Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Sep 1860, p. 4

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mubf % go`: rut. "l'IuA1.u-Inga. ,_ Inn vnul ululln. 1.lJ_|..Ia. nmru P3. moo I,-In I (II Ln. om, Eng- tlf Shoot, . u ._._'.- ' . ' % cdncnrrn..Io9.II D0!-I-A Egan with n ldjlltplilu In . Ol"l._II3 - '39-8.ll'n1I-tlllll-. .lo-I: 0I|I- ` Inn: `ugh IAZI mind. `1, .nwu5i'.'I._ _ . xxw-max. LHIIN`: DPAjd!'llNf. . Ifoliisioo iunodp qqnillbly ud- {gdodmncl pmnpuypul nth adulth- Oog .~ . 5 Xfll E FORD J` nu Au-nun. Klnunlnll. ~5- ml or'lrtaoK`I.T1l- Y.- -:- --0-- `lie; RhIIn;:I}IIuIln. B10503. gonna: Deb 1;, J10 Helm! ppaptln 3.-:3 *"@:'L~;'2..%sv'::;.":s with g. rmuutmrmv bone It It tho duplaot. IiI!`eIC. ` u no ' mums-no PI. 3- 2;-.-. $22.2: s::.3;.*:a;%'r [nmuuuk uni izcsiuxcz conmsw. In 1 8; limit, mm. ;::,u.b;a.h.a1an7.' v ` u-: 1 En 'wm.1b ma `:1 Am: Pullin- ` ncnygl V'8oc|:(l3ap. IX h i .u>'rm., om: iT.}.IoN,1':nLrxc. - numerous. Maj. Donut Auxuau,` Bhut- hlllh Pith, Chuirmm. I running, V Foouue P. oalerl, &q., Slnduol Indbi.hInlp I ` .-...;. n...-.u. r..._. so Comllill. Geo:-Elkliugtuu, liq. Nothing! Milli, c ho . 8!: ll n ' ?l.'s'Ht'I.C:Ie::'gi"Eq.,.:Vh9n:.ll uI Conn, `Q ` . 5|: ` Iohn nu`:-ct`. ' -. 60 Cornlaill, Samuel . mllofp 59.9-aTk , h" 3 V Henry Latin` Smnla, Euq-, Do1bh`C0W' |ll0|IIc nlthl L I nl.'r.'ll"l`l)Q Illolu. MEDICAL OFFICERS. , D. W. Cohen, M. D.. 6 Cleveland Bow John Hulchimon, II. D., [05 Milton nnnnlnnln. . Jllull nlncuuuuu, :1. u., lvv -.u-.... ...-y Dorm In F. La GNlsqnc1I"kn.E.Q-I ' s'"'I'm9 3` ~ Rnrinn Hnnlanl. 's',..:.:.'a..:..".:.*. -**'*~- ""'-~- -- .StuIn`1ua_Coc:u:t.--H. Bollatklan, Ker, DOM BqIll.I3B' 1.311601 " I . I ucrmu-Me;ur|. M:;I:oo?lnl:. Slan- ,uin Bg, [3 London Shem I-`bnohmoh Street. ulu-Mcurs. him-du'lc5 Dmreu, Fowhrs, Bnmnnl. 50 Cnmhill. Snauuu-Andrew. Fruwia; Esq. ADVANTAGES oI77r7us |xa1'_I1-anon. . Inn-rnnnnu lhtnn of Pmmium.-A Tnblc OF THIS IXBTITUTIUN. Inctaanflng Rates of upuuinlly uklnptosl to the locating of Loan: or Debt-. Ind In L other one when a Policy an be ruquiwd fur n Iomponry purpose on 3', but which may be kept up. alnocauary, thnnglwut thu whale term of I e. I-lull -credit RIIOC of 'Pnmium.-CndiI '1-on fujnlf the amount ohho Pint Seven Snnunl Pnmimnn. lhc unounlof the un- ` paid 1-lalf~PruIiuI'n`Ihoi:1a dedmlul from the lllll unml when the Policy bunounu ` iulnilrl. ma Ill Inuwwu Iluvu um. --.-v, ----_._- (claim. Sum Annual Pa this During Life.- Thn Amount pay! in It Ibo death of tho Auund, ii he db hfwo nluinin tho an - otuigty, buuolho Aunud rafmui , ithg uh lain Ilut ago, that combining a provision iocoldajo with nnulunnco upon Lib. - nmhm Eddowmont Bro.nch-l:`.nnb- forokl n'p w'nh an assurance mu. Otphau liahod hr Obi purpose oflxdng to my - and othonlhe rnoomof huing C ildnn cdnound and Ilmulia Lift, by uncaring a......m.., u. mmmanoa at the Parent: ulmadia min, by nu.-nnug Annuities, In oommonoa clulh, and to It id until 1 ohiid. if "on lhlll Iltliu his 3 yum, at if: daughter, hut-Mu: of . AppIiea I'i::1 forzaumwd I-ocoiud It the Ofon of THOMAS BRIGGB, Jr. Am-nt fnr Kinrmn. . W. The Equu at ls ` _ ,l_"lro Auuruu cnpuy ~ . 0!` EUNDON. JOHN SHAW, % T wwr rou. Kluuaron. _...-..o..-I In nmfn. Ind M 3 -g! `Iona: Vain khan. CROWN AI, D CV1` HI REEL`. lAIl.|lAG`?I'Il `Ill Dill-III II LH,DUUI'1Ii.aun--.- llll-'lA0'I'lfI3II LII! ALL Klbb GT STDVE3, PLOUGHS, TlN`,%l:HI`-lgggih ill nun Mhnlliuu, 'I NC 8 hour 811: pt: 11: ITIAIIII D OREGON. Hnhl IITWIEI AYLHEI AND P0ITAGE-DU-F0IT, ` ILL commence thin (MONDAY) Hernia; In mnADAll._.Y. opping at J! inlonndhu Ludmauouu mum --ah t-tab. `III I8 801.!) 3? ALL BIUGGI . ANIE Illlhllll IN GRNUEKI MIDI- cmu zvlmwv T T- ? will!-law-115 58` Duo. `NI. 1859. 1* non. id But: some `N `I'll moms Jr MA:-tn: far Kingdom i5.w.' nae ."""1~a-136. la. ' T "i , g. 0. Wu. Emmi Cnowu. Run` Colunul, -.....4-._. Dark. ll-man: v -- K I WILL Luv: wmsmn .2 4 p.....' on Tooohyp. Wgdnudnsc, Faulty: mm! !uu;nlnin_ IV I_lI Iuwuuuyn, n-..........,.,-,,,-_ ind hnusnluyu. " .` t - was lnuanuixpou I: n. on Wed- nouhyaund Bdunhygnad at 8 pan. on Wnlnnnhll NH, sllilllhfl. ' Cal|' E Nil lnppm a _John'clI:lI`d Ind dun Jo: : apply I 'u.: .'.."i.;'.'J"'N. Kingston, my 16. new. AGJVIFICENT ENGIAVIHG OF CHRISTDPHERLBLUMEUSAND - Ina Crow. ' Thi Bountiful En roving mu (1 ` by llhznun, one of IE0 and _..:.u:a:f':5 lists IIIII out lived ' the and of lhe otigi- ` .| `win; out Sll, nu a nu I-un.1o1'prm~o.iIy Hun, nip, ' the mom nominal com and for the un- gnving, in l nuiuionl: imlmollunl |q_pn:- Jon: no patch;-n, vulhnut Ibnndditwnnal Gilt. . . aanmuu or GlF`_Ij8 _ __ bun. K Bill. 3::-H0 $"1s'ii'.'i5i{1i-dauphin P. PLEASUREPAND BUSINESS TRAVEL. an--1 AMERICAN Ei721w.ws u.vs..v % Lake Ontario t Imr sI.'l.IIrpnco. 15$. ma mm x.u;'..m|' canmulaou -1 Stolmun _ an s1wrt,v c.pe. Hahn `CA'l`ARA(.'l"C . ud ~ oun nio."3:gal.`'. m ~' `NIAGARA c.pc.\'hm.:; mm; . nu: Lino uziougn Lu. o..-% lam Riva: . Lnwrenoo. La 1* a:a"-'uoh no: N unto ' : . ~ Lewhton 3' "n ' u aoao " Iingurn `I 1' I0:b0 N Clurlolla " " Mg Pal. on ma cc :1 It ||_ Sunken lum|., Wed.,I"riduy. 1:001 I. Kingnondnily, I!ond.en-951., {:45 `f Touching uclnymn, Mcnnlm and Ba-oeknlle. Am`: ,5 -.-IomooA.nI. ..a'.'Ks3a":..d|`7.:"uv:snu um -- Touemng ll. unywn, mu.-_.-... -... ...-._, Amvi st (Jgdemlmrgln II - - - I0:mA.I4 And oalml same awning at - Pnninn the whoio 0! the unoqqdlcd mung : -_.q\ sill. ' Add!-en all order: fut mm or Engraving: to P. a mmmu-z an oo.. mun Box um. Phllulelphln And at ilonlfcwzlsamcvuveningnl USN -- Punlng the lumen of llalhouund [ninth and St. lmnsuoe Ru- #5! biudlight.` eonucll st barman with .7. . ILMINIAQI-I tllmllnhlo. sad :1! rink Wm; oonnectIn{':l Obuloue with < H. . mum! in: lush: and _ THE ONTARIO, STEAM BOAT CO. WILL. dating the union of Plouuru; to True], oommaaaing .ou the nth Juno, `run Luge uni Commoxliouu I "IV! ' *lEt'|'Wenl ' oonnicn Ye. 5 anti Ilnllnnd hr Oeutnl in-Rocha rand nndlut-connecting `huh Railway :51! Shunt: Ogdenaburgh will and Quebec, and No'EIhu'u RI! sad all points In P:-anon nd Dunn North. . 1 Riva human nnd.uPnIoottwI,II` LqI.|ntdmOthnam|- Kiil. - ' F P W l`I I O3 I.aInO[duu|:u[hdnily,81mdIyak d, lltll P.Ia` __ " l'ueI.-all 1" 3` km " Quill M g;%:;I.l5a.nAnn non Llllll Inn nu-nu --r --~.._..--V `V novnIwAuu: have Tnngtoduil .Sunl-yucq Lewmun F N ` a u.'`o :: Wed., Fridl _ `K ing_lgl_I daily, Bond. emu} _-- ._ A A_-....I..u `Eh! IiI\3!Il_- IKT 1 GIIJOIIF JL1 GJV`E T4 lln|Iton.Jun It 100:.` $16: -- ` I'll IJBIWNCT IMPORTANT 1'0 FAMILIES. Alan 3, 500 W uuu. Ml) mun Out. Inn man out. or uunng. mu; 11:11:: I. I. auuuulls c. 1!. ages. A3-gain 1 ` silken. gunpplyulhqoldql unig In nhk-I. [III RELIE- *1-ins.-!:t.iIl'~` 8:!) LI. 132$ W UIUZ II-u-a-_ PEN {TERTIARY CABIN 1-3'1` ' HOUSE. -- -.._ ...u-an-am. KIIB-I ! runnrmil I:'ru,uIrru`uu v - 3- HOUSE T$`HMlNG3, K " T557 P3 371' DmB'NB 039"` ENC` gun UT " J '1.|v*t`.nPo0L%AN"1i' 'wNIiui~z A rm and uh llnrlwo company. GKITI-Illa: TWO MILLIONS STERLING. :.....`.4 :5-1,753,095, 13. o,smu'.. a3Ao7)T'}r'xce :` I, Dnlo Sn-oot,_ Liverphol ; `20v. 2| Poultry IMLQ Regent Suuol, . 2 .~-~ `FR: ROYAL mun nu-'---* l8l;I.__ 11$: 1399- BIY DP QEIINTE. unnlnin I- 1. CLIIILL .`.N'9.R7Hl`5'E-'g7'b'HN,Uruwwnuu. , Fm lnrlululnnu . V 1:` mu_....,.....-.....u5o . m ...u lnnusl invuud with n Inga sup- IIH. RSI --- IHS Company inueond to no limunnou. Company domg business in Cund_u. The ruconpu no ov`u`l5U0 per diy. |mI on the conlinunl inotouc. he Stock unred- ut over Three Hundnd pm wont. Premium ' in lhe Eugiiah Millet. . _ n;..I..n an as luv u my nr. ' Il\-rwwu uuuuu Imumu, .1 118.051`! Eu liah Mllkot. Rinhu on Office doing hnniuua in Cumin ; Lana rial im- medlmly, on-uliafnclur proof 0 Chin, w-aw-n '`"2.".*:9.:`:~ .1:"s.:'::`:m .. T medumy, on -Iunou reference to. J Tuomi I Bah no I _-* a Vloinh : M Aw.` ' '3s'.nKxnx1m max. D mum-.u4u. + m ruusmx tvnsf ASSURANCE cum- muv v, Inlnx. in lllrlu-In-an-V-:___ V : "1-3`aiu:in"i+`ia.gns 2 I 3 --- SIGN a wink: BIUJU on: -.V.., - ..,-, ,, Hug Bpldes. Ind Bhowll. For`: of various kinds, Hm Pole. Po Kelhl and Dockets, 00'! Bella `, Gun-ind H rot vniloullhh. -` `raw, Iuo.&o.. Pnlnb, Oih. und Turpentlne, Bu Inc: M all llndl, Spring HIGH. Om-Inga 1':-Innhp, u-Mil do. u oouluhj of Forks. Spun, `run In! Table. Butter lmlvu. h., an. ; and u general unorv meat or llnnlwua. us I Klnptou. lay I5. 1860. Jmulfv. 1560. CANADA AND HEnPro riuou:tT'nANx Lusnmvs ILLUS RATED NWsPAPER{now . h. .___.L .._I...-_ `ml nlln-ml bi [0 THE Pro rights of I-`RANK I.lsm..u-.-a llA'l'EDNWsPAPER(now in in tenth column, Ind nllowod by 1!! bnthqonl nlinblu Pictorial Pu pub 1 Ii-In-I an Audtioua CllI!ihN||_. __h_r_ugb_-_ . . II: b E9_='..-|.::`E..uni|n nf a-Id:-nlod BOIIOII he hothqonl nrnblorluonu ru pau- \ liuhodon I. tunab- ,lninad pcrtniuinu `fun the D Ki Di` 1 NEWCASTLE fmh5IAnioIuououuIpu- ` of `Vida {mm England, In vrillnbo INS to gin hnbful a at angry um ennnootod Iilhfhu he leaves England until his nnl udsgnure from Ihgshorua of America, incl 3 , nccpliomn in tho dilnm gown: In ml! -inc'ulonIn coulmctod ' Va}. ` I&I]lI.|vur- nu nu. -......\_,, u-anc'uI.nn.cmacud wmma. ~ ravelo-- rlniu of oolobnlod pol-noun ` will viail- oanmonica of story kind he L Q- Funk unlit`: lllunintnd Ncvnpu ,pont I_nld b]IH"OI"I~DlIl'I,IIlII `ura- : lho plpuu one! from my News-Dulu - lid Hlbl Il lied. i ` N:lY'o:I. W 178 wonclasmvs 11.1.1131-In-rnn QUABTOJ n1_d;*1oNAnY, _. _. 4.... IT 1-that! 1 udauchlsuoionlunuu-u-o--- I Iuuaullloollolll I ES'l`E`.R S QUAIl`l'O-Th u out * one In ahninbb unnlititl oi {Vchurp ` `An .II I l..nlluun', ..- Comu Plane D Annn, ' _ N . Imrro-':1: Book` S:szs.:*.a*;2.:...m.. ::;..,...,.y inawililua. `f:.n"3:.ir...u-H` Am-1.1a august-oh ' neat uuawuu. WUIINII l"l1IN nnounauvu uv. PANI , 0 F L0 N D 0 N - G1LLI:-mic. u AND 00.. I mun NI uxhu. ' For mun. Q . s..WlN_Sl.0 Ssuuh` -yIp- % J}. Chum, ., King stud ._ .._.... -4. " VISIT OF THE Prince 0! wales ` `M IJINADA THE U. STATES. ON { (Ac VICE, l'Ium..u.- |'0ls`b mi. various aid you will on up New York, July, : s~-r nnoktvun, AT 0.1100213`: { VICE. PRINCESS STREET. ; n.-..:Im_ |mlBI|o\`137-I. . uhbTh cum -without ! . unis nu. taco. an-it -___._.-.- HPIE. l0l`l"A'!_`_l' an I-`OI CA mmoo IGF lllulo THOM S RlGGS,Ju.. Aunt , Kinulon, C.W. Iklill ~ nnnlu IX p 3401111011. gun. as 0!` IRS. .D I YD__nn was-I --7- cAH'rA"I.@'-~--- ..:":;*.:*.:.`:`.::..i.a: "I`I;"-' "ilioii. {Loud Kano. .`.hurI_Iuu. Putir inn, llungnag Dmoht. wsnuancuv-an, h.q., 7 WA eoilirolcsln--k-in-okAun ho mayno -- on xhohnqlu nth- Ihdou qni I-`curd qf Diraotpn jg ' Gouda: . E cl`. Iuvhld. Ill: P-lt Jmnwtmd. Isbq. Willis: Bun. lnq. . W.-l'IuIu-. In \\'llIlun Henderson, Esq. But in :-Butt uclonlrecl. . Sunnnu :-Mun`-In. Rona, Cxiwfongl ind l`-..._In.!4 `rm. Brunch Wu Sm, opma use many. Ind now has an itwomq of , ' "5-"9 ' . n.n.:..L. .. onuinnl In Ihll cnunlry. "; .'V I Which II relliuonl. in unit country. _ The in-crane of luxinun in England Li unprecedented, u uImwn`k:`y tho Pulit- mcnlury mums. uI.'I lhs lowing Ilkun from Ihq Iul sopumlu Repon: '-II viil thul be won that Ihorlotnl unnunl of buuinou dune dating the lust nine months 01 the Ccunynnyh operations has been 'l\vn1-t- two Tuuwutn Nu: llulnnn an on NI Poucnu, pvoduc in; An addition! mural income :5 0150.! ' - tan! "1 THIRTY MILI IUN DOLLARS! The Report further says. that `tho Di- mmers eongnlulalo Ilau , Shuuholdon on thin uliuflolory mcrvuo in tho huoiuul of the Company. And Ilvoy luvs every nuon Io behave that from ll-u ounuacuon now `formal it will continue up inotuu in the was rglo. The spin! of ma Cnmpnny in luolod euurol to Fin Linl-il-lino, built; no It- ' nerve or u L"0_BI'Iil`|. an Inna: in Cumin mo submitted to chi for - All Iowa in submitted the gentlemen dampening Ilm Board who at- amino thq pamoulun, nun! if found ulir fnclury at once onlar ll 0 pa mom of mu claim. This system I r: cal ed fonh nu- merous: canlu of lhulka. lfdillemncu Ihould on ion belwoon claim- nms and the Cum'pu1_\'. the Manngar in l'ul'ly empowered to wrap! nrvibo of. my proceu in law. ALEX. SE1-;\:lART, _ _ IN!!! Bnuuln Nnnh Amman. A. & n..H.\_w. mu. H "I $1:-loIKmpwIn III MD!` IIIIIIUUII. A Tolumo. Nov. Ilh.$8l~8. FO`SALE-CHEAP I-`OI! CA9}!- Eut half of LOT THIRTY, (III Conceuion KinFton--HI! lots. Apply in HUS. KIRIPATRICIEO __:| on Ill U! n lun us- ETHE GRI.-ESE tum . '1' E B L O 0 D . THE SOVEREIGN llkhl.-IDY I-`OR. ERUPTIONS OF 'l`HF. SKIN, , ULCERATED SUIIER, AND ALL FORHS 01-` CUTANEOUS Dxsmsgs. Thoma complaint: can be upaodily and . olfucluully mm-I by ma non! thin WORHD- OWRID 1.-..n\r~A A11.`-TA D at I-I--lUI'.I.JJJd-.n t Thouunin Inna uporiumul iusnlntury aoat, Ind lam of lhouundu have titans- -odil until it ha and to lvouquuliou ' Among the inlallipnl -portion of Ibo eon- llII'IniI'. IIIDIIII IIIII Iuuun.--~ `--..V._ , ' nanny. - when tho Biood booouol lifalou add uiagnunl, either from the climb of Spring weather, chm of elilnuournlt uf 1Ill_': oimtho nu o n nuorm nlino dict,ur ndy other cause; lhia com ml Extract oi Sitnpnillu, will RENE. THE BLOOSIE mmv ml` mo mind human, CLEAN i T1 m~:uuu.'r1- : nus: nowus. ..... ......- . unit (I! vlmnia will ll 5 Erna Guitar RENO\'.\'l`0R or * -r :1 n D: liuuvuau AID IIIPAII A1 WORLD- |ABSA ?X'1'ii'fj'LA ....I. In-In axnatiallrml Inn. TO THE PUBLIC. u The public an hunby some-I llul the man extensively known u n. I. r. 1uwIIuuu n oulvoun I.I1`hAO`l"l' nun- :-u.n.u, in now nnnufqcumd under my irtation and an union. {mm lhoorigini ltooipo obtained mm Dr. 8. P. Tovrnund; and I certify that it uootlpnnm` of ingro- dienu I-uuu vmsnlu, mu` wlruout Mummy; and nhothnuho ingtrdhuh an jmlicioully compounded. no In to obtain ' from mam Ihoit [mutual nolli -Baal Ifbci. JAMES ll. CHILTON. II. D. numl. \II In. 1. r wanna : conomsog 1 or nu:_Auu|.:.A. bu n In 1 ~ civihud nation: II tbs p 1 bi _Innu1-no um Hmrhllu `ma non: > which ociuoo in: out dfund Io mm. In (hi: rnoklu in I-Ic-u|.uI noun non, { In um in dug: in won.-mu: up an. n ntmlnllll :11 use vqdatlq pciogiplga =h u iuw::n-ww: us In an. I oonmua I vqaublo wind which gupotioun Ian Em; cannula. the onus no in nu, ox- In! cunlhinosl with Ibo Iv-gl on skill .u-and uhhhthouuuuuunlunal-ndvonisuy 3" Cmmblo. xuwauuvu nun`:-I Apgly __Ap:ul 28, lB0. THE ORIGINAL` Ab Ll GENUINE -an sngmiull and mu m use umun -. .......__- V nughaburn apnouiv,.oz`IhII!il luau! . d$O I - CAUTION. . Tojnvsigl nnunnh ilni In an-ouuy 1-. _. 9|.-4 | In than . _ Bi. JAIE3 ll. CHlI.'l'0N`2i Mahcusnwgll an I): uuswu r 31. I. P. `hwnnd, in on L `Hill 5611!. it was Mitre]. 13-!!! glggg-_v_ UN. EA ll! |\.-I cumr ...- SAl{SAP._2'_\ I`ILI4'A ,O.II ET H3935!` [HIE Ullluuinu` 11;` u-- van`... lilo TOWNIIiND 8 C0|Il 0UN_D EX|.|HC'l` 0|- -- - man; A l`I'A IIII I. .pSI'{uI,'ui1n ILENls.'W am-: nnuusu en` Mid n-rn|.IA ,H_ nzma 1:..\s o. I1` . ' . ` . . . . . . J-op--;~.. sn or Itllllmunuoqwus. . {ind Chmnluu. E-n'.|lnnn.nnl|J~|lHl [.A'l'l5 Inn. nuruaua, I TDII 0! IYNIOI. `I0 fl IJIOLI -n -1: I` DIIRLIC. III! In In-vc min: when I popuuiou TJoL:r I<'I` *-ma-2:.-sat:-:==o-n. nth-lhiuldhunll. -.5 , ruuasrm uthuhudotlpwhanu. Inow. AEQIII .. `PI. Im8AVAt n. .I.. I8'._.'.-an noun, - _..-...._-- nuxnnx. I-`us msuuxifi cow, ' rguvornanmnmcouu. _ . Tomas: o'm.ooo uuhu. 3...} hf-W 3.57M-'1`: 9. .. n,-,-3;-+;:::ri-';L`:;:.; ngixt.-1 lose. Mun. Illllllfp IT 3 I71 whilolni` >0: uluvuphluul I my `tqvh 0 viii `will adult. ' . ~ _ nun nnuzua 1.-,. qunn inaumua: Qonrsny `Fox rum. urn & ANNUITIES cnutr orncx: EXCKANGE, LIVERPOOL [DIRK E , 2 nowu. I-:xcm,N canola "Ian-I cl` llnavn I HIIIVIIAI. 2 loxuuux . WM. MOLSON, E13 Clllirlli. Han. Jun! Yawn. | . Tonuul. Inq- Ilniu 'l`nou'u,l-Esq. Tuollu KAI}. En. Imam-mu-,m: unnn `QVIIV dllllll OI` Iluiu 'rnou`u,1-.'aq. | `menu nu}. uq. Iniurlucw upon any duozipuon pmparly will be ebclnul on the nut in- vonblu torml. J I - N.n.--cu. an n` ' mgr` Immm In lilhtl` Dcplar\nonI:.`:i'octI4.U!||NI COB: nnnv in` Cnnndl. Iill ht HUGH SUM "lb : Doputn unocartuyulnu unu- 3` CnIml|,.Inil| pronply lth` I 7 ma Dkoown, wilhou Intuition to hglud. Aunmr mu. msumuacn ASSOCIA- now. as usual Ann - 0? IIHLAIII. CAPITAL 2,000,000 S1-nuan. `\'ER\ dnoriplion of FIRE INSUR- ANCE Buuineu, inelmli Int Fun.- ucm. mmueud on non vuuapnuo lotml. Innnll I11-njn IIILQI nfunnoa In 0mooonrthoChylIot8\In._ Kin;-um, Hush. 1% \ ; u I lit" -g--_..- BAIIIII I . I-GIIEII-L, 33 [ii I MI. E-n[1|.|HL Enlluul. ` JAB. HAITY. ` Agum. mile: on Brnvm atly`: Whirl, but of Princun Stunt, Kingilon, April '4, [$0. .. I) WILL beach! I: pdnlc nlo_II.nuy terms. the To loving Eglublu pew ,` I q`; y,ni1uuad in the unit , Vin unrh Iou Noe. I`8lhlI`..lt sift s.Iluui|[ \' OIIIII Oil dtllllll from Sr the new Conn ileum.- A|no.l7 on Eununchudl an Williln Aho.47on Eu-nuoat,udn mmuu -um. Thoobon Ion mull roll adapts] for building pnrpona, Ming auuuod you Ihc Cily Puk and Conn Hausa. Moo, Iota I U 51 on Ilnol, {wing on Ibo buy of Luke Onluia, And lat No M on CCU!!!`- vroud smut. Condiliom mule known on :3 lieuiulg -runmns A..C BIB11`. WCKII IITBIL 3 liulluu THOMAS LC 3311'. Shevi '3 Olea Kinnlon. 19!`: Aim. .1859. 3" ....._. , ._-____.,_...--------. Fun Rink: when u in a any mu-can . office.` and all Louou `pin! plolplly II utiufwto {of _ . Y F" .fs"Ern bovu. Alkali; What! I!" ..._ 0-... Q Ihnn mzs-c...~' ~ no lul Inlalo V `Eu. #1:: cmror Klnuarou S1`. CA'l llLRlNE`.8 MINERAL WATER S foam! very maa! "n all can oi Rhon- rnnmm. Luvgr and Kidney comphfnnln, Dyspepsia to. A fuuluepply emu than an ncoived from tho Sumac. )1, .7`-7`-v'9"\l'I_' Wool nqunuu nyuu 3I|Juu'i|~Ir, For which lhl higiunt in cut, viii bu paid. .1 . HYLAND. Incl ll-uul'.m `main anus.-u. Hm! ' uauu 8311:. without jofunnoo to .-....|-ml ` E25!-9.95!-:"3r.L n rvuaun IVIIY nun -nu--. MTI-of-ihau yuo:G|nh.or'l'IIDol .uoudnhl1nyou,Cndia A n vnnrnu IHITS. _`lf;u!v6r Inna. ` D Ipapam Ia. Auunupp J! received azuu msmuucn couruiv. duh oapnu u1.m.ouo. MARINE. THE than we}! huoIn.CmnpIuy an ' pa-oplml Io lnnutdlluino I'ul'uuu.oI Hall md Cum." 1'. when In u` any GM-9: .l.n-' and -II lnunnn Elhl . All Km:-M. Sept. 8. ,;aoo.. I Kingium, Juno 4. Im- um me an mu an-It. ` ~ OIIAB B11068, 1r.. A1! ------------------------ur--- WOOL! WOOL?! WOOL!!! 18 nu-`III: . uhnn on-`tall: III! 0 TI VIII IIIGITOI: ANDERSON 3 FORD. FIRE. lu tI!u.u aw.` T atussao um. "'ia'Lu"L't'..`;."... I| -'f...'::1wE " I 1 vIc'rol.~vu LISH. new 1734 URI! Hou.Wm.CI y_,"I'hu. Ii'8ctip'diIinlcndsnl lomgn u-.,....... wi_l|b9Indn NI I`hI Saigon Counnm cl this . - V D OF DIRECTORS : GEUIGIP. l.lD0l!`l'. Goremc. -\vru.u.x rnouaroor . :1 Get. *5. I`Jq., Jan. lichen. ., Polar Pauounu, . 3. li. Rulhcvfoul. Esq. THOMAS W. BIECHAIL, v Wl[.LlAM_S'l`E|ovARD, '"`"'?'v i':."I.'u'\" ii`, J an. Latin Robuunn. K onA L `"` `"79 ` ---..-.. n..... nun. I Illsilllll 11.`:-cu V_T9~929.!!i5-;2_*`%* W; ;_..__.._=. 79 5 IMPORTANT T0 UBLIC! .__..q.._. SPIN!) AND BUIKIR noon nun nnonan -- --A -nun. uni nl IIAID AT n u r u u JVIIOLESALK AND RETAIL PENI- " TENTIABY B0017.-.4sID, IJIOB 8`l`0IE. 30 Prmoou unrest- .._.+qs--__' TIIE unbnoriher has to notify hi: e1mo- | men and 11:: pa no ganhnllllnnl ha ha: jnat received lug! nppiiu ol spring `In! murmur work ; mnkmg the Input ] and beat uinnod sunk of Boats and Show '*`"": :"".:;::':;'.*I.'%!`,:;`!':'.!.-Pm: I dun`: woth, usually worn in this ouunlry , which to: nooihmn of malqial, vmrk an, ntyli and elm: annual bu unrpnuad. Having pa ` , it Iowa: riou than *l:oMol`on,h nanablulto soul prion ~ plopottionnbl lmnr. Among the ne v wprk. the fol owing. foe tutorial. stylus and ' o._w' be found Iorlhylof pnnioulnr I31 PIIUUQ II` In uuuliou : Ki|CoI1groIa, Iulrl mun nun... Congrau Ind Harmonia. GIIITLII II ! C_alf i!oll'iI:_{Ion|, Dru: Wellin ' ` ~ --- nu-ul I`:-nnnh um ' Satin Prunes Con :`I'runa|lu Connu Kid Cong:-us, um satin France no oxq` (`nan-nu nml Calf Wollin 1, gliah Saul S on, and French IN W7 , Among` the noun Iotk, Eu ohupnou uni dnnhility, nu : c_a`-ru up and our nnoi. ; Shoe: and Bar -an. A V , wins` `Calf Emuollod lather andhunollnuou. ` non _ _ ` ,- PIER! F0803! train I, PLOUGH 01::-or, Calf Enu4hcl|ud'Io1Inor um nu-u. ......., . A mm.nnu I, ` In very many dihnm kinds. 4 flvllg, ' _ | Of vniuun Hula, fol; uh cheap. -n.:o-- French Cull , HoIooco.' KM mud Paton! luthur. `An Via `rupgaif ll ` `nod hing oonvimnu! that (boi-1:: ' "anon: gnlbnuuvcrg nutywill ndil to unit mutant in -punhun how. JAMIQ HOPE. nozuiuu-um,:ao pllu has Punoeu sum. Imnlon. Anni 3.1800. 79 - rsnnnionr t cu`zEu.E. . nu nnnrm. __ nun v_n._guIuIn. llnllnsv Luis nnnmun. 3.80 ma. 1]. QlKIII.m.- bu hptoaof the public `cud {nun - and and and w an Gun `I, `I ttmunbar, :5: isu I Kingston, Apnl 3,1800. 'HIB1!IlHIunrF-~- ` L!-II! -- flll Min VA om. nu-nah! gluing. ? 3.1833 ilhhy `; 1 ` 7 in Putianlu Illumion paid to mung up Hot an Purmooqloll Banging um! pt: nod: A HIM Uh; Priucou drool. _ , Kntgnlou. My 21.31.1860. ` Inn us `.`_......._.-I-----'*:""""'-"'_'----'- urrisaam -ml . I63 """"'" "' `m1k3ovm for Suit. obit? '3" is `nan: LI. ANTI IIP1'1\" ll-W " *- 3.00 pan`. ~ (All 3 ant iii Illifi ._`.a.. NOTICBR honb givuullm Ibo ovum of Iimbnr. not yang on tho norm nkk nBcll.' I I and in mind I in pm; 171:!` like it :3`). or Indnhar s. will bu cold to delay eons WILLIAM ALI. N. "" -~-`"I---an um, 8wl78J `Hull! 1.00 pan. pgiwu I-u. Lulu mu-an. Pn ` illi` I...aiu.p And E T _A. T ma.`-aL:. I Vila: Ila---_ , mm on any _..._.._._-.--:--.-. __....._T.. I BLOODLEQS ' `O---'5

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