and Q W. J`-J 4.! I0 I..'1'l. -2.!) In 1(1). :1 m Lam Royal. Arcanun. Inn `Inn-vu-`nun AOOIAAI ..lU ..ll!I .. Tl jiil .9: .18} THE BRITIH WHIG, A MONDAY. JAN: 10, gl:._ro:upIorIuhalto-un\t~AnauuAa'I iz;l.;'.f_:."';`}1'b ..:I-'7iE"5.."``. numnouuuuqu. non-u='InuNnn. ...a'.'.'n':..;"#""` " """""` ii! 113 III 2| 1&5! ...'.'; 77x'u;.'.'.'.`.'.'.? x.1or"y"w'{." W..:;`.`. 2:--.'=..-::.~.;.'-.....' *-=..:',....,.-~"~:. M . dmmht valuable in the trucawnt of ` diguivo lhonkn.." |.` IIIIIITIIVI Dr. EV. W I `W ` *1 uyu : "I ||I\'I"`I:d Kt yrl, I-uu-w-u-- uuoounorounuquuuou. uuu - In an side of the mud on which the pldnll Inn ; not their on and wins, In-I tlmr1ho do- hudum tlnunuuqlt ionppllonion. \ Thonnion I lnthoiu form upli- coed!-iththotrinlohhouciontopydom Ann. `A .nQlCmnIl|HIh1AdlQl$h. JIIIIIW Ill! VII III, in until: Inne- .a to the ..l :?...R" 1 man en. pnuau are entitled to the relief they at uni I an glad to eey It cannot be e var eerioue met- tertothe ddeldumifthew leoldteonet of Inneferri their wine to the other eide olthened looetoelynbouto. In ny opinion the defontlulh Inlet be ordered to remove their polee end when to the other eideohheroediuqueetlon. that in to the chin nl tho rand nn ihkh the nlnln IIAIG TAKE A LOOKII pmwcuon Illll nauol In con`: ,uI um mum an tad. The fact. thn the `city engineer loos the dolondnu upon the tide of the mud in question will not give the dofendnnu an indnhuiblo right to unlutniu their pole: and wins an qua: the pluinti`: upon the aide to nalfnod to the clefemlanh. The plnintii Inc the prior right. the have Al- wn I the dofendnnu` rig t to how that uwhont'l:asuundunodty' I `:*:""..;":*' -2:. .... :::'.:.'::.' W I E: trthn ..r:|`.n:. I ghhi u I5: l)l'\III 60 Ellen` own uvuuun, ul luruulllu for both pnninn ;thnt it mo hnp n at my moment may nuunobly be um , but what the anon: of that harm may be either to life or property cannot be lunitesl or clctinoal. Tho R.S.U.. 0. I57. sec. 59 nml70_' whichnro port of the 5 \'ic., c 19 And 3, have "some cnnnnction with this n.pp_lioation. But iu~ deponcloutly ol that genornl pmviaiuna tho plnintib nu entitled to relief on the ozvnernl and common munch upon which nunnunry protection naliof in once: [of the kind I00 '0". 0' UIO plhllllll ; `HIV W` lllllcn burn but been done to the [Slniutith so far. ~ according to their own account. is fortumte lnr hnlh nnrtinn 2 Ihnl. it mnv hnnnun At Anv i linee or above or below the qthem, some ac- cident may connect the two wires by lurealn age of one of them, or otherwise, that danger may be produced. It is also said it is dif ticult to preserve complete iuaulutiou and that if the material uaed for it becomee melt- ed through, the insulation is destroyed and the covenng of the wire in no greater pro tection againet Induction than is the expon- od wire. How far the defendants could be Indicted. see Regina \'a. Liater, Ileana vs. Bell, (CC 209 ; Hepburn vs. Lonlan, ll Jur. N.S. I23, 2 Hem. and M. 34.1. 1 Mn quite eatieed themie and must be dan r from accident or neglect to be appnshenx ad from theee two wire: running parallel to each other, or the one above or below the other in the proximity of the one to the other an repreaented in the evidence, and that the defendants are the wrong door: in the re: t, that they are the penona, who, while e plainti were I may eay in poa- aeuion ol the mid have placed their polee and vireo in t `tiou of danger toward: the worha of the ' title ; that not much L--_ L_- L... .1... .. .L. .A|.;..m:. .. r-.. CIKIIOIIKII me OIQCITIC Ill!!! lllly (E I [CW linun nr Ahhvo nr hlllnlf the nllu-I1 nnmn an. . IV) IIIIIIIIEITJIII lllilll III "III! "I'll UK the United States spec.-isl legislative interference has been urgently called for and to euch an exhntuto pm hibit the plncin of electric light. wires on the same side 0 the road upon which either telegraph or telephone wires Are strung. For although the electric wince may be as few &&dh&.Q`m1J.&L.x HIE. All IIIC Ila? 01 `Ill ECNICIIII IT`! more numerioul tlnn than who do not give much Attention to than mutton would sup- nnnn Sn mmn-rmm than in Innnv nu:-In nf IIIUCII IIWIWIOII W) ICC IHIIWIU "Dull! Blip- pooe. So numerous than in man` part: of o.-gislative :_A-...l.......... L... L..... .~.-......oIu ....lI_..I HUI (Hy CIII III I`, DUI. IRIS (l$Il'U)'(.`1I rmperty t3` time an has destroyed hunnux if . And 0 huhnou of such accidents are .......... _.._.--.'..n_ slugs: clung. u-Ln An ..i.... Tho Aetlpn of the Bell Telouluum (`o, va. llellevllle Iiloctrle Light Co. The following extract from Chief J I_stice \\'ilson`s jndginent in this case iranting an injunction ngainst the Bellevi le Electric , Light Compun and compelling them to re move four of ieir poles to the opposite side of the street from those of the telephone company will be interestingas being the first decision of the kind in Canada. After refer- ring to the statutes of the Dominion and of Untaeio under which the plaintis are in- corporated and derive their powers, and re- viewing a large mass of eyidence and uating extensively from articles in America s ectric- al journals, his lordshipsays :-"It appears the plaintlh were in possession of the ground for t'he erection of their lea, and that they had their poles erected a tit two ears be- fore the defendants put up their es. That, however, did not give then s exclusive possession or right to use the sides of the roads on which they haul placed their lee. even if they had the independent r` t to use the sides of the roads under the omin ion act without the consent of the muni- cipal Council. It is not necessary to say w ether the dominion act or the pro- vincial act is the act under which the plain titis have the right to exen:is_e their powers, that is. whether they have the right to use the road sidesfor their poles withoutthe leave of the municipality, or only with such leave according to t e Untario net. It issutlicient to say that being in the earlier possession of the ground required for their poles the defendants have no right to interfere with or do any act to the injury of the plaintiffs earlier rights. The defendants would not have the right to cut down or remoxe the plsintitfs Ioles, nor to make use of them nor to place wires or do anything else which would damage the purpose or usefulness of the poles or wires which the plaintiffs had placed there. nor to render useless or prejudice the business which the plaintitfs were and are authorized to carry on by means of these poles and wires, nor to cause danger to life or roperty by stringing their wires so near to t ose of the plaintitls that life or property is endungered thereby. There is abundant testimony that placing the wires of these parties too near to each other (.md the later erection would be the mtof the u long doer,) while the instruments are in use or ill electrical storms, is d runs and has not only caused dan r, but as destroyed nmnertv hv fim am has dmtmved human Ooubuncotlvan OOK3. IONICUBI BHAVINO JIWIL and ODOUB 0A8s In Plain and LQIIIG. HR] PIRFUUIB OUT AND FANCY DOTTLX. bu. Nxw Yomc, Jan. 9. ~-()peuiu;5_. Tl; ; est. Tli ; lowest, 7]} ; closing, .l. Wnnuw 7GK`lN AND PIIOVISIQX `XAIKKET. _ \ (nomnacwright CO.) I: - \ Cnlcmo; m.. Juip. 1o_-2:ao p.m. - Fin. MPH. AI- .....-..... -99. 1 `lurch!-(`I Add r-puma. IN Dlnvl EWIDIK. XN YIYMPQRT-ANAT TocIsI'o.N. UH. IIARKIET. nut. agent. . Closing .` ling-ulna #33 2;."'1=>- o:Efc>W.N' , um. Isl-Il\vlvl. o-rnnnvr .1... .. . . In. R my ex- quutiou nlnnnlnhn ran. -I 13 13 I3 12 Ii [3 12 I5 and high- AP!)- I uv lvllllvuuu In nuvvu-cu `no pun. \-v - in; old revenue Ituupn from rie~ til`) modidnu. mtoubc in lu-gulyg::)om wdthooouumclmu well an rolhvod duel bunlon nf homo Inuuhotunu. E: in this the can with Gnu`: August Flower and Baotou`: German yrn . an the `reduc- tionollhirey-dxoonupor nun ha bun_ uddHolnonuo$houiaoo!%hobott|oIoon- Mining than nlnodiu. thonby giving ono- i fth non modicinh in thooouuln. The A......_A $.-.- I-`Jun-an--In n-4| Ila:-Anna. I A II Hover, muly rqt. and the Gorilla n nqtrouhlu. Inn of any medicinal In tagodlncntlodlllooltho 3! orid. log-an-"Tr:-'I-u-c -13 month: Amnunlnhll In tho |.Ick'And Ilctod `Great Clearing a|e of Pictures M. KIRKPATBICWS. 159 PRINCESS 8T., ` `I313: Ono Month bofou scoot-E We woulldhoouotltolnvoyououllnd Iupootoum not .` no. time. ` The mluction of interns] revenue and the ` am not Gun 2 ..a."".'L".L.:u L: lnnlvmm .'.".?;a.. ` Ill! MNIIOIDI Ill "IO (0 RIIIIIE. III. A uno Joni undll . ......`1 ....`.'.` o....."","`.`.?..... .."..`;...'.:. 1'.'sI.'"s.. .'.'.'a`.`n'. .'u`ii`. "n'o'l2'..`?."..`5"..,`'.; ' tho umo Ills. ' ' poop! tmuu. nu]-lgnnltar. ohunpiomhip and all other prize rinmghu. in which professional: on- tor the I13 to onntoud tor, mun: be fought :.. IF_..I- -...uu-.Ii-nn On Oh: nan I-ulna A` the I1 80 onntouu tor, mun no lougnl ` According to the new rules of 11. Inndon ring. nue._,. Nearly IKIUKII changed hands over the recently run Melhoume up. One hunk IIODI had A null for clme on to |00.(IRl The book-umkeru were hit haul all during ' the meeting. M.mmr (`urn-. of the Onwonoa. think: the meeting. Manager Curry. of the Oswogoa. the Binghunptou team will be the weakest in the league. unl he {earn the Rochester Iluggen will not prove an formiulnhle u poop] a.` k. "".:`Z....... ohlznniotnhin K dI*hIl'0ll J . 0 stock Idea of the Scranton buobsll club hnve made later offers b Pumhuo 0|- I130`: frnnchine in the intemauonsl lugud Bey have been informed that it in nut. for bomb, on ll league mun next season. Thou. Stu-ens. the bicyclist. who left San Fnncinco on I bicycle tour around the world in April. I884. arrived there yester- dnmlrom J A ntnni Inlolrl nf lh SCTIIIUDD uni on Apnl inn tum IUIII. The Ptinooof Wales is president of the (irnnd N` tiounl Hunt committee, the ruling power of `sh spceplechuing. It in nmlnble that New York will have I FRANK LAZARUS, NANUFAOTURER. son. . The Torontns, of the international league, are booked for exhibition games in Cincin- utti plii 9th nnd I0th. Th. PI-inoonf '11:; nrenident 0! ntlsn an-eplecnnsln . It is prbbnble thul. York, Vi." . both Kc-ll , of Chicago. And Denny, of St. ` Louis. in league mum next oeuon. Than Ruwnnn, the hio\'ulist. y altouull IIII Il(`l an angle in every son an! '3... in civilinod 1-4.. R.-nnln hnnln lur I0 aunt: remain Jun. rztn sud mm. _ _ . Issac Murphy. Lucky Bad-lwina Jockey, is worth Cl25.m0- 'I`l.- l`..-u-an mnrlunn awn: a|ofaADnl hv I9 linnuoc on Inuruuny : acme no no 01. The Amerivnn Yacht club will extend its annual regatta to six lays the coming sea- Ilill Winter, Ilaou Coming onl-Buuebnll IIQ:IIl -I-Zplnodes Full of Interest. Spurting matches nre to be prohib_itd(1';in Montreal. `mm minis mm: nmrxt'1`1`msrr on" Jan. l2th sud 13th. I ---.. \I.._.|..- I nnlyu llnllu-in`: innlznv is worth u'o.uw. The Tomato curlers were defeated by the ` Buffalo: Thursday some M to 64. Tkn Lunar-Lmn \'|uv.\I vhlh Fiflld in Also 450 Yards dob Table Linens From 10 to 20. per yard less than ondinary value. 8-BUTTON` LENGTH. And as you like it we place on our counters this morning 150 PIECES GREY & WHITE c01To'rTs Then Spectacles and Eye Glasses have been nsul fur the past 35 yuan. and given in every Innunco unbound on. They are run lust IN 111: wunux lIoI'1'l' um. and lust without 1: ""153 Jule by w. J. wl .\'.nnmm. mu. IHLLI III U1 Prices. For Evening Wear at B. _DO_RAN & c0 s, - THE BIG MILLINERY ROOM, can I'|I\`l'\!lIInIulu lI 2 Cases New` and Elegant Patterns,` in Hamburg and Swiss Embroideries, direct from St. Gall, (Switzerland, at Wholesale Du-=n`An 100':-'I'o1\Ts~ S,{I.I__E.IE}TIZISI'G? S I I { You can" buy Sealeite, Seal Plush, Mantle (oths, C|oakihgs`ahd HOUSEKEEPERS "AtAWalSh&Steacy sGreat'Uhea,pGlearingSale V VhRY%GooDs; JUST `WEI. The Lilneml (`Ssh Discount continued 011' All \\'oolen and Winter Goods. lftfome and look Around. No one forced to buy. r- O- HARDY 82: CO. 1nLenu: 3t.o2oyan1aeaoh,atn~om1to2opu-yardunder regular value. Call early for r-at choice. nun about `W uh l;\\ . ail .\'. I)!-nuwlal. ces: SL. Klnllilll. Om. spohfs AN6 RECREATION. Jun. 10. LVUVV I ' UU 1.1150 U11 \J'lUJ UUUUUHD. 30 Pieolewaw Sheeti at Special -Lqw Prices. Table Linens, Towels, owellmgs, all reduced. % EMBROIDERIEST 1 . New Price List on White cttcns " New `co List on Grey Cottons. Pieces aw Special l'l'I-I_I- Y 1..-..- l'I'I-.._-I... Egg-...II......_ Wooulen Underwear at Les than Who|esale_Prices. THE om-: mm: mv, WALSH & `STEACY. IIIIIIIDUHK VIII In L_ dckhndllctod ` 1.. ..x..n:...I '.....- can ohuha I ROI` } Andth : Safe 1! ...,..u.:."'~;-...=::=-*'-"-"""" ' . uu ` Mu. to an Inrp cm]! 5 I'nIIlIl- QA, wax: :A: lull" l4ll.'Yll'I-I C` MWTVJ. nulvwu. I. mun; ZN connect! with uxyother nrmln the 0! Nov. ll. N. C._P9<`>_l`sA<})%n_}%L Co.. LAB1 Ef QED 3! YUUNE .. ..._ --- 4...... - I\._.-|- Iupuqluuu Remedial Cgr_npound Pills. PURELY VEGETABLE ' In. I .9, `Gun A. P. CHOWN. Drunk!- T AT-:=:t'u'.m`u' YOU`. WANT, ..____._...:.._.__..... ._._. . 1.\T:E!R'VO'U;_8'F Dmnn..I'r,A'rnn IN. 6 JUL` HOLD BY Renowned Spectacles and Eye Glasses ` VIII. 1 337 Fifth Anuu. FACTS ABOUT DR. 0. DORENWEND S_ GREAT QERMAN HAIR MAGIC. as PR1Ncss STREET. I-nu uvv. PRICE 600. PER 301. . II IIV 123 pnmomss swnmlfni nuzv Annnumnn T xiuaa-no` ;..`o..;.' 7737011317 mLm"_mmmn-T . ......_A.I _...|l.A_......J an... .3 1! Union Jun. 8. Dr. J. C. Aye: & Pm, Lowell. by all dmuinta. Pl-ico 81; six PRESERVE YOUR SIGHT By wearing the only FRANK LAZARU8 States. This Is not A quad an-all. but A nxuablo ro~ mu. or pocino n - .md: ucz tor1`x,n\`n:l|:#od on ch-holl'lo 73551313 b . v `:3 by; purohanar to LE9 just (huge: the Stomach novels to hommo'db- oniorod. and tho whole System to auhr from dohility. In all such canon Aye:-`n Pills glwa ......u. no -`I I-0 I know of no Ijcmedy equal to Ayn`: Pills for Slonw-h and Liver Disorders I nuhmd from n Tor id l.l\'er and l)y;E`pa|n. for teen w and M, at! was on;-u 33.4. I hid uonnppe lo. auhsnd (`yin Had.- who.` was pale and omachted. A few bent of Ayor 3 H113. taken In Inodemto doses. motored 31:` to perfect hoAlth.-\\'Aldo Milan. Oberlin (1 , , Ayeri Pub an e In or medicine They strengthen And me e V!- ounlmcreueane setltomndremovet ehor ti on depreulonunl upondencyruul tron [Aver Complaint. 1 have used these in mv family. for years. and they neverhll wye Ill ? UIZI entirosn ` wk J. GEO. KING, - Daueersw, IIVl\.l \Il`.l no-yugyal DPOIII O Mk Ayol-`a Pills. Since that tune I have ` novor n without them. They rqulnto the th Nola. assist digestion. and Incrmao the nppt Illa, mum sure!` than any ogher mc Pull (`.hun~hill. a\`I'_hill. Man. We rocolmnond Mnltoro n to every sum:r- ef from Dyaepnia or i slim. and know lhm nlrialw Idemonslmle lnvulue. ; Signal. J. GI-20. KING. -.. We hue on hand .c:nau\ntly A fresh` gnd complete stock 01 DRUGS, FANCY GOODS. PERFUIERY. EN. Also all the loaning I t Medicines. and I full stock otl-`nl`nla. ila. . _ A L. 8' Pun:-n` sous ca '_ Aiiaouod. Good value zunnn ed. I-`nut _ sum ncall. Ilg` IIWIA` u QJIJIAIIAI ll. flak Lamru ct Mu-nln. Hnvffovd. Conn.) .1-\!- ...__..oI..- -glob. gnu nlLan- u-In In Ohm In d t ?x?1m ':`.'u'.`.'. J"""'"e..wu. .}.`3'5r"."u':1'.'3'.'.`:{'zi"i gr-IKIIDQIO In linclsnd and the United Mon. .3`p_9xncl formula on ouch-noun: label. cnby enabling he know "but he in tak . T: We rocomm Mutoro to suma- er from lhnoemia or inesfiou. know Hultoprptyl la endowed by all we loaning phynblnna d tdruuglntnth h ut the D:>mlnI:I 0` Candi. and we uaeiifn it hi .n 1.1-: min In In-hm! and um llninui III .3 `I States. This in i{mvLLous. mom Rlllkl BU _.._..v-_ nvspmpsu. I LINDIGESTION ! I AI_nd kindred hunqueutionohly THE 31:31" 1tEMEn,1'.' .. Multoprptyul la ondoI':od'by am the lending" phyni `in tlth Ilm Il';\nnlI`:I:: (`Angeli and um nndugrfnnf it II ! I lbluvlnny unnvuunuun uur` Ilot Sodn.` Wu lendln Ounda. A $!ug_gi_%h% Liver, :Q%*g&t aa3zms\ uxgsz 57`-n Pf\1&\ as ,, - i.Jo`.;i':n{;a...}.:':...m A Ini.r. +e;$ CHRISTMAS GOODS I Glllnplsint. I have and those Plus. in imla. y the wve can tion.- toon ery.0ahko|h V( Vvvvxsvu-9 wujuug I , o\\(~`.a:' M A LT()_EEP SY N I34 PRI`.\"CRSS v_ |,,.;|_. r\__-.I- Ayer s Pills, 8 Maryland Road. Harrow Road ' 1.uNu0.\'. n:.\'oLA`xn. - , A n:A-__.~, ll_._Al__4I A.-- A ;.w.%anmo. uuuu vw. unu- IOCOVERY L- Annndgl In-nnnL..l LiEnEbio}: Kingston, OM. -Cured llpd ` nun indium. @3152 O }..":..---m...o..... Qmvuhkul-u'l|Itt$lu. Ih,\1 nut. ll wmosoonoom nmpx. rmlcesssy. i Pulclups tdimhlnauudlo on Inner nmulknulhonoxtumual moot . Mom rs of tho N.Y. Connolhhlod Stock and Poltolcurn I-Zxchnngo. and oltho Chicago Baud -nun All. IL cmcxs. Wabash . . . . . . . ` out Watt-n.. Aka , . , Ilontnd Go ........... .. RR.'uwm Con`. uoluuaouo....::::::ii`::::`t:f: [`\lIA0ou0IOo . . . . . . . ` . . . . . , .. Dundu Oounnco , + . . . . . . . . . . Ontario Investment .. N, W. [And On . . . _ . . 1Fu_rT3TRT HT Zoo}. mm; Bloch. GIIII Ind Provide: an. -. u ununnnr |n__ AIIIIIB lI...._--(\A ,lLJ.lILBlJI.Igr. DlIl. IIIIII Illll rlv uuuu uu-a - dnmmaafsiusz I |.N-II.'.\ n..,.u..u1h '. ._I_9_8IPH FRANKLIN, r..._.._. A._ .q`._._ -_.n Iu_..L- ACTIVE FLI7(`TUATl0.\'S in the Marlo! olfer ofportunlueo to gcnhton to make ouey :1 Grain. Stocks. Ind: and Petroleum. lerom personal attention given to onion nr coiv bfwtroormnll. Corroopondenooaoliclb ed. ha! lnfnnnnunn about the markets In our took. which will be fol-waded tree on applica- Ion. B.D.KYLl &.nku-nndnrokor. 38B:~odnnd8tNow8tn.NowYorkCl . @'X0 IAIKIT. ouv. h.Y.. Jan. in I Md .........- '24::-.... .. -:-av: _qu;Ko,) Qu: Nutlxtn mlnh U0:-nmeu-x.m I0 s.uu. Pork-l|.l) to lull. . ..Lud-9 In 95. Bu-.~ou--lo to II. Hunn-ll to I25. Choue-ll to I! as to qualiui.` Butter-'l`ownnh gal? to II : orrloburu I6! 2) ; Western um I - Low Grade: II to It. ls2mu- rm: lined H`! to 11: flh laid B to lie NEW YORK STOCK IAIIl(ETS~ Nxw .Yoiu(. Jan. 10. --The inarket`s strong undertone. led most professionals to change their ition. uid those who covered up their a orta and took in a line of stocks for nn_upward turn. were talking bullish yea- tenlay. basing their opinions on the belief thnt the interstate commerce bill, in its present poqitiou will notpun. but will be referred back to 1 special committee. Mr. Ceuiuuclfe friends were not at all alarmed .At the Itrength of the murket. They cou- tiuuodselling on udnnces. but did not cover on breaks. Commission people are not at all hopeful of my pnrticulnr Inovement. and ea . that for the next few days the market. will pay better to watch than to trade in.- Dmus & \\`Iumrr Co. Il0.\l`l:ls`..\L PRODUCIS )l.ltKET. .\lo.\'1'Iu:AI.. J:\n.l(1 Flour - Rovolpls. am bhls: stuos reported, (II) bbs. MM-tel quiet at unchanmxl mics. QuouAliuns:-- Patents. 4.10 to 5.0): superior onus. 3.95 to Qu0uAltuns:-- huonts. superior 4.05 : extra superne. 175 to 3.!) : aprintm 3.45 to 3.65:supo11lno. 3.I0to&!); strung era. us to L5); lino. 2.75 to 185: nnlddlilun. 1(1) to %. ; l("i\)lh\l'ds. l.z5 t)o`:.t?`;"0h;\ltnI'io 1.1!) to . ~ ty bogs. . . strong era. W}:ont-noml; rod winter 33 to 87 : white 95 to 5 ~ spring as to 81. . --&5t0$>. pnnn._8IlnKH`_ Cuuuvd soamuhlp copnny. mSAIl.IHuAgl IIIltI 2:3} \;9rl;3:el| Sat . `Ku- orined n . . . o . not 0! Brock Kingston. y UUIIJCI` ulll13IIu--1 Tn: RmL'um llnwmoa ottho St. Lnwranoo (`cum-il. R0 11 Amanum. are held on the lint and third ondnyn in every month at 8p.m.. in `thto (`atnruqui Odd I-`ollo.wI` Hull. Prlnoeu Stroo . ._..- -..-- . v... .,v...-.,, . --... Lodcooom. ' II auxin? "t; ocrSt:|chi:3urnli.:Iil$u-oStoto.thohdui 4 'l`ueadu-ante-sch month. . V` In the Street. I\lIlII- unru - nu-nun-u (I-u\r\.aI-IqvInu I-`Ru Rlunmo Room. Princim Itrotnovor i llyrm-9' Starch open dnily hum 10 am. (010 gun. Pmyer eating ovary Sunday night at oi-lock. All mum men made welcome. 8:: 01 England. Luca-runlonot. N ouh .Souotl:n~ lnnd Benevolent Shela`; 8111 no; lnthdrn u~enIuulPI-lnoeuu over Stan. the hd NOW--THE TIME TO SPEOULATE. ..._.-_ .-. y. I `v. , un,_|__. '::aRe|' IIIouc`unsol the Anclenqnnahz on Scocunh h-common no dmholr Hull. tu-|o:~otBrook and 61 on Susan. at Pol-faction. Thursday, Rose of Sov. Chap. Rosa Crolx. um \\_'ol_;xgodny In each month. llildol U} at 7:3 pan. Ivvvv III- turn- -v vv ouc----_. ACTIVE l"l.I7(`TL'ATl0.\'S in the Mark mm-r mmm-tnnmm lo nnoonhton to Fiunirnoxin wurnna.` , _p, ,4. _..g_ Uol-n-:nwaIIc. P1334! 0850. 0cu-fI to 88. Ru-lnv_) lo 550. ucu-n to ac. Bu-leyai) lo 550. Ryo-l5 tome. 0uunonl-4.m to 4.50. ("nrnmanl-9.I} lo . I M an cry summay lIl8l gclwgufu yang 111.0; 06i1i1EI1ci.{L%niAfrTERs. _- uuonle Iuguuur lanai`- mt sngohh Lodco. No.3. on Thudliv J An&h. It 7` ,P-t- J 3"` 0. 10. 33$, on Honda)`. All. . Nu. ` L '3' :1 ' V V ' -. l , 2: Wed . J . 1:3 "~'~= *4 M The R )loounuoltheAncient_nnd Ao- aonted Rite of hiomuour! `untold Yonng alum": Cln-Inuan Auoglatlon. Dun- D-An-un I)na\\a Diana: -D-`At A- IONTIKIAL STOCK IARII1`. |lo.~rI-nun. Jun. 10-! MI. noon. nth orfn L -0 \l....|g..I XL Q5] AMERICAN STOCK I-AIIII` . (Donn & with On.) Nlw Yonl. Jan. to-an NI. um ? L0"! cw`: ..g an n nx lnoonlqlhguhr Iaetlugs. n-I R ,`nInI\ mun \'n Q nn II