,_, .. .. ....u.-pa: umzeneroui as it is u Ilmt time, which is I the gorermncnt of an illlpl'0V'(H1_](.`Dt on res will realize the I nf n rvv-n-b ____ ._ M l have been the l'el]ow_citizet: ol',Mr Ferrea during the ]Il'l`llCl[l3.l part of the long and event- ful interval since 1B4l, had good opportunities or knowing his character, but could not see therein any justitation for the henrtlen on- slaught of the Globe. As to his career when the Canadian political ntmosphero was equally, and the struggles of the contending forces cm- leittered my the erce pr:-judicas of the put, I would inerely observe that his course will lose nothing by conlparison with the antecedents of lltilny of the great political magnate: of Dunn- uizi, for whom the Globe has no wrath to spore. Tl... t.'1..1._. ..,...-_._ .L . .. - A - - 1,... .. ......, yuuitulllu iurces Ill`!- The !r`duhr,- asserts that Mr Farres ll irritable, tyrannical, and cruel ;" admits that he possesses force, but lack: all the regulating qu:1ities,"and anticipates the worst raaulta from his I.dmlnit- tration of the prison." Now, it is scarcely cre- dible that the Globe puts forward this batch of repruaches in good faith, is it not evident that this abuse is meant. to reect discredit on` somebody else, in renlity on the head of the government, or can it be that the Globe wn merely enjoying the luxury of a congenial Vitu- llL |'I].linn 7 Hr: Ihul nl` 1- ------ L V ' ` T0 THI IDITOR Of Tlll DAILY NEWS. Sir-Having rend in the Globe of the 10th ( instant a g.oaa uttahck on the newly appointed Warden oT'the Kingston Penitentiary, and be- -,n,z an nldncqunintance` of the gentleman IB- anilnd, for over a quartu of a century, I felt that l as it matter of simple justice, it devolved on me to controvert the sweeping and nnwarrnntable clmrgt-5 indulged in by the Globejgainsl In old |nnd respected neighbour. ` l.. Iu;| I ...I:I ,,,,,-I him. ,__._ .._....-au. as xuc ` lime. In origin or crend, or even in politics, llbrre was no syinpagby between us; yet his conduct towards me was marked by lhatmriot forwnrdxmss and impartiality which distiguilh the gentlemen. This I submit, in just the style of man" Wllix-h nu Hm l.rI..I .......... - =-- 3- 1`- In 1841 1 did considerable buaiuesp with the Montreal Board of Turnpikg Trustees, of which Mr Fer:-es was Secretary nnd manager at the -..... . s-uvullu nu Juvl IIJU "nlyu: I1-alum" which, as the Ulube expresses it`, is fit to be "the chief of a great prison," and conse- quunlly 1be_reverse of what the Globe depicts him. Roormr: SLA'rl.-D 1 . . Al Ullnwa, 31st May, 1869.` nuncw uuyrcla. h`Si-agle copies of the Canomcu: mu Nlwa, containing the` news of the week, may he had in wrapper: for mailing. Price 3d. each, inn-ed every Friday. ' ...-uu A up ham from `#11,! 4`. _._, C 0N1) OE . . ...... \..:|_y luau ewferun,-.'gt :3 Hon, John Rose had rc x the Dominion Cabinet. [V for Rtntinrr H...` .1.,,, - .' . ...-Au) uu HIU DVIU OI ln or ng 5 that as it may, however, [do not my personal knowledge- of Mr ounce the odium cast upon him no a unfair, whilst [am convinced ich lhe best lent, will prove that 'nt the prison in future will be -at the past, and {hit Ilr Fer- M: G/n/1; : Maul A`. n'I'Il... nk: A THE DAILY NEWS-v-FRIDAY EVENING. JUNE 4. -`. n\mlJlF;I]- ze Cuginet. for stating that there is ll]! in this report. FnoNTuuo.- (In the Court of inli"s am-enl from the II----- - not 109 to Paris, sketches in each elections, engraving: Jnnfu no- 1'. 3, -- - Your obd`t. serv t., Au Imsu Cu-nouc. av IRAQ` Juws says :--A rumour city last evening to the :. Rana I....u I`!-P`:-"' It I or Inn nucnrhoi ` Ixecntbd neatly, cheaply, and expeditiously at ` .1 I-n.rv-9 muwuuuvn i.\-u _..---_---` ...__.,.... .77. .. .....J " the visit of tho Pr: v-. -Messra. Swift & Co. receiv- nub SEA -L- "` ' , -__.v., guru gnu the hundred already : we hsive ta mention : Of Whit is the old 1' an-In.-un:-,L- "" 15, It is suppliej we or May 22 con. -3` .I,. rs - L.lu.u,;_; |.U Inc resign- hbinpt YA- Prince and Ih , .u can nucn connection with theqAt|: public u will go further thnn n I Treaty, and place us on; {acting a eqnnlily with her citizens in matter and in :11 other reupecu. `Resolved, meeting pledges itself to I and legitimate agitation fa Annexgz United Slntel. There werenbout thre elector! resent. There rt in n ..,,....,....'1 nu--=--- '?- `W the DAILY uivs V163 'I RI!;I'fI7!;;}- or-`non. [commercial relation: with l nnklin -- report of the late meeting nt Sp:-ingvillo, Picton, Maura R. McConnell and Qavid Marshall, of New Glasgow, and other gonilqmen, spoke in fnvour of annexation, and II: D. A. F. Holmes in op. position. It Wm.McGillivray moved, ;eond_ ed by John McPhie, Eaq., the following ngom. tionn, which pound all but unnnimouuly; u solved--Thu the internals of Non Scotis re. quire that we uhonld have closer political and the United Slate; and Ihnti: is our duty by ll legitimate man; to seek such connection the Amman... m I ----., ..- ynclct u monarch by the birth to a. president by the accident 4 For reasons such as these Canadian and we hope to see in thecolumns of cat and faithful journal 1: fuller ex these views, which we beliava that min in t-nmrnnr. ..:oL ....- - _.-- --nu uyucuuu Ul government, I most ordinary care to acquire atfecnion of his subjects, is more 1 a good governor, Iban 3; mm c. taken from the humblen; rank 0 ,- ._-- u.-9 vculv lullll 18 DO! always or often elected : and in the cone of the United States the President In late years bu generally been chosen, not became he was the best man, but became he was not the best man , in the nation. Will it be argued, concerning ' Presidents Tyler, Polk, Filmore, Pierce, Lincoln or Johnson, that any one of them was the best man of his time, or we: elected because he was euppoaed to be the but man? Can it be said that any of them win distinguished by great learning, ability, eloquence, or etateemnnship, or for any thing except mediocrity and previous obscurity `I E Thus it ianpparent that the method of electing presidents by universal mtfrage is failure, and has produced results I those which are intended. On the other hand, it is often objected that the monarchial system of hereditary government is defective in submit- ting the choice of the monarch to the chance of birth. We, however, think that I child 0 ancestors and illuetriouaand historical linuge, carefully brought up, with the best education ' ,espeeially trained in the l l` many ed, but we had no hand in the one, and desire no part or lot in inflicting the other. Lastly} we and patronage than any otbcr potentate upon the earth, is such a nut uni glittering object of am- bition as quite to unsdttla the mind: of man, and to give rise to violent passions, ceaseless agitation, and unbounded corruption. Moreover, it may reasonably be doubted if election by uni- veraal suffrage be the Best way of obtaining a sovereign. It in certain that the best man is not President baa man `n `I__ __A_5_ , -.-.. where it ourished so that the hand of man was unable to destroy it. Who, in 1360, could have imagined any practicable mode of striking at?` the negro : falters. Butrwhet the mind and hand of men were unable to`; accomplish the hand of God speedily effected. The glues were liberated end the master! enslued. We think that the sin was great and the pinniebment not undeserv- in Lastly, preter an bereditsry monnrchy to an eletivo presidency. The office "of: sovereign tnagiatrute elected every fourth your. having mm-. m.-x-- .... ..,, -.... nut mcu an or these, for the mem- bers of our Upper Hotises of Parliament are elected by the Brown for life. We do not elect our officers and turn them out every few years. In generul their tenureof oice is dependent on good behaviour: for this reason their are not tip: to rob us; there is no premium on extortion, and no disposition to make large gains during a. short term of occupation. Onnndianu nlao dislike alavery : it was plant- ed in our soil and forthgyvith withered and terisb- ,_,| u_L- - 'wHY BRITISH AHEERIOANS Aim OPPOS- I no TO AN![EXA'l`ION-BY A J= _c.uunmr. ul Iuc unlteu Dlatel. Secondly, we Canadians are nppslled at tho prodigious dimensions of the public debt of the United Staten, amounting, inclusive of State li- abilities, to the enormdul sum of two thousand eight hundred millions of dollars, .equn.l to about fty-ve-dollnrl'iu gold for every soul of the populatfbn. In Canndn we have in debt which we do not desire to increase; it is about seventy~eeven millions of dollars, equal to seven- teen dollars for each of: the inhabitentu. We nlso dislike the inated and unconvertible currency, the tarnlfs enacted to protect the weal h manu- facturers at the expense of theifurmers, and the but-theneome excise bywhich the industry oftlie people of the United $tatee is stifled and over- whelmed, and the cost of living doubled. Again, we Canadians are utterly averse to the annual election of every body. We find ourvqt`:adren- nial election: troublesome enough, and tire gird when they are over. We elect only our legisla- lstore, end not even all or these, for berg nf nnr 'Tv\ru\- Cl~-"-- - " " Trains min nnd deptrt from the Kingsmn Shtion as follows : ... luv guvcrulllcut or Inn Untied States. 2. The election ofjudges, a provision to enable the rogues to control the oiccts appointed to punish them. 3. The venality ofoicers ofjustice. 4. The venality of legislators. 5. Widespread corruption of men. 6. Insecurity of life`. i 7. General impunity of villains. Some of these may seem to be remote cone- quences of universal shtfrage, but a little consid- eration will remove,this impression. If the franchise had been limited to the wealthy and learned, to the merchants and professional men, to the farmers, tradesmen, and artisans, the ju- diciary would never have been m-de elective. From this system of electing judges and other functionaries, arises the want ofindependenco of the judges ; the venailty of the other oicers of justice; the partial and dishonest administration of the law; the want of reliance on the law; the consequent disposition of men to take the law into their own hands; the practice ofsecret- ly carrying arms for that purpose; and the re- sulting insecurity of his and property. In like manner we may account for the vet.- ality of legislators; for as in nature it is an in- exible rule that like `begets like, so in politics it is equally certain that like elects like. A ,vi- cious and corrupt majority of electors will there- fore return vicious and corrupt representatives, and shock the world with the spectacle of hire- ling law-makers and marketable legislation. Thus has arisen theigsnersl cprruptiou which in every direction eats like a cancer into the Vitals of the United States. Qnnnnluy -- I"--- 2" To the `Edda? of the Albion." A recent article qopiod from name American journal, expressing the writer : dislike of Canada, I suggest: the hope _that HIOICBI of his country- men will soon acquiesce in his opinions; in I which can there might be an end to the perpe- tual craving for nnnentiou with which we are tormonted by our neighbours on the south of the mo. - -II-1-I unuuumns oisuxe annexation because they dislike the system of government of the United States. The foundntlon of this system is unint- sal Innnhood sun:-age, which seems to us to be a contrivance to enable the rogues to govern the rest of the community. For there can be no doubt. thnt the majority of men, either by crimn or vice, ignorance or folly, are unlit for the exer- cise of the franchise. To entrust all power, therefore, to this majority, is to submit to the government of the vicious, ignorant, and foolish, who are certain to be eventually controlled by the vicious. Univernl aurnge seems to us to be productive of the following consequences : l. The oalriu-int-r. fl-nun n,.I:o.'....I 1:55. A: .u_- __-_4 .. tun mowing consequences The ostrucintn from political life of the most learned, lnlell-igent, ahd wealthy citizens; it is well known that these have practically no share in the government nflho United States. 2. Thu nlmuinn nfl...l-.u- .` ----=4! --- - ' ' nu!`- Why they should bozo anger in this matter is not so clear, but the reuonn which cause us to dislike annexation lie.` upon tbu surface. A plain alntelnc-nt of those niight be useful, and no one could make it better than yourself. In. the mean- While. the Victim nf In f`.ancu-Han nllrn -0 nnn an-I I-Uu_Iu luau: .1! oeuor man youraull. lnu lb!) `'_hl1_y 111}! V|l'_WB of an Canadian are at your ser- YSOO. If you Wlh to use them. Canadians dislike annexation because lhey dixikn lhn uinlav at ..r... .... .._. ..r u._ 11 _1.- n ,.-.._ v-nun nue ncquir the esteem and Imore likely to become . of no education, ,. ,_......u-, urnsciesi ed ubted es! I : and in tha. .-..., .r .u., v uh ! to-fd .OIlU this --.-..-.r `I-4-LLAIALJ unnuo. Through Ilnils for New Ygrk, Boston, Oswego ] Ind Capo Vincent, will be_cloued at |:30 l .Ll., 1 And lulu from these plsoes will_ be due for de- 1 livery It 12:30, P.|l. A nocond Mail for Cape-`F Vincent will ha closed 3! rum, P.M., and one will bc duo here for delivery It 7, .A.H., daily, v Sundays excupted. f 1.-..--__. ` 4.-- n1; VIII- CAPTAIN M1ssmG.-Captain Charles Blackburn, a. well kno can do Mont: Minister at St. Paril, was as t F____ , th_e other in the Salon Cir re, to which Prince nnd 9-` Uniled States. Dotec tires Cullen and Lnfon mndo inveuigalionl and the boxes hue been entertained that the six In the sure wns blah. A great num- wdod about the shop yesterday. or Wums m Ps- e Daily News says: sad the readers of at the Princess of attending the Em- --"The story which has anm ` the gossiping Paris press, lh I Wales excused herself from " preas's soiree, on the ground ling incog_, she had no ball as with the Prince of Empi-es`s`s last Monday of the season, on Monday evening, of diamonds. The E Inonds. The Emperor walked :- , ...... svvu nuppar; one for ne general company in the 8:11: Dine, and be Gnrre, were ad- nitted to meet the nnd Princess of |Tnles,some memb ers of the Cor ' '1-ince Bu ' Anscoxnmn or A SHOP-KEIPIR.--TWO months ago an American, about 28 years of age, nnmed Townsend, arrived in Montreal, accompanied by his reputed wife. He was said to possess con- siderable funda, and on the lat Hny last he opened 9. funny dry-good: and general millinery establishment at 341 Noire Dams strut, under lhe style of "E. F. Townsend. In a few weeks be had managed to get together quite a nmnll stock of goods on credit, besides a great many orders tq ll. _Serern1.Americnus in the c` SHOP-KEIPI yea: sidernhln nma. -..-I - -- It is calculated that 180 rafts of square tim- ber pass the Chaudiere slides every season; each raft is made up of 80 cribs of 20 slit-ks, giving is total of 268,000 pieces of timber. .The contents ofn r.tt't. is estimated at 100,000 cubic feet, consequently, in a season, 18,000,000 cubic feet pass t-Jttawa, which, it` sold at 15 cents per foot, would yield an revenue of $2,000,700. The area. of the 180 rnfts, if brought together, would square timber, if placed and to end continuous- I_y,_wonld form a line longer than the telegraph cable across the Atlnntic. One million sewloga have been cut during the past season in the Up. per Ututwa forests, to supply the saw mills in the vicinity. These, if oated together one tier deep, would cover an area of 482 acres, and if placed and to end 7 would stretch over 2,272 miles, and would yield, when manufactured, at.bout$2,000,000. _ ` -cg -I I` E. Per Cunard and Bremen lines, evefy . and 7'I:ndgy respectively at 5 RM. j.____ _.,_3. NEW YORK MARKETS. Special telegram t0`lI1e Daily Neazvs. New York, Jnne 4.-Gold 1385. Cotton firm at 30,{c. Flour heavy and lower ' receipts 20,000 bbls; sales 11,000 bbli at 5,10 4? 5,35 for superne state hull western; 5,90 n 6.25 for common to choice extra state; 5,65 ft) 6,40 for common to choice exlrn. wean-.rn., Rye our quiet at 4,60 II) 6,50. Wheat heavy and I ml 2c lower; sales 38,000 bush 3! 1,40 rib 1,42 for No. 2 spring aont. Rye quiet, Corn lc better; receipts 13,000 bush; sales 54,000 bush at 60 @ 87c for new mixed western via canal ; 80 6 88 for do. via rail-" road; 95 for old alionit; 94 in store. Barley dull. Oats native and decidedly better ; receipts 9,800 bush; sales 87,000 bush at 77c E7) 80 for western aoat; 78in store. Pork heavy and lower al 31,37 Fa) 31,50 for new mes:;'31,00 r old do. Lard lower at 17} ED 19$c for aleam, chiefly 191; 191 @ 19c[or kettle rendered. 5111!-IIIIIICIIU nunulllutfy. Puhlic rumnur is hnsy with the name of the Hon. Willinm McDougnll as the tint Lieutenant-Governor of the North Wiast terIimry.-Levnler. l_lL4llIlI.I IIl\4 IJLIIJIIKJ Ill \}.`LIlI.aI: KICDCII. Sir John A. Macrlonnld gavc noticeoto tiny of :2. bill for a provisional govern-* ment of the NorIh~\Vcst territories. A Lieutenant Governor will he appoint- ed with power to summon IL provi- sional council of not less than sv- vcn nor more than fteen members. All laws in force in the tcrritories not inconsi.-et- ent with the Union acts or act of thtTDom- inion Parliamr-nt are to remain in force, and nr(li.':ary oicers are to [re- main in oice, and the act is to he in force only till" the end of the next session of Parliament. The whole matter will be provisional and discretionary with the Governor in Council until next session. when a measure will be introduced providing for the permanent organization of gnvurninent machinery. Pnlilir-, I"I1n1nIn- in kn... ...:n. `L4 ._-..-, ()!tnwa Juno 3.-FurIihor inqui utiso es one that the l(`l`llHl'k":l of last. nig ll: con- ct-rning the banking policy were lcnrrcct. . The Finance Minister, though anxious to], Jpsasa his measure, was l-y no means com- :, mittcul to oppose the general feeling of the I country. The subject. may be (lclmtccl I 1 nguin this session for is. fuller expression of L] opinion, but it cannot be supposed tliat the adniinistratinn, which is charged with the impurtant task of completing con fctlerntinn, will jcnpnrdize the realization of the nu- tinnnl inspirations by pressing a question of internal economy upon which the outlying 4 provinces will have occasion to express licrt-after. ll 11r-uI- ruuuv . u o . - - - .u.nuu..~u..g, nu |)|u\.\: UI LIIU IIIIU uuugu Dlllll. It is supposed that the resolutions relating to Prince Edward Island, promised by Mr Rose, merely provide lor the opening of navigation, and empowering condition tclms of admission. Those relating to Newfounlnnd will substantially embrace the terms of union already made public. Tho Nllu Qnnlin urn-unrnnnb Ia n'I-nntlu} Luv |L7lul:: U} ullluu `lllcdlly lull-IO IJLIUIIU. A The Nova. Scoliu. agreement is already before the public in exact detail. ` = Qir Jnhn A MnnAnnn`:l nan- nnnn In HUI I'll] ucl Mr Wiiliam Ellionburrister, of London has been appointctl ju_dgc Ufxthc county of Midlescx, in place of the late Judge Small. 'H- in lII1r\r\r\nnr` that ohn -;.....l..L:...... ....`l..L:..... rt, Madame de Pou - .. 1;! we Uorps Diplo Marshall and rules, And 1 Montmoreucy. Mr Buchanan Perm-.|...-... _ K ,___....J U! Illa Monday and wore I white 3a, which certainly be present fashion, :1 her Royal Highness ads. 3, but there ornamented the me Joachim Murnt. Jra supper, which was if-n ........a ,_ ._ __ _ ._-.... ..; LLIU uu e Countess Pourtales , an o s. But she was the MO I La, had 8tl'Vel1inQt1'nn|r L... ._ 3:05 min. Iu.lUI'Uncy- J . Peteruburgw thil feta --H` FROM OTTAWA. ' Snap-xmxrln.--T _ hnnl `)9 -4--- " uuruuel, And the Prin- Buchanan, British g, now passing through ad was presented In H-- 4-.. I-anus mrough I presented to the Lord Lvona, can uccnned invita- he Duchess of Ham- es and the Duke de M t .and wnrn - -`-"` _-V-rcl HE msed iii; 1' J52 eaiers but the I I that, being travel- dreaa with 1.3.. .--- pa unpmmatique, nl udnme :5, the llchnnnn n-:.:-L _......u was I - E6! served till] JDDRHI ' 0"" "" lnula Ia u_v -uusrx| ill.l]lE' Irum WHICH CIEQUCI 12:] minutes for the dierence between Montreal . Illd Kingston. time.] | -_.--.- u-vv UISCII ed IIII. I; -`Ilnn -- J New Domin June 4. ._ .u.11VU1'b'b'S DTREET 89 1011 House. Best '0pened formsaturdaf! ! AND "A'{I`{ McD0nell9s; .-.~. . nun. pct Canadian ltealne icy It 12 H. l'I_, IIIIIJKI fl will beclosed every Fra- PLAIN, LADIES , All the GRAND DISPLAY: THE UONTEN'l'S 01" [FIVE GAS] ((5 V E ms! ms! ms: ms 1` 4. Very ne mud in prime ordr. __.-... uy-I unvlil` 1000 pbunds choice Sugnr-Cured Bacon. ARAGQNA and BURGUNDY WlNES!| r.n .....-_.-_ -L -2 ,,_ V.----ant. 50 octaves choice Burgundy Wines, expressly put up fo; Familial. at 55 per gallon. 40 qt cuks Tnragonn. 25 qr casks Pure Juice. 5 qr cask: Snnterne Wine. 5 qr cask: Marsalla and a variety of TEHPERANOE DRINKS. _~~-- : SINGLE corms of Tie mm Nnws may be = had at the counter of the publicnlion ottice, Prin- '` out street. Price three coppers. ` 1 jinnl- -...--=-- -I -`-- "`-- 100 50 Case! ST. JU sq 50 2:. - ssea OLARE1`, inrranled sound, : lls 3d per dozen. LIAN '12; ed`per'aoz. :4 u u 155 _ u " Barton as Gneaters 305 " II M II W D unn- I2 1, `an [LIGHT SUMMER wmss Cull noon and we the handsome` Carpets before they are all sold, at the Montreal llouso. -_, _..-` -__ _..-u- .----n--- , A London clergymur advertise: that he will` iland" his weekly sermons fophnlf I crowix gspiece, or four for 103., wnrrmited, ox-igingl . turnout, and evangelical," ' l Il__ `man, u _u 9 - - - I 7 MrsE|ia'.nbeth Langdon, of New York ciy, ! has purchased four hundred acres of Ind, forty imiles from New York, for the establishment of An iudum-inl fun: and home for ugnnt. and | doalixute chdroen under, twelve year: of age. :_--- .e m. ;....;...; .. .1.,A..m{ ..;...,._,, Iubscribed by citizens on` 1 'i ' i Io, Grey and Bruce B.allIruo;.n 0' I] `ha Taro!- A I _-.I-_ -'l-_______ , IMI 0_I{'l`ATIONS .__--v\/ " V s will mm 300 PLAIN WHITE mu Firm Brim, in all sizes, at 25 and 37}c. :=- sum OUR mnonuxr WINDOW.- 82 PR1/Ncnss STREET 82 ..... -I-L -- CUMBERLAND OUT BACON! m ...-......1.. ..I.,:,, n - I215 _ 4:35 WHITE Ind Newest shapes and styles. IN FANCY, IflBSE38 -, blose. Arrive. Intern by G.T.R. day min1z:4o RM. 4:45PM. wlerll 3:15 " 2:15 Eu: Ind West night trninl 9:00 7:00 AM. L NITED STATES NAILS. 00L--.` -1, In, -I, 1- .q (D.IREC'I1. L Mcae & co; VAT rm: cmnnns muon- THE AND NEW ' (}]RLS ,1 `v5`.1'1..ucn.a1;_ & 00. W/iii.` llcRAE .1: co. The Hon. Donald Mr.-Dona.lc1` has forwrr I to H: 1 mm. rut L:- .1 - qua ' R. IICRAE Jr` HATS OP In Ilia (my. FIVE DOLLARS. wilonouann, 1 E I V E D James Davis. 5 , Ind Illll omnnnlurs, GASES. SEE FIRST 12401;`. "CO. 500 piece: ENTLIH ` N, _ P153061 1 ` % _ Canon Ind , ` Merino: lull] Edit , 'l'f8V0__VIVII(3Vl`rI and Postal Guide. nom Kay 29; 3. :1; `._- , . [This is by Ionu-ea! time, from which deduct 2} rhinnlna Gun IL- rlikg.-H... LA-....-.. u.......,._.| oth I awn f fromllll! [EW PA! I--..-- '@3):2 aim:-11:9 %1`L:2~:-mo Anljxom AI-11 OB PBINTIET II wf _ __..- null? \/U V *0 the Senate, ' On gchanged, Lard "hder data of Decmber " overnjnent. was 1* of the Governthc a Ind_ae_nt the draft. hid: the negotiations the 14th of Jan ego of disagfee nsbroke o', __naE:e1y, Americans would raise T `Ind the question of th Wr " 3 hi this agreement,` by w - to be b1c:gled_fu1- the ~ things run smoothly. I Convention was draw - on December Ssh. writes Iir Thornton `IA -:.__-4., P , , __. ._.- 5-`.q"lEU\aI4I ` were Ippointed ah the ' Lwulrtmsgfc. "rim p H oonceded by Her Maje had every reason M the Convention in o the contents of the` in nceoi'dan`ce with th. 'to MrJohnon. The colleagues could ncgf (pp `Itious, which, in the pr 50 receive the sanction o _ `Thornton also writes, 'tba M 0d to assure him that y desires that this Pa brought to 3 ' , and not _fail i ITS consequently rack 41? __ ` ER M? n}a}a}"i3 ~ the day b`efo1-e,_and \ '~ -. , on behalf ofMt Se be referred to :1 _. H" 31; Thornton, the B gwgghington, under _ `g t 1368; by which that " 7 this M_AtIams [tad hpnionsos despatch fgo expressing a wish fo |:of'nll diiferences a ; claims, the San Ju `zution question, an plug:-ies. Secrbtary Be A..,.,-- that the true .m M jointly through 1;}; b tionfal Conference up taken in the negoti' that basis. Subsequent! in\America, nnd_ wa point th`e`t1 pen FRIDAY Ev1:NmG', JtNE H Chit no delay cnin be the maintenance of the , _]_,e:ween the cou`ntri~es. ' inrormeg um Secf H E) be adopted inT'espec! j, In my decision in th ` law such inuence on :11 M "*3 ` Jmturulization questipn ` " ..; his opinion of the m_ [[14 -.._ unsuuulll I'll `Be COD by Mr Johnson % nod-`in his deqpitch " mm nnnniu-mu: -L.' 41.- -- I in Qvere signd on t/ln rnlization greaty, an % "on>. On Oct. 21st, n.I_-.L Il_ 'I')4_-kJ _ 1* I A % 'taiulz1r(l *fe1i-cilate ' ii-scent speeches, and Tgill be able to recip} pea tlml . Ministo d to forget {.110 " gm`uzan.z feli-cilabc A .........r-`hon dug] m;z3;m?E.+ Ti?~hT6s_ The Indians have inaugurated at despe- Bnline county alone th led and as many more The Indians seem to irteen have been kil- hnve been carried oil`. have I.bl.l'ld0l'|(i pair- tinlly their old plan of moving in strong bodies. General Schoeld has very few troops, end four surveying parties- of Uni- ted States officers (are out in poled pert ofthe State witho tion of I military force. belonging to is hostile tri now held in custody by the military an- thorities nt Angel Island, San Francisco, as I hostage for the good behnviourof his trihe_ The outbreak will no doubt soon be sup- pressed, but at the expense ofgrent cosh hardship and anxiety. The gm.-rrillu system fuhwarfare is one which the must ex` ut the protec- An Indian chief, be in Arizona, is pnrane to best advantage, and while their depredntions continue there will be :1 con- dition oi insecurity and alarm fatal to the uettlement of the State by emigrants, which in said to be rapidly going on. A great many English emigrants landing in the St. Lawrence and moving west over _Cnna(lian nilrondn are siid `.0 have made \Ve-stern Kenna their destination. The Indian war- ` {are now broken out must altogether inter~. `-"3 u-:05 ----'~ * NI-.'VV. _ `8.-The gpnaan 5 -iu discuss the Alabama beuvcen Great Brim i _;1f;L;1; 1;1`1r11.l.;er of J Nailg gi I _ coma uar. ` 1:30 pm. Mixed train 2:45 gm. ; 1:50 " " " 6:15 " 4-`pan --_ v.nv 1" souls war. 4:05 1.11:. Mixed train 10:00 re. tn. P_1.t\ n I 7IVl'I`[SH NAILS -;_,, _.- uvunuu I-I171`. ld ZIOVG that this Ire day, resnlve ilsclf ho Whol9, to consider the anhjcct of New- gave notice that that the House dny, resolve itself no whole to cunsider the subject of Prince : niso Inna n`?-"0 "` re .re in Kansas, their deprc- ~ from the Republican and the end of theAKn.nsu nu.----- - - _, -- --- I IIIIUU I90 gave notice that :lay move that the committee on the ions on thn ....n_.:--- 11 into the actual con- abeeu very generally in! to the success of made for the bank to this would in itseff e system and details CANA DA. denaburg, corn, Wind south? W ~, been _ -....4-a4:.u.u1 -UP U`4N44DA._ Thurulqy, June 3.-In Commons Hon. Mr Rose gn to-marrow he would m Ilolue will, on 1 future into Committee of the W hole, curtain resolutions on yronld, on_s future Into` _Commm.`:e of the whol ur.-acnl. Denmark, I -light ; Pu-ngon, Toronto, Slut-_of Hope, Oswego, Eric, I Oswego, Detroit, mill-oadi gatcbic, Uawego, Chicsg Dromednry, Uobourg, Buil Oawego, Chi:-ago, general c n....-_ D-- _ _. ...\, vvuall, amu. proceeded to balance in the Bay of Quiute. The `c 1 from Quebec, discharged Liverpoo I same wharf. The sixth raft of the St ed_last night at Garden Island in City of Hamilton, comprising 25 d schooner Bay Queen, from Port Do' in: night at Garden Island with I the Hercules steamer proceeded up tow of rafts. The New Dominion, leaves the same por t for up take to- propeller Sn. Lawrence passed up thi and the Magnet this afternoon. The tam: from Ottawa arrived this afte utter discharging and reloading took ture for her return. Wind South West, light. The fouowiu - ~---1 "5` morning at [be same Flying Scud left Gu morning for Oswego, 109,000 shingles. The sad down this morning nay, from Oswe-go, s.r Cnrrnthers & Co's. wbs _.. LII n Enrppxur; Nsws.-Tbe sailed to} Oswego last a White Squall, from Milwau Henderson & C0 .-I wluul` 14,200 bushels of wheat. night for Montreal in the propeller Dominion, from treal with wheat, lightene- ,. _...--- vvuuurvcl , IIHU. BIDPIB cn be very easily adduced, therefol sooner the matter is remedied the better. {}--- Ln-Is Oxruuo Flsnnu:s.-The complaints of the lake shermen continue, and they nssertthat the grievances of which they complained R. few weeks since remain unremedied. iFrom infor- mation we received to-day froim 9. gentleman whose position gives him ample opportunities for observation, we learn that the complaints of these men are really justified by the existence or the wrongs of which they complain. He states that the Canadian boats shing in our waters are a very small proportion compared with Arne- ` ricans, that their trespass is of daily occurrence, and that the amount of netting set by Canadians compared with that of Americans is as one rod of the former to one hundred of the latter, and that notwithstanding they are not officially in- terrupted. The head quarters of these American shermen is Cape Vincent, at which place to- day whitesh and salmon trout, taken unlawful- ly in our waters, are so plentiful that they can be purchased at a much cheaper rate than with us, and sometimes they become in complete drug in the market. Our shermen insist that their complaints to the inspecting officer have not been attended to, but that they have been put off by evasions or wi'h promises of attention at some future day which, however, have never yet been redeemed. Another cause of complaint with some of the men is the lax administration of the law restricting shermen to setting nets in `he waters only for which they are licensed, and by which a good deal of ill feeling has betn en- gendered among the class, and considerable in- justice suffered. That our waters are almost V daily trespassed upon by Americans who evade our laws, sh when and where they please, and enrich themselves at our expense, and by other. who fail to observe the shery licence law, there can be no doubt whatevenand ample proofs can vcrv ensilv nrh-ln.....: .L.,r - Tun Corn? or REVISION.--The the inhabitants of Rideau Ward rec teution oflha conrt to-day. Thar court held to-morz-ow, the session 15 usun, held over until Mend. next. which will be devoted to Ih St. Lnwrence Ward. I .Iv......\-\r tion In I ; I Cmcxr-:1`,--The cricket club nnticipn able to get to work to-morrow. There somewhat of a. delay this season in com operations in consequence oflha condim ground not having been suitable for This trouble, however, no longer exists, roller has been in use for several days I the ground now is in very fair or-der. ..--~v\a\A Au III III`: nnnmgement and the came of fa impsrtinl investigation a dition of the bank has been deuunded as essential the efforts now being ti regmne business; and woul show something of the a of msnugement. Poucs CoL'n'r.-There was no business whal- ` ever befure the court this morning. .. _........... nu uxealuu lllllll Lue Tuesday next. Information from `who represents Kingston at the co ` ceived yesterday, states that the gr: extremely large, and lhe pictures c merous, and the majority of them of ofnierit. al couvelition 4 ' sm, E." [port of the committee of supply Mr Muc- kenzio objected to the nppropriutinn for the .Marine Hospital at Quebec $17,500. He `alleged the institution was used as n In; , pnnr-house for Quebec. An amendmcri: tn make the payments Ivy ; the I`)-xmininn and lnml gznvcrmnvnts (`QIN- tnhle hv rem1lnnmrtln-m nnmn-.|i-nr In .1... lnu-.~u-ruou IUI \.ul An amendmcri: t by regnlntln; number of days lln oncln were in the 110 nays 82. .\I . t.u-_.. V. uulu Uni. 1 Mr Ferguson muvcd tn _ connection lwtwcen the D. A mom uml that ofQuo.boc at of the next unnciaxl year. ' uuvs 85. 1.-. In nun`: Ill pn-\'<:In HIIIu_'_:gIxn:_', Ill- ;thnm_;l1' wry little . revenue was clo- jrivcd from them The general expou- jscs of the Ih-partnu-nt, he v.\'pluim-cl, `WI`l`(` lu-i:1f_: rmluccul a-I much :13 possible, :l['l0ll1,'|l nnmcrnns appiittminna hm] lwcn v mmlc fur the PsH1|vli~Ahlm*nt(\f a numlwr of inlaml pnrts_ H: migllt add tlpt in Unlnrin [am] Qm-lwc tlwrr were now fI."(`l' uim-I-4 `in this lmmm.-h uf the st-rvive Hun III:-rc V` wc-rc twrlvc nmnth.~: ago. and the (:nv:-rn- \I1I|.l'1f u-..--. ..o:II .._ .. .....A J ' v , _____ ..,, us... urcex, ngm; "Hope, ligln; Light Guard, -0, railroad iron. Props. Oswe- I, Chicsgo, gvnersl cargo ; duty, Bu';|o_ iron ore; Nashua, o, cargo. u.-Pi-op. Young America, Toledo, Og- rg, our. V ' ` ti Ioutha wear, light. \'ll IUD -* Umlcr I211 ,_- _--... .,...m.u u.u'uUD:1lLl has t'orwn1-d- ed to us 3 copy of his third circular to the ahu-eholders of the Royal Canadian Bank- _ and not his expo~ sure of them to the prop:-ietogs directly inte- rested in knowing the real state of affairs. There is one suggestion contained in Mr Mc- Donald : circular that is re ' the principles of banking and the management of banking institutions are subjects of attention. Ilgis that a_ full and impartial inquiry Ihould' be conducted into the method of failure. Au ' iIIIp`l'tiIl illfetiunrinn in-A -'- I V " __... ,....wcuxu (U uenver the ofQ11inte. barge Forth, Quebec, Liverpool salt at the hnrf. season arriv- tow of the drums. i The r Pun: 0..--.. I--- T` * _, ....u-u pussea mrough the I June 3 r. bl. Denmark, Kinggton, Buy tagon, Bear Creek, I .0SWnon 1.7.1- I:_L- . . . ._ ught of iamillon, Dover, arrived : waves, and xles lake for 3 Fla. Dominion,of Quebec, port Io-day. The St. this morning, Ignet City of UL- m afternoon, and arging reloading took ha. a...... \'l.\'TIO.\ or PHOTOGRAPHERS -The unnu- .L.,,I - - - ...._.. ..;-ur-L1 Luv l.IilL|lI' uition of the photographer: of the United Canada. and South America, at Bostonv ced its proceedings on Tuesday last, and ntinuc in session until the evening of `I19?! Tnfnrrnglinn 43...... II, nu 1v . , l he S:-mute. several bills. from the nf Cmnmons were advanced. ` r --5"" ; vessels passed through the We 3 :- `K _-_ ..v-.u:cu, EMU ;ood ong ad. led I RIV9 If nnr Avnn--- Ar 5 ' " ~'sws.-Tbe schooner Czar, Iighf, wego night. Tha schoonr-r Milwaukee, arrived at J. 11. wluuf this morning win]: ...:_I '* .., .. Ly, gzalheringg was -, exhibited an- rmajorily oftbem is high nrdcr ____l,........ ..... uuu uururlsiun into the CH1)` lederntion of Newfoundland nud Prince Edwu'd s Island. The_sc important nieces-` }ions to the Dominion indicate the future but in opening up.` The attention of Par- 0 deration of the terms that have been arrang- ed; And as it is likely that the represen- tatives from the new Province: will be eager to have a voice in the proposed law to es- tablish a uniform currency, the banking resolutions, it is understood. will he defer- red to permit the universal opinion of. our widening country to pronounce on this important question. V ` iunent will soon be occupied with a consi~ * hzvlsjou.--The appeals from ideal: received the at- There will be no .. ck- -_-_'- V n. -gnu ospiml, Wu ,, __..... an. xJ|n l\JlJ , ll, gston convention, ro- ...-_ .L-. .1 - - I"I1I| L;llfL'II ug tlu-n'1 acc- I .._.s:....., I ,,,........ on |uL rolling; -r, and the : past, and I .-. ihat xpecting , ,__ .7... I.a\.' uu having been, Monday afternoon IAHAGAJ u... .L- - : "'l` norrnw, has been :is commencing no nfah- ......,:t.:,,, r`- th a cargo of sugar a zes, and boxes of 1 Vhich she discha1rg`_ E !dd deliver the verpool f md g )l't U led xini0n,0f J] nko 5; morning. 34 vu DI, u C reek, ligln; IAiI?hl anund s and to be ny the wrence road: festern was : :with such arrangements. iner~ : uI..\.I'I\|Il .~nts.lm1n was lost- xanticipmn being 'T`I\A- L-~ ` uuuvu, lllil her depar. "J __.....-nuvu the appeals of `lhtdon, :fore the cm of the _ _____ -. , u 9.; IVIIII-1. unelpllj W R Scott, Toronto ; Roger Dart, London; John F 0 Usher, Berlin , Abraham R. Slafer, Plattsville; Johh Sedgwick, Rantings; J D Mcm-nay, Montreal; James Barge, Mitchell: Alexander 0 Brown, Aylner. j___,, ............., a ; nonoy, llulmnr Township; Charles G Mnrlin, Exeler; James Ciark, Peel; W N Yerax, Dorchester; L Bea- men, Actonvnle`; Archibald llcBn'de, GhilJZIll- cousy; Duncan Sinlsir, Otlnwn; Wm Fair- Thprelimin-nry arrangementahnvel gornpleled for the mimilsion into the ( federation Pr Edward : 'f.I.....1 l'I'IL-,, - " " nu Mr Ml __ ,_,__ -... .....o nq,-url." FERt:L'SON vs. FnoNTuuo.- C bnncery).--Plaintilf`s appeal from theLMutsr s report. The Master had power under the decree on the points found against him, by making a special npplicntion for the purpose, and showing strong grounds. The 1st, 2nd, 3rd,-1lh,5th, 6th, 7th nud 8th grounds of appeal are disallow- ed. The 9th (the charge of $100 for extrn ex- penses in audits) allowed. The 10th (referring to lrnnaaztions before 1860) Allowed; but no opinion was expressed with regard to that tran- alctiob, except that it is not covered by the mortgage. Defendants to get full costs. de- ducting one {out-th-ha.ving ucoeeded on nearly 9.1! the issues on the appeal. New INSOLVI-}NTS_--Tlie following insolvents are gazetted_:-Salem Ruth, London; H W Tacktuao, Toronto ; Peter Farrell, Kingston; 4 Wm Patterson, Chelsea; Wm Hughes, Bramp- ton; John Finn R.;lI-.;;1t... vv - - _,..,___ The Montreal News 5:13 was started. in this Ins effect that the I ed his seat in Dominic have ixutlrnrity for stating I the slightest truth I` I`..n1..-~--- " ` the Lancashire Lass; Scheidoa Waltz; {j---:--{: HALF`, Dim; ML'stc.-'I`here are two Amerian publishers of the cheap ve cent music lately in- troduced-ltlesars. Cundy `and Whitcomb of Boston, and B, W. Hitchcock of New York_ Candy and Whitcoznb publish in addition to the pieces already noticed: Only 9. Lock of Hair; Sweet Little Robin; Maggie's Welcome; entina. Onults; That : the reason why, darling; Pulling Hard against the stream; Little Bird on the green tree; Little plaid sun bonnet; Live und let live. An making up published by Mr Hitchcock mention: Vliufoozleltm; Si-1|) , Sully; man thinking; Continental achottiscbe; `T was a beautiful night; Beautiful hope; I'm not my- self at all; Juanita; Molly Buwn; Gundaliuu; waltz; and Go it whi|eyou`re young. All these have been received by John Henderson, Princess street. The Illustrated London .Neu taina illustrations of the 0 Princess of Wu}:-s Crimea, the French elections pictures, art `objects, etc. ] Henderson s. ,_ .,-.....`-...cura. owm a: U0. ed to-day, per railway from lbs Richmond quar- ries direcr, 60 tons of roong slate, which is pronounced by competent judges as comparing favourably with" the European article. The pre- sent lut i part ofa contract of 3,000 tons to be delivered byJhe rm in Milwaukie, Detroit, nnd Chicano. dbicago. .,( AMMFNITION run VoLUm"mm.s.--Orders were roceived M the district quarlermasler's oice to- day to supply the volunteers will: 30 round: of practice ammunition per man, to prepare for the approaching Dominicn Rie Mulch.