3| IIIWFTI IIIIU-- an: cw`--u alsoolnhl v.huin~az'I`.m his mlJ_ dink: _' I plio , 135,35. nhmaudn ihphco. .. IL.._- ..._.u..l.n-"unsung: |t inin J-nnnq--Irv-I -$3 `Ir 5;. cusp:-h-nuhtiuliyi-!Ir= ';*..?'..`*:.,'C*;f. "" ll`_ 31 qty uwulylul In uquww-4 -9-arr`.-v -Inn 83-IN Dgllul l.l5.515.&_3)o I Imounrntmlm lho cuh ohhll .... .....a....c nu. him mum-anuuuf In Minn In an. Lia-lay, &h`Au._Ig0IIg I359. nu.:iu.L. Eu... L ....n-+ Khijvi iii: sin-I "-'7-'-59" " .':'.;.`;`,: as raw _ 1 guns! em: I-|IinA0T-is: : ' ""` Z I *hviM do}: hogan: ar:.TI..sIrtI. Nun A ` Lllf. [ _ ............. r .l`Il0,-UJIIW |- "- WWI E`-""`" , BAN! or Urrps Uunm. Toronto. Soil Bra. 1850. K _ Dun 3m,- 11:: in twulpt of your lane: 0! the mu .inul new I nah mm Ir. not ` kluo. requeqting n drco 03' IE8 an In mnhcmon of um um nil. `nut opp {alloy M mhnii as uacluded in once with the xvudrorrv. Ioluovt mu no In- Jlleglln Inch qgumgtmrn.-u _ lhlfo mild to 40'. till! let! in hnivrlih anuvlqou tum ha alumna tklru|npoId ln'!I_l.Il0! twin! an no- eytohiuw pllltln. ` _ V `0uI`n`rtherun|'ut5on*dIh thin` ofthe 0IoI,llr.hvuI'cInrq|Ivufonnd mun thuuriuplanrthgluhhelonwuunt nhbuuh. Tinnortglgu. Irbluhhd any has snack or am. I'll taken without thknonennnhn Hlilt. You ue pram _ thairoinmwkou may uninsu- on further umnln. it I'll iglgbouiidun nodal T . ' ~'.-.L":.`E'F..=*.`: ,., ::'_:I2'm`??a 2:.*mT . Initial!-. .m"'" A cums. luau-O.lt:Ionr. T7 -* un.:n.xuaa ~ nuuan,-...hue'n`35zIIv1vau.n.r,| (8 lap,` ` J hnpglod you 1 lulu Iolho Cuhipl on tho. tzjocteotlho-pntfhl stagnant in the. Burt. and. I `0 I'll nil} apply,` far rulomlhh _ nuid, Not ham: haml- Iilhu I or llfv Cuhiaet. `nails token` Iunmhnmoin cu ovum ., L 1'3! 553': , ` Iona truly . .' Gsignui) ' J. uunlhwuu n` 8- South SO`. I ' A m' A bin SIA.-|.-haul {mu Iill from Hop- kuu. inquiring slur hi: lam Hyena noun Iimnuu, nu ma subject oi innit : mom- -uu. '. ' ` "I III writ.-ea-nin that he ` lithium llll align: ol nuvlru mum- T ` vctfeeruin 1: given lohmxblo, if in` not done. Hog: he will um: In the (- lilhlloik ` fl `,Il'd la. Rh! Times. and glm he will rliunp lhdlagiulliilro to look um! um dun. % requeqting drcloh oi Inc an n npphcuuon knilon In In an!-lnnujhut hi Ihmil h paid but the win of_bin as-cnr|y\ (land by that an I ggnnmu fut [Nd NMIQO in wane: IM not In Jun-1!`: !I`0l`I.'Il, `In uuid lllplblltll -Ia-aims: -, . n naolhnk cumin 1 Ionpllnmo with Hid tholhltk CUR"? I0"-|`""" "" throu wnultfha u nrcuuxy '- becvlmt. `N Lam L nl|1n.,Jh;l Ir. napkin `an. wuvklm mm sun and Drum MI ' p... .. 5...: ...-mm: lnranmlillnl. hi: threat or 7 bu no just ground Iorgomuum. mu Inreu ol `J , mill natlnnienn. III. ' _` Iugtulhtf Iuvuluollhtknh in Au ll-mum! .$|>r1l.I85l.Iu and In uh; ollhcoocqtmnchu. The tapro- Iot. lrjeownnrnpuuug u that oondllkn aruuromoe. guiigg dgto. _u1;'. ma, lrieonn vapor It nu oonaunn l Iiiiiur dung. {:1 July. amongst tuber dntdh [HID llu hlla.w|n&:-- Kxmm (mall: I Impacting Ila Ird~ plpu. bin g nn, will Infowlonpqo 'upon the ncctpt :11 um in up. uopuus vuul1IdIn'l`ptoolo.uu hi: lI'uuw ll0.dl|I'l II N .ihI|'| I'8Dh- ..-.'u's'n:.wE * ?oIhovr lhnhowu J3tl_=:I4:=J*e.N_h.-. e!!_!-Qavtgh-iv-W-at dillmui ' hopps. V 7 - 7 On (:36: engulry. it val Hlafhllel M mu -mnty. on unmet enhwi in II. ori- lip In If. IIDIHIB`-IilI!~ 5-Hon nun at which his Mr. Jaw- elt-pnldtle Immu '19::-`o [menu In Ir. Ho 9:. In nhtuthn of out , $9.1`; otlga to have new um I thtina than 0 umrsgrmont hllltl `llllivii rmmv. .151. .1111. in link MI I-unoanwhmn lull! alslnrllllt IL nitlllll ground lorgomnhil. 7` `nnn|nn.n-imlnli. mill nannenn. Bu! atlbblion 0! Guam Hull! Plum: in Pun. Gouge lulu; 21:4 150.. J. Lur- IIIII [Thu hutnunl Bunk I'oIa.Goorgo Inn-p ` --a- RIIAWJIDIA us"!!! It um mm at uihur. cuQiqm`- , Ddtholhnk casein Ionpllnmo 1.-. ,.l-hmklnn manual has prupur. ah Ola viii 1' MW- , ' - III .. 'T..-...:"_..._-35.':r.-.r.':.. .........-.... --~- ...__._.____.._.__ :::;..(._.._..._.__.,.__..._____.......- `nil T!Iol_1::ouL1`UnAI.'SuoW. I-uh: um-1'-. g-1-m W I I , M. 1859: thne bl Novuaher, 4" IIIAIAI-.. -9 $1.0-tuhib`-nod ngih Be In ' 5.19,: may nupuqnmnn d'Cnm.Sn!h % --vum;uxnVuy_.unu1wu6.a&inp- liimian if u::crn_f3k'i of: Iit W, ixluhild by; In De. ' - . I w I spa-n_'Ik:1?!5nlvus.ihiid~'*1 Ma. .3:...'T"E`.;a..u.' f. I 5` DIN 7 up: an vnthoi; By Mr--Vanuiim. r In Sp-scinuu of La 2 V - I` ldu ` dI:.f?`Ii|Iu!. fl, C Ii: l- , ; ` - ' ` .g g`{L.H`?p'a.`.'.u. aa.ez55?s'.'3.:g, with _ 'nIui~.by Gourgoalt 5 cnuliu Ff-ml. will '33` duglun. Dr. Luchnctd. . ' .. '.'3""' `W MK at Slrhwhanhl, Thoma ` I 533;; Rad dQ.. Thain Bryggna _ lI.pIIIl'HwIa Suntan... . '.1uu-&n'm~t.-t- , Baal ool lieu SIr|,IbIn"nu. Thu. Brigg!- Thnmnn Rn-inns. Bus! G4maiWI'hI. G.` F.` Wilma ; Sud do.,_ livllwuqifrul, us :. uuuu g auuuv-,_ Thomu Brigp. Bu: Cu-unit. Ii. Flaualuzh 4b., Robernbanoax la-Hal! pimclwtillu Thoma Nikon; find (14)., limos Wadsworth. D`u-cmiouuy punt. Nnpploun Ind Augean $|_uItlixI. fmeigugnxhibilotl b] 0. Mn- Il`. Beat Cucnmbcn, Eli Blidang 2114 (`Guy J. Lawrence. ` * _ Best mar puck C`-non Pup. Gurgo Bury ; M `Jul 69.. .I Show. ' " mu! Iwu nIImI LIUDIKI, . J.` vnluuuuun 2nd do-. Jacob Bujus. ` 2 Beat Pomona, D3. Lawson; find do, lip. H. Ilblhiu. Ben huachu Indiana, long, 1. Boyu ; `had - do... .1: Wnlqucuh. Bout Turnip Radish, D1. Ruhr ; 21111 110., ll IV" 0 I I , . j Ban.` Lo! 1 Silooy nd dm. Gouge Bury? `Boil hdpwk Bung}. l.puuoraoe; 2m! do.. Uuaqgo Bur nira`biii1f1lr1)!:{ion., 1. wagiwaah ; {Ind 10.. 1. Bljnn. in black of Oman; from load. 1. J. WIIHOMII; 9|!`-$2., REV. H Mlkilll. In-1 Tnhln Smash. I. I`.n\nrm-|m1 2 En! uh` mlll Illlll Ifllllfll hl|Il'IOI HON`. ` 2m! dgvl. 30H 1won|_1'-in loud: Alpuqu. up! Ixf-' nuodiuu Qmeha. 1. hwnnn; $14 do., J.Lwronuo. ll-.1 hnninl Vnadnhlga `IT I 1...]:-In.- B'ii2f?.1?...` 'i.'.':3' Gypsum! am In . `Kill. R. I. H ~ gas G-3*-_,-,9 % % 1.` Hill! , &`;h'la1rIli.:I:: 8- - W 3.5.4 a?u{a.mnu. am.) 1. |_ - brim-' njtltb. M _ _ _ . 8.`llillmigM 1 Chill. J. I . Illitul I Bnumnd Plough Hlndlc ' yg J ggu|u`.;IfuUIur-|-I'r ..|cta'uuuu IllIIil!L- f. T .Iunutauucuran[hnp}.ebnrot D. McYiur. inn and Iplont`B|- (monks. bud: blink `an whine, and duucvu qu- cinl notion}. - . i[l`I All.I.l. mm nlil pool u-mun roll. I.-Iwu any 5 _2ndde.. Sunny. ` "_ But Inc had: Cnbbqu, J. J, Whuobni mu] dn.. had: Badus. IIIIICHUIS Kill-GI. I$Vu II: NWIKHII. In: Table Squash, 1. Lnwlpnu; in! sin,` loft 3'1? A 5 Go-Irgc an V am no nnnapa, ny; do" W. A. 3.00510. 7 Bum bunch Cumin, Eli Biicion ; `Jud do., Just Bnjus. Baal bunch 3...... Jacob Bnjuaa 2nd 410., ` W. A. Luukia. Be:-I bnaoh Rhubarb, J. Wuluonh ; 2nd do..J. WIdavnoh'. "M-G-=-6 I . Illiannn` "'mwu.:'"\7' u w A. Lnkh *.`-..:.*.........c..:3:..- - A -I ' .uuaoo., u. uuu-go. _ |n.e:B:a,..u[.-.. Na. lr,dnuuuonu1 gnu, iicoii 3... .,.,u...};...L`T~;It":*.;.;fp....- ..., n.. _l-|5=h ,,a,%l,s|o-1 Egypt. ; 1_3~-I9 -wen L`-nseu I1-D-ml.-. . \ J-!_","l`,"',i "41 `-9.9%?! 3393' Baol no at.-non Canaries. H. Dumbh. Bu! Iinrdo Camry, Mill lhnnd 2m! do, H. urnhlu. - "3.`...":.`:: `;.*f"'{ ,`. .`n'.`:.r..';""' ""' ""`" aou Lu; _ mu. mun: lulu; 2...: cm , 3. n'umbfo. Best Thrush. l-Zumpenn, H. Duubiu. Bu! Goldnch. Eutnpun, H. Duluth, , Diamm .'I`urpna Thanh, Eumpau, . . m a ` h:;l:d`}nIh$d Ennpnu Birds. 11- Dan- Illl ullccluulu ulluf-HI |muI,n. vino bk. _, .- , _ . Bout oollootion 11 Native Bindb, H. Dwahh. Beotcoihotion of Puma. H. Dumbk. Be:_-gzgxhimm Min Thibodoi nd da.. 3...; eazloouan oiuid run. H. Bumble; nu: nngxo ruins. null Iunouo; Ian 00.. j H. Dumb}; _ _ :`a*u3t:Lf?':..';?.:f::;.`:;',."~" "1"-% nE:" `ii a as. H numu "M mi , inn 1' , . 0. an?I Bmlo 43- ,7 _9sJ;-14 343%: sh ._ u: o. , Mm" No. 1, do. cud` Hm:-. go. A nd do-. H. Dumbb- Iln-nllu-hu-nn and Ifnolu nf lad Aalnnlnl ill 03-; Ht U'1|3|U|I- cum: and lforkl about . Nil`! [5 Hmug Au, 1. P. I. Co. Ppuuhod BgudAA.n, `6 5' Chnppmz :: `f. Cull, R. s'B0W4 aw Gw Ml. Killnfo ELLIQTIOI Bl YCIJ. "W """'uo:.:.;cr""' -f';;`I;-c;.r1'ooLu.. Clolalhsl htnaiglkk. J. P. Millinu I CI- Lmgu` `a Sun `I: o Do Houowinl Inuit. nu DIIIOI vaguanu . sud 110., C. (Burp. uke! llmba. Nu. I. DB :..L...|M In I! Vicar. qqqnaionbtsyqtnnugbadyoquandv Hlwnon III . III! `NH, In! In} lulu of mg _ Qolaul . nanny. tho Military mIndmI,~ an to Ha right or iWood Ia nut uglt fun the ouasvumplny-_ um um curing, India`; 33'. midorlhu of the eonlrau`. b!IHd `In `Wu tnlploy offii: omun my buonanunuoniuudurshc `miosou of In: oommg which ' g In IIM .fllh0.' _b|ia.;: the I Ihnhh ,h,ligd,Ind mama` hind` ;u|'t|cIb-zit" c`qpbyudEyIhoo3":::on4ut u. iuimnianna Id: u lb ! bun ous'i7 wlnntubun 6 .. inuhhimuya the ad, a : All lllla. :"....*'......."* L';"".2..`.%.f" .::.%':."=.: Hum-lnndinptilowlutulu, ruin` ' Tummuusamgmm ` Idl. - llill ' 50311595 , ,' ` V h'Tir2%-mtg: siiu--f-$54 3s73'-'5': ; dlfh _ ` ` ' n.` ditquuing a shine! ii an bib; `niguu 5 ` much unu- nhouk.|"1::`;:p imnigk mama. u M Inn, win: {In outlinqi ct`. mg nqm;.jq- hnd anti: necgnn to no; uqn us. nug- pngqr which uinutl such 03 conga mmucsom in that above ` Is, In Tuutingjn 63!; to itself q_d at an Yuan mpoecfuuy, _ ; 4&0 $-?....` WOIIMI cmlr. no Elufu qr Cmuailahl. ' San Fyuoiabn. 1811.0 U- `. TM amps in 9l.'oedd_I`ugly (quanta. Mi. UnoqIn'I nolpmdloa pun`; gun: in mi n-ily_unoo In; Indiana. ml be-. yond an ruohff Colonel liq`: vulumqul. III!` 7. I . - Digit: 0' Em-that Iilshq Wuhoo tmnanua out. The rather inbvurn mid plenum. 4 _ A -In ' In ` ' 1 I` .o.. am.`5..!.`Ea1se$;...?.:3`..? {."7.:.$ Jonas. 3: unniu: by upnam, \ ' . ` -. ngld J I 2. ` `u Dumrtic oceflglrgenl 1':0:3{,f`o_n|; San Fnuglgcubn me llth,-pulod ham 1;! .. K.-hi ` ` Dill Ill wght. . nrhouugd hrunekioa -IbE:31,on up" gmu am `Mr " Osman.-on In of film oralltlaui. Una` ' :1: Autumn Fania.--Yuuoulny up up" I mama of asiuntq vriihI.Ir.:":i..W.GuB;iIVIudI1u' " mu. nan-Q no-nlnuhnn-innlrhnii inf- ` ---1-- New Yolk, My 8. `l`hcGrnt- Ewan wu thin morning chrotn upon to n'ni;nu_Q! Nil duiiu Mimic- niun. ` LIFO ! Dmmn.-4`! the Comyonli n hb onnlunlny ll Markhtm Village, or lha purponuf norninnaiingnttl (Ild`i;|ule- for the " fv'\|` r. .. . 0|! 0! wnawu -aloluein. " ' --anggjgg---. n`rAI...Ic_c:m'.!rr on noun-i'Iro III I\Il.l-- I In - I'll PLDDLI-Wllllo Huang -7 uu:uI|p 6r `I'll onw. [Fun the New Yuri: Evening Post. June 30.] Sum um utlnl llama: Great E-mam look up but poutioa at the haul of Hun- nqonnl smut wharf. than hAu'bo,:QIT con- aidanwo unnifcltuindl of diqoonlonl ngnoag portions of how!!! hot!!! ""7 .nd,_npt Ruin ul {he was Into` they dunrod. Lu! sienna I ford` [hill ob- tained morn nun um : pcopc ullogqnoc of E1`, Ind one of limit munbuc. 'l'hq_up1 wit. nuarnprd In leave lhn chi b climbing dpvan 1 1 Iuhunrdpnddh-w ` . Ha lad jun onrnmonudhiu dugout, when he minngii his fuming um! urn Intnbjing down unwuu lluiwn bncu udiaunoo I u ntduof fty foot. imo lha vutcr. Ho M0001! sake: out uul on board in when il wu that in skill VII hm, um um In us glhgngipe hruwotl and nnnglud. Tho Incident nosing-1 ll Ihoui hnlf-pm ton n'c_lopI, gm! Lenin did 1! Iwo o'clock III}: morning. nnlv nhnm lhnnnmunnn of an honrnfu Iwo retool mu morning. only about Immmcu of an hour u{- ' let LOlll'I ml in: at man; an lhu ombonnl rlil-la und~ dqn _|wt` In rb_l3l3l`tlIlnN;F.I ima Ibo cjnfand was Inland. Hm body mu not Igempugl,mdluu1umIgnnuuf un- oCl1IjIliI%ll,l`|,lln3. iuumuqhu tan 0: 5 dnunofl uuv luuduomd tine; tho- urinld uni uhip. ' Vanlnnlall ufh-nmnn I nmldan aunt of or of III: crow, walk- Unplug Ill" pumglng Inu puum um um`: in am: ouudlibn In fioiti company, whit: it led lo begin In do nbmal TuIdtyU,|VOIndAy. Munwhilvlnun `only man Iilhhuy an. unk of-people pogu tuunth brhnd mhix, 3:50:11 I_l;i.II'I| of.ll`:o zanivolm untr- v: in tho Ihip I col-uni ' ' :1` arm: `nun! aw. hnpucultlin mania hu (all any about Ihmpioc. Blun- Iimu 0! all kind: and building. and, for one cum. Ia-Lina! eurnaoy, you In; esthu `if: your ngghg. `lat yuq; hang. my run, uranglh, or bum: `in: (aid 3llIIW5- smm unm-um fnm num cam: If ulringln,' nun: guanine-as . Small unm-I (mm num zmuf III! oily and , `:30 coon:-Imuzll hour- iz mud! gum. mu; exam-non` ,- ug, md vocal Ifnh brupn music. `n Nod}! rmn _o}u1_1arsL_u gym qua}; um morning, ran In very nut In (hp qlup. ml lh0lB`i':gm,' ` ndlhalgiclowng n _ -at-tr-I mtolhuhnhill Irhlsundpmuu lb: 'ubuhnI.JII!I|Il|InInjugjI. A '.-.*......,..*~- - ".'.:'.. :3.-...."' *.;:':. F*`...e. B_.IIiuMJ.n_nc an, I DI"!9III. hoqnljdll , Ion` aotunuc signing-ni cry ibuuubuantuquiuqn urnmm ma Imp. Yo;-lonla gfu-moon _| _ guddoq gust wind frptn 119' tut uniting full upog tha ounml-`n mru'cII bpuiuidl. tirovg her with folou Igninctnpnn An item hghm hilibuaapllcd CW lurpugui IN vim! mute`; niagufr mow but vr it. I g ' y In .?.'.`s .`rm. the part *|'I.;d|!-ulhu all uninn ix. main lhn nun nmasuout vunu (HUI. U}. ml"! '|3.!_|'l'H}|'!| "I" paint! is. hmtiu the u-H rm-cw! the virus, Intlrbcndip Illa unlpll ll tn roquite nnm whio will. out aural Ihmnud Inn. Thoinn boqulj no nning immnubl wlllgadiu betwnnlla gralruumornn u` dink. Gnnndnl llll unhunv 1 Int lo-div Mumornnu mo nous. Gungdnfmoaunhuny to-du'y_ unplug Ind piinnng and pulling the shop in ii-n: auhdilibu In i-ii:o in' oomnnnv. . 4010C---" St. mu. PL Fi-In 1 I Wail: clear. Nb uigtlf ` O M....m. tn (`nu nnisuhl. -I.-Y.Y.` 2. ii no ' `Ex, "n-,':"'n."'fc'; .12: ooouolinluud Indot tho lull W Lu- I.s-IHL-I-in in? NI L.1.?.1'Z`.5. I'a':."..`.LE..`.'!.`?.7. I ..T;;%~A bin, or hdividtulo. an bonllidlik ,=:_-3 ';a`~qeIggw9-is-'!'% .51.. gill-Shim V :,;~-_g& unuy . -" -r1.'.-L'.'.-!` w Ih-`amt -n of `rm Pui'ni`i;uMtul`n.-=` uuewuu nddluobd-kahuna % HI: Wgg_hiagmu_sunIl.I8Iun, gnu an Ilia gonunal npuu. Sn. dudhnut in - ....n L`. ...|.u._ n Tu Puunl or fill` 11;. Anglo-.\'uou.(CIp(I5\\ I !u``thlT ' St ' 5 ' #11,. go Iggailo. `Q"g:-:iJ':`9JIy`I3E:II|!l5t'tI_0ibLh Mgr` "'ubV0 I"!-` I nu umnu mead `tron. int`. ` '-an-NMF3 -us-.u `A1 T mi!- a the Great EuIom-aud plnlf Hm NQNKZ.` dlnndv hn\l,illI.IlIl.lIllflhlI` nllnlnof [W '96 it oLr_3j I H: c. " _rHvq|.-Jnn!._ , `?**&r:v.:;`::;.'**"v*%*`*" * . Inlul. .. , 1* III the urea! bItl0lll-I|l(l pg luu |'III:1'I - ` elluix how/immusurslus MI ' in P0! of pond our Lino in la Iul o my alhit Hlluainlio lino uou. \'el,:uh|'w lro;llut l_ wi _ 1|, who vu Eh I |1lhec;`u:l?th8lt?:ppriogT ' y. ` - rllh-Q-:`I..`iJ--- , ,.,.___,,. , _ ` xTu5+x Hannah`, M I-`lpnr receipt 0,821 hbbfblea LWO WI. 11333` u;gL vumrn. I-`lpur I i will !!! um: ,'zquso:nnni1-nu, -55?0!' loo? |o_5;'15 :3 me 31};_on\1|pl1_ to I! l'I.I t'IHlK`u 5 :. Iouthern quick I}U|I'- "f' ` I30 $U0,bb!IJ (xi: 3 I.'!",.3|n: ay margin .00 3 . . Qgnqdhn CW 1-. lllu ofO00 Mill ll 3,45` T-54HOl'IMI'I- be!` non qcllnund ole : u t0'.W0 but _|li|- nuuo cluh,L!3; nu-ma Watt! .00 .'im`E` ='."..i`:`;3 .'$'o'&1`.:.3-'T:."..1I. .:u I n 631:. (hi: male: : ulel Oillhetn Ind JIPIWI l duislllhhg : um 105000-bt, hint Ielu-1| II 9:3 9... 2-: E!.'!.,=T;I!"; `mm! 3"! ll 3 1 40; nordmn mnl"EiifI'FW 6' I11 Pork uucumdx niluu-in-1151:. tun dull. inch rnllur non Mun Iml olonqq bguar. Iltmey mouunn ind in-A madam un- ohgngul um. swung lnhunp mutant: ._ `bunlneu II 108! I II. ' Nod}: `am. of `W 3 Manual; J. Alo 30' `Nii 9- - Cn!dte|l`OmIu 1.. ` , % "gout: _ (us. ,: '.""-* M ' _ ----a. :. lumen . lull! \'Il|a- J. Th T , 1'. .,;.{.,Ua$h-om. gay;-rL.m*}` C. . An run and Min . 1yvn:;'_ n_:_L._.. . 11 u-u..1_ ` `,3 ! U. \ J. 9. Music, lama`; J. c.,co-xmnml lreql - J. Elholl, Muugrqal ; Mia Eliio, do ; S. Wood. Tannin`! J. D.`T,hocmon, Mqqtrul; H. CunroI}.,' qmmlo' .Mhn.> Port Hope -, J. l.mg,;r, dq; A. A Ilmnly. Quebec; 1;. 0. wt Q maul Miictiilln G. Baker. Oumn an . I!` Liana. Bub; B; Evans. `reutnui . hlulvoll. Han- I...;l- W, nmnn. Cunnln FAIL! G. tnlla-J. 'l`h_ '!.'_ _,;_ nu nun; Pen;-r V M, `C. Coburg; .vz:;1yu.,nri hum - G. MoMn- lon, Bath 5 N, `W3 `W3 Wlmn. Mohtnpnlq . ndonon,-'M_onlrq|; 8. name, Mantmi; J. C. Hovm, -an-g . Bullet. JD ' E. D. Llhm M IIVIII; R. 1). Con ,-llnfiihtlw. -..-. ; A.,!l. iIirIa.N`i0 my .Snlu; J. S. Fnirphl. Pm Ho ;_ M, 8. Cluk. Dump; C. D. HIM A ,dI; W. Cur- nc1'l._-`---3 H. C`. Butte, Galobmok 3 W. J. Wmhl. --'-; ll. Mcboyqll, Dorian!- ` ` T ` 7. *9` Inlylnd. :5 The II) of win Urn! n jlauardq II mm not I ai.uI|.|pug_I .IlI`I II. wad pm .1111 tcumut wt in 1.31}, Ia-tuna which sad Lu tlunnur r- nlun onln okyh about '5! HIM " vim an no op al.30- ,` nvnqo plan` 1!: `I6: vet-In II 1.154. Thu but ` warranty: I 6470 Munich. Int ill not freely .oll'en-d. us] the quill In not quite to good ll Maul. nljh l ploolpnuud no |n1.|_ln.;nhnui uruuootlillohl. M '2 Icahn fll... 7 ' Filx-cl nu.` awm ": _""" WI M5 `~*.-.-2--a- MII,`-_- :--; H. 1:. male. ummwx ; In J, Wu --'-3 hllo; . lllfl. --1` . - 4:103--9--u ::3mi:iisf9s,`Iau. A -9-G--~v-~.u ':o'n(`)x's"roA ulxrre. A `i -0~ 9, _ Vba9---.__- I ENS. WM III QIIHX. I Qluliu. Hamlin! dam-- ' nggu;.Ij|lehnI. Wu found ;mny,nd'u_nbaod In: print chi: gal illhounlnu.` II. 1 _ _ _ I IIIIHIHIIA it It _ Iuhuuuathn. . a V ' unusua- :`i':.Ig% aniusignaui W, &7TIr_J::mma. Jcnr 4. T Tz;rnIiixtwgLsaun- 1-2'13. A; was in % .l,N..HnnmnL..v.-"! r-w ` up oinnlguljglnnuunnmn. -' u-main T` Q .% ~-~ ` 2 1:-4IIant'hAf,July`2. `fIwCuInyn`3:!!'ll|\0d|l "43! um. - -gpcgmy Annoy undingn Q20 Cu" .' `IVCPII -`r: em! `am-hn`a-.9-nu wk:-' - &._J,__:l:.ll...Lu: _l nuns Al nnnnnL iilvld Iputwo in- ! `ilo `of i- hglbihhjg .4...?..%.*,;.%.;;,..,J..` nil- _.....:.._ .1 03.. "of I Till! Fmugldnbnya. aw 1$G I00 "W" . olpo, Iunilciulhifiol npwontljll con- noulion with the paper and duoounlp ' t N.l(B3o `.-` .:"'. :::'.'.i'..Y'..?..L.'.2 .. x..na5. =. ` V.` k .._loduUosl,- ..79;,. :?:2I1f'e.':.`.?a.:2. tm... ' In III! but bill: an In hon man. :1 `ma Ooh In Do mu p .p.:r If. Wmmm. ma. Ibis us plains, Inning bun wiv- tu 5 :. Hlpiill hillnlf, who put ninv -uudu no use I II nIku~.F.Wnn%npcr. Onnxtuii thy Ill] . III ! urn nulvvg nu. woo, u15.'"<'I:- an A um! u bookngiimndlhnghnumnnolhucnr Inmoedon :ho2hhJunuy|u.u-hunt 'liIhII'udiuouan1'nd,|IIuduyu.IuiIIIobo an I'UIIInuIruI,IIIIuIyI;IIuuIu- nth Wml II J. B. llophim, for II On the Fobtgmy, author Iln|I'I'Ii dioouhud If In months` am, ndiohuu ion In" by I-`. Wu r. Int? Ildund I: I5`. nnlmpu, 5r':7e. dilulnlnd lot . Wu-dmpur. Agnin on uncut: Much. . mam... was-u.ia., :bc|0. nilllo hater Lhnnunpnluhu and 'ut|mNthA'-uIInwn nnnl dIIu.lor8iiW. Ihillldnv V mph, who |lIIn|h' nah. lot Nllhoi III III: are nciun. A: with lhl twp puuduood to nonvnlohhuiguluruon lhiungolni pup: qua pnunnu, It would l'u1b`oup- pur,tbui:l>hnn-onow ouhnnduolho II- nwqic of lh-Inunn out-s , _ Thu ixphnuion of than lmuunnns mu, by MLH in: van. `thin Inc had ` 1| ruliorui. III Wani- , ill-Ihc Uailgd ilu to Ian: nuityoin IN; cnlomq bu-an hInnInaos"|!r. Wudmpu Unihlun. Mquim nnoxplnnuodz . `nun-m nu: unm All annuit- Ina.` L IXIMM non mun-on : IINIT. ' `llh July, L859. On the namingal Sunday, the Nth imam. I oannumod the uuninuiun I this .nnn'lLh&i\. an ' `-' > mplg U!` l'I wk I ~ mm-~r ---- -ua on. I- H and In nonslnao III upon unummwn of lnghmhu Intlutlk D validly oi III pupnl to- (and gap; bg uuuon um nriouzuiuhn. In , r. nae, Ind` thfogpplljnt cl \&-0;! In clinmliud. Th-an-uni.-nib!-N "N 1'-m""' qqn. win the olcuiuion Q! thlllull-VII Mun .`......`.%.L'.`.`..;"`i"..'E3 `M .. _ . . .'-**""' Eu.Ig_Juup.n1nIntuu'aItuhuI`QIw in my cum way, Ihuhn But my damn. A gains-dJT _ i!~5!F""a A , !-*9-`M '2-.'i'--tsi-E-pvt-=1 IAII Olull Chung I I Thu Input :41 9*` ` 0 his `libs-o1iII."' *unon Wt?- lId|I hhuio `iinolvn. Ml.-HOPKINS AND THE BANK 0|-' - ~ * OWE.` OAMDA; la odor lhu |'u,r'ndns gaylppcwznz lllplcnlll u chum: at the mu` 3: lhhogl thou` Gllhinaliunu Ilsa" dual mommy institution Lul Upplr Cousin hu boon npuuuluf auoucbcmh unwonh; dwnnmgumuh he I Ilhocxuiiufmuhz tho an. .9! tho limb m on lonllll Ml-Illbl sadn- _cyv::'vl:non P'tidq,tIhinh uu'.ma- out mm of on: column; provulnd up hum lining with the Mold thpruuqliup. . Minn might well nu`; ma In III as- Ilislud thn Inch 1 man Ghoul! I-liq upon Emil qugmiulhy oi goth I journey ; I no u I mun auunltj mo. pm .22.". caudal an u` at diam. Anna mum in Im not. Inunor. um` lhinl lhll no Inn ling`. I Hnnhinn n Iflh `H wall`-innnl nomad mun. . ,9n..pmy_g&u tho llunlgrillu -I such . ` H- ii-1'5 -vvvlin and am: hi. n I has ' ~4L1IIu'\|nblomonmnIof In T i:I_3;,onnagc_1 all, Inuwruuurr Unihdmn. nnnninllnan I10! BNKIWCIX Ii` UIVGVIH udlllgnlhuly than uionnludmiln` cannon-4 -but sh-haunt ooushnuu mans : suntan: I-nuns ` .. nu nuns. III IHIEIIIII VIII I`I0|||!BlI IIVUI "IV lwmuisonlau on I ` If , I thl ed` til uilihty, Ind II: 055; ' -u4iupmafMr.Wuoul uni lhn I: an (hmmnv. " I IIKVUIXI T rs-Conn-qnnnw , wu- Mun. um IIIIII Inn. my nun puma`. r. Hopkins u mt `In! [an well`-rnnnl Ill ` tin ,. mega, qighj will lion] In nInIiol`I\6"IIim htndioiaaly forhh ur- Iinmu. n 1 lilillld it In `MW? =--- ooonquin unit 8!. Ho Ifmld `ad I an: an-vrnhnab 4uInhId ..&"I`u;`.'.'B.1e.".i'aL`3,'{3.Y. ---law?-I my uuuauu will ham to us: In at my T Ila. cuul. A-IL Mn-n--. ;;."::-3'-7| ! -DIJJW-Illa IV III Vllui . . Butt 9: Dan Guam. 7 . Lndnugr. am Ananax. `Hutu H. Rubi: Er`-, Cult'iat. - ` ` ` 3|:-94 W! M M3. F` W H'- ' JI HI 7 . _ M M A ` `h V Hphun Md:5mTn.l no 0 mm, own than-ml iii misun- u.s-. mum nnnu. 115.6153). haiu moi uInunInI._; L In oulnont Iu_Mfmn'MI. Hopkins torn addun. nfwnaagallll than 3- min and Th 6:935! ofim or ppnx Stock nnndingin | ujsdbnlr. > '5 III]!!!- Mtizjlopkiu. Mam`: u to on. I o 1 I uu|nnMInI' Ml inusomutire ' yr (9 'k"F"""`f." A m. ' o u utmtu mud; U ` Vlllh-II'll.:5ICll. .._ .._ __..... __ -_ n-.-nan-2 I have stand in! .II.onmn| vi|h Tan mm mam bu-4 | . unmnnrnhnrlin lhn cuh oflhllji ma ummm naonm lo oun nu u:-ug--y u-an nao5nnlI1nmhiuoIh0IIU,|!f| `mo and in-:..and I we wind hm my fun` `MI. Ilnnkinh IX *5` Fl II In} Win (III III: B: Company. =['- -"i`-'% ?3`*'-35 -"-9`': %'w4=3'T ` at me: bilf, l), Llully, In lu_IjIII', avai- n n oom- -s"'....~t*.'::':.f`~* ...=.. .. .. 3:331: Iu uurd:r3t I:t: ` ;-ldoupin lh_i~I`nli|nc that Ihh Bank` Iri {cpl ma ihunoawonhc Stank now gxuidmg n tine" mlmunf 11:. William Puoudfonl ml -9!` alt, vim. ISIJO 1! pay. on my ulufcmng mo Stun]: nrauu. when hm pt-pun! Io don numnhini . afooamulhoamlunl` u any `Err which I held until! Ilnnuuylinu the {not of In -itllodillo li- Lftnknhoopponuullyntro "am. A mgln.:gmson.uau.aunL am : to . - - V! uortiullim sh 5': 5. I 7 $0 KN ' -3% ) ymmu Hanna. Wiihun Pgoudront.'linq., &a_.. Torbmo. u-u:-Q Ito ulna ol In: I! II, Va:---lulu Hill I In 7 , ailbo Qhrlldlillb I in SCI dock 0 of llii` iiiaiil Ind Iu1ll!.uTruIm.wI I bluuonnll uuhondild hi: ueounl cl Lindsay. Hrrlhphua handed mg :1 lb: anoint: 5 In-nlatlnll shrug, than dulnati chothuonduqgpllllgfhu n.. .-.....n as. monk. and n-rlu h-inn; hhurby Ha nunboluh Yeah. no nnmuuckn nbonnwpd mullhoeuh than Iuton._G1.?llIuo in and can has uuombu ~- nunhuhatnouian.IbIlllt'lh9kM"' 45 .. nouhonnnulau nub mid lb hnvrlun. -~:.-.-an-:--=-':.r.:m---*"-%~' T unut. M ':...:.s.n.'7":'L. upland to: tho no-' `unurnnoollm GI illlll 3" l ;.~'x'.f.'.'.'5f: Juan Kamila M Linduy. Rh Auguug, ll. an.-a-I us but II infim nu`, than I am full rd 3 Cgploh Ihu mngfurl. ofllc ` y.iunimhg.huyoa -n L , ll which Ilwlhnlt and inanafiul Inna.`-nhiohnt: U |0|`NI'NINB'II.!. ` ` h:o;`a u"I-IIIdnoou:1y'ntIho III; mas and ulna via. $8.000.` I an Ihn nnnnnnnllv nl` rinulinn-H In run a "'2..f".i`.. .;`.E:`3'..`.` ....g ofu-inuadiui;-5 plyatlninupmm u ubjma __ `- -3 IN: but PI Um -vunr-n-ru - vUv`---- _ I I -3 ' _ `A ' I'll of Stool, which VII lfnkuz at put. em *-',b.,.._**-:.-3::-z.;.;*.:, - ` A | 1 I III: WMIWIW FUN. W333: lllnbumonltafnuutgugcwhnh Hr. ght` ' II Mid taken for the had: the last, but whiou nac- `liltdlnlincdionooinfoztnuouythiuh iii! In` -ppuou fnuwiallouing Mm : - u- v-u-mmmu w- "`"" ".-.?.:':'-...a 1m. _{3.'...a.|.m'.""` ' i :5. anti lao noun oflln W Dl plillijui IIUIII gufvu U uu._ Hogkiu loan nun umnuu. ..hId6qIhw Iiuluunuiiino Mr. Hnnkinnlhb ' ,IliI union. and mmlunumktauloummm inhcfun indium inIhidnp_.'lnIuuco took the ..b...._ nmnt in. hunt`: and nnnnlndlo lndhlt inI.Iiu=mnn_.'uIuueo um: um olnnra onto! his hairdo And pnuulnduy makothnhnlbt I) Mr. Hclliuoll. (Tun- da ulmzgun. 3 lSn`rnd`I , Jnuou. lltllllnolavuuuun 1`IuuII nflu-In gn- onrulblnucriuunhv, Idjd .DIIunhII_I039;uall ll); penal `- imbptboan 'IhuIt`wt-prh:_p cmuplil. T " =whI3vIy'FniInmu` wt $10. I llllil 1. ;:.'~::::.'.-W" I. . -I ' ....4.' '_inyunluttn,=.d'|!u1 ls. .. {H . lhaum menld N810 , u-' be In: Mr. `:!.;;`E.:"..'.2i`.t`. ...;.."` "'........"' Is. .a...:. 5 M;;'Jl;:lI.,$lI hmr. , km .7 II _ . many, W J ` Hm fiibqgqo on sun pofoiscl. noun. M. Jenn I alaoohhn thui Lbs! mot] _...A&...L-no-J. nil W` Vuiutl _ Olllllopvuuuyuui-I`: hntlhylh nuuaapain iI'ph_co.P ; IIVIDIl|hI`#3ll I ntuin tumor iugnnd ' muiuml NQIJIIM Iudctuho7 VIII - "ha". in ptbhuh-yum inhmluth :IumuruIa. - 11...... man HI-ndu-nlthlr w` 3 |`UWU . -Irl