`4 ' wsnumarse acon.o;.. If ns. wodsh umj 7* And, at IIich' d.a'e.:otice in 5535:. I!-\I.-bl!-lv8lv!.|8n. 190' 1 at ...n. mwn cnnA s':.! '.:.:':.:....'"'......,*.7.`.:.`s.:;;.. i_ Vii? hi: can thoccol` lIwSJ.- eggonwsn sans`, u 72: at August, llnql $5.1; 7au"'.3'-If : ".` ."" u'seD|')'s'-' 1 II 02- ante NSABLE `FUNDS Ill! Seciuy, in` II)! and ugzer. . . .. . 15! tour: will he in nluudqncg .1 5 o eIe:i. . . ' L . ' oftlllsocieiy his beer '. : SIIIQC CI F. 9;] int h. an Vick-ti: Warehouse. 3' > Bruin. .- mun eunu- l"""?"'. . - . . Amoul eye mental without pan, and ; nut Io move, and mud: lb: sound` rye per. ` fully. ,. Sqiiuting cited in `one minute, with guar- Interd upccegs. ' V . `, Ola No. 5 King Sheet Fat, three door: hehw 1% Stree as D S! J Ihhlz l,oVnrv`e In; an: -4.; []__..__t _...-_ 2, - - - -- = Ki-cum. Au;uIl=.:,,`1L&,so.- y yeiu, Sign his" whole nuenliim to the _' Indlncnl on: can of diaelses oflhn 12;`: and Ear and in um dnputmcnl of his ptofeuion, `ha Set: my mminly can-ployod in III: M Pn_Iinu {gr many data poi, Imh the anal domublh sleeps. 9 mod mingl- ltllg hush than who am demon; of um!- iing lbenselns ol hi: on-rvicui on this occasion Isllul they will do so with as litllc delay as ,,-1-uu nuvrlllaut nu not me past lwt-Ive WA N:l'ED IIMEDIATIE LY. Kilglhl, July Help 41$. `THE Adnrtishr life 'pas\t `Ire-Ive I - yein, giienlnis` allentiun to the _____:.- MIDLAND `um-rrmc'r Inn-bum sooxu-Ir. "I`I!l` _.-n I`..- 11.-..-__ ,1- IVIC order, < `--pun-vuvv--DC -n|uo|I.uI-Ill.|lllUllF, _ ~ Anxkaporubnunmhnmeumnn I AVE fbcetved 1` II Iuottmenl of GOODS consisting eterj; miire in the Hhdume tine ofnsim-39 ' aired fotlhe the ofpcinle families, country OIIQI1, &;c. f Mao huh connltnlly oh Fund, Cu titers, ` Joinenr`, Coupon. arid Bla'r|:smiI|I.s _' ojols of 3 any deatlnplfoh.` _Lamp, Plated Ware, Cutie ', Glass, SheeI,Hmp and Bar Iron, : Tin. at and Wrought Nails bl` all luau, Fanning Ulen:ils,&c. he. &c'., all of which Ivillhdie I ofon moderate tennis. . ` July-me .185: , 170 * pine an or nu you-su LII?! IlDI:r_wn.mu ..._ -,-,,,, CIUITGCQC -I . `P.lIIAI- CIHII [Hardware Bainblilhmint, A: use sun on'eAun. Ptlrrutnal - . __ _ ` ocuusf AND AURIST, min: A4 0`. I`... .;_J (3-- --.vw- run`: U1TT`IC" ` iernlorodllc Egccillor, I _n-nu... .':i own `or ma... DOOLITTLE & GRIFFITH & C O: MOLLISON, 0........... . .... . [nun HEW-I`! `. co. - No-n-yuimu or page... . Amull. . . . . Non-pyileu. :].:L:.-.'.'.'.._....'....:: _, -- -uvcn 1- ~ - :?-,1I`llI |3lil,t3w., ----.-..._ __..... : Anull .. .L:Iu|ho{CouI1-L. . - u - \ - - . - . - . . . . . "YOII All? GHVIGODAILY. uuuunu_ouuu. ;m.l.w'un'a.` A True Extract, . . . - . . . . u . .. 1 V` Sub dog... .0!!! Jiinc... . Int Juno . .2ud.Iuno... Inn A. -:-.I--.; .3 -__ -- `v_1-~ 117' mam KIUC.` NIL Jun. mm Jan. `Nth April. .2! Jun... 1013.; .n_ I nd. Apult Jul Jun... . Dad lind- lu.L 1..-- . In. 1.` . I31]; Juno.\ .17 `MIG: J. I _ . 3`.':"" 1 I `I. I . 's..`l.I. . l_ r . no - g, u `map. `uh ` ........ - -1"` Mlfil Joan W. ' . h V U . . . . . . .. .-4 mm s A. on . a.`i::::.i:::::i.':::::: "253. an L: tsus I .1 1:9! `,u|lqB 9 no Suhuikr c I l`"uu, -2 his Yu, oamso ....".I`.a Cons wudvyqomu Hun Woo, at c: -cdlemq-nifty. ` k _ , umza c.mPu::.t. % IIagHoa.Junc 10,183). I1 " *`-*Q- 3 --wu-:_u. -*=-'r.-...-- --~= we Fc ,h: I E58 n sX:.E 5,4; '1"nnu7a_a W `W. C. D Ildpd. Rel:-ne. . _ Orly.-I L: can tmpasaua urn`; fay,` unset II uni .\lrh'IS`-.rI. flulyi. 53- ._......_._.._.u.__ ___,,.__..-u -nuns-III! Ill` K1 wuss:-u in rain rues. lg: 30 yuan--An_uu| fur Lita: # Edna! Lili luau-nee Comply 2 5 : am ` Ia` .1-tam cc-up-Z I 61 Huzlgiuhfj nhucuqc "I H Al! mungyinl`-rnukt_in pqnu II` I nbuvefauipgnel. tilliiou >'f'lIQ_I@_I` nlienunn u. - nu. ma cnllllll on Jun! Slocinal a Malia] Bnnch. planting the pxirihga at In Cop!-3. ruin wish . only IIII expense of one`: will aium joint lint. puynbh In the Atviibf. -t at Ibc begun oflh lot and ` In lino. pay-Nu on claiming a this up. For inlllcc. I peg. cpl!) pour-I` up, D, paying cu` maul pn- mium u!`.l3.9c . Id! native 100 u use up n[En_u4puyuHe gonna, if Qgulh qlnn occur. . W11 mnlovpuvchno annuuuaeonht endur- rn;nu`&o. Ab (Tnianaiu ln lulu at ml and ram. , I uuunm u" nu-tun Insnuran on - Iln QIUIEIIIBP,` IC MI ill -I ` tfouqinniei. in pm;-nod luel'1'e7l Iununuyu us I all in bIunchoc,.ian on favorable tom: :3 than of in} mint mpomibh Conpamn. EAGLI-: LI!-`I.-: txsunAxct: ru. \!niii:lo I lI'li:l_-innite to." NEW tonic sao`r'e_(.-n'ox. runs: up ' INLAND mw|m\_'rr.m ixs. co. r.'w'..~c_.'u1, Muuffimi mmi Life. . Fire dql Jlfcriae Ini. Co`._ V | uunrmko 1.Irs3_'7IIzAi.m i.Ns.co `I %""_""_""'V:a`5:.;'ai'.5'.'.'.'.a..a. ' * ' 3 :..:.*:7..."':':.::;.' '1 my I11: F-521 '1_TT'r5-`s-I p .... Q. ' V I l"O.., I :Iuh E. D. Pnuu I Hatch AI'ch'd Nclloicll . . int;-ilu; ` _ \ ' SM. Nt5I[lOf._ Ogduulmg--puumgm and - _ r - . Ste.` Sauna hula: upon. I hind. , I. Hal` -1. . .. 2.6:a-1m um virond inn Qlauy &:'*.::'.'+.,.%' 8..-.." . r (I `:1, C:nIuh`l. . '3` Fun Sale 57 E_ 4 ion. Chanda WQL ' .joI_en Iotho hlfgougo of line Ru!-ed! . `_ aurnlluu W. IIADGi;R;[ I Cmecfll. N. IL. B. I8-A 1 ,1` llnnpwduflb , data Ihniuum ulunutt Eryn -"Ilia 1uf;r.oI_`,ghc looalor.` that, can in norecncounging kliui thin? T6 than when Bmd is qinngd. when lamp no gain. otkwhau \in_;'en|[ij Hlflli and and lay ulumin Iaodicmeu.'w"o uulyr :3. "If uuuuuuingolsoiu-non! an...-u-...=J}.. mall distinguished of {lag Medical Faulty. n41 M. k UI.(`olI`l1-t"`| Sinwqr squin- ui un.u , p-r.tiv3v'Aitn ,-RlNl.l!\ & 00.. Sub `lclorl. For Sula In 15.. "i. ...'. ...-_..-.7, , g - x`; -1., '.~ .--------;-- - _' -J: :n_:- * `1 ..... __ _ __ i_ f _, III. E P0 0' N0 IKIACKAI 1'" at on s._ _ an-nc1':_n u m. mum : nmmx costs '3 * 1*n.n:usuvror nuarulun. ; [From Soplrnuia W. Badpr. `min of Stephen C. lhd for , _ clerk I N ...-:5. $.12"! F-"Q .:*. "Put a nun of rampant [hue been micel- -4 with 8:]: llhou-.-.Dn~uIiI.G'o-esol Dihilily. since, I l:-nuanced Hip; Cu,han'n_, Sh-ken` uIpIn'_ 8' N _ ` gtuui-io- 2l.1lIonfIIn. I is ` ` found that puunull] lit. (In! I nd phi my lpnllll and an vary much improved. fIAlenn1:.r . Nicl Slant! Hltonou Dennison . _ 4.. , ro. .. I Aveh'd`!cllunt#l{. `Q3337 32.5 .7" RAID L; -a .. :Im....'. . _IIu-'1 I .a.. AIW, LC.n9 lhQ95rJiInnl.ofncu-. `Q 6 var. Min Jqnio llohonun. Ingmar of In. nnuknhgvlnn. and M. P. , _ . ,_Au alum-I 9.. lbs 99: iuuncfi or o.-mm... '5|I R Hill ! Ntllql Harmon. and 95 fun. ` .7 -1.; `-_---_-~- -- A___._._._, .- , .5 jnsuggnde: . Qtnhlu hiulcld I. Bag, 5. ' ' A. ..~.. _-- a nun "`s3?-"6m ` I. ll... Inch 8. mm on IE|;l_.i_EVlLLE.- or :_I:`e'unipa C'VonnIi_es of immune, 'ivs_|' 'r;7l !T*;a: -......y.uvcuu,III-I up nr nan Antics: I ` nrnni Fe ,__N,Ii:i15 k:d:Iv7E3 do. Fancy Ducting n. Cusmem, Suiuun." ....`. .u scuvu In! um an new culocms with ' largo snail qnutitin, upon the most In: onahle toms. His Ice Cam will visilglhr ` residenccaf his polngsjn any punts! the City, nun only put of the day. Orders re- ceive-l arid pnclually .u!_endeJ to at the Clirquend Store, com-r~of and 303! Sltmm - m IIIII 49-n|runo....- rt`? W UTIIVT ll-`CT f-'U- , DOHALD MEISTOSH. Iingdea, Juno II, 18.50. . . H4 . . . . u *'*---`. V.lC`E!! iclni THE Suhacrifu.-t not olon jq um (`E134-m h . f Q pin qile of il_Cl-2, run you it u n gnu ex use can bayou the uni Inlcrrnn lhu y. Mm: 1 nu cuuut mains it pctfgcilv lrauspanlll ` and (flitffloln all sediment. llc is new [Ire-_ I are In servo lain old and new cimtlonts with up tonal! nnntiti-an. Inn`: -5.. __.v. .--- lldkl Etil, ll ,-9 31'- : mt. ueugnmu 3-. cm, , ' Slrul. j_xag,ou, .ru3u.2lah, 1 A W I! - 'I'_u'a ounqeljums Ire Age_nh_l'ot III: sale of 1- than Scaleahwhicll on account ol their MI ery gnu! dunkililg and perfect incur:/_I':_v, 1. an undollnodly III: chaired Scnlu in use. `' He will furmsh atshon nolicc ' ' . -' an ma cup. scald. , . " DOIHAl l _ um Pownuzt Suite Scales, .'W|llA1' um. Horn: `Swen. -V % +` Gwen : D|\vuc:1n'a I Couhih Scales, - Lvirt B4.unc_:s. with uni Imhoul bum. - Wulunuow _ I5 . v _ - The nlnove udaple'i_` to all Up; frurposn fut ' which weighing is Iigd. . . - E. R WNI`-It (`n., ' ` ` _ . Cusmu Hoilso Wluuf. Kingston, July 93, I31`. ` l7I A 91:. logui 1* tIIe " c.-., at \\ orh, Queen. - l TI` Kingstown Gas Company Slol, I` vex; lupeliul lol agljch, Nrwcgnlli Coal: and Golf; in lots ` ` ,7 `rslI-l'I ---I-i-' 1"" ' . A` V 81 I. I la 1` mum!` cfufoequouce o I 0 oronlo jg; I ---ggg 7 ..'_._` I` F3 M -ii-1 sun imsmon c .?' T law. will Inn M27:-n.'.-. want. *5, Ilhpth ad tholtinr Tnnl. Thin 1). , .1 5.1:. : . gs '5 M. V . Ann-an ..| noun ' ' -Au *-1 ..-avu uugttviuu nun-r`. srszncsn, _ ' hgoeslicel. xsqguv, my Int, mo. _ y ml! dun" cw-r-n "":l ""`l *3 ` +UO`Q|.[QI"Il'IH' I "0 inch 3 II `>V-` ` H . I . ,, _`_7_.___`__.`;:`__`__`_ _ `V; V` '77 Painnanlrs P_A_'I_fg.N'I` S(`Al!:;8s I-IIll:I n | K. , - 1 ' 1 ' I an suhquiuu IreAgeg:i1_for ~ _ _ Sulec,_whiclI Iccnnnl nl n..;. Kingaioia, in Jdljr, Z ` -' I TILL (until _mnIm notice leave 5. lrghn.-_& Co`: Winn` Tot Rf\N'l`0 '05!-ry Wed nth) ngul Sunday Evening, she the min! AIM River Mail Steam. fulynd, IBM. - ' I'm .4..- .s . . - -- ` - - oerosnfidifdia :E3}7|o: H nun ::nuc1:Tu.u.r-1-nuns, Cabin 39; Deck 8!. v;.___.._...._'__...___._.-._-g saws `LUMBER. . - _ u I n._ u ` LC-Illh iIAIl.ofIcu._ II HUI`. "E Jnnnin lnhua-.. .I..._n.... ._: V (until Ind.-n.. h l` uroa"sILE, I (`ion .f l` .`._;_._,, l\_ ` ) Clerk of the lienco, Nllelllc. Luann: -mi A.u:..-p. 1].`;-`:`':.""..'.'a'.r I I up. by I m`q_. my .|...a:a- ,3NImW_"'Qu6on ' }....a:| r....|.-_ .~ .. .._. . . o - A g ouo_. | :5! Ila ` muugrdlurilgldli .'...., I ll!!! Gnnnsnnn. E`-s t|.'.a..a L n___.- . . to tho EIoihTn;IInt. no on Inc 1 0111.31`, c, Lennon ind` Addiugtun. John 31:53, `unlay an-ll `(gm lucid I Idix, `tn. . . _ cslsisucu, with'a`bA;.[' H M.':.e:: Th Hg`. :1 II-:a)-|. my .1 u-r_r--M .|"""'.`,' \|\ `~*I\ III Qlohdu im in run! a second tiiu.-- --u it: uv Ii IV. I`. lo ' pens, to In present; at lhirdclihu` and that maul, In - an pnelieoblo, 0 all known wish: onto people lgitliu mpeci, mitaioldand convenient Joeuundohn under its direction of the Speaker". in sub gm`! of In Home It shall lie . -at (no fun nmnption to than w . my be on ad by ih to mud than viii: dam me in subject; uvmlidiu to uni mm at in Home. Ming: amnion-oil. il'wu'-lost in . mo of ` 81 It 7 ' (In 3-Ii:-BouI-' .....*-...'-:::.-.-' i on , . , ,u nil of Dnthui. . n `A . The Act aiming relief to the mlincn by Mt. l.Il-Tbimint pl!.1!||ld'l`l'tlIlI'u 11; Id- p'nIn q sultry as Speaker. On Its: notion of Mt Drunnoml,-.iI `in: voted on client to note provinialoeun eanniilidatcd and; but aha nynnl of u maul uhry fur the `- silrnu of Ibo Quartet Scull in the in- uicu' oi` lh Thu Riven nd I-`mac.-u.-.- Bill in mad the union: Act was lend 3 3rd time. Indian |H0pcl`|y~pntecon bin mu ml I locum! time. Home in commilm on It Baldwin : pay bill, broke up {at Inn! 0! I qnonuv. ' T , "Q nhlf in nnn`-----h-- -"|-- "' -H ` mo] ` ,l"jq i""`!." 5: """?"r-R In-int as 5 use Tu":-ran upm" 7 T_ 3.931.; [simf gwtxgn. `T7 _ , ____ qu-n-.13: 1 _I-assay`, na6vl'ii'co.- C65} 5 nmcmu. wrruu. -i -bcu-I-_rga maul? IISAI. -5; the Subtribt-rs: 1`: -, vellum it through Candi,- ~A Idix~,conlair.i , It ngitt alumin- nhfogimu, willu 5534 It: A Thu: _'ru_,u3p gg mu. um 1*... nztuu, ue: .a.:w_v 633$," [tumuedn-rm` oftlucoant mtiuhq Uaionof ugh: . viaeeghy 1._ --Ptit.-Ii. H. A Binary or the lm Puurim ol Ian: Ca- Cn;lr?`p:lianenIu_y uulpolnlical, 5) lhl-m (said. n3:5|.ae 1 ca-;=,[ Laige C ' *. Mmueu use Quebec, with maps and lmgsta, {ac Acting . ':-I N aivllvllo APIIEE i\l0:.'l:}AGI."t'Uon u ui tli y :1 uicllhe 5.13:, h_lr. ` tun Il . __.g___ l`- -' III! Loan In ... ` That man nehhplnin '9.-!` `n! --v v u I\II` ~ ma coumissidn o'i-dim. mu <:'am:|u't. manor. ' D M` GOODS. t-zugiaa 'u.a%A-'a'ai', .\`u,n'x Guocxuns, for bill by tho paclnge. ' _,.i`v.n; MElllLLA.N&C.;; % _ ` ` r...ll-.A ' 6ATTL'Ta"IYT5X`-F: 'l"s'Ii.':eonM`:nsou V lowing, til:-- - t` .. n * IIIIEI III m: suascnnafp jun! maid id _ _uk- 1: csminnaunl cu-m;...r an -1: JIM 1` the Wan `` Tucsnl Merclnndisr No good! uouju of tie Suki-ti . ay Mlemoou, ml 3 o'clock, of and other , .l I with onion to be .-us:sm,'_:'::Ts- um um: mung? .-..u-9, vvl u `~ amid. Gran squint. V Gornan Gian, Q ` Fl -` (iuuwier; D-aw Ind; v Wllilt Plinl, Q hp. Superb! Ynlbv oh. - Dry While Loni, PIN`. "l!3" , .~ . .. ' Mnua mget, extra 3! _ . (`mung Sbl-ch. _ J S l A _vc'r1oN s`.u.e_s WEEKLY. . `T on \\'muou_`.oTr_io sauna-rie, dun` _`_ '_I`uc3la_y Anemone. at 8n'clnn|- -F - uvuxuu l\lIVIl'VUI`-'4". THAT VIIMINO FIII (Hi all TL!-2'8 HI I. I-`ARM, on H11 3% , lqul load, Elli Miles of Kin on`, Nnhllilf ll! whqelruboul , unmade: GUS luIum; lhe nnalpdor consisting, afoul- eni timber. Au tlnio Fun in spud if what was Miginnlly` lino diuiset lihs with tom; Din-lling Hunk` the ptqplldlt willwll lhemtepuzalcly if _ _ For _further intonation nping MIC; 81 ., (chi II `ll. be ve liberal) h C fKfR:l"A`l`IlC a BUKIBW lLin;ston, June `:6, Jam. . ' Mi _--._._..r V -._.. ...._.__ nan] In! R Ilidl. ` ` ` 7 ARC". Pm IKCDO `Ll, line: if the late June: II III urdinn it .`WilIian. 3...: II... T froctloutultltisuyillillii, CIT KC Wu.` 7" " `it ll he nnlnd, llll Ililc it in lun- nry M180 ildnpudul inch: _` only: high Ilgi` nkgu -0! Patti-out dull tannin udond, ud nhjulb thatch Idicnuucllhollo - unlllinu #450 , in when total! plvilop: hn nluyu bun uurlad llul lillund} yet It. In equally nceum lot? ' (Inna-II weight In lhrirpucu lop, vii; an wnoholnclod publicity alone can :33`; III`! "My nuoubkm flcully Iaould ` nit:-do lole ic 3 2:90:51 lo`4 lino coaiIcclodhwilP:::u nnsu_ us In uni. f I jr.`w"J`:Tl`%`":;h' "' Pk `liking Q - 0 Frost "'","' A` hi-hnnlsbnno _..' vALifau[E`E? ron'oM.i NI-EAR KlNG8`l`ON. V.l...u- 9--- " wuou-:sAu-i Avc1_*Io1__i__ V ,_ _ u-I q `ow and 'c..,.m.'ir.'i.'a'l"q':,_ on us;-orfoctwutkingo gl H plnilo In-Ian and Vuuluh arms! uni ion. . , = `A nlnhtwf st-Ans onujb it-add suilahle fol pl}, hens, and 0%`! iii of the largest Ionnqo, en lo pound II II yagi. _ Tn: Snhtrihe: ___ c{q_u_g'y3_LlM Slinlinpl ' i.'.;".;`a?.:- .'.`..`.7.'...a'. ~""""' '5 ~7- iu:a_|o l,l'o.;:'1;b-(_3on,"n|lI non ?ar;l l'h`:iIy, t & I Innh, C '. :`.'.'.".I2'.'.s....'."s. ...s.'.'."' .- I. Ibomus mllhbodoniulh . ____i'3r_p;;IicnlIncl1'$lb-h---'- - "-*"' ' ron {hug an .1 tluyznny inhcl 1 T Ham`l'IoI...IilIl , I III &.'- _ cum. um: I-- WEIVRIE. (`.\.`.A1`A \l'IT. . [`", P*"'i William n Q-J ALAA nmi: Eln` - !I,- 1951:. no'1`Ios.s }i.n';'.'..';4 ".'.' I-mun 0 luuv, 5.. fit I Ielrnll nnl .5 'F""!i I by at.` nuns WA'`, 7 OP I-`l.A0W: |l..n._.\ I\___ , cu. } IIOIINVII--I. yugpn. J. Bul- m.....n-.:-.::.'.*:...::.':.;:--- W W- :3":s*: wgf cy--u-qq WI nus I (I -g_ b:l.|oqin in regard talk lap: . no no I. Cancm h` :1 1 II the Thu! M in an-lual, IL-1 -I.n- n 2. ---__ ' ' `flu .-lllll. . i `T:-HI &&_ -mi toditrand 7` (gm; icnnnmpl ll mum: stunt: may "Fi/igillcn Imports. aka-_6Ta1's". Lu: rune; blED. I, t` ... n.-n6_J 11,7. 11.. ._l__ _._.'I_A1._ 2- .._._J n IIuun_uuI., Aug. lat, 1 r. ,u'. "uni. . "` RM. nu" ; ua xucuvuuu mung! IMCITY '5 -J nob: swim an abusive sipplyui lFoeis_smuH cu Saihth School Laws 3 mclung-the uric: Na. 1 an 2, p-ua ]bytloAncticIaSIulaySci1IlI`lU`:i';`I, .5: nedcneenprnnug` ' n` of an .- fbound and nuIh=nJ,fEolovptic'ooI'l6`. | ` _ F. W. Pu.1h?n,' . - g It! a 31 men uyumcr, with 6 feet strhka, :on IWIIII Lot hon in; on the moat conveni- L e_n| pan grille Quint of Kingugn, ahd well - 3 %'`.`!.'?. ...'."3`;'.:'n`a'3i"2..". a'.'."..'.31'.'-s"1'.'.`.; Lgnaarbrto tha` cily that seven miles. 5 f onzyulpnaos lo whch power is apt a iedg _; at `angguon ago oudariaa, Ianmmga cu- !` 'ff:"ru::n..';..uaar.:'. application may" Ii; '1 I.-' mda ta " a T ' ' (`F _ .. -.... .....,.uu.. wuu SIN , I ' "C ' 7"` |. ,5 , m, .; gm... success. 7 ` -_ No. {King F;-t,_ (line Jot Tm: mascmns at the Cityo! Kim. HI.-low ion. Street, am the Dung Slou- , ton Wahrvwotkscom ny,are duiuovnfhlcrt Lon. ` V; of Benin; tho Polar o( 1 ape `or NH! ":3! [3-` Hound atundapen from 9 A. M. 3 Bone Pawn, Low Preisure, Beau Ennq-,-5 5 P. M. . - I haviuavu 9! inch Cylinder, wall: 6 feet I Totonle, 7th June 1850- 11 gun a am-L_oI ingon the nut toning}- ,1 ~ ' mu` % " % :t'mi;.i`;:i-:{ In mm. at` Inna... V { Boob . [ -*2.`-..':-.3.--u new my 3m,~ rm` mu-s mmn,uu nop [fill at Cape Vinteut. The veuelwu will an at (B0 immediate _ at rinludcnco at Mr. Golin. ~ 5 `FM udonignod mllnain alert rot hot purchue 1! Private ale. ` 1..-r. mgwcnnert, ._M:s|gneec_ of H. J. Crevulan & Cm; will ole: for salcil Suif nfVirn':enl. Jrfurnn "1 W M , ' 10 31st in; Augusvnexlet I a clok, I . M., the I`-l1}L`;. I-of aNW MOON!-.R, of I73 . Tom But- i then, luuly launched from Iho Ship Yard of noel its an bouii Golin,ud nap Iglnnal Cgpt ViM:ent.' 1 Y `El ;1|AnIinI. . "'" " 363331 1.. ENNES. `Kingston; July 23-, ION. V I1 --j Wlui In sum. m...r... Salunhy _~. -- U-1| I on-`ma. I. cum : V all:-non it 2 o ch`1ch, for-Belloville- Vfgnuue-_l'\-I.:.. , . `Tm; submsuu:7mag'm'., of J.i l__ __CFeVolilI & Cm; -`will ole: fur nlnnl on MONDAY u'BTiNm:a, ism A. ,\ at ll 6 elocI.wilrhnoluHu Front 0 the` Skin 2- . M` V 1 (`hell -built two hone barring! V curl`! LA r. --'an, IV!-7* - uqul. | N mommy ngonmnc, an`. of August, at Elana o clock, will be laid on account of Her Majesty : Custom, A! III: ,Sc`abcrihet a Sula Room, the F9-lldwiag niclet, lorlgod for attach oflha Riven Lam: . gr:-5 vs! I W!!! HIIIIIIUIU olll .|Cl ` . Wll.I.lAM WAIIE. Kingston, *J8lh July,l880. V I7! ._.g-- IPOI Hhlant I Do; Cut, wait aunroiu olim ultii-In. wIl.l.lAM wuw _ , um. `WAKE, . . Queen : Auctioneer. Kingston, 3l:t July, x .17 of gzrlsliskini. Io. ' William Plano ` Patrick (`OI Nlltllow wgnuvmh.. Four `Pryce Williun IlIIvh!I_v Juan McDonald Eula lhnihnn Mgr, Kpny - ` Plulm Ham. lug. -utowalnoon . I `Is . .. `_ _ __... l _ I ' -- I H rd U .(3IbuI T'cfn,X3u . % .:.1:.; '.'..,11......."":':.:; I? whlf" ynl o'Il#h.p~'I$ wausuu mmgm A. . War! at`: Martin ` Jun ,luculuy " 'l\ounI lyrics VI IIIIII F8? #53:? ulkgtn __.. ...q-_j-- Assiausvs `nun.-a. c"uTi'x....." - I Aha: A. 8|-no` '|.in- II H--L. ` I V '07 "ll LOT 3] {ll Caucasian Kingston a Wood 5' but, `out four Iikt fun the jly. * Aalilr `mos. xmn-.n-nu:x. 4] 3 Ilygzllk, __ - 18)-2! I `Kiupla -a ` Vc.""".. .'.z:.-:_ "FIX J-suu.,|.*s.... W .V 1......" %.....::~ Knnmw, July 9 .lch,A 1830, cum; nous: uni. fllnhlnnv ljt\Iuncnu1' - RETURNED `mi TEE GENERL%dFAif s'1?s'f5N`,. ;P:Im.E EIL] & JULY, 18.50,- Byuhe Mggiumefu of the Cduniies o__l' Frontenac.` Lenses and Addingjoa. (lat: an Mwual Dfau-ict.) --:u - v vvjij 45-? I 13,0 IIIII .. . Iellovalt. Ipn ;a.;;.a....` 93415 IGCII chili. I . M. . Alps! Sad. I850. uuuuowpncoolsuu I`. W. PALMER Ipplicgaon Jaugrl r . .... .. : :&.'.".. u.""'".a..'.iifI . Wu Borindnw . :zJ..n|Iuu.;.... . . illian -.Iuuhl.. . VIII: r-UU I. want. uu&.C . MI orid`... ' " 3 Ni cur Sloan _CATA;A`.lI'l'. C{If::nn. llruor, ul; `whit:-hI'oWhrfisr n...su`v`u pol|!.To- -nun: , .: ;'_.etshn._.._, . . . . . .- . IIQI IIIA. Gin. Plait. IlI.I;._ n...L. nifzsl "ii: 05:11. A N l coruck, Irfthin` pnkof Tarn. Apply II Inga?