A Ilifinnolln ' ` . F ` v Wk, how: u'th: ;T:::u:n hnl'i.l:. . '3 oil MWEAYE mu` im..al mm- : Gel-at Inn". villi: sold at use Conn 11-pin. in as City nflinpthuz ,.n the light. moms A. coRaE'r'r,_ " sh};-in-.._osc, A [ SW` iiagslun, Augustg 1550. S gas : '33. .Ir.c1& Sn, mam -double u d. `erce: in. `do. C'n:hed, - Pantheon Huvy Hnchndo Molgges. IND Ialllllla AGING`!-' . Qua: gunned iv wgLVLauIM%wAnt. iorom-ha. Wing, uqun. '.I'ohccoI.; um far {I 1 .1`/ ..'i'T UBSDAY lth Aunt, thou Ii be a mud to the Trvlv I Inn and not] mad Stock of Stage Gfnnwicp, laa, W. It, an per a'!a|onc.- Sale at 2 oc . . - Al the Vl'>`-RISER.` NOTICE :' . a.a.u'p..I ia.'.',7` . Musfavndo, ` It cu-uuuuu, pnylou utterly. sopum pnpuah ii I In u-qimn'or etch ifvlu, any ptinlod Man 6!` Tender; tn be at.- tlildlt Ihit0I. no cum will be noliced. .h:l kndulo IQ uigncd Ivy the principal and two tigponhh yenqna as smnug to` the hlloyng month, us 2- Jinan _ JAMES ivn'1'. Carnmivim Tafnttanl. svmus. Ilewick, &t-., &c. & WM. wane, Auctiuneer; IRE! 1` .AN & Co..v King Str_tl. jillll the -uul IIISIIIIOR . - T . Hat! on lha l\lm`o...: n....n- non III or u..y4owIh Soplelhber, in such qllllliliql Is any in lemMod,pIy INQ month - By. his lo to V understood that this contract will cc-uu,nn the notice vrlunenr the tank; yicld I Iulcirny ilpply, and rt-comma-nte when that III falls shod or! III! quantity peqnjnile fut Muse of the g:ni.pu., M I %_.!'Q,**!-%':.n1:.x:::.*.:*.:!-'j"u- . I0... 1.: n...-L-- :_ .._L ._ ..... -- 3!? Xi? . no ck- I.I-l_I. I37- l8l Hardware B Sta-blinhmant, 1 -`I `M 3-an arm .(mL mm.-u . Dr. Con on. on _u'nh-E mun. (`akin puup.8:aw-aid` tceincluded. Q90 00 Sooondcabia do.` ch -5500` Then run include p.-unions; but not win:-I orlorpiriu. ihioh will be suppliod II or heiglno. pungo apply an _ _ ; J . J. W. SY\!O.\'. `g | n.- -_-._ .. I v uodauu nun. 9. - 11.:-:5 HILL FARM, lwmlifully silnl-` _ [led the Motru! Road," within Three ,Miles'of-Kingslnn, containing 50 acres,` of i which ghoul !J0"'|_L'o under proublc Culti- intinn; the r`:-nnniinder donsistiug. of excel- llruuimbers As this Farnn is gomposcd of {wfnglAwu o_ri_in|lIv Ihrea dislim-,1 Fnrm. .: " "1 350 Mar power.) DICK AND THE poworful new Sci-our Slum Shfp FITY OF Gl.AS(3()\V_.. (HF? l.n'nI rgio0or-l609 tan: 8. R, .\l.-l1'l`llE\\'.S, gnrmerly of the Great Western) '(`m-nmuuder, { w-ll unltffom Nvvi Yer! final 19 Ginger. !SA"I'l1DhAv `L. -3.: "uun .~, uuj pI")pllflI)|` z wit! seII!h;I1V1"s;"p'lTat|y if desired. For further information n-gnrding terms, &c., (which will be we liberl,) apply ta KIRKPATRICK & BL"RRO WES. Kingstn, Ju`m- 96., I859. '10 ..re-uamer-. As thi5_l"aml`| {what was qriginny distinct Farms, iwith four Dwelling llonscs, tho_ pmpuietor ix wit_t seIt_th_m separately if desired. New Ya-rh..;Vuly ,. -.. I`I T. a Is1|(IL4 o Portmqulh,May 3, - " Hi i...._.--.. __ -_-.. .4. VALUAEL; 1`-;Aa.ramr6E.:s.A[.Le _\r... u.__. 7 -. . -I` I.llIUI'I`ulI~ _ ' L3"a!ia'.19,'$2 ',.:.a.""" "3.".'2.`.`..','f " "" Snnh nlunnnln -i I In umaip-.I'.-.. -...L f Al HE Subscriher reaecifully begs lel _ acquaint the Shipping [men-st, ll: . New aml,Co_mplale Marlin: Rlailwayi in pelfrct` working, order, and that , rrpard to haul on: and repair Vsuls Rug-val do-snriptiani. : ` A Irumhe? al}Sl"r\RS of large dime: suitable `fa; gafq, buoms, and masts of v. l of-the largul manage, can be` procuted a yard. V " n A nllnh-I `C... -1. ,_ -I If fOI'NIOUTll. NEAR IIQGIIIJN. ' Jun. ` I . Rt-pairI,`&_c.,. tqrms. ~ JHIIKPATRICK Kingston, June `. 6,_l850. .. ,.. _.. .-F... -u-an _|lV|llI.UIl'- For pIrlicI'1luinfTil|, &C.,l rjIly (0 Messrs, BURTON & SADLEIR, lhrmllon; Mescrs. READ & LElTH.,Toro.-no; MI. S. PIMP- PEN, or Mr. R. SCOBELL, Kingston. June 29. I850. 153 u ,w I` \Ir\'hEo I VJVHAT valuable properly, in the (`y uf . Himillon,.siluIld between the CH5!` uncut. ms: and the Premises occupic-d by *3 Mean. Bucmmnu &Go|.nu:. helm; 81 feel wt: in (rant, on The Barr, and I85 feel in depth. * This Lat, from iis locality in the best busi- 'ness part of` the City, 15 well wuIlhy_ the ~,Ilh-utiun of Metclls, and, as_llu- owner, I fxqm his absence, is anxious to dispose of it. the terms wilt be uncle mad favorable. _ F0l lIIl'licI"I].|vinf"l"'lIl.a` L. -....|.. n. In, 1 - -..-u ' .% . Jmgxs mat-':n.A 1. Porfkmqulb, May` 3,1850. " ll` ._..__.,._..,. ..._;:_.':'_.._.__- -, W H ' ' an; an at`: at In J|lI'_lD. nines: R283. AVE teceznd 1 In usmnu-nl' oi? GOODS, cntpoislingn e\-`cry at id: in i Linc if rniuir C4-9 HI- -2. UST rant-ind and [or sale at V the CITY BOOK STORE an rxtensive supply of Books suilabiq for Sahhuh Schnnl |.ihnn.ies. including the :eriuv"No.-. Lam! 2, published "by the American Sunday ._S`chn-II Uuiun, each uric: comprising I Libraty of I00 vnln. m-ally bound and numberel, for the` low price omo; - `E. \v. m |.!m.;.n ' "' --_-v:---o_-uncut 'ln'{1nls.mn...:...u.-.......,.. IDFDIDQJ` 1 i-n_: _....'_-._.t. gum!!! Inn Fur funh nude to . Hutu rot 'i""a1-`I901-s A;-r min , To incl oxioalu may he demanded, and lit) Inich pylon! will Ibo mun monthly. - rm; Conan, 64;. do. do. Cll of Em] Wood-, dn. 1 da. . NAVAL IPPPIJBC. A ,, To consist of Oatmeal, Pelt, ohd ' Voge!a- Hon of the liu'tqIn|_ily, delivered on bond in such qiuintiiiu is `may be deuunded. M Pay- 1 upon! monthly. I I la... La .t|.I, .. hung. C_._m_-_'L_._ ,-,, _._...__._.-_.__._ - .__--___' i bl tb " % 0 ' ur.rnAa3_h shl tot` lowing the Powe Home Puwer, Low v tuning`: Siinch Cylinder, II on : \V|toi Lat Iron ant port of the Harbor o * situated for various ,Thon is not; Grist `neuter to the city only put at Kingston an found [Inten :hops. FBI` furthnr nnrr- nu an-sI!...4i-.. ---- wn Water Works Com lull ten milbs. paths to which In ,are d, isous upiyriot N:-iv: 90 q, Beam Engirio, `nth 5 feet stroke, in; on the mat conveni~ f Kinnton, nnd well mgnuhcluqing. yurpones. Mill on the main land, _ The pow-erjl now applied Auien, tanneriu, and on r- r of I Prnsur I.,. July am: 1350. 1 Tm: DIRECTOR-Sn_I` lho any o{'KaJn .;.. E . tan Wller Works Com ny, are dgaisous gf Power uneriar NH: 90 `awyrlt h'I'Q- - Ejiilunn of Igllendancp frgm A; $1.36 I` -r......... --.L . , ...... --~ -Iurrll success. ' f . Occ. No. 5 King Strut East. lhroVo 1 hole! tango Stud, any the Drug $80!:-T-~f on. V, |uL,.n , V I -- " ' ' Kihgston, July 21, I850; .! ii: gnu minute, h-ii : ! ..- IL. nu-_,1-.__,.n . .. . - _-_..- nuuaaluuo um.-29, ' nnnuu: n1Iri.1iruf "F | ~:- 2 v ; vpuz Advcrtiachhu to; has put ts-:m_ r. gnu. `nu hie viola Iunliun to us: 4 E mum can at dinnau eLh_o E 94 I` Eat cud injau dopmamolof N bu gen nty exmaily cnpleyed us as `~ Province for may ' om past, mthlbc dninbh suceou. n therefore mool'rupoct- inilynqnuu time who I?! dnimui of trail- _`ing lhemltnol hisu-rm.-on on this ncnsiup V Ihnllhoy will slow with as little dc-lny u pouihlo. _ " I Articial c_vei'*IlleI| without pain, and Vin:-Inn move, and match the uound eye pct-` .199." ' ..; T _ ' _'L">3l17T"3n4w. = A 7 0: lie hos: diicriplinn rm mm weecln, in sub qunminu my be req-mevE,for lhg I56 troops. ' Payable luo monthly M II! Orllllicl Inf! on tho Colllmisvannal Ira N]: ' ' Toronto, `hi: June 1850- ocuusr AND Austin , Ontrnmr 3 1`: fun and ran- vurwl-IUI HI`? RUWICI, A Operator an M0 Eyraudtar, ruhnu. Illimnnlwshhcucsrlgihlui mu. "-!l6u`r K|apinn.- I..-|I nuvfll. ' ' `- rlher particulm application my be I sari TSTLE-." l'I:E`. AhS if large cfimensinuxs g, vcsso-ls mmnage, be`: procured at "this madehoril the m6sl,ru3onnbl,e In any City of linpugj. unju- I ll"lPI.'lC`il|Hl_V 0083 [gave tn ` that his Ila Mnim. D :;I....... ;. ....._. AI-In m_a_3r}on 'r:|3_eo.-{full be I -t Shin-ninz [IIJ;!rrls_ 1:2 ems? #303331" 1.. mxss; .r~.~..:n I.`I___.-.7--. nu ma JOW price or SI '13. W. PALMP;-R. I-. .-uuwp IIVIJZJII Bcavebu. ` ""` nu o "' x h` -` 1 2 ' 5 or nm; or Siblc .\.) M the #339 . Thtco-Iojdlifuof Mam ', % Jhnoon: hi; Rclixieus I.-if: 3.1M! IN-al`2. . "*1 Connection of: the Pysical 5ne_nee~ is; 5!, weaken. ;- Z Sommerville.-. __ ~ of Patel : Outlina of Himizy. :1-egy I air {night . `let 6, IL, te. r)` ukrf. ht. ' 9 ' I` II! ha! \l*l\' ,,,9,.? JL`?sT received and for ..V1..`_ ..1 ea: tag," :11 Sammy`: Life` 83:! C0f?|p6ud'rLm`,._`_\`c..3: `called the TUT. . ML" within Th.-- UAV. U] W I Bcuebu. Il 11` INN ES.` Civil 'lgt'Rt"l-_ nu lllll II! M r Vessels of the jml luv \. I I I ~ . nun, `nil nnnl In yrupt nut, Inn until. '10! cards In dcliund II Port Henry , and the runnin- dcr at Kingston, deliveries at the tale of 300 ' Nd: I-of month, the price peg con! to be m- - -`od, pyuenl an etch dclive ._ nail-rut. lIlIl'l'l.l&. , Of 1.-f_Oviu`ou'nnul modtul comforts &c.. t [ho In If the MiliIa:_v Ho:-p_il||s in such `qugnlilholl, may be mluiml. A list ol the auiu, wink ptrtieulm my be Ind at lhii I Fnyitlale monthly. . 'I\n'&-- nunum u H8 ~r~ . , - y -- gram _8ALE,_ '., AN inxlxsh bail! anop%.\.\r, sy .a.j. ?NrIAb1.-'o:`:.'n.. ALa,A HEY, .-iasggjg in your! 036*-gtcrfitglyleuzi and gnu} 533 I cuties o 1.-nay; A pp}; arthi; jn.-g, Kianlon. As:-ad fa IRMI .15.! a . _"i7a I ECEIWED -AIII'!`T-{gr Sale b;-Luly 3011-; Superior Tomnlb Candips, also Hrlmum, I English Ind .\m.zic1n S}-tvrnn ('amHes, foar .v I and Six? - IIHII LJEJ. .5 VIII; Kingston, Augastfgfylgatpf \_ I . av SAWED LUMBER: THE Ulldtilhvd is pvtlltd In I"rti,;H S.&\VED LUMBEIR from |ny`;mH of III! Rjdeau Lfanal, and `Bay 1! Quin!_(', In Us- wego or plhrr Ametigon Ports _' ' . M ._ ` DONALD Mv,|NT()SH.,','.' Klagatomlune H, 1850. H0 " sum: 3, 13:5. 57: ; l_)oolltt_le. lllloni&o. a_ _ nswxaajuua or mm nmsiz .,u,....nr _ . . . "I-3:31, woo. lgonlu-cu` u`: re pfth -best` 'l'- y; no .55.: or hit; 33.9%.. haeior,-, 31:: rlyolhw bitch `and beech. -ION cords to lllivond ion Hepr.u1|d I|Ie_ huntin- J_- .1 I:___.__ J_I:__ -, _ . _.._ --- -av.` yu '. ' 1:. M . -- s-r=~- M m-g..%aao.{`~`[ %"`*""...% ` -._;..,..__._..,- ,_.,. .. .--. 'TllE Suhsrribers are `Aunt.-` for Ihe sale of these Salem, which on accuunt ul their. very gmatdurabilily and petfrct nu:ur:c_r,} ltu unduuhtenlly. the cheapest Sr-ah?s in umj He will furnish}! .lum nolice`: " u um Con. Scnlra. ' Dolunxr um Ponnau: Store Seal:-3, . Want um Hon-ta 8a`_n!e,i,* T-_ ` . 4 `Gnnc`n`.s Dm:uuust _s 8; (.`ri:.\'u:n Scales, " l~I v:.-I .u..utcu.H ith Ind u-allmut bum. A 1 WI: lI.uu_nw Ma es,_ _ H The have adapted,-Ir-"all lhI`,,rI!);m;`.\` for ?.` which weighing in |'rlLuirs\d. ," . __ .f " , -I.` I.\nm\':,` I. -- ' u- v -nnnn. - July 3!. I950` .-._..._--__-._.._. ,-~---a ; i (Imm fnrlhr-I` nof5v:v) `rave II. Browne & Co's Wharf for 'FOR():~"l'U ; no-r_\` `oVednesdu_y |mlSuuday I-Ironing, nflerf the arrival ofma .R`i\-er Mail Sumner. . ~ July `22nd, I350, - 170 The Munlreul Herald nag thrice 1 srcck until urllact nolino. " ` ' "'I'Il~I`l 3II: ` ` ` "&M0 .' rs GARH-`I-`ITH 5: cowl? (2;-3AZ;'."_T ---- -E. BR(.)WNl~; .L1.c'-..', ._ . Cmlnm House Wlmf. ' Kingston, July `.'.3,,l850. ` , I7 V _.._. __ ---dual -IIJIIII l.I`.A_\ Nlw-`voxfanb mwmza mu.)-. % 0PPOSlTi'JNO,N'~L_A'k.E uwramo. I-`Ayn: zu:nvcE3Tn.u.7i'-z~nu__- ._._- Cabin 8`: ; um SI. . . la W , "c.r"; ' H .~...`.3`. .'r'.5&s }=-coenuc-`en... .1-. nl|rrrui.....-..-____ . In WAINf:I_ A J FIIHMIND. II.mI..nI~. ._ FIIII III if M.)-->oaouh Soelkr, nntiliann nnv In in-nnaml nnulu. .......n. _ .J r|n!Ml`.VlJ . P. Glli`I`l'Hl.- C BAKER. --- ..I_, Ch: Inna, I IirI{A4_gL', Hrrdnc-at Ilufu-rt-. Ornct nu Ihc Lu Jlnrlu-1 Square. Juli Ii. IRSI1, ` uruuma but lnummrc (Pom): ' Hdrqhj Loft g~Ihhl lnmaruu 3,1!` net-eilury inl'--rirmlinn in u Iboin Companies. ill he chccrfuh plionliou Io ` - `mm -an:-n1: `onr:ur.\--`r p|>-n...a.-- . .. _` uummng u cumin ago. Fuv mat: 30 yenranf ago. by plying .-n 4 thiumauf-Q? 9t. 90}. mil vet-I-`ins 1.`!!H nf 60.0; puygblu moner, if death III4 Willgmnlor purchvm: nnnuilia con mpnrn Una. Also California Innis, II `duct.-dz IM. _i { The % Steamer " Queen," rtvul I l-. um _pv-up-nu w in! nu IIIU Ilugl qn `summing cumin Fur . aon30 yeuunl an. be nnim uuu In I an uM.1.. I New rml" (,dqhlt5'_ld. with an unimpuiml pi. 9 MI. |n'd mminmg IfIJIMlIl smut and a Main) { Bunch. omhnain; tho pnrutvgoo of two Como ' puma rill; am; an Qlpouie of one : -u-4+! incurs jainl Mn; pnjnlblc no N nurs-Amy, --1 at the ocqnin at an in: nu] Iiaagllnllrn. p `pt-lo qu illaminn cumin nan. F... ;.m....... . M. llIl'I(!'l aquuo. Jul, 6,_ I850. i_un1'1~`o no |.m:.:7n:\:;rur ix; II III-It `Inn!!! Illll llet.` _ II. IN of Inn in` licu of oils, and chitin ` Ila pnpouIuuI,'$C llu olgtnnjnssu imm , Of` My `lo Btuppiiul by the eonnuiotwlacn . Plynun monthly. ' V_ CANDLES. ` `Fallow mould. ll!) pounds of the but qlllity. in ion: If 50 lb nth. 6 I 8 lo lhe * gr, navel paid: as any lw_ demanded.` ' ' per litto in "sliced, payable on out delinry. M ` DIQQI Inanosun -II pmnlll II! who r W. illilnonlinned.` 'CcunlnIIiu. Eiomoo, : at Anna, um Mziur i.'oItx'r::o1"i'_`*u`cn>T. run: ANM INLXND N.\\ IGA'l`|.9$\~l.\'S. L1). 1 !"I`0'-l`Vf`Ii'd.ll , .Iu!a:c-lTa.n.l (p.;' - um-I l.a_'/3`, .l":re "mu! Jltlrfnr Ins. ('0. _ g -_.:_:-n;- nu uuiuucuurr, 0| .-agent In! H10 H30 ! Comp'|ni_ ya gm-pupa In e!l _n'|`[a-iv-rial ` l-m bunches. on If fnwahlo twain up nay ounce mpui-ohi!o`L`o'mpanzto. - 1 snaps :.n`t:- n:st'u;mc1: cu. (ldrvrl Ran} than n` n..-:..... . 1' ._ _ "E Sublet ! n Cagnplmici 'Ca}xd_loI !: dndfol 35 ' , puFeT.7..".Te'}.' M Tamar I My tho day of sale. Fairbmin Paieiit Scnalols. ' Washliilon fang? nsnxnen 0! (Tap: \'megnI, Jllytf .._.|._.. - V- V` -'--'-- 9 p .. 1'.-am u ch n fo ha? a . lion cl nI_ion .toF|:.deli.v':r:d J...a.' n, ma ulna. II the?!` quarter! and cables. I I` I 0' `III h\' an of nnlu, nal .ln.2u'n-- Shit 320055., `I-N6 uh} N6: L- .I88lGNEE _O`IAL. -"II-I , In all |llI' it rr uirod. `E. R()W4\' Ii l=`u..I..._ ll-.. rs uum .'\ mar 1`- ' Bnninfu an (`un.sdu.J rut. ` ` _ a Lculhcrkon: of I. I"u||_:.'junr - 1:. w. P.-x'r..\z1|:n'. II `.911,-. anal-:u:snam:, 5 32. unnenm.-xx ......'..r u v .-___,.__. I:"l _lW!..ifN| N':Irl)f| `In I" chcernrr river: nn 1 I H u awzx. {- -`l Fm Kluplnn, _ :1`. D . I _...--_. _ All kl the `III Reginonlnl Ocdn. ':hIf$lI|`v. %; ` L -I UUIIU lllll o(Mr. GM? ., ,_,.`:; __,...I,., NH rectum Elf!!! nl Ihfjgn uni! uhou!d\r.c-uv. _ v ronfe-i"e'n.1;...--' `ifuil "min Ininn mu -_ 9 ylw` v `Fin liiinnm Cu. _ `np .-au-smrvc: all In! nun Eouisi SODA WATER. I ' pi` _ 53$: : "rd f`,:h I f.PLA6 rf. 5 ud- 1e`5:`}:3xpfan'E>N:?:Pi~: ';.~:saAL 5?. - 5I?:t; ; :3 2:31;; 3:6` 0.: draught. 1153' 6t"_n pnsurn, n; I nwpoel Ike 3`y, [men an op- IITII . Yaw. Lz's:= um-; __.u.. m:;.: :... 5.... "" -` 39133953 WATED. :11? Latin` vlurl l'I , union ' v d i 1;-may an` a lag mupa. raylhle luo monlhl Fmnnco Commissana ; Incl. r -I161 I71`; ' H _ `TI )5 -Jqluhc Newt. $012 I. . j T` [`.H(I-E H`-lm-3', Quldrillcl, Pitt ' _ .1 H.--'-a. - A- W n.i.'r'. a c._.m 1' A iJ.i|V\' 9. I350. ...._...--> '-2:-.-_:____ ook 4. M: ~'F;;.g_ w1;~r- :1 --:y-Ir!) na '15:` . uq, cs.-7r:"o,;c. i:.!:.' ` Il'mgau.lq[. .1850. 4 VOIICE is !mebg`qinI,lHIl'Ul `A 1 no am~val<. whatever, rupoclihac ' TAXES mh be,t`r:uTl:y(hn Connof ppuh -on Axsessmrnt, or IIIQ Cmmcil, lulu ill ` ;si4!io:s conlplfwilh tha Act If, hltlf ` hv aiisiajg hoce, iii w:i1inz,lu Rh! Ci! of lhe_ovc!-chant! cnmaieined 0 50% ! IOU! Hay sf AUGIIST Mal. Any 15. V Ippuh ,-n;.`oz,- .2 3 mgr mgms. will not be rrcziinnnl.-.m..;... Iuul HI) IJI A-U5-I!.l.`Jl "'ll- mac; fserm, WI" my! mslug,-.. Ru` ..r- ---ua, am; nan I'0.u:!I Hall mmrhrd. `I`o.-L-simian `in `.'\p iy Io H ingnn, July 25, 1350. 1--in Ill -III. 0! Ian: haul nln `- -0050 n sly chuIhnd,.I :d go Lu J 1...: pol:Iio`;I of hvllilhd qiuhn.-`Do pauper IN punish in sound, payable n-an_usly. ' rune: A TH nlioln lot Artillery uid Cavalry to con- I id of: - 1 woo L"! v iI2*? .210`?! l\ll[\lhH _|[0a '1. `JIIICC I1 nzuriu Sn July 7, -4- uiun, Iouut mu A y lo I Tl 3L4! Iuiiy, `$50. , % New nooks; ` 1' '|'S'l` `Retained . dad for salt tl Nil city '1 9 Bk SXI)h". J` ` . uTEw Hulk I3.|:"Ig|iler,'hy Ill! 0`. f% '`:.-\:m mu.-re," Lditcd by an Rev." \\'xl!::n .q I'|`(`, B. D.. [I Ruth Blue-'le\'._lhe Belrulhcd Maidens . 'lII('LI|I"|.UI7lNI[ We-ekly hiisccllily No.`- `I , |.- us I: n... my "I! I-1 .'\'ru` 5:: AnQuu.- I L. S I riu UT 5 hh Cnnccuinn K`inp_ou . W5; I IN`, abuut fmr mil;-3 from {Q}. . Im Iv In 'l'Iln`2 l'lEDA'I'llll'|r ' ' 1W iii?-`ii 'it1~`l6ii. Tf6nu iEIiEs to :1 twang] had for the empty Fiour .......... ,1 CK n`-...V_._n:_-_I -..-| _ . runs: -1 awn: mu nu no [Qv[ufnQ|7q!Vf Otvcc I.-n - Ivlvmz J;.:_{26, 13.55. . ., ....- .-u-.-::uru-r- ` ` "Tl , , and has (`oath Home rhrd. I`o.-j-seuian given .3`. ` `VII 8 'l|lll| 33,, mus - FORT SRLE3 - -' u.\.\'n.~`o.\n: m-I!-bu-:1 BAY `OSLO-L ` IMS, 8 yrals OM; quick to rich otlh. Am-l_\' lo: \'|"H.LM.\l WAR`, _ V- 110-1. 1 Kiulgxtc cm 5? nnaiif III! II` irnm Pug m;u;.;; h:ataIg{:nd Onuhta * HAITI. . I lamb of In-Fund 5 I It ` loll quality I to to do nu! ::o':l'nn(?onis: _: uuiul Gum. `not of chemo, ih`thm `CliV!If . Iv-Idtilu ndoudclinr ding. tlha hynouwi .a..amu .'um,-.1. sauna" Inn. 3 n no rum will 5. llpplird , as. comm. 2 :1 Ilricl. and the Tundet to ml: the Mambo: of E pounds If Bind Ihl Iill In rely-v3gj_ [qgf "U 1 ?i'!l"i'3CrKil ."rorull|'cIora III cannon an inn! I`... on- -...... us- _ 1' Vi : --_-r3.-:,=a--- ` -FOR SALE. P HUT of 1.: .13 in IbrCuy` or Rid ` l:).nniug l hc`Su!.h Eu! cal-nun-J ..._., .-nu-g mm Lnzlrnel work. An. .\zs.n', ARMOUR `a Ca- .,I..1, 9, mo. { . . . 15: 5 Sauna Name in cumrvf by the :~IIh,g`cu'hrl -is GQIIIWH` 4 `lid '1.'!\ ".llf.`| `lung: and `RI-"-|- q-_ 3'P{` &"`u` `- ` I " .;.`..(....*...`::':::'*3.:."$.:;t'*'*" `M ! Jail It.-n~iv.! R.~\.\-N n- 1 `.1 lfunnn n. n- anal l\("I`|'| I .\ M 9, aw-to - 45: vA,'.oVv. zd o:._drwgh1. tn , . _- .:u--- -I-C j l'.`lfR.\`lS[lED m l"nf-amkhol. 30 Hi .SsrewI--\\;nh` I pvinb uhqltt. cm. of ,\.mm nppiy at this Glue. l(n: $5.1, 1&1`. _ ,..-_ -. ...-. .na uv III! LII N I I tanning rhc`.\'umh East 0l`lI_lf~.' MIJ Pmvceu .5-IlPIi. . For tum! I KIRKPATRICK NEVER I8. Kim:-Ion, June Sif1,l850. '39- ! r nexl Jun!` In INC Chill -Sire;-I. Kingston, (1. W. 7. IW. - Ihlotoau. '5 I .olSm otlh . JAMES CAM ]\'I'lu;`~lu-'5, Inn: `U, `SW. _ > m :.<`r 12 1-:1'r:I\"I>-Frmmi .6 Hm!-all ,-:1` NIH Nl\|:ls{ \`..hl....-..`.l I`- --l A "' uands::;i;;rziIu To lat U-I vv BUUISUQ If Haul`: D.mlI`ter. by lh$lIa|H ` Anny Herb: xt -'L-1uelqn ' uatlqr cg _ I-:.!.u-`d `by lhe Ru. ` Wllh; C "EH0. hr` who l'uLrm'!alcd Secret, Ii lilo`. Imlr) , Hm Bcmullml hiljdan, Wu`. .('ulf1'lIlq-r. J-M R.-ceiw-J H.\.\jS.H', MIMCUR & co . ._ . --_: `NEW 1M_usIc. nu-uu'u| lr.`| ".3 .\:.sl rtliugmii C 1 n T ` R\`!\:s`: \5 5` u}v.5...'. um: n:on}}:{aai-;n , In! hug " l'.e e.'..:".'5,. -u. .!`..'.'.".{8? m ) zrnlfrns arm diux \ . WOOL WANTED. ., ` - Ibo-'i~{he0l Cash Pticofatwool. W - i"(`S$l`u nlnlnnn ` 5-. nn, KM: hut, 1350. run sTA'-Tx.i:::.V Almv 3339559. c--- 1343.30 TEHDEIS, in duplocnp Ad-n Ila:--LI... n -I-._.s__ 1, , . ......-a nut`. 0| (0 ' ` T. KIRKPATRICK- -:nn,(`20Hz Junr, I350. 11 . ""`-"-'= Wvvuu >'.\LX`. b~ ' ~ :- uh , -I :.a.?`y-135, 88: T Hv:\L`tx r'. SL!uo\[p 1|. wngf u, 1 _ I` V |\tl'|n A Au--g-.._ awn-uruil IV 1` Lil _ chihhon. . ..A..- I..!. .2 W.OOL! WOOL`! I llffl V0 m.u ~s.n',' -ro LET. : nu mm"! nom I. U" n mos. KIRKPA'!_'Rl r.' i-- ` ' l&_2'J"i . .. `In! "DU 1' e on H. Ind iascrs, with and witlolt 5.13-I - the same position. . - Xacu. was uucnoll l;In-c_utnr `at ! the lulu JIIOI IIE.`;`Qh . " ..` A.` NEW Books`; .1`. II... .|... . "nun 'l'IANiP0l|f . `.-.uba;n\:~I\l`Hu-U1` M :1 ca 3 ' fa-1?. -r. Mr. E.I:u:'u b `Iu?.!.hr- v -H pu.-n-nion lot a yeunlahu Ir gs .hl.c 47 hrrdty culigg 3 mg the .uu:e,. g in M In; 0 9 uh. .. g--.` ..I _A-In--A`- POI; - SALE.` mu rrn. ' .Ju35-I3. I95). 3:. r`g.'AAg,1,";_,_ In.-Hf `of La! No.8. Ill COI`. 2, with Bmkm FRI! TI. izlhe Village nfltll. ply II the Octol Ill Elk I4 lu`l'1*. or In 7-V usual Mlrigt Hg A I rdot. '.~*.`.`'-'.Ty}';1 L. o.& "400 cnncyl in upon! It IIll_I nun. Cudithu ICIIII Itvqnl Contracts may he IIQI. Illflrlhl icilm made known at dto on a ' alien.` pnelioool retaining in `tho hand: ` duo Ccndiiuut. lolhtnd at the Canine: - mini n-t -nunhn u.Im.t lI`..r-L~....... --.. if, .-umoun l.-Co: -ll`?! I"'l! UVIIl.7'"' . Inns: and I `Sub!!! wen in-msedialoly WM. GRANT; n `N a val DIN," af lho`;nl:`.IU`IlCI >3 1:5`, Wnllian, III J38`, nu rue; 3 won`. Browne t. cg: . J. Amer: 2; '3: "'.u?zE"J trrulmlhn munch "iv :1;'.',.-.= 1'13 155 % tad I-ll Hi ya! I73 -7 . 3. Barristerjgd . Attorney: 011' -the late (`ma ofy!irkpat:i'k & A urrmsu.)A `(lccnn Yin; Strveg. next doc: 9:` the "tunes! ubO'I.9r; V ` '75! i3}{-{mi . Dock Sfun. tnlxcsn and'l3`I-nT\'It_set"1d slntern|liM1;IA1ai ' watt`: Hist.-cllnny rum: asm. T sum calamm, oHhe'l"'nIal :.,b_\-Tw. l .\I. nnniornv ' ' ' | THE um\leI-ni id :3 ! take Spanish Q43 I ten and HI I`-cxanen at Is. 3:}. and `Ed. T .. I 031'. McCOR.\CK. Itinnhin Rn] Ann. liln . ll -_ v..-` I B12630 infaun their Cntniiucn in King} msn taut Mr. J. D. Gin of their Farm, ` mu do Manes! an honnr of wlitingupon lhemhnbou! the tenth day of um pmenl In M . ` ` M , , uontkll, Any! 9136, I85). _ 18} ` o.I.1ll\I\.lL Luw`ld V A ` . . 11 or we Lnun. `P`'_``" W n:.:'"T;'; Y"*` me to this Imml he in-this raga NEAR: suPPOse:! lo Merriam, npnum "mama-| M3001 John `.85: s`t|00lIlluIle|*. An gm-' c`.".".7 5'- -Ihore, will be Ihlnifuily 'r_;"':ia.I;n;wn of the . . I . ,. ......`f`.:*..'i7.'3`.-'!.i ..f.?..'.-.. "*"~ . I84-25 1-`. I-.rriucI': onmrcan of the Coun- _ ty Anlrim, lrlaml. who came this A.-:5-1 3- '35 u RUDE. III Kingdn, 3rd' .ug., tsso. - (..__.;,,_ UIIII uxpiqnu. :0 Ill end an IM Conlru.-| l.`.H`hU=`::.di`nulu.i:Iu:nd...` BM'_r".".' 7" |,uu II GUN [:91 `o'clock, P; M. I. Dian; n-u..| \. v CIIICI, r. HI. I _ Plans Ind Specications may I icaiiomto Mr. Wag Manic. rtsmoulh. 61]: August, I850. urn:-6 '[`EN6RS fat the erecliln ind com .142-- lion bf I STONE SCHOOL HOUS _ in the Village of Pottsmoulb, will he rcceived at the residence of Mr. JAII3 Sc`nIto:nn_.` ,till WEDNESDAY lha Mm inslaul, at 6 no 1:Iock. P; M. . ---u.-vb w iwwjw UV: WI` I [DST n-eginl and for ah Illuo any .`loakS8m-c. " % wuu In: Irqlllfrll. Cummisnriat Oco, r ='. Mnhltehl, "`n_d August, I850. ! ..__ -,..,.._.-,., , , 'l`H Co.u.uIss.uw Guzman. `will receivy Sul Tu-_mIen (marked Tbnderlnr I Billn") dc Monmnl, until noun, on TUES- DAY the 13!}: inst, Tor Billx, II lhiy days ught, an Her Majesty : Treasury ; the ro- ct-uli in he id into the Cdmmis.-aria! CE! at Manna QIHIIIC; Ruins`:-xx tad To-. . unto in'Mxicuz or L:-in-d Slate: Dolhn. No, I`end-1 will Be nuliced which does not ` stale the tale Starling, pal ullu, It \vhch A the panics lend:-ting Ire wiltnz Io pl me ` `sauna ingo Ihc `Commissuial Chest. ' hey : also`: should notilhe sets in which I11: Bill: I] will he Iequiyecl. nnllnicnsriul 031-; J Illll LIIIIIIIQI Ul M. Thackeray. Jan! H `Dunn _ '. IN l'RN'.\'I`l0N.-\L MlSCEl.LANY,mnnth~ ' By put, glue, the weekly pan for Aug. 5;` ' 1-2; W. PALMER.- J..u...-n 0 salad - -`- omn""'{bb.} % % nlerelul Tailors. Mgitnal. din mIlecn%.:hov'umei\iidpe'l|, r'Jl"lc' p_l'i.t7` [hot I! }Io'I'II I of u Conuuiaurul, either . Just nee-mu, ` V _ ha MSAY ARMOUR 1 Co. L King.-Ion, 9th August 1850. 186 ._. _ ` . N"iawi6[5'i?L_W JUST" nu-iired and for Sqle at tho City _ Hookstm.-- V -4-Iv-II-' FRANK FAIRLEIGI-Lot Scenes in the Life of I ,I'r:vnte Pupcl. - ' MR. DALTON'S LEGKTEE, I Very Nice Womnu `4 V ... .....g - urnlusprczl or pllclllg 519(11- cine Ind Sllrirry for July. llama : New Mqulhly Mnusine for Aunt. The International; I miscellany of lure * _ Scirnco and AM for August. V ' i Stringer 1 Townsen a ln!ernuioml-Weekly ,* - Miscellany, I`. August, 5. ' I Jlhl R Fill-I aunt It ! I.OlW0_lI ;`|'IIIIinI I'll . Th: LHMMII Llncel for August. Bailhn-ails : Retrospect of pm I A:-_ n...`I L`.-_.x,,..l - I Tln londm An Jon;ua_a.l tor July. Sh: ac`: Londug: Magazine for Jon (Inn Llnnnn u A.----I T710 SUI!!! nf England-'-TI`Snms!r0!sI.k; T311 lEh.DOIIllJ_ Lifc, by G. W.M. Mn. Dalton ; Lgalee-l wry aka Woman, I by Mn. Slam-. - ' Funk I`nle:h; or Sea! on in -lha_ Life of a- . _ .1 Pri` Mg Papal, til nhcmul. iiluslrl-` * an . rni Arnold, by Mn. Hank; ` bi Empire jlily ; or How York" by" High! Inf Day. by Geo .l.vpp4M ` The N'ng'iItiagn'le ; or I Jenn! Lind Songs- ` tor, No. 9. ' ` A The Shoulllel hot, or Slcltirs at um Ih,rec- fuld Life `olinn. by B. F. Te. Culyln Lulu D4` l unphlou,No|.5,G&7. _ um received, , RAMSAY ARMOUR & C0. Allgnst 9, I850. To Mjasolsi V-`Wpil, Inll Specie or'B5nh Nolan; wit`: the j -nu-main; um u will be `up ' viii II! Colbllilalrinl to Iccepl nf 3! Ttll. nmnining sup lien and other nuvleu nhonmentioq-ed, an I be paid kl`, III Iflgl the Cnnuninnrinl ohlnr anus pr EXCH-AN_vGE.V Lo ll- |I.4lU Woman I`$`IJ Mn -DI .' ,'f'""i';s':. h. `-6 1 : SE33:-lie-u us. 05:". .``.'.'.' ' `i .``'- '9' ``*..`.`.'::`::.`.`...'.'f:. :'.'..`r..`; o-mgr _ _ and amp; the umlu at, land Funalin. I'I{,=-- ; Q 25 Wool lhnu. `ID Sun Pi . - ` .. mo Stun Pap: II an atom In naming kw; - 10 Cal Inn Sun Studs, 1:; to snolonval ll`: Oio,` (Q ah -tau -4-- --- ` rm: mos M551}? Qij, Just rrcrivtug `13A'MsA! A RMOLk a co, NEW 'aob`$.V` IARRACK FURNITURE. CIEII'Iu lust rtceiud. A'1lAT llkllf -v-u-u.-- wvu --vu on V `cm. in unI."'$;.".Z,i;".`;L` ..g.,.}; ;. fllfil that Contncu will be exempt ll" paynut If Toll on\.;f_Il Calanqui Cumniisu-i'u,b nu... -.nn..;_. ._ New 'B`6:_oTKs.` r. _w. r=.u..\u:n_.g% I WI august. '~`P"~l oipnclicag Medi- .-II Tn! Julh, E: 5;! 'I\_lI!.nndrb D- all: 151 M18` will In Iulmllnl tmly Iron. Talon for Fresh Bnfand Fleur lo up:-cify tlulbo at which thou micln will by delu- g min l_w'o model at payment; nImel~ E. :':'.:-..=. '73: I83 I Moninif. Julr 311?,- fS.'5.'.J IR]! -.7u7_r '-""95, 193'- E _ ` . v i = I . , i 473 the Hafdnru Lin`nf Business r nit fat tho- g _;. ' "' of print: f-Imiliu, country c-alert`, kc, FEE Subscriber begs locinfqnn the tun!-"E M_sn hl_V- constant ; on hand, Cu_Fnmn,_! : ling comauziily. (and plinhy Anni-E Juumr. Cfqnpeys, and Bhchmilhs aoxrot gcuhhou cimi Ila Ci! .) lbs! thraboreitflfy d"`"P*`'3- 1-1918. "Plain! Wan. _ wi he in PERAT ON as herctobro Colkg, Gian, abut, Body And Bu Iran, , ronanducr MONDAY, the I-'1!-TH dn ot[T:n.` chad Wraogh: l`h.`_k 0! dfhsazos. ., . ~ _ , ` !_ H. DAL , gfaruun TUmu:2s.'&: take, .319! which -: No. 2,6121: 5:. .!.-an 5me :.4 will 11 isreezd cf cc enodcrm Y!_1 m:~- A 4-,; uuuua. cumming arc-cry Iliclc K 1 . if" :...n... ..f... "1"~?;iEI`.% - Winter Dry Goods._` u I uUV'|}\.`g ILIIKIIIH III ufnclfh I U Snus .(imu'.am, for sale by l package. . T t , V WM. McMlLLAN&Co., I.`-- '01..-. wnonesuo `.|nc.-tic; in}: `runtssi/o`n" A 9 8'fDJEx .-. .---__ H, l Tm: _e>ua5scn'Ini:E_1xur: jusfreceivn! for sale |c(maignmem_ consisting of the _fol-` lowing, Vil{- l`....|i..|. (1.... c-...n.__ Kingston, jlllll #4, I850. 2-,. V,"l` the Warehouse of the Subsqriher, even _ ` Tuesday Afternnon, II 3 ofcfnck, of`: I -Merchandise and other properly cozbsixneii M. with onions to be pgsitively sold in that-mun Puhiic Sale. net. Nn goods umfi !i:ni_l will he cgted g; I A Initn our . ._- ` sup-on go: the era} ah. -"rm... um Named duly rm. MIR & M Ilnfnntl Flnnr In nnm-ZR. KL;cTTOJ sues WEEKLY. salt" Penn Cake Blasting in Tins, Indigo -- ', rrls. .'o1.Iomi , Madder, Alum, Drum n _Hl|t|: Le-ad Lawn-black`, Chalk, Matches, 9 T(`GI_'l`lIIR ,_wlTH ! I Liqumice, Sugar Candy, Ground Ric;-, Tnhlel I : i Tallnr, Carbon. Sda. Sll Soda, Epsom Sam, n . I `gk, f|: c;,ba`e.v&c. :5 FunryVDoor _5\hlls, Clnd JKin5s!on, July 20, I850. wwIn_x,_ unz- Evxglish Grass Sc)-thus, German Gl_Iss, - - Fl-` Gun-mvder Carlin` bet. White Paint, Iegsl Superiar Yellow do. Dry While Lend, pure. C-Inverts . ' .4 . . Alnun Gingim, extrutmng. Canmry Seeds. J ;\` E Vernon! RY GOODS. English and Aueticaq, Indg (Bantams. fur gal: I. u... Kingslon, Ilgnsl 3, 18%. ! Chests sud half elm): Yr,-an: g .* , `fool: Gqpg-oiilet, .` . lnporisl, Finn Pekgtg-Bourbon`, snd pu- - Onion`. , - ` ' " BFNDRIRS. - ; Bans s_"ups r Honeydew To!-fees, .5`: 8 8'3. ; Thnmsmfs saprtinr Principe ('53-an, . M Half-Bun Tobacco P-Bu. nromd. ` i ` Bout Pan WM}: sad #2: a Sgsrch, _ Cm Glq dfs slant wder bur: ,1 A B6": lfsloijbd Fi_ Blue, . 1 Bus Lsgusyn am! his Cofce, A Teirces huh Csmljns Rice, g Bbls. do do, . 1 I `~ Jam Mtmsnl, 4 & 9 In each, u | Cues do. injlnu, _'_ M ' Boxe_s_ run`k&`Hvl_I Sslerstus, Boxes ytuu sud bmwn Windsor, Almond, 1 Tonlot sod Pains Sosp, . _. --- Jun Msccobog Soul, A ; Rum Wtstpqng Papa r, `ssso.-ted, D0 Qf .3 __ $10. . ` Bsgmdonl-led `sift: Efgck Ptlppor, Boxes superior ground `do, Ken 3-sun around Ginger, Z 3 Bsln Bmcrbon Ciovn, .Bs|es Csnsway Suds, _ BM: Nutmeg: (on lots), Cssos Le!nuu'Sj'rup, Cue: sup. Bird Poppet Sauce, -Dos. Corn Brooms, . " Do. Pale-nt Psils, Bases Suiting Candles"-, _ . BOX?! Enxlish SpI'msndrBc!mon;C1nJleI Bsanwalnlnts, - ` . Buhblivq Oil`, Boxes 1\lontrul`Sosp, Bus` Liverpool n: s-toved Salt, snd Hhds. sllpiur Cn sc.Br..n-ly, . Ildsaou Mm-um. nu. s. n....:. me 5 S Hhds. Homnd Gi'n,.Dku_upe*, Puncheons Jnnniu Runr, Do. Whiie (Benton) Rum, Hilde. mp. Port Wand Qt. (`asks > dn ` 6, '(]r. `em. nae Sherry & Madeira wine-, Bub. Landon Putter (4 duz. n`blI,) .. Hbls. superior Bourdunx Vinegar, ' Bblsg Spirits Turpentine. - Tnlfnrs u-n-In uuua. Illprrlul Ln It.ur.nu|y' llmg M.arr.eu'a Pole 3- Dark,` Hinds. Holnd bi'n,.Dekuupe* Jmniu Rum ' ICWU V` . ~ , . . , . .. iri;L.:'1.."?{'.'f"u;;;;::::::t:ii:: (`n-lg ._.I 4th-. --....-..-