..II. i:._ . I , I2, . , I. I - The new business for the first three months of I887 is largely in excess of the business for the same period of I886. which shows , that the progress of the past year is still go- ing on. The ado tion of the report was seconded by new of the members, who offered hearty congrntulntions on the pro-eminently satisfactory nature of the reports read by ` the president, md, in the most enthusiastic terms, expressed their high up reciation of the present undoubted nnncis stability of comnunv. the Rrlfvinir nnnnpnn puucy noiuers IS proporuonawly Increased. During the past year the company has been compelled to dispute the payment of ` two claims amounting to $4.50!). One of these, known as the Dunseath case, came to trial before Justice Rose, at Tomuto, and was declared to be a barefaced attempt to defraud the com V. Since the trial Salnucl .\`. Dunaeath. w ose life was assured and who was said to have been drowned in the Detroit River, has been found alive and well ' in Michigan, which proved the wisdom of the board in resisting the claim. The Unta- rio Mutual has never yet disputed an honest claim. I`L....,... I ,, e .1 n . .- Ila re do QJ.'\l'I\.\l .`,` - J. M. Scr1.L\'. lAu`ht"m \\'.\'rIs`.RL00, Feb. l2th, I887. ADOP'no.\' 01-` THE Rl:l'()R1S. , The president, in moving the adoption of the report, said that during the past. year the superintendent of agencies ap inted a number of new general agents, am a large number of locals, which has resulted in a satisfactory increase in the list of our policy holdcis. Our death losses for I886 are very light com with the previous year, and our surp us available for distribution among policy holders is proportionately increased. During `'19 I \AI`. vnnr flux nnlnnnnu has uunluuca wltn rue Ioregom statement. We have also exaunnet the mortgages, debentures and other securities held by your company, and we hereby certify that they are correctly shown upon the statement sub- mitted herewith. H. F. J. J.\(`K.s'n.\',[` I. I` "` 't`'m' \\ .\'r|~:RLoo, 12th, moving agents, which death for SUFD us available for alintrilmtinn nlnnnn WIS properly IBDCHMI IDU HLITIICIBUU WHICH HF` tention. The British press was very com limentary in regard to the exhibits, and mi. Sparks, one of the leaders inartat Ken- sington, referred in high terms to the me- chanical drawings from the Kingston school. The s er was satisfied that Canada had rea great benefit by the exhibits it had m e, which were far superior to those shown at either Philadelphia or Paris. (len- erally the education department of Ontario had reason to be proud of the display` it had made. He regretted that the Kingston public schools had not participated in it. it was said that the Kingston people were slow, but he knew that when they did come out they went straight to the front ; and this would have been theease hadthe schools made a display. He then proceeded to nl\I'I`Rl|lI"l`I` THE`, 'l`I)k'I`.\',~l, V un.uuI to -..v... y-nu. . . .\l'Dl1`1II{.\" REPORT. We beg to report that we have carefully ` examined the books and accounts of your company for the your ending Dec. 31st, 1886. and that we nd the same correct and in ac- cordance with the foregoin statement. mortsmrea. amount since sol tlod in court in favourof the con1pan)')...... Premiums paid in advance. . .. 1 (`ollectlon foeon, ulnfmrnd 1: hr! ll! 01' this deterred. . . . . .. (`luimu under 4 policies await- mg claim pu- wra . . . , . . . . . .. . -nun l\':! . |`r(-nldenl and directors fool and muons: I Rosor \' c c o m- putod on Hal 4} per cent. in- cluding llona. notes. pro m~ iums due and dafnrrnd. [nwreunccruod on poucyloum not duo........ I lntaruuocrued on policy liens not duo.......v.- uens over coat Llensondotaur. policies (tn- sorvelocrodit) 87311.61. .. .IntoroItlooI'not1 ll lllflll rouecuon toe on defelred a nd nthnr n r n m. nmor p r o m- iumsand not's IT WAS A CLOSE CALL. cu . . . . . . . . . . . `. ($2.51!) of this '-.Sl`Irplus. . re `Irina under 2 policies roslsl~ Ana Imago. . auger. ury and unb- mnlo . debs over Bout Lions on datum-, H . 22a'a'L`.e.;'z". ?Z notdln.` .... .. lnlal-Int dun nn Total users. rmnnun on ucy loans... ratuccrued 7 . 1: 834.6722! ~~--~+.7g4 9| ' 1.4!); :9 8831.167 21 ` 33.373 03 3847.9 \-yus.-nu ways;-.3 (`om mlulona and nuperhr londont 3 ul- nrv I