2nd-Gompotiton must raport at the Range at 8 o'clock AM. of the 27th, in the authoriz- ed full or nndrus uniform of their respective corps, with the regulation bait and pouch, nnd must be provided with certicates from their commsnding oicen that they are eiciem. Volunteers, and have in possession suicient ammunition for the match. S'l`- l`be Competition shall be conducted under Ibo sole direction of Major Phillip, Brigade Major. Preliminar):E0111petition At Kingston, 27th and 28th of April, 1871. HE cloling Convocation of the gluion will into place in Convocation Hall, on Tlanrldny next, April 27, at 3 pm). The pub. lie on invited. Gndnnten being ox- undonu are particularly xeqnuied to nuend in Academic Ooctnme, And lo meet in the Senate Chamber, :1 2:45. By order. ` J. R, MOWA1` LL persons are cautioned in approach- ing Hamiltnn s Cove. or Dead Mun a Bay; and persons owning Cattle arc herr- by cautioned to kc:-p their Cattle off tha- Runges, as the Department of Militia and Detence will not be responsible lot any ao- cident that may occur. Bvnrdnr, WINIBLEDON TEAM (.'0NII E- 'l`l'I`l0N. |TARGET PRACTICE TENNIS BALLS, RUBBER BALLS, BARRIEFIELD, Tneadny. April 25. .......... um. . nut`! quunuty 0! mingle wood. The Era in Iuppoood to have originated from sports out of Ibo fa noel of tho Ileana mg Nile. Lou about 86,000. No insurance. Dgnhgp DA:-.0 A..-:| an. un- "fl Kingston, April 25, 1871. Vveqlnesday, Iho 26th Instant. L Luau Ill!!! By order. WrnnAm: % " "G. 1u>31L $25. Rie Ra.ngcs, QIIEEIW nunvmtsn. CAUTION. WILL COMMENCE -. --...yvuuuu. J. w. A. SKINNER, Lieutenant-Colonel, Captain of the Team. April, 1871. W. P. PH I LLI PS, l`... Ien-ickville, April 24.-A moat destructive re took place here yeeletdey eernodn, com, pleuly destroying the shingle mill of R. Gout, together with I lu-ge quantity of shingle re Iuppoeed orilrinnud rm... f the targets, bull : eyes and E 200 yards targets 6 feet by M 8 inches square, centre 2 I1 600 nrds_ mm. R rm.- AT THE .,-_..... u-I-a uv, uculre `O0 ynrds, targets 8 feet feel squire, centre 4 feet [0 count 4. lmnlraa -v-A 3, Complete, MOI . J. B. MOWAT, `D-..-|.. 1 unuunra, Majwr, Brigade: Major. I71, -av vl nuu IUD 1 any position. seven rouuda each day, nad shots at each v, scan: `A let`! centres, and AND ` The runner Alice arrived at noon todny (mm Otuwn, being her tint trig of the seq.on_ she left again this nernoon. uvvnl, Registrar. sxuuusnfs nnussrons MOSS FARINE Ap.i1 21. Four, live 1 makes, all mm Macnee New Blark Vict srla Corals New Black Wool Popllns {New Black PM-amauas-Yarn-u iv - _._-..-_ -..~. cw. u ncn, pain vllllplfd I] learn W. Power 3 Go : shipyard, wu launch- ed thin afternoon. She is I very pretty craft and nuke: a fine appearance upon tho Inter. Her length is 86 feet, boom 12 feet, And dopth of hold, 9 feet. She was built for Juneu Hen- derson & 00., Montreal. April 21- BLACKS, . DRABS, G1` 46 Macnce Q` Waddell s, `TO I BOUT twenty good Ship Carpenters can A nd good wages and steady employment by calling at the Pol-(Robinson Ship Yard, er applying to M RIMPRDN THE GREAT SALE L0F'B1T\1 PUDDINGS, BIISTABDS, "S1-'I_IP L CA1{P WANTED. __ A lunar from Sir John Hnodould is pub- lished in Otuwn, luring (In! animals Import- od from Oundn into tho United Sum for brooding purpoooa will be admitted free. - - ____-_,. STICKNEY & PRINGLE. Newburgh, April 25. M. Duuroun, St. Cntharines. St. Cznbnrinen, April22, 1871. Uloulder Wanted MMEDIATELY AT THE NEWBURGH Foundrv. KID GLOVES j` No Goods will be sold except for READY CASH. iKngston, April 18, I871. DOZEN ROUILLON'S JOSEPHINE KID QLOVES, LAVENDER, PINK, AND ALL SIZES FROM 53 lo 8. EM l`4UlA IVE Foundry. DOZEN JOUVIN S KID GLOVES. Tu Wnlll-Ibo ! Burn In-0a.-`l'he Atten- tion of that intoreuod in mild to the raga- luiono that Inn been issued by Colonel skin. `not in regud (6 the Osnndinn team .1 the rie content at Wimbledon. PER PXCKAGE, DOZEN TWO-BUTTUNED KID GLOVES. THIS DAY NEW SHADES Eve and six-quarter GRAPES, best L much under the usual px-`cu, PRINC ESS STREET. BROWNS, GREENQ BLUES, AND ALL THE RECEIVED ` * Iintru 0onnRnlon.-It ie ennonneed that ell the Deputy Adjutente Generel of the Do- minion have been eunmonog to Ottewe for the purpose of holding e oonfirenoe upon militery rnettere, prominent emong which will be the re- cruitment, cm, of the permenent Gerrieon Ar. Itillery Batteries ebont to be for sex-pioe at St. Helen e, "Toronto, Kingeton, end poeeibly Quebec. The conference will teke pleee on the 24th inet., endin the neentitne nothing will be done ee regards the diepoeel, etc, of the preeent depot rie colnpenlee etetioned et St. Helen : end Kingston, the men of which will beve the`option in nny:.Vent of enlieting In the gerrieon betteriee for pennenent eer- BUFF, FOR NEW matlas-Yarn-died Warp Henrietta M. S] MPSON, St. Cnthnrir V'addell s, VIOLETS, uUI\.lV.lDI1llVl1*11't7i`JlJ5 TU DI`; Ul'1`lf4lI\l'{lJ, I-V. -l'[l_%`lVIlQlI`l1 ,Il_|J|.I]:4l\]'Jyt'A;u'f .'.i`i'i3 4 ` CL 0 *1'HIJwl;*" F 01: THE MIL READY-MJADEZAAND TO MEASURE. ~~--- .I.a ____ _. r..- ntl A'l'\V n `on .> K McDONE_L. S, Neiv D I Township ofPmabnr April 21, 1971. =-1 LAuno|.-'l`bo tug Wren, jun 4 lnnnn W Pn--- 1 nm. .I.:_-__.: Pain ting, done to 0rd: PLAIN A LARGE Wnnl Kingston, ` RANGES LBION8 nla at `wholesale pr'i OOOOANUTS cu. HAS this year : 1` be sold at 15 city before. ____._.___:_ Sxnun Runuos.--We invite attention to the ruling st Ibo City 8:11 tonighgndvortiud in puollnr column. A very pkunnt evening infptieipnted. gr F. D. Onnninglnm, B cele- bnpd but ringer, from Ihnchouor, Englnnd, bukyvolumeered and will sing this waning. 5 '1 _this `HE aubscriber begs to state lb TEAS us all froah, "full lq importation from m-` April 20. . s e- . [THIS is one of the molt pnletulil and highly nutrition: erllelel ever yet offered to the public. For P Cakes, Puddings, Tarts, &c., it when no eqe el* -II will edd much to the nvoor of Berrlee end Sliced Peaches, when sprinkled over them." One trial will prove its norm. for a dessert , April 26. PATENT DESSICATED C000ANUl'. FOB PIIIIDINBS, BIKES &. PIES. April 19. wu., 595,194.11. Total $6,635.40. The Goods, with Inventory, on be lean on application to B. O. Voigt, Esq, Tenders will be received up to the 29th inuant, the highest or any of which will not neoeucrily be accept- ed. ENDERS will be rotaoivodfor the put-ehue of the whole Stock in Trade of the above pun ed, with privilege of renting the Premiau, moat advantageously oltunwd in the Marble Block, Princeu nu-eat, Kingston. The clock is in goo! order, nnd well nuortod, ufollowl : - - Hosiery, $244.67, Gloves, $288.05, Ribbons. $419.08. Tweed and other Cloths. $620.15, Dress Goods, $1,351.75. Staple Goods, $1,574.53, Smallwax-es, Shop Furniture, &c., $2,187.17. I`nh.I Cl`. 110: AA `inning, Gaining, 1 n order. -2-:->------ Tn Gnun lu1'n..-We understand that I talogrun bu been received from 1. A. Steven- son. 3141., the loot Worlhipful Gund Iluter, intilnuing thst be will vim Kingtlon on Thursday for the purpou of uttonding the Huonic Oonoon, n which he will be called upon to preside. ' `III IT XVI AWTHQRN -UOWFKGI; |'djoining', the roaidanco of Professor Ferguson. Four- teen ncm And A half 0!` Iadd. Good (in. mental Cottage, outbuiuingu-, mondovu, gngden, orclux-d,and every requisite. , Pouusionop In May. ' ' Annlr In `V In the matter of W. KING, of Kingston, an Inlolvenl. Aprl9 350 Hall Chests of NEW TEAS. OPENS" Brockville, A pril 20, April 21. DRY (goons; I3`! I'X`Yt`If l`f\\Y Bankrupt Stock v-I171: an Inn IIDIIDIIOI favournhiy nuponded to. ` v. "1 Satin; lod Am Gold: 23 - In-bled 6d. Onk Ed Scenery 5d Bar-Room 5d In vm. nolusmrs ROOM DAI--- 0VER 99.000 ROLL8 ARRIVING, IN K1NGsroN, FOR SALE BY TENDER. lnsolventizt or 1809; In, April 20, 1371. ___________ _.... ...u -u nun, full u at importation from Obim L prices never known so I fore. SCHEPP S Whiskey I Whiskey I --:--4-?--- Baum or `I`eu>e.-Here ie en item of intorelt to the members of our Boerd of Trede :-A meeting of the Executive Council of the Uuiled Stetee Netioeel Baerd of Trede in to be held et . Boeton, ebont the nth of June, end en invite- lion hee been extended to the Council of the Dominion Board of Trede to be repreeented on the occeeion. in order to interohenge ideas on intereete mntnelly eecting the bueieeu men of Oenede end the Stetee. A epeciel meeting of the Dominion Boerd of Trede will be held et Kingeton on Key 3rd, when the enggeation re- ferred to will doebtleee he ooneidered end fevournhiv linnnndnd m " Apply to V Tile 4 7.4. ruzrnnn :nni nr`rh`-in 4::-:_ DUNCAN:`hK1cFARLANE, Anaicrnnn [Andi only Genuline. D ` W. BROPHY, Earl Street, ; - A-gonlt. - at HIE , Gluing and Fruooeiug .___:- Poucl Conn. TUuoAv.-"`bore one prisoner to be dispoud of thin mo Iv..- -L-__.A --`-I ` Wanted. I to z . BTBAORAN, Eco. and Tr I upwards. M . 0,1371. R. HGRAI O 00., Agenul. '3. llclull 8 co. THREE CENTS . ROBINSON. ....~ ,....mm to no mspoua or thin morming-a boy,-ohm-god with street lounging, who was chutionod and discharged y nun Inc IDOVO nvErured, nnd Dbin . \nd_ will . low in this .tl.uLI.1 la, Assxguee. `S, for GURU B3110 G. W BRUSHES. SORULBING. 1 - BRUSH I . HI ._----until: Jusg REOBIVEDA more Asson'rnn\ 0 ......., -unvuu tux evening. The schooner Clyde, with 6,000 bushels Vwhent, end the schooner Richardson, with 8.000 bushel: of wheat, from Port Delhonlie, arrived lnat night. Three her-gel, with n united amount of 38,000 bneholn of when and corn, will leave for Non. tree! tonight. Garden Island, April 25.-Vcuels arrived since yeeterdey :-Schooner St. Andrew, Tole. do, timber ; H. P4 Hurrny, Toledo, stoves - brig 1 Lefnyotte Cook, Toledo, timber. Deperturu today :--Schoonere Bey Queen, light ; Pioneer. do. ; hnrque Onmbrie, do. ; Ichooner St. An- drew, do. LANDPLASTER. ' CANADA FREEH GROUND. 909 I-;a-rrela [ AT 1-`. s. REES S. [ _._._ For whiohkiu 2.5..` voell Talon! in (ha Proutlul hie All llgaopn of 41.4 `Inva`tvrun;entsl n prolniaed. g ..- whiolfth in oh. n....=:. l0n Kingston, April 21, I N 311. .I` ` I u'rac_nudt dir Tan nos? wnsiurxgvlg --an camp us-ma. Parlour and Coil Grates ' (New nnd Neat Designs). -ma -5 Ian)! 7 Soap Stone Grlddles. Enamelled Ware. Jdpanngd `Ware l:-Ouh. h----- -- - ` Rollo, Ac0NcER FLOOR `OIL CEOTHS. .. s Soentnpg KinI'toII,cApI-i117, I071, |UlUu Ticket: 15 reoltl cad: New Spring Dry Goodsj NOVELTIES 0`:-* THE SEASON} , Cathedral, and Bundmuter P Ries, is prepared to give lesson: 55".; Organ, Piano, and Vloiin at the nuidenggof the lnpli)lEan%lii-s_o3n. . I t`: .;; R S! N neen Street on d Sydenhun Btreet. . ' ` 0 SDI A ITOIIG IIVITIIIII-\ u 1. n..u-nun, urguuuu or 5:. gm; . W o_ AT R0 3,3 _ _-- . .54.` Llvnnroonfrmc . r IN BAG Kingston, Isrc to, 1971. --z V_ ___ __,,-.,., vuuuvll on wuell. AI Swift 8 Co : wharf-The of London, of the North Shore '. Lin, Il'| iV0d this morning from route to Iontrul. She dilcbcr, barrel: of our, having on boat 100 barrel: of our nd 9,500 Inn and corn. This in the first trip of the City of London, which vi: carding, Luke Huron. In--- I. turn ,- VERY ATTRACTIVE sfooxi: u-ch rn Bmasais, Tapestry, Thnee Ply, to. _.n-nu-AIJU I.:4r1.ll A} BAGS. FAOTOQYK UP] 3` .|.:-n.`.t: . ` vuuu ll GIYII 13,113 M _ L/p ALL. .`_i..;, " .- .THURS_. AY. ,fA% pi1 gm, Ti. -_ R 1. maurrn, orgautu `or 3:, . Onlhndrnl, And Bnnmn-in. D The llllllnery Department `AI .4 - X12 uunun Ur Tux most wg - . ,, psntgn _1us_1_'n.'1_1, - at 53% In more thnn usually complete. vlll onlj wnleon Us cumol under-Int c- _.__-___._.._...V.._.,_`__,______ fugw SHOWING, In ind Ana`1"I`onn.. CARI?ETS,. -.y-.vu- -Puivons 'ru.zino.1 I , OOIPBISIIG ALL fll A LA RGI AND 'on..':-as . : - J. V}.-`NOEL, % Boenhry u1lTres`Iu';er.' 17,1071. -* ` - Much uncertainty is beginning to be felt in politics] circles in regard to the majority of the present administration in the new House of Assembly. Not until the protest- ed election cases are settled can the stand- ing of the House be deni:ely ascertained. Reports are also prevailing of the resignation of Ministers ; and it is asserted that not on- ly_ the Hon Stephen Richards is to retire, but that the Hon Mr Wood, the Treasurer, hes sent in his resignation. These reports are giving rise to the supposition that even greater changes sre possible; while the Re- foruiers srouvly insist that there will be a change of Manistq when the House meets and claim that Mr leckonzie, the leader of the oppositim, will be inee Premier of Ontario. ` mse, Prmcess ' Ill SACKS. .'\Prlneeu Strgat. ALEX; 1 IOONGEIIT I SHIPPING NEWS. MI. E. Hndoruon 3 Co`: whirf-'l`he pro- pgllor America Arrived this morning from Mil- wnukoo with 13,000 bushel: what. The Acorn and Ilonterey will unload qt this w_hu-f. Th barge Pnlcon will loan tonight for Montreal with 13,000 bulholi of wheat. ~ `I -2h L fV-7- -k " " did-lht of am, New 1! Glace Silks. Rani... n' Glover, Apri I _9, -.-._-, ...--c uurvl. Jon 8 Hillnfl whIrf-T Lnlln f..._ n|_:_,( - -AM-I U, r,Loon% imusg 3333? Patna, 'I`ET BI ! _ ` SEE LAST PAGE. f'l'0;ll-hi.` 1-rs--.- .4 % OII oonnnnlonuonl can rooelvo no attention Gfythlng forwarded formaerum: must he town. puled bylho name and nation of the writer: IN` nocoonrlly for publication, but an evidence of an thonticlty It In nlsn requested thu correspondent only one am of the sheet Ofhlpol . e undorlnr lv\ rv-turn reiocled rommuniculxw "W. WI! IJUI-I ' `D.-hula ade ulo * to bother lb M ` -wu inexible. M v, - = onuiled lint Ibo would no of Franc :_'I'hn `at an nu-9 `hbongh the ' _ ilmnlmentof the fort: nor 1&9; Liurpool In disabled, Q TUESDAY EVENING. APRIL 27? , A ` III soup! ` the ilddlliv ` ,.A.-333'-1%-r, irove ` , out IIIE um rw@uiud -.1] I0 Luci: I - Gen. HA4: 1 truce when " ,but Ilntth ha recognized `null! 4` .inm. inhuman nu @333 maug; meaug ......;-c.. ma. `ofbeing/t.l_|e_ hn ` u:: n IIIYUUXII lu- from in -..- .. .....u u wuIrI-'l.'n0 Ichoon from Chicago, with 10,353 bw nrrivod lut evening. P. Iilh nnnn L....L.-I_ A uuu I : qu 813 ' -on A!` Q0 I: lbcnlore, if t -_:j" NUHCI `I'D CDRRBBHINDENTS n ouu--nnu-gun-m nan o-am-. In min In Q-'nnD an 3I"l'iV0d lut `gel, r (ht. -.,.... -u_...-;.--uuru Wlnl only - I Wilh nlreat lnnnnim. -I-- --- I evening, wheat, hnnlngn -:nL on...-. 1 Ivu Aolu, IITIVX I` 6' intortnod into And 240 I Ha propeller City 0 Truuporution I Hilwnukeo on dilcbcrgod here 1,000 hlvimr nn r...-..a 0-- -----V ` -_- .......--..vu ucrv I,UUU aviug board for lonu-ea` r bnaboll of when in Han Sou o.:. ..r .L- _ -_.-u-av. ;4.--The steamship 13th, Arrived II 6- utormodiug And vun ` ..,..vv uunuuu on wllolt of the season akin}. -:_.--_: .- rv- -Thc Ichoonor Lnurn h bulholu of |I-1- IIIL. , - IVOVI - _ r -. -..- -v-uiu wintorod st Kin- was only A--u_.. _ vvnuulllnlll nun xrurniu we, Looking Gluou, tc., AM! the mud uuorunont of Kitchen Um. oils, oonpriningr Cooking Stoves, &c., I quanti- ty of Bedding, Books, 5a.. to. No Relervo. Term, Gui bofom delivery. Sale at 10 o'clock 5.1:. on 11310;? mzxr, zen Int, Oompriuing :-l Pinno (Stodntt), Hnlr and One Sou Obs `I, Couches, Gllll, Plated nd Orockry WA.-0, Pioturen, Black Walnut Bed. studs, Spring and Hnir I511-uses, Buruna, Wuhunnda and Forum Looking of Kilchnn m... J J. LINTON bu roeolnc` . Sell A: the midonoo a lawn, Esq., Johnson Street, a &c., contained therein. nxr lnnrvnnu-9 -....__ _, Kingron, April 25, 1871; Household Furniture, - Anni EU. on April am: inlt., at the residence of the bride : fnthor, Front Rood, Piulbnrgh, by Rev. Prof. lackorru, Ir Henry Buvdon, to lino llinboth Runny. } -,...... IMPROVED Rl'FLE.-Ab0lJl . the last per- son we should suspect of turing his at- tention to an improvement in the construc- tion of ries wouldbe the peaceful, con- tented, home-loving French Canadian Izabe- itant, yet one of that class has achieved a wonderful success as an inventor of an im-v provement over anything yet discovered in the way of breech-loading weapons. It is simplicity itself, much less complicated than the Martini Henry, and, to all ap- pearance, equal to any of rough usage. The ingenious author of this new rie lock is named Duval, a resident of the pariah of Leprairie,.a person in humble circumstan- ces, but with a gift for mechanics. We are told that he not only entirely fashion- ed barrel, stock and lock without the aid of a gunmsker, but constructed the tool he needed for his work. There is a specimen ofthe Duval rie at the ofce of Messrs. Prentice and Macdougall. St. Francois Xavier street.`--Jfemtreal Daily News. - Piano, `I'\I -.....u. u-uwu uunwa uluo, uonaon. Minister Bancroft will, according to the Ger mun papers, lone Berlin the beginning of 0c` tober and spend the winter months in Rome Ind Florence. He in to return to this country next spring. Y..--.- A---- `'`r --.J -.n- -u Avu.Vc The Emperor Nnpoloon And the Prince Im- ial have been nude hononry mambo:-I of the Junior United sum Club, London. Illnhonu n...._.:. _nI ,, V -- .----lvu\ new vnrv-I-vi. Wilfrid de Fonvielle, who wee eenteneed to deed: by the Centre] Committee, but uede hie eecepe, hne written I letter full of reveletlone to the London Times. According to him General Endee, the eomuender of the lnenrgenl Ne. tionel Guard. vie eenteneed to deeth e ehon time before the republic for having been in ee- cret eon-ununicetion with the Pruuien govern. ment. Jules Veles, one of the loud-mouthed leedcre of the Comlnnne, eeye H. Fonvielle, in paid out of the imperial treeeury in order to ex- eggernte the repnblieen doetrinee. Several others are nae: ofe einaller stump.- Belrmu-at tho inane-Inne 0..----` n v, . . - -._~.- -.v --- v- -u wanna: ulnllly. Bergeret, the ineurlent "genenl," is stated to be a printer, and perfectly destitute of mili- tary knowledge. Th. En"...-..- L1.._-I--_ -- g .. - . - . -vv ~--aux-1-en..:_I_ Dr. Dollinger bu received large numbers of eddreeeee from ell pnrte of Germeny of encou- ragement end epprovel of his refueel lo acknow- ledge (be infellibility of the Pope. The etndenle of the Univerelty have been forbidden to ettend the Profeeeor e lectnree An Um-emontene de- monuretlone egeinn Dr. Dollinger end the gov- ernment ere expected. TIIIJJ J- Il___:-|I, in , um commlnuerl or army corp: will receive smaller appropriation: from the Emperphypri. vne exchequ::.._ n. n..n:.....- s.-- ----:_-x - ____ .u. -.umu5 - mnrrlvu WDIIIIB. Letter: for Park are sent now to ` pom reatante, and are delivered there t who ask for them. rnL, r\_,.. . -_ . .... --_ nu auvul. Tbe Imperial court of Rania has assumed mourning for two weeks on account of the death of Prince George of Oldenburg. Prince Bismarck ia to receive a parliamentary grant of l,000,000 thalera in recognition of his aenlce to the country. Generals loltke, Goeben, Werder and Franseckl will receive gran. of 300,000 and 500,000 tbalers each. The commandera of appropriation: tbs Emnma. ..-: At Hnnley, England, I young ned for kissing a mnniod womm. `.500:-3 on D--h --- -- - ' ,........,... .,....... .. ... ....... Immense oonl beds hue boon discovond in tho north of Greenland by the Gerunn Arctic expedition. Consequently there need be no im. mediate qpptebenlion tint the supply of coal in the world yill be exhausted. m., ..__e,,, ;u,, n . spnozu mLza12.iHs. (Per lacuna! Linc.) FROM MONTREAL. Montreal, Apiil 25.-At the meeting of the west`In'rd election has night, Cnuidy Q` C., declared his platform. He wil avoid party dimension: and go in for me good ol the city, not for tho: of his consti- tuents only when opposed to the genersl weal. He was uplurouuly received. The nnme of William Workman, ox-mayor, you suggested. and Cuaidy himself volunteer. ed to make way for thlt gentlemnn from the Black North, but the proposition was umnimously voted down. 1... Al... I .`....s 117...] Al) 1\._:_1|, u .4 _.-,- .--v uuuvvuuuubu Two persons were arrested at Quebcc yesterday, who are believed to be the con- dence operators concerned in the recent 8800 raid on I wntchmnker of this city. The Zukun, the only republican paper of Berlin, bu been discontinued for run: 9! sub- Icribern. I! ha exlatod for four years, and, as the editor IVOII in his puking nddrcu, never paid in expenses. Berlin has not 1 drop of re- publican blood in In voinl. 1____ _ _ _ _ _ _-I L__I- I._...- I... -- - - vy 1.- uu--||AA\lIJUl V\llvV\l \-IIIVVIIA In the East Ward, Ald. David's election In considered pretty safe, though there will be a strenuous opposion to him. T- Tin (`ans-.. ll- (`_-L__ n :1 (Ju- V . u..guuu1uu VPVUBILIVM I III!- In the Centre, Mr Carter, Q. 0., will real- ly med no canvass, as thegeqniaition pre- unted to him the other day was actually signed by A lsrge majority of the uleotors ol the Division. \ll ...- .,.y uuvu. This hot hes just come to light. In the C,oun_t1_ot Bounce last year, the births ex- ceeded the deaths by 810. In the adjoin- ing County of Dorchester, the mnjority 0! of births over death: wee 422. These two cmntiea ere both small, the united popu- lntion not amounting to 18,000. There in now in Dorcheeter county, a couple of not more than 70 years ofnge who have actual- ly nliye 240 descendants. 'I`-- -------~ ~-r ` ` ` ..... .-v-q suvnvlu. NEXT, I .no, Bedding, Books, Glass Plated, Crockery Ware, Xm Aucribu SALE . MARRIED. received inurnclioua to of the late G. L. non Street. all tho I'm-.m...- ul we ute G. L. 5111 the Furniture, ` . LINTON, Auctioneer. ) Versailles 3 to persons CROQUET IN BOXES, JUST RECEIVED CRICKETING GOODS, LACROSSE STICKS BALLS, -. _- _..v-vvu. llth-Any pod or choc :7'or the heel plate of tho butt, Idmlning of removal, and thereby al- lowing of unntion at pleasure in the length of the stock, nhnll ho disallowed. 13l||-0ompeliton man! not loud until called to the front to about. l3th-Oompetitoru mutt not practice on the rouge on either cf the days of competition. 1- 1;; . nu.-- .-._( 9th-0ompetiton must uu throo grooved long Snider-aeld Eriu, of bona le Gov- ernment pattern, minimum pull of trigger six 1h. (6 lba`.) _,,._..... r-CCUl.Vl- . A number of students hue been Arrested in 3!. Pom-Iburg, chnrgod with huing direct con- , ggguou wish the nd_tepublicuu in Pnnoo. By order: of the Psril Oonunnoo the Pantheon u so lonpt to be dovolod to religion worship, but to Ian II a burying plus. for the great men L dag upublle. GOIOEII Dnnot, who tell in mg n lghtpt vuu--. bu Accordingly bun inland thus. lotb--'l`he aighu must be strictly in accord- nnoo with Government pattern blnckoned, but white, red or o nutter shall not be nllowed. FOOT BALLS, _,,, -- ....~. all an] puuluon. 8th-'I`he met-king when aignellod shell not he queetioned ; but should the range oicor re- eeive reeeomble evidence (hit A shot had struck the tn:-get, end has not in Any way been marked, he` will eignel to the marker to examine the target; the meal: of Inch examination an eignelled ehell be nal. Nocmlmunication Ihnllbe ellowed between the ring point and the target, except with the permission of the range olcer. ,. _. . -_v..~u. 'lth-When ring the positions shell be r-5 follows:-At 200 yards, 01 the shoulder, standing; the elbow may rest against lbe body, provided that the little nger of the ieft hand is in front of the projection in from of the lock plate. At 500 and 600 yards any, position not involving nrtiaial tests; the` elbows must rest on level ground, and the hands, forearm: and arms, from elbow to! shoulder, Inlet be clear of all support; uni- forms to be faetened, end the heel plate oftheI rie to rest spins: the outside of the tunic. :-La:__ -|.-.. _. K ........ n: In usueuea, end the heel Sighting shots may be tired in posit a.L nu_, I Captain Hamilton, 21st } 5tb- l`hs size of eye centres, sbsll be st f: 4 fuel; bnll s eyes cel foot. A: 500 and sqnnre, bull : eyes 2 feetsqusre, square. Bull : eyes to 4, centre: onters 2. 6th-CompoIit.ora will re each at ouch distance twice on will be allowed two sighting distance at Old! pncuce. nu. nu.-- A: ~ 3rd- 1`he forenoon prcolioe will commence at 9 o'clock, and the afternoon practice at 2 o clock on etch day. 4v.h-'1`he1-eahall be three distances, namely, 200, 500 and 800 yards. -.; nu _.- -vvul 'u,vvv. no Inlflll` Father Point, April 24.-T Ouuu, from Kinguowu pa, with 11 osbin, 25 intormod change puoongcn. A --.-L.- .5 -._a__._ . .