ruin. Lpa-in mm, 1371. LARGE} SUPPLY OF ORANGES, CIT Y 300K STORE. 'LmoN,_ I:(I_l_3_(IAN|JT8. CITY BOOK STORE. A FULL -1-\'\.:--j:____ `6I{KNJG`i3fS. \/\I.l.L.\.IL. .l.J\/\J. OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, AND City Boolg store. KING STREET, 1-\ nus:-. ..`. -1 l.0MI(lSl`, 1'01 '7`ri>'i._E1T ` 1 RRELS. ALFRED BONNY, V :..n..:. Go. Ln} FOR I-u numu, V ic!ox-is Street, Williaunville. acute which has time in the Walt, Then is no city W. 3, GRANT , .`S I vish-9 Address SPRING SEASON R. & J. GARDINER) Are now showing, for the ensuing Season, Iasolrrnxrr l IN SILKS, IN GRENADINES, [N FEATHERS, IN SCARFS. R. 6' J. Gardiner. LONG CLOTHS, THE WHOLE FORMING AN UNRIVALLED ABSORTHENT or - BLANKETS, Irmcv mo sum nnv soonsj SUITE!) FOR THE EARLY SPRING TRADE, WHOLISALI AH D RETAIL. `OODS, '3 AND IN RIBBONS, TABLE NAPKINS,_ IN SA l`INS, FLANNELS, -:" Tern: 0uh,~ and One Price. ' xx- .T..... .s..'...:.::;.1T NOVELTIES IN MUSLINS, IN SASHES` BARGAINS NE_ a|-In.` R. & J. GARDINER. 44s.; un__.I. Iolvl IN FLOWERS, IN ~HOSlERY, IN VELVETS, 1N UMBRELLAS, PILLOW COTTONS, IN SHEETIN GS, IN VELVE'I`EENS, IN DRESSES, LLS. ` IN TRIMMINGS, IN GLOVES, LACE CURTAINS, IN LACES, IN BLACK GOODS, IN PARASOLS, DAMASKS, TABLE COVERS, IN POPLINS, DAILY NEWS--FRI1)LAY EVENING .. APRIL 28. kt : `C. LL SEEDS ARE FRESH And true to name, and are imported direct from the most experienced growers and eeedunen. No old nor unrelinbie Seeds sol . rn 1-7-In . yo.-- .. ... _ . _ . _ _ _ ... .VEW AND DESIRABLE SEEDS intro- 1_ ` duced this season :- FARM FOR SALE` uuca, more 0!` I698. Rage and an BXCPHBI party. Terms very easy. Apply to ME MORRISON is now fully under way in . his new and extensive premises, the Store lately occupied by Ohown & Son, and formerly by Rudston 8 Son. 1.000 Burn Rnknv- n `R`lmu- Inn n....I. vvv wnuuny Dy nuaston I 5011. `l,000 Bags Baker : Flour, 100 Barrels XXX Pastry Flour, 400 Barrels Family Flour. 100 Barrels Kiln-dried Oatmeal. 200 Such Oorn Meal, 400 Sugar-Cured Hams, 4,000 lbs. Breakfast Bacon-A 1. II. II.._:___ .,I.,_ .u -, . - - Mr Morrison takes this opportunity of return- ing thanks to all his cuutomoro, old friends and patrons, sud hope: by strict attention to busi new and to the interutl of his customers to continue to merit their esteem and patron- me. Completely Fixed l /`p and under way-. ..___:. Prince of Wales Celery. HENDERSON S.| Early Jersey Wakeeld Cubboge. Sand:-inghaln Celery. All the better qualities at proportionately low prices. 0311 early. _'l'|IIl| Iinntlnr-nn General Grant Tomato. The Trophy Tomato, ROOM Crimson Mugnoneue. Parson : While, `HE MOST EXTENSIVE Ind COMPLETE` _ ASSORTIIENT in the city I Arr` 1-v-ua. -. TARGET PRACTIGEI hVED| ' AT HlE1T(I-1`-;'z'_`C'%UNN S. March 31. And now SEEDS AT HEATH & GUNN s, ..v. -u. I: Iv uvvuu uulu -AT i113fATH & GUNN S. `VLOWER SEEDS IN GREAT VARIETY. BARRIEFIELD,| AT HEATH & GUNN S; ?ULL particular: in Catalogue for 1871, gratis. ` ' AT HEATH & GUNNS. Il....|. 0:: k k"J JAMES SHANNON. Kingston, April 24, 1871. April 22. [must A-LI_. persona_are ?au`tioned in approach- mg Hunxlton 9 Love. or Dead Man ; Buy ; and peroonsyowning Cattle are hem. by cautioned to ` koepjheir Cattle of the Ranges, as the Department of Militia and Detence will not be responsible for any ac- cident that may occur. - Byordcr. - W. P. PHlLL[ps_ AT HEATH & GUNN S. `HE East Part of Lot 13, 2nd Concession, . Township of Kingston, containing 65 rres, more or less. There is a Roughcast. Cot- .ge excsllent Frnme Barn on um nrn April 26. I V 1 awe. April 22, 1371. Rie Ranges, IDKI Kingston, April 35, 1871. ---_ House Cleaning. Wednesday, the 90th Instant. Immense Variety on hand. FW PRICE. k,ou.4o. [ET NURSE WANTED. Apply to Doctor Yates. n-:` 00 I DWI NUVELTIES OF 1870"-71 : ` GARDEN, % IAIITID. 3 add of all work. Ilquiu ul `Iii nnn. PER uI'l'lu, I mu: llnwnolloo. ll 3 CAUTION. CENTS UK was. were 15 uougncast. Cot- x Barn 9n the pro- V. John Henderson, Princess Street. FTOCK M. Morrison. WILL couuzzycs AT ran FIELD A PHILLIPS. Kajar, Brigid : Major. til 85. `- FOR PIECE 47 Princess Street. PAPER CAKES Almon-iced superior Ilyie. A frank Inn At` 0"` ' " IOUND. I pound. A IKE} . G. PISATI. THE EUBBPEAN SAUSAGE DEPOT ILL OPEN on the corner of BROOK STREET, next door to W. B. IlcRAE & 00., on GOOD FRIDAY, April 7th, and will keep on hand a good supply of DRIED MEATS, BOLOGNA SAUSAGES, TONGUES, DANG nun DA!1l'\\Y 0.- L- _ - N,` _-_-.4\J n4 AND will receive during the summer a case on Wednesday and Friday of each week. Another lot of Sweet Oranges. ALSO 2 cases Bitter Oranges. Oonslantly on hand. Putty and Family Flour of the Best Brands, Oatmeal, Oommeal. kc. Oysters ." -Oysters ! ! FRESH T0-DAY, IRST PRIZE BATTER AND FURBIER F begs to inform his customers and friends and the public generally that he has now just received a Large and Complete Assortment of Fine English Felt Hats, and also of the lower grades, besides having alargn stock of his own make. He is also making the Latest and most Fashionable Styles of Silk Dress Hats; and will make to order on Ihe shortest notice any Hat required, and t. it by his Paris Con- formateur, which will give ease 10 the wearer I enumerate a few of the leading styles :-The Melton ~ Hat, Montague, Lorne, Mornington, Hartington, Barnet, Crown Prince, John Bright, John A., St. John's, Tyne, Paris, La- crosse, Marquis of Lotus, the Oxford, Wolsey, Cambria, Cambridge, Cavendish, and Congress. Also a good assortment of Cloth Caps. Kingston, March 9, 1871. Egecutors Notice. ALL Persona indebted to the estate of the late E. H. Hardy are notied to call and settle without delay at Alexander R.ose n, Princess Street. All not-annn lunch". ..I..:...... .....-:_-- -I n.ui4u'N, rnncess mreet. All persons having claims against the same will present them for settlement. ANN HARDY, Executrix. A. ROSS, Executor. Kingston. Am-ll 14, STEAM GAUGES, Call and where. ll-"IKE 1 a `IVE THOUSA D DOLLARS to invest on B Farm or City roperty. No commission. JOHN McINTYBE; Barrister, c., Princess Stroet, Kingston. Annl 11. . Complete,` NOTICE it hereby given that the Annull Meeting of the Shareholders of The Oity of Kingston Water Work: Oompeny will be held at the 0ompe.ny'e Oiee on MONDAY, letMey next, nt three o clook PI, for the purpose of electing Directors for the mining year.` H. DUMBLE, CONFEOTIONER, Brock St:-ant. Feb. 25. April 3. year. Statements of the will be submitted. OTICE is hereby given, that the Court of Revision of the Municipality of the V11. Iago of Portsmouth, will be held nnhe Town Hall, in the said Village. on Monday the lat day of May, next, at 7 o'clock p.In. Parties Wiihillg to appeal against their uooumenil will give notice` in writing to the Clerk of the Council 14 days previonn to that date. JOHN mum m..n cm AT__puMnws nuv voua `noon maul April 6. lvn FANCY mugnon nbn nous, FRENCH cnrsumzum FRUITS, _ caooou-me unmnn, ORANGES, '.|L, CORNER. OF BROCIK AND BAGOT STREETS. L` Den uenecteu mock or B.oom,l-`upon ever imporlod into the dty, the baton Designs suitable for Pnrlonn, Hllll, Bedrooms, Dining lioolna,`KitelIem, Ooillnp, etc. Plain, Green and Bull` Psper for Windows. Figured Win..- dow Shades, and Brown. Gold and Plain Borders in every style. , - The undeninnad in . nlunnnqul to crush ouruets In every style. undersigned is pupa-ed to exeopte House and Sign PA-loua"G|il|Ilr9""3v Paper Hnnnimz. Boo-..Dn-rdinn- -Wnlb and mouse and ungn Punting.-Glas|ug,-Grdlll, Paper Hnlgillg, Boo-~..Duu-ding, -Walk Ceiling: ulciminod, & All OH?" promptly attended to on the shortcut none! nnd most reasonable `Ami A. nub: Kingston, April 14. v uvn U- DAVIDSON & DORAN. Kingston. 28th March, 1871. SALE, At the KINGSTON F0l]RDBY, A Oholco assortment of - urwl, lung Apnl 11. J. WILBUN, ` Manager K.W.W. 00. Kingston, April 24, 1871. Iuuuuu 19 us): pnsvloul (0 H15! ante. ' JOHN CRAIG, Clerk. Portsmouth, 6?!) A251], 1871. CLARK WRIGHT, iTR'l` `DDVIDI D Arm-nun . up. aw--. c()`U'R'r on` REVISION. ...u must xeuonum rerun. V > _ _ . TEOILQIUIAIOI, Kmguton Painhop-and Boa Pupcnopdl, (loner and at Iago: Gtnltl. Kinnnmm Andl,l7. `: -- '24 f V ` -vv nzwu u|_q., ug uiu ll: ll.IU I70|lI}ICl)__0[ he publication omen, Prineau shoot print to Ann. ' ' . UDJBIIIX Kio.uo.,.g,gu .11. JOW ON HAND, the Neweat, Chedput sud Bel: Selected Stock of Room,Pnpeu porlod I010 Ht: 4' fh Intact Duinnn Cheapest House In Kingston. F. 3. REESS, Tuqms M'MAuon's. Water Works Notice. 15 h sti e eountemgit lbliontinn nm- Prinnnnn Ah-ant nlinn At Manufacturer : Prices. Id examine before purchasing else- Um no, HAMS AND BACON, &o., kc. 3 MONEY. Ann nay: . INDEX AT F. S. B.EES S, 157 Princess Street. shin of the Institution .._u v nu, LEIONS, And GRA PBS. and Ornnmented in u 4'1` `IQ unutlulilitt, Street. 1'. WILSON, me: K.W.W_ on . u-un\aIlII| van: IIII owl [HUI I0 ll -we on gnu-nus to pm-ohuen tho T AFl1l'.\Durl1 txrantv-r van. __--.......,- u; ;. any any LVIIJ W 1501.] Pretty Drona Good: from `(M per yard. Nveu shades in Luau-on from 10.1. Kid Gloves, beautiful colon, chap. Ooruu from ll 64! p Ladies Cotton Hose from 5d per pair. Fine Tweed: for Summer W Cue Hon-aches Oottons. 5 Bale: Kenn Grew nnmm. ...u....n.a --.. Grand DISPLAY or New spring . mrnn, `. London` Warehouse, Ferguson s Buildings. ,-._-- ,..... -'vvv --... names` uouen Hose from 54! Tweed: wear from 20 per yard. Belu Eeevy Grey Oonona, Iplrndid nlue. Reel Hoyle : Pr at 716 per yard. White and Coloured Brillienu, cheep. end_nn endless assortment of 1 bone, Laces, Velvete, Fringee, Trinnlege, Buttone, Pu-uoll, Luce Gnu-nine, to. ' 8PEOIAL.-1 One Celebrated OB.Ul'8 PMNTS, Beeutiml Pltterne. OALL AND EX AHINR OUR STOCK. ` Kingeton, April 19, 1371. P` 71 Pa Iuon 1871. IFSLIVUI unnua UUUUS. \ warm um oonounnn nus-rEI8.>:"' BLACK LUSTRES, Superior Qunlity. - nmox 00300368` AND PAn.inn'r'I`,Aa. uuuinn VELVETS, AND vnnvn-runs \ - ` D? A II? A an any no:-sun. nu- -_ wunnpaoov TWEED8, Very Cheap. FANT POPLINS, JAPANESE SILKS. I109] _ -- ....u.., on; annual DLLAD. HOSIERY AND GLOVEi' 1 GREY AND WHITE COTTONS. `IIDll|I Ial\ - -nnnv-` I HEY have Ilnnnln nl . -um uuve now on nnnd the BEST ASORTED STOCK O!` CLOTHING nvorolend to the 1 people of Kingston, no the Olothing is manufactured on the promise: nndertho careful Oupecll- ` tendenoo ofono of .'l'HlI BEST OUTPERS tho Dominion can produoo, they can oouonglf guarantee I t-It-clue article. . Their STOCK OF SPRING HATS in now complete. The Rln nf fl'n:r:nu Qd-run], 5.1` I`... l`|`.V.. VVLIJI1 BI I ll! of May. BEsT730AL OIL INTHEA 39- LEAVE YoUn;oann.s nun. latch. 22, 1371. ` BUILDING LOTS * AND HOUSFB . V - Ivvv Ian -uv -1-; , I-nuuul IIIII IIIIIDIL A110 Lou 331. 332, 383 And 834 on Bydon bun nd Queen Streets, with n: olul Brick nnd tone Eoulu, tumble for Prlnlo Ral- denc_e|. and occupying n_ control puitioo. Alla lnn pll -Inn: Rnlhllnp I..A. ._ I:-_-. ..-......, -.._ -....-y, Iv. - uvuinnl ft-IIIUII. ciao no em olul Building Louon Bcgot Street. Kingston, ?","` Ell nulucriber bu for ale 5 number o( eligible Building Lot: on Oollingvood. ` Ihodonuld, Scott, Dundu, Path and Union Streets`, In this city, which will to Iqld on ma. uonablo term: to close up a'1'ruu luau. - Ilnnv nf thong Inc. nnnnnn--1] - A_u..n.;1;| Also An Excellent Dunn in the Township of Gnmden containing about 260 acres, with Stone Planing Mill and Fauna Saw Hill. Then In In excellent Stone Dwelling Honu on the property, with every convenience. Bum. Drivinz Hanan. -vuu-nu run: my unvvv up I JKIIII IIIIII. Ihny of (hue lot: command I dollglnlu-1| View of the buy, mud: and harbour.` `Inn [non gal and 099 ._J on. -_ a_;-, Jnniarlilt man any @011: GREAT mbli:-. will nln. nan. excellent atone Dwelling Homo convenience, Bum, Driving Bonn, ic. This property in well `worth the attention ` of nurchuen. ` .`.`oIi `!: Qnunre, cc `nun pro` I aurchuorn. ll`.-._. -- .- .1. I.--.v--pun-o `rerun euy. No cub pnylunl required down for the vacant Iota if 1 suitable home be cracked during thuouon. Apply to ~ 1 Allan an A aunt Refer to End Bill for Price Lin. u.- u. urrsu nu xonovoa his surgery from William Straps to King Buoot, second door toward: the lotto: Bqnon from the Ila:-chum ' and outdoor to Oun- ningI:un'I sewing nu factory. as- reoidonoill .u hcntololo, count of Iillhm ' ll!` wnlnbfnm Kiwis`-' rupluolwo II .II J Ind Wellington 8 Jun. 14. March 28th, 1871. _-_v .-JI.~lIlrI.l\/J`) Ill Inllcll DLUUL WP}; BE SOLD A1` STILL GREATER BEDUOTIONB, and null be cloud It 0 my. , ' ~ 3` Call and see the 310 New Dominion Suit, ~ . Al HAIHAITIIIIOIQD '-L tun- --: 8 we have importpd an extra mg.` L GAINS THAN EVER. The pub-';:i'u I` stand: hnfnrn nnu-nlu-ah... -l...._L_-__ IEW CANADIAN AND ENGLISH TWEEDS, T` mung ~ HIV Q, April 14. SHIPEARPENTERS -g.'n. nj;: ` men uxvun UH` all-`RING HATS The Balance of their Stock bf Dry: WILL BEDUDTION8. null he alumna! mat. U'I'IU xewburgb, `April 2521 IIEDI-ATILY A ms nws'1mon' Fnnndrv. - it 6;: )3 0. YATI8 bu nnovod his surgery Willhm Stuck In Kin: Sunni. -u;4 v v ..4..n.L|:.|.I;.L V J.'1..l.JL)c STAPLEX AND"lf`ANCY DRY GOODS. Far nae an no non, wo 31-oxmt muox 0O'l"l'AGl,*No. 1: Eu! Btu. But 85 pp: nun. Apply to FELIX guru at Oluuhun, v IIEHOVAI. 6| IIIBGEIY. IMDI` FOR s AMIQE. ackages of Staple and Fandy Dry Goods ; _00Il15'.l'Il 0!` `I'll cu Lon or)surEnI%%o|EcEnAL m RECEIVED 'I`O-DAY ' `J ` I , ___.___ ...-_vJ --'- V` `I'll Newest and Host Fashionable Novelties of the Season. L__. s_,,, , HAVE JUST nncmvnn .;1un`om-ml-zn OUT ----:-_-p--- ugw mad the 31:31` ox'.o1-nuts owoqnz-Q4 I Knppglgg, the uranium nm-In n m..5.n a.....n._ VALUABLE \lQLC_Q-v :13` I 0.. ugnn -a- n VUR URLIE McNAU(IiT01j3 CO S. B'l'IOK.NI.Y I PIIVGLI; D! 25, nun mi an-IO`! F. X. COUSINEAII 3; co; `L `l\ TH - xvtwtr '\'-sic A. Spring Importatiods. AT SHIELSL J `AXES SHANNON. Wanted -- we-up-Q-IIa.LI~I.7l\ 'I:E'AV YOUR. ORDERS A -I-1-4-'---......~.. __ A I 'sunnr1izcg. 1-ownnnmas, nnu: Lmnxs. All at very low `prion. ' `lA-Im -nnn ch uncut ouxnas up BROAD 01.01-ns.`,-`Ti _ egp_ r . use? unless GOODS. \ wm-ma Ann nnnnnnun rnanu-inn Neil` " `JJ IV .L'JkJl..l. I11 1.l.3JL|aL`L?g' Luu-an from 1:. Black Lutt'u_ I019. 1: an an nah-, 1 mn v.1... ..r - :k, we no prepued and will give GREATER Big ; Will nd it I0 IO?! ndvnntnira tn BA And flli an nun, At HQNAIIGIITOI t 008. : done: of King Prlnoou rsurr um orsnn nnror. -IAIOIIOE BUXLDII ILBKI? UABI" oils; Blunt. an M RIOIIVID THIS DAY, ~ _ I, ` xoo Bout Flnglepiim `Outpu- 60 0IIIVl1iI!th Otllll-. - \ ` 29 Bonn Ioldna Lemon. V 500 Cocoa Nuts. ` Contact Water. , Tobouoid wholesale and Bean.` - Kinntoh, Apuus, 1371. rnovmom. msuuucn . (FIRE AND nunnmx nave none: opportunity , `' F. X. COUSINl!AUHfnO_l(;),_l _ ' Orange In dings. _ BLACK Ann oonouazn slurs. nous: Ain LAuns 16 Let. % lull:-`day next, the Property ; -__ 4 IIOIIII ohagatuuu u . dllcuod,o Tendon cocln chi Inn potxnnnuna , with or V without tuxugtobo forth! Idlo haondunod The on `us ........u, mg`: no `hidnnoc . "" V! ILIUIOI hinb-[tog-nude. aw lanai , THE 330? AND DWILLIIG HOUSI ac. oIpiod bylrfhonn Drive, olrqh aunn.d Bohnun and I.m........ m...`.-...` . :1 .I.Ipi0d byuxnmu on otlucmuleionouondillin lgoou.` Apply 0 3` `Jam . uv I ILIUIIIII IIIKIUDCIHLE-llUZ_I'Il I ` (FIRE AND UABINU.) ` V MAXWELL W. BTRAIGI,` AGIIT. mf)PlIOI`-0luonen 8!:-cot, oppodh PQII` ,_ . inw onmens, xnw Llmbxn And 0000; Ntrrs. L A III vs pun.`---.---_. cirmoy PRINTS, AND nmnxgxt SEALED TENDERS 711.1. uiaavea .2 can any clock? ones" ` until . A'i"R. Tovs7N s, JIIIEIC IIIDIII II. DIICK hull!` 64! per pair. 1,000 Pain Vol`: mar yard. I Idid Prints l_nn naorunont B.ib- ~ am Cnninn, ho 0 JAKE! British Wu-oho_uTsa. -vwl us no acumen mourn onndmhicla no thatch. 3.1:! 1871; '_;1n the House of_Com` _ m _\'iecouut. Entie!d, In re- pg; afncefi the lumen of Ihe I` gognieeiou. stated that no can ?d b..n eigned. At Ina eeme W gpecify whet poxnle um guudy ndj usted. |0DN of e circular eddreeeed lo `,1 the Ministry, announcing intended I0 oppose the 1 utendnnce of mem. ennounced that the .,i. 1 tax on nntchee, end N undue on legncloe end sun. `'14 be withdrevfn to reconcile -- mug. rememmg recommen- d ., Naps; end that an addition wage pound to the xncome tax umnted. ":|dupexeb to the Telegraph says ' haveprdered the arrest of the nch of 8!. Denna. The cause `on in fur: Ieey have been dis- ud fort. hloutrouge is an utter ll-Z.-\SON. lb! 5.35 General Cu-nackon and mind an Dioppe. where General lanes, is expected. .;|27,-'l`he_seulhcrn inns an- . Verxmllee prvjectilcs fall ngpans of {he city. A great have been killed and wounded. announces In a circular that .;ions cnmmcnced yesterday. [gym Ind Isl] were red oh, and 1: tht the latter will soon be under of the German force in I .Ap:il `27.---The Nru-s spccisl lgillcs says 3 force of six thousand 3.35. Vermullrs umy baa execut- igponant duiies north of Purin. `on of the insurgents of Paris is hgood. The insurgent battery nn his been removed. 'l`h:~rr ghting at Asnieres yesterday. `in forces made an ailcinpt to `dga over the bciue to Chchy, muccessful. ' April 96, miduight.-- The dcclnrm Prince Bismarck [i.)*.\!. the northern romin in the hands of the Gur- piugmt satisfaction to the Cum- Lpri137-Tbe Kraut: Zoitung of `nee: (hut Prince Bismarck has Gen. Fnbrico to represent to Oonnune lhut, in case of .1113- (Le `Archbisllop 0! Paris, the `Km probably intern :-re in tha- m city In {Hour of ab Vursaill.-9 I It St. Denis are becoming udtlne loyal Nal.ionaL_Gumda bcen organized. ' Sonuzhef of the War Ofce, bunch Versailles, but was ur- IIII outposts. Dr. Dubois ad~ hllplsin Hm. Srguiu wig I nta Qilg the positions 0! the ad_ id be Ill arrested 1130, but uya the correspondent 0: th ha In: been nrrented. an while the Prussian: bold hnonhern railway will remain mypeovisions to the city. his morning heavy musketry _Inn`l in the direction of Ban I`! this muck the Eu fan: Perdun hvily. The gunlvont Fancy Ina returned to die Pont do In I In this nltemdon with di- Ighiing ct Bu Meudon con- April 28.-In the Home 0! light, It Disraeli, notwxtlr Hhluion made by the gov- tlnunqnring stuck on the M In. . f..II _A._,1, , -` |uI1-nl 755325. V - ---r---as IIIUCUE Ill-I IIIC lm wu 3 full nttendnnce of Home was crowded with ` Orin of Int evening nlleges of Toulouse have risen in II! that nanny ol the street: llnrricsdes. Tdngraph of today hu 9 ru- Vacum... .-.__ -H- - _ I 33.-'l'he Veruillists yes- , tho Connndnisu from an `ion in the villnge of Les E III occupied it in consider: Inliiiy` mm , ,,~,.. .. I\l\lC us: a tu- htuilleu army has taken lath :2 Fort 1333', than the {on are entirely destroyed, B I branch in the wall! .t gun. ;.-I I ouul across the Isthmus MI been found. _ il 22.-Sr. May : river 1: Id nvignion to Lake Super- n It 5,60 ; extra sold ; nd ne at 5,00 to In shnnco of bnaineu; 2 western what. Prowl, ,5; 19,00 uked for .- Gold 111. Ex- Couon. 15ic. Flour dull, _ _. tempts 7,000 bcrrelu; '.""eInnchAn;ed. Rye our -"9 Iludy ; receipts 27,- " 1.4`! to 1,4! for new `N; 1,45 {o '5'}! M and mu... nu. -v-- w MI I `i for do 12:} de- "'`:nM Amber want- no sud Auhudo 1 31. .. . uooipu 21.000 basal `fa: n as to 680 for h [ . Bw r. Iv c. 27 __1., me of Com` 'v:-_.,.....c Rneld. in re- D OOIIEROIAL. III n --v-r vv-IISISUIAD. ".33. ll:30LIn.-ConIoln 931. `01; '65. old, 90}; a7 92:. [H 18. l|:3Q uni - Cotton 'U|dIncy. Uplnndl `lid. Or- 95,000 bales; American '----___j_ K.l REss DESPATCHES. him 'l'|., I Y -. [.J{g'oe. ;...| Ptinoo Foreign linllter of The movement in ronl been going on for some has extended to Ottawa. There in the Dominion which given remiee of more rlpid ednncement then i. 0 capital. Sevenl bank buildings ore in process 0! connrnction, now churches are to be built end buildings for commerciel purposes, us well uprinte reeidencee ere,upringiIig np in nil part: of the city. There is one young Inn who bu not Ion him in the worl_d, though, to hennre, he in in imminent danger oi doing I0. He live: in windhgg VL RI: fllhgv hr L--J -A-`- W ` ....u . on young Innn who has Windham, Vt. Eh tumor by hard work and much frngnlity uqnirod n vnlunblo fu-n,nnd, dying, Ion it to thoion. The mm wont to work indnnu-lonnly, and noon Added to the rum: n vary high-priced Inortpge. Who! he want: now is to get rid of the Inongnge, be. cnuoo,bnving read It Greeley : Inn book. he ha cons to the couclunion lhnt nortgngon are not necessary adjuncts to fnrminn nnvhnu. um .. -- nun w |llU uuuclullol mu tnortgegee neoeeeery edjuncte female; enyhow, end he feere that this one will beoonie troublesome lu time. So he propeeee e releing hee-thet ls, thet the benevolent get tqgether and help him to robe the mortgege, end entong other inetructlone ie one to the effect that Iume un- der fty dollere will not be received. The plea is en excellent one if It works, end we mention it here on e mild euggeetion to other young men who heve iledvettently got themselves into pecuniary diiculty.-Auwr:`can paper. - I couvmnmnr sum. nn'rioHnu A noueacasr HOUSE (nearly now); good cellar, with well and tank; also Garden attached. Terms easy. Inquire of ASHOP, Collar and Show Room, known uW- C. Hnveu & 00`: Exchange, Iuonic Build- ings, Inrket Squre, King Street, Kingston. Inquire of R. Town, on the premises. April 28. AGENTLEKAN OF QUIET HABITS I bond in In privue family. A: Board, Box 4, P0. April 28. CITY BOQ_K s'ron _ Day Books, Journals, Ledgers, Cash Books, Letter Books, and AND SPOVI TTLI8, `P/OSTAGE STAMPS. BL.{k`{K._E9_QKS| FRESH ORDITJES ARRIv1NG| PRINTING AN-13-}-3OOKB[NDING IN ALL BRANUHE sT0CK6ii""B00Ks| n IIV nnnnnnnnnnnn nu u:.:.o|-nun, NEAR -"I:"}`I-EA MARKET. Tlos. Henley i 00. Kingston, April 27, 1871. ._- -__.____._.___.._.___.__....-_ ___..__ waonnsnli ANDWRBTAIL9 FRUIT s'I`oln=.' gr II. 1|ll'l`ll, oxnato srksnr, h III`!!! I truth: variab- NDBR I power of Sole contained in a. oer- tein Mortgage, mode by the Ontario Gon- oenlrated Tannin Company of Perth, which bears date the 8th day of Ihreh AD. 1870, (and which will be produced on the day of aale.) there will be olered for all by Public Auction at the Factory of the Company Situnte on Lot Number Two in the 3rd oonoeuiotrof Bathuret, Lanark County, Ontario, on Saturday the twen- ty-ointh day of April inn. st I2 o'clock noon. the Berk [Rectory of the Ootnpnuy with the xed Ineehinery therein and the other real Estate of the Company comprieod in this mortgage. With the Berk lnetery there in about Eighteen Acres of Land on which are two Frame Dwelling Hbueeq, one heretofore need as e boarding house for the men employed, the other an the reeldence of the Integer of the Factory. The Factory in 184 x 40, there is in it e 40 h.p. Engine -and e 60 h.p. Boiler with iron and copper pone, to. te., Alnn about 1.750 acrea or wild lend chiev .1`, or` nvnav i)ES`0RIPTION, OUR OWN MANUFACTURE, ptoiplly cl. lcUBIl.. Botwoon tho Anglo-Ame:-ionn Hotel I d Bu- uen Bonus. iron and pone, I0. 50., Also about 1,750 octet of chiey within a few miles of the Factory which was pnrchued by the Oonpany tor the emlock on it. AIIO there will be obrod for Sale at the same time, and place under the power of Sale in a Chanel Korlgage oxecutod by the (Ion:-_ any at the some llne as `the above, all the unlock Berk on the ground belonging to the Oompany,eelimaled at about 2,500 cards, (a portion of thin ha: been damaged). Alao the lloveeble Iacbinery and other Ohamle oom- prieed in the Iortgage in and about lhe Factory. The Chanel: will be pin up at an upset prioo of $3,500. ' The: above nrnnnr-Iv in aitnah An lha Rank] NDVV , . The above property in nitute on the Bank! of Myer : Lake about 10 mile! from the Town of Perth from which tovnrdl it I Innoadunized road run: for the distance of threq nilu. The Building: no nouly now having been orocted in 1868 and in 1869. ~ In... |(......-.. -in An" ..m-.....o --..:..... |.:- In 1555 HUG Ill IUBU. The lortgngee will only covonnnt against his own nets. All searches kc. to be name at the expense of the Purehuor. Ililll ('1' RAID -uv-. _.__..- Kingston, April 27, 1871. cgycuuw vn u--. . ---...... TIRX3 OF BALI. A deposit of $500 will ho required at the time of Sale, bnlueb to be paid two week: then-from without {Mann when the puchuer ouibolo into puuabn. Iurtbqr conditions oijhl of 8:10. For further pullolhn lptly lozl IOIIIBU RAD- IIEURST Sollcltou, Ponh,or b hb Auction- nnn Pauli -I IIUZT uthnh. BILL S:[`AMPS MORTGAOE SALE. '|l`l'\FD - In\-AD nf Hal: 4-nnoginntl in n An Icu . I BYIIII 1 Inquire of |)TH5~`