Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 1 Nov 1860, p. 1

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=!i.*D`U_I {Q I U 41 n n, -~`.H'a.u.nuan.nI s uuun man. ; T rluuiognd stun &ii:%L:$z1f3!1~I;__s>.,A.t:;1:%%_*..l_,__?.I:1,;;1Iaiu!I+oRNING NOVEMBER 1. 1860 '..,,.......... lluulu. II lulu lire! emu lI|,*brti|II|.zIi,I'9Ii~l?.E Uiluu _IlM . .091! Pfbl king Ian-ntnra raaaunial In an 3~W-mm guilt; I- II I: Iwrtllotllnlnlwunuoa In and moths u neighbor: _ u npluulyoflhc Ointment forced Income; - - . an l`.I.mI'!In nnrmlvrnannp gnu wguxum I an Lnzuuu nsv nus. `harden uhuiiuw -1`i_uy'buoand by id! thi fbaoihul ' ....r:':*.;--... W -W , rorilldllckof Iioplenig uvluos `u udgtve lunudiutnv ht. bl?-I lhrloult antipa- dun-unto vblnlujatnn nnininlnanun - L T 0 7 . .j.L . I. -.."'fr"`i an-uldunm iibyschuru. "Pl.lB.l`I _ it `uh muu rn-'6: -one `nun-`wan Ina nu inn suntan`- |vrp|ntl_on. Tentteln ucurcbullegl II; at wound batty; Mdogeuvkln untmuwwk iuniien rennin mnirnnuu Malian uuu ;roru-nI=vuuvodun mama _ mnenmnoiunmdu-uutMo~ alivllua tolifiryllnwlhyn. Thu!) nlloulnndnruunltnlztl-nItnIuI.IalndIcnad ht lmhwlilhllnlldiai In and llninunlnndlnnnnlln Illa. nniukhnr. up Mr I: II mu-oea um DIl"l`f{l_Ru.lil.. ERA ANDSOILRL 1*ibau1u:1'i1no.:r. A ED UTHER PBVERB. Atari fa an din. -i inc 1;. am-mi In 11; mm: or Ibo mm won; JIOLLOTWA PS OINYHENT. LID LE3: MDUEb il AND Alldl U 9 ' , ' , nedhhl I: lit Ffei` ||lo:1::?Il:t'l' '31: inutgnlz 55 Hall. Ill ll! m 'l`u.n..a...u .....'3.......'.' CHE} I ' '. ' ' T cuumxnu oo., an-an V to su Pom Sum, ummu nun: cmcwunu nuurpruoi Ulln, Kheiill at Slitohod, vmutul in any Inspect; on furnish oitlur an Trudi or Dam-Inn at n_ laws! prlon than nnywxhor nnnhi 'u| Guudl. Bond in Primal Lin 'lDOllIC.E!'lQ Q-nuu.nas'unaug-sen, by:-1rqJacIuauM I.~ urd Mgr Mala:-ca A.l.o,-only du.:"ilhI It FAQ, ;R"l(.`U'l` Hid nmuudg anew, uuvcrymaolr Ion price than in nuuay paiatiar `no-nr hi I CAMPBELL I ('20., M SI. Pun Stunt, lourul. cu. 1 671:7 on. 1 , wwo. am: an 2, mam Oil. 813., Bnrnazlzmar nnfmpq. came: by we bum! at 5 lo 10 non k .. '7 3- "' cnumuu co. 1 14- HI. Pun ingot, Hound T u:n"ma:u mszunno 1% ~ Faun Stretched Wuorprcof Cononlod. Rh-sand or Slilobod. -V`I3'rIlII i nan . sAwsT'3\ wsu Of only duotiptbn, ouhand Ind nub lo onlar. I 1Au~g'1_:';"c`j%*i+:;'mjs;271"ua 5 - . Halllhllu mound [ho Cricket 1 Phnnronht Gun Duly Suouoagh. Thoinn dc:-kska. Nina:-. , - . ( ,. 138 u--_-_. -T at _I"-ooorsnl lnuun; Arulni. gin Souonou ll Cauucum. oamm 8-nu-r, nu -`III luau . Horns. lmwrcgt. unmuz; W Pvihtiulztvuv. . `Is. 1; M wu;_no may wanna. - Oahu for you M; will ho pmnptly axunudnor tbothinn. Ahvlcuh of raagiiu Pane: mulfn iuuuvlz. .14.-A...-n-. .J I... dun` In`. I2... `I II Baum rune! mum uuIIwI:. A dolts-dactnaad by the` Info Firm of Uviajnlom &' Era bu. npw Nth Jury llll, Ii" be iefod lha nuknigncd. CEIEORIHE . (fl-IEIGII IE I _ we Mr. Juno: Lftih Iintul` . Ibo ' ruinous llmmy, man u Ihaomofioul qunthiu at a ALE 'POR'l`8hbu od ut|bli'sh w_?lll_bo fu!1y'muu?ned.m"' 7 `mu (!n& for Inc M: rill In .nmmMIv IIIX UZHIUIIIIIVT 0500. lltp Pdtlrtralk. . .MON'l`llEA.L._ ...n__. _. Innufoatnot-'3 luppuel. V $J--FE-CHI-I . U51 , Ilauvuctllnll 0!. An. mmau 1.: IL]. 'I`llll.NlRH'lN. nun: rats: ."A`I"s;- T cgnpnfxir. an Go. W.IAC'IIII.l 0!. Ahh DEALS] "i.:':..'.;;.. ";r.::......." "-':..a:` GEORGE C_REIGH#0N naIn--u CAMPBELL & Co.- li SI. Baler Stunt, Itnulucl. I ENOTIQZ. 215'} C17 Iiiihl; , .x..'.`1';'.":TE!.*'c:. .7's.7u'..'. :24-.1-In pot! which In his mt.-slmi Inn Ihhnuuau that behind! _ emit: work in [lo list ofia ug, Papa- Hmalun Hallo-Dunnnlinn. la... in tin '1'.::'"';':*.""".,..'"""' _ ` mate puma t;:% Glllll Iii! ll: El IIKH fIH|lM& ban atui"u7xo um". Ii the mnal nun-nndul-nu-n. . ` D? WHTMIIHII Bl as sumnhrrwsug anbiinhad an` Agency is nth my r lhi Do at his u.-as nnd mama. Tum. an 1.. ...- 1 Agency at an my not In: are l mu A5558 gnd PORTER. {lotion on be up- ' _li Wadnlllln 5! Ililjon J2. Bmnou C 50-: Wuhan : Build- Tiafn, W_Ilmggon Slml. H Ihq layup: n- mmwmm` E!w.'.'W CREIEHTBN :su';uu,.ou. ngmo. Q`! n'. .}.'.'.-."a';`a.".i`s."""i.`..I".i'.`1.'-;..;. no Tannin ail] Weakly um. Boil; Ind Wail:-Leda. All Tonmo Patljld llpplhd by lhl Iir, iiqth, week at Magic Mp , at my man. uluvuu`. 03-[Nun C` %...:..,.*"':.'-*.$.*-m- `I. ` ' ' `an ` ' "7 . . 7 '3 _ "*!f)v ` Imam 3] mi` In". a. W. ucocnur, Kn. Stowe. Ru. Menu. Oluovdr, > x nude in ::c.; :u.y:ia cniullnt md-his 1&5, , . MI mt lllrlllula on. .- Eohy. ' Ind 'laIdiI`o for Nov. Tho NIUYIE Dnilb Illnhrlr nenivc _lI|'ll'AFIi.l KI IIUUIB _ uauamm-.15 ' cur dulnpon. ` Anyook ot Poritliul notin_uach pu- nund tannin, II 3 or idly: nouoa. Thu fulhwin: nnl Puimliunln an innl J'3|U Hllll ul5i'||'llIV%lI IIIIIPI Int! nualuufulyietiodicd upubmta. :11: New Yuri Indnpen an oonllinilag lrtitil 5] thi` 387- H. - Beecher, Mn. mourn. Rn. Menu. Chant. x -T use am. Atnlguaa` ; 1yj.b`r`.f?::imhr." * All !hi'YII!`=- db. aulnuh L111. 'l.nn'c far "A.- llil aunauiuusn Iupecuuu; In_u-' um: I! he not reudivul Duly nupplyfmsn ow Ynvhuf Ibo Nwul sud Luau! nnwamrlns books a near: -' larnpvalnnnniidnn `lllllld lllll , H 3 Illlyl HD1100: 1'1... following an Puiodicnla 4:. M rooqivonl I .:1"h Homhou JoamLi~'fho ohupul and non uuful Iiatiodicnl VI! nnluhad. 'C-IU_Ij,"`lIIl w-vuuu-nu v-v-u-vuv -"-*1 R` E-I Cub llf. [ somlfinlma NEW.l l0hg(hmwww& awpuuwwnumm OBOE IUD. D.-'llII _ llgjl (hf Il. ll. an, in Ihe Rad couoeaina `of {ho lmvmhip oi Emulwu, containing id) an of Ind. Eng pudeulm inquin at 1ht5ldIr)I~ u Olu. Gnlunonroot. ; uni` 1'xEu 't*u1u\5I.' .96-i-rv-n ".......-;..'nu B4:51diIa.!;.:,__h".`.5`_.".`. .`_`*._. __,.....-._- ..r`- --.-r 11nm`l- "I-LII sou-' 2v.m%.:. PH mam. rue;-Imhm he Dy ICIIIII Illllll. No. 2.--Two um: orlha out hull` of L0! N9. ` sjnlh ht oducauion of the tow- -hlp 0? ' Kin ' neu Ward`: hum. Also, 3 my 0! thloulhnll ofuid Lolo. W, nuflld Ill!!! plnpo. pa. .. no Inn bf Inn! in u lawn of Polar h. dam _ of Lou Nos. I and 1, on .- ' h Ii 3 of Edinburgh meal, and went mid: of George mast. No. 4-.-Ahmi n-In inf than! 155 mm: and um um um _uaorgc `Inner. No. 4.--Moo.i farm of about 155 acre: of land, in tho ` ' `ship of Bumi . composed 1:! put: _ Lou Non. 19 N, In Ibo lalconac bflhe said township- wvll kuqm: an 1 n `worth Farm. "R. K-'|A ' Illinjnnlul. __ , 9.IAVMl-3.1.` Quin IL: Enlhnl. i auulvurug up up auvvu Ill ---no-v - I he 1!` O '1' I 0 I . _!j_E ggliowing rmpeleu will be told by " pvtls ale :1 llli arm of Ibo Rings- Ioa Permmenl Bqgjging Society. on renun- nbln and coaiohibnt term: : - Nn, L.-.'.nl Nix HI In Ilnn` I"'InA Al ID! nnu CUIIVUIIIOHI IBIUIC { No. l.--Lot No. #1, in ld I-mngo of Pmnmot-Eh, containing onovflh of an acre of land, Will: u nubnluhli `stony houu. 36x'.'4 fact, '1 club I, um`! I" noaanuy oulbuildin , fox-merry dcoupiodu I tavern M by John I lfnrd. 9.-0-'I'wn mm: nflhn onl In" 4:! Ln! -I1 amp:-`-. mum. an 1- IIIDDFEAIL U D um o-man roams. as whites - av campus` ea nosntu, Fan Sale um. cu; am Slum. Jl|'ll;B BTU-Ul xmguun, 0cl.,, new.` ` HESPERUS_,_ Afl n-nunn nnnlna A. I W -Q;-3.` ...u *'*'s'.1""'l ";::2-Em I. streets. xaamon. c.w, "I'll? Ulllll-ll I IIIJDI 5:13 IBIIIIV IWU` ll! and I`! am: to him, do!` uatbemicuul, 'on it before lhalim dn_uI mbor nut. -runuua nrmlnu arm: n.........:... Jul no hnfnnu lhnnd nlnvnf. .1. ME In ' Emu I A J}. Pfifmniznr sr3i:'1r_t1-:.` u;eKrl_y of Clu"l: akMiHa, Camdc`a,!-at Inn 0 lf III I. 5 III Wllld `D u the moo at tho maunzgn-a and tonic Ihci: dghlq wilhnut dllny ; and all pniu \ hnvin elxim. ngaim! the Bulls in to do!` Inhnr In-I-I nrrndxmuf? FACILLTIESI " E SUB8CR1A'Iupeclfu1l,y s._u-- , mini ml: in not rpuaivnn Du]! \.(.|lIaIluI Uiywilnu Ian v-III:-I v--r---14 - ,. _ . . . . . , .. `WV. ' jWm,. AHOINBI-A - II . soucrron mggcjnancanv, convsnnlcII,bo.. Ill!) mar. ._.-__._ .!;G*g'!-_9.-W- na_.--...__.A _Al_4. In-I.Ir `raw, Iltrn uuwu (zzzlcni onjauu `tn: nut:-r shun.) --* . .r risu i.'=ru r" um xuqwn an an No. 5.--The * n ling On A-nun. ulinuon, 1860. 3"; ':ro'Es'T5a'3ci'Ii3' "JiiIove- "'"nIi>'$}'3;E.' `moms IIRKPA max Allomqyfor swan 593 um, :m.uanx.T . -;'{`2.'1. ?. .`J.':..?s `Imam VILEIB WA"I"l': w AGCOUNTANT lec.. lD.Il`fu,Hl l'lOlI'Il- -an It-vi `C nu-an-I -nil nnmcrr IEIIID. (0 ll unulugrg, um r H : Qunpouur. and Nllwrit, I I -. -, NAPHH;`_`_3-_w_ '-7, ? :l_LKD-3037K '1'-"U.NE3a gs ;_ 3. unusual ! lune 33i`: W3: "6"" "`""m T '.Mm;s sratiunh. `on. Um. (I. I860.` In-:9 :7 _r___-__ Wlo ` GEORQE BAXTER, = _ See`; & '_l`rou., K.` Pan. 8 . 13, MW. worm nrm. gm 0. Lot. 1:. 35, `gr (II: lninlhin M 7-: Quinn; mil ;...;.;4 Ill ..._. Asp: um. -Eu A "a;"."aT':.`.'. ."a6.i'""7'-. .'..`i`.t . 7 I 7: V7 V. , `T `mom cw puma-vv .. .F*...-'h.-'."a*?.':.%* M00 P` I 11-... -nlginnnlls nlnmnlhntdfcrhu 0hld'GAHn['|ugI.. in-nnddn ls. .. - `w V "'1'1'.".`n'? a?Z?"' C Hum." "' The %;m..~,~..~~.s;-.{~.;.-;-.;...-j:{ T ._muur1-s` - . -CITES N IANK or Lorwou. suafz`I:`:.h.iuln5und, T F . . ` H ` "' ov3}.wn'i'; 4Ws'7v.4u., Oluih-slreol. Now Y0lk""9I' ll NAZRG, BROTHERS is SWEEN EV. Again, No. I Chulwu Raw, lama. Out. In, I800. an ms BIITISEAND Noliru .uu:n- rmmnoru. nut. srmusutrt. T rub:-5-i.:uht_D`c1an1frr1cA'-:25. CV3 ' I `Q I M. of their ngiandl In` tho Ucmnd Sluts, an putuhuo titan M lb! following EDHCED RATES. PICK In, I9." En 5.1". In If.` had ' II II` NE F Io1g'..,.,..`............m`i a 1 i it` sin ?m:3uasi7uvu am You .... ...... ..: Plllllnlll lllllil II II}! WUOVIIII Mwcin RATES. rm GALWAY to Bas'm_N. .. .330 on -6 NEW mum on II'n-Ins nun "I"m-an An E-H:--an In I... -' - - ausrr yuan J I I-`mr. any `Town on Rni'vuy In Iro- hml In BOSTON nr NE IV 11.. Stounuuniia Company bavdibgpa eonotnalud wish Ibo lteitolrou ngudo nfuy and comfort, oonhinul uh unodet. and pmpelli :51 power, incl` are built with water-light compuununu. They In aonslemly oxpeoled Io intpnu. in npoed cud rough weuhu qualities, any vouch Ivltblull, I_nd II`! lldo with Olognncien ewusmnou. pnjqlhi ll willlluoivon ill I!- tunon, whic ml to tlhu 3 cumm man. and gums! i ipppn will tun their inlctda unfnlly vidad Eu. ~ * AI emu` Surnouuuuludjaualu Pa : k" son I an s..m'7.".`..?u` i..`i..";1'.'.3 v..u .3 : % fa-in puny: {mp lotto: my New York. gvw. K-J`;:h ,.;,."..' A 3 . as \ ;"fPu1`gE: IfYAf-L;AW '0 4- _: an H. `, . lhdonrnnnow. nu. ands, MI: udunuhnrdhruu : - U3 nun 1.;|.uI-313. ` Chiklnu under 191,0:-I.hulf` ` ; Jar om) loll frog. hinl Clan an roqmnd Io lhrll bulclnd mu. llllol or 1-lingo To Guwu Dunn, Cut, tanner, [B::.rAdnr,_I:uRn`v.;a|In:uv, or1uy locum rpm on: In onota inni Cities in In hhdnryiootlnnd:-13' Fuur Cu: 100. IN. and IVA towni- ing Io Sula Room uaoonunodwonl. Tuna Cuu-&l1. V Anal In & Jnhnn, N E ._ I HIID u.u|-IJu. AFN` `0 8!. Jdlll NQFCT` Fl8`l'Cl.AlD'-.35; - - Tuna `Cum--Ql8. Chihlnn umlnr l vnarmha nus uuqn Ippmvou uy llll numnruuv, uuu ' In tho . T . . Th I my lulowhoolltoun .....2w..~'. ; ........... 4. .. .."' us. l'lt(....,...`...,.,>.i,i-IHI uu``2?1-m,.:.............m ULSTE3R...,...........L_.O00 PAUllflC...... must: Annnnn-am)a,a~:o .I'h7I'hn nan dnnulnm I-illl runes auuau11oowI)a,=~gu . . . . . The mind: an vnll be PM CE ALB ER ,. Cur. Wauu. from New York, aq.:TUl.3DAY, HOV-EMBER `Ah-H. `nnnvcrlu II n I up. I - A7u"Ff5 not An um. sruu mvmmon co. % gLxi_5_a_A.'I.wu Lari, `ln!o_fIE:ni`I"aaIiiy Lilo. `A `Joann pr I1'.JaIIIV a, n, y. ., W cnnrt. aovnnu N ! n n-roam G. T 3!?` H IAIL AND .%;..g.W Tg-:.a:m:;?=-=*- ' ' `nu Li . n 33:53,. in II`! tho. ;:"*.=.;:'.'*;.:.::.,."a';.:;.:.`:...:-....,i.\.......A, II MIC UIIIK `IND. E: Stumufianigut-, Capo eont : 4'5 hf.-than ` h In ' M Nx . `M 95 haxauxmn tutu. Tnmus HENDIY. 36 MIDI, IJIIA mm. ` THQMA3 HENDRX. 1 Kingston, ta oomumseo. 7 an Al')E cxhunnrn. 4 from : ihrnnnahnnnn. ,'I:9Il.l IT. Vlfl, ll, 7. ll! uwruguxr aunu ` vnuum srn ruicuus IIGW I $'1`ls:tX.. a1'|.'.n_ - ."',_`i"';% t; sustain. -a@-'---- Rate: arrange ru. Dunn. cut. I Ivmtnuvnuot. - -I Punnp........I!lI ilk. dc ...... .. I1 .0310 n `hl araxvnrmuonmnlunnunvm iihbrt #fH`*`$`Hl1,il`O [ mJ mm Ana-an -ma-cu.m.. -Qjljsh-hjad H has. .. T , at us- :.::'::.:`:,"'...;.; ....'7?.....""*'s".':.;`:. uukink Inuthvca `aua;ug=cp-i-`Bruits `liI'!I'f1.&l1h Ar!-mn;tI'l`umuonl - - - - - 3:339. deuncqlgnt Dmqowlb larenl I` - neon. (Mn. Albany. Na-D fat. and 1| uuu animating M lluubhldn Yorkcuhllt MIIaaheuu.m- tam T Baltic. Bum Iailnul. Bllhk --dulhllbl-Isl oflltrsfit slicing TT pl Wot; arb- rol Iltl dalnuwnlnl nd gnu: r" *'.*.:'s:...*'.....'-* I . Enlhu Mu: fut Inch`: ill Illl U9! main Bqllily Map for It av.-*~.:~*.. nu"-' 0&1 :l"I.IX! -"1-".'".,.H""""'5"" `;"'S"1'." ll -...|.....'n- n n "-~` ~""jUhv;I-` B.laLraImr' .~.; 1'0 gulxqunu Igxnuna-) fthou n. I`. 0. it B. {or must: fully. Buln, and -llgoluu Wm ommsutln; It omuuu with` N. out:-II Ranked: :14 all pom: South at lam Glmuing utlnhp win lhllroud furynouh. Uuou. `troy. ` no! How York zoonnootlng II Klnpunwlti `Prank Rqllvq stud mam; coumdu .It Ogdcnlburch with River Easier: for Hum-col Indmhea. |ndHarI.h'ml.-Iknndrni-Bunion IN] Qllllll udnllp I-`noun-uh . " lmgiou duly. l!uIl.o:mp., Is!!! I` Ciuylan ' N u - - - ` M the whole of we Inequdled menu: or tlw'n:ou Illlmlund St. Lutrenno Rn- Rdn by dull}! S. oonacul . gt Lewfnton wlth T. 0- for Nhpn lln. Ialih. and It _An-i ' P `I 5200 3' Illhohmwelh eonnedlullhrliuu villa mo novnnnnm :, * laznnfongtnhlfuuhg else}. Iuao L3. y I C I (C {I (I 1% u u so no A I. . nn'Ic:_;l.:A;":,E:1l$}I..MfIll|:;`}ud ` `ONTARIO, Bibi I NIAQARA, Clph WW3 pm om Lana nmngh Late 00- tario 5 `HI! LIyN`li- Ilalqlll IINI INC? NONI! 1 W of Sopluaber, run thei: Cotnnodiouo Shaman, ' BAY S |'A l`l-I, Cap. Motley; 0 CATARACP. Cum. Ledn i.Tool'I`nu:e!U . Aumcm E3`1u.'ss' mum ukoiuaol. Iimr sulawrolto. . ____ Burn-n'N1l[uI FIJI: bourbon, an-_-uu;n,_V.n.: udum mm 3: Liam nus Lulu , llhnuon ll: 'rw.A-Inr. W Yuk. "WI `rs: onunio mini non` co. H-I-mu sud aim Manda Iho I'M iugy and f`,'n-a haggling..- ss--...-.- ru . Pi:~Ninnd nun pmiu nnmgod {oral Iooomm stirs mu. KlnpIon.8opt. `61 I860. 19] IHIIOO, III 0!! D03!!! llll Dlllllllfa Single Sauna Ticket: but been no dnovod to 05,|nd Family Souuouiatots to E.` Children under nine your at age, I. DUIIU} IIMI lllly IICIOH, III] 0! _ It the City 8 time. It liar- ! Huh Clove, M G. . Kinghdrnh Oloo, and board who Stunm-. sin-h Sauna `Hahn: hum ham: lu- } Br Ipuyuuuuur unis. vary Ind oonvoniuna for Fu- mly nnd Plenum Putin, no wail u hr Travel will hfI_3IIm_Ion board. 9 Scum Ill family hutch, may be u the Cizv Buck are. at Mar- Elflg VII Illlllll Ina Ul Illllh `mo, Wtuu saunter` an at tho I uriut. aim, and "unit `animal swank on-CIInd'un wumuudhu ' 0:5-E mm at Illinpuucukr anus. IIIII` Q1 and donvanianea F1- rurr run` a sac, plumb; at I whuk P. V. .. 4..-.1... ...`.;'i';si: sT.".. ......... The foueulng nuupnduu 00lP.I.II`I All tug auixlenohl or an Guam , Tnwt Ihxuon, the Bonn. Wnnuw: An 05:: Yulcur Inn. now, in ban, Burn in was Bu II!` Qvnrn 9!-sup noun; vi: Kingim and 0 aoent. `hm WA-nu Bunny. ' no of un- .`.E,:'l'i;::"s::{;,.*L';""...,ca',:*;'.:.::.'L _ fill`! Ill)` 15:15:.-rngxnrnxuunn. mvo'm:_y_T41vn CAPS n.\'cz::vr. is I2! '2" E" "Jr am. 91.1313. lumaundn -m ALIXAIDII puununi) `-*- Animus. A C L3AVE8K!i::` an ve......;w 1"! W3? ."r'-I-3e"!!-!xf~.!s' 4.13-Qua. grog Elckl Orin`: in man: u_w nut q-tuna . . rultuu Cluav mvssx rc ' van... ' Inunuait onpI.z.:5,'rn fur an (3Ibdl fmoptad), my _ In- _L-._<|_ I '.U`iHD& `Mill ifitll. H I I, 1!- uingur ulwnrr. `l.' LAW 1t.ao1lrI.!h'c:n B; lm ` bo- I I I I J Cu-ruin Inn. ;...n.u.u tn. (V...- . IQ Ill: me A li III;-1:25:13 F-tui-vi canning: at no 5* T --- li!:"!'!"!'!!g`!! *;;_:;'1x=,tgr,t kggs .3. ..nn.._.__' u w """'I'!!u '1." " `E... .. ..-:.m ---2?.-: ---wuvuw ta: Anllcunruux, Ill!` I :.'.`:.'..""............""""".:*:.. .'."""'.........."..`:'. la. and In 1-s.tx3;.t..1-sun.-sans-gnvu ununhm bl`! lll` 551?` Continuing nuns * a u | s - ll :34: T ' E ..;.n-n-- o-- ' ' 5-11".`-`!.T . ..-'.`!";. P`? `ii:`.fv:`5 32 iguqq-uw ' ` Ildniutm. mwa indmmugtl and .1: mo - . _ V kqp: ommuiy on Mad- u3o( 11153! Work Il- Ilomlcmon not lgdyr "'-'-""""f"f""',"_l""I STASDLID KGVILI7 {L53 TALE. ud nlunluhau Iuhuat OI Iili -m.a. .'uE'Z,...u.....' ~' `I"A-IIIAIYI innit-" A L n axnnu. IITILIJGEKOI. ulbptrhlol-tulnlOihh0l'I';i.Id of riunnnq not spam humlo 60 In-this-III"-D-dnaunhl. no-ptnindlniu. 'AalnI- nlhnll-n `E in-anal hm hi "'r'.....a.n'"- 73.7. r. emu .. H. mm and |.lIdIOl|I'1 upon of 1: LIVE n'l\nnI' AHII Ilnnunn IIAI --up-uv--; ups- Iv ? |'l.'I`1;-S-;1`0Ol.'" `um Ileana: nu- nu - -ovvnnnu ruvrunn IF". m-.:..--*-*-v--*--'-'-~ A IJTIIAI! auutllf .-. u`:-Hlln-n-Innn-I-Q` - -vuuun stun. in Ifllii D! 00330!` DININ- xnusmuopu-Iumt-I;l"i-lu-, Tu! Dhulh. liolll htflflilhb upum any uhnlnuhu lcln ha munch if llnnnnnanlnnnl An` I4nInIg_ Ilfiww III! IIIII JZIZI ijh luupuunl GIIO0dII|II`IQH- _v`0rv-0-ii-c0.%-fl`:-uni-i.6-an-u-nun open In unto-;f';`I:`p'cQII; Ipi II iu dtoeuuiou. it oniuvm ng '10 Initial `and nnlnlbl by Ihuidul Ionsaxnox. uruosasu um MOI` IIIII. 4-T-I % ..`:'.`'a?"" "$3 `2%`:`:"-'&7' `|i"lHXl- IIXUIUW vumn by ugluglhllhlui . ` ' snucuxou, mount: up 3;.` ucuou. - ma as was God. not gun will to uairoruI;`umi:;m.::iuu om; usual!!! in lulu : .. .; ;*'...*"'"~ 1*... Of [OI]! I DI I Ifgi thing also Inoupnuuo with tho arm cl tho with annuity. it upon: pnapy at uunuly III I Iolliuln or gum! burn! in cuq puunm of Ian mm. It um sun don tuition mtmud ucllltotll oolnnu everything that Iigll nil ll unto OI Iapnpu in pun! Full-I puma]. It min-o punch In gun-uj ` nllan by Iain as thin! cf. vnyu II II: IIIIIIIIUI I uJ_ ulhhli mud am Io mmitiu what any human. at noon! ilhngl. in any pm 0! its world. In aqua [U]; 3:! may upon an kph; cf bpunusu nary dcpmmaur pain: :1- 1'. !.i'..`_'.'...".`,':':` `.{.'!.".!:_.`_{': ant |\vv'l\'llln IVIIBQIJI ll-U-` in | Inn uni ologsmly rind qua-In meal. of tight pupa. or on UN gl- lumu.--deumd to luliliu. |_lII, nd Gaunl Nun. ud block` to II 150 BEST u nil u,n|cGHlAl II`l` hu- uu Nnvuunl it til UIIIM Shin. 11.. 1...; .5- um. 1... A. ...n .m ` single `Como: ;1_:`1`wo Do n:_mo.s nmu... n- THE NEW 1-mix VwE5.`,K1.Y,1'iuu. ammo vopuu It-_`L'wq uu III my !3-"-!`m Oopiu Ibl " Tlu Oheapeu mil ha Furl! and Go. Incl Ncupgurafu thug V KiIlgI`0up C.W~. wt` *3 AI IV,`-NF IIIIIIODI [u ?(?rsh'"sc$i:"` I _:ta~9b-3-9m'53i*~ .. Tlllig. * `= ` - cu-pi-up "~' 3 LYNN ha jun mulvdnchioualuu ma; -* W9 .m..:"`:a.`.`3:'l7 . p.5`..""....._"tl`J.`.xi .%%- ,,Ll_~_lI_!Tq 11 no 1211.. -um-'*.:.~.s';.:-!~r--5*} RPLYNII KIWI IKUI, ' ` ` , 2-mi " .7 H IVIFAPII II III VIIUI 3 TI! Gui Ill Ofi 'hI- H I VII |IIII In. In in: lb nnlnn Ihn-math Tho N w.Yo|i'x'wnuxn 1'Iuu I 1 hon` nu` phi-n.nIIu"nnla.I..I .5`-1. niyqnuuna nu-u I [rut Ieheua. PI .!'...H'.'."3`."`..' ~IBAlLY DAILY LI 3.. `;NINli Vii-.i: ' ` gnur f `gugugomfmn-c Hg!-4 I-In-r-Ir-.7-> L";%?=tna;n 1!- usIc. Ann nnil. DEALER IN n=r<- --n-r--| *'."'P"|" r.`75fhI,U'D Kl any u-we, um GEIIEBAL DEALER m Inna! II! an no star to: 'rnnnT,'m;us1'on'a. Stu--- uvmzmm n1,u.,` just: ,7 : ' mTJ9rUtITAl- nan nAlnnhI b` lll.`'|`Al1IJl.l THE DAILY BRI LISH WHIGL EZ"r-1 -E" g: 13:59. '?'5`?l "!,I1I`@|llIIIo [Illa Gh u III VI, Km 1. u..ianmu. . ; `I : '1e{29;';`!;;_ 3:2! l133"3;'.7'.;=2.'iI.'s~tw-Lg cllintln In tin Iuau } :ra*:v....,_._._-**%- sum it ' syn Elihtu-ihu -Ira-up I 'i.3Srrsuos. um salt : as land nut. iiiiuiliniat , W: "lintlut In subun-nlm th ushulal I-All Iultqlhl nu . " Dnn. IVU'U'I[v" Int. I.|.'unui-;.or Rn Yuri (amazing 1 mg, V Vvllltlutglntalwunuullu .1 lg; hiziiuyuviiupullungniutmnunod mung.-uwgnuguy. gs` -" '3 Ii&'|I.Pl& l&'Q1&nI.1..Kl if {::2*=*l ti "0 "'-'-?=-":'+`*. J. 6. A1=:`o L'$u-an I 3 u I;'::lnvuilI`Iuo . ` Ii Ulhun gun at lnunnut on 31,1235 $rsapa3:InIu,l .InIil|1IIivrm.-nlh-n pmiu l`1l!l&JnI0*l:HnI. TH03. MUKEE ER. Q L-;......o... 1...... min - um I l.SO;EI`f,n :ao7r'v"ar :1 am` I for }A "-'7""2o,sau~.saaiiaryjuaaay,T . - l I r; --*'"\ 4 D05 mun nr-duo` WAId-lIno,oppo- % "'I`m"? aw b-frioa. Q3 ! xlmvt-:3 , I3 . K "]t;uw1r(ia-< :u9I?Iccs.< 7- = .m...-.; ` .r |..::,`\u; - u iiiunwh-rh.:Ir vltlovnruiuuuon lo 5 3.,-4` -< In [Anni . on ; `i`.;'.?.?`?;,`;4n.`i*'.a'. a' arm; ' l 1 TN) ` K`}n.II:;.GI.i.l$l. - &fic4l 9 ` mm. . T .T *.i:.c.*;:*:.*;.*::.;*:,"*'~ 4': . Illlflla squzupurarlnuumr - vxargdunnpaou o(1Fl~RE manu- T ,A1\CE;Bu:i,II' 5'!~!udi,_-"Ru? Pm-. m"na,; Isuiuou-I up ('_ -lnI|.4...s- uuk-an..- A... W *ms.,.%:;~~vW~ I .I':"n'- nuuu-, -c-an.nn I HUB. I'll Kipplozg.` Auguir 1, I860.` III: /% "' `TnI'_ 7 ' mind...-`.'.|-'4-...44'._.u.n..a_n.u_. CC? C V_4K C! u an uqiuo. nuneA`u $0: ' If ,lvUl@Ip IIULAID. Gaunt l,U(mG}lr`InI.ua.- Vllldn-r1nh'nn nl Pllv`. lNi

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