cuhhn. uuu U1 melr provmce rrom Alghauisban. Albert Humor, Bradford, a medical gra- lunte of Menu]. Mnntrnnl :. ...:...:.... 1.-.. " ::.;.;.;.; {vug , 'u; tele$hoo uluber . Iron luau In slink. ll- __L A. GENERAL T/0/(ET A0 /var, THE.PlTH or-' THE NEWS.` . vvv vl an "KINGSTON. ONT. KINGSTON. CANADA. TUESDAY EVENING. MARCH 29, Foot of Brock Street. r\\v I\\v1I1 `N N ) AT --A nu;J wunumd to 2 ... -3 -`W :-,..~:..".-.-"'.*.`.:-'*-..-.2 '1". llllll V I I .nw.u`n n...'a2.. ' ' II K fun: TU. -l'o:TI'% t o . u hhb " " "":::_ `lion-nrhnnullo-oh wworut govu-luau, who did not i dugon l . Cc-ho oln?':)h. oh." and Anna-nun:-n nhln in I-an-J annual.` L.) nu uI.wII, I-Ilojtr -UIIZIUO ucuuncnvhloh to loud condo: had |!nducud- ad In n-Quinn nnbhlnn L-no Lh gun. I-.. Mr. IVIUX INIUWT IKIIOIT. II. XIII that I! he hallowed that tho roplo ol . Ind vorcospslnlo olunctloo ngtho lnoAEl|.`l'!. luwouldglveupfon\'ortlnbopoolnoolng3 the lrlslund shah hand: 130 Irish people won cl be ulna llthoy cub-it ted to it. Elthor he would have 5 country when no lrlllnnna could lln unlsnhe lived llh I clan. or ll the In wen willing he would ho sod Cg)` to lad than in bath Chan.) `Do nouun ends! only result la ends; lncnoul dboIguln- tlou. and driving the people back to the honon ol lorusor Chou Earl s........ ............Z...'!..`.. ..`l.._. *`J3i wuulu uu umppll. [III pvuunul pond that the pu-nun: ollho Hlluhould not bo llnltod to I It tins [Choon] Bclfour ooncludod by declaring thus It run in the cum I ht-[bury thus the govonnut ukodthohouutoh-at the yoh under Ihich lrllnnd in running lrclnd wu new no uuulowou [0 appear In Iunglleh ooune, [Parnellite'e laeqhten] and the nah would provide the neceenry {nude for the conveyance of both witneeeee and lawyere. Purely political oeneee. treeeomtreaeon, lelony. end eeditioue libel. were excluded {tom the rovieiom ol thehlll. The crimee triable in `ngland were murder, attempt to murder, aggravated erimea of violence. and arena. lnallceeeethebillapplied only to dietricte. The 1:-.oeroy would ave or to plot: ' dangemue eocietiufoun to be peace and and order. A atloe dkected@hat a eoclety wool be eehunltted to parliament l within eevee daye elter lte beenoe, and l! perlianent cendemeed is the proclanatiee would be dropped. The government pro- poeed nernanucv ol the bill should canon!` nu cruucu. Ana -1! If III! gzornmont power to change to wound trial for gt-aver oloooo. `u govern- ment felt the diicnlty connected with the abolitionoftrinl by jury in lnhnd,nulthon- {ore pro that the attorneys gonenl of Raglan um! Ireland. in out: of to crimes, should certify when I alror trial could bo had in Engluul, when the triul Ihonld be held in England Cries from the Phrnellitn : "What pun of }nglnnd!"1 Irish counsel, Bslfour added. woruto lmallowod to appocr in Engllal: ! mum. l Parnollitdu hnht.ar_1 And um nan. TIC PIIIOIIIIQ OIIIO IIIII. Mr. Dillon followed Hollow. H. 3.1.] but u 5.. L..n....a n.-. .n.. .......1- ..a n.-__ l rm: cmr Hour. The undaluod oro ` tornlothu DISINABIJI HOUI-It A.\'Du) l` now occupied by Nun on hr! Hutu. The whole In oknd In one block. having about one hundred nod twenty foot humans on Inrl Htnot.AndthoU Lotrnnnthmoghtowul. street. The B LDINUS on the yogurt` um Alma: now. and the garden In ad II who chateau frulu. For terms to Tt. M()0llE. , ,,_. --.-v---v-- non IJIUIUI` IXITIIV/W they woufd be able to mum the pun sharing in crimes. The dfve I50 ` government power chum: IL: vn-not ulu uuuuuny 01 [Citing veruwu; lly to Abolish the jury system altogether cheen end counter-cheers) for oerbin on of `crime, giving the mngietrete jurisdic- tion, with power to impose n hlnximmn penalty of six dniontlif imprinuiment cues of crimin . riotin , olfeneee under the \\ hitey sch. an t upon oioen ol the law. fomible end unlawful possession. And in once: i excite- ment of the foregoing oencee. ((}heen.) The government did not proponete inter- fere with the liberty of the prone, but they hoped thnt by giving mngietntee the ver of sum correction for inciting one, wo d vent ` lhAl'il|U in nrilnnn 155- II _l.4.._... CL- llll arum lll|&l'Cy B8 ll Il`tl_IlC6l` F8- co izea his own work. The government dix not rest their case on statistics of agre- rian crime. They took the View that the amount of crime must he considered in con- junction with its caueee and character. At the recent moment there were 498 none in master. 175 in Connaught, emf 251 in Leineter under police protection. Mr; Bai~ four read the charges made _hy eeveral judges to grand juriee, showing that the number of peraone actually charged been no relation to the amount of crime. `Boy- cotting and intimidation were rampant in that y of the countty meet die- turbed. 0 aid that the lated ocial re- turn showed that 8.13 pereone sure boycot- ted under an order from the league.` No tyranny, however, cruel, could compare with the anarchy resulting from the exis- tence of the I e tribunals. <`Coming to the propoaale oOf.$e bill, he ehld that the government had borrowed a proviaion` from the Scotch eyatem, giving magietntea power to examine witneuee on oath. even when no pereonaare charged with crime. To meet the ditcnlty of getting verdicts; they pro- poeed abolish inn evetem lltnoatllnr muru uuporwl tnantne nouua 8. Mr. Balfour, chief secretary or Ireland. then moved the first remlin of the Irish Criminal Law Amendment bi l. Ho refor- red to Mr. Pnrnell'a amendment in which the Irish leader claims that the house should obtain further information about the condi- non of Ireland. Mr. Balfour tho ht the Pamellites sufficiently informed am should recognize Irish anarchy an |rt.i__cer comlzea own work. The lrnvnrnnxnnf Balfour Makes a Poor Speech. but Says Enough to Excite the Pal-nollltee-'l`lu9 .4.-.-e. c'.'.`r Fr. Rynn Lead: to Another Demonstration in Dublin. I..o.\`oo.\'. Murch28.--Hon. Mr. Smith said the government decided to ask the house to gas the second reading of the Irish Criminal w Amendment bill before proposing the usual Easter holidays. (Cheers.) The gov- ermnent diaavowed any intention to menace the house. but wished the house to mnler~ stand that the measure was vital to order in Ireland, that it was one upon which the government staked its existence, and was more important than `the holida Mr, lhlfnnr nluinf .........o...~.. .... 1'....l.....l The scene IT OCCASIONS IN THE HOUSE or COMMONS. THE NEW CRIMES ACT. no 1-ow.n.u:v I: an. up 53; `om llo hulldonouloc fmln. Iiooovtoyflnio-: .0` . Auvovnocl. In Icahn. larch D.-- A t: cunt-ml yulrdny btvuno cow- What It Doc: Icon 7 \'I|.\.\A, Huron 90. - A! {on (`glut-|h:::. oppodu "llkntr|o.. slurp dug bu houdfroul lhBI|;nrhnfortnnu,uuHt|I Iuppoottl that 0 Inch uvolt Iuoocurnd. The commander ut(hIu'hnho ha doubled the onlpoon ch Daub. I wnuu u ;uua In IIIIIIII. ' ` rm Illd Clmlhorhin endorse thy monilato. _._.. _._.._._:-___. Luunnuu ulu, II -10: "not I Ilnglo amon- Iuholioronincootcionua policy. but all` believe In tb uocucnuity ol our; civil|i.ud ooun atoning oupnnacy th V. Thooulgootolthou 'ubtopmvothu the gonlunnt cl mind an I of the united H omhulupod Iy with or without The object ol the nniouhu must be to prove the union lndlnolublc. while d justice to Ireland." lulu. Puhhodlo Iholhnu. JAnucA.N. Y.. Hunt Q-A dwell inn: 21$ & `gin: Il._|.L Al I` Losnox. Much 28.-Lonl Hnrtington in about to but I Inuilcsto. Ruhr:-in; to the Caution hill. to aid: Not A single union- Illhulinvincourcitnnn A nnliov Inn! All -nu: sue lulu "II or Inn nltlltllop LHIIO node In the Inn.` mnyot'o The mob thtutononl the police don; t 0 whole I'outo,uId the scene at time: run very udr mg. A Very jhucry Lonon, luc\I--In the bout ol oom- nn-n lo M AIL-A -`I.-kl _....4-_... um: um on man auoot. Tno noun cumin- uvol con-cou with try. clothes dmouh. collar. well .ud oul.bulld- \ Inn. . Dxll. II uoclod with choice hull and ornuuonul tree: and wall fnma. oto. EDWARD IORRAI. ne ruuletl um wuusoomeredto 7 . The ple hooted sud jeered At the police and or A while refused to permit the cab to proceeul Disturhence ensued, end the pohoe who were mounted rode with drevu swords upon the crowd end cleared the lane forcshs Mr. O'Brien.ol the United Ire- land, followed the prisoners to pol. He with the lord nuyor sud Archbishop (`rote in the Ionl menu`: nu-rlun `u EIIIIIIVIII Inn nnrnuunop LIOIO. Dculs, Much 29.--Fr. Slnuery was summoned by Judge Boyd to vonimilar information to that demmdod F r. R tn. He tefunod and was also ordered to pruon. people sud ioarod at (ha nnnn an-uuuuy, nnu mun IOIIOWOG mm In I pro- oeuion to the jail, making his tour I triumphnl one. A number of prominent men took part in the prooenion. Among the more con: won: one: wan Lonl Mayor Sullivan and rchbinhop Choke. Dcnus. Mu-ch'r 911.4...-.. -.. ul ILL`, MIN!!! .-l'IIlIO|` Hylll PFC- nented himself to-day before Justice Boyd. of the benkruptcv court. He penilted in his refusal to tell the court whet he knew About the doing: of the haunt: in lliapu-inh thou-uueeingoltbelrlub - derthe oleun ,udvuooudeuIx:- ed to . When Ryan nudged from court, A prisoner, be was met by I multitude of citizen. They numbend may thoueende, and cheered the rice: enthu- lutioully, and then followed im in `(?1inlI tn tho inil mnlninn hi. on... - `I III pcrlll IIOWI. l)UlILl'N, Much %9.-At Thnrles yester- dny Fnthor Ryan, in I short Ipoeclnuid that his prison would be I place, and that had Justice Boyd the power to erect I love it would not intimidshs him. The erbertm town tennnu have vowed that they will not y my rent until Putter Ryan And Farmer Money are nleued. can In Irreanng zne neat. DUau.\', March .--Over l0,(l'I0 persona ouomblod at Thnrleu to t Father Ryun. Fnthor Dwyer Odd him on behalf of Archbishop Croke, who fully approved of Father Ryufs action. Similar ovation: were tendered Fnther Rym dong the routs. On his nrrinl in Dublin 2,011) nntionnlinta escorted him in the mnyor'u carriage to the hlmperinl hotel. I)nn'l_rv punk ou,,,Ao 1'1.....:-- -._-.__ pun u. no WI! conveyed to Dublin. Xelterdey ocere were sent to arrest Father Ryan of the Herbertetown bunch of the nations] lengue, {or declining to give evidence regarding his connection with the plan of campaign. The rieet elnded the oicerl and proceeded to ublin voluntari- ly. Although he traveled in disguise he was recognized by mm persona along the route` and enthluiuticel y greeted. A cetholic constnble, whoee assistance bed been de- manded, threw down his arms and refused to aid in arresting the riest. Dmmx. Mu-ch _.m..- In mu ........,... DUBLIN, March 28.-Fnthor Ryan. of Herbertatown, branch of the national league, was arrested at the houpiul yester- dny, for declining to give evidence - ing his connection wxth the plan of cum- pugn. Ho wu conveyed to Dublin. `.CtOI`dIV ocen warn nan}. hm an-an} The Prooocnuon Goon 0n. Ul'Il.l.V, Mu-ch !9.-}-`nther Ryan antod to-dav Janice Bowl. -a_ui'cn:us rm nun on IAK na- Mno Iownll n-: nun; nu. nu uculz nugluuu uuu 1l`8Illl1(l on equal terms. The Standard, while admittin that Bal- four betrayed a lack of p o the com- plexities of the Irish pro lam, excuses him on the gro_und of his newness in the oice. . ...v - succ- The Daily NM:-. says`: "If Mr. liulfour intended to destroy his own case he could not have spoken with more triumphant suc- cess. The Pnruellites would have done bet- ter not to interrupt him, for the longer he continued the more utterly helpless his con- dition np cured." This paper further says that the ill is one of the worst ever intro- duced in parliament. It has oneudvnntnge in that it destroys, once for all. the hollow pretence that the psuedo-unionist desire is to treat England and Ireland equal A conference of liberal-unionists will be held on Thursdny. An exchange of views in the lohbien disclosed the fact that several unionist: disapproved of the measure. but the mass of the party considers its provis- ions not too stringent. Lord Hartiuqlton and Mr. Chamberlam will an port it. he threatened defection will pro bly not ex- ceed ten votes. ' A Inllhoto by In-tlnjlon. IhIjPI@'IC$. nlnl |l....LQ I Anothrr Prion Al-ranted. Opinion; of the Frau. A (Hand lunch on Princes lured ` "loco" (Disc 0001 3 Inch. IIIIITTIIUII Wm- 81'. PM : Mu-chil. A low ght. for the colonic; chnnplnuhlp the wcrld and two. IMO, took but night bureau Wilson, ol St. Pu . and Woodnou. olCHnno. In tho lhh Woodm- x uu-uvu.nuA, nut! II.-A : llt. u'~ [between Jan liicholl. Phila- Smis. and Pntricl Smith, ol Brooklyn. lot 5 diamond halt, go rm clumpin- ohip ol Auction. and 5 look phat Ian I I. Shaun rounds won mt. wlnutodhtwudachndndnw I count at V! oouhdon. II III phi: Uh! Smith In: ovornuchod. Jun: Cannon. ol Now York. and ( lath, of Ptovidoucmfou I to n hbh wit hard glows, lot I no OI25. In Ihh dty late on Sotunlny C. Cannon run In the louruonth round. Ha Dunn Il-__LI1 A _I._,, d l- I noovo nu-no auoot. known on the It Pro y. Iurterlnnnpplylollls. Ich oat optunhon rlghungln Plllndclpll-150 shes Put Ty and the Wlnlon 0! `lion. l uu-ml;u-nu, In-ch 2D.-A 5. M n y-gm:-.l luau..- ,l._.. uu..L-n - an. n uunnov III Inouo Ia oonunu. .`ruxonu.u. IIL. Inch 11-]: in aid that Powdorly bu vrittn letter: to the con- nrvuinh huollnhorinthonou-It-wilt. condemning mun: nlsuuhr Burke and Hepnnuhtivo Rohrhoch. in ulnnding the fnnonl of Annchlu Nichol` wife. who lie-I lately in (110330. uuuli IN lrllU IIIDUIIXIIKI PHICIFIO OI AIDE- riun uinenco, thtol populnrpovor. land by the lovool the odor. toque! religion, And obodienoo to hit. 80 - nine that the `rut question 0! the [Inn II nottho national wnnofoon-0:00.090! nuco. tn uocinlquationuonchlng the amelioration of the andidonol our pm: unr-ls, -llltll 3'. --III \/IHIIKI Ulomf re rtonthe kn Inn of lnbourthourdiml on to tho! and principle of Ame- (Id m)nIlIAl'nnI nl- In-n. } Cardinal 0 Moon` Wu-n Dolbloo otflonn -Qua than to on flair Ids. Roux, Mu-ch 29.-In Cardinnl Gibbon` rt on the labour the urdiml an tn th. fn .m.m.I .....'.....x..|. .: A __ vuucu Hwy were DOIIIIG. I.o.~'box, Much 97.--Tenkerville Chem- erleyne, owner of the cutter yacht Arrow, and the holder of the Queen : cup aye his determination to oer the cup in due to e desire to nronee interest in one ofour noblest rte. The lad of the cup," Mr. Chamber yne continues." will be to me as the lots of e nlueble heirloom. The match between the Arrow And the American eloop Mayower will cone 0!` if the conditions ere agreed to. Ulllll. During one of the severe gala two men were washed from the wheel and only saved from going overbosrd by the lashing: with which they were bound. lnvnm: M.-mho ,1`...|...-...-n- nL-.._ -1 once vuv wnwl aux DIIIIB. IIIO seamen were consequently put on theunollast poni- blo IHOWIDCO of water. but later they were plentifnlly supplied with Lle And clnret, and ultilmtely with champagne, inltosd of wuter. All on board arrived in the but of health. y\____-__ ,,, ,n.n U8. On March l6r.h she ran into a heavy cross sea, with a strong south-east gale. Oil was used with good effect to break the waires, and the yacht weathered her first storm well. Next da the waves were even more turbulent, and s over the deck, wrench- ing her so that she began to, leak slightly. On the 18th, 19th, 20th, 21st and 22nd there were strong gales. It was on the last of those days that the Danntless have to. Since last Tuesday the weather was ne. On the 25th a run of 325 miles was made, which is said to be the best ever made by a yacht on the Atlantic. The distance made each day was: March 13th, 232milea;~a)0; 11!); 260; H0; H0; 270; I45; I95; I00; 43;205;325:206: I43 ; 28th, arrived at Queenstown. The last day s run was 325 miles. Durin the storm of the 23rd the cockpit was filled with water. On the 24th the sea was terribly rough ; the boat rolled to had- ly that the water tank hunt. The seame were cnnumnnntlu um nn u...-...-n...t _-_..- -_.-__ `__._. Tql 8Ul8(`l.l'!`BEII nnn fut nnlo his Homo and on Al Street. The houno ooaulnl rooms. with nun-v, Inn... A waist mo rrs nun. ..__j_ The Gale: That Bulhtod Hot About-'.I'I|e tter Tnnk Burnt, and the Crew rod on Ale. Claret and Chnmpozno-Chnl- lengo From the Royal Yacht Club. Ql`EENs'N)\V!\', March 28.--I'he Dauntless crossed the nish gt 6:05 o'clock this even- ing. Her actual time on was I6 days, 1 hour, 43 minutes and l. aeoondu. She was towed into the hnrbor and in now at anchor. The ncht is in as good shape us when she left wle head, nothing having been carried away. The two neon follow- ed about the same course. Caldwell Colt, owner of the Dnnntleu, any: that be en- countered more wind than he bargained for. For 16 hours his boat was obliged to lay to. Once she ecudded before the gale under bare poles. BRUTAL hNiEY-MAKMERS. J SHE WAS MORE THAN A DAY BE HIND THE CORONET. THE KNIGHTSOF LA%UR. THE DAUNTLESS AT co Ajllfs ._L 1 U._g-_L _ NO. 74'. HI ROUOIICAHTHOUSI And COTTAGE , on south side of hock 82:000.. Immediately above Barrie Btnot. known the n I Property. Portorlnnnnnly mum. lax - uu uuuu: -inc In W ulllllllfl. IXIIIIITI belong! to the Sodllor auto. For H: apply to IRKPATRICK & ROG! :0" l\.3llKl'I-1 ' ND IA IIO WQAI ; Io. unbztc. THE TWO COIIODIOUS STONE HOUSES on north side at William Su-cot. mu Bu-rt BL. Formllcuhrn E ROGI |li);l`El.. well furnhhod; central lontlon; doing I good buuncu. Apply II this 0000. --: A 8'l`0Rli.'. WITH DWELLING and a large worhhop attached nimble fora tllunlth or nml bulnou ; .1... . suop AND nwsu.- . 0. both situated on Wellington Stroot. near Prlnoou ; good bulnou unnd. Forgiaruculnru npplg orgorromlnou. S. E ALLEN. I Welling- Ion t . THAT DESIRABLE HOUSE on corner of Golborno sad 3 donhun Streets. tonnorly 01'- .-nplod by U. rm! 1. h`.aq.. and now In: Inna containing rooml. wnhboth room. not Ana cold vnwr. Poooulon lot. May next. App! to J. B. Ic- IVER, 343 King Stnot. or 4 Col me Street. - uu uuuu In ouunnouloul. In good order. and mind with modern lm rovomoltl. Pnueaion In May. Apply to A. CCORIIACK. Princes street. I Tim Pmnnslcs ox EARL s1'.. Mozart I`luce."nt present. oocu ed by I-`. Mcxub. The house to oommod out. In good order. nugq Improvement; Pn-anion A uuuu: IN WADIFB LANE. Union st.. 3:1y to Tbgannr f-'1P'1;:1.{u'}:":}a3rpr$'?::'& ,.-.....-.... THE NEW BRICK DWELLING HOUSE. siluated on the south ddoot Princess Street. west. of Clnumln; conullu ftoon rooms. tn- u eluding bath room and all modern unmove- menu. at the Incidence of the under- signed. ROE NEWLANDS. Princes: St. Hm HUWLING ALLEY on Wellington st. with residence overhead. and the xtures and fittings of the Alle . Possession at any time. Apfly to GEOIIGB. RICHARDSON&SONs, too of Princess street. Aug. 31. LADIES to work for us at. their own homes ; 87 to 810 per week cm be many made. No photo. painting: no munvaas ng. For fullxu- ticulu-s`pleue uddres; at once. CRISCINT nr 60.. 19 Central Street. Boston. Mum. Box 5.170 - THE S l`.. |`l|ce."|t nl-aunt ooounlnd In In` M.-\ GOOD HAND SEWING SHOEMAKER. to whom constant employment and highest To` mnto w will boffnld. Apply to JAMES ROBIN . . llossln ouae Block. Toronto. "A Goon" GEM-IRAI. SER V'A.\"l` for a small family. Apply to MRS. FULGER. I3 Sydgr hum Street. AT 'l'l'.' KINGSTON A8 YLUM. an Assist- ant Cook. Personal up llcation requested. C. K. CLARKE. Medical uporintendent. A HOUUE IN WADT3 LANE. mngalnlnx 5 rooms. For further Inn-Ijnnlnn A rum: AND HUUSEMAID: must be well Il'ef.oFn1n:eSndod. Apply to MISS GARDINER. 5 jar L. THE BOWLING ALLEY Igrh residence and Ono II "n2l`u.."n'{".'.V;'f`f'auo 'n`` _PARCEL BOY. Agply to W. J. l{OBIl\- SON as BRO.. Bagot trocl. ' BORN. . H.\a`!l'LD.--At Dcseronto, 19th March, wife of James Bzird, of a daughter. D.u`m!:.-~At Deseronto, 22nd March, wife of J. N. Dafoe, of a son. K1.\u1:Iu.v.- -At Deaeronto, 18th March, wife of James Kimmerly, of a daughter V A NURSE. A 80 Wellington E BPIOIAL MENTION. AT THE KINGSTON ant annllcation roaunstad. (1, wxmutsnu. A vcrlox SALE of farm stock and implements at J. V . Murdock`; I)lv{aion St. 10 n.m. ;tnrm to be ofered at 2 p.m. 13 lhvn nu Nun. no r.........- ns...-..n. -nun - - H: In! uueruu III I [Ll]. BAND or Horn. St. James` Church. 7:1!) mm. j A (`OOK AND HOUSEMAID: recommended. Annlv Miss (IARIHNICH _____ IMMEDlA'l`ELY-? coox. Apply 10 MRS. A. s. OLIVER. 351 K nl Street. TUESDAY. Puum: of D" Compnny at we Drill Shed at 7:!) p.m. A NURSE. 30 \VI|.inl:rfnn E63 A-I:.E 93 T0 RENT. VOL. LVI. `T017103 T REMINDERS. Apply at COLON E l. 0L1 V ER`S. I Street. WANTED-I g;.,,_:;....-':`.-'.:' -. -'-.:;... '.::.='....'%.. . '1, a ?'3`).-__._-_..__..-_... _,__._.__. ALE. ad ; lontlon : Lpply JUS hunt lcnhrl ': `no'5EH` DUB I lunmodhuly 1 I I A I II II IJUUK. 1 I In IIIIIII-IKIIIIIIOIIIIIIIIHOIII DIG. Mr. Iondlthb Int on don. In ro- lonncc to O0 chuiohlp ol Plato: DM- doaoonrt. wnnnotsotcldnclvtnau-y..n;io. The "GIN! OIIGIHU4 It. Ililill mJn=.Ann lh . ..' --u-uy uwurru: us. an applicant vu Aug. lllth. ;'..'"-'.."."-.%'*.`.~."":-.....7- .'v."=r`-"""' uw yuuvuuu Iucu. ulu uconmounuon [of J!) dent: in in course of oouctrucou at uulltnn. Mr. Hnrdy Wu not ndollod that the pn-un n the pol: oon|d be imnvodhhly Icon . II In new the duty ol the gonrn-not to no that the donation nllundahpolnhuhdolu No. ` IorIdIt`|_h_hin_oIpod_ II nccuwllnolnuon [or only ;::Iy-5; : additional :1 Then An confined in county 08 inane r- nouu:d3ot.hor hsdouloruyum accommodation. Two eottnpo an in coins cl auction st Orillh, which will uocomodua lm pououu each. And ucoomodcuon for SI) ngdnnln In in naming -0 .....s....u._ _. TI: Can 0! the llnnno--Why They an In the County Goon. Tomsm. Much I8.-ThoI~ewu A thin nt- undnnoo 0! member: yutordny A motion by Dr. Pruton. niacin` to the donation ol lunatic: In county poh, elicited from Hon. A. S. Rudy ndohllod statement. There no not LII) patient: in the vnrioua an ~ lums. There in Accommodation for oljy P truly-chit nnhnn 1'}...-. nu III IXIIIPIIY VIII nut :10 lobcud Ottawa 1 an lmmodluo conclusion. Inn: 03 [IIVYIOIIIII Illd [Of `Sill. On Saturday judgment In: rendered In tahocourtolnpponh In the can 0! the (Ian- ndn Shipping com y. qnlnu the Toronvo Hail oolnpsn . 0 Action Amos out o! the publication Jun Article, chnaring that the Ilfrnmor 114: N " h unified from 'vorpoo vi 5!!) migrants, an Ind ill uud them. A vordic wad found for the con . aw N!) am . The oour``o-Ysppolll ruled the ju.(f-Inent. on I" to. The company will run Action nut (ha (Jlnbuul ()u.nn. nut 1).... .. IIIU ul`II LIUIIUO. In Syncule. the public Auction ule n! the Star hue boll progeny. wu stop I by on injuctiou It-cured `Mr. Cole, w no has the I.1.(ll) judgmont. ho pmporcy. however. had been pnviouly sold for 03.50. D Onnhu-VIA: Ind-no-no um. .......|-....a I- nu: II I! I3. 0 yuryilin the can of Alex. Goldenson, Sun Fruncineo, charged with the murder of : school girl, Mnmie Kelley. on Nov. l0th, returned 3 vordict of Guilty of murder in the first degree." In Hvnmnn Hm muhlin .....o:.... --|- ..l n... WIIUIU IIIC IIUW I tel In polcn. mynq in th 5.-- l.`_....-._-- . Ill ouworul. The mow blockule on the l. C. Q. in un- prect-dented. (he trsil ha been lw hour: covering` two miles, and the snow drift: where e now stands completely cover the tolecnnh nolu. wu u-rutou, out committed suicide. The Spanish government has informed the psrliament thst conspiracies against the ` crown exist, but that oonltont vigilnnoe will boexorcioed by the Authorities to prevent an outbreak. TL- -_..... l.I._._L-,I- -_ .| I 11 In . non, ny., llllul mm. 1n about some trivial matter. n.-....l u.---_ _.L:l.. nuuuu lame unvlu mnuer. Gonenl Grosser, while riding in St. ` Pohenburg, was fired at with a revolver, but In: not hurt. Hi: would-be murderer urn Arrested, but committed suicide. IQ Snnninh nnl-Arnmnno Ln. =--` ---- --I g. Wil Vownln, aged I0. stabbed Will Le- viary, aged 14, in the heart, at Mount Ver- non, Ky., killing him. The hoys qunrrelled ` llclallruriu Tho blocnde in the mountains has been rtiled, and the first through train from the Pacic coast for one month has Arrived in Wlnni'peg`. L J [Lil I .. IA . an n ...... - m we pmxeuonmp or physical culture. The Strubourg Post says two French manufncturen at Thann have been ordered ` to leave the territory within ve days. ` The Winninexz citv council hu In.-.'.l...I on l V VA'nx ||vevrat oolle '5 memorial of Henry Ward Beecher be a 850,000 endowment of the professorship of physical culture. Strnbonrn Post nun fun. la`--n.-L uu next uonaay. The Indiana, Bloomington uni Western _ road was bid in for the bondholders for 83,- 000.000. nu Iuapecwa. he trial of Rollin M. Squire, New York, on the chuge of misdemonnour. will be call- ed next Monday. Th Indillll, Rlnnnlinntnn n-`J \\'..-a.-_._ mueru namer, nramord, medical dunte McGill, Montreal, is missing. In ` ted. ` P 1h;Bt:iAalp:fcRnllin M .u....:.... KIA. \ The Spk-e of the Mornlngfapers and the Very Latest `felon-nus. V The Queen of Sweden is seriously ill. The Turcoluns of Kent demand the seces- sion of their province from Alghanistan. Hamer. Bradford. A lnmlinnl M... Rome. Watortown & Omlensburg lt. To Utica, Albany, New York, Phi|a'del"a. \\'1shingtun. Baltimore and all Points In North- ern Now York. viu G.'l`.R. and .\'.\'.C. Rye. 'I`.HANLEY. - -_Gen. Ticket Agem. I IBCUII [all John 1 _.l ._...-4 -. THE THOUSAND ISLAN D ROUTE BY ` Ferry Wharf. Irv ruu,uUU. Amherst V-u-J Danni-an --4 1 onfimfd LEGISLATURE. For cheap tickets to all points, and infor- ` mation pertaining to all Routes, apply to F. A. romsn, L. General Tickt`A-gent. ."`u'.'.`w.'T'n."&'o`:'lI'f.".`uu.... ""