Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 8 Jun 1850, p. 4

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1 IiIarp:Ia`acrl iof6: -m-m [Per/pa luu!-Cqu!l I n_!t'milcd. A ' - ,- waT7?n.m, Agenf, On John _A. Macdmmid. ` FL-" lu.,: . I III-I.I0\. Cqiyfgsciynns of 3 A _ :2 NEW nouxs. _ RIDE an-I lRRES!|l.L="I.'lON , I new _S-`Ii:-~ r.-f U_nr- Unci fine of Lnfr, _ ' .\lar}nndIIk_e Wynl,_by nr_v,WuHiam Her- bert, . , ' ` ' The Rn.bben:,,h_v Frvrk-'rick Schier. ` . The I-Imp`-re City, qr New York by Night ' and Day,` by Gnome Li;-pan]. Con -Ciugdn, by `came; 4 Lsver; - - I. cvar rniultxur, . 0 ` - uggt9n.. Mag 27, 33%.. Int n*"ru`.rn_ M R.-\.\|SA\'. nmounka. Co. [ 1: _,assu.1mf `Tf `IAIII. "II "p m Hunky ` ,` '5 . vf * YL`Ulw 4. Qmlilinz --f Plank. Boards. : "*3"- ""E"`!h;'F4I`I' Docfl. Bl. H a-n..n....._ .5 A , ` ' - Jul l\'ill[.ll0lVl,`V_'ApI'i_' 9|, I950, _-upligrm and (`in-nlnr Smut. _.-` . . . "mg `mrcvl. m ue cu full mwrnlmn. and rnn'l.1imI to S.\ W - . .1I-M,-7H`I.\ I-I, Tm--Hug .\lIchihe. Mndlaiancry. (the Ihv-lo pl -np(`HrI`l hv Emrinn nu-l.....I... I... :,, 144 - ei';::::s. ; ..........;, ..f M d I'l.im of .\`unr3- (`|p|,-.}, ._ her] ' `Just R-reirnf`, ` '\ DAIIHAIJ .n...\--.. ` Vorml BEING so many pung npro.-onmiuns sham Medicines m the papers. the Suhicvi I but Ilhuuhl he would nut ndveniuo. but do __uI| line [and hnnuld fur uumninu Immunity Iilonuv. but pal Nnmud for not muting his inrnlmhlo 31- db cine mun nnaollglnown. He therefore any . ablicl cnmpliel WIND lgia l'ricnd|' requesll. to 1- if. rum. fur and man -Hm ho is mu,. oompelonl tn pmetice lhl new oyllem of cum 7 '_rr_l_ an in England and minor Nulinnn. an--i -I--I ._.. Ty...-_ In rmu'_|' I lit! (ll-I Inn _(`xl-nswe HI:-gun Fmlm EM! and ul'_ King"-,.\`nml. m cur vr rm:'nin- . 3 .1 u- in In Rlilcriiom lr(';_rpf'_-,1". .9 H In: an! rm! nf I.'s....". g..... ., 4 1 IA? 07' TTTT 7gUAIi;t; iT\'7 5 SMTE A M F A or 0 R Y. - a I.` lhnlnngluu` j Edition. ' Contnlmtion.-: tn tlw I-`..I LOHIJPIF-r_\'. It`:-U Just It--cu-iv.-ml. I` RA\\1SAY, }\7;1'\- '31.: mum Liqlinf --I . Scnnlling. kc`. of all _ mg:-uh;-r4w,I'h Donn. Blinds, Sub. 41-. ~ rouu:mu' his hunk"--u 1| t7nrpatn[ct and Far ~ ` " I |sIm,u-`- D] Oman: ur Auln ` Hwmml \| .Thn- \\'.n'~i-31* (. _ 33 :3 R923; [Tue]! L=fe in Au V l____ `I V` K`\.'"s. may -21., 1350. v at` II-' `-or-and .._.. _. I No"rT:v:r!T L5M-`G-Es'T 70? the (`ot.mI . An:-nu: Ium--.5... n_,__ _._.....-aw: nu mttiilcd and H . taim; hy Ge-ougc 'l`.`Ru: Story of the Battle bf `W ' Rev. G. R. GI:-ig. Stoke-In and Potters; by S ' ll:-mi. . `.-\drvnInu~. in Me l._ih_\-an D Sf. J "In. r_;,.m-; nr 1 Hwi-PH.ce id lHl.|.'~`. luv II......_.. II v r..~q. ~ ` , - cc.` .2`, Juc.t'r.eceis':-(I from ',!IlIrl.'. . ~ _ ~ ` n.\.\1;.u'...u:.uoun & Ca. Of the -_._._ `III. .-uum:R_.v mu rm! 38.! ns T8. '1` Ink _ . . . . .. 2 wizlor {` .\.\,H 3.. nl cn] and \Imce|hIm_~uu<; by an-d ,"_mg ~ I T.` Ildlrlngltvll Macaulay ' In-usual l__i"_ me E;'i'linn. , . V... ...-..lr-llI pl PINS. Life of Oliver thnlafsnrilh; by ltviug. Two pails.-Pru:e_ t part. ` " { " .~`l.S0,:--A new supply of tho fa Adventure : in Mt-xicn and III Ro` mi... . L. 12..---- -Ir It Li I : II I` l ya I Mntolns of `..f E'V`r":i ;J.`m s' Pugs Inn. Halt. H-llled by Ms Sun, Buxlon. I-lcq.--ln .3 parts. 0:38?! (:lllnfun:;IIm . I... u-, by 1\i;;aIs'. V;')'l`n(v:er'&mIlo_;-d, for w~horn`Tu undersigned no Agents. ' ` . ' RAMSAY. -ARMOUR 8; Co." MUImAY"'s fm.\u~: -COLONIAJ |' Inn a lit? _ ,,,,7..-.--uuusxv. [ F omvm: ..\Nun-iTo)'.p's T1-.'x1`' , IMOKS. "` ~ received mn I-Idinbunch. A full sup- -ly of the valuublo T hy BI . \ c-xl Books, issued r-sans. (lhver & Bogjd. for whom lhe . llndnrcinnmfu-A A.-...,n- W P. uu:u.'r3`. . ' I ` " ' I | 1`HESuhscribersara now receiving their ,. usual ample Spring Snpp`]_x.h_v1hc- rvgulm ( Track-nu from LONDHN and the (.`a.\`m:,of Wriliru: hp-rt. Acr-mnl Hunks, Miscellane- ous Boolrs, School Books, and Famcy Sla- lionery. ' ~ Djllbnir an . . . . . .. . 't"' , HI; lf~- __ v -:I, WRl'I`lNG_.PA_l ERS, Account Books and Fancy S a- _ liom:ry. fl` m:1 .q..s....-:..-_ _- Nd'I'cl 0_FI-'1:-I; Kingdom .~ nu. s.\\1Psn.\'. .4gw.- wu. GRANT. a-.-._:_.'A?L__,( ._-.-_ piw '|iom{s_ -..-L ` and rlhu--r Shtir-nevy, ljrccl fro: | Glasgow, In which m- rt-apeclllil p an-n'ion al [lie | .u't|n'. - ' I " V'['h_e cnnunionul Honk-Bindin Pmu Piinliuz nilh lb! Cily .oI'rI'ld~ ihll . ralr~l lncililiet fol -`esp-tI1tTlIhufdr.Ie:s.ii1.ni1her of In and Ihe 5lIh\'t`lifI(`|' sstxrcs the p _ls|ins will be spared to give an F Jon. Miy 27,1850. V ~ `A150--. , .- - .. ..u.- aup[Ilj"l Inn Iounwing :- A. . ` _ . . . " I'M! Mai and mi. Rocky .MM"_ The Bun anes nftha 1-4:-ml Dmsmn (` :1 i .f`=::2:.'::::;::-.2*::.:";~:::.,-::*:::.;.:r::.'.-2:; P . ' ' 1 ' ` ' '1 ' , Po: (`$MRB(*3tl:-Ear ' ngluo by the nnmr-apd `8{Mr.l"Fs of'Hne Judge. a_ml (;lrr1 I `Ind. l;|l9.; S" P'.`"'. mm Hmbwm-(:1 mc-uvmr Inrb | Ell`. -- - ' V ; ` . ` '. A ' _'__! ._.. /K mm: the Desrrt, by Bayle Tim Municipal Pun---mtion.~ AN. Roan! a .1 ' _, v ' ' V Hriul-{P (`n:rI|H|l1i|'!~ .'\"- 99!! i _lho- Irirmu-= OI ; in t|u- .'\lavq`ues.vs".acIs ofthr L ' 0'25.-I-'alul'. Whiu_'h gins!-`. by Hvrmavl \h-Ivizln. or impmr dulic-em. Ihr .\dwImun~' in the Snnth Seas; by nmm \l-Rviilr. w~in.'e Cross; by (`n];la5l1 I-3."\lilman. :3 cnnfm pins; ( hlluuicigoalalnuis. Far Sale at lh_-- CH3` Bn-wk .\'tnn- bv . E. W. P.-\L.\H'.R Kingeton, May '3, I850. "' w - ' - nnv.-n in ..-..h-.n.. . -w can pat cent. [ L'runu-rum; done in 1 `Repairing, nrih sin An`.-.lraija_; lay IL. 50 W. fr:-I nrl-n1_PIue Lulnber. ' 50 _M. feet llntd Lumber &..C|nu.~Iu'. Mac n quautily of Square Pine Timber, rink: and lo-e~gI,h_gin-n at thr Wuerdom. 25 Con}: `Md Growth ig-och in H19 H31. ~ ; sn:v+:NsoN,&-(Fa. Kilfgulog, Ml] ilrj. I850.` r ---v-v----J ; m; .~:.._v..e{uu.-r 1... 'j.... . , - ,, ,, ` Ctly. Book Store his sprin;':.:.ji:`0:' '5 llrnlnunvn .. - ._.__ --w` vfv 1 III SEEING on pun dnuf_.\`l1_Idie_incs_ _m pa; L-- .| : Mom}: .\{;._ sr.,',. ru....:_-+.. ..-. u...i.__ . { I-:.~\:f-;1-mjuia lcquanner wAn-how wlml.P.'aA|.Iv: nu nix-1-.n ~m-ii U"U hug -mu u-r-gI,n.znI`l'n at In! II (Soul: Ha-och i ; L"I'I.lIl_\L-1: _. New `St-ut`ionuy.. 3` \`..4._.` ..I. Y's ijiifn VCOLONIA L; I.mn.\In'. 3 I N 5: w H ovpt. n E r ?._....y.,.'.;;.` .,... ....a =wlI""I /Wltl'l`|NG u ; PERS. M MAID 0! ? "ML John Macaulay, Chaim-m. - Hon J" - A ~ - hn A. Macdonnld, M.r I-., ; Thm_ ,I,u .,,m_, pa Illnuui Annvnnn-.- R & .'\lSAY,- ARMOUR & Co. ---.- n u-u1l.`lI' lg Ind` nihnr hv Ir p--w-rml prrmmd Icarus. nu ....a..- ' > ""`!V`I"` wu|m.Iz.~uI.n um ntruv. i v -"---.!'Iq-f' 9! HIV! gum blrtet,` Bum. -` "3' "Innate 3-wt .....--m,-1,, u,nr-an lrom London rnd : rrppeclldlly invilcs lin- Puhln-_ -----uulnl Illll hPl'1CV' Ju{"iiII: um sum. 4 for Ill!` speedy` Hliuilher (hum? hram-he_s, ' `1-sures puhllic lhll no . red (Na pnlin nrAILf...- NI I `n DUCT- r Husband. ";'k'35"diIIr Ind Letter. 1 Ihu (`nu n....:. L`._.' E. w." ['AL.`\II-IR. cw `|'..mn' `ms H J. win.` `PlANl.\(;, `maul ...nL... IIIDICAI. ADVIDIII. Jlmes Sn on I-Isq.. M.D.' William Hay- " ward, Esq"-?'R f:"R..C. S. L. - = WILLIAAM GRANT, Axrm`_& Socy, to Board ..W. ljaggn: W,` red it the Penitenljlry, : be paid, or Furnilure * '"i22| -'.,lv`!l-U It 5` 371.; `a Bunhifnp, ` - a-sonnets! of :3. CIMIII ac. I all its bnjncbn and} from Lolndo pm] rll'n`ll.: :..-nu... ml _ cum: cu s`T1u=: 1', `fob OBERT BEARD Bogs toinilr lie that he has npeneq spam . 0, 53 which he his lm! gnd furnish "`-' anew, andis now gm-paired to race Vjsilinghis Eslbhlvshnnent.` H`. ~ The ce1tralpn. and prod: Hale! lo the \\'hnn=t-e, .\?arIu'ls, Cc "_ and other public lucnlijie-5 M". Tora - it exce'edin:-ly tom-rnienl for po.- 1$o re.-`.1 orlplelsolfe, visiting t_h' city. M Tpmnlo, Jan. 10. 1850. _ ,5." EIGTON ACADEM "`HE Summer Session. of {his I r- bmh Male and Prmale-is-part: L pen on the an} at June nut. MCMIEZJ I` ' I . . V J` ` 3` Pictoa, .\Iay_'l0. ` . enme Idli.nfIC vu ulrrullmu n in lug. man 1 I-- fP:'cton, Maylo; In nllmrance uapucliong. " ,J The Annual Repmt of the Cnmpan_r. tog!"- _ that with the Pqp-pt-ctnl, `ma! ever other in- r0|3i,(ln be ohtainrd um nppiratinn m the Manager, or 19 any of the Agents of the `Company. r Ann. -4` .1. n:.,..-,,. -ma;-s mrs ,no1'i.=:I;. 1 E 1 V CHURCH STREET, 'To1jroNm. A .% 'ROBb2RT toinilnnn the pub- npem~d_ spaqious Pmm`-\ st-s nn,C|mrch' Street. Tdronlb, us `a Hate], gnd fmnishrd _enlirel_y uus pffpnrfd receive uplrlics ' The t`e'm'a|' gmci ' H . - `T """ ' .....-u- nu:-us arr Insuttwm. : Oylors fimn any part of (`mania wiilbe .;nrninJUy amended ls, analcopinfs dc-liv?-red, ,~fee-of`:-ura `charge, in any [rlanw rfoetween ,Quebo-c and London, C. W; if`ll0l6: the ` rmain nmdsyhslween the place-s nnmeal. `7 V The prt`-E4-nl _s|_3pply being Jimiml, those ' wishing crtpies will u-leave order soon. ' Tll0M.\.'~' MAPLI-EAR, - ~ 4, . -45 Yancy Sm-4,-l. ` = % Sole Ann! for Norm JII'crir_-a. Z Tororplo,April2.l8.'$0. " ' E)-{tn ` ..1___....__ u n. '2. g-,=uc=roN ACADEMY. :7 c.,.......- o. ~ - [22 I _ nanny, acres-, under Tenn, .1n_ol 50 " wood and,--il is. w-ll` wal--no-'1, in`, good car- -irr, Ind has a cnmf-m|Mr House, Burn, 4 Stables, G::. If Call: \ue_n_ur-1mif um- - quarter would be -Iccu-pl:-ml down. and the hllancr covering 10 _\-ears. at into-n-st; hr the I-`nr`m would he lo-ed on cnsgylrtnns. ' Anpfv In Dr. Barku, H`h.g. (lire, Ixingston`, ;_ C. W., if by lcller pm! pm}. Kingsta.-n,.V1ay 6, 18.30. ' I05 ....~..~ u nu];---'lI-tllul nnmnus ufiwn-r I000 . 4 ; half-calf, 6; i.,uch. 3 Wnuk rnnlaiiw, in lnnnr ' - -` ' ' " Therllnwlu-rsiityir ' lrulinn jolm P0 an of certs super lam don n, and U1. II the lip. The I qunnlity on short u= _ V . I.-..g--ul-__y' "I In}-` Vhnrrcs, Court House. Iic llrtllijirs `M . To:omo,'r_ende; rorwrnienl for pehnubu bllsi-, *9 viaitin . t_b&'city. I310. I553. ' a nut year! Clllm IM bonus; The pawn: ofthe Baud in Montreal brim`: Ibmlule fol !hr chupmal nl` huuinna, gins Ia ` the Fnloninl alhtho fuililio-s M 3 Company umnially local; amlcohnbmod wilh the ad 1515:-nil ulnntnn of I lame Gcuhrangeeal \ LCu;/-ital. ll":-nlslhe most perfect" u-curn_y in 1 III AI_mran'co trapuirlionn. . I Th: Annual D-....-A -111- 1- ` - J ,.. mgr. rs -and ghrirr pmnuuunlm best auIhoriIh~'--n.x.vs I run": in... -- ` I ;v vmr. s..bme... |Iub|it"l||-It 'h `lhe manufacture r-| ` SI:-Im I-Inxinrs a 5 Mm nu-.. -. . ,-_.. ......u-uulr`-ll.l.L'3"l ` uI_grlI_ Imp _mI wuod, | wis are nnsufficu-n,t. mm any purl of CV`-mad: ll:-mind n. .1 .-..:..~ I _ -..-nun-u zu- " """' lrulinn _lu]hI.-a row.-H x+;r1"I,r:s. Th:-_v my arr very sup:-rimq-uliI_y fu-lug us! hol- w - 'nm ufoun, Much at lhr l:9llnm. Ind thin Lnlmual i",rc H suhsculu-r WI supply any ""r'"'d ]_"""'" |uInlit_v shmllwlnrc-. : - ' V ,gEtnn'Fll'l`.& JOHN H()\'HY\|AN, .gurm-ug p ` ~ U07`! Strut immary. , ~ ~ . . ` ' " ` . , ll}. Nlhscr bur ffIngslnn,iMa_)'L'l,vlB.`i0. - `I19-lm-_:2u.` __ 4 ml! in: M GORE (.`m=.|:inz. Parlor and rurlm nngunes and Boileru, Mill Work. and ali kinds of Caltir Bull: and alfkinds of Bras: Clslin] Bl1tksmilh s'W_mk; ' Turning. Butitiar it I-`iuihing Jone t (`art and \\r'~a*6n Boxes cm on Ma Bax Slaves, Potash K:-Itl:-rmnf (`mlz-rs; Crabbwc-uches, lac. '&c. 'To Sell 62- Ren_t.-'- - F.-\R\l in llu-`Ne-\\~ra-llv District ]|}I1ul'il_\',`1."S ofclvn, |'en_rv, . `M an. .n -.- - " Ivy-mung I jtftiran Kingston, -_ ,.._._ .__ or_(mI;A'r', l.\|l ()R'l`AN(;[) To the Public; `RHYME Q-I _-..... uu='.aBl.1: Pmm~:nn' ma ] " S.{`\l.l,-2. , V":..I|*r p _ ` -- r`osv.\` Lo: .\f~ r um`|rrsit_nr| wn-o|d,r-all pa:-Iia n Juthu.-x KETTIQFIS sup:-rinrqnulily, 4 um, houm. sup in nu`: .J.....u -'-- _ ___-_ _.4W.( x * mq-v-mal IIIFSI Ial (7nu-nrm'oI|.s" and , N W -W (.'vtn;-l- Iv- ntliu-.~_` on." in pv-I"r(`I wollxi-q "2I.<'nIuu-. ci-nth: poidrs, p |~rPpa~'vti to haul nu! \ u-sun ', larxrst d~ sflq-lldhs |h:-- Ci! ` Bnnk I; - A unm`-er cl SPA J \ [C l\' Dllllin ~14 H ` IV` nu-`(L _D., McMm.Lr..\~, Donn. .`.l... I In. promigy ',;f.h5_,_. Mnrlumc, P.-..... u-.... ted. puticlfrs appiy to u tum |`Il.'|`llllHlO 2- dc-partmenl-. will u, TU l.E'l'. I l|mN-wrndlv of, first [5 isfw-ll` was _n_ur-1-riff lawn. the in: nld he Imuml (In ......a..._,, _ __ ...,-...__-u.vug uuullgx INF ll! IWH _}'fII'I um-9, Io-the utrni nf .3(lJ.(ll) slnlinr. ` Dwicmn qf I"n_Il.--Thu Dinnn look forwinl wilh cc-riqenea lo a ten: fnvuyahir I`:-mlml the first Dwisinn of vPri'vl.c in IFSI, and pc-mm: n-um,inr bohm- 25:? lfhy I850. 'II||puHIcip|lein1hIl Divi.-siun !u'lhe Ellen!` ll n yt-an claim Mr bonus.- The noun. nnh- n--..a :_ nn_,,. - - - - IiI)_qston,'M_ay 99. I8-6'8. STREE; rAo[Q'v~4 :: i{;,.' KINHSTON. bscri.`-er rnsprcrfullr inform'!.the that 'he is cdnalwlly engaged in runs at ,7 , _ VIM! [|inl3l||lion' J..uun-5--...- ...-n Jozm coumzn, W3-I. wnnsox, V Ioh A ...;| main ,.-..-.-. nun! nmlut I--luun~. acr*ord- ` THE v-'--n.x.vsuun;n hy A` an \yuod,- lo ernhm. Tllvlt` II J]. IV lI.u"( 5",. 16:: April. mo. `I L` `nI.4rnI I rvp:itl_ar_ . I29 ~' I-II! IDUIIIPIT, MI I Castings, :inJs Brian r~...:..... ' ` Ind Boilers ..l .1: |.:.` I. ,5 mic;P`d`|;-`-I-.:s.'"""Ft. I 'F:l!|`:l'ld:I`Il am! repair V0-gels It `mun: -' . . 9' I M .` - ` ~ sllstuhl fol. I!-`|:T\ bn:tl'It` z|'I`ifi';ER'l u?" _ ,_ _ ' `. .-as s `n 1, . V H7`. ;f"l:o&|argP.sl Hlllllr-KP,`C1lP:il_gP[9cu!-E l?.....:.. 9... L, .......-. nH'lIlll'I` IHI: .l.l'.s1R.lTl2D hv _, val, lo ex]-Iain I lfj I mania winhf ~ c ufs New fugzween I.` f na(.i'i? the THEE Iv. ` Inn ullrly. .J- = _ Progms q/ the Campmw -The Poinniul commented bu:-inc-0 in I846. and Ike rmull which hu ,5 `en-iqd m op.-nnli--n fully fro-an . I|l| lo Inlici; nium of-ca-nslwhuch it: loun- I Jud Aumfunen. thlriugg Ihu pill Iivn dm cut:-ruined. The (fnmg-any have .mn- -' 3! ill) Ihinvnn of D~..l- 'l`- I-' A ' ll IIlI`l` (H `-J`tln ; Castings. k . I-IIII (`II III ?! III I. `flu-re is onlh puqursi 1h ,3 nun-r iii in: Smirm }L}:1`!\`l.AE ;4`\lQ>.A.;l\:i_) mr amuj:-`:Y. I Q SMALL consignment of Bat-I1 in... .-,1 parlirulnr at.` P1`! l~`\` 'n..... . 11.`.-I I`nJ`4l:l_u ' _ Isl. [`\ff!Onl.lIl`,IiII(; clams aninsf the Es-I -*5 ta-tr-of :he luv Cmnuzs -Sruur, B~q., are requested .90 send `them to Mr. STRANGE; (fO|ffIdjIll|mln1. ' 4 ' n Ilr e`-s-n....-.. I ' 14_u;1'.*u1 either the Hue-g:nnn --I I Is`: Tlil-I WAR 0!" `I , l LINI).-l; nr,-mo Y "'r-III.`-_` h_\ a: 13221!` I .;:;H., ,. . lhrl.--u - Estculart: ' I Kingslcn; May Qlsl, I850. v2w-M7 .TlnVAr[,Iu Ingin u....ama rmetliunl. ' ban to order. I Mandtels, }-l . '!u- capital nflhc Cumpany gin-I er{m;lo'e security for III in -luutlinnl ; and mr- I tie-nding with (hr also incur none oflho ' this of Mumgl Anunucd-, - 4 " The Rain Ialopd but been framed Ic ' I most _-artful and touching inquiry as In ; the ulnrof life in A'erem counties. and the ditrctnvipre ccmEulvut- they have ldpd F II modems I scale as cm In; mid compntibliv C with nfrly. . Pmonu at 0).. l'...--.---- `N -' ' ` ' " I unru- ___V___`__. ` ,"u I". D.,`nl.r x. ..-noun-w-nine cum! l?:Oyenr,: _ SM'.\LL- consignment of each Ins-I te- 5- 7' 0"," `f 313"" " '` `r'`"M*'"'` 'l x cured and for sale by 4. ""' `"9" ! B'`""' '5?! ii even Milan $3: pen:-omyrur invurigbl p .- . . . . . Ms W-A"r'r. _ , ' ~ 2 "!""=4 W E, _ . IQ nndthelgb helwq-gpe:u 'IIllIIl I-IS. ; us! w . Ln up]-y um; JAN. ' n. - ` `I *` Com; L` ltd --u-.4-ouuu urct l'IfI'Y. . RAMSAY ARMOUR 5'`; Co. May now, 1350. r_u . .-\'II9hor nf [he Mmiuh-n.-\I:Inl. THE '.\I\'_.\'l'|:IB,l ES OF ' CIT! K5. Eosrrlu, New; in... uuuru luv".-\ FAUIL-\., by the THE THREE; `irvrlr, -nit! Plula-f ~d-llwhin ; hy. Alums-lim~J. H. Duklum-. jHQ}mwcPmMA:m~~AL;u-i A HL'\ H, in the Fuli of "I]'`iP (`n|'|n~',- THE VH.LrU-'E NOTARY n! llunv-zatian Lyle, l'r.u Nu....r..:... ,.n n, -- an a u a.mnl.la'l Richard Green I DIIIILI P Truatnh. ` Jl. R-[nai`.'s, tprms. ~ unu % by Robert Buisl. 7` Mm _ zro EN:-LISHV COMPOSITION; 5}` 7 `EU! ""75! '3 Richard Green Pirlrer. , - IS Plml Icuun I'}IIll\AI-* ------' ' uprwvlllra. V In Irilinh North Amati:-I true-snpauy ha: a received by n claim in Illa nun! unis luxury Ind welcome Mann, and the turn _ her! when hnF'`-couuu-9-{M Ibo-mwlln wall: :1 by Alsmante. Ihnw haw vuy munch well an ', Imsmaon on : hmad and lubcrul mm nu`. 'Mni'.dn ` Pnrlg-Enaylh, .n-Ir l '.|t.A'f: , ),_ ` I _. lhck--:5. ` ' E STORY r)F*A FAHII,-\_ [hr I M.;.o.... .. "I Innvugau; Hzuuguim. I.` u: A u nu `VHF S||~.;~(`ri|..., ,,..:,-,:c..f".`. ME`, mt ' -I ` ` V ._ , . `I w .ml-' l|`I.J,f..'.',|IP.,`\hrcf; I, P: '.'"' "' `A , ---._ - -uI'IU.l\ JKrH PUT VI IN l'l\"l' l-'l.\.`-`S llH'l"l'l.l'3.`6. ` IARGP qnnnfi'_\"nn hand 3}: the usu Luwl'nce. Whnlmmh-. ,,m,L.,,... .. . ..-..---- Ilnunl, ` 43, Grim 7 THE Iuccna vhich M. an} , fll 0' II! Culimial I V Iulin how [Rally 1 mm: In vquired,-ad how an qwwcialnl. In ..:n:-I. 51...; n_,_: A - `INN? alnife llouko I-aim: !1'!uh`s"llPa P.-IR Hf-Ilil{()l'.\'l). DA 1. H 0 U SQUAVRI-3, INC.-\TRH HUYJ L--and \ m a few duo:-s of II. lfnuuun nn-..... ll`!-Isuhscribarrcou W53`! fol . him: (`.nrfInnnhn .1 .|._ n. us. .. T, To 011`? svas M. W; STRANG E, inn: and nixqi-nee pm 1: JOHN A. MACDONALE or Fifteen ShillinI.if'y ' mu-..a.._- - new 80` u-art mu m um:-rent Mild? be worn with ease, and wi accmnl;-|_'y wiil lhdl n-no Rochester, May`, " WM. GR.-\ N1`, - _ " - Agent. Kingston, April-30th, I850, . It -_., ..uqn(|rl LL operations for `lho muoru ` sight slsilfuily perform:-I. hmnic and aculebectionu of. Mr In-Ilenl mccessfuily. Cfoi 1- wilh bebuly of 1!?-reuinn. Art} isrllod uT am`.-mu .~hadr.; nf on-r worn Willi ea,-.9 hml ..:u .n. r.. '1 DR-. J . s'bowBn.' 0Cl'l.l.V T AND OPERATIVB SURGE (Surrrnur Ia Ike lore. Dr. J!-mn,) Na. . sum sum, noclmm. AID DUNEGA No. I 9 N ".dihl}n|gh,' Irwdon, Glugnw, .3, sq.-.,_ mg`. 0:1 _u_.g.....: .uvII'Il Il l`lI'l9 ll]`3l1l' ,.Etnn'F|rc G5 Inland . surnm-n (`mnl `III! .< . \llV| I850. T ? 'l`H I--.. vI.., March I8, I850 K Lil. _.-u--uu u-vvrld NBC: LU]-1'3.` . uum1_. lnurnncq Bulinus Lnthei. < ' In: I pnnuu 2 "nu want not. run` mm. or I .lllAlDlll, oar.-uunu. or 1 8:. la . la. II, uuau I ELI.` I u . i(\'s FISH!-IR: :`' 1} (.3, [Shin - nit l'|| 1'.`-H Wl ) .\ I E N" Ymmz Pilnrir-T a:'.l.... n... ._ u rule, I`?! NH 1' urn n n n ..;a..\ .u'7i?T1*EE, [ I9 Not:-0 [)mne Nlrrcl. M O N T R E A L. ,, ---.<|gIIllI`-'7 .I.al"P.n" `Fire Marine In- Cnunpnny. -osctib-rrcnntinucs tn urcc-ire pro- for, ltisurancg with lhe above` `at the Otce M` the Man. J. L!` lhnistet, am. new hhmv.-`cl to , neat Ramsay & A_rmom's fiolfl nurnggnmr. mmxyv-n.: llI79l`t-`SI. Uaal -his Marine Hml\va_y n mm- mg Nd:-r, anui Hull hr is M am! repair of the- s m:.\|0m In! . n IIIIINQIP. ROBERT BARK ER. lieu..-`- ` : H -Rrrmtn nul J, "F8 l'r.m~|4l1-.1 a.`..... ._ ..... .-..-um I1! cayrr, lhal ca use, WM II;-Ty detection. It-c>|,"b.l,O natural onc- ivj 85). " m_.q_ .~ nun .1 1,1,` llrtculars. .6... :1 .-..--. Assurance (Yum In-=u:-nnrn Cu .1: l..'I.._.a 1: - w nut. 1/7.. NI|l,) AVG. 33 ' ' ' rm forlhe restoratinn'ol' the] It] perform-.1. N6}-Ion. * m[ll?ordn nf ihe Dir-clpn, A `A. D.\VlD.\`0N PARKER." M Managcrar Canada. I : . _..-c IICOIIII ,,;, A,(.n,,,,t,,I[1s rvm.tsIn:r> EV!-{RY 'i Ynriu : yr... n.-vu-4 EDWARD IOHN r-[the egg nd .. . I , I`: VPIPDI rn-0.5"... _...~ -~.r.nr I ;?er-st. Ilia! Jmlu. x-- - us! (cson \, hy ll;e' ' 1'|llfo`i" m-at the D A Linn? I I` --g um Ill us)` full pmrcr Jo nan:-_ in ..:J I us. an agt` in u uv-uu1"C|! .--I from Ihn-I `WW3 7 I Yin, t}..1{0. Cu-nnu. 500,000 sq-g'..,:,,m " novi:r-\'oR': `I'll nmj llrml. 1-..- -_... ,- WM. GIANT, . " Jgenl Ii u\r\r.|(_ Tu,L|'.m'. Inns... 5`... i is _Pvaz.1sm:n__ 77:17. Em; Fridny anmm. a_I I B1 EDWAF.D iomv msnxrzi Es , B130! ;S`lVrg-e_I,.nrar Mo Lan{b!on`I; ' "I V` -0!" - "I inane In, `. .33". . 3"! - v -4 "\` I\\`l l`.lI_V Na. 33 rial. - ..-- 1 II! (II I"! I. S I H S with- unrm - usnu 4:,----` `1...'l`"l : mi rye: restrirod i Amcial eyes! "00-rr, lhal can 3 Iv .l.|....o:.._ .- pmin (.7umpnn_v, I nlhel n Company Cnqnc r-inc 'I|'lOI| W. _ _ of Tm \'0'l'_lI0l I Manic h 3501'? shipui N.` "ft. .'..4- F(`0uc' my in.` _~ ' _.`..~..-u,` lwnmr-1:, aim the ISI:ru-rl. hmdl, whirh ho- _' clump for ready _, ,_-. I. ,-__. `L. Mmla In 1:50, ._..:_u_-..L mamtpcuimmm --- -I-I UIIPEI. 5 n[un|c. ' IW ` Pr;)v`inre, an`:l._;|;.l:'[ ),;,3.l:;., . "":"P".VI , Arll :lI p`:!.|lIblI.f r.;';":"~`I .:.':""- hr which - - lll hhlnu-.....I.n:_, . . ` 5 vs: vuu II I { A rnrge r.-mu: Weekly Edam. or 1 1. [ fmbtiaheducry Eridxy Mlcrnoou. `I Arznus of THE.` II II . -.......- 1!] ant. H l'.l'JK_LY BRIT] ""G. ' - - ro} svascmnms.-_ 'r.'un-a |g1 ni;.pu-new on nnnmn,-if n.:.a ;- .1- _- Afar I - -In I_y my lnr I, rm-nnr n is. -""" . I in Ill Its,` KG Em: '`W3RTl'-~'E\lF:.\`'r.s ; lehnn. `-5- -k'l'-.. I - xmcsrow nnxmcu. .-Mn. H15 1850.. iron oou.w."rnF6112cvI;A11o::`"'L urge Weekly Erna ;.... ...- .64. , " M House to Let; 'U`Ol.ET, lhv lllflill FAST HUSH, Comer u! Que-4-n :niul"H.mi.. cum.`- ,,,. _:-r-VI I'&Vr"jj- - ......,_ me nmvvrmmsza ma m..'1u.tsm:n I-`vnuv . n--- ;;:.'.:.. _ `N.".--A large sfarli 01' um Shm-2:. of ever}; drur wnmrn, clrii-hen, kg- hlnll_ \rI.i:-in h.. :.. .I.- nipdn .A V1`. __ ..... ua -uu_ nunges, I8 dc wry-or in Cmlnsc-I am: "1: 0- Municipal Act: aim, we div Vt` shim mm Wards. by me Dis - CouncJl.'~': alsn, lhe Road ll lsa, lhe Act I-Jr lh nhnlili '5 and (he sub.-liluh'n`u of (`mmt them, Vah_v which ('pu;[r Hm: cm! In detach Juniot ( auntie-. expl4Iua1oT5"'oHPu' same tcspec lynf[..u1n[2Inn; tum-tho-r wil dividing (he Colin! ol Huron. Th:-. Menlnicipal funual wil Ihe diui.-inns ol earh ('mm!_\ !(.'oIIu(irs, for balding {hr Dim"; l'dt'l' Ihr AM for lh Tc-rah-(-r_y 0 Wine mum-s ul Ihe (`Inks fur the ` sinus. and Ihe lime: aw! place-5 svvrml ('mutx. ' [ u_.. .. .1 I --, -..-1. Mlnlcai. mnn. I-Yxn II I`: . 1 I --ans: 4 H `M: nollnnn ti It-an r U_rr'u_[Mr British Wing in Bag 1.. mvurjlnlj rermlud o lb;o;'( m I3. And the Clgb Newq-spun Iltile L . v- M5,} - ,--nu, nu` ngpuhl Comer .1 8"- N` Of .h'uu, l`.....-._ ` `'."'``'n "I wmcn dutiu venom M|ltIi('ipu|jgj,3 . Town: and \!;n._.,' I E A municipal luau! an Upper aundn gIlN)\Vl.v`\'G the Member: of the vqrioua ` L _ Municipalities throuezho-at the Upper Province, Iml Ihr Pu`nc-ipai Ollicen dflhe se- \ Tl|'IIi'I;ll """"` I.` ` ....r re-.-pvrmIl . Um he has rnlnnzo-vl his sh pn-pun! In o-xerutv -alfunlln m, un lhr shone`:-I notice` and u ra`n- trims. `M '"'".'H. II! mock. 39 BAR.KEh 0OI..nnar ll. 1-..`! .__,\ - ----nuns; ulna: V, . v- { m the Prowncq. (`o:.mnrI. Flu um _ _n ma! Cnumur- Hm _e..|..-.; V. uvw -gvI1 I [Hat receive ] __,__ ..... ,..-uuvy-II IICQI of I [mgusenu-ni. ' There in n Bevan : 3&7, 'a_nd "'10 cnrm.sz u, map of Bulk Room connected ilhrrns-ifb. The Hon! ml! be conducted an ' Ih Eurnpun plan nff lodg' 1' muls as may may he ordered in the ion: 5 and Splmicd Rrfmony. 4 Parlors wmc up :1 ; uriu the nizhl to admit lodgers, ands! flu cal them nuny lime the - TIN! \ UI!|[_ F0! Sill? hp D '1 1 -llullfl `all of which are Inn-nod .411 mm; up with much]. which nr_ nmlil- will thmugh-Lufvq pinged cocl one bed inrxoom ; the closet. on every an; `will [timing the niuh: -` -am. u. _ Ap4ril,,'1g5.\ ':Tl7RNS_ his since-re-i I"I.~lnuu-rs: am] u... Mmc ' .Ir lhuir .mv..\..,_ _ _ ,, -,_ .~.--..rur Iuurll at :-I Ills [ml-lc in --r their pannunune for the -pl lhr sum Inna re-.-m-rlfnillv Princess I Str.- cl, m:TuR.\`.s .-i l`u.l`m....p.. _.. .uu- uuuIIll'l]|IllI|P$ 3 Town: and Villages, nor (.`onm.-I uro- (`tter lflllhio Strict. In :_ ........u unu mlumnlinnl In In inrvrming; menu In his inlim fo: the nu! , \, tn: rupee!-fd rquoalad 10 5|. ocl `in lha on-ninr. ~ ' nu Mr I! |h`|': main. uncut in ct f WEEKLY n mm _. `nmsu H!` I ` RA us A 1', J UST ..\-u--u _\.nnl IIHUSE, mic! 'Barrir Slrc*rls.-'-- I. L`.u.\.\_nn;ns,un the pmnisu-9. n imn-whats-ly. I April, I850._ 33-? . ,, _ -,,,........ u-urn, Wlln "IO us OI pull at Ads, in {glee in U r by which duties are impmed on the vlullicipuliliest Alm..the houmiariel 5 and drnru! by the Go- (.`r-mm-I the II Act: divisn _pauiu-,1 of she. I_uld!.h_rlhe Dulnrt M....:..:--I ' P _m-\:fm'.ams. .v Narkv! -`quart, lfingaluu. . 8'2 -' . jxu-up-_j TT THE C0mNu.|,; l.___-,, _. 9 stark Yr:-My mndeva-ot: do-rsiplian, for mu In"!-fnfn, ll !-pl rnnshnnlfy in -I.-It-nnmleal lo tiispo-_e of ' ;..v OH. , ...u.L`,-u4i|-'%'IDN lcl, with u cnpuouu union, nf ' impmn IrIirimIipi..-- l'-- ' __..--...`.4&V Al. I Lang'b!on`IIeu`a. ' r puqnilites. `.--..!- 7 -Adi-'-I Ifrlilloit `IIWII llnll -(Inn, -.~,uu-. l`H"o` `es-sinus; Township 01 .5 miles oi the hay, Ii-`I, (;irnhnrnu- Runluhj I lln- snuih Md. um! lbw In in .m.. .._.- Shoe !`,~ "|.l} `CO0 I "hl|hn...M > N. lb. amt` line: mail-I "AI Vlftltlc : I Iv, ," ._ ....-am. an II Inf '2 fur 1-very lnhoa... Irmenn rtenoding no n! inlttrtion y oulurqurnl inner-; re inaemd " unli nnuranns. l'l7Bl.lsm;1;, Q-n-_| A... on . mwmun; 8: Ca. E. Qinbe .3. lililh weekly *--------v up In; I'll [mhlc j Ipneri" we tin 1...; _ W"! rc'.~"|n-rltily in _,,m, `50--I shop and 5, ` " tI unlnuu hnlnv....|.,_.I :m mu. at uni llllitnll. n on~ma,' ill, and opened by `M 3'5` My 1, I849, who (IOU all` .-niencc, elendu, At:lI',f (gnaw! bezpuapld ill lb! aim more mom: than I"! us ca-nllnenl, t?! 000003]. gratis. TIN)` IN uh marble-to wnhtudl. ' licd- with NIH liq, u .$`t.. wgvusni . I. (horn Short. 4. A I.-vthbury. I5. 51, Vinccnt Place; 45. Gr:-`a'vt_I.JInvsI"-_'3I.; _k I_, ...-1 urn are empow- ounliva; and lhe Act 2 n.-specling lb": Coun- rr with the Act Ior Huron. ' I in unr an lwo ..-.....u- or me nrioua ncip.1i_()lcn-rs df line so- slpo my, Hilu-., Town Ind I H . I I E '3] Hi: Holrrin in Ilse IM- JTY OF MEli(`AN1-n P '1`. BROWN} ` Kingllou H`!-rv ilmnlts In his I"l'|llC in gnu.-." I \II on But III` I] ' I I I I J us I-mrnsh-cl I mm the most ` id. 197 R. FRENCH. .76-8m mu: m l0'.Vf|- in Municipal Budge Acl ;_ n J Disuirts .I in place 0 sure Qhll Iho `PI I: III! `M- TANTILE nl um. -I` `W7 --.... .. .. .;.. ..;;;a.. ;..'..,;..T M. Milo use Tnlvituial Lift Anna E Dan-II.-- -..-.L -- ` in (Rqiuornl nuyd Ix`I;an--rd ;y `('1 If Putin- `; Ivuul. 7 and 8 l io.,cnp. I 10.} ' -2 .-..u-u- . 3"" lwl up unu. an '.-...-. 'l'lI I`: ouu.\_l.;IER I 7 Spring Su Iv of uh: Sight, frtvm HIP` nchrstrr named at last I-`a_ll.= Grnuth. _ ', _ II I U (Mar (IJ'Iill'IllfP IIIIII [I ll; met an imu. In IM u I llllcl it its been ""595 I `null awe rquu annual Inslllmenls, u T `Fqr fudler particulars apply srribg-non th.-vPm=vi.` or to P. . mu ` . lhm'Ir `(h H: r `M . -`W r * **r;..:r..::.;.' '-w;-uufnuuug Illl'II' mauqrw-mg, | T:Iucs-Parl, down ;. mg Sine equal inmnl inmlmenlc, Fnr fnrlh-r nnnh-..I.... -_; |_. \.\ \ '_ _l'ingst0l|', 4 IN, .... ` ` V I, 7' ' Thu-slhlnlion o . V l"`W|.ilI'$v.`Vevi Llilf-at}? :ll:-(:u~tPm ;"'l:I '-J upon the Mu-adamized R6.I`d ya" I Efiilllh-inn"-eltlclmi` in (H. ]Jm"i"l'" ` !"'N`N'* I1 I u? firorahle a nininu all`? and nu-P.ahlical 1 `--T " "19- Th0 h!'lW'3ll'l'.xn wall mu! .....-_.n_. n ,._ tu:Ir|'|_llil|i Mmmlain Stream, wi - ly`nl` water; capable of 53 cam Twelve Thousand Burners nf -...- annum; having made, si'-cc Ham Thlysgnd Barrels of,| hnnd second in "ii prnuhuun ' _..-_ `run:-nun ---4.: Insurance [aeld lbr the nimn Comp-nice. upon Ipplu'MinII_`|n the undouugned. A I Inns-`:3 adjusted ynth fuiuicu and hbenlily. nnd`pd'id!J with pnmwzqu. 'l`lI4\u I .1 nnnn..- - '-`llicaslgi-. ; _-...__ .- , . tr! um, wen ;. lmlnufawlring puvpnses. Any rs,-asnnable qnantilv camhe attached to the Mill rrq-tired. ' I ' TL ` CANADA, _ -..u nuuhr. 0! I` vol I ti:-9, silt!-IN` in M *3 Ancaxler, in the (34 raw- '.,GRlST MILL, ,w`llr ` `Him! I-'[.'0l'R MILL, '.Slon('s,- boll: hu-mg c zfemnuciug also (he lame: I nun--. ..-. - ~- r.;uUl.\` ox '"`'"' The nocnnlv fmmd. and over! rcquiaite infr- Baum F! __'n mnlmn. II In Ihe mndc nf all'c_|m Anurnncn. I ire of` (;.h:" H, I msy be ublained mm by Irlterot peuoml ap- ' lm-us; plocunon to ' . ~ ' 'rumus Ilumms. Imam, _, n...: .: Its, A "` I no ruurnod lo Ibo fninilyof line A: The Iuhocrilnol be In remark I nix (`nmpgny has born drain; bum vmro for about Ion ye|rI-nud hl fmmd llhcril. and pmlnpl in Ila: claim: ` 'I`I.- _A ` r" J' rafter- .. .--um, Ivc Iuiuwfnml In I Lon fdc frodisur. the cum hll mil be pgid Irilhnul drducli--n : if Ihc Pulicy he ran! an-niumd um lunmmmlcvf Premiums m-civru thereon will he returned to IM liinily of Anmn-cl. - ' hep um Ihe Britan- blmncon in this Pm- ve|n-nml I... I-an -I ---~ nu` Ill nllff. ' All claims pnynl-la within mu: proof of drum Nu pmnf of birth Iloo lime I claim in mule,` the In aw being. `in every cub. Idnnm-I in line nnl. under any eiremnnlancrs I1 cull:-d in qnenliuu. Pnlicieu eiaclod lhrif `own live: my run len`orrd v death by duclng or the hand: nfj_.u urn! of uuicido-. if the I`--Inca,` he a ton jdr nu-and hen In ! nmumuul` Pm uumn mu ivrn he rlln-4 n.. .5- r..;._ .. ..n- -- - 310'!` RPIII , April lI,l8.- um un all ma Upper Iall um W rmwlulnl uh - _- quvuvv . 1'mmAs amass. 1.. ""-" ""` ~`*`""` S'" *`m- ~" -` , Kintilen. March Ix-150 unovrupvd WATER l RH'lLEDG: . V V 1 ._..._....,..._-. Hnnatu--I I-_`-N full. well adapted 17 mo. may I Harlan lhnrauccmlleo.` '""`-`"""`3 , . ` __ M An r-Inc.-.n..l.l.. ....-..-. I | ;_ -Irv. .... . The `Em-mne of the Cnmpnny independently ul Ihr`h-rec nunhvnvihc-d Capital. io'|IcIn-nu Bnghly imul Nanny Thnuund P-ounda.8I'e-l`ing..1 Icr -An- ham`. and at um um gvealpct ' ' u-rumulntu-1 lo: nupnymem oflulul A puny c-`o:-I-ng nn Aunurnnce wiuuhia (`am- guny. may do -u fun u-d sum.-pa able at his m her denlh. Inllmul pommipnling in! pvou. and mntby Itcura ll mum-d_ul Ilnyu by no! paying I nun man, in nlmlujely nqmnd to pro-with fm v the nil--buI ifpillicipclicuu in prulnjn profcnrd In} In) puny, Ilmr um ' Vlulu nl 'I`ahlcst` ndcypicd by the (`-mm-uw. which Kev an annual divnsiun o! lhv- Pvcmand which-`sing supp:-rlrdvhy the T nth" Ilrum-In of lhr -lnnilnliun. hnld um I Ian M IQ ! and l|_V"lnble jnduccmanl Iv} Ihc person wio|f- m in; In Auurr. I ` 1;. An .n.;.... ..._.n. '- --- ,---ucnlu-rlt ny u~urr."pnsI---gm: JA HES R[:,s5g[_L_ `. J`anu'Ir_y' lslh, -.. cut`! an uuvnucynl llllj nun pin-vi-in ' ' ` ,6: lhon fcunlu-n. ,' due 5, no to man in can of peanuts deula - '.lg.\; I'M Dun (tho -undo an lln lawn: clue}: two . . -cu -"In" umcfi llllll i-e or mm-In high:-t. um I `I77. rp;__`_-,,_,, - - - J! I: (t R:'ilnuM T ...u-an name. ' The Pro]IerIv5i: w_e|$ am} grnemlly lsnownuu nu!ice_ the Sun.-.-psi. ---4-I \ UH "I341 U. 4 ."nl-`Mal I/-on Furl. . Ca-luull Idfr alumina ('1 llnilrd Knnglun Ila um Connercqi . ` U0 nllb` ' ' cuuuuiwr: --I cum! urn, III and fur euuluugml --an-uy Anuuimu. f`hilmn..ind Tm `refill: hInn'am lu pmdrnl or up-Mi: n ;-..n.., _ -7, ms 1-z.uIwmu'.orrI Run To! ovoyeu. urn-.h n- Lil: our -net.-of`l00: ."nlo'nnal Ln-.. 9.. -1 a .\1-rm I` rm the Nvluu.-u: lxsiruxcl (`Human the Subuni- bor in prcpaml In eifocl lnluraumron M4-rehnndiu. Produce, Slumhollund Smiling Vquelt. runningf on uh; (run: and" Rm SI. Lawn-nee. no fundown . II Quobec and on all the lhipor lulu. 1 1|. Kiu(Ilol_n.MarehlH50 ' TM! ullmr (Mien don` | In nun-In h_n.-.. n. lhoho- udnaugn If [all hecouuu man and pan 3 ulna` too; Ibo unuitgol can 6: it ncwfng I ,'|1n n..a....lu.. l..-- ' Jllfrovn Anna II (`Mu \""""" "" "W I|l&lo| Illnuion n! us. Imllnunnn 'lLu-_ - N9. 1 P?inc'i' Bunk. .c r. ' pgtrlran his I!I.l.l~ n'u-ovum av cum. act or n * I Vic. flap. 9. THE nauucnnoluuu I-mimhm any-1 ll}: --mucous Puimu. inn ..--- ;,r.u\7-ally IIIIHVH "III; 9, the Sunscrjber considers; won.-; and thv only reason` rs the ahv-vn, Io hlv in: NM! .ur~_equ.a|t--unr1I'k of 5:1- ' management - L .` Hnnrnn ||-- -A I` ` ` llo_ J. Mr\KT_V'. , . mm in livu-tnn fnrlhca Roe-hrulel Send Sim! - 6.1811` - "" Icvvl'2I'Il| R. I "WIN. End---meuntor w.'.:... furl c-can .......|.n.. -_..-_,- _n.l'I\I:k Stun,- i`. KIn _ ".'?\RT_tI~'. yank;-.6-.. 9.. ---- u u-nu] IIIIIIIIDH I "III PHI` I hu hon Ilwnyuf Ila! ltlllcmtnl m` .. vuuur .- me In or ma A-Ilnred I'M. live Pr-In-y. unn- be unnwnqrls by paulieunn , In Ml ten `orrd Iuid in sun at nnruunnor `run I I u.mwmu'. or` ten: A... .A_h o I ,-., ......-nuuurv-In III `I IIIIIUI I5` `M pans u-nnnguuiy ul lnfn. mum-I iwluch it may be MI M In pmvndr. ` can-alum hdiluliun in Bump,` r-apnoea Pu-he-ion. hand by not unto Cumin. nicleuy Oh--Ir aunt Anunnco are duly I I wait! by Ohm!` uouitynl min. wiiiiil `M P-. ah nun-mm at drblul 9" cm` Hlilnun 4|.-IL , with mlr_r-,, } Io u-` Sub-3 ' 9. ,8. .\`i`u.:vtN- = I r. ":--st.-am}: Diner: 1 - V , rrmaumlrr in! I I ning In-ineu in the Col-slain mg: comp-nmon_ in unn_ecu-i I ITO rues | -'IIcumcr_r. `HI I J -n ' " "" Pa I Alngim`. `{\. llEfI"fy'lI: islx p ftF::Ll(;rl|l\*|::p"1;::':';:' ` V ' ' u rs Pmpn _' hes": the `pwpar;mm_ nf Bmhl_.n[' \Inlu'g|g gm; . . " "'`'ImI nf I-ml:l.r v 1 5 Or a_'"n" ` II! I. 1>"'in Ihe IE WI! I I ` | um we most my T `mu ngm, vmtuiu-r land In 0,. lgrge .-up. l'iM(`0' 1-om_ -mm, hr an it -dlr has mm. and mu cun- "ol-C.pEla'Nsl.mm,mf P my, -1! uh`. l.!cII`|{ -anon. Pm 5' . ` .,._ A ' low In:-i]:urn"Y r H. t'DRFR.QIn`n Ilflfn ' Ill Tlflll IWNTWI lor ' in ueqmml an In ..r m. Am.-r-A cw-nj;;;.;"::.;:.,:::::.':.r5?::`.1+.:;,"..??::;*35%`*"`**` W W JGIIIPMA at lat-rllin |lIo.l.iver cnmgilainl ' W best "N" (`". m Wlil. Dininen in the hdtd C` `I 'u"c'""N"" Ill SIN limos any nlutchcl. Eryaipclu. En'IIrfn|-I1.` ,;f igzngm Th ? Maflhilu-up in {mi F'_nIld nnmplainu of may kind; Billion: (\\`il|1`ifI (hr L.-.1 I.-9|". , P!"|l-Sillmnw Of Snccnlhurrr Scum "M H ernhrneint the tan. gm ,, `h'"`|l|m|`"IItlml-mu-~n.' Y. . ijht dc-srril-tiinn "Th-|\ JOHN L-"Nh"l'REEr ".0. P. `i""""fl,il|K Mmmlain .' u-B"_'_k..`\__'".'_`-. r 'lIl\"nl` \\'nh-r .-....s.:- -; I: ll neon Illyd Iclllcmvml or nonrrnl mar I {If hirlh in lhnnunul -- 'v'-Us -Ifxv N`ll"'|lull_y 1.; !BbO5llIIll ul King.u,., . Halon. anon.-......- -9 ru uy paunelnn mud in nu? nf igolice. I II the nuigncd In N` -nll '54 ...:a ` W`$"v. Lilo) lathe Ill: .` vuu ll Iequlrml I`. of ma An -`lured `Inn Pnlu-.. an- fifiif 9 4 RESSM Uxnnassan LWBER Llns Cunni<|im'p..r' m...|. n,_-_. _ I Thf Pivhifgs - ;.. _f . .- - K? _: VPHF} WIIOLE of lhnse Valuahlo Proper- _ am! nearlhe,Villugcnf nlncaxler, fv-'-`viiiq-I` c.mi.-ring or ad d, d . ,GRlS'I" MILL, l'wn R-In hf Smnu, bmi':""'5'.'|:-Vt .'n"!::":'i"y"l`_y"3'1:J'"':"':":;laps! with Thro-9 Rm: of! Miainu we ran` '0 M '".w' b; m.m_;5lu|1('s.. hull!` ro`rnpl1-le Machme1_y. Ii-tin! Ivimeun :n'l_|uq cily and annually. Ind"mm"'"g a""l""`'1 ""|""""?"'*- Inullmlimeninn olhunbllllvingofddllladcom.' THE LIHST MILL, paint pmnounu inc-um e.t-rcroc-m nndpor-` . . _ . . mu` 5" `M "Wm. tM.'n"0.n' compmnny I-(rm: t| u_~ nuk.mta2e nf sulualmn, pmferlmn -an condant`! "queutrdIoIrv Ihiumodicinr. Clio. - " ` C "M"-" `,~"'`' *`'""`.I h"'" `'?'" " km mu` Wm. muck M Y(_.."__'-' F."r.Dmp'!_ [alga amount '0! prnnagr. F :;t.:'.:'.:.'~.::.{3:23;..3'::.';:::.:::.`:":.::..':',,.".:;:':s: . W *`WW` Mu- dohilil ./nnrqounm cnnpnplexy. ll _of'nny kind, is in all rvsprc-ls equil In .'my of lhr,ki1nl i`:. ow` the bland In Ihohovul. 'aumJ1e6. lnmpir-g_'(`anada, and being .r~ituah- in.'Hu- heat at cough. norm`: in young and u d. _ _ _ _ l-1Pf|l'_"PI.'cnn- lhv Whn-at (`mushy in t|`ao`- I rnH,nce, cm alum-rln_m Ilaga.l.Iv-r cumplnInl.Aguo. commuul (mm mm a.......... ..r _. , . qlmninl. Dinnncn m Hm l..u.a n--...._r A uvluylrlilll In prneuce Ill! new emi ` at andnlher Nnlinnu. calla! the YDROFATHIC and BUTANIC 'ME'.Dl~ CINES. which, if properly upplinl. are calcula-

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