Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Nov 1850, p. 4

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`lunar.-parated. ISE:-1CIIrrter Par L I tual-CapiiaI Uulimiml. PP- , \VM-:;RAN}'., dgnl V` hire at am. Hon. John A. Mmnmla. _ - King Strut. Rinnmn. Mnv Q9. ISLE. .. lm. -suqn wu nun-rv-uu an autumn. , ' ' JOHN LANKTREI. ILI. P. Bank .heol. r Kaupw-.c: w.3!mI.`1`a. new. 6 , . . _ 3 I E ` run-III uliimlunllul only IIIIG. unnou U0! fP'-3PVI,i`tl-I Rotpucuteci. iuvvy`. Ind I Iothon Iuo nnlnwnuu tlllllnll-In. 9.` Inns! r AUl('I`lIDB `n n n sen". 134850. tilir Itlblll [VH3 umlalsigm.-d have np__c;ne-d in ;jVc-I-I lington Stregl, Hurley : Buildings`, Hu- mml rnensiie asso:-Imam at - ' tinnnutnun snags... J\C-nah'- _ "31 i:*:B_EJFIEE'R'T \Inu nATnkIn'}z`m N C.f0"ND NAIILI )\IIIoluK' '11-LI. Fur I`n-'il'..`n- oI.- `Il.....l -_.A n._..._.|.-_:,,_ uvnuu vu nu ruuninrllillola` I'll-Ll. Fur Puiifyinf u `Blond. and Bmnqlhrning tho Iliguuu Organ, Senvbnlio Hmpliono. Pimplr-I and lllulehevhqomuiun. Lou: (`um- p1aiuu."lndi|_-rllion. HW (`u:nplair_mI. Adh- mn. Ind all din-nu IMO` urine fmm up i.mpur ' IIIII ul"llIo "bod." ..-'01`-at Ioubu IIIO pun. Sakai ` If U4 , . Mk! IIIIII "1 Iiri huvnnily uhllj , kl -_au...aa.u.. MK bilindnd-I&vdi+ an nogvgvunvulglna-n. Ho chuuhn an ' . 8* It.hbwIhnnIu" squats. II II- m fllt. l::nur. Iluuhlgfully Iaoallgiun nu oynnun um ` g 'u!au::amIunuc Nnlir-nu. calls! up , .0PA'I'lll\3 nl BOTANIC MIDI. CINEI. Ilia-I. if ptcpuguppiicll, uuooleuln-. Iod Ionn on-vy diundn in Imam nun- Iho Int. ulna/52 than UIIO M IO Illi y ;.;lbvin[ vihnuoo in nu: city uni I--uu1ry.=:d _ciuuhu ' ulbculuuingdlnouhdoon. tuition. beunblmwenc-ifl `lipo- ' nnniuod Iilh any:-I un (Ito-in; `a-Implant: ' ,on eonldomly nqnd Ion (onicuuodioin. Ch. ` bl. [Incl V-mil. Blgch or ollmn Fuonbnpuy, Fun: 0! II; had.` Rheumatic Gout. u 'yu'u. I `V|.|IMI'|[l. dynnlry. ctninMI.pi|oo. gonad! - -`INN . n0rVouIl'lI.IpIIpltl].`ll of any kind. . `:1 line bland In lho had. ]IlIndire, bought 1 emuh. Dorm! inyv-any md nld. Iupecqm.erm- , ; num,4inu 3! I nor!-in any-.l.inv eoulplainlgna. In All vnnniul. Distinct: A: the bud. Cramp; m luuluru. Brydplu. Enlurgomnn M the hurl. ` ` Fu_nn|e cnmprllilsll uf only kind. Billion (o'uu-- '1 AICIIlIIl.sun|nnu Bangui?-n.-u Ann... ...I -n: 5` I --u-nu - .I\\IIi|.VI- nwavcuuntui vi CABINET WARE. CIIAIIIB lic- Illr hnfnla n':u-as] In Ila: I-3u|nI:..`:.. I!.'.._`n- or Mar E :-o' nnnca ` ram 1-mane. ` Iuml'.1n'0 ooclod fotlho show (`on IE9. mm-l nppimnlinn go Ibo undoraiim-I. A! luau: n-'ju-ml with fairneal and liburuiily. Ind paid Di! p!'II.x| P"lCCu . - ' - J "I'Il0M.\S BRIGGS . 11. 1 `PENiT'l-INTTMIIY. nu m nun-I. puns In. em . ny` RDBF.'R'I' BARKER. Duvggiu and Aputhrcuy. . liiuymun. C W. III-KPDIB IFFEI- - - E. W. PALMER. Il ll wk. aaowma. l..._d ml /31 ! .....u:- ; umu -as npIun.`is um ueuin Ml amwr` ` v 7 The Gain of "the Woman Would for 1551.` | ` ` _ . . _ I : uygdo pp. in any 35" 57 M31 3- 30" ` u;knrhhiuu.:ubobwaupuu_uinIcpuu4. V 30 FH' ' ' k * , . RAMA7 AIMOU QC - ;5;c-!.Je?3.'Ia""" '3. October, 5611:. - ' R 095! .7 . ' nulseu 1; "I". :5. mum , Iundooady "'13" ""_" . boom} in urorrocco. . '_ . jm :="`..w'o.?:?T` 'wn`h.::'_ Theflgpl Folluln for 18519 Edzlenihf T. S. ` . II mun a ' ' mg. `Ia.-I Tang. .` ' Wnkfn Wlld. `:nnlb1nnn`i'- -.z-- ---'---`- '- ' ` V u uwuucpeollull binfc-rm Ibo pub-_ II-t-lieuI'l::Ihohaieoiunn:udBmiueumha' M may he mind. in pmvnyiou hlolynccupied by 5\l:. D. Movuu, and nu uulicitin; tfucirpuuoup wookfunte um be in ;npnml,tocx`unu II:La'd'IillI which he ` M d Mgsdnyh. Kn: `Ln J._..;.A L9, `Hrs. uh l uI_;lihu1fnnoo Once ` v. Juh --Inmu 1 .:.~. 1 . % 'riuNcI-:ss's'ru:|-:1`. Tm: Businni 97?; 1c`a.~.._m.;.; an-nch pl 7 '" 9 mfhlin fulure, be condnclml at the 0 ca 01 Chg Cnmivtny, in King Sltcpl. Wu nbnu-r A V - lhe Colonial Life Aumnnce C rvnnrr an mm-n Scu, Gm-on : Dwoansr I, Coon-tn 3 Erica B.\I.4ucn_: with Ind without Wnnnunow cules, V The ahovoe adapIed,..tonll the purpo which weighing is l`f(LIlil'PIL |;= nnmun n. ru THE Snhscribers.::-Age-ntl for the mile of "" ITII7 Aim.Uou. Scalol, 7 7` 7"` v. time Scaien, whichon account M their `very great durability Int! perfect ucuracgr, ' :11: unduuhtedly the chupeul Scale: in nu. He will [smith 1! .s.ho.nnsLLli1:n % M - DonIul`I' nu: Po:-tau Stan Scal--a, ' Wan-r um Hon-n Snafu, ; G|ucl| n nirlnnnaoln A. (I-_-`_- U - 11!`. v- .u|-cu; , Ill QIW l ` 4 G mngston, Aug. 29, 1350. `NT 1"? &:~ ' uunnl WILL BI lcqllem quality. I .woob/1/iwooo:: ON SALE bf th`e Sub.-clmr, chgn-J`-\r } \ -- Utah, It his Yard, O:ilg|rin_,\.`trerl, 2,000 ' Conn: wgu. Sunoruxv Hum Worm, uf 1-K- ccllenl nulilv. "' ` Custom Kingston, July 23, 1350. ` III III: III IIIB 4 `stun. Apply to II Ir 'oo;.omu, urn munman com Mir- V-- - ----u- - AIIIJIIIIC Ullll I, : JEN 'BULK,."IgUH Minots, weighing about E 67 ibs. lo the Mimi, _`t'u Slow nan King- ,slon. Apply ' Iulrri IIICCPUI. ' Olfice, Nu. 5 King Street End, three hefow Yonge Strecl,over the Drug 5 `Robert Love.` ' Hour: of _l'lIemIancn ffom 9 A. 5 . M. l"........n.. nu. I ,- -n -- ru.-1Iu|E . Amcial vciwerla-cl without plin, and made t_o move, and m/nlzh the sound 1-}: per- _I'u:ll_$`. Intro-J ilucct-9:. All... 11.. 1- n,-., , gs. . - Squinling cmcdin zmev-minute`, with guar- . M . Kingston, June I0, 1850. -&---I FIVHE Anlrertiso-r` has for |h put lwolve J years, given: his whole Illclllinn to ma uealnnl and cum odineun oflhp Eye and Ear, and in thll department nf his profcuiun, hu bean very extamsive-ly pmployed in Hm : Pmvince for sun; desirable menus. 1: therefore moot respect- lull 3' requests those who an desirous of null- imz themselves at hinqervzqu on this ncclsiun lhialthcy will dose with an mu. delay in pusnihle. ears put, viuih Ilu moat ` nun Ill! ` A rhm ur 10 u. Jmtu It Go. Kingston, Sept.25, 1%. -vruvunvv vu Ins aye uuu BIT In Declhud, -llllndnu.-nu. nuruil dorqeu of Highland . luring. , 'l'o no Tomxjuq 7th June 18%- _-.__..- - ._._. i AGENT tnr Jim (`umunuu u um I !\`hnvu `lruuuna: l`qg1ruIv'. thug Snbueri Mr itpropawd to H001 lnuuni-inn on M1`c_|nntlinn_ Prmlu--u, Hmunhontnml Sailing Vuurln. running an the ('-mnl'md Rlnr El. Lawn-nun, an flfduwn II Quinn and an nil RIC Uppcr balms ` TIIHHAN RRIHGS . J1. [ (Jim: snnun nonv 1.aIno1I,) x. lulu, hum: ;!. pmpoul, and ` other informuion ,u.n_y be r-blaincd 11 Hold Occ and Ag:-m-.u~n. ` ' M nnnl.`n'r I IMNDQ 'IuI1 mu; UJII IOU. , "'7' V Alp;cI'a'liau:u::'!u e u!.:\l,`ovn`4uny in [run itiu not dsimm I mile ptou by '1ipi'E_t| Policies. 'I'..|.I--...r u-.,_ Xv -_._ n urru [um uuereun. Threrlourlhe nflhy plols mnliud in III- |. M 1 .1 B h I 4' ' % * ....: '..'.:'.t...,.`:.:..*'*-'::...:'A :1:-`r--er-= A ntrulinr Innhurn n! 11.. I`... .... .. :- .L_. . gun can um um-r colnpman. _ 1 1'0 pldiis w n my. at any `tins feel Ii 1 inclim-xfor umhla tn continua (hr yarmem uf ` their premiums, this Compiny will grant `* Polaci-uu,paynble II death, Jaixly n-pre:senra- live M the value of such payment: as may may have In|de,am.' it further tngaggrs in pirchun policies for In equillblu rnnnid.-p llion mu Me or mom full premiums hair been paid lhercun. M * 1'hruu-lnnulhu nl uh. .....o. ...-|;..-.I :_ .L A ' rilrun -` r. L_ Ofnqotllu Lift Anunuce Company can EHHIALII mm manual its funds in (`a- nia, n :1 mm iidou not consrqorutiy con- my-m In the immanie sun is you]; rent an! nf the Hrimh or Foreign lfonpunlu for that, whichund thin in nearly 3 solimy I..,m.u) m-illnr Great lrimin not-the neighboring Slulu run hirl u'rI' competition. Province lo pm; To Mdibi w n mlv. nl nnr Win. (3.1 .I;., U910 . cilkn 53" D""' -7, V- .-v--.-u -- wu uilu III-IIUI mass... (at anu..u.-mu,-pans. 1.4;.` Do- :pIrImoI-I. I60 dual naming um bu ur been p"o.9ueed In Puil, Knglnml. ot the V Uuiml Slates. uf non!) I|Iim`lu number. MI was Ihnolln - nu unpnond-um`. mi. um- ` in time Q: IE5!--and an over. Gnlmnfl ruler? till it utnmd-I. sump ClIlldl[ Gnhuu uh-I ubliubu the snail. sud onnuilplu nay Panama and Eidnor An-an New o'loana' NI-In clan: . The Irll. I;-poul m Ihmlleoem-N 3'auhanh' Patent scam. sun In I! an mum! III II!!! lllllll Bl. An can diurnal ofjn nuipl: ml 2- 5` M puulmin is |r.nuIl plbluhqd by the Come pan; and {onnrdc m'nllwho_my comm- ruled. t\l'-- .nI.--l:r_ A,_,,-,, -Ii ! ` sailed, from in Imul on IJIT u HIIIIIIIIIL ' ` -'l'Ihlu have bggn upteuly cakuluid Iron ' 3'`: not scunlo and the Cu-puny in. ` high mo of intern: that { unwind: in ; Canada, In olit team of Ann IQCO such monhvounc than the low me of iuumu? ulainuble on lnnuncnru by British Cum-j pwio; and their 3.-ngnlly largo expenditure can wi'h any [@1111 In My ulllil H. An and annual n! in mnau. ...:.a .. upznllnm, and Ibo} . yluus nuns.-uil II prcpuu gl Ill` Juunun an Luau, wind: a joint`; to all Aaauiliu, tg puchau pad` to mount! All ruinous in which (In til of~l_.if-`ilskcunceifua. _ _ _ _ _ Iumul , ` _ _ The nouns" fungm and our, nqmculc mfor In-mun. no In Ihl molu'nI` ocnlum Anunnon, mny be attained Iilhr by Mm or porgoul lg-' 1-nou.\s mums. (H... 1325: ! at .Ki4If0laIyl.' - . 4 plinenon Ii`: Haw. IIII` F(3E(LE, V` sr. nuns-`rncxrna sm-,. IH'.l! Annn u:._-.- __. OGULIST AND AUFIET, Upnmor on Mt Ego and Ear, W llnrllu-2 -Inlnil .I.n..u. ..r u|_n.. -. . . 1,`. Ag Kingron, August 13; 185! "- &_S- J"N_I'I. Kimmon. .W- J; McDmu:1.1.. 81. (`o.,Tnum:., 0'16 H-'3w:sM& Co., Mo.m1.A , mnlnn. Snnh 9.` IRH1 . `nan mu 1 I ' ms coM.ue'v-as 1 1_:_a n- __u A____.'n.'.- in man an AIIIAICI nun: u an. .:..`"Y' 1 cautlu no...-u u. M 1|-I-and Iv Aeuthnuuu. var-noun: in I853.- l`.n.n.-. I-- n-A-I-India -...L ._A. i -`;l;l`tll Scales, I._uu:n_: x-am. now cllen r adapIad...to nll Ibo purposu for sing reanirrd. "E r. A. Efnwm N'61Tac. ,` III\J'NI.'\ IDIIIIJ` 0mun..- Prinoun Strut. Kingston. \1nreh.l850. _ ' _. run. . East, three doom 9 SI-fuel. nvnr u nn... (1.... . r. I5 IT IHFPII. E. [IIROWNE I Co., Cunlom Home Whuf. . I "1' r 23- I850. JAM!-`.3 CAMPBI`-:L If] IRKII 1" - 5 nut-cc r.u.Il., mroe noon :1, over Drug 5l0rCuf' f'"(`.ll'Io . ROBERT L. INN ES, AAIIHII In! Kinnnlnn A:'::..-:..".;':.r:-.'! an I luv! I39. fen! fut Klngllmt. L 19] II! 171 Bljlol U Yilllfflld ID `HG IIWIIIY III "N! l`-|WPI'- I The nuhamihov bop I-u um-uh lhnl oho Butan- 41!: Company has bun duini huninoun in mi"m- mum for about _lo!\ yggn-`-and has been nlwnyn : fnund libml. Iad_ pnnipl in the Imloucut of Iltliml ` "', , 'l'x.- ........--.. r.......-.. -..a .....- n....:.:a. Inf... T Tm-. zucnso A- ic_`!IuAL.. cm rmu _ Seasons, Ediui 5, the lien 11. um"... Weldwith non-mi` * ` , ` The 8omofT:Ia' nee mg. . -lhhsnl ' I.- ; or: II` Inc UIIOIIII. . _ For flmlnt iobvumiun ll; Pathnder iii!- -In Guidu--ono.l08. EDALBY. Anal. Nu. tmt 8!. Jun` smeuoatnsh 4 ' * JAMES IIOUIF3. ' fl2`6 ' I ` 3:7. u Dupnlalndcu. .--j...._'-_j:> punt. mliyl um-pied. . Na chunks mill - in mad: for Tmohgc or wnmrm at Bunhapon. onmigln be|3gge_-yngg, . inn and Burhiigtuii, ij p if(TIhi'fiIe of New York or the cum. Inn mu nulllgwn. in` Yoth Cusdu. I p,, ....g... ;.:..._. Dun. Rundayu nus:-pied. '-"'W13.A..'lI.`j`II ' ` ' --If-p-- 9. A. .~I..-'f".r."'."..:.'i'..'.';"."a'.T' Fraighr Tuinn h` 1: oh .3 [,u,g,'.'h cllunfm 15-ha ....a. r... -u-....;__'. __ nrvv I->Ixl I|_1'. ' Pu.-en`:-n tuning Mortal at 10. A, ll... and 5. P. \1'.;'urivn inugtun II I. |nd`7. P. 31.. its: nutydooy and in New Yank It 6. A. M" tho n- I end day. Returning, Sean Bulou. nl half:-put 1, n md 12. A. .\1..un-u win up Honhoul u I Iulf-pun! A. .\|...II`:luP. M. an n--- -l-- Weld um. .nuoa:'z..}'?.' `"135 ' '7' ` rA`o:do_rT poo orjoilg; I851. " ...`..a inbg'orrx;cE;. `Mat `ndmd 9 sG_tyntll : Arthur. cl Gel) Would, 1551. N Mu; Harm. , Jun ylecewcd. - IIAMHA-I Anunnn LP- 8' - __.__,._, _....n;.gu..__.._ _.7 _.__ .__- ., __-.r omuirrx-ml. miss ., l|_Ju-l'_Shrubu. hardy Fluvpu Ruoll Ind Gum Huuou lam: , ` - ' (Tntnlogun Irnl In punt-mid iplilicanlu. I --I cont-.rm-_nqr ofnuv any cuuumu-re and tho- trwt-Iliv-;_v put-lie. we have mark N. t-mo. -N`:-. 5. m`Iha Eu.-I Wang nfiho (`-ivy ll-ml. our .-hzunl. with whom mdwu nm_r he lull. ind fluun` whnm I Hrven-lumna Picnic and hum: nnl (Iumnmnul ' I'M-dl. IIB.. lol limilvd lllllll. may Im II HI I . -IALLI-IN .4. l\'l.l.\`l'! - A \ Qnuio-`Flu Auunriul Puunnv. _ lhunwuu Lni: Ann-um-s (`a-nrmv, C`-owuua I-`nut Mum: [nauuunu.(?on unv. "Ill7'c _ 1 . We have of algal Initnbla for lhn glgdon or oy- ` nhurd. more than 300 ruin-Iirl of the Pear, and manly all of the dinmguinhod uviooieu cf nu- Fur. und hourly I" of mo digrlinguninhed nrirm-u am` the Apph. Phony. Purl. Quince, Apvieun ` and Na-ctanno. .-Um Iho_ -pull frniln-m1Ibt- not. Cmnnlu. G-mo-harried nnd lruwhonirc Of I-}~c.-uionl Ruutu-nn rxlemivc pinch of .\-pnrnxun. `l jL.l`1ant. etc. ..a-n. A lgsle slack of wn|Igy_a_gn__,_,_, , mnx1om`r.rm_1'nAL}n:i|Lno4nn. 1-n nrlurn ,m.-In mm. and tool on-nlldent in 4'lsi9m1J..IIIp'u|uI luulnno -and ~- u4oI--1o- trots ' an-wn Intro on the shutout! Lain Omuia, O1- pu-ed In in Hindi. I` u pt-`nl. fu|h`c .' nmlll than any olhcr oxlnnuiu notary "n the Signs: -n~I ` wuuhi yhu him supqrim value to their luau mu hum luil and qxpuoum . lvul hum lh - {ncl ll:-at lhoy VG IIIC-II MW . ` in Illa nul- sny lhnn all!!! I!!! point. Ildhy rend!-.nn_-` 3 llwm mpre lilll .' TM] IIIVI Inge ock I f pnrrmriuiu 3. in a bearing lingo. II prim a `Hum 51 MQ5. Alnoulnqvf pin :-:,iu a benrnmy unto. om 50 cpmv In Q5, ac-tordlng Io Iale nn.l ' u.;..,. mlcuhr -ma wibl be him mdig P gin and pushing cam uiud new. man! mm Ir he nonum dingy!` in tmuplmlin; than than unullnr creep. In Ilnimclity, and Iitmuy Ilucy iri I set my Ourrgo B~um-. in a bearing mm-. nnvl I `wnrnnl I0 Inn. TM! in III! lllmll valuable pour lhnl can he cullivumi hm. and will um M; lasted abmnd. u it but been widely diuunulinh led by Ihem. As I high wvurod. uwlhug pour. - I pmluno and regular he-rot; Una Own.-an Brngrr us not equalled." We will furnich upaanm-aoul Hr` fruit I all our cualumen at this vuiety and many ngic. I . -nu. nu. ma mmwu Iuwnl. Inn Im II ul _ --ALLEN .2 xLI.~`Ic. 0:wegn.SopI.3 1850: " , 9-|_77il will I0 0| Mitt. nu- n. 1muu`u_r new use Inn Rand Dept-I Thvir-uuvnntiu cuvrr `ply-ut Iwenly-u urn. `l`lu-y havga larger stock of nm Iiu-d Inert ufuil !_ht (ruihu3_t:p_I,t_Pg_y Plum.) than in my narlcry in wndm ,Neu mi. and fool cumdent luimmr mlnuln la...h_...A_...1......;........- AS Ila: uuun of lruluplunling Inc: in _ no-n n_l hand. Ihc luhrnbou wruuld call the Inc-nlivm of the public In their rr u-umvu N'UR8l'JIll E8. nitunu-d on Trnihnmm, But Davina, bnl lilllomm mun on half-mile unnvlrlly from the Rail Road Dcput cunt nbuur Iumn|a.n-n an... ` ; Inigo! lE'l'lf','IK ll ONT, lillllui 701$?! , tillboadumlhod. Graham lb , nuuda; anus. ' Put-umnud E`-M-r Anon N-on'IMnuna' _ '13: Gina, '15: Dennis Hunk! than I um. ' Tgn-. -.sin,u C:-|.iu..`|. ' . .. I Plum or (mu min |F`5l.--All ouhn luv , ' :38l5l'\U.{.\l'S MAGAZINE. cvvmmcncing Hill! I _. p.m.bouppIsa .3 Ihe foI|ow6ii[ nu.- I F 3 d .-3."? Cgl. .3.-3 ` '..i'.'..'..'Z'.T;.,'u.4'E.',T....I".. ."'.3'a?.'-. a..'?..'.i . ' an Iubncnberr. `Then turn: Iii! my he`do- : .'.-.....a 1.-.. |... ,..,. :.I, .- -u Ira"! xv , Ill IIITIJII II!!! III B MD ll ...u.c..a'l r':.'-rr.... will not he do- nm-al mm by us ..r the lingo Du! ll Mn`-Jinn. I ` ' "hllouhluddrnnd l'u GEORGE "I. GRAHAM. ` ` 13:. Chulnul sweet. ass ` > 11-uu.a.a,u.. ra. ` bl/arch Is, 1350.` mun: ml. ` Y on run of up um.-.1 lu III} Iwmhgn. V hulifulhdn ""`"" l-.... .0 ._.Ln 1 MI. an, Mbwingu- lI5|.-- Glam Iugnqdin null r_u-min -1-: I hpnnhjbu nals and ulna ylohluinlnuhubunlgvclnnc. . J 0. . Jun. -5.. ..|.I....:.1 n......r... L-.. wily IIIICWI nun IIIII an: In Lanna god Pan. III` I Qhlldl` Cl Of WIN, hid nth!"-u hr gpulmoul, Utah ,ur lII!. 'l`h rll llunllll m I.L..'hAann_ -u-vuuuv. paint!` It IQIILI. ' T. H. RlAD.IIllAl1iIIII ii noun` .DumIlhrf II hiuqlyh lul . wfuubn nuGaIuitouoopvIuI of ratings. Arliall IDUA-nu`-ca huvubocnltollola-ru&`u2;_La`dl }P4lil Ind 1 nnlnn-Jgl out .1 I.:.LI... :nuuu_u IIHIIIIII til rfll It IISI. , In Frluubu Barn. in Ada .r jlnr-I llwn. II dump will Warns gnd l.aunu.n. Dunn lnvul. V `F, N D;n II; Auk: .-J D...` :- _- 5 iCIUViUlll CW" , 1 J. I Lu of load: can ` ; ` mboI-_ I brnllnximtul of Plll Irl.|.s`|_'m .- I3 Ilhnbn: Hanna 5. A.-L_- 4' recited. ARMOUR, QC? ilhit Times, shnuns,` so. . mg In Acme. I . . Ml claims pnynhlo within -nun un.~r-nu Ior gamut of Truth Na pmuf` n1 bull! in myuin-J M lh0lIm n aIaim `I: made .' Ihn an n! the Aum-ed Ioing. in epegy nu. Idmiuad in (he l'ulmy.1cnn~ not. under any eirumndlnnono. bu ufletu-nln lulled in quinotiqn,` Poliuiaueatud by pulieuin Ihuiv own lint an not an lend mid In 6-Ilenf ulnuh by uluailioq our In Iwudunfjmiee. In an tum u_( suicide. TI '0 'Po;lu:y be naignod In 3 Ivan jlula (`-ndilut. the mm matured will hr ,-u|i.l mthuul doduulinn : if the I`-nlicy be run! nllimgd Ibo lull umounmf Premium: raw-in-d thorn! will in murmd us ulna family M` the Armed. 'l`ha nnhnnrihnl haul III nmul III II liIl' -QIUIHII IA`UUIIll|VVLl` UVJII IIIUIIF" To lunnct Insurance Buainets in all its bunches. ' - , lllll PD I I!.'l\ L '0' .. . ...u. u u!vIIlIlll'F.ll' FIIII IIQCI` N robot: 1' a on ans.--1` `ndmagu Slinn per if in Etna. In :- I-IIus1aIUUC' use cm: 01 Int yllf. ' v 1 Ski! Kn eoecudaftlk end Uh:-n_A- ,1 --- within :1 (Ivan THY JUIMITRIBI` 83 :--Tu pa annum. mined by Mail. ncriplioni all Ttulu pid in ulm. of II Jinan mum" arm at Shillings gr I Eilvpllio o of the your. ' . u U! u :_auuu( llVI5Kl3.--'l" Esp mini`:-pence per main. I! puilju or Fifteen hillingtuif pails! Ilndii M . I?Ii'fTD|.' Qlvnoson -- - - ,-`__.-- lmy rljid I -u-and-G UI' is pugmsnsn ' Iy lnerim, II I "ied. . val vvuuuu unbuhfw A lug. cnur Weekly F.di|io'aol' ll ` ` ,t,MnTqze::Jnd-;+--- "'9 ...u.-n uuvurmanunlo ngeimacd " nll ` ` or 6 ',nd hi o;!;i `.' ' iucontinuuiono 19>-r nvrilin ; I I, .AdvorIiae1uan!up hejnlino for an Ital 3? day`: pubHeI!iol,lf nmclfu nqauted Io It. nut in by 6o'clooI_Ia oven ng. ,, _ Adnmnnncnla onus uri-pa r. uillbo in- serted ghluiloiniy in the Wail: rilhll Wu ` A ...... um: non-u-.... .-A ,,__- _---sang to U .1! RI; llgluu-I a Year. ALE}. Ocr ofthe rilid Mv'la'g` in lq 918:! * KDVERTISESIENTB interned on the JOIII ` ; terms. I-6: :--_Tcn Line: and nndngodciar um rsrinneni-vn. and an pane for out} who- qnem inumiun. All adv:-rlimmnll oxuoedilg ten Iulwlgfonr-peneg pop in. In. be In! inoeioll Ind qne ponny perlina Ihunry-uhequuiuon .o-. .W_ium_udm1innonn . armed.-' ,1: `dlgeonlinfuhgiprgu :_4'>_o in writing; (V --......o-can ALL!` Bap: Jami. our the lumbar III-u. M 'rr:nsasnor 'ru'z_n7asn.Y nnmsn ` . A ~ wma. M . [ V ro o(rI{.svnrvn1nz.rs.-_1'..:m:sn ll llimmdnn nun .n...s'... u..-:J 5, - V. uuunn ma III an upper nuns TIICHIAS BRIGGS . 1:. Kingston. M."-an man. A W: Nu. 2-Math Rzrtnuzct nu -Kucarrnn;--E. J. `M. IL, E. m Hrilisl)`Whig., Routine.-`lo-r, Ng Y.,MJmvo. I850. .--_. wvvu-it -X-X"'#- I8 _PUBLllSllED~ rm-zmr` nronmwc, Ill IllCI""1-I_lIC ITO? "if Lulhvr, nnul ` Iivellrd will: '1 Ruvetn and Burn. `VH3: hm h In be Illa most durable of In] I all Ihe Fire Departments who he Ilu-m n.._|,._ - - -* ...,. - AIIJII up-`ano. '.l`ll.l:1`Snb'ncribcr begs lure toin _ cuiaom-ul Kinptou that he is I in the manufacture of LEtATl{I-2R-wl all sizes-~n.>|_de from me `lies! q_n Lbulhur nml ..'..-u-.A __:.; m ... .... ...n at um um. rrlaa-actual. I AVE rec:-rvcd a `large nmorllm-nl of _ GOODS, (onsislinx uf every Itlicln in ,~ hr Hnrdwarr Lim-of fhnlinus r aired far the 1 me nfprinte fnmilies,cnamlIy_ Galen, hi. r Alsohavc rm-.vInnll_v on hand, Car nit?! Juim-rs, Coop:-r.~e, and fnc_hm3lba col: 0 .-very dc-ucniptiun. Lumps, Plum! Wilt; ' mun -, Glass, Shut limp and Bar Iron, 'r;.., 6,": mi Wron_g`Il`N&i'ld or all mu, ` Farming Utensils; &r. 81. '&c., I" of which win he da.-paw! at on modern: tum, M July lth, I8,50;_ _ I70 ` -C-Z PIANO FOIITIIB TURN - `)1 R. HRIIWNL Pxanordurn Tn V. uh Btilighgmerican Hulcl. . Jiiniguua, Sept. H.185). ` .? %n6xT.Txf.irw})" nno-runs Hardware Establishment, M the Inn of KM Anvil. rrinaun I--u l1I'"l Orders are I -us.-vs --U I IUIT ,__ ,. , I305? SALE'h_v the hnneton McLI1nul I Wnmur. - ' _ Knngslnn, Oct. 39, I350. ` NI O! U!!! Vfhllll. In! lnmu Dcmg lumunuru u_1 um Una: Brnm`.lI o! the lnoiil-Minn. hnlel null u'r_v are nnd uruI?uMe indwcnuoul In the person wish- mg in ` I` An alailln mnhlc unsnu ll-|` * . --...-5 nun ulfttfll 51!! `OR SALE on Mc1..nuuas s_WIuu. Kingslum, Oct.` 28, I850. " ' 21 x._...___ ` `House. `- ur. 'ulII'II I` - Stock- are Olcc _of ' mz couui-iz?'crncuLLnou, urn cunp Wu-In. 9.4:. :_- J ..r- ...., us we so comply m In In pmmiau of : uw.Lnw. If claimants oglgzt In court]- I with lhis nnlice within lhrtfme HIII ll their claims ctnnolbu nubuiiucd I invali- gnlnon in ma manner `required by nick. Department at ` Pnhlicl Woth, _- '1`3vonIo,AugubtMlhrl85, WI c.s1-..aAa|unIs:1-in: jconrur. mauuunn-In If an at nn.IuIarr.~` f`..n.'n.I Ennnn nu. , c 11...... _ . .-uu-an Ann" C MIHAIIIT ' a.j.7;.z' 2o_oo,_s1um5 tin; % HI-2 Icmkn rm s..'I;rspazo.. lo lhaCIpi!I| Slur;-I:-"ue nuw opened, nnd he at its: Oicepf ` , hlllll g Q lllifld Ill `uIIBlIu _ , ' Dumb! _L`onmcI. and the innulilgngin . do-Ilil componing Ihn unumn claim. with mdnsuremenl of evcu plan 0! math but. It! Ilme exiub my olbu mound of claim ' Itlle Son and whcn the go In uinn, um; - the. noun dgnuuled as com nation lhbntor. I in ttqusiu that all e aim "shall irhrr: WI dad-lo Ihiu Olcb within One Month flllll this date, in order Ihu the Conmiaiouu may ho Ible lo comply wil lie ll nlun u. ...._-n_ V WC;mIlItnce-mrnut, "3 ,u,;.` ` "3; ` ` by that Public Wort guppy. go 53...; quantityof Lad 4| ,, . menu of web Pubic Wort : J` mated value lheneof pt!-left; It the ting Ibo L``` `V! `imaged (lien. Dllfbf ronlmrl nml uh. .`......I 2- Try: ca-..:uaurTo1r-513$ l';u-h`lnro- 33"`: `gnu. I :m "J4 . . 0 age. we an I out lfgnaivtnuin, it 'i:oa'o::`d Oh! the A Arhiinbu rLl:le;coInuthI6lIe: Whcpnung I laid (nnd inn.) '7 _ILI#I|II'P0o00_Ivouiauung an-I Jikfpif mg upon on than Iledm lhu qln mam: the Inc nlbnbd by luv. MI panics who `gin notice, to I pain i united A. .' Mn dnlyxnolifml this Dcpillncut of the ' ui-nun`?! Jim claim in (man! toms. but hu Inland Io oolpl with 13 Plo- visiun of the Ad I0 and {I Vim, c. `Ii, which nqnisb that-(Ac ' _ of wt}: claim shank: led ii the `unis- h;knuch_ [surges I_ue`b_y Io Inn ' _ Tho imam: ofttotnpmy. `tn-lopondonlly u; an Iglgr puhunrihd Capilnl. II bcuvuu Billlly mud firmly Thnuund l mmvI|, Sterling. pal An- mm. and of this-um gluten put is cnnlinulllj` " Iuuvnuluing lot Iho pnymcnl 9! I;-nu. \ A pm, olfooling an Auounrr with Ihin Omn- any. mu, dong turn xed mm, pnvnble at lliunt , V r dcuh. without purliipnliuug nu who pvotn. sud thereby secure 4 immediate Damn by not |Myin' mnrn man in nlulely nquiml iu gravid! {M , lhO ml: -but if rgieiphlivm in pmluin piiitiiil by my pgrly, 1 fl IN ' \v1u1u4f 'I'a'1|u` udnplod by the Commvmv. which For in `annual divhiun of the ! n..u. ml which being '-um-nun! by tho . 1|... ll.-."-I. of Ilsa lnniilnliuh. hnltl llll VIII`! ------ on-u in turn will `III'_-UT'9' II-anon; much rties bin link] Idlilll hhwith ....a I: the f-uowia; puliimlln :- fll II *5! may lnnlv in {hair no-nu!-:I......4|. IIIIIIIIVIII run ,iI vi: :.~`- I`..__ "?I.v;:lon, 10th I "Ml GRAN ' __Secndar-_g_lo't Oice, CKQCIICC louse. ` OL'AI;I Anuurr H ' no units: of rail: Inns. IVE-'2'} l`I'\(\I --- v __.-v---voodIl1U `Uh `HUI. hm; `Nu TEGFIIPH 2 `law... .........n_ . T*"`?Tun--- |'I|I|I;ud Llverpoo - )8 nn Mal pu_`;-. _II9lt - _--___..__ "t;I*:zi'l`iI EI`ll' i{_DSE._ e..|.'...-:L__ nt v gun -nu III II: nuowulg pun:-nun ll i may apply to chair uvenfdonpudn Hep]!!! ` nos! durlu-bl! of I'r;y';:-;wmivr1"I.o`t'*-Qty` - hue purchased re reiprctfully aolioikd. , '0. 8. JENNINGS, Nu. 2-Marhl Strut. icl: Kmo|1-on .-..lSt_ 1, Huh- ..,.. ..... may lie ll waged nfacture =:'l::_1\TH}:R4l0SE of made `mm m..|.... -r `...-.-.-_.-. l Synerllne Plou- __.L_L,, . rArs.-_.r..:e..n.s n M. lfpaidjn = dnpeo llhonnd r nu ..a'- -'-;- l`{IlIi"'I'l\II3I; OI '".-' W llnlhty or 1 WIN} Tnngd mm! s has hen found of In! nu... a.. .... L... `.%.'.::'$..';;"':t!-.:': WM: GRANT, `TU (Ohio Ctnann ftbo;"' nu HIVQII. J. Barker, IXLE President. Din-clorL|nd' Cami sun.` nf the 11-2l"NA FIRE INSURA `C32 HID-\ NV -1` l)..-lh-._l lug..- IL}- 1|-.. :_ Ill-3|? Wu 28 Nnu-an! bun Fund ........... . .13: 30, . . I-(bum Info Auuiruu Cody do. 1 Usual Kingdmn . dn. . I Bntid Cumin" .... .. dn. 3 Inner ......... .....s... ... .... .... .. I ' do. ~ . . . . .. I U 8 lrnlanil ........ 2.... Tm, um Ilflleu dniglg bunincqq in Ilsa Col-mi` an on much higher, that oorngmionn in `aqua. IITITIIII llllal II III III-BID II W 3, u.-.- qnmovu Tabla of Roll. baud chin an to gin lingual Hamid, -mint nl _"_tI!NI 90:10!) in nun! pupa in I'uudn'WWjg ` Agumncu any `II udvulupnooly child to the hveuufu-t|nu.oilhIr!or Ibo nip-out tour. I in; lag:-mmdeiuovil no that the pun NJ I In mum: in ma Iiruul uoum. pu new in I 4., my poehdieod in shutout oi Pm 40088-Tu | Indiluil. a honey of Aumuao nlwdo - cumin. 1 ad. in many cull. tho gmly mum ufnuumy. `l Alain nrldutiun lolh pubhlhwl vqlotan tannin , an en! Tulle: bu boon mm;-clad furluunnu ` a Joint Lino. lho Iuuivniy of mo ofnoii Iiun. :' und lur onnliunm Anuhnul 1` tabs in Ion:- ] ` `nu--y Annuimu, lrlntlumnomu for Wuduvund ' Ch!-mu, and!-u envy pp-Shh: Ieulingcncy cf hum: -hulllll Ma. ngmnut which it may be I pmdnnl nu uyodknl lu pmndc. . I INIPAIATIVI ITATIIIIT 0! TNLIIAIII or .... ...u...unun nirlnll ' I IUIPAIITIVI Iuluu.-u-u V- ... __..._. -- nu rouovtnuo orcllbl _A Hug [M on: you. (whole M Lilo) la lhi Ag- qunluollloz _ [f - - _..-sn on ; `. HliulOnr at Kingdom .' DB. sa\Psu.\'. Agar: WI. G'R.\.V'r. -::. In refqrence to the Iho.ve. noiice, the Sub. ncriber `i' now !p2\r!.'d_ is Agent for tho Ii I nulnnv-in A. Iii` Til A II'II\I) I IVE III. II-11 -v1 - ..... ..-,. -. L7 "3 `mg .......o! um Institution In longs. '.m1mo s-an-onmu`l'oI1-an. by lb: 51,...` .\,.....g |n Funds. emloully dun ~ E94 nu uequzai cl IMI Alotlncc Inhily 7 ..n and uonnpprooutd lg (Lg. [in top: an annuity M main; noun partial-n In: mbi: hvuiu. ur touring lb Maul nlbll dug by at ulliun in Oil! of pgunn &|h"- ` 1-nu m::!`uu ltfua-in nu` tr Inn: ' ulna " I . , II tlf )' Agnu, and I nvlfnln umniui at tho immbit-an Ha .. n mmnmnf Tabla: Ieibtnoof , jguvllu It HUME. AC1` or nulL!!". 1 Via. Goo. I- U-VIII -`pi I o T j N(f Prim-`oi Street. Bgnk, Loang, H--:7-ure., .uo..*-' on-I1-u.. on Ilnuox. . A uggyuu uncut. A0110! lAIL1Ll!II',]`- lo-"715 500.(KW Sflluq Maw mh,'_T fii5?i3 3231.1`; tit: Asltzu-xczf . A conmxv. } ,,,, lI-i....-- ulna.-I n..-.|. Innun n______._.; _: n__._. 5 . . - - ~~:~zu=ru;E: . 1`no.\ns BRIGGS . 1.. an lun-I Kin -`Inn WM. cum-1\, Agent. 34 I iXr"'r%0in"AIn Arr F1 _ hams msumcs umxss, .-mu, u nurxv usnruucm Ill every aelcnpllon . ol Mlnufocld TIIQAII. , COPPER. SHEET-I303 AND TINWIIE { made to cram, M greatly rcduid mm. 2 ._.TM Suilcfiber-bu aha oh hand and for tile 1 lug; auoruaent of STOV eon-, for Cult. ' I si:Iin_ -of Cooking Pulnt, D` ' g` A no-J I all lions, , uthkh still vbomld IIYIIIIAIA ..-_-- . u _#__ ur rupecmrny to mrorrn f hi`: Its! Cittna ofltinp i - gran generilly, `that he bu removed to it): uh: reunion, two or three ddon further down . ellinghn Svet, and It the urn: time taken the oppnrtrrrrity to return thanks fffrasl patronage, and rospgctfnlly ihtlmates that he lgus haw on hand and hrule on reasonable terms, a lane Isnrtmcnt of every ducyiption , ' Manufactured 'l`muu:, mg. IN ;&c,', &c.. &c., NEAR*:gI`H|s`.- KINGSTON BAKERY, ,. Wolllggun lunch - , ' _; TH- ESh:c`berlIe mpeemn 1 `r f ' his ` an`: the Citing: r':'}a'. s'.".' i .. vouu ;' `- treot-Iri!h I jnivale eatsuw . , WILLIAM ALLEN." :Cuduol` Aduituuniay IlIhisOu. ism-. M-ya. not an nu-3-to-.:ur.v . rah T W (suysmon .gLg_aIg mm mm R. BARKl:'.R S I! 1"!` III) II!` It) .1 ..-._ _.._.__- ._._ * Agent for Kinptnu O. W. Tmnu W Rounon. I. D. 2 .' Medical Ilclivn. ` ` `Ounce nub: 1.thtBIuooI _V 1' sun . jun: Muriel mm. July 54 850. '5: cpuinn-ruvn mrrnmrr nu com-mru bum.- wanna In !-u|o:rucx. . Ago 30 ,4-an--AnnoIl Prpium for lnih: ulouial Lift lniirnncc Cinpany P2 5 9 ridic Life lnnrnna Comp 2 0 B. Ilauford Lift g- fir-lib hurt-cc o. I ll 1 ~ All noeouuy infunmlion `ix. ten;-oel'Io also ` I50" Foihplni. willliu c|oeer'I"`IiI`lJy'givc-u on up- plinniun io _ . A` _ V ' ` '- .31 0:--II-e\ ..-'( - Agntfoti ' nu o.w.` ` Routes. mu.) "M --;-:--- 1|] 5 uuIuI,; Now rrnlr utahlirhod. with In unirnpnirod cupi- rnl._ amt cumming urn Jumr Stock Ind I hfrnygl Brurgoh. embracing Iho privikgra of two Com-` panic: with only UM oxpann of onu : will 'inwri jninl Iivll. payihh to -- Ihe Ilrvlvnr, ur ul llro deco-no of up In! and Iiuglu hvn, puynhlo `nu -mining a_ egluin ago. For iuuuncu. 3 per IMSO genrimf mun. by paying nu. nmxnnjmro-. mimn of .99 9|. 2d}. will rue:-in 00 ll u I]! n! 60. or puyumpwir-Illef, if _-Judi should ncrur. Will gum an purehn-e Inmriiieo. confer endow- nmnu to. Alan Calulbmin Rich taken at re. - duped r In. ` ~ ' Kinglton. It-I. I819. _PLA8TER L WATE;R-LIME. A` "H.111 -n-ml... ._'.-:_-.J AL:- _.--_t__-L, . _ _ . _ --_- --r-wan- writ I1! IUIIII _ru"r up IN ram` nus : l!O'PI`LE8. 4_LARGE quantity on hand It the mun * L ow`Prio. Wholonie. nnnnnm n A nunn J lIIIlllIIvKIIl| HIIIIIII am: IIETIUTIH IIIJQ, Fire and M'_an'm- 1m. (`or u--_ IIARTI-`ORD LIFE l".ALTIl lNS.(`.0 tI._._-. II_n.. -L,.. 44" flare: R-In Ilum any a Bllljin I Nl5W'_lUl(l ruu1`I:(`-`HON, I`-`glm ,AHD j lnngmn NAVIGATJDN rxsma. . r.a;,;;.';zJ; .1T1iiaiz`T.;..z :i.;;;}..i i;.`;;, `l-PC (I'll! ," ?f.InI fbfi (`A I I ` -nn auulunnar. II tlgll Inf IIO Inlloiu. Gompunin. in pnplrodtlnevel lmimmee nu all in brlnchu. on n fuvgmhlc man in than of my minor rnponnihh COIIIPIIIIOI. _ ' I'Ar:I :- Ivar nn.snn.unu_u our` - us. ....uu . v'rI-II-Illli \lIllII|f'lII III main: Lm: msummca co; \! uhlIzIuV Illlln lngmnu to. Maw-_vonx `l R01`E2(`-'l`l'ON. FIRE _ANrt INLAND Nnvlcnmm ran: nn -a-- , THE 8nbI'Iavibor. an Agent fur lln_ fnliowiu. `Gompnnfn. pnpgrodcf geel lMim\_neo '; z X nmu. Iupnan- ., . .- W`ll H w|rd,l-I`aq.,M. R. .8.L. ' yum `Y. ' M . - WILLIAMGRANT, A can! I9 Q-.7 n- mlcunrnlm, -.r.r., ;- I nu. nuguluu L0: belt, F.=q., High Shcn"; Ju. zdurton, John Mount, Esq. . Iltnlnl, JHUIID-I ' ca-H-1 KINGSTON BRANCH. noun or naugonucxt. | Hon. John Macaulay, Chairman ; Han. John A. Mncdomh}, u..|-.1-., " Thu. Augustus Cox. ` Hill. F.t._ iuh Shari 2 Inn, |Jlnl'h1n_ Hun - .- :-vi-1"-C V""w`-""1. `xiflll-Ill mpply riceiverj thin morninzby _ . ` `A 13!. WATT, _ Ilnptol, Mg! _IIII, I1. I45 Iulmuwn, can I)! onugu-a an nppucuwn In the Mnnager, or In any of Ill! Agnnn of the TCmnIIy. ._ _ _ . 5 order of 13 Dincton, I A. DAVIDSON l ARl(,I-III, `In-nnnr fur Nndpln `ll -II'IlICE lfIIIC"0||l.- ` `Tho Annual Report of the Cqppnny. loge- /!he'r with the Plmpectns, and angry other In- formItion,c|n be obujgml on npplicnlion In the MInnnr_ M In mm at tho Aunt: at thu Prqr-an _t|c Campos .-Tb Colonial L comlglranfcgl minus inl . and the mun . which Im- s`1cn-Jed cu opentinn My hm- out the, nnlicfg mom oruucceilwhjch its long- d:dn xnigminrd. The Company huc gran- ! mum in min put two can ilnne, Io lhaaigl of alulinz . Thcpowon nfthu Bond in Momma} being. hwlnlo foto diuponl of business, jam in 5 In e Colonic! ill the facilities of I Cumpnny euenthlly loci]: and combined with tho ad ditional adunkn of a in Glunnleul. Capital, IIIMJI the imosl per 2:! ucumy In M gll Aulnnce tnnslciionn `*'l`I.. A.......I D4,... -0 n.- n _______ .- Counpahy n Omae, * Kinqulon. ' Ulltilh ' ; ;, I an" ill in`! pll nicon lale uculy Pfinr III Inga} ions; and `gnu-3` pie: Ihlling tilt` the also incur none of the` this of Mutual Aupunneo. Th Batu ulopngd Inn hon framed mu 3 most, .une[u|- and lfurclling inquiry u to the value of life in dilliunt eounuieq, land the din-ctnu IIC condant |hcy__ gm Idoplcd an modem: I unis u can be held complbie 1 Mwilhqn fely. " 1 Pnnon-A A} [In u-nan _`-I'I.. l`..I...:.I uppvvulwn. ' ` In Briliull North America the Company has Non ncoind Is all alum in Ilu mm! min. factory Ind we aim Innliqm and the mun. hqn who have eonncctod lluwmlvn with El < by ahurlnco, about but vuy-d:uch met an " ignlimion on a band and inborn) bait lll_' '.i`?si:':l_.3_`:._| -n.1, out ,, CIID I7"II7'1 I 1 umugh, 1. George sum. ` London. 4. A Larbufy. > Glass: , 85, SI. Nincal Pluto. ' Hum , ' l;(3.tnISt.J'anu1-ul._:~ E noun which 5;: attended ilu up-9 , C ntiono` `gunman Lifchluunncc :1 pay In! god; nc an ` ti- ming gm uquirddpact U: such it huizoh "1 Nnrlh .l_-.:... u.- n.._..--- L- -:31 WILLIAM AI_.l.EN. `-'- '*`-'~=-':s*:'.:=`;'=.:'-r -3'-'~`-I-" TKSUQQNGET xm_..g.n', inn} :9. ma. I Ihu nj otho (` W-JVIV - Bu-hon` `in f`Il'lI'dI,`)'uF` 0"` .A-LI!,L-) _.!.L , ' - - W lll Illil. ROBERT BARKER` - - Drama! GOVERNOR: Inn. nu nu. 07 mar ur -Q- `chi ..CI-AI -Q n.-._. IIAI DIIICI I I I `-u_,_, :r 5 . J. - L Handsomo Apartments "Yo Let. .50 3 Ghupg FURNJSHEAD at Unfnmighcd, in Priceu sz , c,- `I: ' M AI.u:N.- Fc.:a..}"A4.u".'.1..:.nlf'.'}'.`f;.':`.tn`fi"'7 3 I u.-nun rn nn_l.II, Hanger far, Onadq. IIl'll\I\ ICII1 I , Princess Iret. } unnu I Agep[,&:Sec'. ' `A Run": Ind Ac.-ccmlenn and than choice lot of , FANCY AIITIELEL , ielqcted by Iuimodf, _*Ind purchasnd uni-adumueom Iv-nu. >.- . L`? I In! urn , nun.-n |)l.lC'UllIIPI I! [ll lIfPC.I' flgll! S.u$'EDH_Ll_.i.\LBl-`.R from` my part, nf lhe Rieau Cumf. nu! Bay of Quinle, to O1- 'vn[p'ur olbo-rlaericcn Pom; , DONALD MolR'!D8H. mguuen,-`Jun :4, lane; 9 I ---_-..__..__--:} rmnnrsunmon com .. up-vvv--v &$lII$GII| _ HF. Umkwinnni is prureih Fulfil! _ _S\AWEDb__Ll_i.\LBER my mm [T1m1usscmnEi?h_...mase.`i.`u iii , City` Book 8101'! none ug tuned Muoig 33':z"1`.$`}?'T" `?.".1'.".".'.`1` `..':"`:`.?.5fi.`:` 'nnuounax.L ` % r T a33a.`: u.:'lf`a';':';"' `` T1m*sunstm1I'EE`h_.. maas~.i"i."a , City_ hook ug: Muoigd an! Inn II II IIIIIIIICE Will ~I_'Il"J A ward lhlil lnuicnn. with I power of At- torney, which will ennblo. HI!-it Entries to -be paged, aid Gouda latlvuded without Icky mnnm... IInA...u lll - oil Itrlss u a Fine. will plan: I! with mu`: _-H-] _j..j........____*__._.___,_ * wmma rut ; T GUST-GM. H0_l_J_8E 'BROKER. Custom Home W,Iuv! ,` lfingslon, March 90 I850. - -'-~-nn=JaIItuIunI-ea-Fgoea {oi All lose: adjusted promplly` T a. v Kingston, Sept. 17,1850. TNORTH3 WESTERN T Insurance Oompay can o'E'. Yr. L 111]]-1 Ulldfflig-ill cnnmmu to lake Risks '1 --~-nnruelnnd-Gugpen [oMhisComptnr.- '- Mliuslexl nrommlv. ' "I UH` llhlll. l'Il\I'J .l#_\.3IJl|a`\.l`_Lzl'.'; t`0`~1l':.\N`Yof llarllord, hu-elhis dn` in- .,_t.-'e_st_e;L}L\L QR.ANJ'...1[ 1!m_Qi.ly_nfL'Ln;-, ntnn. I-' nire with`-full mower lo lranuct 9 Maxims: or N Con-ipmy, in said City, and` in vicinity. V latggven at Hartford,` thin 81-h day of March, . ` 1 THUS. K. BRACE, Pruillnl. ` 8. L00Ml.SL:94.:'clory. k III qV|_j|I:.- `_,_ \ Inted drlivc-red at me Penitentiary King L In: which Cash will he paid, or I-`urnilur -~-- given in exchange,-- ' 60_M. feel seasoned Pine` Lumber. - '. 50 M. for! Hard Lnmhgrlt (`ha`u:lu'.' ' 0., Alma nlnlity of Square Pine Tinuber,-con. ` pins and ingllt given at Ihr Wyn-room. I Hem , 95 Cordsvml Growth Ranch in the log. K A ST!-IV!-`.NnN 2. m. It-A El. . Kin-mun. mp: Ann'I,. 13511;` h Illll In muul luwcr jllltffu ` Elba Stock canals! of every nrlicln in the _ line ,Ind.V'N..!!||'1L, hf'"' h9_tLmI ' ' `ru usr any 3e~`cIipIion,o! Fumilute from `ll distance, wili be excculed_wilh delity and In atoll, at lower price: than any other Eli lab ishmrnl in Canada. , j ' n ilglpecon of the stock is solicited, an I , `tea suing can be undo by that mchitik to; furnish llbunu, Sh-argbouls, &c., of fro`-n:2.5-~: no 50pcl c-`HI. _~. Th-uni rn-nuns .lnnn"'.'n 1" ll. 1..-......'l.-- -. -.I up cu pct emu. - . 1Ul"n`n:.s'rI:HlNa donun all its br_a_nch-s mid .I,.l:-._--J -; n., n -1., `:3; Il(IllllIbl' IIQIIE} IJIIHIIIU UC- Ever befone o'eI-ed to the Puhlicin Kingslen,' and II, muth luwcr pliers. H.`-ha. Rim-L rnnnisl nf aunt-up Ari:-I- 2.. AL- Z0 I.u0l'l'.lS-I'll] l.i~I 0\Vll_1 Hfll In llle log. .. s'rb:vF.NsoN & Co. i _l{ingswn, Mny MI-, I850. ll CABINET WARE-ROO'M,_ wuousau Axum-:1uu.:. T THIIID ._.. I _ ' ,_ I I, In rgaulrulcl prcuunr Io llIl'lll~. v `lino propviemr bu an, nhjoeciun lo the >IyIi'oII~ixp_uh'i-lninp I Hsl of (`urrs. on In could Turniglg I. hr`? line of the must tevpoelalalu pn- -ml. who In" need time Pills In` real nann- lo. Try one Ila: In] that Pa`! 0. when ya: uvil!-u! than I be the but Median: war and Prepared ind and In P--tn. prim: In. 3!! by * v ' Imnmrr nmxnn. ` WW?" $`"' '7' I". UIVIIF-` "T I", ~I"V Y Ill)" in up. Tim` at and pmnlful A` ir, Inc! | It'll paint.` olrugMeg'n( the Sn uh. and firing` onnnlb and Iigo: it uh l_y1l'HI.- They um: ,:er_!u.-ll_y ad: in llgfiw Iprruliun. and may bl Imd by the null dolieu|,o.*l'm-nah-3 um! cluildrangmd will he found mas! vllulnlo [or any iru Itlnritiu peculiar to llum. ha nun;-Inn. L35 3-. nlni-n:..n 1- AL- I r u I ` U3` NI.-L8 hnvilglfl in Int lulu] ynn. ujiv-vinnne bu pruvrdIheir;rruInu- 1 pt-riuy nu! ullullwr prrpz ruling: of Suupnrilln `now bnfun lI:u' public In can-rquonca of Ihe piilmr ntluof Ihr Surnpnrun Raul. II but been rurmivelf -unrd by I Madicul Pmfeninn. fur I number at yenrn. hul l| SI vullhnowu. that. ill Wuluy our Hquid Pnpuvaiionu of the Ram. lmy uu~_-n4.m- all medicinal qualities. m tlui pint. `rm curd prepuvgtinn, \_uh`ch out Indo- pvnvfral upon. is Iha Swill Handel. [mm which Men rill: are` Prolicrrll. comhi--rd with nlhr-1 uluublc iunhoinu. -gnd mom nal hog}:-t am has. vleliud from the Inn of on box. than from lm!f,a damn `NM ?! M` 11:: syfapa `(if any froihyr linii IIQ. 'nIfI nut and lmumfnl tlntnlw nit 'l`1LE Diroclorsuncf Cnmgnnii " nf llm .rlC'I'NA '.I7IIlIv`..INRl-IRA I3.

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