Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 7 Jan 1853, p. 4

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'1': 3 ' lung O`\!Ma. _ I'M:-an Ahvpar! -. m can-"co i.~rnm. . Ylyaluins mum 1.-ma. . 3- iaumg-4.-Maui. . ". . V ' $; {s&h; or -Fnnigh nun`, - _'.]_iw`uIi_i;cI Finch ._'k In guunnnnuu um no-mm aumaueuna mu, . _ `mug, clan ppijoule dinguel IOI arm. hr. ithillkiliby thnugnin : - ` nun. linen. In: 1:59;` INDIKE wlbo N-ceivedyntil the Frat tilt}-'1 Jggu;-1 1161!, for the Punehuc. or C1*mm-r 3] Kltlf Emmet. Security r the payment rill htnxguirgd. Her dimension : um. length !/` - our nllil ` : breadth hon) duuidq to uu$<' ; nidopfpll. lot;`dopIh'ol'hoId'.8fect. u v . >1 lowsruuru Inna of 45 bone at; "u . bGen_ Qganghly replodla Ilullnn Euginqund , `hm! quip ks _ boas. v i|!mIll':HI3_{I:1I_g1pnd.b1luhrE` 1 - L,'_: f; D . ' no cu.u~onm- ' ml Huh; man In!` a hunt in `fmln . 1" . gcdunuuhcqwetisbilivg; ulubhu mutant.- 1|-lnntnnl IIIA -irlusnf Ikpil-gun unsnlini-is -.1 ,.. . x -y..-..... .-_.-.......-......._- ~x- . toll mils on 'ii1i.uirni. THFBRITIEH STIAIEK PRINCE OF VVALES ~. `jun , . : y - Bzqjnmln lr:nn,`l1'aeudnn|, Lima ` s, cm: uuumemc of am Def-nrhm [apart Lot 24, in Ihiht Con. Tovrnthip oi nag-upnv . no-run ch on or Kingston, arm; the unp thmon? - W - _ _1-nouucom-r m...nP If nu I 11 ' '9` `I3! Wjlliaan N Knr Ye-rial ; - _piiapIpIu' lhrououl Uljyrer Camila _ cnpy: the shore ten limes,-anal isplaynl an ; nhov, nclutlin tllil nnticc, llnl!`recuivve a , tug of my our ox-$3 Works, to `but M` subject to their order. rend ewslpqlucrs _ mailed :e|ra' Familfy Vi:-itor, New Ymlc. Edi York. Kai; I - lhl 9531: i ` uulwu uuuuacu-rrlwucllic, U3` BAA Llillfl I I unnox, udmldjnglon. . _ the em Jau- 1'9 um. " unry, 1s5a.u;iIu:ei` 1 Shlcllung-oill, lhl Gout! Home, City of IIIQIIII; it loin, Dim Mlowing iarom-ny : -7 - UK Bcuniilx, rmnum ` ' . UL` `V mmrh. slant 6. Min ihnlnl Con.Townnluip` " `John llooro. Defendant; ' " All die right; title, and interest of the Dc-funi- n.' I wt in but He. Jlrtho 8 (Jon, Tmvnuhlp l.olo- | of with Building: thereon. _ - [ah Band, . : E VI. I 03.]! a noun: run, l'JCll llIll'|lCl'lll!.'lI|9 Wm ,l 3 O4 eluhlc then to malsovfrom 63 .-lo 08 a day t. , [T .5 Tll I nnhnlhunl III ulna-A all nan. r`! WOQIDI IQIVU,-u 1? ' `g4 .- . l'kI*is`I.DIIhI1.' '0 mod :3 It: lib cl Chub. Icahn (Mann. nu n a any I. , '7 _ fe pubshed by mun all use- fu III than Bhlflclcl, extremely pnjrjalnr and _ eavnmnd lII`iIul_u whemver {hey are olfer. e . . , WANTED in every pnrtof Fan1;dn, ncw.-I I ind ermrprining turn in enxaur in the , uh 0! none of the Bufoohu nublixhcd. To 1 In!!! ofgood uldrco. polueukig (small npilat offr 395.10 HI, such indurmeII|s will an hi annlnln I||n- Ia`. mam. fun... A ) mnuqa -curs rum: III:-mar," New \'mk.f Neiv York, Noigl .185`). . Q86 .,-,.,,._'.`,,,,,_, v =.8llER1I'F'S SALE` 0!` ` L.-lNDS.i `United couaua.rm-Jo, bs.u'c::`n.n' I nuns, and Addjpglon. Jnu-` 1'0 ms. * nu-I, Hum .r:|n...i . I .: -.aT_nn;rru. __!I|.,A`!!.IiI9I0D4,.IiIliI|.`3sW.` _`_ " A; T 'P.l_l'li-`.' -5'-,a__._,,-|!;|::-T*=*2a-. In-w C 9-!- - ~. -gal Knit 1;.) I! 338` it Thu T ' ' _ T 4_nuu;nou,.ml.T L" ?___ sx4_&'a noox ESTABL!8}HlE.\"I', A )8"! Iuugu II , iuw mun. ~ 21,100? I001 AGENTS murrgn, I 10" arm. . ' Hanna and men: worn to: the {[ _v:AI I Ig.aa-.- " 'Il\Q,,,lXA'AlI Alnu A \'l.VAI'\l . ' " . '. Managua " lingin. Xldvglnbv ou.,,1a52_. tnumuoua to Innhon. ..Iy um;-nuuu, , 7 ' 5 Sega Vaie`nli:' lainiu, ` 3: 10 Bill. Pot Harlan _ ` `XI `Tho (hlllod, ` ` r 1 `WM! lug! `OM11 0! other good: lpo `I -unu An hcvunnv III` Mllhl Ifldlf UNI I. Try [en-u'il piety. oubdju-d and rerun: uunniuy, cmhl Ilu-ii.-ht -Id mum-ige aiding. which pumps, go-do. o:-nu-rl. and vim}; -- iuk. u!gONf|!I'|VnI\III'IIIeQ [ird Iurhgn when it i-.- Imluii. I pnvlllgl II lgenraollanr minus I 910194 SIN. "- it h Ontnghgo snjlt, V Lirerprsl L-ink," - :11`. Colmn n Mnsjuq`, - , 4 ' Enmlu zusla. Currant`. ' K ` Boxu;Raiu'nn.` ` ' Ion Vnfnnliq Innite. 3' A ` lllo , . _ Put further purticului add ( t " I) , ` 4303331 SEA 5?`: P\.l|:f!.:3I[l`:'. `v -III Killian- .\I 1'_. | ..rl- Iumuuu so IIIIIIIOII. ,, . > \ ' THOMAS` HENDRIX f}IIgIlOD', October Yllh, ]II`1; I au`....._-,_l... . :l'o Person out of Injiyngqi road-;19ex:x;k1e&_` % I 3. `fun: lilnnuatnqyliu rm and: I: their pi!!!`- HIi'oIl`.' A`dI'r1HniI` Inim Iru whro one 1 `and. I5! Imlrn urban`: rupull. (uni lacy , iifl. `His rrphrli VIII AWN! his pay crnel.- ad; and, hunt: lhntlht vmlk wiil In buds, oahunlinl mummy n! Kb llllummr-e,__g,_n uln- ' Apntalypt lfh lo ennui rflyll lh xl Ilw-I um! 03 Mo lo5uw_I, mirllin In Ihl g|m_v :5!` Hull 1 cudmnthc cmchfim -. | MTL. bun}: grinds n.Llin-J nml nnuamll run-Iu nrmnn, I `I3! William vi Ihrnmlimnl 1! nu IIUILB L UUZIETT I Qhelh U. 01. L. a 1. lflh UIJBHJIE V I. llanqcig Dinelor`. III. I I52. ; 1:5 gems; I..a4.;.;mu E1?-u2a n W-II! IIIH1] fut _ TM Ea-n:Lbet`a cmhvluing gti. ` Dmsum: uenu runvniai 95955: Emu, Driv- iing Run;-I, 5 Had Rnoma, " esu,(3c4kn.,P I 'J|W-l'Il]|C!1_',`lI 3* '. ? If . It; and 8CIIn|!' Imam. mwilhlllliikalh my I uni-that Quinn, Uni-bun; ruppt`-ed us` . Ihunduheo of mint exfolhnt Sprung _WI'\lu v.` Gu;iou.nnh Ohtlll Fmmfnn. and 8 uruui laI.udnonifIvqu'Iiia~Ex ' -11:50:-'r" . -. jar ' Ilium`: m'uIouo.1 ` in; Dqs`ii;i ' u` . _` , `:vhi:1.nu-`V Dumb. _u lhll-_ A . an-"_ "pa :6 -` ., iv ` : *1 " Utm ~:wi11z_1 I_II ghy out HIAMGAQL "mm." P_-- phos Sridirfg` up, learn; nu ma u-i t.-tmrl - -4. ' ' - ,,......_...4-;_..._,_.. ._~ `:11 Tam: ,DueTm;!nE::B 4- ;.m ..: an-cud. uumuauauyv Wniqn |"nItury. : L; 1 .~! ' glans . "UT? , ' x! P` `rm: `L :19 k fit!--hg5t::l.:|.:.a`Su%.l mu with Ilun all-nj !'=W9.Kl0hl iniic A: 3 id Ait`6;.3ustaaag 4.. v.n.p Q: 34- E 7&5 ' ` . . ' 9.. .c. T I660; cud 5 .;au.u.-.:uaaeuu-.ns.m.u.1.. I rNnwuu;13 ,_ lnuf I;eul_u.' nd; man-`ed .6-1' Gunny!` ma} dulnuuar-which`, mu {unit in trials. In to? I: ah Punhnnn. , ' K `zap-. we as oo.~vI nu._ ., . 'l'b-nus I ogmist nnla caving Ly taking an 1 Il'f:|P..Iil"I-. V )V J .17.-I)-nctiom ltanhqgsiduimu ofpuliolxlt in an 4;.-me.-2 In umi to me-h 3- I . =3 . fur Hnhhu H. I" Ihhnno ll}:-km Emu..- ` Kmlllm. ll I`I'II'_f Qflflalff I93 Ijll, I0 p` -', - for Sam by E. lV._I'-I-um.. M-tI.|4 8qu_ rj -.-u-` as a L N AND NI-MR 1iEVll.LaGHOFAN- x-A311-za. an m Hln--t-:`:~|.I ::mI;v. `rI:""3,-. ; 1 ~ Tin Shh! tint.` " awuI~wuaI_, mm `Ia git Puuhnru '* `K lls`, IF 115.153! EEQIIISISII-It ` r. . . .y|..x......u.rugrmu1mA::..n.p d \_I-;. ma mun. Iafksmny rm-u fly. 1;: . 9;. so, 1._.,- 11., ` 199- Ind 33`. cab Hon. . ' 11|ll'I In I an-maid, nbln Again`. In: ILL in; AL. 4 I m- uuuiuun II; ` We um: fnom Whullm I` email L . '.i'..| I}... E wnuuor . __ nuns . -Illwh ' _ . :1 III-~F3gIbIidmuI of Pmfgud If -llu way!-`H.5tragI_!!,(nnl '|`empe Bar.) hiudgtn hLmnn4 An, unmu Shin ui r|Cw Como Cum-Iipn ll-meta uuwr-U Ian ` `unsumpsiun - lieu!-ndui-"` 11:9:-.11 ' .*j...;| 5%, _ ,' Wm:-dqvysylnnmmlu Until I TIE` Uuniuun Ill rlllillasilri 1 a|l\II'"I ' _ li|g.g9_ (`nmpIniq1 Ia lolitiies cm the ' I Hi`... WI].i-I1. muggy, `man nump-u IIIF.) uwugin Muhemeu Itr rm-hum IM llmihm d W. 2141 an uh} ' Ila light _oi"Io_n`l9.uon, 1 > I)o[im'al in Iinztrr l{n[l,'aIa:l frozen Iovlod 3.! ootrrctfsd by the .AIlho`T;-l-l`|;1Iudu tr` Ugurl Clumla. " NEW EDITIONS. fr` E. 1-o-am'.`I. :on.'1'9 umnn. _ I rcIIMIn.m'a]' i [Sign cl) uhbainlali ['13 ' in Ilu-. `nix gm: utir n uf 1'5: gm. yluzg 1 ' ' ' i.`- : I*W`V gu_-It-ul uulu gum gr. uv gm-noun . -Inn-_, If-Hr ` vu.fu*hIN $n'I!1.npiug we liver `a nu!` Ii Mrnngilimug NH dsgroiuve ff!-`ht 5 be-in Jyalured _|u tho ehvmeug _ul 4 `.n.|eqr %`ir,ynu!i fnilhluiivr, ; V:-*- 5 Ltd} A ,WI. NU-bT(.`(7K." med mu m IaaId'Of[IlJly`l3oInioIlh I the Ic 2iuri..g _oqnup`lamu-. 4 I D`--941 . Inlnmitiun : -x I)y,alII|r.ry Jnuullm i pInu_Ila' Eqnupolaq luv-I 0...m- ` Fannie Imqn- pimulr - lanlu rnlnbnnvr 4 . ,,., -V.:n-yep ! Ac- Inna: Stem. M E. \,V.'PAl.\H1R: sfinylid I)nn.ekIH.' _ Cumin \\'wi`.ih( I01. 0:... f snn|.Inin and Adurnhux aft J T IQOQIVGI1 III! I"? 0|`! II I mun "jut-II if I` ' Lurk . I`.i'.r fill. ' Stn'*`tit'n|, o'- W Kink`: St! ; luv: . c ~ nls'll`F|I.I|_i(-33 plumlr :`f.;'2`?I~ :A Iih-..`. -a..|8..:.` ftlhl ` Burs`: _ was ruwrw lo pmeu lllllth. s _ ; ." 1 : gm-wimp am a aura can as niiaifdr com- """"` p?|inl,and rm) __) "" ` I.dopt-d_yo'ur me-lacindh u: ihould _ Md: ll-"Ea now-l.:i.~`o. lnhali he-`huppy..|o~ 0 __ _ _f_, _ tru1h.a.1hiu In In? emth-I. - ` 3 bebiove , bu}! iuhpr um , IBI Iil l HI _ Ilylflf. I smL.*.:":. -4 ' ,5: is .. -,' u., .223 Joau E 31153 |j,,IIhinglhI, Iiilu; . mt V-lu .4-Direotscvohwuo `lcgffygliolaih _ aunslf has . at Iab1_E._W,. hlocy, int: to. J an vnlqrugn : 113:1, wucmp.` by um ugrgyuloq = I'M! oqlola: imaged In I lmlicli . ..':'.'.:.::*.m`."..'*'.::'s.*;:%" .""""' '. ~ Homing all V toning gnaw. 1: yo 'on:iPumo. ` , 1 0 ~ Putin ii In ' ` 1 Inwlicro Mo:::u:ond ; .'\v`unin| l'onlnn. `, . -l|ou|oly'o(ul=lo'I in mm) in III in; In Inning. 1 new I-luglbh edit?-m , ' lunch : Kuhn nu Ili Nan Tlulnlnonl Ind . ' IIIIIUWW` III :" In` W: - Bud leg: ~ Iumhx ` - mg- cmu4.m~- ; . ` ` , gIIJlI;Q;~uti;.1'&p7*viIgiP9hndI1IavSIclI , .;l!'0!.. : - .n.!a,- _ __ - #1; auto HUI `F J A Gomncnrdinl Ihaallluli .7 EtiI`JUm$I llull. -buy 3 Ebghuntaoiq _r;;-Ipplgq " * `Survey ` , Scull. .'I'unnou mull` ` unit `If? i ' II. .+. 4 ' I r`'%i > !* " M I ~ 0?. `hx ,7 iIIla_Ihul;:u 1 ?_t-Z `Q ` iE?,.'..":"* W- .!V \ irnarii d `aha fIIi1`i.,,.I", -` ` I '8.` ""1 16, JP A . "":za. c ' ' | . S - _ o {gmnzsmmz _ ' -The E.ua'iinou he pitdtoam` lly wins an -Ointmfin` _ _ iugcuu: nding: "05 v ii - l"mu-ha` n`.A_n..... m.,m.a... womu-us: Hy. euney pgnqnul oz by um. , in he HIE I-`ii frc, tho, . Id Qn perfectly: curd sf um! old Ilbilie . Iflecoi-iI~'|i_u1Iaa\=lIIrnll olhar IOIII ind ' .- " . o .. {`:'l`.:`. ..i`.J`:`.?.1."_".:S. `1_!21?.'f`%!.J -"2: uvgnnnu Ilnglbll mmnn lint-I Nola onthjicw Tuhmnt In! _ ' `ninth. in kin malt f " -- -V A hrnumnnnnnnc. at l`hnn'nn.an.| nu! Idi- vvvv-u .-u---_-v w-vIv1--IvUI nu vu-nu -r-n- u-u fauiied; lmmau um EH: mm gp Ibo uuofyarQiI\ineM,I nd npoair ly in iknmnr. ._ T. Wuunih. Dusa. ' ' IIIE IECCJWEIX I |ETl'I"ICIlTf.( I've RI . 1 as! "set ml: van ishci -1 the elect upon?-old opmn," bfngnbov;70-yem . Trina: uh `bfunis run, M wbnderfsl cur. either pmnw or Buy inlet. ,` 1: a we Ih.ni. LM gg lnV.uIisfy guy f C5 3" 3"? 9.5` `!`.5r-$9. `-- '- av-fv\rnwuv'u?A'I:r, V -[copy 31 as "crank: and `A (.20., Chehia-it. Rub. - - _ -Ta E`:-pteuor Hellowly. - ' ' . Dun S_|.-- Among 151- phggnm cum raagudv by `l.I'n|uah|a> media 1 ' c-Inn: in thy: ruighbom oo-J, wguu motion { that nfnn ol lady living i_nebu- illagc 0f '| Preston, thayt ve mild from lhin city, she _ had uiceuu-d wolmdsln her It for many yum, nndlntteily thtyvinwn tolncll an ` ulavming extent u in defy nil ms munl ro- ' Inutiics [J13 hullh #9541} giving -wuywufet {lie 3 nine Ihutadund .'In I!3u dismninx 1 \ m Ilnd,Pil1$ gm! hyzthe Lninmm: of hufvigndg, i waie , jdlapevneveye intheir me, until - she recehed I perfrdgicun-.,' We bird our- ' ulna hm-or null: umninhu-J n In ala-III . nun u-nnun H ' - _ ` , ` ` Co vy of in LI.-llc_,t he-m_J\,r..1,.M_Cirnno-ll, of `ff e,t\`:sl l-nr--'I`.yhs=, Jami `opt, 20. I852. _}1`o Prdessui Iiolfuway. . ` _ .; Dun Sins! svm authoring! by Mm. H5-' _ ! hon, ofll _IMil1|_s*`;-`two-O, N lhis -lawn, ur in- ` Harm yoa.llnI,45or n'cm:2i:k-rthle `pr-_:i.\_d she I wluul burn a math-xer ftoin _-bilily gm! gvneral ill h-MI uc5Mpar.ix_ with I diaonh-ged` ntomcehytmi great M-argument afjhc 131- ._ - `lam. In nduliiwn to. miss she was jmihfy ml - ? icn-d v.-ma ulce-rated wqurfs. Jtrunaxing snn-p. ip bulb In-r lg- n, so (ha she is kitnly "upntglwof dqiug rjnnnlwiwrk.` jln mu dutrmung condluon she adopted the use I your PHI: Astra` Ointment. and ab: mm. lhnl ma Indc Ihoff lilac. they alltclcd I ' pezfact runs of ark-gn, ind rater; lye: con- ntitulionsu Imn nu! unngtlgn In! sum 7 ii alnfneigh. Es not; enabled to walkihotn With 0 Ind ` eindlr mordioury mll yen hm Nmgdi- ' ,v r , Jnr. IIITIH nu-`n|ppylD'l'ly"VlQ _::u:ll:a;.1hlImIvI5= mnqnlfcr. ; ` _ pigaogl) { J. HHID, Draper. `Auarriiu ovarnum: can or jI;4:IlaI'Ir up-uni, vu;,lIu1'I'-A:-5l!`0`l3ll;l., I - 'n.I. un_u.m 1 aw..,__ ,,(:l u,_ A,_-_ l . In n. .. .Utll!lID`DUI l`Il-l1`|Ul|-'I \ ' SIl--Some Iik=..siuo,'ogw ol`Iny children I was nlicled wllh drou`u|.eruptinnu our the p bqdyand hmha I olgtgined lho ndvsc_a_.o1' `_ sazn-m1`eminchl5'undu ugd~ :_;1;-sieinng, by , Lnf _ ' h 'q Q_`adh Ian. fgisldigmfmmho-.1 flf 1, am] vIfilhou_| exugurruion the -i-ct-was incu- j' laws, for I3y:r:e#id`;r" in theirluqe, If thr" .JINlp|iunBqIllwH] oliupprllu-d, ml the chitd ` mu restored fo perfect health. ' 3 an-viomlv am '3 -shim mm 1 .:..:H.. M..- ' .;i`g,i;`: : r `Cl-l. Ill IV?! In` A lurpmanumu. l'|nn'o[.e-ii upd Iii? glam `nah. ~ ' ' i . V . - __ : I HI I IIN9_IHCII HIM _ It led in`: nth ` I ufnu dmmn s lliilll II I }%uciun hall in club Ibo} gpopigg Alilnmm C131 , nu-n nnlinmu, -ml lb: - PS. 1 '. In-main vmsar ` uufhf II . T l.1.ta..'uI- ':.M.-(s'1;|-:`1`\:`r5p: "+.t#:: i imhm I 1']. [E I E353 . mans It - 1: new at 2:::::~.-. .;.-=-.......--* -'5 -.v*_.;;..*:.-rs: Iimanu-4 Inga; gun)-v J-no . anuupvzusstgo-u.':aaI.ir-ptgfbun - K `':.-?'.:I.;';':.."' "I a um In furl : in` N !tI '` 5 Q ..,._, .L,_,,._ , *' . .l1;_l`:fI__A.l1'.`` _. };-uni-o;_.,n_a: `Sun I! . '. ' led on gum mg. u1noI.!!!ilI*,-Il4E*.!'I`' "`"`"H.Juan-a-:n.`:'I. Y5 II C` I -,`. QTY Tj? h `CI : 72. If. 1.; one... .,_ ` i , Sn,--(`u-lirlmure In lhe EHUI [TATE . nmzwru :tmocIn1ox,.=nosseiu mun agem, ma gamma Io`: than-pmmpfunni uni ` (`gum-any in gnnmuol as: ye my ghll hr -Mun, nine; Oat-hr lun,i put- ` [idly no -ohm-umdn my Ilnulhlnait not |v_ zocgcwead this Angiuhl loin intuit eon- nid'rul3u:o::hH ohu3%%:_ who :5 on ` on "I-M` T ; d ` q'0]iI f`In ma From Canada tab uoszron AND"Nl'tWV xqnx. 1110.1`-` c.m:'.:`:':'.;.a::A-.a.}: "6>-nmj n{{s:s`%;ge+ scam ; X was vargssu. ; A I) .-M11395,` Manual.` fins 9...... -. I....L.. I.A.n.`L d....... >a`j Nb'n1um_nT.nog;7;; 1 mg "WW 3!! pr usual I am`: nnI`I,Vl'IQ:tVli-`QM. I -Wit ! _Yr-mm`, RIG`:-`N Tml. . J".-"`;i:'HilF|T Vic`-A } 5% 1D33:51C ` It ` `I I. as. s. `$17;-~T":':'m'}`sI - `Uriah! Agem. _ I Lvnnh Linn - vqwv--n ruguvwn |_ nagnuuclun ~ T nr:raIu:Nr:na. [ iliyreollpa-oi WcdIin'1goi Hg": ~ Gnomuu an-uI_3)l.V `ll Afq;0nnS-' _.41.:-;,fJ*.;rJ-:1|iw.n.1.~gg.aaa, ` N. v.- ..r...: L. n. `ma-, 9. 1`..-- an. 1. I u.m..J.,:v 7.; 1. n -.I=,uuo.|i. n,m.a.. 4 (llsal Womnguon Rial, Iagnm, Coach `:01. ' , ':.1_ par cs-M CIWIE . ' ` an an Admnmun ru uni bun.-melts nus- ainn Ia_I.h than Ibo I.-ut your ably, nd nut In ` :-and v I ma Iimu ut making -pyelljvl; and pan 1!! jun alarms prump*|_y. .1`o.` 'ioif 1 ' uu..nu. in- -nnnllu; U-Iai-?I'un'l;;-Li-Ilii. In ,-gum`. o I ' "-I-.Il-It ` .r `ux-0 two! In yemt Pq|,uj `95. P rm-I ll an A.t.......... xx; .26 g- 4;. ,. . . ... `._ manna . :miunANo't! T .-xmnp.nan c.in1.u---813,000. . Na _ I.mh'J-Ir_'Iv fa `J-It:u.vun.rul. ` ' `ms in nu Auaiaon cf Phi-I-non. Hu- ! ehgnls. Muhnies. Working-an ad than lernu- fur Ibo Inuit! "chili [I u 0.! ur. in cm 0! kknv-SOP H (ho p yuan r- v -I II_u_o El.-Hypo`. j ;. pm ymll hr:-`unit in [fe `t ;Iu|m,_uud ml! nn- IJHU 0'! 1 WFPEII B74!` R`. IIHI 1h'Med.I}||_I-I4 um m ncndol hum anemia; in yum: uodinipxy qr-In-ru rmuumxn tn bath nine [H t;A1.'Ia1a A-sn_a(~)c.'J.(g.1_'Io., ~_.:s.pga at wrap!-an. I-`-may laurel qsinur o Jmrlg Bryon ! IHICIN : \ , Ar. I ..,~,. ; 190 veudnvu illipu-goal" '. 4 .393 "In a '33. . ' "0 `u_ .n- > 5|!" "`_w"' 300 H 00,-.1- ". C 60 Jfji ~ "`* n In P ". -hltv _r~.~ ;Juu.mr-- .. .. _,_, no I`1n1.I'-duuilnl an In 5...; ..o.'.. .m 13.1. cusgxie,-Ag;-n. amen my-:9 Int: : .VIu1;m -"`.'-. i7aI'v ..i.'g'," Ila;-tin `(bu gm sun. in away A Grfliul Cum Ibo Old and New by Pullidi, Lutl.` ' I new odniuu wql. Iizl. 5 "I'M Funily ."'I.I 0' -0.; -lnnln 4 .5-_ K, .' U 4 Itll|OIl.r|_`IIGl`,- 'mj,`p`u. llnvluu Annual 6- dlhe ndunllgu nnfargi. url ombmzin M. in firm; Scull Ill ' I, umngcd In family . ind II dbl nmrtimq ., Ulll'31l' 1'0 I3l:ll,:1\ I If !+`|\"\ ,0 `IT reniivi and far in nl u Ch} Slum. hv E. `V; PAL`ER: K :: 'A1fo:ALtrr1c' s,u:-rcuns ; c1iItA15iri`TIn:tcATIn .\'. ` ml ..... :...i .-.I l..- ..I. .n Ihn Ph- It'll-`M-3!: 9' , MI-II wintry an .!.;I.""'ivh~i=-,3*i1_: nu... ' '. E . " ~ ,. . ' II5T`:hPilI-#1-at-in illlcclv. , If Ir!`-il-vhyllu, ; .. Ii `Git rqlpq vol , _.` nu. fun nIy__Huhma[ , llmcclonnl ms me, sin; .. mm I Gilly Wznrdnip. by ISO (`kmyruen `til .. as. L lytlfrrlid |l'eiv ouagviuinlli. nu hf uh:-.ni.&J't..lEtr:a'!."I-I-W-4.|I"` -at it-as-Ml: r..i..mu ion, in u,__ 1 ,gn_-p` ` a......' 3;-4:-% V ;-.::.~:::[ { { '...am..-, 3`311.. 235.: n:-:.agI--rhmms 5 nunagunq3ol1h(_hnua 'i_i.2l:|nttulrqIia53.`3l*{ A _ I. _ gun:-anus Jrnhan-nil-ymd 9--pet; _. .`*-`'!I`'?```- ```"'-`"'`*`%*'|'` i -`-.-- `fining |1myu:',hnxeeivg{;-. ,_. . 1'ue'-uT.u h-9--`0I*'M I33 IN-MC-yg > * *:imcifT. ` 2 _ I APO` 63,, -sllhhtllidfunliu-'ghr'_tu;7j`i_V_ T , *.,F r"**"`f'- nu-an-sun:-u 1 !h_~`3;**F.- * `*0-vi .3?.E'*'_"2'3`3';,_T;_....-_.T.* `legll ; * A," '.".; -:nu.u-4* T ' .' i_......-:.';'.:.=*'....- unaeaoncqnguqnlgnaua-nun-;qgr_nIp-:.:-~ Xundchi in Antigua luitig: }"-.!`:':nils,bIII,5hi!!.;i yiD.*.UVII.d:Il'uJuli ,._- , Withrlaltlonaq. hut ' l_a|I`Ulfjlh _ Ffi ' ., , FIII momiu-my muuuuu-a itugnnnruih ,, 'ils1IIH`le4IIIt0lpheIl tn ` `ht `ydnfli uacm ftll a.9u:.._Lh c I ' uIIInIvIIttcv'o' cmpnysfnxca. .2: Ila mi .5 in am; n-cl: uhooueuaulathaunueo ioslihuiom am am. _0l|tIy yliiodnf `I_N"UWv|9Dl'W.WI8I.iI- nqoofuuu tun nekmng tub raga: nuuggga c;'t|:ouubg;:.l U5 _ m. purpulu a go: , the par or painting with duo` lick-3:-g fdil 'Il&t|j|H*i3%i.Ii " niununiski of nest in much xiii. lini- lzuqgasuig In! I I nuts! I] uwuilc chalnclclhti of nlu in Sci. Qiitl. Ilia! `ve Cwhnini is Ibo lid lqaemgil 5:'."5.':.:us:-$355` new eanuhff mun-=r.Im: Fur; up Lindon: use-gnu um `r '16.... Hr. v'u..tL.'a":.. 1. nnmre. . , I"'l |:n Dinclou Inn now In men1iunI.!h; ` `I :9 cu nude nlinhq-I" ,_ ' min! 115 ulnvbirnejm of l.lu Em gf 41:5 runu Ekgpgny. H 1-iilhlhu t.-aoiiaessinf tmniguy ha bemnihkvvd h Tho I` ll win nqd about .nf`3. I00:.-ea main-amt; I?_l"on-- n `o nnmu _n :In., men, _ ' ."-12.3. nu,mm. ammiur sun v`un.._.g.,,;. ms. `nu Qdnhlhnn my pmint your wni uoiioci-(y uI:.0.fv06, due at $1515 Sffk. ` -I. 1.. .. us. ...:..n .n .3315. 0.1..- Pll` ` M 1hoIf|-lnrds have has nned ucdunk, 1 ` euunlly. il Inn Han buni noenanry u_ [gm- Flo III` I? QIIIVIIIHI .I|'I'|IU|!l.`I'|l_I -`IQ It pl-gnu. wjniehqheylrspii--per ti raged-an uleaisiw I-.l orbgijui ti and Ceylon; and in I 19' fish Ihlu|g|eu- 5 rlnnrnonln will in 'cnmahud at Buunhnyud lulu; leniaplunl nil mu` ulumn buiu-Iv nf bunhho will his fin. and I5. as nine much nleantn-V5, , Thpg an mlgcgouh, , ?s.m.. and Nioiujrauut `mg in-inn shun, no-I In I-`mpulu with their, nd, Iilil KO tarp: - rondiloumul `Au-unneo Io Ila practice I! lb tune! the Uhlluf rink: in thin.-In India It; iv ululpd, lunnduannn ii Hill. In Endun bunk nu` ma upcrioney at-uuuuuu vhbela hon, ggg Iofn. : u'n.- h:_-n... L-.. -... A- .....z..` `n....`~ ` immo-J HI-gjgupr, and at-xii llwriviu.-3 ml ~ mince "Ef5Iv1~II_;[=I_l_'IQ Ivlmliielliou ur ms `r;.'.'ah'Iisruauai-1aam'imoe`?nm.. , - my new goiunl I B--did J Qpinpy. in` nnnem lion. whhfs` (much -21 hsgigaujn ml impugn . mm. Lag: ye-iv. ma Diorewriotintniawwinn 7\..s.m-Lucy .....m mm: toluliunnulliih . . IIuuduAI1`v(`a|cnII:.. Hum. -mbay. mull}; 1 km; Ind nu Dine!-n uginj :, MINING go mu a pen. than um: Iuliufnolntj srruugcmogu in nmuuu.h4tMeh4hn Mae l-nminniihnu-5 [ ~ - " _, , _. . t-oameuumm-an,` I|$l!IIII_'olIitII_lIQdQi`l';I ` I`--Iiaiu amazed by l9"I(hjI!t_5i the you have I Man Illllll. Iii. 3359 I94. I-Aig yplhuv drip: e mu yru njiu 5151?: May l&':,.;I .J:Ug[III of lotul. 'l'Ie cums. ky D q` ` yd: (an mu anennu-annual uf Ihcbud Mn. _n_;nI"e ,. -V 81 II-|,,I70 IUIM, which Ibo Dindn nit? 4 p M It'll: has III been-mid. with IE0 Ileilll` 4 -pl 'liI0. ml at ye! I-nplied Ml -,;,;; v ` ' . , "The pmjrtn Ind ulenuitnuoh hubinsi Mi g unxious urculmn M that land. ,,l,y,J1u|inh 1 Rank Amcrien: hard inihc WgI1llHlitI.!ha (trim 3. pa 'Ilr| i1{eII$eMrII&iI Iii} bu -aid. [army 1 pct rd. and thaw rhunf Im~minp'in mm dim.-Ird` i In lln Hail. A-t iI.IuInIiu|tsItinn bu "born I I 5|-,r;J4`y|'Ir, I-155 4 minus IIi%"i'F`}mu~onl..d dnnmunhmninnnhm : `P:-iieimm well an at nuuuun Aiuuml. a `mi- ` or Ihau inuy pmiuun yuu_:_- :.:s,u3 uumudun Iumhd glwiu an '51 4 "Han muting wilt uhnun non ponieulnuy from Ila follluing 'l'nl.1I. Ihu Ihe nmhhrr q` - "The M1 Amplnen -_l'rclul'fmm 9519: On; I35 ; I" 25! ! -ad . `W32. lllidevl In `W ;{ III I71.-um`d`fuiII Pmpn-uh` vb." In `rs um mull of 2l l.] Ir. TIE Lon _ Pmwi ll un.me no-v Iuunuu tliid nmnumcd. 90.` :1,1l3 lIBd.udIln Iumlod lamina .51 I uulhm will noieulnuv : " .1`l;'unp;'n:edonI ' g. 4 , an aqihlied ...r.`3L`.`..`.7.`3Z'?.1?:'....i"E:'Ls: '3' `*9! mm` nun'oam..m hod has nid:.Q: hrutmgf :I,n:d:f uh H H I ` I` u niilmp ofllyml. oJ'lh.'mosI psuioiom and 40- cu ' `I 3 a "_ l.%u:gT_rncimco|uthn_hn`ir. gggighqgg 1.... 5.3.1 _ Y E A R I V "nun, Ind which bu` Mn '_ me `hat r `kn f 1000 Qunuz} In Q9 my cum!--ates; petition rh;otth'.o_ 5' `M `i `r "L" dam!`- _oI Mr; _ _.__ oi at-aqua. ` ' ' "W' " '3 ANFED every pl .. _ . , u .Tici I ' ' ~, . . . ..`..":'; :21-t."9:'r::.: -`_*';=_'::'_'v"~.T'~'-":.'.'.-4..;'1.!.i..in. ...'.I'.'.':t.`f.'...~'.":.":-'.L'. z'.'+.":".. .::`.-1 _ _-mi "IMP"-,-r-K Tm ' J m` ' " "w" I K 0. Iununl I! 21.30 Illihenv M X. .. ,.. ye . flnirhlflcul-{Ed- CANADA: HELD?)-7!flC_l, uownun. ' CI dun ll. Juuu Btteel. ~ ' g 'O0n('.:','5.!|. rfnuaoun awn Bani ui ` J in I-CTM. ` ` .. 95 -:1: N mil .5-131` _ coI.oh`u.- . - III!` LIFE 'AS.'4UR.l.\'Cl-I COMPAYCY.-. '- i ` ."0YHk":'i)i.'_ -~ .' I1!-in ~ _ T59 {"l.if'll?>noItnbla " - ll . ' ms mm. or m.m.~:. a'.,x|,sr,1nI'FE, 1II!Iu4_-14191. [ _ (it)0tfiifJ{' if], CuIpu.dq_ H .r - 3` If ~ ~ L`J..._`..n nJfA..._2.l IL. 1 Baht inoujhutiunsl hlifuninu Hm; '5'; as Apluiij-:ivi::irdRgyYwh - x g V . V i '7: K -."2."`.=;;"`1'.`.`..."E.'. IKE? -CU. ' uguutl. Vluinfilfinliol 3..'f`..'.fif"5J`,'a."*'-T. '"""" " . l` UlCJ.IIU_" I I Iruly cu _ u--I bclma.-I. rm ; , :35 =":E` - 2" " Qno 3 nal hr _ : uh , iqlttioaiu! Ileana >' Faun ` ' $J**lbH.Nn&.nn (ll|lII, III lllwlj W I _ V :5, um: mm ale 5:1. - - - _" vary hoailyin By thiubinoio Cn- ndih Mlninnu an lmponlm. for Ibo pmqpl 'lhhj5I|Mhk' Iyohnuuhaniuiqand -all in-upnouu h-In huh mldl Iluugh , .`|lc-I Alfnd Hall 00-. oflnqdq null.inv- _ pgiul, notion ri, Sean 8 G9. 9| own, , chunky gnu; ` than In! our hfqgr u-ag-In-in;-d,uiB aim I-pa-I-'gq.ua ; J -= I 3 ' _ mun nI;{r?, J Idunlvf eaten. 7-*1l`&.FI_lVtI s =H:.usi.n-..s..m_ an . n f.*'-*'.:=;."n" { 1 W a Q mac, `n liar R. hmgaeo. Inga 503 II!d_ afnqy, `lrlchtingqgnscgqd- lrornBud.oaaaIhc.'uh.' g;gn,u.' min . '" rail alibi`: Irlkinldnhge : Q!!! DIIIBQ IUUII III": ` Q , ' -~ ' `Th dmiauiru _i_`III'll1l,[ofthh,U!* into!`- I fun over all quhar Hair a |u.-l9!.` il_ in en- u` fvul-an-all id: > u;n'i i-hick can. I Mn lune.`-~91. .lt dnpaqc nu-inun -kin. .l-$.31.` Ii iu_u in cl! apy|m||qgn..u the Hair omh dye; I 1; it in any 'wn|Mr;'nJvnud,, rain. or --unlnna ` mg. 11 um |a`I:e1m .iu,.nd is innunumoaul in ` in efael. II Que ue in N induct with -up unt_U'10I|_II!` dinhfy Jill Iulplionfwn. chum ` il Iluneli !I'oIQ|`i-1'Vi|_p_l|i} `In.-`tn, In` In! Ibo ng;I1tjg.[ng lilqlau Mn. 1: KIM '.a!rfllIoniI ud nan! u.u1>ya - ' or invenl , hnfI{I?llIi'W|sbing.umhonl'oon, Iillhd"itlIor Willa, on depth; ju color. ~ duiuidnil In min. - T "'ii..i.'&.' gm... _ ~ ` f 1- ulvtd IL! who no u. lg to rutmiu. ' 9:, In Whdonib ml re-. , _ Ania 7 am: 1:. w: pa-ow. am It, 89-! chu of_0>. 'n .mu E. ugh Dust,` oei- 14, I852. `` - ..._._.__...._......;._..._.._s.........'..._,..__A, _,.7, __ v.----..-- -. - 1 , Tgl_Oll_; I lhuouc. -_ K 53!!` Glunuiuna, uni cudiul _; MT my Inrnuiad.:`]ni . A ' Inc llligllllil lug lMIIllI!l_Q-,;3I_ pun um! elm. 5 4 -T ":Uoy`I`a zzanrzasr 12,.-, V V 1i main! and unit um:-dgvfui died in Clielnistiy. |'=vt'iqIInIuebuly. bud Iim nu- lurtinnonvwianeo.olilnging Jhd. Light, (or Guy Haivl imu u Pu-mnnl Auteur. Dirk, ox Bfici Color. mlhung injuring or `sitting Ilia chi in Ilu -Iona, nil nuiqang `mil I ur'c;anut1 ` lnggim uhhi Hut. < ,` ` A...`-...u&... ;.I......-.... .2 ..I.L ._..._ .____ mnnuolu urine; In noyqnd pnoe. \ ` W nletf in pgrly rhiidhuud, ` llyl u 4-mu. -an ma um -my [mdiri nd l `.nn!unh!e'linr_ ` ' pining gear n(dmdc'II!'Ind luiz-ejqlgg, Iiuln 3| hep lhohlin, livid and bI'uIil`I_;|O'f pins` and can ` .-,.. _ _. - 1 A .=I'..-1.`. I-1....-.~ $5.; n... . '!no'8a$ , Lll"\IIn ll -ar'~-_ . `.' Fifmeob In as-M. your ...a,~..a.n. in j munold Iirluc; Mywd rig; -` Winn in only chi hand. in in. nu nu -uvluu oi llI[|l'I Hypo!!! mflinrlhr ., mnpnqysin, hams` lanai "mi nun been gqualieru and Ihiinxiep-n pod ` It hr: dune mleturl by thousgnit nl .0vuif_i- Qvl nI Ph}.'l'Idinnl mu piuviqa onho highm m ng,-up-n fog impaction qt {lug prongs}-I`; "l'mo0Iev,- , _ `Ail who gui-L|`gnm DIldno-I-- 2 A All ulm om gvoiif with DInllguE-- V All wlyo bun Bulk Illmnmor any Humor oo- ` :c':ng._ "Ball ullltvotaovtollhclnnoislo--. Thu I"I_.hI{_.ul Igubl Gnun. :::...~-~. *- 32:. ......... In. I h (0! _ 1iIf`wrin,m`:l"H1id. ` Atglrru I: I NIIWOILTIII. gm. E l!_vdGi9. ` " :1-a.T.ra}.:..::s ::';;""**`=:: :. 5 IIFIIU Inn Ilnlnslmll the limit or the lhi 4' All who with In hydra Bolnliid ind Glenn ' Law mieduf M0-' .' A ;:;?aaya'a Hpym-ioi 17-97.` ~. g 4 A . ,5,` v.. .44: am: .5 mam with llnlul-or--Am! % g.-.dvl .lInir.iu lniurmu ndunducy w"th}_ """':l- .' "I;'!'|--I new-. um-_-9n, Fwd.` '.::..':...:'.:i.,'."...*::.:::: 2*` of than mu `-h-E3 alupnuud,-!I uheabm ' 9919*-Ih-l!*|.T riohud ma I-wly:.buu. ` ' qy 'vqn`M1nu I |"'6Si-it V r In I.- vp.-on Fluid . :......u.ara'n..."'.:.'.':"...au'..-" J : idoing qolI.tI_y'fIoIla llllloli.` ' -- -' in sun can 555.. u.. ...--.u... ..a..:... n.'a..i lr;..Ion1Idn 9 her 13 SI of annliuned menu, ind fun _ TM vi-Inn oflhggn ypodui [IWI ilrlfj nncmnetlr 3083- . .mnnuvrin lmnm` ` |I`l|l|[ qllluly non IIIIP Gulf /II lb 3 `iii. Ibo Innulnl pledge`: NI`. npumjon um um Jlynrion rlnll nu osmium . Io hen mod gn_hou_1oQ*re, Ibinb Jan: giiuwd 5| . I world-iik uh -til . u Ihontuqa lhrmn 7 brzl `lI.l]dlIou_a9au Ffeiy inennfaft` 8nlrg:_,|oIIt7!n' menu. and rod lunlwr innuluiln. 1 , In In-ul Run of nnyAu|_s'_c_y pyg: ` In the Hui! II"I'IInIr ' ' ` ' , * ~-Lhhhliri '-nld an ll. H II- n1'\rx;ni<)oi. AH!) ifostbn. on n: 1..-an-.-up_ s ` U-mt`---so. I:-. V .v-mu I ` I J. r-.- it - "4,r.'mc1t-n.-'3 'l`3ooa..\l.` . , .I"u.,f -~ . :1 `M ' ' " , I M. '. " `-5"-_ 7 E. I. F- hnuuL- 1 rmu.n.u -mna..'r'T"` . -.i~lliIoblIIor.`/y "null II 56 ' It. -I, " '15.. u'any-- ` lfwh Inn llnir-;lml-In Ilsa Elli! of the M1.- 'g';n|o|in I'[II9`r'l"h[ Jew. ` .Tin Fm:-hloip uni Advrnqunu 0! Slufty `nch. . hi Ht-my Paella. E'1..- _`_ u n} lmumspez M HIE Fiiiu-an-im"n_ aluqiur. Flskuunuml ; our Ila Guns`: Vnehn. - -`I'M \VniulurinI Jo-v. . - \ In. 54"....` aarnin Rlnnhlnn : m HI an-7. ` l)IIl\lI.lI.4 I)l`ll lllli `-F'a`;`?:'"'."` man an in the nu?! Pttnhlidood Line. Iglil ` LINE -1 in mo;-,-in tnblidood Line . uomenuvtz PDOLANIS!" l .1S'rnN`!E.n:n!n:nu -I... -BIlI 'I'|elVl-'KI UUL AN ' } B081-`ON'!IIguIIIul ab]? . I 10%. "' ..ema:=q .r we I :- PLIn;..1`a..:.~ "sl Wnudnung Jo:'._ V `l`h_u`Mnnmn 7g.!_Tl?nn Euphhn ;--t It ! an? ' 1numu.u;ny tnuugnu : "" ,_ '_/ _ Buh. nrch Int. I559; I, bin 8ng-,-An in an 4 debt of gratitude In lion I'll: Inn bun thligmitin Iuinq at not ,' longing out livu. I hope you wlmzeept my newly |_ Illlqoulifud helm: Hdgninllof the belet wllllp I have person! roe-and {mm ml 0! your` > mdieincl. In , Iiefnrellsingnn lllcnveh I had nntnnfhlil`-unis. I pumhqn I non of I your neigin-I. and! hnloclod Ihaivdeinety udeuvoty v5.0` '38 oieircnunulu ind uh- - Ipnh,hIiCI ;uItgni'94IIIn,n__vggfnoI u_ne_ have I known than M in pcuiu-:ia'ILe tinufnd Z _TIiulhM.kChol,oII.uIoI,IhehI|r 3 n Q-:rhu.ni-so iin_'ry;lm 'l"m-:.- ' . !I-I virus !-5"`-I "I I-tut` TIlC$\' .- ` I "1';5hpogau. aw-ante: mo... .usvaIuIu-:3 ,, mp:-a;_-hating"; ninthukthnnnu nu. ' I- / 1/ / I` f ..;a 9?"/ V nodlcint cumbhu la! n nsjmiu at Ihn din-up of Ike l`,@c._ In holuuuu cf I850. whoa ` ' 3:3-amnauo.l pa .. .e'. .'..'S..;". 1|"m'nC IICU IIIIOIXIIXIZIUI` ""*3.",!'.>:'."`*'.' _T Ink Ind Cc-guy. u--.- gcuiundnt nq-eoeulitiy; uh`: bu `- -nu alum; cunt-I M mm a noun a 7': MIMI u` virmol nf Ihoi-we rncdieiwo. not qluoln get; In that iIu_uIu_o Io, pannm inlcndiug In juihohnugi the vlfiatclimalel-und doll; `mun. niloula dinun June In. nigly i this. lull in Illnt elimniu. nlnn. uni!` "l`lI9.lnIIII_u;u' TIIIIIIIIUIIIU rnnu nu _Th Faint:-'dlellf8l-.Av_uyu. 1'MArIiq'\aptl._ypunlnu'Tnau, Gnu Wain?-mg. v - 2.-..-~..m~7-*- `"9:

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