Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Nov 1850, p. 2

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.g - uvnruau. % Mutictvileo, -r'mp. in In: mantis. al- wayg via a thgiving ue at hid. OJ 6 yet. -u. wusmg, 1-$11., 'l'hnmns Btu I W. Smh. Mr. A. Laidlaw` Cmun. Ind Mr. Jnlm Dunn, wbu ` decided in favour of_ Mr. Pcnnrl being Ii Inc: of dun, umr In E ` 1ITfItW|fI1Tl3-F; 53 ing it too much tmucds Ihe mffu be honed nmmn up` ..... .4 nu. I'- The tanalermentionod 1-nri were present h invitation. uilm-st the lria ,riz':-(`hat Dr.` Yhnnn nl` 3|... -`--~9- .-..--,...- nun! ngnuallnnstl bf invitation of Mr. Mlrhgro aims-. ,vix':-(`hnlo_.-.- Pruner, E,-q., Dr.` Young, at` the Ihrriunn, W. Ferguv-on, I-I.-q. W. Ho|dilch,_ F.rq., ,4. Cameron. ls`.~ ., w. vwmon. F.~u..1`nm.... Ire... n-..- - T aujll 5 ll sml Jluuggi u: :_c-. - I. ......;u mumuclumi by It l`u., of R-_-eheslot, in the 1 incl ourof Enxlish mm Had. The trinl look 51.1: ll. Mg1`k, Esq, nur_B1 Pluugll ,in [he propo I} In g_- _ ,_t I - I - [I `V 9 llnl` Wilson, k`._.I.Z _ _ .,. uywlull "lJ'I coutl Hausa make h pull; for 331 I in (bone land lines. --.-r-v l'l5'["'f f"`.` . ,'```' `'*"o I manmnw-ind ' A,I"l" in Ilylovnu I "` "` \"" PWl`"1_}`of 51"`-"L AI Cllflqgulrd .InJ~n rm: ll_., - `vu- Urns: nu ma kl? n|l'.'IIUlIlI. . S1-..Jmu. Nov. IS. A. I , A ll`! brain out! FdIfifI|0lI, N. B... m -I-uodny ovmnun, dninyiu nearly fun": _en 1:9 bl. E.-`, slhmkvl in Ibo teurrr offhe Mr . era 7:11;` my ufthr ` building tfs-`.sh.9v.' at up ptivucign -Ions. lnclcn-.ta:..-,I L- i .. - .-,--u vv uuI"- HM; ill! post lhullg Vda_n ol nn-L I L--- L. nn-Ilwo [MOI-`OI. any WI! D5016: II but in rnnujagbtl abul 68! m tmw rad] tn mm}.- g. g,. L. I`... u. -- In '1 Int, 4 '13 (get, In ti. amm-a, mi; ill Gaol i Iii ton pl lam`: 4. am`: I H n 3.9.": --.,......m, m we male of N :e`of manufacture, are cm the |"I_ Ego . non [Ln--3-5: an Iu|ui:l.`ll,_1l'..Fq.` `'H.BCRHlff0n. '! NI. `humus rig _ E: :1: Laidlnw 8:1. 9 V. 1 uctggllsln tn-`III. Hl ~ M: In oum -u_uno Io,` '--- -~-1.-guluu. P `"1 hlh'F, in I gr.-u_ f ?l"$3mn, was in- : uinl '.n M. n.......- - , nu 4I||!Vl'.'ll'Tl`IKII. Pnitldnorqnuu-n -nun l`IoknJntli- TD`, 7 nhoi u"!-I Intuit IMII Irtlsou I50 HBIE. morning. '00 nth Ishtnrul` pub- lhI'l*-] lha pgpv, nu ! onmpol u In column MI > nu ma nu! work 0! all_- hnpughl into ouanpc-tili.s\ :'-' "_ -""-M I-mr mam ""P"'"|'M\.A with; N. I nan-.inn...;.-.a n,. ncuIuuI" ID l'llI h`;-;(Q. Mt. Murphy 'ca:ne lo` of 23:12:11 voccupIh"o_ I [hf Blshq-D. in I .-r..-I Ir. W01; unauimuguly am Pcnln-I : Plohgh, as fdrn, In ml- 3 ` man-_ 3 TpTK?F: uguhoul bun:-. Itm_\`I:d;IIhu! mfhce. II is to of our plnugb mmymnclurers Nil` mount 'n.l..ni-u..`.;n.. -1 s 'eu-.g,.4,j.I ~~v -- --- till III `II? VIIIIQIL an Ibo edge ul use beautiful De Ipplnnlionof the (lulu, 9 u lboul fem mm. ...-..;- n - `nun lull mvilllinn .,;,'._1u..-u__ - '----yv vxurvu: in; nu cum." 5...! I:-Imusnn r.-ufal, uh - K". -lilnp "3! lm'fI n..liuu'p i .. .- vvrtllf uni III] a viii: a very substantial . I the was ml at no villnn,_ hf (are {g Lpnnllfnl 7|--J -3' - agvnn-am I--v rdun Ita.ubupuilluuo-. when I am buqmud. "A v .. .-wqnulvittlll, [nit]. DJ [Lire am famn ofJ. nut ,8-Irrirti.-ll_ ..Read _ Inc It ..r l`h...l-- n_.-- .-, -:_u ullr DlllhJIl|( 04`!!! ions, and eou!aiIIeJ.l.xr.; Ne. -uspemt-I mm 1 .--Dmcrne be-cgunh-,1 .~chu.rnl ah. }n..1:--; ,T17FaI~:onIcKniN, M`-;w anrxswncx. - .,- -A- " . hag Doc3e.,__ . ""*'_* Ems: lL Mr." Laldlaw, 51?. James Wunn. whu mmnh-.....-|.. ...- .,..~. u-u\.|.IS Ill IMO: Faun imp]:-menl- vurahlr,-nnd nu rails.` 27}-ash`:-a to igivrsii-' luugh ulnfle-o$ullin um!-rt the bnuom of . was drawn Mam- Ie, vrhife xhr nllmr vvic uuuwu pf,` 9 Whil the other. H rnki ..r........ .._. I lniatveillin _ apgl .800 hrn __ ,. -----I1: um.` VI Ill uaw|I.- about night In: my oh Joipl Sgock (`:4 uh-I Hand. 1 an-an-nu - and had. in I villa: how Io: ona year: progr Th} nu ; buiuia but coma, urban! ., --rm umnsured. '_me heniul lam-s {I "'i``k!'|II R?!Jl'ilf |3I I l n LI!-- Uhilv the hut! ' - _ Beside: we!`-b` UIVVCE RN] yuuuu ....'-- U- u v I mun] :0" "I5 Noun. or Slug 4;-any. Ina o--uomd an Ontqunu I'|I.IIl.'lii nasal. hul- l ulna uisu 2 Snpolnmad the rum` J I f A BI._E.'_':_,'t_nl-`Isl! _No.' p*|'Y""' (`JUI- ,-rvu-neerlouu mm: 'ol` thfo peanut 'l"nhz I ; cl` uh. Han... .. II;-- V l `I L.-Illr I - "An insurm-ima an! n uiiouc cb:ucIn `hug "E; : ,= hnhnv--at inmc It-uthefi punches at` (`him I A MM"*r:.' _ Io tho chm`:-9. vrli-aim: at lino n-slum: ' ` ' ; l`nr E-an-,n .an.. ....__.__x l4RI,Pf`l _ = M cnfnr nu rcu'lnd , {turn our Government. On the introthclinn win I ;iyoil};1n';'npo`;'ntmenl ; of Ilse` ugw Bricish Consul iii! - Hhc Foreign 056:, his aunt! spitting; ~'Q1citod no ingoaud iltvllst. Hi hf ? mm ofanpe I :5 polishci gxtcnor (4- ,_a.__ '1 . A hmdnn/pagrr say Wu` hliiehtan I lhat_0ovcmm9ni_ hive ju.-.l ippainte Inn- -_ Ila-man nf etlor lo the 65:: ul Itixish Con- "'I'll~Il Liberia. TMa'k, ` Ii:-stance mu record in _1rl'uch a nun 3M co?or nu `b ila: {Appointment I ue` ja{Ihe:ngw Fl-Hay last, at Hha E-_rnn_nl l|l_I 1 facing an ;-........n;--x =~- - ` ` -rrvl -art the ...L_- L-` _ ..... us [gt], um} out in _ mg lhcau.-conguluhlin ` muurhh. link at `ha i i :9! P1-ll.,_lhd by hi! tr-non] ouch gndurnest 0! `lhg } -u:-_ -V- ' All iasnnn-ue . nslnn ....o L. .n.- ___.-_ 2' nalnriel nu lhnf var mg, tail} `-}}.1........, with the gualcsi In! 1) Jun III aoerqha (II III! lum- and is dull look forwnnl rut In her next pcrfumnncc inlprroliil lief--n-I_ilor-, in; Ihcmycmgtatuhlinz .\lr. .\l........L :- us 1- vucupl IIQ IHIKO, I` __ lunged. llrt quire 4 unset. which a":"u but (2 Imvnumns, 11 uni Ila-1`..- -. Tg A `nmrzn ram: ma m>iro'a. , -v----"2 .._... -uul. an (H all. calm! mi |'=vl`I. ' . ` Such is a hit shim-la-or mo vemng. upuu om , :d-oprIi'rnpvumom -I wlu'oin"_u-e whnr. u n niddq gnhvge ll [INWN t. In If to mghI_chIrau.-- - , min [ht gum gem.-rat imprusima. In in-aid my ; Ihnl Pnmdi nlruek the and mm: marl mmunnnnk 5" ""`i"""' "'9 ["`!" |yIlnn vocny.` ll:-r` p--nln can a Urlllllw b H _ n` 4 H_ucuu`m. o ,"" |" "9' ~"' ".'l'N| P" -L':TP1 ` N rt dad-saga nun a."5': Jun as 1``.::;.f.l. Aumts ; umeo. 21" but juiuu uerbe tn Ibo ;nnIur._1lneuonmu-u, rmu"".m"d' V . > . lluuuu Nncusn, uuh I _ ..--.-z -~ ` .';:[....::;':::.;"'""` ' "W" ~'---== c-..x-M invprrulinl be-n-rile :-Q 3' _ .. . ; ,__ umn.- congutuhling Mr. Manual in u..* I-H-"'=-"" ` nu .....-_.n--1- -- W ` "HH_SI1h 11::-]"usl It chain In! of Flown-ring E .;u-tn from the mud cal:-bated uni caurq out lure: lilnll IOWGI , of mo hau.ve-Ilu:'!u: tune with ` who was. Ian at ull. awed II: 1 Such is: nhn.-|...r -I-- A ` , , __.----1 vi II U|-iI Ill "1 Inna! mm:-re. a (I Inst pmphcax ' succed. Uynll Ila n_:| (Illa! WI ` In: a. nun ....- K ,.!.-..... . mu mu ptwiucun wrll I`:-c '1-uccecl. llynnlho nnl fullohhoouuin. Pu ; Wnl ulkd om Io ' |hchou.vc-Ilu:'!u: 1...... ..;.u. u n` ..-uu-moan." which III mu 801- In again recalled. mm for my -chunbcr mm md orcuo Pluudl dinlud I (hem and dnpn` the II-I ltd gas (a uwrilim mud: --....n ._..--A -,.. -wI1lIIll' nu-ups`: c6nf~u'mrI'll ruhn . quiozly upun me uudnunccguhlnl the Trio " u-ni-bode." which mud humlg Mound. I Sh ' Iuenti-an nu clue I. [ho dnell. 1.. arm? ` clN:u`1rd'duunnIEo hem, (0! ho l|IlIl )Ill(I- um-iuho undo unnnl pump which drew down ' the home. nndhuliscd. we no mm Mu -----7 ' an F: _ nftldl'l hind. no he n!mu`d In Ilu-an`. The I quires; gm of Ibo pi-`qimu can the nu`. ovation - f'fllC'!l`d the bu ...- - r_au-suit u - -[f`llIvllMl an the lumen` an I ihllo dun lulu on uf lhc [I214- r, Iriglm,-no-d In Ihr lol of Ilm lluult. Jul nu! u I-"I .Ieeo.'d ng In the cm I. - Tint bmhhuwcvc pluilbeuen nd thr ueutanent 'ION|I0r' Ad-chin`: cnfmuia ` ugum the ludn-np..'..` . ' ` ' u - at 4-grep`: mm: In Sign I:I"I'oJi." Fell {mm -aha " Gods-."'_ um Donn: uppa-nd helun u oumin-I um enrouungsnen. Ilnooldhivrbiocn n ---:&d timed` clnnlinfly gvulofnl. and h: uuctnl' hltnltful h- quqlt, an ouuhlun ...... mu curllln ml at m chm ufnd the In-Nu iii; 12 Iurhll u!` tho hu_ao--whila sures. of o net: " all rgngin Signor: To Puoii." -Mu Goth.` nnui -5.. IL- . an -u-gv n the SI. Luwr-n`c and up the 0!- Bymviv, `paying Iu`!.q nn '.he 8!. 9` Canal: MM nl~o on the. Grun- mal. (an "nlninc .:W'nrk) than limp the Riefrtll, with. the prgn-pl Ioihge! 'Throons:~qn|en|E in, Jlha-I ' ffeiglll Iuuiurn hat\v,eI'the two 1 than in u M_u_nd nbo-it mnnngr, with 1 "E imknninnln-..-- 1- .L; I- ' 4 ..,.... mu pr-um. and fr.-fine all Exp! ugiininn nmil Inc! nut`-liter. and guu__I_[|g`1; l~lQ~iee`tI`f'I}'I'iY'l"f'7I1 ?7I-\-l'-F_[ mo and um cnruin ml in umd Ih hun.~a_.....o.:n . --......- - -III Ilullo" w NU . lmkti he Icliuu I `II: Sigiwfl l'aI'N_(_lgV h mm`-I I I`fir"'fl' in: gas} cu-nun` In: den n! -m annull- [um um! nally up-QII Mt Inc 1 u! Indira;-0 urn mun mg an can dn no mo than muud om I -{fl nuul. .--- ' . r?" - Jlf'4"i ,I9!11L AIuIr5<`|n pinup 00. ' llu dl-tun uldgueecoa. and nm em . g `cm! -any unfair I u. N: cnmuvo nfrlunct. 'I`hvI_ 1 . _ _ ._ ....| r..--H -- ....., -uumuugu-a and ulhe I-nluneu a;|;I "'3' the `was: only um I?```' "F9" Queen of the Iveumg. Mr. .\IucI,Ik,wn-ucecgnd ""' Iuh cc-Inpiiunnhry `min A-- ` % -- .d`II'l":iIIBuo`rlnh. rs " PM-+5 0| Mll- ur ..... curt! mun up-nu not in-I n:_-peanut II erfnmlod and fnhiun-bk: `_ .._.... ... .... UIIIII ll Dc: _:.nng:uon ujlm Uuuu em , ~nuu-mun II duo (Tl-uu. my (`I . I).-aLAl1umcuu and the u.env_i `-H,mm mu Ilnn hr.'-n-I UIIIINIIII lhb Qltnulnly nu 3 Fulpil u. uupcti Ind cmwdoof II I the Ulla`: Inn nil -In ll----~ - I u ` W ' Thtpouploul "'4"!""'""' ' lid. lnjxuul` an! a on yarn; mud n I nL...m `L- ._r- - - t;-s. .,_..mn-.unu us humans plu '- [MN uo_au`p-`mac: of Ilybuvn. " xpludgo Ibo cm!-l of their lumen lv non ii In Bytown uni Puma! . you-odugaouk awning told! I! I and twin; flan III frqnn ;r.u u-pan 6! Nu uecimns IJIIGI . ? ILO nu-ctmg Ippflfl m the Tole: KCH Il?IuyI-'-II.. (`glan- _ qr-. c-u * IIurI- m_rdtrpl_s-.1Im'llii`QuaI nrulnn . ct-nIeming In indmlt Ihnl l'!`l&~' get us Iamiarunu in mma..;.... .. L- , - um - 0. than dc am He Poe Qt! nfvl iifjic ying gplroch. Ind that u in uliuul and dqfullc I and do u-(gnu nnlinpu than who am -W-= ::t::; - if:-IQ--`M con:-mi` hon but: In Jun ........u.....a,- as .1--Iv--u um I-5 '~".-1... ? "' 101.` W n I .. I " "'-'|*4$'lIl;ngh :r| ..x;.4.- -1 .. -J-I 1 III blah-" Ba: J50 v.'D:. I Saba:--~11 hut Huh I 1--.I n.. .-.n$ , _ . h h . .___;__T. T:. .;.`._ _ T-.. ?'sL'.."3.'f'.Z'.. .2I..'I.'.Z; `*3'<.F"?`-J`="?*~`*'.1`- :3 01! . o--ligand an? , 1'""" 3'3 `"'`1- .--uuung In mdmal-2 in upce-ni--u -uIuI.- " we-I gun with n goud deal ur in- i,_, ii In`: Inna; ink-narr dm-I an ,_. ....,...mcuI oer--rc-I_n-, Luhling Mr. Natalia-R iniln` iulrudupcd no u I papd I tneugy -pal -mupnu given lho pry highest lunar. --~v-1 --,-II-II IIIG"lll'C "oi P|]"|:Il and bananas plus-In Ian than I_t`pt-`ancuolllybvn, Inn dam: In cnahl .`I_Rll'lP9'I' Cut 1 Bytown Pnumu R1i_rodI!. Ipolsbi moaning 5.1.1 1-... e ..4. I -csuw mi oInmn-whieh, mu '. would mu boon nit:-d Imlw LIIIW nvuofnl. and o........-. .. Ljltvllomnn in [g 1 Nlslln nan - .'.|...- -- vvw.-aw In .'_IVi!h, __.\lr. 13;. Row. L,n -2-n---g-_? I hf"III cqmc [.1 Vnilliiily` jr. lulu nl.Ii .ni' n`. _._ . -_- - -nu g!IQ I inn: now I lymsal` LL ,- -._.vv V -uuuu `mg. uu..n'. ` . `mm .13: ' ., ' Mic arr .u_..".f. ,2`..* 2 L35" f T"'``'-`-1?`. (I .9nj>e.-Sm *- m'r.- V-.. ......' W505!-) an:-I-`_ D__ 1 "o:';'i;:!y75"" Inn ~ ugnrt`no-IL I vujul I I '."iIV|h'I PM 0: -n I ._s-1L-:. \. -..- ~-,--,- -x u umge. 4 Nawbomafh (lsthnyuug) has pal--0,: `Ind lhliring place nfh . and [amber ma.-. wing 11;: L`mtn! 51: " hr gently aided izn{late;.-Iv_a-.._|..,,, , ufactuaing uw_mii_Ir, thc~"B-.-drm.| mg " ~In t.` `Te_.ll n mm, baing_in the imrm-diu`e' __ i|nit_V_, Newborn;-gh pogscnu 34'!-{til Ii ehinesb. ' ml post-95; and Icing- IIMI! country, min! 2* Ivholif. Colun lL'i_|!-tom I't`ul Belg Iiin `nu, E-q.. hath eilemivq lnmbu km chub, like their glnnin estaplishm:nlI ` :If'I::: 7` " ""`"~ 4' -row-5 ltllr, laid In n... _, ,, _ , u Inumv-nuo; `]`P.I' `W. 1'.`-It Illu"I J`!!! III the um and maul-Iprduhly 1 III only 1.... ll"W0.'riI'o u dmi. -uuuw. rnmdl mun: u.nu.m jul Ha- I Denim Late-uuu ru nuitd put Ilsa fab } (`alomom-. and u-' I; `tin-ad:-. "mm 1' vol Iloum-tn, balhuli Ium. Mun dull thus ` 0 i cmln -qu-an Iu ac- |g.|:u.- Ihr llmn... nu: nu`:u.\-' --W`-J :..::;:; DIM-iii` 1 ,._.- ---until? `If 3 E. MAl1, .LAN6,TYL__LEE 5 r % nouvrnsgvn; . " ON w:.nsrsn47,'inns Mutual-r.1 `win he new menu am`--A I I K_in`IOI|,v l E. 350. Auction Sales This Pay. `J: Hum. d m In Inns I1` :4 uI.AllI0LU!, " l.1ulI`~,:plendid While. For ule It the Dug gown} _. `g -`w-vu ms. or lnruulo C -`i'"n) fut ml: by mg,- . """*p fur Clsll, M on sh 1 hr u u|ha~n|...- 0--..-. . `nu -1 I [III ll XII 1' P_\- Ihle miH::uh-`r I: hnglon Streets. A w..--u `I3 ....`._u ,' __ ... ,__.;________ .\`.~\,l'.FI 0|! Ellflgtg M _ .Ind.'t ud"hT ' f `-- rnovz=n3_Ir_c_e I am: A . ...., 7... c';..: ...f.`....:., '5 "`HH_Snh .2.-M04 its` proud. ApuL;n'"" 2-.J-42. 4" ` nclroit-9 s?3. .E'S. 51'; "l**f-1: hr 49_- 4|-M um ;::'::.:'.:::::':.::*`;:.:::.'..::t`1`W T ` =i7=r3 1~.n_-;`c``nsz';.`?.1=z"-g%Tf " ' (9 ,1. ' gr... I: ` 'l'.I:l`I-TIII I "B n .>-2000 lhs. ar"r... 7.\`.u.nrn\ I`... _-I- 1 u Iain I-Fl-PG , ' ISA I 5'l'.\'i . Inn-. Blaine`: \ I N... to nun g . .....arv- Illtlfilllfll bun loan made` 5 mg um cg-ti alum umluium, but may unuu r,._ hr Io-to-I up.-n an m-My uumi-ul--than by -H` 4 ' PJ1!ua&.!III=U'HrM' WWW V9'|"""*`-7f7(( , . I!:cnunan-A Mr bu: Hun nu been mm ' um,` `bur \qu.InlIlinn0--lhch war nu qu-ted he U , -ml: Emunngo. Iain; (-1 "pm! human pupa.` mm,. Smou.-'-.\l--mtul Bupk-Hn ' . _,. A -av-cars-I.=~ Th. pveuuulmu Inn "** 3 .. v` ..--.u..v- r. 1. nus-xtnav. Kaug;eo_a,_Nor. I8, mo. 21 ran! amine`: ' Non. I9. 1359. Iol c.-m.n*.-, sci` kn-Imgn 1=':{se}"5Tn_{ Wm. re, 1! ll u\-I. ck. I. *` _ M -ru-qua. _{ 3': ll` Illqslcn, U ` J. _ ` ' u"'..c )vsl`ljI. lax; -` r` A 3 - ' _ ---nV ' ' AT THE S'DORl-:_,s or I ' R. J. inja untried tbloynl Cqllep u1:u\m*:, rug: gvco. of Sury.-om, Landau. An` cxpmrnoo ID of T I E A}. of eleven 5-nit IIIII in Cjril and Nut} pug ; lire ennbju bid to mat-ncdly ant; . V ---o ` r } ` ` ' 1 `z l`aDRn , Hon-nhr.lhnu! N;I .`-_Medical- ammhnu adults. -V Iwelun of `I-`uni Frag AdVice'ln t_bo puatgzalis. ~, m .: . ' Jim. 13, 18513 ` .. ,..,....... --_r u I I Icllocmmt, w.nu|.iprnIohl_y_c`ouanIund par. Lfily unk- : lg ufning :18 dnennt. but to ban on Salvat- , cu-no-t. Ut Hulda Ink-lo"'|h were hung lo bayou gt I0 Jinn-mu. Huang; Cvugmlo-A Info DIX! Shun in been numlqun nun, cl ISIGJ. but may no. lu-day. OI- grnng :1 Ha Cd at Duh. Qmheo Iumnn (` _ .f_._.n,, ,, I ' ` " Ipmuuun. and in -n du-nd. ! . 1!`;-it Inn:-In la.n..;._J 1: ....-..u.--.II--mtul Bagh- . gt on:-z ...-.~I.-en... " ; ` . MA IIIAND TV! 85 8 Cu. gvlllil-, Rannhu, I850. ' I ....a, ._- _...__,.;.. ,, _ K8 cu!-|_l I! 0 not of I! put! "_'.'"1`u`f't '!hcy":Ie i-upmlcd, or J l":'lnllvy folribntiqlts fmn oi _._ [ ` -I 4 , um nnunmn. 1.... n.-- _ ,, _,.._- ..r ....n-an. and an id to: Hull -cu g-I'l'1O containing A-largo prop-ruins of tin _ mule. Purl: fun he! III omdynqueu lvillliu I-`nu unqc,ol'--hr quulaloulll ' ; I`: xzom-0- Rngigomeun undo dnvn-` ', fut ohpponoool at Hut 0 :j -by n wuuldbo dnf , Anal: -`Pauli ' urn uocuhd in hr. 3 mo pricu = u, pg-rig einlnnh... up up rulmu--80 Cl 1 L? Infnirli. and 3]! ammo q-oulli-soc. but Iv}- cull In -than our luau nun Cf! far!!! Q I- --- _ . nun:-main.-rhnl. luau and I010-lily rm II nun I ,- Imcmnil. lh.nu....n...... . - COP,` ." IV "ll CHI. _ l~r'G! ll fun and Um , pcr gin`-I luv L. C, u 2: 10.1 510! mum. 5 ch) In name an : 2-! pull a dandy lion). I In!-um.` lndzun (`Hum u I-.Inllu1nn- _ `J n sour .\sn i=:=\fbL _ , _,__., U..."-uuuil U! in `ban nr nth:-mica, slum approves! tt!HnI_ ti:l Ihrl , Come: of Qnccn and Wai- reeh. ' ~ . . ' --w '-uc` nu mu I eimuniug I llllf. Purl: hung LA- .4-Hg-En Dalicl . aw Sumner, 1 on 83 ll aiddlu name as. ` 3. 1`! D`;-cent of ... u.-Iv-ntaul upper I ihh FICIIIIOP .\"l"F?, (`np1nin`J.`Van (`.evr, till a \\'harf Tit: I) my at 9 n`IJ-mi. p. 011. 50. ` ` 1 979 nnro- Ennuuu-an undo mun mp: rd pan uumi-ul-than tui/:51 :_:nuncu1ubocltnpeu'forcirfq." " an-u-A bninuo can It :lIli"'!O~lIn hum run .......a L. -L . viilefge. H ""CIIl`-v- ` . , ""'m C"`""`3v Yimihon of" A I bl [ho 'h.n.~~ ... ...L--.._-,_ n -1-!!! S In -`N. M 'pruume..'|:".?.:.'.`.':...`:."_'.' I 1, - NW nllrl Snipe"- ,-'- \\'ha-AI hrln I In Upprn IT: grew: I04 I 1' Illnnnl L... in .- .l-0 \"'l'Rl .'~. -...aqr -u.<-.---$a-- -"ig t,` Ifb ` n. Hutu . sup. ' \V. PALMILI." ? 0. H 7,` ---v -- - n .-|II"`lll DE `CONJU- rilv-lmo icunottnl Ir` Iyip-rtio` 'eM_rrn Ilatviet, Hi the haze; of and Superior. with the :33! in V , - `cu ...-u1u-IJIIIl|7v.1' ' ` ` U W"... I . " ' ` ~on4>s.. II-qt it I old ho -Jiluulu an. ` "' T .. . in *1 L73,` '5_!ISON who at U I. 3...? ...5.i'.~?.Za".9"..'.:.`.'. .`; hr -"Ms (tom -6 -N5?: ' -I nmmnn`. 9 "r 8" .n '`'~`" Cb`",'5;!U slv DIGI- um. u. (nod dom...a,J W: I-_N. well please Menu in at :55. Cleo, advanced nu-Q. Bgfjya h.\N" OMIQO the ownr. Then-hum I.--um Hirlun boon niuu _, '23 I10"! hnndle, on which is ongnvgcng` quotilisona. 3.}. tlnmlls --R. B, ' ` =u-It In Inna: nu. 3 a P ` w uug'I!ll\MV"' the pun: 1 by '$I:s om:-H fessri. .\::gIi;{, 1*.]'Kll(@`,_| he rnr.struc'linn', (Mi 31am- Hllllil manufacliniu-g an 53 {tho it! saws. Thl And all the saw: car an: ` I Big} he romplc-Inf him 1 `an ...:n, :, -I` F a. 1; `ii {ax an ...-v,-- mil wean (0591 rruo qu vtcd hr Haul >-I |mm& an-M " -: nutmeg pupa,` k --u ndutu-ed ml: in Gann- .,_ V .w--- -v.01 VII 1 lulen lmwuu. they iom~30 (I 33091! . 3!: 611 [0 ; .1-In .u-gnu: _m.:_ can or xma kl Inul. tr It I a :}.n......... . aryi -.;_1 g`. IIIIIIIUIAI link, I I idiacnum. (`inn ll--; 4 i my mum apmm g A' I) 'L~".\l_B l.~E`!-6:? R4 11,,` Q 9 3-. 0131923, T In Shiva-I C`u-n..;...n -u._.."-L .- EaM-iI' carried" plans `pg -L... i u-uamonnunwu; 1-`K 5"-`"" ' W05: ' ,r- `W . "W!!! fr uIu,'g%:: -_*` `'3 Prariuaa g _'_`_"ft_P_*p-A. Nau._n_s,mn` _`,, N .-u:u~+'uBLl8HE D; ' ` Justice am! CPS Reguiati ' Ibo .4l`IIilMltI_liC Cl th`e..'iIiri.-sliclion of Ihebevcnl , (`ouns of Uppe-_r (Alana-la. Put HI I: - , RT .\1.`-`A1 . ARWOUR Ca. * Km;s!on;N.av. I6, 1350. - ' ; ._ -.-........._ . u clmll I for thug] -.--..- --` A'ppl_vio '_ MRS. BOUR_N, ` "Nov. 16. 1am.h""-m` 5""-'* '-,. `VII-IF VFHIFQQC u. Ihsliory, situated in I eounnmnl lou- lion in Ibe Ieihhirhemal bf Kingahn. It consist: of: frame building. nearly new, y- ing gj"I'r*T'I-ound rent, a Copper Reel; yin; sun and Warm, capable of rum-Eng 85 (114 Inn! in "I0 hairs, and n]Llhe _k __ _ cr_nccuag'y ' nppantus in and urdvt f0:l:f . WI! 0'0"? ' bu.-inesn. As this is they only inngnlaetory of (`amphenc in this faeighbotl war: .| n.-.l- -|-- cad. there` is 3|-` ` [6, 1350} . i"-lay 22nd N 3u|. Si Min-are Ward. Sam!-la ' `Dd (II. Iunqu Ward, Monday " III: and Vows Lisfs lhl 3, I it noresflry. adjourn fmm hr ' `who Ihnufd nd Iimr in make nintvgi with. the country we in- ` u.Iilit_y'af the (`anal in curmu- Im be-a'n"gmN3y nurrd by the at the SI. Lurrenec Chill: and mbmht tale of toH~' rxaeled by Tlldnancg-,_un.!er whns ronln I, ` npmy of tin lmpg-rial Ga_veru- |inla'h....l fI-- 1' - _--- ...., -, :vuwlIO'IIIIl,puIIIi tulle _ Slllul an! and on the nndmnemwnod day: unpu- "', : u , I Isl. Srleahm WA 'l_`hImi&y 21:! Na. ~ nd. Oulnlio Wltd. ri-lay SI. Lawn-m-e Wnyd.SaIur-In-inn! "4 ' III 33--A ' ` JUST PULl8HEbT '5 RI`!I,l.alilub nl... JJ_:_ ,-, . comics: as ruisg lha vonnsv L|STfoHIo _ will mount Ila _ -0IlImnn_CouM.'il Chamber, City Hull, bl MI 210! g of Ncurnlwrinlu! Slllule, :1 Ten o'clock in ghgfox IHfp1Ir]I(KF _ITli|\J[-_IT1Ii`&tidi'||n man -I---` once` h 5 " ':ucuu-awe N .: a....s.'.'..."' -""" en-maria:/~ . __.,...._.__._'_.. FARM FOR SALE` Wl`l;`A`Irderol the Board orllosclln. ' ll. FL.-\N.\(`a`.\N, V `4IVEl}Iel_ I6, 1850. T my V um.-oz. an I-'tin'nI Sine! lugel-`run limldin; Illupad: is prpminenl and tell adapted Provision Nan. Anni!-| `.351-Igu I10 `it I i 1`. uddiml!) - Ben min Pr.,uIHin : vndho A4 i Hunorsoa ; Ileprnpnulin Hour. !_ Jnnbonvol NI y` I..JlCCLlD- Nut. l\R,` _| .1 -VI 850. OITY O`F_ Iuovfms sHrLlau_dLnInAnv & nu-- -;::;..;;..a_'..5::".,;=;.....,.,; aw. r T;':`_{` l ICUIO Qau|\`Q inmm. I`: u.;. - . "J ' ' .. V. `man `(n Laugur, sl;._.;,_._ Kr. _ _ g a urIilVl'g L: of `(:`mna3a'nr,d;` % the Aumnbr-' I. ) has heromdl e of husinub. The I the !1`oA3s`f :e;~.-Ivrulngp fnt'- { lllonb hiking m'nx`u fan at he `= 3: Hub Yuk. > Pnln .. -A-- -ru lIllPI" HI. I-7 Ir!`-`L , a_j.___...._. KINGSTON. ._:. Series, llndn.-I . Nov. It--III, `N A M rrnru In. _ -C|nIl is the myly .,..,,,., s!1ip;~ei_. y re-nm!ies!,_IlnI Ibu- i#i:n;_y- c_nntraI of the r'xp|nh.1linn ' of it! vll1-- `But hon-eier link the ucililnry ' urnllennen ls: ayknow of husi in but aiding lhmn ban jua-lice tinn, that the RM:-nu` CAM `kflfk pie nf-fer. `ind in the cnmplesi slnl nf I _ nplinnl ghvary annual ms! to am Inalhet. country. The high tau-oflul!scm.1im'y dob: ` . not urn A_s__g_g.gutcg L:u2,nu.n--- ` I 7;."Tn notitingjllr villages, those that I hang ` 5* at-_M_}_l_b_gn oI.llIis occasion, I wifi Ink! Chem uric:- .3 `tin 1--'3l \l`cr"I Mills, um 51: long slcep 3' ' since thl death A! list lulu Jam!-s Hnthowson, Eaq.,vhu at length uukema In f.-uh axis-H W lance. Paqacssing mail Impke water power; thin adunlggcnhu beenlaicl bald by an Arug- ricm ca;Iuli:!,6f [50 M-IllIt n! i-`:'nz.in 666,-` junctu\n- ink lhahfessfi. A::gI?n; :- fing-Ms. and the zeaullia, the cnr.struc'tin', conuialonuhle innnvonienre to lh This in un- evil an anti! ' Citcvlrhsmiwrr of [he :11 bxistance. nrss mailers, `la malts mn- V I in key}! in most Sea Oil of! yer, oh` haul substaniiql au- ml, intends-L for ggngn The 3'" min 5: not nishes), and lhe saw; not .33: in openozu but itnil ' ` 't'ot:n t_co_._ "sin `J Pxtcggs of Jun com '- 271 LI` . -171 y I73? G-1_veru-7 `ll id rsmilirr-Iy chupu N0!` nr` u. l`....-.. 'l.r:.. , -...._. I- rung` ultwfl I ugh. (lsthenlh), wigrictiillo, -, Kilmnrnock; in} Smith`: In Inn?! `for (he sh-alnoflo lwl uqrnpy flue limo With- an nn`w!m I Mr; .u-an avndgl --.-. .-...f.` urrhe:,_I`n`en:.-, I _t4'w midst on 1' `"`- *In.m'. ti ; 1.-.... _ V:-v. I1! lui ` ` Bv_~d_I`mul will,` r imm:-diu`e'v=.. : lira? .....L . t . ,1. w.-.;.,.. .. '19 F'5II1lding-of 4.` ; lht of "I; preunt vi.-iIin'g Ih nneml rib] ...ro-_,n - -- - * Malena the Llnaml, an; IJ\rn...h ..I .5 1. I n . E ` ":1 '1'" . Icohulloo l._Ilu . n,;..g-... --7\,II.Y?In'I. " In 1!... $_I--. L..u.- . . IE1 IHIIII V m.1\u n}..}. n.-.. lain: -n.'-- I`:- n' ,,-- r.-- uu.Il, um Ill its 'rIs`iiiII'u`lmio ~~ V Bre"ver_ n Mill: as u I L`; _ { "" '1` I Lfuilr-I 51'!/lt"$` rulngp :._~.r_rm.| using; n';gv_zI4't `(Dd nnA!cou:il|- ah uhl'i`a~~.' nu`-ks` in (`nrnul 4, 1 1. .|.C..J1[1l-.Jl1l5'r-1-f`||OWV|' ' : .u:ysnn;.:v.-1, nr;_m..,; ` ixnnt. Run in ilmfikx; f In...` ..-_ _f -- >-' I -Ituunun gm I0 0134 Blue nary `_II?IIg'ly 1 ., - ,.V....-......., .1 axis? 2 n!J nf P`gax. in him-` * ,. Inf irsgmtiuu of mg] ills! -H wan hut H)! the Kingsrvvm-so often in man Ion, who had ._ ,7, 7` v-`u-nu `rde, ,wlnn but non: V`; In wig. Brown ; , `. III . -. ed ! want Riclnu Canal vtnvellor - VZ.?.'i{."\'I';aa.. oi.-s % mining mhbyug 9 I In Club uolbonmn. ,1 . '-1|---n-- - 3;; The sacie! Jurihipin . ew Yorx',iulMmh llu ' Ijleclor. hug "mad: to ugg ox` ${5,UKL In lddljid j and iurmsled fut NI 1; - fiusund his life to the an ;_ Iulgl ulir; in INN J -. .-.. -. nu`: Ilulltlrlllll .*InH\l I'Ii`lI, but non: hrfnu irnaginec [The of speed in nnvignling thb M pznenta thv massing pleasutey trnellot visiting it. but it -in nu urine for the 1 din: Io urgn. nd limn . lrivriulf nrquaint-rt! I tiauu. 'r'he in . Inertial point mn'm-db J construction of Citalt "` also try the euubmht rxactu the Bimini of Oulnancg-,_um!er can it being the pmporty Gal metal, it is mtintnnins-cl, {Inc ' _" h.at`l'muw. chi ' hsrndn barrel of port nl" tlmr {mm X Mon down fail to paying LIWlnfC_ Casuals Wnlso G [mo Canal. lirulctincc :"`-xvi`) I to put it ung with prgt ute of toitage!'1`hio}onsvquenIi in, _I lhq mnfn be-tw,eI'lhe I plicu is done \I Shim` TM` in III. :-:-:| -- -~"' VITIEHDI-I. 9... namcet sahisgn, lhe Captain olrt-i:e.:;\mol`i|: Sula, _ htos been ooanvaclcd of commnn uuull ` on`: buy, mm of his new. persecution `V ohhis puor lad seems In have her It moal per- il! severing um! cruel. He.wu~compo!led la 1,, fsleep nponthe ballnl in the hold, with no In. other covetiixg than a pnltnn mm, was frequently Nprs-Cntkil, nude '" (`to ship 1:: very cold we-amu, and ` of :he4lU:; gamed wzth'M'ach-ts of , _. .9, 29.!-ubhcd in `the nmgfu-uI"IndnnvrwillFaa l' Dr {sacks and birch bmorns; and can lied when :he cuuht scam.-Ry crawl, to train it vunk wutltout loud. $ I 9 seems, aha, to have bean made the but! a! line wit u wpll I : `us or we inhumanity of the wt - `_ 5 minded him, and I_hu afpeu-nu uhguon `- g ` an lumunt, auouI__occuion,ho wuin-' - iiueezd to smoke ' ' - clulrgrd with gunpondcr, am.` xuploded nu ! 9 ` he he-tame -amnion, ']_uua`ghl he's_Iw his-lino: brin 3`:_le|l_rI`, Ind It Jul died. The C ` a fur muzdei-; bu! the jun} urn: In 7 M"? hill N:r)`-N . by merciful view of In`: ;cnm-..---A nu umu : d: S? 7c.`...- I - weiluh ..--_ us I kill- Frol-n_ Qhelwec wo let!!! that I hum I named S1=`[mqI,Ihe of the Amati: .Srle,_ manviglqd now. The I of this seen: been and cruel. He.wn-cmnmnon :- -I_-- -- "` ` `A `ll I': r'ut-, - um Ill UtC!_|lICf, . Colon:-I By aim rt-pl _ _ If;'li7 ~ business? Iii] "It: Isl of No! qqatrier on" I cc-utuy,._a. gnin, lm in,_yiva:s to can camber may be reglxdpd u from 3 ' ...... -Isl, vl HIVSI Of W know to {hit contrary, ljll lh In of Decay: IIIL - -.`.:sj..1...' ---.. .-nu ll isfn Incl I1'ir.glrirn}:v_:lu`t unarcn Mo, Ila! of all (hi pauhfivf lurk: in (`u l|`Iw__l:i1_i_g_:_`!|_ Cg_n!! .. 51.. .S.!1. .;:-,txu.,l:I.s-17h: wI'nd visited, amiolxgh lhg wally and mm! ma,-nixuul. 7 Ohm,` one of its termini, many Inn of an Indian; slnndmg n-aid:-,,wlnn n M Iurenf the `Canal than go zieiw I Fatlrlqui Blidgo, or Loch at Kingaton Mills! It aunt day that I mrl with A 01 year: miglence, ; public man jun] made his at trip ilonq Cami, I . . . . . . n.-u I.-ullllllull > Thisk lhe Nillldlj I am \n'i"lin;(--lh-n pearance of frost or W In . _,..-. ...- `uuun I;-ll\.7l|` Ill hrtwi-on [!aurir_l s Ra.` .- (1) `tn'i'e.~) -was really `oxcrllenr culliuliun g'.L. ,,_. .... ' '~* """""I` a uni ('l`|lII'!lW|. [tut {ht `Inn-.' Is.nch .1 lgmh-t hrhn-on ll.mr-:u!- 11...: 1. _,, .- .. wis'=A ; ,_ ......, - ucuu Iv us nxer- W fplining originator, Mr.-Pint. The poopla 6!` `Smith : Falls" and elmu (of Porllu. RlCl|`l=_0ml and nlhnr large Imvm. Ill tllifjlart of the province, hire bot-njlery backward. in Road . `I la` 3 .1 0 pm, unlotk and ' cedar at their very (loan, lb:-y have not n ningleplauk loud in llio vltolu community. Nnw thy! Iln_e Ogdennbnrgh Runlmad l:n_ lu-cu l cmnpl-Iecl. a mddeu ignpomn has been gnven In lluelpeoplo `hon-abouts`, and Roll making is all Ihe raga. The Victoria Mnndumized Road Iron-_l3roclr.ille in frlllwith to lie com plcled to L8gni!l1`: 7! ~(l0 miles); and I It branch` ut! E In Prrhcoll. A Plank Ruill Il from Smilh u Fall: lo Plll. (l-I miles) Ind \Ill (12 milra)~nre to he` `cotnmenc-eel. (lay prints companii.) imM _Jtit$A, A sm1rrm:ih6"`ijiiFsTf.uTs,'j?:Twhcn Iwsit Ibis 3", pa:-I of the `country qguiml shall but no if .lifl3`nll_\' in gain; when I plane our gong ` fouls. The ppnfxlc of lh_e Johnvnluwh Distlilil m. . lrrxattl the gdenslvargh Rail R--gd is a link: - G ulnseml ; `lmy I-spec: to llerive mm! impar- ianl lmru-ts th.-rpl-Mn, and consrqunnrly, they cue lvrstiniug Ilmnaselrrain time.` The ,5 c--untr'r us mncln hour: improved tlrfn it gyna- rtmy aumsn.-.1; in is lnlerahly will cu-ma "R , , ~ . .\ V - - hots anal svltled, arnljmlgmg from the hqtlsu tml . f.mn builjhngs, a sure criterion, l.':.:t the lam! and` I-rolir. mu 1 .-.- um- awry`; * nailing: _,__ .. ...... . -ur um-ur-.-_wIL have before rernrh-d_. /nonully of the Wm` "'~."" ` "'5:'" 0 . h~ smx-..cy'o-r nus mndry nuunu. Fm ""' ` '* "'"*- The no ` 1010 I'll}; my {hr H-ulJrd,( J, and Wow`, a wry In nunnlaclory. whore ' M9 l!u'f`1'_'i|.|`.-lfcd./` every thing in lh euliflq line is done ll w.H \'A~t 'aIm-Im!s`nl' pr-Tut} _ and is reIdi'." I! it fin:-ton 0| Tannin. One J;"l'.`i' I 9?" "I ' "(sf lhr pr?pl`Til0rI -?5h0'O-t. mg `over the wmke ' the `{`,':.l;_ _`:'n'`L;hnl I : I " 3.!. ,"'!!``'!T`'.'-, {!?!'.%- 151' -'3-`u.*` 1-`ufl two lhusfn penom: k ltnni-I ml at the guru abundance mm! m ` atiu cslarnily, are left Ilousi-lea-g_ M Iiorflhuumnlnrlured qrticlu; but when I In ` . remimlc-.l or Illa imneuo country it; n-It Ii 1 RM!` OF SUa'0_` smsuv. r.:I.,u5o Inileoto Pembroke.) to 5.. `M W T--W "4Lh.sII ` I _ d r the I . mpplml, I nnlangar wondered at the quanlaiyj l"l.oI;I? mannn:`:m:`r::.1` `Can, Rcyqhggtor, Sn a'uuinr.1ori.ii.m..._ u. n`...- -L - " ~ ............. ` are recuully appear: _ ,,.._., ... ....., uuzuuueu ou "` " '"."' ' . ` .' . . , some ofmnr R ducal and Dasuuu con il: III`! hovcnbcr. _Dur1ngn ' ` H` ponria 3, we fel/oameh--a culled upugn bra r of century, _a wrath has been In stale the-ta-alfactsofmu cue. `_ came the Isl 0! 1),. h ll\.lu:`}:l[):_y_:;;srrv`i_a-as \berc.nlispebIIIt~l 1 , . y I u: 0 app ,nc- untrue `CI!|I Hm 5? "f'5`f'td m` `M "l "" ~ludmoaI inellicivnll)' dI.~chu.n'd the In nun Ilm pubhc wont; ` ' 'rscuIh1-nlu _l` . II: c; :1 THE EDITOR. hm, `Laced 5z'u.e"r:_: th5I_he.::;n?ld`::: hid- n.ZnL:.. u.- - 1011:}... i---_ u. , . I " ""- "J'I I IFCIPIIIII. if?! `felluh-d_. Tb.` p_re_gi:-ul yen in than Isaqndry 0; and I& m.|. . -5... I- _- ..___ _ -- _.... gs-qua! rlf. Ill? l now (hi; lb; itI.r`lI5i|Ib'I lawsuit bclvrcrn Mr. _Teronce Suit): and RM Girnpw-on, about ml:-, lm be-n decided in lug ham : tum, it `will increuo -morn +pM|y. I have an often written of Smith : Falls, HAT ljlhdl no! Uta the ti-ader. wiuu recnpilu nth: of what? ` novel" m ~ .-.-up, .1UIIUw[|J'll`lI BImiu | Rnph!-, i Falls; ind while I uh`mo_ band, I w I few o!ZsdF`v.zrio'M ` hon Iohl. '='i i-ry pruhgn * [hit the it? M r. Sm , _* Smilh'i 'Fn!li_ irlhe gm: nlge of the mm. rmn, equi-eumii (an mun) no... I Hi` Kinxslon and Bytuwu. Su_niIi n Fun! in big Jim: ma: `gnoughtq g..I town; il{eer!_ninl_y tines the me mu i.'bu|im.-ll on very Inge one, and is altogether -4 an` -m_ K pmpnous and grouingplnae. Ans! t`5?l"5;"`l"._`."' ('3' the irfrorliiinluln l...._..:. L .. ""3 " `""" L E ,_ ,_I._.... vs -nu.-a cufiy } KmpI_vill,- I Ilcihrgo gmiln` from Mom:-Ir'aWo, I f ..:.z. .,._ . { ---- ---.-- w---. -- !he other eight voila Ilon Moiltille, Eh. mt:-nl ollhc Iurnlnding :ounIry.- I Bueh hue pm!-oce-, none church, &je., nothing N`ifirlIhl `inf !-dither. The um point 3! Baum": Rn;-id: Q is capable ofnncln euggpynmcl M F KIM-nIIin.. A `.- l--_. ._,-III` , AA . I .. ...., -nun mprs-Imlril, -ry cold and, in ill- l water; then. n;|aheaInannvr wilh`oflf 1 broom; and conn.n..4 ...s.-- ` ) immediately lhgygttju " 716"'iiiie"sTToT,wl>'r}Twhcnl`!isit ` ' giq,l I I 1- Fhulonshnroh Inn n_...u .-- , ----- __...... `mu: 1:: _ ,_____ -........,. . _ rlwu II M . _, , ':*"'-"`,` I nu-crumbs um [Gila ally of Nmemhcr on which _ . Tin` RE ML RP" Y` - 03:10 diuafland *'Ull`-IP11 -lhoru E; nut Ibo Illgllltpl np- FINN m0llV5 0' "`7p In Ind resolve! d_ngm[ llnll-IIII-1uIs(-bI< "st M M` {mm "hat I-not lo make any allusion In the ease of lhe |I"` UM ""40 """"P'"'l ` . 0| R _ D_ M h v L | 1` H` mm` honvlnllvllliscgl In nntrnry, llle Canal will be open ,,::h. vi:2',;;"[);::;c_""g,:":.,,s,.q,r,:':,:.z nu : at Ibqfudloneo nulu Decupber, or even longer.- howgvrr, of I_he gmss tnisrerffsrnlulioltsf of-.""`' -lugh ord..;:mw1?::i I`: on -- V_ ///_ ,, ,4 --2/ 2 ` n ' 1 , . mm g. gar ? c`.'cuh[ed of 0; and Dlss.u{inp:."i- Isl DHHI lat` H5. 1.; _Duringn " > 5 .. ~ ' u - h h M po:ri'u{.;ve fer;-|f0;;I::_Vl;1 I":=l We`! _!s.~.'.:;.' 3 an a lo I I__ H_"_ I I I - ` `I- rbjro In 4..--- 3*` . ' bipin; unfalnry Churtfl,` a me R'u.Dr. Markus to lhgirazinistet a pivotal; V an, they `hate rented` I ! an touoe,and 2 amouulal 8l0,(Xl). Hi! I00 ff! nun. I ill I .r..,.,... ...- V... mu-u u] rock I hue born vi.~iiin'g late: 01 the Ridenu Claw; .MiH|, Nuulmnmgh. (Nhom V. - -~----- -,1 one horse in flunk ' ' `' ch`and"umIi_ \ hiQl|gw I'll flush! II the hon;-ilaiglo Marc]? [Ii-K R`VpM,_, ma` smith, pub MI~rh,A-.\:ho or; __lhin,*gn on'c_-very n ' `had and and" n` IlI(||l,lVlnct`d us In mlhe ungtmg Yb": tguiness , I` _ hr 'a;tieI;ilu`? Iiirs of lhi: ('nIiulr_y. :1 sun. -.._........`___ m. a._y-{o'r[1x'.mtm..: 5.3 which REV- D; MURPHY-. horn dcligacy, we ind r: to: winlrr, what l:"`` '5' IM llllnmn |.. n.- -..-- V""' cut!!! 1'` 31-compelled I trawseri and ` nrs-"end:-il, I. and in :II .- ua u--r--um w_r:lwul bua_= :3 3 une I but unduu uh -.-l ;_ that i9 Ilnll dnyl. and In a rim BIiIlN.,,Itl gnu.-snpurj K rragm aqua graded `nu am ocuu and call it- ` ` , .IludI "I t5o:3a("iTj Lay J-0!. ll ___.. U viilinm. `N?! up taste lilo um Slamnop, a Chuuh of Rape: in: laS:u:y~iu;le-udei Muhom mating! and he had aiunull upgni.-arndflul-MI I80 Ixuhup uf'l'-urv-um i_&:huut hour a 3 3 syrup I n... --_J--- ' e |'ul_!oI_vmg remark: up from the Bail- u """.' `V I'C`u` Ibo vntlagc lug. .-J IL -A hung! at we mun pertaining to We nnymld u! Mm) lhi: countgy inttarch eieanul " and u_m,_his Louhhip Bush- > de're- from fa-elimu nfcugnpaafu dated to alum `mm a will '.u hi: Tl: (Mirth. _ , ,_,.- --.....`....- uI'I.'[ll!l`- II! had umskuneliitirmly Ibe duties iclauuhml upon `him. cmm-queue: of this, added w the farl that he would not re- ude within the huunds of his ll IiI:i'f_ll,~`_;U'.' -. ' Mu!-ph_V hm.` subj-cted hignselfto reputed l6- `F momm-ancc-I, \1'tnchpIm9uc[if no item, and had rndcml himself vet: unacceplablei lo the " ock among whom he`mllIialtl Ni. i It is no doubx man that the ex-Meuimury 3 was charged with sundry acts of clerical in:-7 p;b;i:il_v,-Iuch as appearing befqrc his Die-'_, nun _ I'RhlM vestmrnh or handy-but it is $1 you-ly uumw Hm his mama.-gl pruoeeded on} : auch gtoumh. They were` mhtely italcd in 3 . gggnvuiosuofuore sexirruu lctglions, and.` I u going In dqmorssirqta that lhr Rev. uuc- '4 mm was ['IllU}`-lllllfell for thefnj I. ; chug`: oflhe duties perliining My aqua. ~' " mayadd that Mr. hlumr... ..._- -A ' Sum`: Fnmiktoun ('axu., I, ' ` -Nuv.l6lh, lB0. yaw Dun Wmn,- V I M` '."""*: a ' *4! Inf: lo` ---L:AL_~ - nu, U"._;.uu- ;.:._:n ugnugnl utihe lIelIi;"l-`|."l-y;i;; ` " lwmb isles!-uyeJ<- WW `ul lousfn persona, by`lhis drudfnl ' H0351`-Id-.vss " . P variety g?! SE. and t`;;"|"|;!7|]|I: full, nnaeo, " `P""9 ' g -. _ Th! edIIm'of Ilsa Prnifr`; I'M written us .u |..{ . . `IIVOV, l ll in.]\u:|"|le ";:~!`3.. "9"`" b'W'*`|".i-ill!!! and 3 b "'.""."'9 `||_I',l:| I Hm - pmp"'.,' .T)`.h:ftl.i [If H ' what I weft dent:-.-.-\`uI . -1 .1 `link ., ' 1` in, 1 _ L. V ____ ... ..,.... ul nu Incnes lhq \ pr:-vinuisly cut furmw, dun hurse, In-1 thnu light one, whilh `pl-Il{:'I was drawn 5 four 3-nl 01 horse {hi tqusiness, me hnm.HLl- A..- ` U . ..., nun: nu: ullltl "plough 5: ynle ufournaml `I `lie tgusiness_qf|h dog hn.ard}'*hf Mr; MIrh,`\\:ho on _lhit, -II owenry nth:-r or,- ;cuion,Vuinced his tell in (hp immm-.....-..v-t I f :33 .1 - .5 u we mncn luxyuds tnfce. ,, hoped some of pie-ugh ` will ennluace Ih pu-son: '-p,-om'uiIy ol making appl.cal.vi `M Mr. Penner for this ` ptouglulo lqkc paileriu by, and lhenby mp- ply their customer: mm the best an=cle,a .- ye! , innnin ul lhi.\`_ most Lllluhlu iuzplrmenl. The may `III highly lnvurahlr,-nndnu \\'ne`sparw.l.u to eye: j-gscc nations. Tho appmved uln"lv:-omulling 1 vlo.the dc-plh oftnx inches q nrelrlminln rum r......... ...- - A [hi-."l'J I 1 01-` 503-5011. l'LOL'GH.'~. We] Twink)`, `.`g`LhL1Li'!lS{. a trial _~ made of Ihocomqurotin mmts of I un- J Plough uunnfaclnn-.1 hr n...~h:... --r -L -` 4s....._*:.a.z mt E':iih_1 Brilialy In ,- "f-"---wau-.- -. , "OpI Il 9590:5021! 05:91:". ft :-Jsow .unn.\'1.\'c:, Fmv. 19. ' I

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