-ll) PllI_\:( B STREET. r'Tu be C'ar-rcclcdta August. 1870. Z: me matter of JAIES GB of` Kmgiton, Tnilor, I .u. uuuffiltned h Creditors to his di , the aim]. day of A . the Judge of th:-4 m Lhenmf` 'in- of Ontario, 6 '3" of Frontenac, \ .\I. M()RP.IS01\'. ,/ .-.--nun OI ll of` nu lnlolVeul_ underligned bu fylod I conum reduora In hi. A-'--I-~ P.INC1~:=.: S'n:I:E'r CANADIAN. '0 ll-1.4.1). 296:. nuns GREEN; Rt ,1 l- .. `I"1`\I1 ..... ._uuu I ndinchcrgr, and 01. of August next. ho w he Illd Court for a ( , . nu, `By .1. mwnax, Hm AlLorue_v1nd hm n the County Co of the oumy yq_____, F`rontn:c{ bv bi, ` R. and l'\l I.lt\n~ 1 I , -- ,...u uuwl on the d. IH. Sale. 0|Illl_Y Court ` For further pcrlicu County of, JUNAS A Ilc, i Solicitor, lluomc Bull, Tor _ , Ur lo 1:. 11. R0 of the Cut ~ lime ` Jo will gp_ l Ir a ...._u; x conr- J. H. rnom-soN,_ Aptlxnhnpna. Icy 31. nee of the stock, to-marrow (Thuudny) W/11.11; GlH-.llxiII.u, nu uuac vul. uni nun. Evtning, Ihy 27, at 73 o clock, on Brock Vstnot, 4doon fmu: King,ncxtdoor l0W.Begg A In Go's. Gtoeery Stage. TERMS GABH. _ w a mum English Gold and Sliver Watches, f Elecu-o-[Hated W'arc, Fancy 4-: 4-,, LAST THREE mcnrs. THE mm AUCTION sue z HE subscribers will a'er for account of lleasrs David Torrance & Co., at their Sample Rooms, Exchange Court, on__FR[DAY, V Hm Juno, lbout 7.500 packlges Teas. I Sale st nine o cX0ck. I YFIDIY Y`HI'.V|l1l`.l'lW I. IVA HE unbscrihers will offer for scoount of Messrs Rimmer, Guuu & Douglas, on THURSDAY, lmh June, at their Stores, St. Peter Btnel. Teas. Tohaccos, Wines, Brandiea, Groceries, kc. kc. 1_l_ -. _...- ..w`-l.\-l- TRADE SALE 0! TEAS. 1'0Bwa.ros. Wines. be. &c. &c. _. -_--wu-- n-u-x.-1--ntn: 711 All the latest improvements always on hand, an inspection respectfully invited. NH Tm: llhr-rihar hnu-inn -nn Inlay-Lxnl ... nu nuoyruuuu n:3ycI.;I.*lII|l) HIVILCU. NB. The subscriber having no interest 1n mncbines sold by other parties, will exerbise bi: own discretion as to repairing them, _aud will ` x the I-hsrge to suit the circumstances. I Illy 29. . - ; `FY your Sewing Machines from JUHS CUNNINGHAM, King Street. Kinjustox. You will tbc-re get the r'-cs.` Machine u:.1i.u= Irirwthf price, on the mostfi/-:1-:1! 1; rma and an ` JA;|I`I-I! nnbannn n0` ha L\..S.1...I-..... ._. ,.. ,_.1 _.__ ..uu..... ,I||\,V.., uu LLIC u:u:L utlrrut urun-. IIDU an bones! assurance of its being kept in good run- ning 'order for three years free or` charge. 1].. 1-.-..-I.... ' 'l`[7El)A'l' EVEIVG. mvnrnuun .. TIQKETS 25 Cents ; Re-sen Ceuu ; 10 be had at H: Rayner`: and at the Book Stores. For particulars see programme. '1` I` ' MR.BEELE anwncoucgsr WILL` TAKE` PLACE AT ~UNTAR]O HALL (City Bnild1n__` UN c utrucled In our name, or in I bouts without our written order r - ..... II? u:IyUl.lBlUlE tor the p V i ` (1T DL*nt' (gu.-e-Commercin! Dock, Street, Kingston, (Jul. Hay 29, 1869. Montreal, May 28. BAN llutxn ICC, -yI.. -.I.. Sale 3: nine o'clock. TFIE IT [ Fire and Montreal, Ilny 28. \ U-WI_ ` GENERAL FL May 29. ...B -. __.- ..... u_yu-u... lI\yV vr uunxsr. The genuine llowe Wheeier at Wilson ct Abbott Machines with A1! .L, Kingston, may 29. ...... or an acre of Lgnd thereon are, two subsuu Cut Dwellmg Houses 1: r 1 3 large and cummodioua ` (Stables. There in also ` Waur on the pl'IJJlI88. Terms glV8D in sale. Fulc It I : r.'..|,..n. / _ ..uuu:u, m the City ofKing` Lot No 285, on the co ` Montreal Streets, In lhv U which are ` erected A Brick I; by 40 feet, two storeys big E ment. A150 3 Frame. Stnbk TERMS .-Une u-nth oft to be paid down d :1 n nnco, Tvrm-= -"' ` ' U -cu 00 1" that Property lil occupied by Mr flh AT --- A - (If {ILL eunnIun`e::gn;,`&;w close out the hal- -._.. -1 AL. -lanlr Oo1.nn-uuonr fmhlivaan \ . T __,`_ `Va ww'nNIcsDAY_ 11 '1': ,.-_., ,. D 4 ' . D H ` . n ___ .- ---'11 l\nDl}` _ ` u;12 o`clock ncon Rooms, in the 1 ` 285 m- Dealers in F11 BE41 an d (Isweu Toronto, 'r1mn<: snur. `or TEAS. 'N])ER K3539. nrr` 1-: (`IIISAP LNKKUET STOCK . LINTON nn'I! A. war: FLO! AR % the -_.. a-4-Vania public are hereby noiied that we will 1 be reaponsible for the payment of debts led name. or in 25., -...--A -r - Proprl y Porlunu SALE In Ihe Village um. of COMMISSION MERCHANTS, . Eings_ton, Cape `Vi: Jr. ' VIRTUE of P0 certain I01-{gig g 8.1; rence Ind Lake Champlain. uuucyn street, ulars apply to .--:. Power of Sale c. a Block onsiltu an Jnhn ----~~` _ .- s usJLJ.J Del any Iiluncd on King by Geo. Ihmsden, I of The J re, substantial Tu `Hmrv Hm..=.- -- - ' _. -vu nu IdIL'_ 12 o'clock noon. "E57358 LI_cmnNG 1: C0,, Auctioneers. .-. CID ....un nu received i: on THFRSDAY next. art)` lilunnrl ...k 'L`:- 1* JAP BUILDING I FOR SALE- l' June 5, 1369. Reserved Seats Eu Rayner : Music S:ore_. nk Qin-nc .. uu uul CODBII .4 LIUUA. JOHN LEEIIING t 00., Auclioners. a 0:} ,, ,25th . Life Insurance FIBIWOOV of the best quality. UK Power 1 Iartgige, wl CAll`l0l;._- U3.cig1' r}. n._ , -.....s . and to and from points " Quxute, River St. Law- .....,.., u .1. Lintods Aucliol of Kingston. K5, corn m, er of North and; n_\- of Klngllon, on ; Dwelling House 28 0 high, with none base; I` L Stable thereon. Una of tin: ----AL* -vuucu pruer GURNEY I; GLTDDEK. Forwarders. &c 9, "I--- ` IF:-udI&i`: M F 01' Olrhlsx ammo: nu that particulars apply to AI JUl\'E`a7, Est, uc Toronto Street, To RC)SE,Eaq., Uicinl Anaurnm I- i"-"" - - sn1.IA.`lDl, D11 L 5Ci;l Alltgngg ` `nay: -`ECU. 1 RI 1' VVIIN Y` nut and IEIIILLII-Ill.` T. c. 'wI1.soz~ \ L`.___ . , over of Sale contained i in I .ge, which will be prod ` need the 30th of JUNE, lane, , at J. Limon"s Auction 3fKim:rstnm received instructions It JDAY non ha 1.-. `v D _....n-.. uuu U iunaden, cornpriamg one- ! Buildings erecxed mtinl Two-Storey Rough- xn good condition, and a a Work Shop, Sheds and u 3 never-fuliug Well of DW W. H. "mum, 1- ` ` Vinoem, Ogdensburgb R 4'_--- ~ ' - contained in a lion- mng of Lots 1U, 11, , and Lots 41,-10,39. near Division street Mr an-A...` R..I;-.- .._.nu IHCIUDD. 1 of the purchue-mom-_v day of S810 ; for Ba`.- de known on the Day o: J. J. LINTON,= ._.... upuuus l(I xY ngtt. 3rd June` nli Street. and now [laden on-...-;- . ._ K , South side Princess 3 J. J. LINTON, Aucuoneer -nun uuunlon B1 reel - Bnwchn, 5olic_:Il.0r, an . .-U:--nna. Anctiunuer. ii` _ IADDILL all - LLJLJ\.' .` Secre In :3 gang: 1 L71` Aucnoner. I in LOTS Agents. . | _ } ,-_ -_ _-..a...~.vu5u, lawnm- ing 50 Acres, nV1Vo1-e or loss; 26 Acts eluted; Log House and Stnbl sud Shad on the premises ; well sutured by a. running Itrum and mill pond; 26 miles from Kingston. ~ Terms only. Apply to lean. O REILLY 1: nmrxn, 7, 3, 1: 9 Anchor Bnildingl, Kingmn,lny 29, 1869. , ... -.- -.4-n..IL4.LJ, THAT tannin` Parcel or Tract of Land and P1-canines, being compooed of port of Lot No. 26, in the 8:1: Concussion of the Township of Loughboroug-h, containing by ndmcunrement 65`Ac1-ea, more or loan. Also, the South Half of Cletgy Lot No. 26, in the 9:11 Concession of Loughborongh, contain- more or alloyed; LOU Hanna And rnhl- -..,4 QI....I -- 4: V {YALUABLE `BUILDING LOTS I AND HOUSE FOR sum. ENDERS will be received at the oice of the undersigned, on orgbefore Wednesday, the 2nd June next, for the purchase of Lots Nos. 4 and 5. north side of Charles Btret, togiiher with the Frame House thereon, occupied until 1 recently by" the School Board: The said Lots fcontain two-fths of an acre of Lung, situate in a plenum and improving neighbourhood, and will behold either at bloc, or in lot: to unit pur- chasers. - Impm '!`HlS desirable property in the Cit) of King- 1 atom comprises four acres of land, and in cludes a large and excellently laid out dwelling house together with those neeeasary stone ont- buildings suite! 12 for a private residence, all ` substantially built. Attached thereto is a good garden, surrounded by a stone ivnll. The ; lawn is well laid out and planted, and there is 9. F never failing spring of wnter on the premises. Tue house commands B View of a large por- tion of the Lake and Harbour, the situation is healthy, and the premises are in good repnir. ; For terms. which are advantageous. and fur- ` ` the-r particulars, apply on the premises, or to no Ul7\TT\IJl'I'lI31\:v _ _ L-waning l.u_]0ll _ undersigned, to whom : j_j_ TO BE SOLD, % _ I{()s_ELAWN, j The residence nr the late Sir llenrymlth Dec. 5. Kingston, 19th Hay, 1869. V "I'm ` Di! 1In.ia.--:_..-. A N.B.-Country lie:-chants and . be treated liberally. May 27. : ;..-L LJEUIC will U8 DPOD TOY Eeur-.h dny Iron: 8 A11. to 6 P.II., an?! at AUC- TION each Evening at 7 o'clock. Half A I'Tr1l:lrnna~ . tut 1 Kxngsmn, May 1, 1869. May 25. Ihnjl vi The Store will ...-uh .1-.. 1---, 1. IMMEJNSE ST()CK_; T mo}! 35 T0 31: THE surr. MCNAIIGHTON & B0. TE immediate posaeuion, the'r5t-class Dwelling adjoining the residence of the lled. whom Mnnlr (.L()TH ]N( ; HA VF. JUST WHICH` `WILL BE SOLD . be open for PRIVATE SALE In G P -nil -. ct?!` .15 an I UELUCK MCNAUGHTON 41: 00. v A ....A.-_A- 'I;1L'";0 Da. HENDERSON 3 I`.---:.s_- v:_ -4 OF In. 1nn1J.l1al1DUN, Barrister, Kingston. I. OF RECEIVED AN P. Q REILLY. :;:;i::e'm. Id Jobber: win Ewe Bun: damn?` tion to '- - * amDuL:N mngepnntmg . ; AIZlJIlECB1'I'II..l..I``.J`]& h lsmly Joccupied by Dr. Lucian. Hnrnh 8. -- ---v-u v I?` UWU` "I (Lu: of London, Eng., and New York, U.S.) T OIICEOPATHIC, PHYSICIAN-SURGEON, -la, can beconmlted` It his otcs over! I: Limnn`s Auction Boo-tnn,nt nllhoars. C1115 __g_I any hour deny or night promptly attended. 1 I J. JARVIS. Aw. ] Colilultnliom fmn tn um nnmc..- r -n - `HE undersigned have opened 11 Lumber! '1 Yard at me upper end of Ontario Street,_ nearly opposite the Water Works, where; 3 gdod assortment of Seasoned Lumber, Wrouht Flooring, eLc., will always be kept on i hnnd. Gust Up The Chap 0 ConnelJ Lord Pin: Granada Cun-s.n's E Sbie| s Sp: The King 4 '. Song. aelecn The Story The Histor Rinlnn 1 |GUODFELLU& .As'-IL IAII SHEET MUSIC IN GREAT VARIET At E. STACEY S BQOH AND STATl0I\'EI:&_' STORE, I KINGSTON, ONT. Mnv I9 ALSO Mason & lIaIh,lin s Organs 1 ' . Prince-Pu Nlelodeons. N17,, AGENT FOR THE CELEB GHIUKERHIE. STEINWAY, um Puuus. cheap Ladies` Satchels, Writing` - Paper and Envelopes. J. JAI-Lvls. ILD. Coxinlntiona free to the pootfrom 6;: :30. A1. ..:v, 9.4-. May 3. Go TO STABEYS BOOK STORE, Kingiton, May 10. Mn}: 31. NEW LUMBER YARD. lII`I"l`A -DIIL er-1-__-..._ llackays Popular Delusions, John Mitchell's History of Ireland, Stonehenge on the Horse, Sulphurous Acid in the cure of djae Be-eton s Dictionary of Geograpb and complete we 1:, Old Town Folks--new book by ll Afar in the Foresls of Caualla. by M. Brewstefs Natural Magic, New Boats on Cricket, Chess, Wh `triauisqg, Croquet, Yachting, Rowing ing, Fishingf Jzc. &c. A ` New Novels received every week. may 26. _ -._,,.-,_......uuau 1 car` 1500]: tor 186 Joyce's Scientic` Dialogue:-1-new e Three Part Songs-'-a new arthori I bU?.k. , . _ em .n In-an not of Bulwos. D Lover's. Cooper |_ Collins , &c., editions. `IIIIIIT runny`- c 2 * FQLNGE CERTIFICATES and L ummunnm mu, 5. ..x...;__ . mas H. w. BEECHEIL [ARPER S HA GA_/.1 L ucn 0!] regasus, _ Llngolrishy Legends--new edition, Search for the Grant, Carols of Cockayne, Landbook of Heraldry, Life of Mary Queen of Scots, Sterne`s complete works, Life of Oliver Cromwell. Emolletfs Novels, Life of Queen Victoria, Life of Disraeli, ; Life of B1-oughn , Life of John Bright, Congregational Year Book for 1869, Scientif *Dialogues-new edi 'I`L_-- "5 ' 1 ` ` {IHENRY B. EVANS, H.R.C.B., London. Ba|idenm-PB.INCESS STREET, house y eooeupied by Hnclmn arranged by Henry Morley` of the Chevalier Bayard. History of the Caliph Vathek. Rasselas, Prince of Abyasinin. Abdullab, or the Fourleaved Shamrock. The Essays of Abraham Cowley. Saint Louis, King of France. ` A1 un Puck on Pegasus ilnvnlriahc I_n.-....A'.. ITFHE CLEVER won: or THE FAMILY, by the Author of the Heir of` Redcly'e." A Stormy Life, by Lady Georgina Fullerton. Naturds Noblemnn, by the author of Rachel's & . - The Gordian Knot. by Shirley Brooks. Greater Britain, >by Dilke. . Cast by the Sea, by Samuel Baker. Chaplet of Pearls, by Miss Yonge. April 30. APPLE'I`ON S RAILWAY THE uoram AT BULLI(3NS BOOK STOIIE. `HE BAD BALLADS, A? J. JARVIS-WM. _o, -4-1 .._.a___ n , K _ _ _ . : 2-- I l'1I ONTARIO STREET, INTERESTING BOOK 8 I-mags f\f3f1Ivvv--- cm notgfsronc. F( )I{ J UNE IL G. GO0DFELLOW. JUST RECPEVED AT THE ,,__.._. .,._,., JUST RECEIVED AT ._-_._, Wellington Street. JOHN CREIGIITON. FOR Joan NOON, WILLIAM TYNER. Aztunu I`..II.'....- A n the disease, `7 nf (Inna-u-nnl-- - CELEBRATED p- , Whist, Pedes. inn pnuvlnu -_,1 C,-I HOME, EDITED A1 ...uu. ua UJBCIEC, Geography---a new g, mowing and Sail- , Tru: ry ` Depot Uct: 0 an ` A; < &c.. G: )5` 5L. n-:.____}i 3 satisfaction. ,,-.., a-n-.w edition, ' arthorized chool Dickens`, Scott's, rc., -Novels, cheap GUIDE. , and DUN-] y Hrs Stowe, 3 ` Mrs Traill. VARIETY . .a1-JI- : cucu- ng Aij Ill `I'll: 5:30 to I W STYLES or TYPE mu been added to the Du-1.! N Pnnrrme Onrrcz. Our two Baum and Automstic Platan Prin cry enable ms to turn out ANCFTHER NEW ARRIVAL of all Ions of noon and HI LL PAPER, Bordering, Gold, Sn'.in,nnd Phi-1., of every description, at the chanput rates in Cangds, at the l'1na._ 13,1 4 7 ME1_)}cAL HALL -`In-.-1II'I -' "> Is THE BEST AND nosr AGREEAB`LEl Halt Dressing ; ever prepared. It is delightfully perfumed, and 1 entirely free from all irritating qualities, while I it combines the virtues of both its constituent l ingredients. A,a a buutiorof the hair, Coma. E Nut O11 hnsldig been hig y prized; and Gly. I cerine, according to Dr. null : nnnlynia, en- ters into the composition of every poplilur Hair Bestorntive. Pxepcred by - G. s. HOBART, `Ill-IIAJL .) PLANTAGENET MINERAL WATER E WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 1 st ADI-U&.J.IJ' At R.T ('1:(-)_\'?vVI~`I:S:()11tario-streefA K N OTIGE is hereby given um u xsounr of ` 4 REVFIION of this City will hold its E1-It V Sitting on TUESDAY, the rsl. day of JUNE, J proximo, at half-put two o clock, P.ll.,`far the purpose of bearing appeals hgainu Amuument, `acumen: Rolls for the sever-n1_WaL-da of the I City are nally revised. - . - I no as-Jpn A6` L. l"I.._-a and will adjourn from day to any until the Aa- ` Pinenllnles. bytTne-bar1-el. (First nf tho: nnn.:nn\ 3 CITY OF KIN(}$TON. And for nbby All Hair-D Mny 20. }G0L1) A WITH AN ENTIRE NEW sroax op ND SILVER WA CT.0(TR'.'\` Km Tcmaxs, Painting, Glazing, and Pnper.Hn.n;ng dine at the CHEAPES1` rate and beat style at the City Paint Shop and Room Paper Depot. Wu nnmmanw I ,__ -.. - -u.u-up nu vnunun II-I I-BU I `City Pa-hr1vt' Shop and Room Paper I mnnt ,_,a-_..., , - urn-uvvl - Trusty Porteni in nttendance at Railroad and Steamboat Lnndinga. ` 28. - { MM` 6. ` ONTARIO STREET, KINGSTON orrumo. May 20, 1869. Kingston, May 10, 1869. May 7. \. ..... V; sue uuunuu} _ Lemons and oranges. Cocoa Nuts, . . . Lobster Sardines and Fresh Oysters. (DAILY.) ll3IAr1'l':ll`rI:ul| 1--n--1..-- -- .-- BAGOT -STREET. `WILLIAM ROBLNSON. 0000-ELYBEABINEA Bnxnrr BUsn .4-I-I_|l|.II.CBv ll] I.llI3 II (First of the season) I ALI:-In-nu n-.1] -..Vm nu um Vb-ruin. y abated. II Gsuzenmia 4 [AS REMOYED to the] Store, gLAGK AND ROOM _I:APER. {LACK Just Received. ,7 1r, -9;; 3:? NEARLY ()P?OITE THE` 81 _,,f_ v -_-ma;-.11 VI . CLOCKS, Am. &c., ~ J % AND A FINE ASSORTMENT OF JEWELRY; - 5 H H-1 Hanna -pet.-in ! Wllhnnnry nccnunts sum. M in". I-anon-.. I - ` GRENADINES, ';"$:aer of the Con}; M. I-`LANAGAN, City Clerk. WHITE COTTONS, BEST A REPAIRS 'of:Il kinds carefully . WHITE LLAIAS . P-Dreunenv in the city. 0 the Premises `formerly v .._..u.ax.alxllj~W: REYNER PRINCIESS STREET; % 121 V rnunncrmn TIVI -r1-.1 . ...-___ rape: uepot. Wu. ROBINSON. AND ALPACA; 0l"3I1'peI8lI`gQIIgUI. ers arecamidned ngninst huging` ` ' one t_here for my hunt. ll . owoan-1', Kingntamlny _ ` ` A-n-uncut of Bhfa_nl1vquN Work leaving Khglton to In uubl. rI--"l puma [,w/hvu[a &Ip_'ni!'hnn` A_LI;anea us notlllid on or llmaalf-1 my cumin nag: til} ho no law. M ` .I_ nmI.waBnu as oo. ' a.ndPrina8lruI, ' Pianoeaoqllllfaanyh moderate prices. ' I And nn-'3-Ow at? O---- enher of~ho:ne or , jg; ` re years. They mviaeinnctiou taken at pal}. IAEE, WHOLESALI PRIOR I In all in RODS, _. `I 4a..L1 \JJ.J A I AND ALI;`Lov'!:ns'1; CATOIIAL Alt. % % Usrnnonivnnrmmoua ' J ncnt Filhing_TAcklo 2 Ir 1-`open splendid nuortnunt of I iairr-v an - HED. KI-W` _"c'u.me'""L';$ `CITY iiori-3L HOOKS- arr ss:mwmwxn Nmncm -n-|.I Hlhxnb hga .e.; pII:rZ3'"C 5' `GD?! driven-nu QElIents= took `Mn % T10 ' . `J !h._m wu V -uaq, LU NI defeated with lnl. -- V :Bn lyN , Iny 31 IA. L- JHMERC! utulll Exclnnge in an us ,_._..._.; troops haw the remainder :` ontenled ` Nfllag. American has been umpfein .. nuljtj 02, and ` 1.._-l - `botzm .rnau-1 III!- s grant In}; `New ilomjnion House A .IClJL':| klcllllunl-IJ, $5. uvuo . any LII Rgruor Aovnnlnc will be made known on npplicntion to the Publisher. l.'.. u....... ... 1.. .....'..r ......'1 n.. 1r....z. ;. .4. \Il-J WUPIILTIZIH III III; I KLIICIJ In Honey to be paid uu.7'z1.. `Work .;- :1.-. L 1ured.-'!'hiI notice in given for tho union um uuprinciplcd men have in. several omnions cannued for nnd canceled moneys in advance, on ncconm of Book: which thayfahely repro- suited uni: being about to publish. . pa-manna n-in-Ann nfnialinn in Oh. Puhlinntinn XIIIIHJ IT" TIE` ZIIIJIII Kl "XIII-I. Parson: denironlofniding in the Publiestion cf the CANADIAN DOMINION DIRECTORY for 1870-71 will plan Iund lnlhei: Orders for SUBBCRIPTIUNB and ADVEBTISRIIINTS LISIIILIIJILIIV A./\.1:`|Avll.Jl` JJLLQLIL/IIJIL-I IUI ' 1570-Tl will contain a short description of at lust 3,500 Cities Towns, and Villages in the | Dominion of Cuu`da, and the Provinces of New- : foundland and Pr7nce Edward Island, together [ with the Name! of the Profclliotinl and Busi- } nus Han sud of the principal Inhabitants. I - -runs CF st_"Iscnu"r1o.\' : I Dominion of Cnnndsnnhacribers $42 Cy per copy M United Sums do.. - $15 Cy " ' Grant Britain and lrelud do. . . 3 Sig " ` Fnnce, Germany, In. do: . 3 Bzg " Dunno. 1.1- Ann-noolnrun &IlT Inn panda Irnaa-u uu vv `IL-51 suunsvu. Ill: UQTBCIDTI Will (00- lsm the Names of Professional and Businen Mon. and of tho principal inhabitants in the Clues. Towns, and Villages, together with s lsrgc-amount of genenl information, including Alphsbeticnl Directories of Pool Uces and Pustmssters, Books, Governmontsl D-psrtmenls and msployu, Hound of Purlisunent, Lou- ? Courts, Educational Depsntnents, Custom Huuoea sud Uiosrs ofcustoms, Ports ol.'5Entry, I Ts:-iifs of Customs, List of Patents of Inven- Vtioos, Csonls, Rnilwlyl, Railway and Steam- ; (ma: Routes, Benevolent sod Bsligions Socieaies, t Clergy of sll Denominations, Registrars with `their Divisions, Newspnpcrs and Periodicals, kc , Cc. ; I-H0, Ptsteuents of Imports and Ex- Lzorts, Rcvetnso, Expenditure, Trad-2, Population, I c..tc._ The Cum; DIIIOTDIY for 1857-58. pub- [ liahed by the Bubccriharucontnined the Names of ` the principnl lllhlbillllil in 1,339 Cities, Towns, I And Villages in Upper and Lower Cannda. The ` CANADIAN DUIIINION DIRECTORY for 1.17:. -n ..:n .......-:.. - -5--. .a.._-_:_.:A_ -4- _. ........ um nucluue IBTEIII lnoumnd bnmls of . l(URRl5UN S XXX PASTRY FLOUR, and IDOUI IWQTITV thousand nr than-a mu..- -1 unn 4- ugxvnunnl` JJU--LIVLUIV Ul KEU'l'L KY, - crrmpnaing tho Proriua-0 of ONTARIO, QUE- BEC. NOVA scorn, and NEW BR['NS- WICK ; to which will be nppeaded the Pro- |vmeea of NEWFOUNDLAND and PRINCE jl-IDWARD ISLAND. The Directory will `lnn-` Iha Egon`. 4.5 `D-..t....'-_-I ` . H.-unu. mau, u Iumclent support by ':e'['BSCRI}"I`lOHS and KDVXRTISEMENTS ` can bv obtained to cover the can of Publieuian. * j. CANADIKN DOIINLON DIRECTORY, Nrrnnrmina oh. `Pm-mam... .-.4 nu"-In nun nnn ECMADIAN iummos n1ur;v1~b?1:. + For: 1870-71. --v----maul` u .a\-ALL 1 JUL [L1 1' hUb K, Ind shout twenty thousand or there: noun: 0! MOR- RISONS SUGAR-CURED MALES. Forpale It | _. JOHN LovnLL, Iiuter and I3uuu1m. 23 and 25 8:. Hichdustngot. ` llonsnnl, Icy, 1089- `mount; of Puma-is, singing, am, King- _ non, Ont. Rauiduner. lnple Cottage, mpg. -o-.o -nlini-inn - Church. 'r-\1u~;.\` AT Pm `HIS SUBSCRIBER propooea :90 issue in SEP- ` _ `TEIIBEB. I870, if Iucient by .BbCRI}"I'lOHS nnd A"DT'Rl?"I'l'Q'I?Il l:'I.1"lIn `HE ned sum is supposed to be perfect- mg Aocumcnlnry demnuds on England mch will include aefenl thousand bnmls PIQTDY Pl ('\l"D _- I ..- uur dud`? of (I)? I I m; hon thereof. Kmguon, ."1It`d.|y of] I A ALABAMLCLAIMS. nos? I.llE0l_i'l`ANT FEATURE` OF THE N11}?