Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 10 Jan 1887, p. 4

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Amusmmmngrs-inEETiiIds,% i ..... ....... ............ -. ..... ..........._,. Sir John read this speech, and, on his trip through Ontario. beiora the provincial elec tions, made comments upon it, and referred to it as unworthy of the manfwho aspired to the oice of premier of Canada. He went fnrther-he said it was ridiculous to contend that an opposition should conne its atten' tion to a criticism of the government`: mes- sures. This was his opinion. and it was the opinion. he thought. of all who really under- stood the relations existing between the parties engaged in legislative work. Mr. Blake was apparently very much pleased with the manner in which his speech had been dealt with, and, in a subsequent ad- dress. he mentioned the circumstance thdt he had. in dening his own position as leader of the opposition. adopted as in as possible the lmiqiinge used by Sir John Macdonald in the house of mmmons in i877. and it was surprising that he should have been so sev- erely rebuked by the chieftain. Sir John Macdonald ought to have been an authority with,Sir John Maodonald, but circumstances had showed that such was not the ease. The old man's mind is failing him, or he would not so iruocently have walked into Mr. Blake's little trap. In lnu I797 TTIIICU sue IUVIIIUYU OI III the legialetion of both theee great countries. and the aaire of Canada can be carried on and the material progress of the country not be impeded if we have no new legislation for eeverail yearn. Such has belen the Miran; ta we ave iuec mm a o eerie: o 1.5; well consiigltared and eucceeyiilly o r- ated. But in the consideration of pu lic affairs, queetione continually ariee whether the government has been wine or unwise, prudent" or imprudent, whether they have conducted the ahire of the country correct- ly or incorrectly in matters in regard to which an educated country keepe a steady eye upon the actions of its representatives in parliament and in regard to which it ie the duty of the o position-a duty which the opposition in t [8 house would perform without factiouenesl but with rmneee-to criticise the conduct of the administration of the day. and see that what it doee is for the best interests of the country. 03.. I,L__ _., ) `Li. __...L __.I _.. I_.'_ a_:_ ntui early They ilould b; exposed: to Attach from the opposition for their fail: unno noun) 5 rocipliocity treaty. for their extravagance, -lu-go`tlIicitn uid mialnuugr meat of north-west okin. Sevegtlothoit qupporton - also be charged with violr ' tiona of the Ind dence of purlinmont act. _ All these thing: a premier wants toevade. "_ Any other ruona 9" ' ` Yea. The leginlnture of Quebec vyill be in session About that time,and the Rouge ty will be he t in occupation. It is also ihly that the tuio hound will be thui sitting. The novarnmant wnuld like to may all the """' " `"5 """'H"'6" ' . *"" Both here and in En land. the tendency has been to conde to t e minist of the day all important legislation, and it as been found almost impossible for a private mem- ber, no matter what his ability may be. or what "may be his seal or industry, to carry any great measure aecting the general in- terests of the country. That duty has been both in England and in this country thrown upon the government. so that it is said is Jniland that the duty of an opposition in con ned principally to conducting a criti- cal examination into the administration of the aairs of the country. It has been said by a great liberal of that country that this is the most important duty thrown upon the members of rliament under the present aysteln. Eng and has had centuries of legis- lation, and there is now a large body of laws in force. under which the country, without any amendment being made to them for a series of years, can continueto ourish. So in this country ; we have received from En ~ land and from France the advantage of l Hm lnaillntinn nf hath than aunt 4-nnntl-inn Ill_l|K WHO UIIWTIO noux will IE `DUB IIIUIIK. The government would like to use all the legislature: in oearion when they appeal to the country." n....|.n....- Ann .L'. _.:_`-L...kA_ .1 ____ -. .. ...-...-... anus nuv guano--us vs, vs-vwv v| Manitoba and British Columbia excepted. are pratically against the federal `govern- ment. and those-eompoaing three locaiu.d- miuistrntions hnve yeason to do what they can to defeat the federnl ulminietrstion. in retaliation for the hostility which they re- ceived at the hendsof its ministers. Sir John is evidently trying to dodge the oppo- aition of `the local governments, but they may outwit hiin at his own game, and the wish of all liberals is that they may sue- In one of his western speeches Hon. Mr. Blake dcscanted upon the functions of the opposition, md. in doing so. made use of the following language 2 M uI,.n. 1...... _-._.u :.. r.\....I-_.i n... ......1......... A A runny. H, J. R; rawnu. oK`B:o:l`:"(`)lnt.. up ho `..m.....l ha.-n nnlnhi 01]., until "i);I.I.':'.i.'. All u.".n..ga.n.:...-.., those of _I....:..L- ......l_ l)._.`A:_I. I V..I.......I.:.. -_4_..A..J POINTS or THE PRESS. TELEPHONE. WALKED INTO A TRAP. A Dollhthll Compliment. \lIt-L-II Deadly l|lo;.:t Torylnm. I! I..L- Inooud at :1 3 Friend. \lII-.- In In [.000 Grip! I! ..-IA An lacunae of Lunacy. .|-._._.1-.._ JAN; 10. ` cu-:AuL1nss I8 ummoouuess. | and . - ' . Ulmn. Jock H |n lulu-lull. clan`: has "mm "'"" n. xoxroonv. An.I.. PI-not Dye. Bocvud Cold Bath u ullnounu Jonas mzvsonut. 1-4 121.01`: Bu-lush Ana-Inn lloul luck. Ghana 8!. N.B.-1'hoIo no min; mm. In an my huudb Jun ulhouu .........'.:'..'-.':: ""'""m... LABA1`|"_SA WORKS.i M PRINOE8 8T.. - KINGSTON. ___. (Iilonuonuni Butt: _ onnghly olnfnul or and OLILNBI YOUR VPBIKIOE. ...A....~*'*'-....'. J`: I OF WORTHLESEIMITATIONB Iviivt I I C -:vwv` In l.AnoI_oll8IA Bu at low as of 2%:&".:.?`::'2.% Black and Brown Jersey Cloths... Black and Brown Ant:-echane for J wkets and Clocks. Striped Jersey Cloths (All Wool), Sealettes and Ulster Cloths, Wool Hosiery, Gaiters, Mitts, Gloves ~ Shawls, Clouds, &o.. at the Low- est Prices. [JUST ARRIVED 1: ALEX. ROSS. .99J!%!1_99!25!Y~" Murray&Tay|or s Monsterlearimale, 776 PRINCESS STREET. Ilia: TELEPHONE. I./1/87 /MA 0//v) We Aadvisa all Bargain Seekers to stamina our Bmkan Lots of BRUKEN LOTS. to THOIA and law Illa tho Pout C DRESS ` }GO0DS. for Children's Wear. lloumpod on!I:|:doot Oatlmooodl. Without which None an Gunning. Dress Goods for 200., Dress Goods for 250., Dress Goods for 350., COSGRXVE S\ ALE 1 Carpet no Iillinorv Wmhouso. .__-....,_.........__.. ~34 .....- MON_iEAYHTO LOAN BEWARE E DIAI Inuu M I. I It `kiiiobs. % ow..oIlhredu|d|olduUon- In: It me:chzn&`Ln$Ll` u- ' h'.:`:"..F:m.'.'::'a..`:.:*. ' Mt ch in Lion 13 gwlnngolx-uttoi:a:)ntnl.h: AI than no many Inferior null. coded with Inc. he-p. AI more lnlu-lot goolgoordotlwith om. omrod and an Con- CENTRALFLOURSTURE, I 1 unwtng um: Attenuon to use is nooouily of seeing um tho IIIADG worth 450. worth 50c. worth 850. Gum` Flno aux Sou-II. Hand! Olova. and I Out How. In no Gunman. crlno. Ml htoldorod Goods fuovculnc wear: I Dun sum. Nhht Buns. Whit; Inuovohowlngnvu-yl g?;.'.5:g nnllnnill. `H pw _.-..- _.._ _-.... W.G.ARHLEY. nut 'I'0_I. ppux u ooh. mno- ITIIIT. I... A ' BARGAINS IN 8Il.K IMNDKEIPOHIEFS A__4_.._ --.__.__ {RISH AND SCOTCH WHISKIES Impoutod direct from the ` EIEIHD I`. J. R.`R;ttenbury _0pp. w;mu.. m_..lI... lnnnd |Il|ulllllI_ trullulli, III .3 Hull 1 Ilvlllj Ulillllvlllcd thovuvnnoful. Just the kind otxpruentn for thohard ulna. Now is your time to secure 9|.-n 3 `W - G..AsHLmY_ OF ALL KINDS. His recent experience lends him to believe tlntthoro on no good: in his line In the city that oqunl M1 for value He in now showing I full nnonmont for Chriotmu. and a well u bolus ornament: oh`: gun` n-Dnl In-0 oh` Ll-A AL.n1--no- In- '35 PRINCESS sJ5I, cumin}; SALE DORLAND 8. FURS, CAPS AND GLOVES GA LLGWYWE 1 ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS r. N|SBET 8, JAPAN. YOUNG HYSON & ENGLISH BREAKFASTCONGOUS. Seven Foot J. Hen_de_rs_on & 00., 1 Booksellers, jpnmcnss mm, - - - xmesron. la the best yet out. Being narrow at the hooa them is no friction on the sides of made hills ; it is particularly well nished, very handsome in appeunnce. strong and durable. These 'l`o~ are nude: in two W!n-w:ilh 19: mm and with high railn-t.he one with high milsin just the thing for ladies` use. as there in no dan- ger of getting the hands oautched while holding on. the nu: being higher than auiy cushion. __DD`rn1:'! `r ,`l`Gll'I . Of this Toboann the manufacturorna :- Th mu patent St '1` bocam. I all my gnftgttlpatontod lmpgveglnon nu:-do un- rivalled for durability and speed." _ The; Star Tobommns no all made from u. Ieoted and thoroughlz seasoned stock. put to- gether by skilled wor men in A man subsum- tial manner. Their record for speed min; the pnst oenaqn w_u the vgry highest. Since then V. A_t `the beclnnlnx of the hat ulmga! every ` Merchant and Bnlinua Mm: requires A New i_lbtolBookn.oratloutn ` V- -_- . -wv-u- We nave afull shock constantly on hand and our prices will be found as low as in oonnlnmnl with quality oft_he goods. - John Henderson 8:. 00., ' PRINCESS smmrr; Tofidngnug h to be the popular amusement this winter. and in A few days the new; slide will be In running order. HENDRY & THOMPSON. - -v.v-- a-canJ.|r u` LOW mu. _ man mm. 812 Foot C3.& 811 Feet 3147 i Seven Foot 4.00. Seven Foot $534 ______ nvuled for durability speed. The To made from se- lected and thoroug g_et_her aklllgj vyor most. subsum- um Their recon! for dlu-ag Manson was highest. have added sevoml Patented Improvements which will be found to add to their excellence. Eristmas Annuals DAY BOOK, JOURNAL, - I El\I THE TAM 0'SHANTER suns. B|;.AN~K BOOKS I ",.u.n.'.."'p.uun"'" i 5...; ox.ov_3_m_1'-In anon.` -HAND J. ll. llattanburuupp. mu m lmuul up-unln. do . ERIvc311:c`$-i=3J,AGH mun com um}. call and It will repay yon. BOOKA.S`- ,AND MAGAZINES,` THE "STAR" TOBOGGAN. GRAPHIC, vuu-: TIDE, HOLLY LEAVES, &.c. G"rs' FURNISHINGS. r/15 "noun" ronoa_qAN nnuu mung mxuur ullll any cnan --PRICE LIST :--- --PRICE LIST :- The Corner Boohtaon: 1886. j.'M'3Par1a`nd s, U. U. A .I.I.n..AV gang`. The under: at! having purohuod the pro mince! Mr. J I Knvuuah. Flour and Grain Merchant of this city intends continuing the hnalnou in the Old Stand. Mnrkot usre where he will be planned to nerve All h: old customers and NI many new ones as will hvor him with their Patmnago. mmlm nun: v. Pnntrv nnd Stnonn Btkon "i.Eb'eR or % % CASH BOOK. `KINGSTON . `I :----. -..__,,' `pm: WEE:K. OOMNENGIIIB MONDAY, JAN. 10th. ` = .MmsMEn1c-nEYsTmRms 2 Is... I _....|.o... --ul G.-I-on fvamhlnnd ' IIIEIQJEIHLIAV AIL 1. man. Language c Fun. lgughtpt and Science Comblnod. PROF. JOHN REYNOLDS," -Is____. I _.aA..-. Iu`-.-I--A 1-run uuuuuu. lull:-uu. The Greatest Ltring Mosmev-lat I Lnughnble. Myathjnd Wonderfully Exclt: imr Enterulnmentn. consisting jot, pxporimenla Myatlcutd Wondortuuy Emu.- inz "of experiments in Animal Mngnetlam or Mental Electricity. Prices-3 and 35 cents. I-.. '1 v `wt 1. be heid in um Cduncii cmunboF on TUE DAY mvmnma. nu: inst..nt 8o`ciock. The Annual Report and that of the Tolifnlo Committee will be submitted. , Election of Unicorn mics place and several I-nnnlnlinns on the Bond regarding Kingston Ndvolliee and Patterns. ial Ba us in Combination Dinner and Togsets and airy Lamps. T ippet Hen, Hawthorn and Encore Whis/ties are THE STUFF. cxocxm, crmu. i;LLsswL1u:,1.uPa ALL mus, PLATED Wm &c. OLVD SOI) JAB. 4 AGENT Idjourned Heating of Board of Trade See the I e ROBERTS6l I HI-soul. Ram dn Susan. ur Stock is now complete with all the latent Novelties _ Rnaninl Bnrwains Roliertson Brothers, 4 IMPORTERS. Ihm I7 til-`or solo at craft In Jugs. Try them and be convinced that the CgA\'THUl{" Aug. 9. Market Square, Kin St. _ 7 takes place and several _ Iuliong rrdin garborin1pI'-ifn'eTiI1l'5.' Exun lng\ urehouso. 0` , &c. ' A full attendance requested. 'I`l-[ll '1 Kinsu)n.,ILn( 8. 18$. Try it and you will use no other. 3. .1. LEAH) . - AQE/_VT, See the lmiseat aasortnwnt In the city at. BDBERTSO BROS. 9...-mu, Ih.*nIn\'I`InN m Pmcns for the H01)- abxirrson SPECIAL REDlIC`l`l0N IN Pmcns rhuv Qnnnnn. Cor.Prinooas&Kin8ts.. Kingntomr JOSEPH QUIGLEY, Conlnl our. Food uni Grain In-chant. Soot. I8. GROGERIES, LIQUORS. FLOURAND FEED? 341 KING ST ET. lnoxm. >E N: The Fines-t Ale in Cmula. IS THE BEST. ' oNooN Coffees roasted twice 3 week and ground daily on the premises. "(E..h3.'I"1'z"1'\ !'kLIN [um-Jwur. THOMAS MILLS. L Secrcuu-3'. j 4. Nov. 27. ALE. MEDN Nov. 1 Vvucun v-uvw nveuuenu yuan via -av rune, --u thorecipientol e not gamou IIIIN at government patronage. The Independence olthelailmey he deolemlethouend timee, but it will never be whet n in Alleged __ I_.__ -_ AL- -.I.lL-.. I- AL- _._.__A AC IIIIIZ, view It Whoa two It: nu-u -w - .. . _.,_._ toheeolongu theeditor lathe eervento! xhepertyend the receiver from theperty of ell but SKID of his` enlury. The working pertnenhlp must remain so long an the nancial. aspect of the one tenth: un- n|.-..___n .nm....` "" I33 I.7J..'...".'.'.'.'."Z..""u..a7 If ulvvuvvuuvu-u us nuwuuvwuw wvuw v 1:-w uvv still the happy modiun throng`; which the oouurntivo laden talk to the potty and .L_ _-,2_2-_; -1 - _._.A _._-.-... -|.-.. .0 IIIOIT WIIIIX. lflll, Ii IIUOII KIIIVCI X III. in unfair to thou and while Sir ohn Mac- donald and Mr. Meredith at held respon- Iible for our viewamotwitlu nding the fact that they have earnutly and very emphati- cally roteated against them. we. on our part. gave to Ihoulder the ibility for wordaand act: of their! whle we can nei- ther juatify nor excuse. In a word the working rehip between In and the nnnnmvva va nan-2' has hrnknn rlnwn. " lronngo. Choice Fun! y. Pastry Strong Flour will be kept. on hand. Customers may I 1 min to thl . 'Iu`}'T Kn" '0. B.'I?1'tX'KLIN wornng psrmenmp oowpon ma conurntivo puny bu broken down." 'II..... _....I.I L. L... -u.o.L.I..- -L...l Mr. A. r. Idmyro, of onus. In Im- uuceontnl undiduto for u oollclll 1| 550 liberal Into;-go, .\ ch. lat puns! oloct{on_ pm! the nominee of :59 party for Oh cloc- tion now I!) close at hand. In ll Tomato 0 tiny or N0 Am. Interviewed by I Nun ro- pln".rl'_hU_IliIl; . "ver-ythnng in (nun; goon up hdhlh L1. . the guvunum-ut um V. 3 djggou crt-using burden of public debt, They are now committed to pay a gross debt of $'.. 8l,- U00.000. a net debt of 8`2`20,000,000. Every source of revenue has been drawn on to pru-- vide for our annual expenditure of 835,000.- 000, exclusive of $3,400,000 of war expen- eee ; yet the expenditure exceeds the nave" nue by $6,000,000 in year. The men who have got things into this ehepe are now go- ing to the people for endorsement end it will be simply amazing if they can be returned to power. In I878 they laid I23,(Xl),000 wee too much to spend in the edminetretlon of public etfeire, and they have added 812.- (X)0.000 to the annual expenditure. On (it that Patterson, of Essex. will be made postmaster general ; that Sir Alann- der Campbell will be made lieutenant gov. emor of Ontario ; that Hon. Mr. Carling will be sent to the senate; thst Lieut.-Gov. Richey, of Nova. Sootln, will lg given I judgeship mind that the gubernatorial oice will be be kept for Hon. M r. Mcbelan. The tory cabinet ministers usually distribute the plunys of oice when they see no hope of longer `holding the public patronage. Tilley had the Appointment to the lielltenmt gov- ernorehip of New Brunswick in his pocket for seveml days before the Pacic scandal. carried down the government to which he belonged. There will be precious few oi cinl vncancles to lill when the liberuls suc- ceed to power. There In 3 great (led of force in what the Globr says, that no one wh x considers the nancial situntion honestly can be disposed to think it possible for five million people to bealr up under the enommun and ever-in- \ I p n .. . . .... The Mail msku this umounooment in an suldreu to the people" : ll'A AL- _ . _ A _-L _-_. _._!_A __ _.,_ ,_A;,, -.-.unv-.- wv ---V rvwriil . "In the content now going on our utter- uou on cuddled upon the connorvntivo londormnlthough our course for nearly 3 you put bu been yholly at vnrisnoo with thnir whhm. Thin. it nood non-cnlv ha mid. ` _VXI' WI [III IEUII Wlllly It VITIIIICX WIHI their whhu. Thin, 'it need ncurcol be said. :- ....J-l_ s. ol...`..;`' .n.I -dd]- Qt: ..L_ ll-.. . - lIlIVlIl\Ilu.lbxlaAVaoo For fuillnen. one or twp infamous; . . . . ..I) 50 lI`orfourllnm.enohsu uenv.lnser1.ion..-' 85 Over four lines. mat. on . . . . .. loo perllno Ewh In uent oonbocuttlivehu ' . ,3: Inhooquen nu. ,. " Twice I woo}. subsequent inn. ` 80 . 4_._ Tu: mum Wmoin Fuunm every mien. inmat St Kinzziton. Ontario. AT I11 XLLLR3 PI YEAR. DA"JliIXGifD"WH"_lI7`A . WHEAT dun by tho Ilnk of an ~.a'::.~ -'..:=.~...-ow *- ` 3a """ m 0' . IlII'TC"V_UQgIIIIjIlUllI-ll$\.n-..- Tl Nollcen of Births. Mu-1-Inga sud Deaths we. each, union when hooked.` when OI. lacharlod. Special notice: In reading column: are chug- ed at extra rates. T130 WEEKLY liIH'l'lSl"l WHIG. 3 W oolumnl. is published every Thursday `ggxtlnz st II n oar. < Atmced to the pa is one of the best and most busy Job omces Csnndr rapid. stylish heap work : 8 improved printing messes. Isrxuuv . -- r\i1`vr\iI n "` ".4"" " ""' "" -" -" ""'_""""' stepto put the weinen on u equaf ivith her male friends. and give them in municipal atlairs the voice their interests entitle them to. " The point that puzzles the women is this: Ifit is right for them to vote in the municipal elections why not in the parlicr menmry elections. Sir John. it is true, has pmmisexl them the franchise after the election. Contemporaneouely with the announce- ment thuttwo new appointment: to the senate have been made comes the editorial declaration of the jlail. We favor the re- construction of the senate, which has be- come a Bcandul. There is no hope"i3f its reconstruction by the toriee. The liberals, through Mr. Blake, are pleclged to reform or nboliah it. The `Vail says the ministerial press has beenjnstructed to ssy that the question of a dissolution has not as yet been seriously oonsidered by thedoniininn cinbinet. Nev- ertheless it is known that the decks are lie- jng cleared for _nction, and the announce- ment that parliament has been dissolved and the writs issued will tske no one by surprise." This is the closest an indepen~ dent paper cnn get to making an oicisl announcement. It. in pointexl out that in the Toronto may- orulty contest there were 16,000 votes cut, and 1.000 of these were marked by quali- ed women voters. An eastern paper cou- cludea;thnt"_`i_t 3:58 ' not an unjgstinble 0 . nQnn-On nu}! tlun u-nmnn nn an unnnl I-:30}. Ln.- `THE DX1LYvWHIG.% stuns: v-uuvu .uu-q u-- v-vuvu -vw-so 'l'hn would ho luu nuplcion about this In ______ __A .1 l..L....A- ._._. AL- Il...`l _LL The WEEKLY nnfssn mac. 3 p oolumm. nubushed every Thursday I booq ntimi. :woo,':luh9ot;`I:elt moo A wogk. uuhuoqugnt inaz. . LY:-nllnnn AC DI:-lm Ilnu-I-Inna. gnu` `Lani! wtnur nipunro 0-u-oi Ofmcha . _, Ig|._..-.AOla-n I)... _________ _. V ouwuv: roar DODOI. ANNOUNCEMENTS. "`.0Pt`/3:1` per OrbemD|'cor." W lung street. nunzuou. u DOLLARS rm EDW. J . B. PENSE. Proprmor. Avnvn1t'r_1E:):nxrs. 1..-- ___ ._ A... I-_'::InI..-- 'r1u:` BRITISH w~uIG, MONDAY. ; DIII lung: IIIVI ulllllvu Iulw Iuuu. nun lflny mgncnnoouumuutonoohomotn cithorhny out or chute 0| that jourusl the Cnmborlsncl war lions In the IIIII. --uluvuv---q `Inc ! Toronto world. Then van stint whoa Sir Charla Tup- thad utiulunu In the Nail odes, utthlnglluvo olnngod that thou. sum ulna nun an unnnnmnnh I mlnmo tn :~..'.`:`. :""'a.`:`A .""-..:.',....'-- "" :5 mm (111 J luv Tn by zngymr u on. whack '3... dlclu in n Ipocic or all pslnfnl oonplolntn. JUST TO HAND 2| `l|`Ib 'I!ll`u V dlciuhou c?;::`llP:|n`;:Ilioo.Pm I Ottawa Cluuu. . W0 hope the Mail will Inrvivo the shock ltmnyboupochd to [ad when it luau Glut I npnuahtln ol tho Punch Candl- ununidontln0uhI-Io In Inca called to `L- -.--0; lion. In Io;;lI"| Iungo. Bollovln lnlollkonor. ` Axridwmolmmmnurfnmotuvs uyu. I than in nothing authentic known tlunutrtln duo (Ind. alloql in`; oouaidcndh be iununiuaat. but that no 06- ch! uanuncouont Inn undo. c......"'*'.::*:'.:.*',`.:."..... :*.,..."..`:;:':.:s:;':" an IDIIQI-x Hon. P. Mitchell. I'lIHI- I . A-IIIIIIVIl- Sir John in Incoming senile. and Sir Charla: is the but nan now in the corner- vntive rnnka. an uuvuv--v us nu-u<;. London Axlvert her. Hamilton is goin into the winter cumi- val Iunac . But, on, what could we` ex- pect of uniltou! Toronto Globe." __.1.L I UITIIIIU \.l Iuvv. Down with the oonocionooleu scheme:-1 who. boouuo they thought than wu politi- cal prot in it. tried to not Canulinn inst Cnnndinl And wolnhnt unlnn ml in ! Llllllllluu } mu.- SEASON 7886-7

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