Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 2 Sep 1850, p. 4

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tor-F nAum:I1I-zonm: Aftist5,heg'leive lo ,-\t~" ` s to Poraita, of vuiom `sizes. eleganuy gel in Emu! I':anq..- Cases, I..cc_kels, Br:ce1`ers,!&c. in a, st_\'|h,rq ml In any in lb! A:l._. ,. ' <:;i ' King,`-inn; Jung- *27,vlS:')0. _ M9. . fw / ` ' infimql`, that {hey .lIJr.`E- lgiinigtintg. 69 L!" IBIIIIJILVII ll\ lla`.l'a Illlll SIIN 1". 5 - 4: in \vVellingloVn Buildings, furmr-ry`occu- piml by Mr. Mlllhglrrummmui nume- rv Store, being pm: of {be but stands in Riugzelon for that business. ' if . ` V .`-'-!fvh ILLIAM \\'|i_snN.. ""::"3} particulars, ipply to either or the ch-Isigueu ' 1 Jmm cnxmntn- z ... I In 5 U : That desirable fazm/near the `nurishing ill- lago of Mill Crck. on the Macaclacnized road, I2 miles from Kingston, tn.-in_2.'the west halt" at lot No. 35, 4th Concessinn, Township of Trnestu1\'n-I`nACRF3., the land is of the best qmllity; about 50 acies in a good state af`cuttiv:lion- There is on the pmmsns I small Cottage with 1 never failing S -rix'l g if water in the cellar, and a good Luge Im. ' l:`-- ._--A2..,.I-._- '._..l__ I- _.'.'l..-- -1` -L- OWN Lot No. 9, in the City cl Kin!- slnn, with the` buildin s thereon erecleal. stitualmi nearlhe Steam loatLandimz, and adjoining the Stone Warehnusga of Charles Hales, on Princess street. ' ' 1 Lin- P`m's._;w_ Milk. nra.:.Man.. Cnnding nt..cI.s'..c.. Trip Hmnnmrs. Irvin Forzzv. or any kind of Nlnohinery. nf Iron or Wmd. can be accum- I gmciastcd on tlm must anlinfnclnry terms. I1`? Pal-linulnr nlkvnlinn nit-an In l7.u1n'nn-; from xicxuznnun aama;ntn::maa,, Arid hlhm kindnnf Milclninery. ` ' 'l'|w mnlncribar has Alon the nrlof making Bur Iruv_/`mm, (fun! Iran. by Ilia me of use: w-lnich ' hcL[seli4:v,n induce by nu` one in Amcvin. -`Ha-'wmrl.I call the nlloniion of Slcmnlroal Pm- prirmru In Ina rslnbliahmonl. nimntcd on the Whn':l`. and he cohdchtlv bclievn he mm In-` gnmmadnlt-Ih_rm with beitrr and cheaper work than can be done on lhf Lakes. Tlmsc wishing ` ""|(HI'" UIF III?! IIIIIII FiIlIHIiICI"I"' Ie"nI. 1LT _PaIrIIeu!nr nllrnuon glven to Culingafrnrn Pnnernl rem,or furmuhorf M the pulimvihpr. 1 cn.\'s. FAVARHER. Q..4LanIu I`-II-um '.II'|I IHKII I'I..'Iai..I , `T - ~_ i I C as! Irnn F`;-ncc R5113 and 0:'nnmcfnl_s: . it lrnn Bedstemls, Clmir-: and _SoL-Ln, Plough:-I, Plough Castings I """_ I THE President. Directors and Com nan~ pr the A-`. l`NA mm; 1NsLIn-Afwz COMPANYol' Hullord, have this day in- vented WM. GRANT, of the City of king- nhu.` F-nah` I-hh fn" lH'n:|n.nl' in lnmin:-I , no amino `unjcw uyum of sun} ' N-tit-II. uikilla-'3; YDROPATIIW pd BOTANIC MED`!- cnms. Hiilp,it ,.,.p1icd. Iucilcuhoz hi I}: can evoiy. inside! in Hull!!! glint.- D-wing -an but uh-it; tr Cholm. this - Iedictneu :3: pm! II_bo e cluai by many" 6. living witness: in llm eh} cud e-uawy. and ` since lhuliuu.-mun otlu-nhnin: dd named com-5 llvrlll `KW !U-I=y Ilr nun us.-. um. nu u- u... _ v ' pinimnpnwwuuce` Slcunhlv.-,1-em c-nrcnhnnd par ` 9 3'u'onuHhlt-6' with no of 'Iv'fulI-vviivig eumplninil ' ' In condent! d ' ' ' , y in; e_, [Mr I nsmedncmr. Cho- '.` I him. much. V-.n_1it. Blicll or c_ at F'cvor,Dropuy, .=.':;:.;';:.:; i 7 ` gicbiljlv, hpftglignfli. up-glen . ea of In hilnl, - ' aw nf ||u- blunt! In Vl1m`|iand'. iaiidici. Inoaimv lining Iormnl [hi Icrvlcen inf n! rltr-. mechanic; nndlu-in himnrlf a practical man. ho IN-In cmldom. in building Enginrn Ihrtt In- cun 0'-inin the munlcpt nmmml of p-wt-r with tholeut lucl. He has n ilVu0`lllHuhI'.'lufplll]I " ' `at all kimli of ,<:nmuNn .e mnno`-it s'rov1:s:,. Avpfii -um, 850, 'I`lH. Sunlucribor would Imponlfunlly infnrm the! , Public Ihnl he has t-meted nl Sackrrn llnih-ur, -largo and rxltnifo STE.-\ \I \VOHK1N` fur llw mnnnfm-Info nf ET`: A II E` M ('3 I kl C Q ; \*ALLrA1;1.I-: 1iRoIiEi'i`Y rin. SALE. II lo VV IIADIJAV Kingston, 16th April, -_._....( .,__. _. I\"\l5|" Hill NC.` "I! IIIIIIE |III"dI|l'"ll.'!|i WHII on: of the la.nzI'sl' rim! must respeclglrle Hum- in Scotlangl, so thatilw will he alwuys sll]l[|]I(.'t`.` with every thing that may appearllno-r m-w n'r l'&-`hinnphle wirhin his line, in the I-Inzlish Market. y this ntranuomem he can guar- nlr-re to furnish lo'|nisfrio1I.!s`,,n better article, and at `25 per cent cheaper than my Tailor in I` the CH ` l.......n D;rl. n-ul Am-rlmun Ln.-ehnnna In- the en -. ' I Lonainn, Paris, Ind Amt.-ticnn fashlons H4- 'reived monthly. ' I - - (:1-`_( I. xv. ANDREWS. OI Kflllflfllr \VEIl . ..._.. I Hi: ock cpnlprisps chiryBroad Cloths, Doc Slkinu, Kt-rse era, Twu-ds oi the latest. and mm! fasliiunl le llyln worn in EngIanul,_ and V4-sling nfthe richest pattern: over oig fen-I lo the Public. ` . A ll- -.-..lJ ..lg4. L4). in inf;-u-n`. Hun nil:-rnnn nr 4;-.-. `Manny, putoullpgn. Iyqu-:1: wen ur Illluuluu. Tmir '9!` ibc"I3I"mTtv$ '0: 1ieoJ.d:iii-iicii lwujahfg` lcnngln. worn: i 3 nd .`1zpcwnrm.onu-5 nunpljnn II n en '1: Ilqnbiut cmnplainhlaguc. in mains. Dining: at an hood. Crimp: uq lllulclsa. Eryaipalu. Pminrgenpenl of line hearty ifomuic conipluinb ofnuy kind. Billiuul Cum-i Ipllinll. Sprain: or Smri Cum-ct, Sonny; and null ' nlfnwn Inn numa-mun In nu-Minn. Msricnanf '.TvAlLOR, Input! 0! Drill in Woolcn Goods, Prince}: Sire:-I, K iugsinn. ' HE S,|nbncrihr`hegs respctlnlly `I9 ac- qnhizot hlshmm-mu friends and custom- r.c,`!hnl he Inn jmnl icceivdd, per Efomanga from Ulusgow his ' - -_ _. . . _._.----._-.. an.`-gm urda xvi. ANI>kE\vL<,7 . ltfffll I0 [HG I'|lD|lC- ` .. Ila Wouhi also ,|w'g to inform lln cIlizens'nf Kingston, that he by: made arralmemcyvis with own . nf uh. iunpnslvv alnul nunul rnlnnnllhln fanny. 'Iufg\! Illlll IIICTIUIVU LWIJUJI VI `V\lIlI'\o` IIIT lII\' manufeu-mro, of STE A M E N GIN E SA and all Enid: nf ."Rl`JI;lIl\f1.P. nI' l`.nnl nr \\.'rhunlu Jung` yuan 1' unit: -_ llmck Punt. - - - Kingili-ll. C. W. Mlhzh IR, '50. --...J--......_..-,.-..- -._--.------ - umus` Suekell ll nrbur. J an H350. llllH'vI('lllfl', m 3 [ `A |v| g N u and uh Iuuda of Machinery, of Cut or Imn. 'I;h$t5rapmc ?I V? Tl'I(VI|U|l) - GF.n. W. ANDREWS. Kingston, May Mm, 1850. `IS -?rd`1.Er.. A nwi:m.Iz~`G HOUSE and shn so-. In lvollin-Inn 'Ilnil.linn.|_ l'.nrmt-r uim-my map .4 an pl`; s_ '44.; M. " ` 1Q`,-1l.|:8>I"i.,t:f.;i0a)n . c--u-n J. a J- M._cRERA ra', .n-vi\n|1.n-I1.'|'|n~ n - Hm` (:Iu:.x1'.`JTuPmcT.w(rB, . % To the Epbhd. 1:.-\'a:I.'z:_$~ AN}: .1l.fC!ll.\ I!Y, sfrsm Inu_n_ wanna. mxamn nouas VKlRG's1'9!. All kinds of Farming Tumha, JOHN COUNTER, wm. wu.soN, . IRII. A -...ZI xaxn IIIEHIIII III |Ill'Y|ll"l'|. JOHN I.A.'\'l{'l`REE. I}. B. P. O? g"|""i." . ~'fv;LL1AM wu.snN.A Wllll III `nub pluupuuen. nlllhlh I36-3m urvr.-3, W ruuglu 24 mum, u mrxu unaunmem or emery IIe scnp,hon M Mnnufacluml Tum-nu:. . ctwrnn, sm:r:1'.r3fo._mn 'rI.~qx\'.u:1=2 wig ldenler, IJ,gtea&1y.re!ucd rah-E. "7"'f`_r_1'e Subscriber has also on ham? an-I n: sale a Jnrge `usortmanl `at STO{VES,' con- sisting (of Cankinaq Purim . Diniig Rrmm, `am! Hill Stu:-es, `which will .be'sa!d _chu`P ffnr Path- ` ` `III l'lI [;o}"c.~.s:'. ` PLASTER &WA;F-E"R' `LIME# . IHIIIVAHII . mu uuawnugua um um LIUZCIIS nl lung: 31:3! gencruuy, that he his mnAu=u=l=o4Iu- above prgmuises. livo at lhree_ doors .[m-my down Wellmglrm Street. Iiul at the same time lakes the opportunity 1;: reitun thanlts {or pain. pan-onnge, Ind r-'sptcI'l'ul|y intimates that ha- has `now on hand and to! sale on reasonable term), I large unonment of de`sctip,&ion Mlnufactuml Tlluunt, _ > . -. ' 7 ' 7*` '. NBA}! 1111:: KINGSTON .B.\ls'.l-JRY, Wellington llroeim ' TIIE Suhscrihor Begs rcspc-c!ful|'_y In.iu.fu1in` ~ his Custmrmrs and the Citizens of Kings! Man Ivnnnrnllv ih-II has 11;. ...a_-..- 2- a_ u ._ WIICIC WUIHI RITE IHIUIIICIYIIL Orders from qnygparl of (`.rm:u!a w?|l be prnmptiy attended Ir, nndtnpies dovu-red, free of extra charge; inauy place bciween Quebec Ind London, C. W;,'1f not oil u- mnin roads hetween ihmplacos named. The nrunnl mnnli hn'ma- lim'it-J. `I|\nu.n.V mum Iuuua lIul.WEI.'lI IllE.[llilI:fI lvlfulu The prqsenl mpply_ being lim'ileiI, `those! wishing copies will `pl:-aw m-uler nimn. 'I`ll('tM,.\`u~M .\I'l.[-`Ali! Qv---.r;--- -~ I AGENT for tho` (`m.u-nuns Wu: mm nun lvuunncu (`nxum-,. the Suhamg `U llpllptnd In GU10} lmumnce nn Morchnmliro, Prudent. Slnnhntnnd Sailing Vc.-sols. running 3 till Cut! IIIII Rim 8I.L.1-wn.-nee`. an far down I and on 3 NM Uppu _l:_1_k-s. - ' MAS BEIGE-*`-._ Jn. Kilfdoq. Hutch ISM. `T 5 . . _ . L b 4 -----c.:,.- _` > I-`I110 mvutunuw IVUJK. v\\`|m:lI cost me . editor ahout-t'1:~dr.9rya-arsunn-niiuing lahur, ` I and {being incompiuahly the must cornpri~Ii_cri- ` sive Dictinnar of the Eii~.;li:<|1l.u\__;Im,rzeever" ,puh|ishud, hr-mg now cmnploli`, ("l[liVI`.s` in any style of himling, can he had h'y'e.1rly' * application). l`Im.ts:-hnund in two inajwrint oclav vnfumrs hf over 1001') pi1}.!u'.'('.?!Cl!, cloth Imanlc 5; haif-cal}, 6; or7.}lix-isions,` I23. ed. am. i This Work tnntainsr, in mhhtinp lo thi- mntter'n'sul!'v t`m'md'a--in` I)ic'tionarie.~:, the. technical mi! scientic terms, tag:-that with ' ctymoiogies and their pinnimciation_n, accord- imzto the best authorities-1I.r.us'nm'r:n hy ubimt2000 cngrasinzs `nu wand, I6 explain _ when words are insntcient. t'\...l..... l`...... .._l_ _--n R (V--- I. ,, -u I _ T ,:_. g.()x11'r.Ei*}`i3&T _ Of the Imperial Dictionary. ' HIS invaluable Wqrk. Zwhich st the .7tdilor labor. " win no rnunnuusu out In new uaumnmu u or Mr. Quill it potvniltci tn refrr to the and Gmrdinna uf his Ifupifl. null ulm Nu` nhlc Ilm Arclnh'u:mnl` Killgulnu. the In Huchnm. Revd. Huclur Muchnr, Br Allan. (fuum=;|y Mr. Quill`: l u:pif) `I'- putrick. Esq . llurrinlcr at Law. Junul Sn Er r., M. ll, 8:1`. .&a .&c. Imnl: ller-I 951' Annual IFPJI .3'_"|v`H:r. M; I `III: [lIl\I'n'|.o l`Il'|Cl "I IIIE lall" Ul l'\IllKl' ml water Wurks Com any,`are desiinns `Hot ii`-t'in'g, Iho Pom-r of a Inn-rnor New `Ilmse I nm=:, Lnw Pressure. Ha-am Engine, on a a oi*T.nt frnn ing an the most cmvem- enl put of lhe Harbor M` Kingston, and well iilllllrd for various mmunlaelurivug pllvposes. Thing in nnl. 1: (Erin! Mill nn Ihu mum Inml having : 2! inch Cyhmler, with 6 feet nmlu-, ` amer rrIvnw.l"D[|Ifl. , f ` _ I _' N. |3.-_-'l`a'io business of` the Sx.-Tmu! \-.1 num(~d(I.)._V.)on [Inc 191]: insmnl. ulm willhc vacancies: fur a few uddolinnal H-n- M. l\..ZII 1. ....._:n...l 4.. -..r.... .., .|.- IV '7 '"'" 4 - `.\`b iLL[A.\vi ALLEN. A I-Cingstonl May 9, 1850. 4 ' ll llllfll CHIC?!` y UFK1GUllkf up-nrl n the immuctiuu of I; : other ['rivnlc.Pupiu. _'* N. -..'l`;'}n lnminnnn Ar` I'M`! N this S`mn'nnry Young (irnllcmen art` in-' '.n'mcIi*d in an ulrnsiu NIB!!!` 0! Sewn-v. Inngungemkm. kc-`.. kc . and pupal: d (fmm Iln ollrhrn. nigc}-~f1'u'r Ihc Univsilics. ;~'cienM'n-. lie. purlmomn uml Mnmanlilo Avucnlihm. AI Ilun Law Qlnnlnuie wlnn nmulnl `Tr Lin"! Ilro. I-lb tlulxgh lnsnrauceolioo.` pnumuuls um: .I|Irl:IIIHIu nvucnutmi. AI lln: Law Slmlcme. wlm aI`rndr:l Wr. QM! fur llm last few] months. have all Juli!-'(`d tm-ir Ix nminnlionl mrul ctedilubly, ind us he has pm- clred I very efficient Aui;lan;. he has mnv .1 Fm- lnun,.nf each day unoccupied. W!ir|1'- [(2 M3! u-I tmarl fur alm 'imm-m-Jinn M `:1 similar (`Inst hm! John r:.z4.+.~gm'ig.Jii,". 1-. 1'. :5. A Pmm:Il'-AI.. ` ._.. IIIKFII HI`3l,fl'l|I|1llH- - A number of SPARS of large -suitable fol gull}. bcvtamnyug aim:-11.: of the largest Iongnnge, can be pI'ut:1I yard". ` ~` Ilpnnin. In-.- mauhfnn Ilm mud III. ~~ 4 _ ` Repaigs, Sun, made on the nmst rpnsonablo terms. ' - I I In no 'r~IuI||,'n uaulus L l'llll'H Wlll `]"ll'il-`C UI'|lPI' F""Ilc TlICTMAS'M';\Cl.l-ZAR, ' 45 Ynng Sm-ct, .' Sale .412! for Norm `America. Toronlvo, April 2, "1850. A 80-41:: \`v11,|.I"Az\t A1.|.1sN.` - Tinsmith, 810., &c..-&c., nvnnh vnriuv uyn THE Suhsc.-Voiher tupectfully toga "ll-alt; tn |rqnni`pl the Slnianpinug ln:cn.-st, that his - New and Complete R urine Rai`l\wiv is now in perfo-qt workng older, and that he is prepared to haul out and wpair `'e'ss li of1li4~ largo-9| ch-scripliona. . .' A numhnr nf 31,.` Hi. ..I" hurt! nnrnnlnx-;n'|u '-`IIIIKKCU IUI VIIIIUIII "H-"'4 Thgle is non: Gris! Miil ucarertolhe cit th u on! purposes lo hicllpu I! ingmou are fotiucluries penten :-hope. ` ' Pnr fnrihm us-rliz-nlan i k In the Cu: at Klnplun. ; m:~mRnc'rnn'S} lhe c`. ` A _t-rn W_aIer_Wu:kn(_`mn_g_sany, ['l|\flI' FIIUPUA For further particulars made to Dfinvl `mm. - T - TIC IOIIQIIV fem. Ind aye! nquililo info?` Illlolh II to lho mode of ahctnng Alturlluccl, my in obtained yuan by lumrnr porlonnl ap- plbnlhpvh . T ` -' THOMAS nluuns. Jnrll. Agent at Kingdom. ' I... an 114 va;;%;;fr .;.1a"`ea`.;.::;.;+, 1' I v. v. us.-ax-nv H-l::93[ sumaiy '-11:: vi to x un.r.h\n VJVIJ In... IE-`(ii u,-vu u.uIvI|-q this mnrnfng ,h_\- JA5. H'.4\T'I`. In! an r., M. II., out .631: .cu:. I!`-'uck,Suerl. Qd .:\ugu~rt. I550. ~ EDU QLTI O N . "" !N`? .9-"T"..1'4"%`+"j`_?"*"`= I CI!" 12 Porlsmoul|),`May 3,1850. 'Kngi!nn,' Ma} ` Kinxsjon, July 5 nuihu: nfrfvvnv, J tnn," . lsXJ\ine,, 13511 s_'1-Em-rownn To rm, In munu In Ill runny on me Iulurcn. TIC itiht hop to nmuk that the Deium ` lb Oalpufllu boon doing hmirmal in this Prov Vila! btlhout Ila-yin-and has hem always Ibllildlihnl. Ind plump! in the Icukmlut 0|` thins. A nnnnn-"In `win: In` I'll! pnnuiniln infm -' ' In the cunt Klnplon. u::~'t.~:;i*o:~:. "i'3"Ic" Io'a:Ei nMN, - Gan Sim! iounary. y 91,1350. 119-1....-2 ROBER1` L. rxxss. I`:.. '1 l`.....'..... JAMES "FISHER. IDEA II IIIIFHIZIIJIIIIH Ill-ITIIUSVII iil an the mam land. :1 seven milds. `The pow:-I` if now applied mu, IAI|l\lIlil`R,lI1l`l'AI- anulicntion may _ho I I I4. IIVAV by}. CM: 1:n;_;:`nqev'.' ` I . ..a.n--.-...-..a..._......-.- u::a.:nu=unJ9;n::u> J ' mar msmumol oomrgm. I II l IllI'V I'll]! IV nneu ice, mm- INTI! lull iilur Clan TI)` ol `Kind - . -.- J.-,f'.Au- l.` III VURSFIB cured at lln.~ Ilimvllsidn I5 I.. I Sal lnpiull, lH.\ ` RF` 1.! IIUVHI III III: fli" nu glmc n-den. ` lhrnnln. .. I ...... Mgy hi, `I359 WWII c ' ""-'"" 1-Items nn`u:cs,.x.. 2; 0incn.-Princou StmIl."KingIlon4 . Hunk ILIIQ ` ` . 41 I xv "I "I7 pdmlig -I II 1!! 1353 . I ;hm ' any `in 3F?8.`.9:3, ?LAGKJ#PA%nF!~-? FNJVUQ Ely?!`- lle hag also d'm:c|.od lain.-mr`l_FiVc`u`'er nilnlion " lo Jguliie Gluluing. :. cud` makunp Ynmig Gon- |I(*Iiwn n Tunic! and 'l'muscrn, in [M3 nillcsl ` u.u clrgllnl n1qnM'_r. _ I _h'-nt!gmen'u`pwn .mMe'rial:` mad: up,.ii_rI any sbyle nf fnhiun. at lhlt lawn: pcmihlc prices. .. *3 Repair: dude wish `nannies; gnd in-pitch. ' l(ia`gilvn.Ju|3` J. 1:650. V _ I3-l6m" 2-. B/begs mug! j~crp%~cIfu!I_y tn inf-mu l|nc,pub- - Inc {Inf he. in: `cnmmenccd- Business In ll premiums lnlclynccupiod by `Mr. H. zc`r";gv. an m mliriling llwir pnuuungc wtmIij'il'.qtc |luu`he is prepared Io qxocuto uny_ rmlgn with which he mcy hp cnuusleai. in Aha most las&:ul`aitJ Ip- prwed uym. II. I... ..I.._ .:z--_._.1 L2`. .. liingvies M-Sr 99. . . (n-"st Anmvia-.n num 1;ns!ms_.) `Opposing: .luI`m] -I Halkinxb 3}` Ch`: ' Ifnfcfrcarr, llllpdlflllln > `I I jv Wan1cdil(-liN*r(~d at the Pclfleuliaxyl for which Cash will ,b!_[ii_(J,__Lf,_,E_l}|Iill;|_` V given in exchange, ' '50 M. feet IP31-s0l.l91` Pine [.|:tn!er 50M. feel Hard'Lumbcr & ,C|m$r.m_u'. Also a unnlity n{,.$qu.are Pine 'l`imhe__r, (sizes and englh given at the \VnIeroo'm. 2'5 Cqrds 2nd Growth Beech in Hue lag. .QTI7.\:"la`NnNv. R: (`n ' lilllllslllnfill Ill Lrllljilt ` An inspection of the smelt ie:i-solicited, M a renl slvnmgcan be made fry thnsu \\'|shiug ta _ furnish Htiusrn, Slcnmbouls, &c;,'of -fmm `is in 50 per tcnl. H !-nrn.n-rnnnm dam: in. all H: hum-.hpI nm|' ilnll Cl lllllll IU\I`|"f |lHl.'l'Nu ` Tho Siurkconsislnf even; anli}`fF7i 111%` - line", and _waIr:1hto;l to .htf0l-"the In-sl uralminl. ` OMCIS fur anv d_o~'vIiplihn of Fmlnlinw from] a'c}i;d:|ne, win bL"('.\H!(!II1l`(I with drlily audi uldwatcln, at Imvor prices lhzm an_}"1']=`r Es- 3 lahiishmenl in Cana-Jin. ` ' :__._--.:_.. -r n... ......1. L. |,...1:.:|...l _. ..'| `U KKJ PHI li|'.I|I- U I . Urnonrmnmu done in'al_I ils branches and Repairnz. , ' ' _.[ ":I- \Van!mI II:-Ii|'l~rr-J nl Hm [`vl1'|lrI|liI\~. EI'or'he;`n`1`or=itV>fv`I'.*rr`cl the I and at much lowr puices. Stnrkconsist of en I. ..._I ........._\.a-.l 1... L... 1'1-:NI'rI-:N'rw:\' CABINET WARE-"Room, I\IVI'|.`| OIIIII I'IlIH.Vl. In I-0 the yn all Ihe Fire D1-pulmonts who have pmc.lm.~mI lhr-m, Duh-rs are re-e:l":clfnll_v solicilid. I}, '3- .1 EN NI `CS. IIID [I"IL' IIID I|l.`C_II IUIIIIII o,-at durable of any uuw in use by " lll'::1Ind`eIz.igI1v:| has at ail llimo-s on ham!` ufsnpnslorqualitics,-thefulluwingzulicios I Fhr NWL? ' ' -. . -RN55` "all. Ill` 0.7.13` III III lllll Ilu "1679 ` wuucn ultayclin N`! yum! at l|_Ie whu! ll |.'Un||mI|. In, wlaiclrpnuscugcn frnm .\_lonlru| or llytnwn will much the pvirnpq in time for dinner. A Daily Line of Slngu mill tho run to mac! the Strumen an the SI. Inwfrne In Lancutcr. Ilmo nuhling-pnrlin fmm Ninunrgu FIN. in l"ppc-v-('?smnd.t. vi-iting Ilsa Springs and viewing the bca,n1fnl.rpmory M lhn (Matt: and III: Ru `onsinn Hntlye cl Bytuwn, bcuc_ gain; to Wu mm] 0| Quebec. - PIIILII HRUWN. |"mm-rlvnl" the 8!. Lawrence Hotel. (hydran- hnvch. Now York. and the United Smcl llulnl. Havana Springtl. - ' : (dlcduniil Springs. I350. 1-28 A tb ul;no;i'Iu1.inn in Europe. V ` unuotouu Policin. band by th: dil A in II Calida, nidanllj uh-1'! 1.-"' I Q:Iu. at our`... Iln unnbn Iioniduoof puantu-0 dunk- '1b-uuuruso I-muanum lo up: much, oj ggguguy, -am In rily In the x_.:..; ._.u .n.. ...I:..nu: but mpmfully Lu _, 1.:-:.mn3n HOSE. - I ' `Ill,-2 Snhscrihvr lnegfhe tn.I'gK?n'llIe _` cilia :-ns vi Kinanlonihnl h in'!nn-lac-d in the n:s11||l'a;lI:re of l.FAT|l ER HOSE uf. all `stars--1nade from the host q IIn|iIy of Lulhvr, and livt-llmi with "fun: (I Cupprr Riwls and Burrs. Ilia Hose has In-gm fnuul .. I- nl... ......I .l......LI.. -1` ...... 'l`lIl'4 I "HI.'7I|g"fI| `Kl. WW I IIIIIIVIII {Ill}! _. puhlin that he will nptfllc CANAIM ' H ll0[_!a`J-I an lhe In of Jump rut for the rceepliun or viuimrl. [lo mm: `llpll his long axperionqv nu" nn llmol In-1-prr. and a nincerrdnirc In` nu;-nd In the wnnluuf his |lIln|'l I(`II, will emalule Mm u mnlm llwm mvmfurturhlo. - ` Tlw lln1- Svu-nun llvrm. nus-ol|nn.(`n1.n and Ru-aw nn 1 \ n -n I! :1 In... ha-an nivl nn mum: Tl..- N aura r.nn Ki:g.emn~,' May Hill, 1850. !'rHF.` Snbbu.-n'I`m,. ;o-n.n-erlv J . .uu`I`. llqr:t.,'in this City-. aful Intel in tho Nrw Your ilo1u.. N.`!'.. lining anndccodod MR. Tl:`l`l' in HI! above I'ISTAHl.lSHMENT. hoes -loan Io anrouq mo 1`nAvm.I.ma] .PK7l!Ll(.', lhamnllxing shill he wantingrith<-r E-;..`r|'.- Ilsuwwnlte -r .n._ nL'Au:\u -- .,-_ 3 $1" 7l_5LIL, lllflllilfljf SHIN hf \V3nUf|g NUDE?` `in fhe I.u:rUnII-ism the smsnn or per- mnal ouoM3n,-4o+eewe4o-4heuv--eHry com--; furl Ihry may pug;-ihly -xpu-1, IV` V, l`HH`I`Nl .Y r IIR t'...a. I IIAII :4 n -xuuwnau .rwrrr1wr'n-rnyrrruxrwxunwr-"nuu-_y |hu.v.uIIn R 51 ha: heon tld up new. , `ling- Ihm. Au.u\'u nu`: pgrfnclly lrml. `I'M: Circular Rmlroud and Cqra_g__n: put in Baal mte order. ` Swuncn rndyucl-I at |.'UhmnI.|-y from Munlrul llytnwn mu-I the pviugt-_ limavfor I n-.".. '...- ..f (`I _ _ _ . ...III _V_.. 5... I- .-_....l - V ; , It uqaovslfli-'-'_--Tln WEKW3 BIAGK JAPAN 'NK`u!Vih ll'f:sz'I;::"J; :!"*"':'_5v`._i P054 1n= -,i\-noun! In ..- m1' Ul Isa l'['V"I` an -.+.'.-=-[nu':"ru:'s. !""'." f'"""""""` ""`.' """"".`r" "" `'"s'\'1i ` ljh ` 1 u ~ u"""""'"'":.T`"::b:ium"n" ,.- . H ' 0 am we: e` um 4 d- u _ _ V V I , * Low tigfl |""'}?Ol92l1t'. . M * -cn-E:-(:;,, 4 `"4 4...`, iugu f . , RUl.r:u1' ug. 1,1,1; E 233'" Mm \\'cck|_y mm. was. 3. mmmiuzggfd . ' "",1.` V" 1 SE`_'* "'7' u -.r,'n ariulil remit '0! ('0 l'uz4ac.-\.~::~ -5_`" `` Er: o'.`l5':=Lxc;~~a:yoc.` uiiltfvtisc cxfm Nnupapcrs Hiaikd 3 {;i1,__-l1=l1,`p:(`. l~I, E`-.19 ' ., - '0 we as! -drrn ' - ` -I ; Rochuslor, `N. I PHE Inncfcrsigvard have apt-nrd in' We!- Iingtnu `Sm-cg, Hut]:-_y s guihliu;-s_,- 1h- .T ._;L:4nos}.,uxL5Ll!e41ssm uu:uLuL__ -, _ cAI11.s@57\}u\'n:=:. mums ac Much Inqsm. ._;...- -.~. _ ..-3-H` 3-50` [WV 1_VI."l.`3' ` '|lr`irse Clothing. fol Ligh llamesnf (`V "Nance Srldlr-.-, t)... H .. .....I` llnlfnn 1' |lL`llll.'lIb \. 1! Fire Ihzcke-if`, LI. \`t' J UWI.` X` I n`\l\`, _ Nu. L : Marl.`-cl Slmrt. llnrznnxnn IN KnVm:s'rnn,-E. J. Barker, -7. l).,.l-Iditqr British `Niaig. ._ 4 ' Roclnesler, Y., Juno, I850. Ml-3m . . `i'a`6oik"T"4_7 DALELONIA spnmes. l|| III? NIH) IKMSIIIIJ ('|t_ [I, I . xv; v. COURTNEY. Monlr;a|,July 3, I850. _ ` J; - \\`lm_LI~`..\`.\Ll-I Axri RI-:"r.\ IL.` uuubll ll-II IaI1'aIu|l!nm| sucrose? MR. (`OD . -....A!.l_-: ..:u _.! - ---- y'I'o the Eh-gston Pilblio. 1:. Ba R 1; I-3 Has` ,__.__.._....a...-.._._ Courtney : H_ote_l, r_;2e*= T`T`i" 'N'I`..'lCIrII`.....l...j.'..'..I'[O30:.' Oobnial lA'_/uduuruce Cam`; 'du. `United Kn`n[Jon............. .... dn. -nwnl (3:-an-n'al............. do.`... rn1xcr~:.<`s 'I'RF.E_'l'. ll. 1; rm WN, rI_|I_ilI1,\`, ` amt Marun.'::|!c.= , 3 n.._.. -_ `I II`, 1. l II`-`TU agIIl"I'IlI II` r.uu.g_ Hynzm 1 .j_ T J.-- .._-. ' " ` ,`u '1`etu'I Hotel. ` _3P!'ilI$ lmp0t 7 of 1850 ' - 4 BY ROBERT A .u~::v. U \A`l:\'i i-1;`lI" n-dnnzlmm Hr .n,'v `\ I.' mu-inignul bell I9": (3 inform llhci n `'11:. In uni no-an Vfhn I~LK A`I\ 3..., 3, man; . I.,_ `ma. .l)Uu 2 mm , June, 1850. '1`. ' uggqingluouiuunumuuuu IIDEH bul- xuinc, an an uhuihu bog: ruptqlfullylo uh; uh gubu at Lhohbubiunlu of Kingston to ID of Rum. specimen: of` hiuco. win the Munlrqn think in nu; an uddtionlnil Queue, Ind Mam nu! Cum on up inuvml-p `in rma. wgat. '_ _` tioluuudauulv I 0.-tvhiclr Annvuodggty `ning:-uuly ned on ` lb livueofotbornvtllqnth um pIupn.uf.1c$ur-, by I|ti.`uc' bu or in min when thc_pa:ty luu Iqhuldig tho Ik&: lIIt,I;.'h_Iu`I.I!abo|n`n IQD d|n name In ca. 0 Idlhlgl ' ]`d'Audnne'I Imh I unnin. uni, h__nnp'y gun. the onlymuno or-nurhy. Akin oIIJiln`6`lK'e"iFu 6liihia rntomnrryumuin ll TING In bun computed fur Announce .. Qlloloi Lint. QM umivor o! uvoonnoro lino, Ind bl unnngeal Iuouunan .- also for Revu- ~liLivoIryAnoIhio.-8u|unmnnufu1 _\,\r'jl-gggg gm! CNHIII. and for envy pnuibla cunungency of Iinj Inuit! Mo. Iglimt which it `may br pndom ct upodionl to provide, ' upnunyn uunnmrr or Tn: sinks our` on: In: Innnnln nI`l'll.A: unnlul an flytn i WWII I)l'l'IJH Ill IHII NIH. STF.VE.\iSON'- & (10. I4]. loan lU'l||J' (ll!CllI"lla G. S. JENNI.`'(ZS, R1,. ll `,'A||l`A. \`In u:;.uu-' m] "U 3 l'u!nlic in Kim; NIH HI -ll ! lllll ;' ll TNEY, I-ho: n. u I. 1-. Q. ..o2..- 3- . inlet or smmm~r,. uh-`urn InHnn_ 1:` l'iI|I IV .`l'|H'I .1 F.;\'NIvN(;:<, . A` \1.. .1 SH. o nag Inn >0:-I lun- I`-al..- ma ..v :1 rnu-`, ,M:uk'p-l .\ilm-L JEI` i Ill Iv IIIQI`-1-1.-AC1 or rnngauut = T .vic.cap.9. . ~' ; ,,L._A_J, _LnL- l;_.t...n:.__ 1- D..... in .'l .TfI _ A`. I an-n lH`I'lu lll fin "W" W "" n1r;"()'I;z*zIVt-`r"A"3:LaN. ,;.,; ,,,, using srlmwr. ktmanm. c.. w_.T I -,' " ` . "". ':_r:J THE Sn?-_~ruher reaju-faliy lntpp II; [ml-rlcc menilion lo 3!]: nmpll Stock cl} ,4, an wnu-;s. uqim mas. scans. ' .`_ 1.1 A5) GIN ERICK." v 159 I . J59 J frm_m3 bl?` 'l1ir:~\:'-r;zlI.- nlpnsll WING... ` I To CITY s1{'nscnIu12n&.~-...1'u'm ah r'.. `inc! and Iilnpmac pfr,nnI_sq'c.if|nid; ' noes, . In Fifteen Shillhlll-lfi ILQIIII` `pf ya; *1 -rn 1-nunrrnv Rlflllklk. -pa- - T _- -_-..--n-v vv:-- . i _ _-: rv1usu'E:n- ` ' In-ry fridny lneraodn. l_l i*o'i:luk. is`; gznvxuap JOHN ;1`31s,RkE1_3;T~ _M. Ii,` __..4 n.___4- __ _ an _ .'._..!.l_..` l.L-- }_qrum,1 Ill uuicalilllnmupnl W Dt,|n Null : ' ",` Adveniscmcnsalnheinsiuu fa; Lg Mzl day`! pubiinlion, am raft!-etillz nquclfcd lo be aunt in by 6 u'clm:k In the tuning. , E T Advizrlincnil ` ntnlgln lhitpn 1. pin. . sertcd gmluimuify In the We1l`|'1- ritiih _'gaHy-: Ulilld l|uIguI|..... --numb cu.-..m'u.'.' " Nuuv.........,........ Britannia ... . ... "l"I'.A .i|.4- nnn nu...- A: six Dollar: 1 "nn;.3: A1 Nu` mm.j'm 9.-am WMg_ 1; bgu St r)vr:n'r1sr':.~Ir:SF-Ir-.~ rmrea cum"-...... - ' terms. viz :-'.l't-n Lima and under, It.lu' I'nI' (inc rjsl iru-onion, and Ie_n pnuoo fur wiry whoa-: quam imcrlinn. All nrlvcimmnli rxou-ding ` lrn liurn fvmr pa-nco per line, To: who am hlcrliod I.ml'm1o penny per line fur cw:-v",'v nirbyquvg_g;in_gqr- - 1-. Who-n Idvcrtivcmenu -are mud` * unli fnllnialff I dincnlalinnxmiauun In he in ..n.`|2_-. , .. vaw il"\lI` on: , vInrvuun|.IUL`I _ - A Isuzu cmzn Week! Fiiihjon ofy pe: il_ lidncdcfry Friday ltcrnogr. ~ `I vi Ennulumn Joan" 'nAnxH ` H. D In KI_. --_- um nnr prnny per um: Iur l'I'l'7.V nungqung -. Wllrn Idvcrliucnurnlrun-fun,-r3` fqrlmlf all dnutomnmmipm In lxjn -mini IA rhI.a,rHj.`n|nn.-A lnl-.4: incl..- I... a mnmin .5. Nemsue um.-,1 or rm V :'__qu..:|il_\:, 45 acu-s`, umFpr fury, and 50 wux`:!IAInul,- il in well \v.atu-ml, in gmui or- ' `tier, arid has A colnr.-Ilznfplc` Iluusi _ am, {Stable-s, SL3. If ('a.~h_u':u nut p`4vIII- qu;1:1: uuulnl Ire nfcellnlull dnwn, um Ilw ilmlauure can-rinzl0 yr-ars, ayl ih`le[r-51; nr Llhe |~':um s'\~m:hl Le leased on Ms terms. lA_nplv in Dr. Barker, Wing (liu, langolon, ~C. W. if hy_Ic(le:pm1 and. * Kinilun, Mu_y.6, Nd` 3105 Ill` Ct] Uuildut. nu: uni Lllrlllg "II: II My of gnud LI'un'u`l`-y n ,amIIl_y9'lu-up on n_ml, Lnn`nI ..l` . I n nuau n_uuuuu.-1 -.- 1---,1 -:4.-u,-vu-- -N39: ycgy Tn r,'0l;N7'R If EUBSGRIBFIG .-_-1? n Lkillfnnanalnnhllh. in-All.-g <..n .- 1s_ i7mx1.IsIu:x$>'iEvnYJ nrbnniua, I I \.l `I \I ' [HI rnhcrrilmu lucgl luv`!!! to nnl||}.H1ffIMJ- lictful his t-xu-nrivo Hiram I"ncIm_y an "IQ Em! cnduf King Slrerl. in min eilv is-mnr. in [uZIupvrutinn.nn;I cunlnmnu .'3.\\\' Wlhl`. with . upright lpml (Tin-Mu! Nuwl. n ,l'|.\N|`N(l '\IA('lHNl'},- "l'/Naming .\3w-whim`. nml ulhrr. Mn !Jzi.u;rxA(1h.e-uJun-la. pa4u~J,!L{sl hyn puzwic!-al I-Jngmt`, ctihclc-by. In: in |-mp.- rahn'n\':-c uln uni:-nu` fur"I|Ip lntuvfnrn-Iuul nf Bmlalmg ..\I.nIcriu|i and HI!` !'rI`i`.liuII nr !|u|hLn vu mull: pl s.m:.u.I| "-fCC'll,!I Danna-up-u -.- ..._ .....__- ._- Tlllv FOLLOWING OVPIOIAI In: In on: goats) foo dug Au-~ __, an Ain. | _g an IIKELIIPIIUIIU. Inn! ylllllii l1llPUIIN'liN.) II H1! um! nmm Ulla. Durham Stu-md. in `an and llnlr, Sl.1'"h, I|`.ht~, .'4r_:_npu_,' Spam mllu. Muuld Pnmllrn. 'l`u'):I`OPIIl. Hrgnrq. lhlll acid - ' I:ln'ch Snulfs, hlnccgl-T `an. no}! we mi:-lo inly krpl ii : I Gmci-rrulgbliill _ ,|'Zug.ish (Tlm-ma. hrit Aunuicnn Choen.|ml - utter. fvrsll and in lab. ' ' "I'M whuleuf Ihu ubuve Anialu ID`IrlM|Il'H .. I... ..l ...... u-.,. _.., n.,, m iizxiinhmufrn - TQU l`(/z`(}lMN S STEAM.FAC1_`OR`Y. %k__%1_sT5 0. P'I\lll'B I rum. pro! 11911, : Lmnnn Fuel. CiInin.- -.I Spinonuf '\IIu'm:., I glltlczcriplimtl. (um. you)`: No! Diln. '"`HIl*. Hm . II ....I.I t`.... 0.- on n `,_ `f \-IIVIVJI`-l`|lE`l 'l'Ins.-Guns. Uld H It'll; Ydung . " Hy-on Ttpnhyi. llyull Skin. 5`:- " hum, (lunpnwrlemnnl lmpcrinl. "l.M'|l, UM Iflngliuh Pungu, I"!-ncilolfg. " I`:-noting, Ullal Pekur, and olwn. Svu.ms.-l.oqf, Qmshecl. uiul. & _Muacnvulu. Fnu~m.--Una u,hemom.l" n.l mnu, Raisins. Alrnom, l`.nmmtI. l'nll|l.` Picquu Nuts. linli! Nmu,.,l'1qm!il_tl(gp.u nnd [mm-n Frcl, (`ilmII.&.e . c. ' '.' yll kinds. l'u'klm and 3: pl , afl ik-scripliunl. `(Hum ye-:}':4 5-Iufultlniinn.) I I t:131lImIWt11n`R5r!`nTiiHi-ilE; ""-' "` 'VP;|l1`n.-.'uIIIuil!I and Tnuirhd of III qIIul.':\3.' Dc-cwnrd I-and Run: of good ii . : Upper (`unmlx Whiskey of dintgng "L. ` ' ' _ the bnmlaic guns-ur. $3.33}:-1 ; wgnlba. ul-(t~'\'lI-'5 Inna. DUUJIID. ; ,A!\'n G_RQ('l-2lllE_:8.- Mhcstumarkeln cf Quebec, ouuul uddv Yeti ? `HID vuhoin of tilt: .l"m:hhn_I__h|lo been pnnouclly selected with go sum cnmud the 3 e -lm;*11\'t`.d ltd}: Spring, md Ichupd `ii (If nlmiher can nnu-Hury ~ auiclc he lull: it Hit; of the -Cllll ` His Saoct consist in pan of-o lnnugnzg , in U Pu-tllenl I-an luu -I'c - Bandimufo nd la`o- '43 - s l`muuu-uv..- F_enin.Jooeu & Dal InId.-` -' Var:-um alhet brand}. uf qdulity. i` piul. vino ...A.j L l\'repcrs_ 'l`uvI-mu and Pqirull Fnniq Anngg [uodquilil ' prices! Tuhlo Winn. M Hulk A " II!!!"-H.. ' ' ` ' ' - '1` Hunt : In quality. in and all kh .. v'""u I39. - ` . V an. 9-4 `ad -3rd qiahuy. in train up- I 1 I130 '44. . , Sur.uut.--Sandiununh. in wood ,Ind- Uolo, IE- ? use `M3. - " ' - I i Hnnm -- nmrauullvi ..m: Assuanxcx L oomaam. . . liixlslc HIM vv (Q5311 JUIILV ,p1: nr_L-I'4[",I1 .BngnfSl,rn`-1', in-at Hl!:fD3ll II0l; -..-- "I-In u IUI-4-4\-u|I' In 1.: nun; -mining HI` Plani. llmm 1.... I...-.u|.... .....I. II. _.. - "iassizn smfxnrixzsslao Llmmm ...h.Ii..-..I` lH...|. n....._n_ L._ m:`nmgjmman ivniii ma commmm.mL unun :Innnh l\"4I.I.. I.'.l:._,. W` .11- : ungmcllzu I`II`ll IIIIVHJ` uun - crmliuuu his lnuniuru I lnr / ' To Sell Bx` ` n:}}." W I N I U " ._s.mn..~., in wood `nu um-. vh- ||ge'37._ 4* - ll.._;- 1.0 -..-l1a.. L. --..n -..l I.uI. . Qoni Fin A-53. mumgu. lllullnn Lin Au-uuncn l`u.gr.\nv. Couilwi lth Mum: Insuuancs ('our`un. Vlncorjmnralert ll_(}-_-(?Icrrr:iv; l eVrpoV--T` lIal:Cupili1I Uulimiled. ' , _ * u. .\I.l.r;n. AMI hag! hf Lixrrpml Ihrv .\`n|l','cIn~I.p n (`mull ur Appmvnd Paper. ` ' 3 lmxvu i-| _l.nvmpuut Hemp. ( Hlwul. Kimvnlnn. In-nu Illi Ill ' ` `NIL ll;-U (uhcnrhy In pu,-p..`f1yf1(jr,\'., I -' |)fl`l|Jl'II-Hll uflhulqlmg ..\I..| 1iemuI' lmihhp gas wullq J ~,y mu-h_ m c`uri`mr lhc wiulur 5...}: in u I riibi "ET": #1" Hurry llhl Ilnumn. \.'.L....- :I`C?U`WI| --U0'Ir"'u Polo and lhvk; llonnianyfs do do.' _ Mord : ditln. dilh. in and III hallo. (`|u-dmz Doudiu. in hhh and QIIIIII ago .III._ I ` I J. A. J. - a|I'| Schnklul. in wind and cum; 3:J3'.w.a..}u.d. . .-Snndiuun`u(in hand In! hub. `I'D- nc '39. ' ' my-u on _| uvmpu-at Bunp. llu-cl. Kiugvntnn.Jum-, H150. -?,E_.....__: .))l'I:` Qmm. I A;-riH1:I.,;48. ;0. , g I NII'l III III- c I nmiirluvlr cl'lIlql1.II'v|y. _ n A Ln.-.n 'LT"J'B'ii'3'.'.' I-.-|.~I}'. Il-I- -_J II_.L< `uuu-I gi Wtl ll `!'|lIl('II. - glhc wiule-r laid in u l`il'l;',l`l]'-A nhmt, and has nuw, umfwill mun- hr :1}-e.,n largo in-non un1c:.- rnm Mug! I850. ' w.~'u{. mnnh. an npnnd II unis, uulturg (yr, III `.7ur;vcuIcr_ mu! 10' ..v- r-nnlliugl ufp .\`u-L R. A l.LI'N . I 3... .-,.n. -.a.,._ *4-'*+*:t..*`t13 anlv l-"fall f- HI Inuinnoc (fluted for `lhu a1:ov:'o `f`ompnnin.' I]&> iulion to lhc .IaI|dI'.IIign1-EL A '| luswu I mljid with fliruen and libcrality. and pail ninln nnnnnlnnnn. ] Na. 1 Prince: Staci. Bankflzondon-. 1 cu-rum. BF: u'iu.1ox._ nolmey. ., Even at Hartford; this 8th day of`March, lcledl Otcl at Kingsloag .- ' DI. HAM PSIDN. 1..-; . Ilu.nnAN1` `fans. It. mucn, President. R I, lnnmls` .\`rrrrI.'n'u - II'I`U'uBn ll: II.'l\.-to, I lcauol S. L. LOOMIS, Srrrdary. UK -`U\Ml`UN. Agent: wan u>n,\`rgrr._ ._ta.-.-..`.s..s.|.-n.-uu.o-an ANn""R}."rf1n'}Irirb'um :3 lN8!f'RAlNCEu00HPANl1S. . I..-..-...._- .._..:...... :.. -lI . ivM. GRAN r, gist, 05 9! the Hon. John A.` Mlcdonaid. - 7 . - Jr` 5`: Tr. KinsIrIea.Mnv Q!l.lRI!i. mg mm LT. ` %"I`I`"SfIRA1V(!l-IA 1 coqyANv- ..N'`19E- . nufrmif .ANn| ..,.... .... 4'l`NA FIRE AND IN in Mill` Illi` lllll ah i "1317 L64 ll: _n-1 All} Inn II I l.ll3lIllI;I' wag: gunning 311:7` ward their Izivoaces, with a power of ,-\t~ _ turns}-,`_ which Will enable their I-Znlries he gassed, and `G9< x`Is' Eprwaadz-:3 witlhuulw dehiy . I inn:-VI.\n IFIII Ami! ' Fnssn. Pl.A_S'l`:F-`.R (ifor Manure.) 1'ric'e. oa_e gloilnr: per barrel. ` . _ MS. \V_A'I`l`,- line lei IRKI1 ' ""- P.\RTlES AKA .ns....; will please rm-5 wan! l_h_oi_r ldjgs_ices._\*ith_ 1'_pm_k_*r1_` 91' ,-\_t-' ' T'ii1I.3.1m"wAn%n; " .._U,S,1.I9,M. HOUSE aaoxr-:R.v .. 1 A -- .._.__~- i ,.4 Ci:d1?}:"m1aIt:Tr or FREINCII AND ENG*~l,lSHi PERFUMERY, "T ozmsrimc n par! of r.1:n-ms ' DOUBLE I-ZX'l'_RACTS our West Hml,. Jockey-Club. Ron Mljlh Sweat Emu; ` Muac, Mi|leF|euts,Jenny Lind, Flelerlnay, Mousse_line, Fleur de Halve, Pllcheuly, Bun-` qua! `dr Roi, do. do. Caroline, Mignionc-~:te.' `AI.so_,---`-Supcf` C.-rlngne kuid Lavender! (nine I-`.. H . PALMER- ."|LO_,' \Valus-A . * +1 (`.us!om llnlzs \V|1Varf_:" Kingstpn, -.VI_arcb 90 1850. .9.` -,.. -Insur_,nAc`e Oompa-ny umr clzlesvu-easel. 83. 'i:_`.; 7 H E Undetsigtseul contmuea lb h1ke_Ris|cs Ann Veskrls and `(`-argues for this Company. All IBSSES mljusted promptly. ` - - -. - > I12. BROIVN E. Jnuya, I850. 5!?! I0? RIHUQCII, D. W. Tnoms W. Ramos, M. D . Medical Ra-oo. . - Orncx It the Luuw.-tS:ore of Wt. Fono. jdf Murkel Square. 1 K. . `P ; J! ,:', r_>_....- I `-Ihfbrd Lr'fr -9 Hedlb lulu-nee . I ll Ilxv uu _`\'uur-.*|uuuvu 1 n.uuu-u I"I nu- Culaninl Life Irummnrc Company 1.9- 5 J Boitlanfn Lifr Inaurnnr Cnlllpl 9 1 3. I A noeenuy infurmalinn in `reap:-cl In `ma Ilum! Couninnics`. will be clncufnlly given on up- plieotiun `Io - I C. HAVEN. I'll IIlI' IIY\-Lulu`! `II Ili` 'lII|" `IIl\O Ullluvlt l|"" I-' 'J""" rm n't,tuining"n ccllpln age. For int-lance. I pn- ' 'mt:3I),yc'nvpcvf age. by paying nn Immul pm; - mium of 9 9!. 21'}. W1" [revive -1.'1fPUul lh-um ' of l`r().m1Myahlc umncnif denlh Iluud ncnur. ` Will gmnwr purlmso annniliua. confer en4!uw- menu huh. Alan Cjlilmnip Rank! Inlgcn al re duccd r us. conknvnn-n-x u+.rt'Im:u1- or ommmna now; .........u... n. noun- -ulna nua-`qum-uu Ialnlpni ..... . (Lower Rules than uni nl|wr".C'omp0'IIy doing _ \ Rminu: ii: (fnmadu.T Now eml-' nnalnlidwd. with an__unimyn?_n:c_i ogpi- III. and I`n|I_!`I.'II_i_[1_`,u[.-`I J5-ml Sleek and 1| .\lm`un| , Brunch, 1-7mhiju_Eh:g | O_J_I'j!il`gt` of -1wn (`um-` -pinicg grill: unly .Ihc .cxpcuao vTrHuo: in ' Insure j-u! |`lvn.vp"nynlvle In tho inrvivnh uf . at tho civccnpa ul lluohul mu! single: lwva. p :_yn|I|r nn nii:..'ninn-'n n-nmn nun, Fur inhlnnn-.12. I [wr- , lfuqllid.....,.................,... no. . ...z I u (3, Tho dlnr Oman doing business in the Colonies "an In much higlm, that compuihdn in unnncu-A M `#50 income otlho-Company. indcpendenny at {In lug! Ibhlorihod Cnnilll. in hclteen [nality `III Nady Tboouud POIIIl|U,'STO"Hn[. pr-`r n- `IIII. aide! thiilho [IIIIII put in cunlinuully hclmnuluin to! tho pnymcnl uf Imus. Anny It tin; II Apuunoe with l|Ii(`-om- Eyuly don Iota 5106 mm". pl uble nl his cg donlh. without pnnioipalin in! go pmtu. and think nndunfn iuunrdutc um` y not yin; III! I E Ihnlulcly tcqnimd lo pro-vi n ` `Ila viii-Mat Ifpltlicipllinn in pfoln in pnfoired by any ly. mm In ` M ulunl '|'nhle-' ndppxgd I III :oIIIpIlIy.vhich mar Ill annual-divminn `o the Pl'D|O.Ill`, v|Iieh'b-in; Iuppollvd by the `OIIIII Bunch of Ila Imiiullinn. hnhl oula vary Info and ptnllhh imiuoemnnl tu me pcrwn`wiIJ|- Jug to Alum. - All Ih|no&oyuh|o within Tun: nos-rm arm gt `Foo? of do: . No proof of bitlh in uquived nu :.-tho lint: Illiurluuuhr the no of the Ansurrd _)Iiq. in Inty MI. Idmillod in the Pulwy. unn- '_...._`1I.|. Inlet any oinumuonan; `bu anemuds ' BIIOII In Polioitl lfcctod by [nuiuun Ibi! owl` live: In In! rendered void in can of Cult by Culling or the hand: ofpuiu. In Ihr ` I'll! u(hiiIlI. if tho -Polnoy be nuignod to n Colldaloilhr. the rum uqul-ed will In paid iolt Iillnltion I'll the Policy be not ' [ng .' IN fulltnonulof Premiums not-ind thereon will _5I lilllolb Illa hail} of the Ahmed. 11.. ..n-.15.. Inn 1. nmuk Thinn- may Kinailun. _llIh Anril, I550. -HE Sulu-eviber. II Agent fur this ` fnlinwing . Compunicn. it pmpnmd luo':'ct It-mram-a nu all its branches. an as favorable lcmu u I any nlher rrnpgniiblo Cqmpnnm. E.-KGLE LIFE l.\'Sl_?[lA.\'f_7l'3 ('70. N Ew mm: INLxNn~ ll.\R'ljI-`OIID LII-`E:ll\I.'l'H me. Q I ,J' r! ...__4..._ .I `.\L()_,"'lI|`CrT0'|' L's'|ll'|!B IINI I.Ll\`ElMlEl' VIKEl5.'_ E. W . PALMER, , *L=.(1::'~xt 5' Druggisl, hrlaftket -Sunre. Kingston, July 5, I850. "' ' j. Ifr0m'ncir:I, Jfuhuzl (1-ul _(v'}2ner(aI Mfr, .|F`. Tc 'm,u1..1f.u-l`ue Ins. Co. U51 \any s Oice, ingslon. --__.__ , . ......_....- :a.;; samp."5EI'i.:{.'_ \_\'aI`i!, F. M. R. ,. ' WII.l --.j__-.-4- KINGSTON RANC-ll. noun or Iug.u:I:nn:Nr. Hon. John Macaulay, Chairman ; Hnn. Jnhn A. Mncdonaid, nu-.r., ; Thus; Augustus P01-. belt, F`.sq., High Sherilfg Jas. Marlon, F.:.q. ; John Mqwat, Esq. I ' . '_,' MEDICAL ADVIQIIS. --~-- 6 ____ -- :3... u n . unu.--... u..._ M Comping teslin ho! ' ' I`.-IIIIII-E g T incl an imp-z lulion wu reqnitcdill ' 3` Ich it has bi`.-e:_|" apprl-tiale-I. _ . - ' ! In nmislr North America Jhafompany Ian! "- nuolll 0! ,ml , ' lnnuwu lIJ'UI|lII`UI.'l VU-l lluluu, To mnnct_ Insurance Business in all it; bunks. - M ' ' > WM. GRANT, I M L Agent. . 64 Numb: IR. IRIILN _t_V aged. 7 riiliit of Mutual Insurance. A a capiiflise Campilyigirgi complete! s'eeu_riIy for Ill` itrtrnnnconn gum par-I ticsdealing with the olico inn; none of tho` ' ."I*I.`: 1T.`:I`: I r:II`nlx:.`III*d'-n-'*I-`lt `econ-pal--gflg-Q ! u u Zliiiuv u IIONE, K0 |l|E UKIIHTOI L-1'UU,UU|l l`|'"|"K- [ ' A `The powers Orlhe Bdudin Montreal being AI`;-D absolute for lht-`disponlnf business, givra toil the Colonial-all'Ilw fncililiu of : Company gmbohyingcvny shade, quality, and colour essentially locnl;'Iml combinwed with-the Id or gm1lemen'.- war. T, _. , rlionol gduntnn of a lump Gugnnlecl stock irpnuprisg-s Cnpltnl; nhrduln most perfect ucunly in Doc Skins. mm, the lalvsl all Ammnce ttimclions. 'l`|.- l......| Dan. .4` ch. nmnslnu Emu.` -.n.l V...Iim.n us! the minimal n-mum In.-n-r nf- finliiom worn I" Illpurlnca `UI|IIIIIIllIl|l- ` ',l`h_e Annnuhlhport of the Company. Inge the: with the Ptonpectul, and every bther in- uiqm, uh be oMIino.,d an Ipplicalion In the Manager , or to; my of the Agent: 0:7 the Compnny, _ Hr rmlor af Ihe Din-ctms. fheen received by ll1.!!.I.| i.n_..!h- 3'9! N"!- apprecuuu. . , T _ . - V . _ln 8g;iish~ North America lhucolnpany hug fucmy and welcome gnnngu-r, and 1e"niniiL.! hen who have cozidocteul lhomublvu with It by Insurance, show" how very much much In ` Institution on 1 land, and libnral basin in r_ [11 d _ - N1?-4. 5:1 :;rn.. !-......m. ., nivmi I-nmnIn!I : mmnu 15, London, Gflgnw Homrea , --duo you or Mutual Assurance. % v"rnnz:m*ranp:aa`um-hcn mmmm 1 must c-arefa! and aura-Jain; I qniry us to the `value pf life iii diirent c Vntvienund the directors are condent they have ufnpted Is modem: 1 seal: is can be held compnumc * within My.` ,_, p.-mm of nu C"amiu:n'i1.-'ITha Cohnial mmn my.` Progress 0 the C'ampany.-T.he Colnninl Jommen'ced usiribu in 1846,` and the mull whicli ha": 1."te`n It: operniion fully heart out the anlicil Jtidnrvvticehs which in loun- clern entertained. The Company have gran- ted Aunrances, during Ihu put two years Malone, In the exlent'of 300,000 sterling. `Th. nnmnn nrlhn mind in Nlonlreal heinz ~ " ` -TIE 5bLoN}Xl. % l Lifq Company. Emgme-trad and Rzgivrghd _IIId' PW` ' tn`: xsaf >:z'o;.j nxcunxu, 2! In reference. `lg! lhe above ninice, -the Sub- mike in lieu pr!-puml an Agent for-the` Illhntn lllh I!III!l l"l\I5 Alfh l\1'IlIY1'I `.'mpo'uv_rd and is or Par ` -Hana! `lanai f*.',:cv.`HC.`, .,_ .(3.u-r`r.u. 500,990 `b`1!IIn.um Wauhiiglon : ~ nusnu-:a-I m -rm: rnlycu. Age 30 your--Annu:xI Prcmmm fur LI ' III. '......n..an nInndnI: C9- iNQg;'j'I1 AA \vI~:.s *'r1~':'Iti' E3? order at Ihb Din-ciors. A. DAVIDSON P4 %. ggugijgae llillki ur`r :z::aI'ie -Sn ... 1 T ~ 4, A Lnthlmyy. `A w 35, St. Vincent Phcr.` 15, Gr:-it St.Jnmm-It. yr ' _ jinch ::'(`_gl'p I ,.A:-_ Lann dfnlri An idiu IIBAI3 0l;'lCIl Z I 11---. =~.lulual--i`ir_e lsuramc Co. r'lm`I'l%tr'I`ln.V. I-`IRE AND 'N`\Vl(3ATIL!1jxlNS. CO. mu Wm. I.||[l\|`l, I IV LII lll ing` :on; unite, with full power to lranhacl had an auto Camplny, in said City, and Its v clnity. (Jinn at llntfonl; this Slh dav of March. H0!` 1!] ll]! llifclll, A. DAVIDSON PARKER, fnnnnoai In!` f\`lxtInl'II . G0vl;?\`bR2 ._n`- An...` nu..- p UUV..'Il'u kc. 7 Int, '51?` N. L. B. I4. WILLHM GRANT. ` Agent & Sec ; II I I`: '1L`VI'J`u An-nl fur Kin on C. W.` u. is . a ' Anvmtis. , M.l).;`Wi||1'am Hay- R I. ` V v I VFUMIIV rannnu, - Jllanagcr for Canada. I .1 I ... '..-an...` I` W BROWN +1.". I % guu. I u?) Life 3

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