Public Seoul-him. . ysparkllnx. Pnngenl. aE`l:;co`ld|i can at guns 0 KOPTUCIITIIDOID 08! III. proved Ooaentor for cjugbg our own Founll ulna. W0 are now able to dilpenlo the coldest and parent Bod: Wnlor. flavoured with the fol- lowing Syrup. undo from the expressed [juice of tho fruit. Luou, vunua, OBIAI, NIOTAR, RASPBIBRY, ORANGE. PINEAPPLE, snuwsnanv, GINGER, 8; CC. W: has adopted the New York system ol aming Soda Tickets or Ohcqoeg For sale at than state. DEATH h BITNN ` IIIIIIIIUIII. W` nu `0Ico-sl. Law`!-once Wham-I oot. of Johnson Street. '1'/..'.--`e. CHE 00:1 in Pure Lncknwnngyhdhined in 3 :50 very heart of the Labknvun Valley, Ia-uton, Piknton, And Wilklu Burro, (`mm the it unique!!! II1ma,`IlI(f ts with great an nxptull _f Fnuily use, Ind will be sang-ngqq _ ` rgxmevn,-pambboo .. 'litIo'n. . n... ..:.n-It nmcannl for gates ebnatnn Jy 1870. co_5L. 1870. 5 nmmm aim. was lnlla-.a_:- Lnwri A Boat for 1:-A amp for Foundry I 30 II hnd,dno,L kl, na ale-bargtbr nu. Torin o...n-uvig-an i_u _.q_p_mor no u .- eitv. --= tan dpnaun Jy Av: `K1N9S'1'9':3"**3Z*?TTEI `clean In ` Moi h u` inntb 0! II I-NE. hunt C I 1 ' a'Il'AlI V, ` Au, -1- " `nws or `u: wE1;K.\ | .- In un,I.ln VITE I `HI Ilgh done: of popularity nuujned byl . our Sod: Appontu, `induced In this um: I: at nut noon: to nrocun the moat ins- . l PU Buggi AT HEATH & GUNN a` October . LIruau:o-Dn: non.-`u, A: 3. Want : Drug Slots. '. _` wmlmu ulsunmt n- mummy (FIRE AND UARINE.) IAXWKLL W. STRANGE, AGENT. Oli`l 10_]-Q poo $lroot,_ opposjtg Pout W" 3.3901?` t`) ~>`I}'Ih>v=`-- ' If I ru.I.uu Winn 1I|`80'lit!wfs3nadib8- AIIIIITII 7` 1?`? In mum but umr or % nlmfluglgs kc 1 . J 6` vm.*u:--a.--r_,~;-;=,- Louon'bOIa 2!'.9~"'..!.`f.i.t..b'l:".!I7.nni.. o-|-' |VIl lIlI in -.v-..... Pnblinhotl at lbl` of'I.he Duu 1 _g__________ M._m;wnvw% 2-} 3` Hy1>oPHos`11g-1'rEs. .._ .u.:."n-"iu`v'aroomo bl ` " `irrhogluangqung. T mum; nannlii-`gireauiryphosd .,;aI_:_1_ig_:`,.`~`` If DRUG STORE Soda IVatcr -lilrlluu iimxs npuula. g-onolltlo, Clu-on|c IDI- at-rI_n`g_lg_al_nng.h_oly. '-~ ~--'-`-- f-um `l'vnhoId' sud 47 Princess Street. ` IT I IILLID WITH 1...; _` Q JLIISBWIPT O CL 8 5,549,504 97 16,000,000 01 $6,649,504 6'! 632,532 on 253.319 14 987,125 oo 4as,5 00 2,220,033 75 r an I! ma I.-nrv. HEATH t GUNN. `II - gin`. .r consump- W J mnvouu De- Iwlln. -c_Iu-:=ne - ;-n__-._ ,1 11.1. L as.`- ib:v'Jri':omo by n of nmy. -lrln- Aphonin or < 3 : Dance, and and `I PLAIN ouTc FINE VARIETIES l -- ---- uvfII3" II `PAINT SHOP AND ROOM PAPER 1 K D , . . _ :1... l'\._.!.? H --- ... ...-v. `Luv nuvuul rn Painting, Gminiug, Gluing: done fo order. AVING retired from the Grocery and Liquor 'l`:nde,- begs to thank bil nu. morons customers for their liberal patronage in the past, In-l intimate: for the future he will strictly conne himaelflo the ! Coffee and Spice-.wlii1siness.l I . . . . . . . -. In...`-..J ---.-uuvu nul- | J. A. xnon. dvrlcre AND RE~3lDENOB-Eu-l Street, between Bugol and Wellington Su-eels. Kingston, Jan. 10, 1870. 0' DOUBLE AND SINGLE 'ru LIPS, K\I\l\r\-9;. I000. And .l.'X.un Oct. 17. HIS elegant Turkish Toni. is one of the moat salutary and delicate prepantiona ever submitted for public approval in this hemisphere. and nsaensgizs `pa-etendons to patronage on the following-igrolluhz *' Thu it is a nrenaraliou of one of the moat the louowmg grouup: That preparation eminent Punc-_\ ms to the Ottoman Conn. It prevents acidity of the stomach. It relievs lowm.-as of apirils. L . it is 11 mild and invigorating ionic, and I nmost elIig;i:~nI. but innncuous stimulant, It renders the breath sweet and agreeable. It stimulates the Appetite if taken before meals. - It promotes digestion if taken the: meals. It nontralizl-s the prbpensity fr strong Ihunnra ll LIL'llll'lIIIl4('B Luv yIvrv-----J .-. _,, , ,3 liquors. It renders the intellect bright and clear. If taken habitually it imparts vitality and energy to all the bodily otgsne. _ ~ _`_g By.-it-I-use a 'man 6! 70 Wm bet-omer, it were, restored to the elasticity of 30; and to persons of delicate constitutions it is strongly 4_._ Lu! Kingston, April 20, ` vvvnn , H. perso n S 4 racnmme All order p.ocnpliy minded to. I A persons OI uen recommended. 1.1:. an nu recommended. XL is an especial favourite with Oriental ladies. 4 ~ , : Secure, then, health. longevity and vital energy by the habitual use of the ALKABASAR TURKISH TONIC. Kept in stock by the principal Druggists and Groeersinyhe Dominion. t 2 `_-3 i J. Fbr directions for `use see labels on bottles. EVANS, MERGER 8 CO., Sole Agents for the Dominion`. Il.._o..nI `jnlv, A . ; . HENRY OHAPMAN & 0O.,'on_e`l KIN(}S'l`()N. _--- LARGE ARRIVAL, vnmf on WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, llllahiilulu unuuzu u-.....-...... 1 & lnnu grated I33 H.R.H. Pripg -Army. iolrd and ulzion per nlfuum, $23 Preaidenl-'l`he Very Rev. 1. Hellmuth, D.D. Dean 9! Huron. London, Canada West. July 30. _....____..._.-.___._? f` For particulars apply to Ila'jor Rune, \BEsT QUALITY` HOD per lllluulu, gm-v. ' IIELLMUTII LADIES oonman. ,,_,..g .. u n 11, min: `Arthur. T T Pnmzms. gagi- mus I861 * l0lD0_I J4: ELLIUTH COLLEGE.-- lion per ann um,`$226-. ~A_- -.-1-nu-u 1 Amnux CROC US, SNOWDROPS, 80., Just received and for nle b E, H PA mn.-u 015130000 nous. PAPERS FROM THREE CENTS UPWARDS. Satin: 10d and upwards. Gold: 25 " Marbles 6d. Oak 5d Scenery 5d Bar-Room 5d WM. nnINsous \`l.`1{\D A\Yl'\ nnnu -..__._ CHEMIAST IIIGIIBB EDUCATION. ELLIUTH COLL_EGE.--Board and Tai- ` L anon. " CROC U1 Duly A |'1,"J ul y 6. COAL 01L, MADRW 1H7 %-j W IiII'FE:- 42 yundlilf .'.-i lllnrkel square. ,xs71. ,F'W3n" A 14I1>'~{DP.Im-G1": "ST, GALLONr W. ROBINSON. ancm as, ` ' ` ' l 'APER DEPO'l`.| ; and Freocoeing ! l 1 camp, II. ch hing" ; P-u.La-on Q-`-n`-n .1.` IIBDDDDDNI. WEBER A 60.`, none: of Ontu-lo and P!-inoou `Streets, Kingston, nnnn-I in years. They In and quality of tone. Pu-lor O1-guns and Ilelodeonu of various makers are kapt in stock in the Piano Ware- roona. and offered no. nnnufsctnren prion. E. H. Ionnnx, City Tuner. :7--_,,:`-""`:"`; NOW ON HAND, the Newest, Cheapest end Best Selected Stock of Room Pspers ever imported into the city The Latest Designs [suitable for Plrbun, Baht, Bedroom:,_Dining Rooms, Kitchens. Ceilings, etc. Plain. Green -l and Bu"Paper for Windows. Figured Win- ;.dow Shades, end Brown. Go'd and Pleh: Borders in every style. The undersigned is prepared to execnle Honp and Sign Pdlnting, Glazing, Gnining, - Papa Hnnging, Rhona Deeerhtihg, Walll and Ceilings cnlcimi-zed, to., he. All orders promptly attended to on the shortest. notice d and most reuonnhle terms. _ 'l`Fl1|u Au |l..nAnnu nuv vnun imdm PAPER] BROCK AND BAGOT STREETS. Balcllolorfo Ilalr Dye. This splendid Ed! Dyo II the but In the world ; the only true And perfect Dye. Barm- Ieu- relinble-ln|unI.nneon|--no disappoint. ment-no ridiculona tinu-"doea not contain lead or any vnnlio poloon to injure the Inir OI` ayssem." [luv rpm up but nu}! lqnvec ll ant! and Ienhu 1|; hInck,on brogm..' Sold by all dnggiau and dealers. ` Kpplied If the Inc- | mry, 16 Bond Street, New Yo_r|I. Cough: and Colds. Sudden chnnges of climue are sources of Pulmonary, Bronchial and Asthmatic ntfec- lions. Experience having proved that simple remedies often not epoodlly and certainly when 1-hm in uh. ...l- .n..... ..r u.- .a:..-.- nun:-Iv\ll\lU vnu u I Uyhlll Ill}! IIUKIIIIIII when taken in tho only angel of the dioeue, recuunotioold at once he Ind to Brown : Bronch.iaslf`.!'ivcheI, or L,oIoI_gu,-3, Few are nIure~of'lhe importance of checking a cough `` or common cold, in the first auge. That l which in an beg-inning would yieli to n mud emcdy, if nqgleued, aoonnuuckl the lungs, Brown's Bronchnl '1`:-ochee, or Cough Lozenges allay irritation which induces coughing, having a direct iaaodeII`lJ'lho:on`old patio. As there no imitations, in Jan; _to obtain the genuine. ' D41 |._ -n .|-_n_,_ 2;. ~___n,-_-_ ,. up D-...-..-w . Sold 1.)] all dealers in inediciloa at 25 cents a box. Rlollnenz Mdlllorsll Mothers!!! Are you disturbed in night and broken of your rest by": sick child, suffering and crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth T if no, go `At once and` get a bottle of Ira Win. ow : Soothingsyrup. It will relieve the poor lime sufferer hnmedietely--depend npon it, than is no mieteke ebout it. There is not: mother on earth who has ever med it who will not tell you at oncezihat it will regain the bewelo, sud givrrest to the` mother, and relief u:_d heglth '10 the child, operating like magic . It is erleclly ufi touee in tll`"caaeIs ` and pleasant to -tho hate, and is the prescrip- 1 (ion oi:on'eof-thebldealdntl betrfemnle physi- . aims and ndauidr the United Smog. I Price 25 cents. Sole} e;eryw'he_re. Be sure and cell for MRS WINSLOW'8 SOOTBING SYRUP, l Having the fac-rimile of Onrtie 8 Perkins" on be outside wrapper. All others we buei:nit.e- ...... --um nun-uululu terms. THOMAS icnaou, Kingston Paint Shop And Room Pnper Depot, Oorner Bcook and Boga: Streets. Kinzlton. April 17. Uornel Bro Kingnfon. April Cheapest House In Klngston. . CITY} COUNCIL. Tlmngulsr meafiijg of thy Qil; Council In. held up Koqdq evening in the Oosnoil Ghan- ber. HiI\Wouh.ipv1hc Iuyur`{,IliI1ded,'ahd'lha following "f'`Iinf:"--Alildrmnd B1-oplly, G_lf6vgp;'_`0nphing,h9m, Dpuhpd, GYM sou, Kinghqrn, loco:-Anicrk, Price. Rldnninl,` W. Bohiuols `Ram-k, s-mm and! Qoukino; 1 , The promodlngs oounoodit hdf.ynl'iQht ` o'clock,I quorum not aing ;r6uhnpp1`thnq ` '1`ng|n|n['|.[.cd'| 9| m_VVlCl IIwuw-- -v--v ---- tat :i:`ov;d by Aldon-Inn Brophg, mound-A -3 s.- Aldnrmnn loom-nloI.-%btI chrwotv ol It `IFS: iiaoved Aldon-Inn broplg, uounu-A ed__by Aldounn loom-n|_ok,-{bcI c_l:r`vqto pl [jg oggggil rdr she tan-nee `at . 85,000.10 nu` - xannmn nd Pemhmko Railway be re-com Oqnmil hr Llnjuvnoa an upuu ..u ...._ Kingston nd -iderad. r ,, ,, 4 `_ __ mun: Mmnows. nlnguuu aidered. aide'nd. . - The Inolioiiii yputyhnci 155$ ` Yul Alder-` IBQILB by Ohqwngnd-Ionrl` _ek--,3" ' V 1`be"l:?::'n-"'si'aa Aldorugn Ongul nan, Gibaon,Kintiori`, Pgipq, `ll _ ` 4 I n, W. Robiniot, loath; v._nnv-am-V .33 l'9m3iir:- \,..o:_;eTuoo|u. it can. and ugguting 3 1l_ , . ',.'i..1r'.;.; . .- - . --`ooamuucllcui.--`~ - A ennuuniutiou va1uuHto`rJhdp-Bun rowu nlotin \o.n'hclna=bo";tui to the on. ' it. -3. .olv- : ; do'L.1:::nnn sunzuu` uh?-mt than-19 up on..- .... nnlv nu nu nblgrsi. ling gorge goo; j -:---- 3.. .-SEE L 482' PAGE. ;on bare !rom I dinnce. _ ,_ . _ hllmg llighon vii of-W50 uini dpiq-. -.: 31' ,:I>!-1. ,1. . ,_ `;LBor-nG|iodIoUldv9p'pitII|`ylnhon-: m the Inilinry, which excluded` um Gmfnlllj Irvuuo vyrv~. __, __.__, nation to A _ gho jqu a(.;_:.oo liatfill: ' Sum;cIi,:` h'y3 he` a and for Ihfonuartggigpanlu Q! the- im. . .. V . ..`. `,'.: L The usiiiutu of `aver:-I -nesting: were 1 . -11 Ar _ TUEDAY vlsulise, JUNE 27, W W`&iN '"" '"r"::1 --3% _:H,."|i&to this man `yup - 1.... (ram A diltlI- Special Notices. ooamm or '. OBGANS Inmonons. xnrnnr Al` n.....:.. ....i EVENING; JUNE 27, 1871. 1 puusl. Alderman Richrdoon brought up the peti- tion of the Board of Director: of Ibo Home of Industry for the removal of the inllitnlion to the honnron tho Montreal Road, known to the Johmon propnrty. It In rnond hv Aldaun... n......... .-, wmuu wu earned. I Dr. Yatu nld tint the mutter had been he. tore the board for some time, and u not forth in the petition, the establishment. of n prison in connection with the Home of Industry, where ngrsnu and city drones could be made new` flll. and [0 BA! thl ninnnnn Af Hugh. 6'.....I William Oobnrn fo:-< an-nnnd aonnaon In moved by Alderman Drennnn, le- condad by Alderman lcoonnick, that Dr. 0. You: be bond in behalf of the Bond ot the Ho-uaot Indutry in support of the petition, which wu carried. 1). V..a-. ..ta .1.-. u... __-..-_ L7 : - ugnnu and city drones could be nae-' fol, and to pny the expense of their food. ` He pointed out (but with a very little expense. tho proporty on the Hours! Rond could bu made I vnrv dnimhln hm... tn. .......-... ..- mu property on me Ioeu-eel ood q very deeireblo home for peupere, on well u a prilon. The Inspector of prinone had poinlod out eerlein repair: needed upon the preeent pmnlaee--1he old men : pn:t--and stand that ll the additions recommended were not outledom the gournnent gnet would be withheld. vehoped the Oounoil would fe. voursbly consider the prayer of the petition. Alderman: Rieherdeon moved. Ilennndnd h- uuuouuy comnuer no prayer or the petition. Biehudaon moved, seconded by Alderman Sullivan. the refuting of the petiu_on to a speoinl committee. Aldnrmnn nrannan 4...: AI... _-_-:__ 0 u IPOOIII OOIIIIIIIIIOO. Alderman Drsnnan pointed out the -repairs which would be needed at the Roman! indus- try, and advocated the removal of the enab- lilhment to the property in Montreal Road. He advocated referring the petition to the commit- tee on city property. Aldermen Gihsnn uni 'I'n-nu... .............a we on city proper. Aldermen Gibson and Tolnkins supported the spirit of the petition and the motion. The motion Ill` carried. Alderman Gjbaon brought up the petition of 1`. gm! A; Hersey to lay down building Inste- riula. Granted upon the usual term. Inu Iuopxou. II VI: moved by Alderman Dronnun, ue. oondod by Alderman Kcormick, II!!! the usual nun of $000 be placed to the credit of his Wor- ship the Inyor; Carried. Aldermnn Tnmklna hrmmht nn nu. nun. nf nnrv-I II. Aldermsn Kiughorn bfought up the report upon finance and accouutn, which in: received sud adopted. II WII QIIVM h' Alanln nnnnnnn -n unp use nlyor.` Ulrrlea. Aldermnn Tomklos brought up the report of the committee on tuorn lieenua, which wu roe:-ind and adopted. Alderman Bronhv branch: nn Hm rnnnv-I A rtci-lvau nnu naopuu. Alderman Brophy brought up the report of the conmiuoe on city property, snhmiiiiag the report of the City Architect respecting the necaasury repnlru to the city rmiidiogs. The report. was received and adopted. His Worship re-mindod the Council that It. would baadviubie for ll to instruct him as to issuing a. proclamation respecting thn public holithy on Dominion Dny. Alderman Sullivan mnvpd, Rnannn In IUIIIX UII IJUIIIIIIIUII III - Sullivan moved, seconded by Aldeunan Dranuun, that the Mayor be instruct- ed to iuuo his usual proclnunnllon announcing Dominion Dny (Saturday, July lug) a public holiday. Quripd. Aldnrmnn n..m.iim1..... nun-mi I.- IIUIIGIIJO \f`II'I"IVUII 1 . , Alderman Ounninghun moved, Ioconded by Aldernnn Cbown, ghu reconsideration of the vow giving John (vane; $20, for the purpose of iucrdaing the anpuut to $50, but Alderman Iconmck Igdvilik. `A qount took place, and it wna found mm mm was not yquorum, when the Counc ndjotirned. ._v...----v-. \lQ va.nAIn.4Il.l44l- The Gave:-nbr` Ganeml will spend aomq weeks at Ctcounn before returning to Ouaqa. A- p._A..- l._.n*L....... :--....A 4- ___|_:|_:. I-|.-.__ -- v-....___ --.v... ....-....-u. ~v\auv--an An order bu'been issued to prohibit labour of my description on the Ridasu Onnnl on Sun- dnyl. An... .1... I... -0 1-1- '41.- u -_|. -: n__._-_u -..,-. Aftn the Is! 0!? "July, '1be Bnnk of Iontronl mumea buninou us a Bank of Issue, sud cone: to be the hut of Issue for Dominion nnlnu Ir Dave, chief Poll Qice Inspgctor, haves Otuwnfpr lhnitobn on _Tm:sdny, for the pur- pole ofmgulltingvthe postal mum of that pro- vince on I porn'mn`e'ut basin. u_._-.'-.:....- --; |.-:__ _-.x_ _. .L_ - .__:__ ....w .. .. ..........-... ........ ' Pnpnrnibu are being nude at the o mpiag ground, _L` ppmix-ie, for the rsoeplign of the VoluntqqIjg_omo(ro_w`. A telegraph wire iill be laid belvpen the camp and the city. II. HADQIIAII W-nul ah- ac-in--.0 -....l..6n- --nu vu--yuu mg` uuuq-Jr --_u guy yu - _ It Krs|n.l|.Wnod. the eminent sculptor, is at present in Toronto engnpd` upon I bust of the late Chief Justice of Untu-io,`Sir J_onn !loblIuon._ n-vuua-nu... A Iinnlinl, ahowiag the eynhem of Iurvoy to be gdopted in the; Dominion lands of the North West, hu been iuuod at Ottawa by the Government. ` ..n..-u . |\lVvI:|IJI-Ivun _ The volfmteera have left Fort Garry (or home. Emigrapla ngg pouring into tho,NoI-Ih West, and they an said to be of the clasl moat valua- ble to the country. There . is every proupoct of A_ rich harvest in Manitoba. -. n ,, #.u 1 _.n._'. .4] In`; __.,,;__- L4) -_ IICII uluvwulu III ununlvwu. l'ho`Oor'|Iull L0dge'o` Fieemnionl had an ` ext.-union on Saturday list, 8:; J bill: the Bip- (i|I. n duy, scooupcuied by the nombirc of the lorrilhutgh and Lnncialer Lodge! "And Ibo Amen-iota .Lodgoc_ Iron: lesson: and Fort Gov- ington. The whdle affair passed of in a man` humoniono mum: A_.__-u__ __-.a,.__-.a-._ L _ , L4__...1 :_ uuuu-van--v ---n---c An esmnslve oouilagrntion Ins! oi-curred in the tlniling town of Bum, Gonniy ofsimooo. 0n_t., by which I conitbnhlo ponhon 0!: ins`;_bn_|inoa aunt wu nwept away. The Ste. \ is unppoud I9 hue ban the work of an inean.` diary, dndii bu caused on estiumed loo: of 850.000. - 2 1 * II-L- I...I....- -5` n...n....n Al t'\...._I- D....l.. guvuvvv . ` Th: Judgeq of theuocrl of Queen Bench I has given their unanimous decision on the Inn- lion of R. I. A_llnn of 'l'oronI_o, that none but`! hirrfaleri nreintitlod to appear on behaff of suitrrln-In) Dl_viaion'OcurI'. in the Province.` ` Auornoytnnd others who huve` been hrtho habit `of pncliciogh these oonrtfhad better make '3 , note olfh. um- '4-n.u:___.`--.'.a 11..-n-..-._ _-_`_ 4.! _.-_'._ _'_ II!!! In II. ` . , -| ' ` Av OoI_!_lnxV9d 3',l IyI_t_he, nteqnu; . 0!Ihon"cinI:l down from Duluth Ian Fridpy, bringing` 65 tons of cqpppr frqm .8;-neg `|_nine|.; ` Slicloo Sronghi 136 barrels of ubr fugotn_$il- an-:LI|oI`lv_tbo Brueojpfnl. Olpt. l[cG'r"egor _ nuns` this thug-Iburthivintgrnt in Xcliplxgry . _, island, 08 miles west of Bifv,oii-"lam, laps, been` _` ggnjox-.380 ooo'. Opernuond hue copnponeegl . st-Garth - ulna, when in man an-o n;:j1vork". Lug: gunmen or silver no uti tilien mm the inlet. 7 `ICU I--IUIO A late nolpnteh from Winnipeg uyu :-'l'he volnnpoen, 190 in all. IIIVI going. The men of the 2nd Battalion left. on tho 7th inaunt, and the In Bpttnlion |et.t,odsy,Ini the chest: of 1n'r;o`nu-nben at people who enabled us Eon ` GARE to heathen: of. Th0,l ndnrv Inf: urge ll|l|ll06|'I 0! P999 VH9 UIQIDIOQ FBI! 1 Ggrti to mihegqm `. TI-9. |>u:qh.tod,Iy left 3 ` in 110 1ari'gdo'u of bmlndjour bogqu IQ_pgh.`_ , They`!o_ Iii nemmbsui by. Iinhup, qt` _ ' was 01' the Bond '0! Wake, an fur AI"? nydgt . _ The Iielllien Slkii-I and Into uonal aw Irunulntrogulnrly sud gm inking Iptapdid Annual ' -of Enghhd, bylic"-BJ`i:`o,` . `n I9 Inn-mg. 1:093; r_oaI(:`n hover qhI'II,`;:.4I9I,|- 1 beennuda Lg: "t _ianauo",n` ,. - nod: 15? Qudc1.,';_ogt;q.1'. yf Soothud," "* by"thb'bu}tI iighee, : e.xi1_ou_.g., benign. --mlbo -is tomiuinnt ex-- 1 motor! `IE9 ?'.hmI.I..I-n Ioonuri-I011-01 9 as-was-g~.o:suo Ian.-_-.-s_uuua,u. tlnlm .< _iL_nueI hgcuu nu.-1.`|IO |!!;InuI1I|. up luring: Liogooo Foooriln Love: 0%.??- Ch I I " ', , , 22,". `W ,......_ ..:.... a..2'...l . hf. -- - . `_ . . 1 W H lgqyw ;|ll`i?II Iuuilulvyg mi?-_`,:|` . .Jnlwb.mmmMmbQ: ` :.xsma..-.vw~. an-on III :-Mn..f.z'*`%!?'9%=P&lN-,;.R:!P9%... ,4 ,: po;1;ib 011* OANA DA. . . ` `I = .v '. _I'L,`nne| Lxcuu !"n,a.-1`h0-langaolatilc . 1: Idn-inn Linua Putin Lower Onlsdahol. tin; lea-no of I piece of i ecclesiastical purposes. This line long been felt as a grievance, and it is not iuprobehle from the indications than united eiort will be made to have 1 change elfeoted. ,0! course, no one need take out I license, the proper Wei in- deed `being '0 have the intention of mnfrilgo pnocloilned by hens, nnd it only Jeqniree I little elfort to have the inner adopted, to pm an end to the complaint. The Bishops and clergy or various denominations could do a liranl `deal Bonan Oatholica ere employed lo: theirl` vuu nu ma cuuxpluux. "rue manopl _lId clergy denominutiorns do ngroat `deal to (hie end, and it Irodlcl-gremly .eo'I!`diieo to their own socnrily were she `license ayueln abolished, an every year one _or I@aI=Ojlli`lIiIIl`8 suffer from Innrrying couple: on the fpithmf a license which does not sue them from In lnction should lnvlhino In -.-.......-._u.._--..-I `B IIUCIIEG action 311 Herald. UNITED sums iSTATlS'IA`.ICS. - I I The Census of the United Sta.tes'a.dtnits l that within the ten years ending 1870 the ` value of all property assessed hes bee em- ' tionery, while the everege-vreelth- of indi- ` vidualu has declined one fourth. The tote`! 1 value of such property in IE0 was 2.100;- 000,000, and in 1870 2,600,000,000. From this lnetthe debt of .500,000,000`mus I deducted, and the value of property will 'tli'en be shown to have been stationar , while the number of people has increasegby 25 per cent. The only kind of property which has ` greatly increased in value has been real es- 1 late, landowners there, es elsewhere, prot- ing though the people svfer. The bulk of the loss has fallen on the South,'jhere 50 per cent of all property has been swept away; ` but `B91116 of it, pa,rticulnrly~tbe1oss in the shipping trade, is due to the inablity, of the American people to understn.nd,_;h;;.t_ a. protected trade is a trade which takes` mode from the many to give it to the .few, in . order to induce the law to waste their ener- gies in unprotable labour. GERMAN VVIT AT THE. EXPNSI. OF ENGLAND. ' -u-n,, , an u an n v. The Germans have been greatly tickled by the clever unite in the last number of Black- wood entitled The Battle of Dorklng, Ind since he trnnnlmion. Into thelongunge of the Fatherland German .vani'1.l_:-u lnereugdnbout a hundred per cent. The Al@ent_ciIe_Zei(`gny one of the lendlng jnnrnnln df'Ge`rtn'nn'y._ re, echoed the Blaolmood article in A way ienrnely plan at to lnglinla earn. in publi|I'IeNn.l'nee-g lion: letter from "Sohn Mich! Tlll-K Bug; ` wall. Anglo German politician of_thnfmuro_, 1 lo the Gertnnn Emperor. Kaiser Wtllinun In 4 ' recommended to invade and eonqner `ln'glnh`d.i no the two other Williams at Normnndyrnn ` Orange dld, Herr Trutz-Bpunmwoll thlnkgthnl A | this enterprise, fnntutic nu It seem, won gt, ti ` be dllunlt; on the notItrury, 'lt`'W6ul , ' -l ` V Vlnlagemil for the German Eap-e, tvlt2{`Itq` ` ' own mngnilioent army and ,Englnnol'u grout; | eet, would then beeome_the Power of the-. world. France would` be dividail nm_o_t_i thq wnrrioreof the -(I'lhelII'd','Atlltriibildgglv ' 1 in,und the new German bromiwoul-creep, ' sea. and lnnd. ` Qv_t`ee,n`Yis:,tpr'gg !Dld;h bgml-l somoly penaioned, the Prince .n{_W9ln_Inp I be compensut.ed`foi- the lot: df h'i"pr6e`pepta .1: an Annuity nndi a 'glowlug*eul'og1nm`in"t Timu, and an er-uaf r\l'hIppil'I05I 1121110611 V respect wuuld openfor the p_B_q-itinh tenigqriegp the German Empire This specimen of e; _ man wit will scarcely be appreciated in the tight little island." 4- 3 : suoPP114ae11iI mmfs.--' ' An American gebltemln. wlildt. `waikingf I along the Rue. Rlchcliauonn evening, ans? 1' struck with thg: beauty gt _a(n;e`(.~,klaq\_-, _.w_iph 1 with I.he,ear-ri. gs`t(_]l11g,`tch,_;|_'opbIed.iI:._ h ,1 cae in one of _t e"slnop w`u'sl'owp. `He`bH-T_ V tered the store, bought `he"bt',: ` mithd the Shoplnln`tako is"to 'the*bik of the stone to wgnpit up. On nn'hi'n.g ` home he lound %l1;;e;:l_dnce,!V!i8_.iu,,,tI\e ` (man all rich}. blit. (he ear-rinas hml dinnn-. IJUIIIIS `HIS YVIIQ, IlI,,,Iu}K case a I lfi At, ut L e `ear-vrj h d,_diI_ - pearcd ; `_ nd on x'*e_{\'irnin'gng:;) Jane` Rich:-lieti tn inqarre ibto we igixc;e*r; he held me aroreaue: ehr-rin`g's- 'gli1t'ah-.ig""- 1 1 their touncr piaca-in um windnwn Bobdl, J efforts gu_,p,r9cu_rg chehzroturn wan.-uagluu 1 there had been no witnesses to thygpgghue; I and the luckless buy_er was forced to go on- his Way lamenting. " } ~ Ir 1: 1 Met w4sll`knrrwi|-tin`:-l|`A'1'riir'i)!nnE ms lamenting. It Is I Met well` known-t`o`:il`A't1irH:an habitua of Paris. that tho: besdI`~',67(' oniirf. the largest and 1110:8906-lebI'a_nd!o_f unogloda-i housesthera prq iu,,tl_19 hgbjt 9!. pendiggjp thpir old nn5.l_ paid lgI_|}g _t.o `)t`h}i[_f())rQ%r customers twheneyer tli Stfnh List hp-f prises tl1emdf`the 8fi'iVil'O1 tied dtWisIy foreigners. Fotiivmust call lo`-nodiplil ' bills hIve:beenvlmmt none, and thaxhup ' less trtvellex has 90.99? hi9u.h9n:..m V ' pajy. and F0 9n.9&hs=Ina.i .t.1`?r..I!>,sIzeI;! ashetloessn, blfwtso __ . uess of 8|! uuinshg hi thhtinbo']1.""` . gentleman entered mm a countenllaeb - highly expressive ofjnxlignuion, and sum- `. moning the shopwqgmn w_p()J oke g- mh, be displayed` ti,3"h`o`r's`I' ng pinrga ea In some two yedribneki. 1 *~* ' " 1` '5' '3 " - I ndid thnmhill hhftild Ila?! a my u:iey- 't-, =1 1 Purim :JII ; two years uncr. ' * I paid distill bbfold I101 ! PIr'Ia;:JIO' said in 9 very pn|'IL'lle_tonm ~ ' ` , w 1'? E Van mmu: ha minlnkem. Air." was the $10 In V91, ')"IILI'U_IUuIn ' "A! 11- Y0. Ema,` _bM9iI`I.|5n:.; .Iir.`. wsnthe equally positiyg reply. .f`We_hnggr _I99_d in ` 1 our bills`th`ey`h'nv'e oneebeen '`)a_i,i' `. , There was I very` telling emplian on "the une'3`._ _ _ ` " 5: -,3 `_ "But I know tint llpaidthiannosfl . -- I . ~ "Perhaps :00 -\n:9wdBo0:t|l.*N9io%"'v 5 This was said lpwa snegrlqg gppe, ,. to'exasp'erate'a'$_ainE_. _ _ , 1 . _ `The gehtlemdu madetnwer by layl`n"g; ' down his one and the dionted bill auburn` the counter, and utiuuiug mpkct-buokl ; {mm tbp breast-pocket nf hi: .1.-on. . ..1?:om; this he draw 099.! panes. vmieh. my mom- erland held hefore I_.he_s,hopvgo:jn;g:.,1t_.w`q(f} ; "the receiptd`bill`._ ` ~ j ` _ T` _ 1 _ v'-I`n do the hrntut'in:tie_"f i\`!il{aoiif6$l `me recexpxeu mu. V _ `To do the i:resti1?jnItie, Ifnii cdiifgs um she s'oemed-- o%erwuamad - uni faoiomsnd. wn protmo. bnhu nphluuisg upon which one of the proprietors of the` establishment, who Fad been watqhip the V acena [tom g dietu.nue,~cunc-`Io'i.h 0- - I think I cpn,;e_x.plaia _-.iosLbdu9l_|Wl -, how the mi-sake ur,.I',e<..1.;!29 nuns! *.'l`5'9"9` -. ~ melliuuds toneiw ich cogimgl 595-91,59 ` 4 I Frenchmnn u purring no 3 cat, sud its just. about as indicIRve'of`g66d nlmfe 01 kindly realiog. ~W_qu;-ve.9t.-anti! summer of precisly the nq,nqn@&:v(I}1 `! 3 (`dd ooincidence."7 .` ' V But nn'dd`eY aid the` . __.=_;--_'-. .:....u...;..`.a`.:nn;|ui n.&m`nYud-- 1 use wmcn does and them 1 anything be wrong.`--Mvn1nal d. . ' Amdricnug hnuomng upqnu cu-v u-u --uu-~ denI!..lrlmIom _kn_o-wlqdfp of `mini iii: due im-2:23-.;:*;* ....'_...\'_9.. ,- 9 . ulna nfan: A ' 'd ."7 . V 1".'.;'.ii .`- u.aa*.& ;b_!& c?c(isce},' Amriciq hnubnin upilui cow'uQl7iud-- (Inll! lulnnnnlnil litil II.I'l1l r Imyini purchud [involvinm tbelnluli tujtwx PLAIN RD J03 ' .' ' "' ' . P"""I"K'`._,. ; .. ;`??u"p.9`?:;r;;:h;`-`gg 5Jd.,x`:da*ng `,3; 233:"-_`vi":u-u. na.Iodon::l:po, I _ . ecu`-`so , an me: In. de 1 . id!-SW59`? F`V9-"* When this fit my opo u::d I 'h<=m"%.'a'M J * road to nab cunt-to mm lfrcnclg f . fl ".th tum A` big e'is-` - _ ' at minutes *.*".*""!i3*"v*'~e and-uni war ' 4' V rJniWit& by OInouInI.d1InltplodmttlBI`; ,..,`~g .5 .,3,ngg.g.m`,g:.. L,-M: linbimmluarivnq.-!!0bi9Qf rims Jail: uunmnupu-mun .;... V,.=11' 1!i:T.|ti;',`, `_-31.` ' " "3! [PRICE TWO CENTS. V_i _ ; . of the more celebrated candesceiiils to ob- lige a customer by doing so unusual n deed, ` G usually oonttiveg to charge nearly tie muc ` or themaking. untftrimming of the 01.098 95 she` would have done had. she furnished the materiel ea yrell. ,T_hen,htoo, tljere gises'he_foI:e.me_ the` recollection of thnlflucklesa ladj Whopeent to e well-known and highly recomniended dressmaker in Paris the silk and velvet whereof h 1' cos- tume was to, be compounded. end 0, on receiving 3 frees made of Jnnteries very inferior to those she had supplied, cut to make 3 complaint,`eud'wu told that she was a thief, n Iier end 3 cheat, and was ordered to quit the hotiee instantly. It is, however, dI1cult' to imagine a sublimcr pinnacle of pride and impertlnence than that on- which the Pprieiun dreaemakers hid perbed theme"el Ve.' It a. fnvour to obtnin their distitiguighed patronage, end my attempt it diseetiafuctinn or criti- ciun was .iI_1!$I.ntly_.putvdown_lu..en ineolehce not to be for`, he }pstant.tolernted by their l `high mightineeeee.` For inetnuce, it New Ynrkbelle once returned dress "with the reqnet thnt it mlglit be made a little longer et the thqopt, u it was no tight as to ii":- cominode [her ;__brenthieg. , Days rollul roun'd, wekelollnwed them, and still the ; dreee wee nbt_returned`. The lady went in . nelrch vol it,~'end the grande dame who pre- . eid_ed;over.t_lte eetebliuhment tom her, with { an air of hehghly uuconcern, The dress 3 did not jtleene you` mtidetnoiselle, so I sold ; it. ` ` ` ` ' h . Why, there it hangs!" exclaimed the f young lady, pointing to the identical gar- . meat. which syaj suspended in an open y wardrobe, `- uv..`..' ;.t... ..-'.:-._u___ n\L ,. - . A. - Will uI'OU6. Y6ii hie dlistnken. Th'`not the dress you rbtnrncd. '1 sold it 1119 very day` it. was sent. back. L : - A-1] ._ .-...-..1 AL--- --_. V - - "` urea: gor Ine VII-Julga customer. _ ' It fa mfid '(hat "a tall , raw-lgoned, round- ahouldered Bcotbwomnqdncb applied (.6 the celebrated. W0I' with intent. to `order an varies 9; loillestea. The great man con- sider |`ll'LI, 3!;p[)liQal11_`I.)Wi|,h g critical eye. "O6! :6 "n1'e',m=u'1a|'n.e, In A walking; ggroga the rnomi, H sl in leifgth, and t;ie'astc)p- inhed l`i(|ynbe`y`ed." ""!'ha' wi dn. Igricvo 59,: Jht mtnnot engage In Inpply your reggae, lmlvnnggwvy reputatiun would noc`md' it." L T: in HF-gain `gill 1o|(3n"l..'.' .-.`;!.`.....A a . n..1-...... n not land 1:." ` _ _ ` _ It in Wei: `aid ftliht I16` rftiaed to "(lrcas, AI th;'I9oiIch=l3io|n`phi"nsi it, the Princess Mullilsla 0l..Iim1lu ioundn, the Veuve Dqidigtf. _u,_ the, Republicans ,enll her, "man g ptouc mud _y|.g3\pele spf gure, agwgll IE5 c6urue'|nd"p?e`l3h'n'_II 0' foa{urc.,'like the ex- qao'oi|'ot8p-\'m,'- vvb0ib`iht'feegnblea 'tuoml- ! ly as .wal,l;uo2 physically.` ' Illlo DIV`. Am, 95 usual. there was no possible rc- dress _for the jr-jun-`ed cusgomer. Blll Nun 31 t1": rnw-|.nnn:I rnnnrL * Mr Lincoln. A {go your IQ VIII`! 9}, naon an for '3*gn" t{5mpTi ntgae. _WAen,A,l Pr. *3.,,.`{. ,. -4-1111-;\ _ . x` ;. II: 4_muom ' um eeeaa:u`g1y.L`moni-ua "um A-1. QnJl9:F9I.-iIPn9t:IJI51hP'i!`*k| Wilh- _is-st.oq ,? sigggo : .w.h9#i*l.,.sw him:_"B,aw Ir; yo{I. I e "I I`g|p"l_d4oae_9 syn. gt hI6o`voIy6IP'I'n1i3l Y6 new-y 5: 'in 9:9 U-gI9_9..f{ Mun side-thojnil`.1n-Siiglil are we oniy ones I In ever in In1;|iI. ; -;ga;a_id "Vex-y4,likaly,, rtlponded the ; rogue. put l ve bognv in nll ll_1o.re9;." . . . 1`; Ju 3. . daum nnnrninrq 4nun1sJtt1`e`...i.`in`orf "". .` |y]IIIUUI prtw:wr'nu pine, Ian pomuugeu I131! 5 J9 old,;_q,bnnlq o,tj.p_n`su,.p,9pusn-.or ucurily 1 ilgi o` ` `Von; round the _cofn_eq'to 136* thy :` maid : V.-IVHIH av -> ~ - --- ~~ , I '{ v' fulvolil 1lo`g`vlSoh'i;g! nail wii Altai};- | -_n'1.1;_n&aompuoyfo_r pin, um dwiysilqsdd is - - part Iain}.-1,-am ts: II.-an-.,9rk {tom-.-lg-Tau: 1 on the` duct! re: fella VIOILP` the other dny -; to misplaced In 3 po_|_iepmnn and`: u` pieoo :1` poisoied bgxxgapsny 1;..,rn.e qt. / `.... .. .4 -W-. 3 bufI(9`-|.t)=`9: 2919-not t|n:-did.hoI-n- ,; `jdy iH`I'i "tin a`hej,"wou1d'if Ibi fqngiul .` hnhmstl nnn|; 9 `-4 -` `font I've been in nll ' I;uiiT_Vm_``an b$"i`st'1dL,6i:'ddpncg,_.operuto1s only blgmyenksgbli` `A ywog gcagreunn ` of Jig pwho Ind iuutd-in 4: pueliofo "Ur {EH29 `chad; qpq; .129" at Anlobuo ;-mu tntfona gs uv n on"! _of his jewelry by An -xv-dn I odoll fnvollil. , _.,., ` .. .._.r -|-HO -om;--ug- .,...a ...g .. . '-.'";.';r'..... "'..".....'*"' m . 9 . L 15nit`5 ha'if:iaifnl3d'p uI'ehlnl::00bJ H` on" pf M. je'?.e!ELm` bidet, who `oifv E hhlllou pl-'\n:lir-hipoilogiid ' ; to hold a bnnllln of 5 ]O]'lI`IlI`|l'I0_'IIlIlUll"H)0,"'0lllII ll up fqngrgr xmnucuscla polunnm -` 2 - 1 An mdxlhiauluiiiclodo -lho 1po|kl,-ebaens ; tion between the United sum and ugmpau ` of. Gennnyhu has nnuuv ennnlndnd; m 2 iauewrum`-as " 11u;#iga38s:geor iix egnu E pol--Inglo .%am:_ gxqgwp , __1. IIIIII} -- auxin * uxambnurx by man _uf she Ile nII|on `at! an raw; set-19-!Ixw.g!I.In mu Brc:5'.!)f.q%;'fl;%?;ryf:": and Emma. uuunc, moyu nae,` puymg nuwoen new 1933 > ,nnd Stattin. ` " ` ' _ i'li'II:i`i poh' f.ii;_l:ru`Hi}l, Ogunn lIh h*bllIi i:'Hih'Ii9"opei'ati&in: foi'nonil1 a your, nodwiuinowuduling ' pmiill` `Math. -The : MEI,` ' [`h9:LIQI;" brings {new Aolhn 5 I.ou.- > Thu tno mill: of 11:: 1-nlnnnnr turn an an` K '{}_9:LIi|Q`I` ggilll {DIV ?|hl.'I l.ou.-_ I I " ` 4 ' u v . . 376%-Egg db ;!pg63i|`{:t of Ivan`! ul`:uu?]`g: huvv loam: no amnlovad id` *1 -nk in"'m i%'HE`." '.'r'Iff p8a`$&`or W175` "uf',. . T"1g;';2 heavy tum: no employed in` V E-Hug` iz to ugniomnigi. Irma` aha -uuiopur-and au. ' ` putlon in `setting up barrel: to tmupul in-In. It in princnpslly sold to gnu msunfuatorles. but ` !,'}..:.."-'.:.;;,,.""`},! "'5 `*.."* :9`es'e~4 n- n.- ..--. :. ._:on.u nu. ____ -_ :_ `):g;i"_|dvn'r `agn""te ` p713 nor high? T` poodle nurse: , 5' -'I'r\ 11-M [g xlqndg Time: for Wsge,-... 1 5.x: On the great. rnra`-or-col. Thompson, in _ Wellgallugaocngxlut eboui'ra'o46ry =i$hih hu ; Aaupnita la-=,u1kiu~h!b cl)! i 0 V . . . ` ` , '~*;;,:,'ea;,:;*,,;;;:-*3; ....?. -,aa.m=saim `Ii Lyganui? 11%.} Hilluhr"-` ' !uns4~.u5u*)o' 'lHvdu`u Innphiutga- Mann-uwiidm-tunwumbn `rm: mm-. n-mops mm: mm. -? glgg,-em chum-W q'!`;,':n `fnaahgolbi 1 H.` 1-!` 1'.:`I*_u at .-an :.".' uu`covuw-w'I---' wag as mu. ..~ , I 3 _ , . E` Gum. Bay. and our: 3 aihaihiI[?|d=I$y~`-wud'lir', audit-u gun'ers g glgnupphlgd snug: oisqaood ofnliout pa '2 91, .9V .JIP'~._~u.'|`.h9n9ss to, hm ' ' ".:;` -I-'9 292:? `M:-~-* 9!. In? 4.30," I nzn v Buividt-cnn-II$3bhl|'tvor'R0bIii!);sgsurn`Il ` un`L , M _ rs mg, amaocn, .. !i?d,:::VHdFfnduUr::Y:Pwichhnighrg QHIWERIQGIT? Y. '0u`.>>-i1$eio"u3,-3 an % mm bmonvulhn-nl 1 'l!lonII!IkI'I:nn: 3 W3 pf N`P'T""-.`x;1`:Wz !E.,` "7. "9" ' `w " ych st"! H1119 I_,_ Igthp g unbou; I 9w ' itlofldliog: c,f\'!,`4: z-' qp=iI'~Ieiru3. 061 hr` It (buy 'nw*hcn mini; IAmnn:nlE.mdmIal`n nail `nnnhau-`I. ` vrlma :ituu o!..0i-_i:- H ".',".'. . P." . 3" `-E'6'!%7|Ieli' (miss 1% `tho , which, perched npdu 0' uhd0I.IiII..Ili1j'z tnl u hubs- .94`::IilirlIdh=q~.::in.uh:nhq~Ii|t lo oK0-,li a `up uh``n ` t..z.41`a.....a.1 IIIIl'll| crlu or n Ilcnuy, WlIlGll,.p8flJOII upon 0 H H IJII IVUIIIIII}, ':I|llIn| III PM of .;ho_u}eqporaAo nu iyffbifwoen Ngwh Ygyk `Lolh LI: IIKIL .50 OCH! . . . .00 III: Inom!-H FABLI Anil . 13 out 3` |....w-'-N lemon:-M-A ` hula! Q I EC-E . `L)Ml ANY T " * T~ '-URANCE Lnecticut. OF HARThORU: Con- OTIII V 0 IR 0014.0`! 1 .._-cl basins in Gnu-in for noufy 60 yours. and during that time hm I-.:,~.p( and Ilbfftl. Ielllynel of every hit claim. It has fully , t. 5,3. Deposit VIII the Government of Stocks to the extent` IEII. h Ohnoory, kc. lacy can on scocpuhlo! 3 iliilltn Yule:-lury Surgeon! h lhlfl Yohriury 0ol- uy nun, Iing| '`.aa.aI torus 1.1 low so the ufely of the Aland will permit. I I U3`!-OIDOI. NI-LU .8'l'RAl0I, ttortlnpmg :3 wIlk0-o ..-nnIl\"S-It-L hm suoonss or nu. I Inn by the renewing `II Ination of each kiln '."IIIIy 0-Alb Ina =-1:: IOTURE. qaAxoInY '--MIL O.W. AND SHOES. xX.-N(). 248.] you ? MI!-II -d:!_Ih_ and Ihnpltinlond un NIPANY D 1007. amma $50,000, Enmrl-:. , JANUARY m, uwo. .r\r.- _ necticnt O