IOCO. NEW MUSIC, STEAM GAUGES, M Inuhoturo Prion. Call and tuning hfon pnrehuipg ebo- whore. DAVIDSON A nmuwr Kingston, April lltb, 1870. (New Sntire on Oicinl Management) FINANCIAL AND _00IIIB.0IAL. -_J-_ n_-n In April 13. . I'll. 'I'IO gnu also will humbly uvudol. more. DAVIDSON 8 DOB.AN.' Kinguou, nu: Knob, 1871. Pol`: SALE, At the KINGMON FGUNDBY. }\' CHOICE! I IOIDAY. April 101;. I Huonlc Gold Pig. The hdurntunhg It at tho Dun -n nan .111 hlnhnlllv rninnhl C hoieo assortment of BOOK AND MUSIC STORE, U.I.AllaL\ In A Illnlsllnun. Full of 1m sud humour. CITY 1'1-EW8 DEPOT, PASSPORT, NEW MAGAZINES, At IIelllIel I0lI l, Princess Street, Only 35 cents. [adden JR Prinoou Suoot. INDEX NEW ROOM PAPER, EIPOOK. 0. H. anon, Amml 3,; 2,25 centu. tun, Agent. [IL &. J. ennntnnnl IN SILKS, SPRING SEASON Are now showing, for the ensuing ' Season, }'=Idde11| IN GRENADINES, IN I-`EATHERS, IN SCARFS. LONG CLOTHS, BLAN KETS, Irmcv Ann sum nnv mus] THE WHOLE FORIIING AN UNBXVALLID ASSORTIENT OP BUITED P0 `I'll ILIIEYCIIIG TRADE, WE ` LISALI AID BITAIL. IN RIBBONS, |'addcIi TABLE NAPKINS, FLANNEL, 1` '!`or+u Out, and On Prion. IN SATINS, IN MUSLINS, N OVE LTIE S IN SASHES, BARGAINS "R: &_J-.-G4DINER- Z-3" "" I, AGINT. ___ -44- Q IN FLOWERS, IN HOSIERY, IN VELVETS, 1N UMBRELLAS, PILLOW COTTONS, IN SHEETIN GS, IN VELVETEENS, IN DRESSES, IN TRIMMINGS, lmrnrlxs. IN GLOVES, LACE CURTAINS, IN LACES, IN BLACK GOODS,` IN PARASOLS, 1) AMASKS, DAILY NEWS--THURSDAY EVENING. `APRIL 13. TABLE COVERS, IN POPLIN S, LL BIRDS ARR FRESH sud Inn to mine, nd no inportod direct from the not! experienced growers and uodlnon. No old nor unreliable Suds Iold +1` of April. NEW AND DESIRABLE SEEDS Intro- duced this nanom- Sale ofl;anhupt' Stockl BY mnnlni Insolvent Act 011869. In the msltcr of A. B McDONELL, In In- nolnnt. VFENDEBS At no lunch on the dollar, on the coat, for the Itoek of the shove-nelned In. solvent, will be reeeived by the undersigned up to V.-'11`!!!- 'l'hn Store. which In one of the non duh-n. bio buniunu unndn In Kingston, can be ob- tained on fnvonrnblo m-nu. Stock can In noon and Ill pnnionlnrn noer. mined by npplylng to H. 0. Voigt in Kingston, or to the undernignod in Ionmnl. D.-Olga 0--ul--3-- -.I._- AL_- - -__I. ~--- ._ -- .-r-.- -wan. The Stock consists of 3 complete Ind well Iolocted uuortmont of '_._ _vv-~ .-.1-r v-av-n|n.|LIIl Suitable for the Spring Trude, Old in Em rate condition, mounting, par inventor}, to shout 311,000. VII`. GA... _Lx_|. I- -_- -1 u - - - - v. -a -uv I--uwnuu'uvu I- -IIllIVIlo Pu-u indexing otho: than I end: olor Inut note their security. TL: hlahnnl nu --- Onnau -..a _-------u_ __ R- 0. YATES ha removed in surgery from William Strut to King Strut, Ioeond door town-do the Ilrkot Squu from the Iorchnuu Bank, and tux! door to On- ninghunk Sowing Iuhino Poctory. H15 xuidouco in u ho:-otofon, corner of Willin- ond Wellington Streotl. Jun. 1 4. -.--- -v-UU uuwu -wvunn . 1 i The highest or any tcnduxglot necuutily I0` ceptod. B. A. OABIIOEAEL, Aloignoo. Ilonupol, 30:1: Inch, 1871. : pure. 8 boroby given that I Int-cling of the Board of Audit for the Oounty of Prontonnc will ho hold at tho Oolu Bonn, in tho city of Klnguon, on I:I'Idtey, the lath April Instant, At 10 o'clock A.I., for the pm-pone of auditing eooonnte end do- nende preferred egeinu. Ieid Ooumy. By order. ALIXANDER 8. KIRKPATRICK, Clerk of the Peace, Oeunty of Frontenac. Kinneton. Anril 8. I370. MONEY. VI THOUSAND DOLLARS to invent on Fnm or Oity Property. No oolnnluion. JOHN IlcIN l`YBE, Bu-rilhr, M3,, Princess Street, Kingston. A nnl 1 l _ Early Janey Wakeeld Cabbage. Prince of Wales Celery. Snndringlnu Celery. The Trophy Tomslo, General G1-3;! Tomato. -[N suwns, uuor muss Gopns, nrrrnns, IILLINIBY. Crimson lhgnonetto. Pl|'I0ll I While, latch 31: k,~,\l.E| MRS. ANGL1N.| IIIIII I4 follow vi: : EHB I081` IXTINBIVI Ind OOIPLITII ABSORTIINT In no any A rn 711: A rnvv :- L-------- Frldny, lllelltln of April next. ms- n.--u_ _-,_9--- ,- FULL rpniculnrl in. Catalogue for 1871, gm II. AT HEATH & GUNN S. \ .L1Ii1'u 0OLL:R8:n_d wmsrs. ` 6 us. noun, muons. smx uxpnnsmnra ud onuwnas. Luau POOKIT EANDKIBOHIIFS. among slurs, - nus mum I unnnnm, _ _ smtslnnn. to.. cc, 1.. nu-cu. mt Apdl, 1371. And FLOWER BIRDS AT HEATH & GrUNN S, `AT HEXTH & UNN S. AT HEATH &-GUNN S. AT HEATH & GUNNK3`. null, Ii gnu an wnrrunod Pun |A RRI V I80. ` AT HEATH & GUNN S. UIIII Kingston. April 8, DIIKI, 3 III`! Apnl ll. Tjj For Sale or to Ben. PWO STOREY BRICK COTTAGE, No. 18 hr] SIPJL RAIIO 35 nnlv nnvnnn LOWER SEEDS IN GREAT VARIETY. BBllbVAL or SIJIIGI-IIIY. mm dooiinno owmma IWO C0'l"l'AGl,No. 1 Earl Street. Bent 35 per nnum. Apply to FRANK 0. DBAPEB. '1 York Ohulbu-I, Torgnlo . Latest Novelties \ \`\` l NOVKLTXES OF 1870-'11 : ' W. HAY, o I BBHANT TAILOR, UBNS than to hi: nuurou cutouon r their lihonl patronage hitherto, nnd inform than that in Addition to his lock hehu now on hand 3 few of the I 3 int olul lubionsblo Artioleu, I GARDEN, of the various stylus not won. PUBLIC NOTICE Undo up Suit! for the Salon. gun, April 12. JUST RECEIVED. ,'IILLINlBY, A N rtiinn A 47 Prison: Strut. C5`: "Ann mm. Lwis. KLIO v. _.-..- -\rL` HA5 noolvod initrnctloni to all It the Raid one: of In Inglil, near the Scotch Oluucn, ' A on-- - -__ FANCY FRENCH BON BONE, FRENCH ORYSTALIZED mums, oaooonun unnmn, oamams, LEMONS, And GRAPES. OAKES Ahnou-iced and Ornnmented in: superior style. A fr;-In ion at` lllnlnn __.I nnnnnnn . Ir:-II-E \lI' Household Fugg;tme,} _ ____-,... -, _ GLASS, PLATED AND CROCKERY WARE, HANDSOME PIANO FORTE, &.c. J. J.3"LTI'r_oN I T1 `H _..V ..-rv.-vn uuluvu A fresh lot of TEAS and OOFFEES by the pound. G. PISATI. ms EUROPEAN smsmn palm ('1-V II I Ann -- - -r ..--..-.._. .7-a-. vs ILL 'OPEN on the corner of BROOK STREET, next door to W. R.IcRAE & 00., on GOOD FRIDAY, April 7111, und will keep on build `I good supply of l\n'I'lI`l\ nu . ans . ~ -- u~-- --rr-J '- DRIBD HEATS, BOLOGNA SAUSAGES, TONGUES, HAIR um 12. 2 cuel Bitter Onngeh. Constantly on hand. Putty and Family Flour of the Ben Brandi, Onunul, Common]. to. Cl nus: at Pooh.-'0 _ - .`,_ -_--_4-V I\/ AND will receive during the Iumlner a case on Wodneld-y and Friday of ch week. Another lot of Sweet Orangel. nu-A vv IDIIIIJII` FIRST CLASS STEAK-FITTER AND PLUMBER. Inqulle of J. JAIIESON, J ohnnou Street. , April 6. AT sTKcEYs| XTRA SUPPLY of the OAAADIAN , ILLUSTRATED NEWS will be received on Friday morning, oonuining Illuuntionl of the Boynl Wedding. Oysters ! Oysters I ! } FRESH T0-DAY, A NEW AND BEAUTIFUL semi. IUSIO AND WORDS BY J. G. ASGHIR, of Montreal. uno rnmm nnruau ARI) ruxcuum J! begs to inform his customers and friend: and the public genenlly thethe bu now jut. received I Large and Complete Auortmeat of Fine English Felt Hats, and also of the lower gndol, besides having elerge nook of his own mnke. He in also mnkinn the Intent and man! gn-nu, oeuuee nevmg I urge IIOCI 0: me in Also nuking the Latest and meet Fuhionebie Style: of Silk Dress `Beta; and will nuke to order on the shortest notice say He! required, end.t it by his PM-is Con- fotmeteur, which will give use to the wearer I onnlnente A few of the lendingjtylee :- l`be Melton Bet, Mantegna, Lorne, lot-uington, Hertington, Bernet, Crown Prince, John Bright, Jon A., St. John'o,_ Tyne, Paris, Le. croeee. In-qub of Lorne, the Oxford, Wolsey, Oembrle, Ounbridgo, Oevendilb, and Congress. Also I good euortment of Oloth Cape. Kingston, larch 9, 1871. I On WEDNESDAY, the 19th April. No rourvo. Particulars wlll be given in`: tow dnyl. Kingston, March 31, 1871. [!..99-WI |JUsT RECEIVED| Fob. 25. April 3. April 6. cKfL_'KfiiMn[E? AT STACEY S, 82 kING STREET. Apt-i112.` NEWS DEPOT. CABS, CARRIAGES, "The Inn than through the lattloe, love, And the light was in his heart- Llko n vlgiou steeped ln beniny, E'er the alnmborfdoth depart." ` Price only 35 Gents, }.a.\'r. PIRS'l`- PRIZE BATTER AND FURRIERI ban: tn infnrln his nnnlnmnon nut` f-:-..A. Royal Wedding. CLARK WRIGHT, IIDGIII IIINIDVI I ! n luunvlvs . 19" --<..--- PERAMBULATOR8. adox drone SALE OI-'_ STYLES AND NEW COLOURS QHILDREN S OLLL AND Bil `I'll! P or Apqlil I J. J. LIITON, Anctionur. 31. 1871. uunsa, HAIS AND BACON, &o., lo. Wanted, AGO BOIIUAII H. DIJDIBLE, CONFEOTIONER, Brock Street. AT ll`. 8. REES 8, 157 Prineen Sum ;ANo 4 1-. 5. ms1sa'a, Princeu Strut. `LATEST sT3?i'133's ANI) NEWES _ P:-any Dun Good: from `IN per yard. mu... nun. a. 1... ... ...._ .a4LL pot ntd. Ionic Ends In Lutih from la. Black Lustre: from lod. Kid Glovu, handful colon, chap. Oorloltfrou llld put pair. 1 Ladies Oonon loss from 5:!" per pair. the `funds for Santa: You from 2: peryud. -1 0000 Human Cotton. 1 Bola Envy Guy Oogtou. nplnlllivnluo. Real Kayla : Prints at `lid per yard. Wino gut Oolouod lrnlhuu, duund an ddlnu mottuou ofnik bonu, Luca, Yclvou, I 1'1-hula lubu. haul. Lao Ouhlnl, to. I 8PIOIAL.-l Out 00 tel 033 PIIITS, Pctlu. OALL AND IXAIIII OUR EDGE. a. nu; J. JJIIILJ ILLVJJ L`.I."J 5. ` ,Q00 fair! of` `-" -l: VCIVII-I woulgnnluo log 1" Arhrannn nu nmoxnusrnia, npmnma. ankwujrua-oiinauninnquu. inn. lrudll Jun. u,`U an un 1-an ' % `haul; 1.:cAu.':iu'n l`:Iokin`I-.| 1:3` -ah." ML lugoun... "g" hnmm Luau, 'l`rinIningI,BInonl, hinges, Trimming Silks. liorrpcki hlto Oqmuu, sunburn,` houpont our olfered in Kingston. KEL WOOL CANADIAN % Buutifgl 1o_t _BL_A0_K L_U8`l'Rl, Boner Ind- am In. D... -. 1V:EV5YPRI,NG -G00 Us { `I NOW OPENED AT__1%.` WALDRON S. WATERPROOF TWIID V 0 . * " `mm 0 warns S` T wlii um oonounnn Lj BLA K , ' QIIIHC .' _ . " _ pm" suox oonpunos an ruunrus. HANTLE VELVETS, AND VELVET IIIJIIT Art! lint AI-on-- -o--- - V. ....u.., --n nucl Dlul. nostinr A emu um wmrn con-one. Popnnts, JAPANESE slurs. IIDHY1 --q- vpsv-yr`;- .-----.11- Nnw muss Goons. . my 1ug...;..e....., ch, NEW Rl!l1 .l'.I A\t1| Ann nnvuv-In -___-._Iu_x._u. _-. ;LLAS| 1871; Eon THE ;_ 4 Latest" and Most Fashionable Spa-mg `Quit, LIAVI YOU! Olbll AT ' 1 to: u the Ulotll Iiulufutl ce`.a.:::'t'::L::";nn' .8381` can no Do: gaenllteo e Inboleu erele. 4 ` Their STOCK OF SPHNG HATS it now couple um: nruul. Ur anguvu HATS it moi complete. ~ The Balance of thr Stock WILL an 801.!) Al` n-mm. nmu-nun gum-u`.-..-..... , _. ---\r -.-uuawona\J\J \II. 01131` WILL an sou: A1.` STILL annu-in innocuous, no not unsung .3; .9` lnof May. ' ` _ : , \ -.=_ . 33- 0.11 undue the 1ox.gno_nxa..suu, _ _ 1 V . , - , ' LII,IA,l7C ,I`OI&w0O'I. Inch-21 Oorlccqltlngnllklnoualunuh. BEST COAL "OIL IN THE CITY; gr Luv: YOUR `onnns Inn. Inch. 22, 1871. .7: Two amen. anmanx vmud. Kinguun, Lplil 4, 1071; <: ron sun on 1'0 Bl onnitnln, ' A BIIABT LITTLE ` un:umu.-1 UIIO Oololnitel 01018! = kaddeu lurch so, 1871 _ jut T-V ` A IITH BAILS, BIGGING, AIOBOBB In! Chains, eonplou. Bu an-ybg u- pccity in about four thousand Iuuhola at what, qr-nevonly-ve thousand foot of lcnbor. Bio nuy be noon `st tho Pompom]: ihlpynd, when the II boil: thorooxhly ovclmhnl. ._.. -uvu-u;-n-vu usvuuunu HUI G 11$ . I Bh|pyn being thoroughly oyclultl. For further ontionlnn nnlv In ulna, ll repaid to (In j OI IIO Organ, Platte, and Violin at (In 100100000! the pnpilnod Inows. 3l8IDIl(Dl-QuuI Stunt, out doot than Sydenhul Strut ` `DI A Il `INTI!!! March 28th, 1871. 1. :5. mm: a:T.'nxun:n 3. lo D0llLL,o(Iluptu,nT,luo|vnt. I: this IIINII. nulln.-n nun II II. HINDI . creditors zeguuoduflnthnlralnlnn IIK!$'.I?IOIOIOIlI. , ~ n.A.ounnon - March 28, 1871. =. April. I. Pull Lind I Groc Guill- .u ch. in: I0 dolllr. AVIIJG iminr g H03 ! BILIO ll` JEW CANADIAN AND ENGLISH IWIBDS. . many` um 1:91 on ma tho us : Aasoann ` x of ow!-mm an osuui tan L i ?oopl_o of K1_n[_It!, n_u_tg 01931113; in I.IIfutIlId0IIuvI&in1lnn-th.n.r.:..i.-`* ~ _ " vuvlv uuu I: own; xuwuuguly vyllji. putionlan npply to Iran. PALOOIIB 8 3081. Kingston, 90: Iutelull. A c'All`lII.AlI as suulon can an RECEIVED TO:-DAY ,_ ,_.__-V- Nnw BBILLIANT8 mo PRIN mudmgiy . - xnw smx vnnv Vl!1.$l!'lIlll, Inn moors, nmoxa, nuomsn 800'!` n-umonunmr -rwnns. N:w'n1on nuot no user an. 8. R" an u;ng:f1o%,a T 00`!"l`OI.8p|cnQld.. V1 r.x.oqg_ ' % tI:&ao"B. ` . OIIII 38113011} Karol: ` ` ' V , Prince`: LARGE ARRIVAL OF NEW `Goons NEW ARRIVALS ' STAPLE FANGY DRY -GOODS.` - '1-an Indoitlii.-I-ohm-t A. thuulehol, ;.;::'::.'.:::`" --------- uu nnvu now III! III IIIBT K people Kingnol, the Olotll i once ofono of `PHI .BI8'l` lI.'1'1' In n 123. snu-rn W amp! ml 0u.l|ulnl_ in P. Ir. 0. scdin, ITR RAILR mantra Allxntu pl BISPLAY as New% Insolvent Act at I309. IN TH] . MAy5R%`KI`:T SQUARE. -:-f.--.-- QUIZ` ' PIANOIB TUNED. I ___.- ovv-u vgui-Z Al McNAUGH_TON & Cofs. oizgnal mu. wxnnxxoa; F. X. COUSINEAU 8: oo*s. rIl\AI\:u Spr-ing I1pp0rta`tions. *A'r` SHIELS ; p--nan-nsrnpin All`. vzrnivi-you; upon: x`Il 4*('I"It--4-xnv 'n1-was, -rowxnmnas, run Lmn. m"u 1'I .11.-In -nn- rum! Eonntas an anon) morns. ' Dbnp. ' - FANCY DRE GO0,% ` I WEI _V L_II8TBI8.L. ` Icy.` _ ` nuox um. oonounnn mm j ' 'it.- A. oAmnqn_ax.. ' IumnI.Iuuao,m1. ` ' 13 , Snovunbldtlll slloulcn. `ah ltcnnlsllngrm` ,Plinbor Blouooio!lt`ullbu- Inn wllluunpou tovounbly wkhfnuy ' bun tbqhllo. _ Alnupupuudulup Gold : Puutluv hglnuntll, and 30*. Watt Oirorlulng` Appau `(at church: prlub bnlin 8pOIbl`:,|OglUI|I|l|IO|.;IIoIIl`,lI`I; u lull-Imaging, dock and Hon pump 10., Allvorkdono in tbouootoppnval uylo, udglnuloltopronnt ` JOBIPI u iulsbr. - Inch 10. inch Thnmw % Milo. CURTAINS cornea snqlmfii, muss nnsnn,_m.f."nnann, to. [ i --Ir lll] FBI BBO? LID DWILLIIG I008! 013. "'0' by mine, on tho inc? nni-`rs , um 3a.t1.LVt.mr_a % `JOSEPH JAMIESON > 9 nnlng-. n4..-_._ A-` - ` ` Insolvent Act of mu. n. wALnnoN, 5V_ilgon a Buildings. Spring. Gtjpdg` I` STOCK, CID PIIOIB Umbrella -..AL `I II I 0 ` ` uU0T_`T0cg,5 3plnnd_!d Vnluo. um. Inn 1x...'m:..... -Isa -lllISI- Bx-itiah Wuolmue. not an imbu- l Dllldl Princess Street. 2 oval olntod 1 r tho uhfnlau Illinnnnn "i7T. 1- dollll . SALEI zddell s, I Edi LZUITIIIU worth $1 15. - 2 :51 2 I0 `IQ I flh nun-g "5 ry.-o-on` I EfE::gu Ail IS .peI5nQ 'I` ll: -v-:- YIHI . `P51 11, evening.-Yeeterde_v g Nation! Guard wounded | . Dam. A con'ct ensued end Pnauiene, end Commune nude their g he of truce, but the wngd Io recognize it. Th. Pain In recommenced, ghella ere fnllinll ehout Pone tnlhe Chunpe Elyeeee. _ ` g ooecllutory P"" mmvmn u G gird: the uni ee oven: ""5... deetroved. The women of ."..u invited to form e military br the defence of the city, .3. III enacted by the ermy_ ` [get 10 o'clock this forenoon, end` you and end ne re in ya; 1. ' 11.-'l`he triel of the insurrection which recently - m'ucuy,wu_e_ommenced to-dey, . .3. of Pelhuer and Cremieux dd by Tum-edey. Trenquility bu-- 1 ..`.`:..a up since 2, noon. via London, 10:30 uninterrupted ennnonnde has evening between pd the southern form. The in- .1.) gnpgod, nnd the noise of ma muaketry hits been innu- 5o clock thing morning. Can non- , Porto Mnillot, and `mid Nenilly yuan, hue been resumo_d, and in urhu on tho south. Fighting i. g in the Boll do Boulogno and at BLAC` Ind need Prieoqoll H |II'. 1 Full Lind use no furwtrding reinforce- yg-oopg engaged. The wounded ' in in large numbers. The long. .' muons of the Commune claim {crew were repulsed on Tues in ma stuck on the southern that their loss was heayy, w_l_x_i|e inu stuck on Ina suuuucru that heavy. while Conllnnisla was very light. The when that the attack was in- `, nuk Ln attempt to carry the gby surprise. . comes Vfmm the Van Gimvd snugz "90" Lon hon u;uM"P'6d E: Ice oveni (barn for`! I I! |=ldong|g,d_ 5 b April11.--Tho Tribuue_'a special 11.41 is: lull in the ghting. and 3. burying their dead prepan- dorm. i reports himself rmly in- g|LlllOl`99. He holds the north- of Neuilly, and is strongly post- igund Lemlloia. Porto Maillot nannlflil anrpnae. woomee from into southern part of the city, Communists have lost the park of hey were intronched, and chm tof Fort d'Issy has been shot. non. _ April 11.--The has in thoygbliag, `red. nwlounwl publishes an appeal wunsn sdjuring the Guards to lsstextromity. The same jour- psblishes s decree promising pon- M frsncs to wives of N ational sud 365 frsncs for each child. I illegitimate. Ozhsr relatives issd pensions in certain cases. April12.--A (fespstcb from Iedsadsy says the csnnonsde sutsined sli last night, wg; vigotonsly this morning; sad i.__...... .u..Ir -.4. -`.3. nu. `red. l Joum tucou etteck was made on .1 eolth, the Yeneillee troop nil thirty new end heavy gune corte were directed egeinet It wee anppoeed thet they to mesh I serious movement lnillot There wee e gene- ith city when it I-ee reported Yunillee troope were inside the Gonnmniste now uy that the here feiled. _ Lpdl12.-Yeeterdey morning Vd St. Otner end Arne left {of 13, p.n.-'l`he Cure of None Kindle and the Abbe: Migual_ hillipe` have been urresu.-d, Iiih visiting the Archbishop. an Artillery" duel lusting lit dxy. Nstionsls refusing ' boon dissrmed. The insur- ili spirits over the result. of ning. An stuck is expect- I urou unru- . all Ibo How u and Figured mm, 24 sud 31 _-..._n.4l Dunn brand of high trouon to tho` '.Heg-npbn that he in in poa- qunors of Nouilly, and Ubridge tonight. `L: L... ...I---_A --1 --- -- 0 Journal up Ihlt Dem- \ . of the Nstionnl 1'?"-III spy during the 13-~Pnbrice goes to St WI mop. m eutsblish `inn. 5 April 12, evening -The coup for last night was deferred hlident Thiers in lo anxioug lm it is doubtful if in The _N_M.ionnl Auexnbly is . Hutiyivy of the troops. Mn wu excellent practice In guns hue been erect- b bombard Fort Iuy. ` U.IoI\ I learn that an attack $40 Pnria will take place `-2. evening.-Purto Maillot by the gum of Fort Val - ` `nds previous Iucod all Iholla reaching the Arc da in nu intended to disporu the in troops; the latter ud- Roi were driven .llIIoI railway, which bu been ` flillu troops. of Paris is unchanged. Tbo_ F'NDaumu-ta -....-- u:L_,,n vmlmu. Iillinfin the Rue Chaillot. `nud- released sud made nu, Dutch ` N D. ;.-Yutordn_v A) --nn-ad-4| I NEW YORK PRESS DESPATCEES. Grand Rapids, men, April l2.-A re lus night burned 1 number of saw mills, furniture atorcu, dry goods nnd grocury stores; nlno, machine shop, drug non-, joiner : Ihnpo, And seven! manufacturing esublishmenu. The louio utimnted an Irom $250,000 to $800,000; insurunce about 8100.000. --__.. -- ..-.-"J ca auaau III! IIIK. '1' are unprinciplod. Our victory willigolna Tina Parla dalagatea hava arrivad and wara raoalvod, not bacauaa they ara Oomnuaim, but became shay ara Ropnblicana. My anawar to than waa mi: no one Inanacaa the Rapnblic but aaaaaaina. The livaa of Ila inaurganta will ba aparad, but work- man tanporarify aubaidiaad in Paris. mun rosnrn to thair labowa; and aaoaaaion ba aappreaaad aa it baa bean in Arnarica.a " A daapatoh from Maraoillaa aaya that the city in quiet, and the polioa force in baing ta-organised. London, April 13.-Tl|a ataanahip Hor- man, from Now York, April lat, touolaad at Southampton. ----_.-v-an -nu `vV--llIb\JlLll. London, April 13, 11.30 o.II.-Oonoo1o, nonoy, Mic; account, 03:. Bond: of 1062 9)}; o! '06, old, 02} ; '07, 01. Ton. forties 89}. Linrpool, April 13, ll-.30 un` - Cotton dull. Upland: Hdto Nd. Orleans `lid. `V".n.1x1u, April 18.--Btuldut mm,` in n oirculu dutod on the evening of Aprh mu, describes the situation as In thi main unclnngod, and up tho govorntnuc will not at the proper time. Thu Commune sc- oonnu of victory 30 Paris are falu. The urn unnrinnlnl-A n..- _:-.--_ -=-- - COHHEROIAL. IONTRIAL MARKETS. (Special Telegram to `(La Neon ) Montreal, April 13.-Flonr-noeipt.s 2,400; unrkev. dull and study, with fair inquiry, but iiulo nclunl bnaineu. Limited nlel of ordin- ary super M 6,15 to 6,25, and strong at abonli 6,40. No. 2 uhnde better sale! at 585 to 590 ; ne qnietn 5,50 ; middlingl oarod It 5,00 10 5.15. but onlvfbut nmnlu ulna - iinl. am. an uuv: quit.-uni. o,uu`, ulluuuugl ouarou It D,UU 10 5,15, but only beet sample: taken ; liule note in higher grndoa. GI-nln purely nominal in lb- nence of reported transactions. Pork heavy at late rues. Butte:--ny recent ulna have been at low prices in vincinily of lc. Ashen quiet at former nut. I H.) In 9zou,voU $100,000. New "Ark Iuour. )1Uu,ulN. New York, April. 18.-The steamship Cubs, from Liverpool, bu arrived. NEW YORK MARKETS. (Special Telegram to tho '3LN1u.) New York, April l3.-Gold 110} Ex- cbsngo 109 to 110]. Canon Hie. Flour stesc1y;reesipts 10,000 barrels; sslss 8,000 bsrnlnst 6,00 to 6.40 superne aisle sud western; 6,60 to 7,16 common to choios ex- In ltnln; 6,150 to 7,25 common to ohoios extrs Intern. Ry: our study. when rm; rsooipts 11,000 hushsll; sslss 26,000 busbe1s;st 1,153 to 1.61} for nut spring; 1,63 to 1,65 for winter}-ed sud saber wssurn; 1,60 for old (10. Eye quiet; ules 4.000 bushels; wsuern nt1,0. Corn unset- tlsd Quad 1 to `lo hens: ; rsesipls 23,000hushs1a; Isles 58,000 bushels; It 7'! to 78 for now mixed western; closing st '17 to 77]. Busrloy qnist: roonipu 2,000; ulu 0,000 bushels U. W. ss1,1l to 1,1: Osts holv; ncsipts 9,000 bushels; sslss 10,000 busbsls; at 69 to lloc for Wanna and Ohio PMI: IBARGAINSI nvcunpu v,vvv uuuucll; IIIII Ao,vvu IIIIIDIII; 69 lloo for Western and Ohio. Pork quiet and steady; st 19,76 for new nus. Lard dull;nt 11 to Hi: for Imam; Hie for keulo rendered. Ram: 12 m an 1... uuu uuu;u II (0 1|}: to! noon; Hit rendered. Humor 12 to 406 for Sun. Obouo qnlnt at 110 to line to: com- mon to print. OANADIAN NAVll5ATI0N00IPANY. ROYAL MAIL THROUGH LINE. For 'l'0l'0IIIO and llnnllton. Ounn Buonn. ILL loan the St. Lawrence Whnf, foot 0! Johnson Street, for Toronto, and Hamilton, calling M lntorupdlnto [orll (voather pornimn) on WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, mu: Apr nu I-30 o'clock. Par Punt: fiahu nonlv A! the one: of n-nu April, at nuw runes. For I-`snip 'l`ioknI| npply olloo of lolgot B Bron, Ontario Shoot, or M. the Luke and lint Steamboat Oloe, St. Lawrence Whuf, loot of Johnson Strut. ` 0. BATCH. HENDERSON S MY SUMMER IN A GARDEN. ulnll nl -yin and lnunnnr " HEATHER CHIMES (Illustrated) 15 cents. PROCTOR`S SPEECH on Dulnth" Comic, 10 cents. VERA, the Intel; Novel, 10 cents. ham` L6!`