`Jul 1 non`: 3 I RIC UUW x cily has n already 3. Money mu. 2.. ho HEW o,oco Outs Isles u LLICI , Corn salee . A... HUI` river`: (1. Now, _ ` however, there being about mean thoeeand hen ion the spot, crowded together. eome are n... ' turally elbowed away farther and farther from u,. atream. Yet, at. a distance of aix milea, and under the disadvantage of having to gag their water from the river, there are dtgggn iho have realised Ipleudld preta. A apot 5.. even been much twenty-ve milee north of :5. Orange River where diamond: in profualon . have been obtaired. So aetoniehingly, add. 7 this informant, in the diamond tract in courng of discovery being extended. "both in depth and i surface area." that he believee there would he ` room euicieot for the whole ma'e population of London to work in and nd handeome re. muueraou. , Another intereeting atatement oonoerne the {sins of the elonea. The percentage of large ones-mauy of them gema of the but ehape and water-il pronounced aomething marvellous` in this the African far eurpaaa the Brazilian lminee Dr. Williams given a recent notable instance. An old man, a neighbour of his, 1 a:xty-|ive or s-auenty yenra of age, onoe In good ; circumstancel, by a series of miafortnnea had been reduced to heggary. With extraordinary l (`\)\ll'.`\gE` for so old and feeble a pereoa, be alert. ml for the diamond olde. Fortune eeemed to smile on the spectacle of a tottering greybeard ` thul painfully wielding the pick and shovel. At 3 all events he was abaeut but II few weeks when i h-- reiururd to Graham's Town with over lwr-nly thousand dollars` worth of gema. One 5 uf these, weighing forty carats, is said to be the ! TY1t_!l"\(`llll-ll!!!` shanrd rmtah atnrm uh. .--..-_ \ u!t`.1Il'hU iuls. What is more to the purpose, Dr. Williams (l(`C1.lTeS he has never known 1 sober man, ` having In-aiih, who was disgusted It the din- mamd 11-lds with either the lifc or work./- other words, there is n good avarnge remnne. raiion for steady labour. A man can live well here for 3400 I year, and all are advised to lrixtg enough with them to live for half that time. In I sdfemnrd naningt anmim......:.. I11 u mg ruuugu wnu mun no 1170 101' null that sime. Is snfegunrd against contingencies. Prices are but slightly in ndvnnee of win! they are in Erglnnd. In this there is 3 us: dif- ference between the first occupation of the din- Inoud fields of Africa sad the p;oid..diggings or , California nud Aastralin. The con of this map. tnuuu ut-iuu ut ntrtcu Iuu (Ll? g0ul..ai[gIDgs Oi . The coat of the barn ztccesaries of lite in those countries was st the tiutmt quite fnbulous. There is so far another` dltfcrence which it` in to be hoped may be t pfl'{XlllK1\'Dll_VObSl VIblO; we hear from South Africa tew or no teportn of crime. This fact is I the more striking since the population lsrgely t1llb!`.- of the same elements as constituted the original gold-seekers. Thom are many .\mc-ri:ana as well u natives of the Britinh ls- `tmds :n the diamond elds, whiln the Spnnish or halt -breed admixture thnt formed n small part of the Clliforniln band of treasure-bun. zt-r.=, may in set 06, we suppose, in South Africa; against the Dutch Boers. This dis- lfncti-in hqrdlv an-nnntn far the mural A:`..-mt... -in-ca, against cue uulcn Doers. `nine Ola- iincfiou hardly accounts for the moral difference =u fur apparent, of which, certainly, it is Very s~ris.'uctory to bear. A broader theme for con- gnuulntiou is Iuggvued by the fact that the glittering Epoll thus discovered will be the means of swiftly colonizing the! mignieent country, and we may hope of bringing speedy \-I iighlenment and civilization lo the unfor- lunslo million: that people lhe African con. :imnl_ S: Jullll Ruse has not accepted the hon- uur o! a place on the High Comxnksiun fur rim arbitration of international di'erenc~s. U15 mamlc would, me should hive thought, lmvc fallen on another Canadian Knight, whose representative importance in the council would have been great; but, ac cording to rumour. it is dnnelinsz between by the e other \rI nurse, wt-tgnlng IDI"-J V'|'v '3 55' '0 be "39 I'D`. St bc-Jutifuy shaped rough none the repor- 'er has ever seen. There are said to be many cases lrkc this. II`L.... :. _. _- .- .L_ _..___-- r\_ nu... L|'|.llI\.|l vvuulu uuvc Uccu sllli UUL, IL` carding rumour, dangling between two of the biggest dukes in England. In view of the apparently deep importance for Canada which the queaaiona involved are assuming, and of the numbers at the French race here, we think that one of our French- Canadian statesmen might, with propriety have been appointed on this Commission. - Witness. The export: of the Dominion to the nv-iginlrouring republic have increased iu value during the past lwu years by un less a nun than $14.442.984; 1'. e. from $25,004,- 858 in 1868 to $39,507,842 in 1870; while me increase in the value of our United Sllft importation: fur the same period `nus been but $4,096,964 ; ie. from $17,600, 273 in 1868 to $21,697,237 in 1870. In other words, the balance of trade in favour ot Csnadl has advanced 810,3-t6,020in the past two years ; i_o. from $7,464,585 In186.'5 Ln $17,810,606 in 1870; or in the ratio M" over 130 per cent. 7 ' I THE OFFICES in Clarence Street, next the British American Hotel, with Vault, oc. cupied by the undersigned. Apply lo (1, F. GlLl')RR$iLIl`F.VE. 7 7 '77 Q] HE STONE IIUUSE on Brock Street, at ;_ present occupied by Mr Horsey. Good Stone Slabling attached. Apply 10 Du. FOWIJ-IR. ~ o . . ... g MEE~f'I`I.\'G cf Ilse Victoria Quadrille Club 9 h `-`_\ will he held in Victoria Muaic Hall on; ( FRIDAY EVENI.\'G,F(:b. 17,1871. Pt!` order. I I V1.1: N f=s`:.2'. H" BROOK 1'RouT`; Fresh Cosh E `W`l_..I` I` nruna: U I I! I I: II It That. are EXTRA VERY L RGE and every CAN FULL. \ AT F. S.mREES S. ! __ 30 `hum \/ n` I),\u.\` 5% mm the streets and see me peple go -ioromo, rat. n........,, ..,... ` -:3". wunderin wh tli d t ' - , t wliile the stages ofythei'i'yuei);hboct;)rL:(:vl`) : 2 -,bINGLE COPIES of me` DAILY (in advertise are thronged with customers. `I ' 1\.Ew.s may be bag at the coumefof sumc people win `mm by obsewmionltlie publtation otce,Pnncess street price W0 cen `Miners will n0L--Daily Palladium. _______`,____i____ '*" ` ' 0 A YOUNG MERCHANT-- When you JUNO D [T TOYYOUB FRI]_*3NDS.-_The" T pay more for the rent of your business CV I_I:loN1cLn Aral) N35 1: _Pb"9h9d l house than for advertising your business, new: of `W33 m"."'m3%- 5 , 3" 3 3' U39 I oou are pursuing a false policy.` If youcen in e week. 5 or F_1l'ty Cents, _pud i do business` In it be kDown_;_Fnmx_ gdvance, you uny send it to your friends 3 mm for three months at the reduced rates of E _ pjwstage. For One Dolls: it may be sent; B1 an mouths. Single copiea,pi-ice Fave cenu, : '1? be had at the DailyNemuioe, Princess I 531* , Itteet. . ntreet. _ _,_._____.____....____.....__ LL HEADS and other kinds 0! Jon Plunrme executed with neetnea and II at the Daily News oce, Princeil Ft-b.15. 11 amumng 8!. Lime!) [U uuarlvc Luv stores of the merchants who don't. adver- ti.~c; ta see the anxious proprietors look- ing into the streets and the people go by, wondering why they don come in stores of their neighbours who! 11.. a.l.m.-oh... ..-.. oh-nnnaa with mmtnmnrn. ; 7 ' 7 POCKET BOOK. The owner will hear of L i! by calling st this oice- Fnh I5 j4`iz:n:m lladdles Arriving Daily, and .. -uv- . ij r`i~`zs'F 'T)i* A_1)~VEnT1s1NG.~ITis I :4 amusing at times to observe the` mun-. of nu una-rnhants who uvo, Io term: of` xmxum CERTIFICATES and Lodgel Summuus may be ojptained at that um` NEWS OFFICE. Orders by mail ! ump-.:y attended to. Devices for every ` ;~'_-riptinn at Orange printing kept on hsmrl , tjuc harm N:-zwa STEAM I 1u'N'x-n~*a Housxc l unnuu - `i~`resh Haddock! . salt Water Herring !} av, 3.31-- JUST RECEIVED 71%) LET, ll IlA:fYLVIl ,_ n FOUND, -~.nrr o:_ru_ C. F. GILDRRSLEEVE. A LSO r. 0. name, 157 Princeu Su-eat. Dn. FOWLER, l !-....I. Q __ . ' ram 1 Street, ` 0.-.. Q F. S. REES, D-:_....-- Gs-...4 l`\Jl1l.l'1I\, . Brock S.reu t. ,,____ _.- - ..--uu;. v LLLJ, JLEQ , ` Lot No. 2, LOWER WHARF, better known as Stella Polnl, AMHERST ISLAND, the following Property, viz ;- 1 span of four year old Horses, 1 Span o Brood Mares, 1,, three: year old Mare, 1 two year old Mare, 1 Yearling Mare, ll superior Milch Gown, 1 Durham Bull (3 year old), 2 Yearling Heifers, 4 Spring Calves (heifers), I Breeding Sown, 7 Store Pigs, 1 Eight-hone Thretbing Machine, 1 Iron Plough, 2 Iron (lultiutors, 1 Wooden Cultivator, l Sub-soil Plough, 1 Buggy, 1 Sulky, 1 Two-horse Plea- sure Sleigh, 1 Cutter, 1 Combined Mowing Machine, 1 Fanning Mill, l Straw Cutter, 1 Um Bruiser, 1 Corn Bruiser, 4 Lumber Waggons, 1 Truck, 1 Cart, 5 Lumber Sleighs, 1 Set of Single Harness, 2 Sets of Double Harness, 1 quantity ot"Books, and I quantity of Houso. hold Furniture. Also. a quantity of Black- smith nnd 0nrpenter's Tools, consisting ofAn_ vile, Bollowa, &c., and n rat-class Foot Lathe. 0l9IS(`;I_l_(_)1l(-l__-.I<:lu!_l..I;iltk`l,ll'(B, "NILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION, on ` D U L` 1 DIS. Parties wishing to improve their stock would do well to attend this sale, as the cattle are had from imported stock, and will be sold without regs-we in Hm nwmar la nhnuo hm-:nn n.:.. ` WILLIAM PERCIVAL, Esq Lao N.` 0 Yt`\n1nnn-vw-u.-... . Under $20, cash; :11 over. nine month!` credit, by furnishing approved endorsed notes with interest at 7 percent. ( N Tuesday evening, 1-Uh inst, Luetween Bender-son's Book Store and the corner of King and Princess Streets, A KID MITT. Theuder will be suitably rewarded by leaving it at lh?DA1L\ Nlws office. Feb. 15. fmt o unto us AU U UIUCL. Wu. MURRAY, ` Auctioneer. P.S-Also the celebrated Stallion FOX HUNTER." ' I".._IZn.- --:..L!_- A... !..____.-_ AL-5r -LA-`- :`:x1':~aVss\} SALE AT \VALDRON F F01! FOUR WEEKS. WILL BE OLEMHNG OUT AT COST PBIOE, GLNUINEBARGAINS IN ALL DRESS GOODS, I`AIl'Af\A DI ALYIIIFIFU SCARLET AND FANCY FLANN ELS, WINCEYS, BLACK LUSTRES, cuum 1-wmcns, WOOL CLOUDS, soxues, WOOL SH AWLS, (HATED nun vn; u.uu;u uuu. Juat received 2 Bales HORROCKSJS WHITE COTTONS in Nos of 32 in A, 32 in B, 36 in A, 36 in B, 36 in H, 36 in M, cheap. F " ixilalf MCPGEILQ `B R9 CAK sTRI;;_ET. ...n....-. -- - V... Sale at 10 o clock. 'l'OVlDCC. Kmgston, Feb. 10, 1871. Ltfonk stove! for Coal or \Vood, Parlour rook, llall, Parlour. and Box Stoves. TINWARE IN ALL ITS VARIETY, JAPANNED AND ENAMELLEI) WARE, COAL SCUTTLES, SCALES, SIEVES, SAD IRONS, IRON BEDSTEADS, PUMPS, SINKS, BATHS, And HOUSE-FURNISHING GOODS IN GENERAL. ROOFING, BELL-HANGING, &c., promptly attended to. _1_.-- -- _n1-1--' ! __________.j FIRST CLASS HOTEL FOR SALE An II:....-u.nn llnlnrin Fnnd. I Tj`HA'[` well known stand, "The BURNETT I . HOUSE, will beoered for Sale at Public [Auction at the British American Howe), King- | Eton, on Wednesday, the twenty-second day of | `Il'..I.-........ inaonnt or nnnn IBIUU, DZ] VVEUlJE3Un_\`, IUU i February instant, at. noon. | 'I`prm-nnrA. fth C35 HORSES.,"CATTLE, FAKIHNG IIIPLEMENT8, I I Terms-one fth cash; residue in four zqcml annual instalments, with seven per cent | interest. For particulars apply to George A. Kirkpat- .rick, EEq., Kingston, Thomas Wilson, Esq., Agent, Kingston, who has the keys, or the undersigned, Conn street, Toronto, 0. GAMBLE. I -. ., u__n_L._.._._ 10']! FJz`z}ni.i16, 187131 I 1151`- __,..__._____________._..__ E BILL kinds 3, despntch `HE REMAINING STUCK OF WINTER Plumber, I,`-oppersmllh. sTF..nI ANI) GA:-I-`l l"l`l-IR, .\}l.l. _;'rovx~:s, DIFFERENT DESIGNS, includ- Feb. 4. u nu.upuru:u slums, uuu Wlll De soul wnnout arve, is the owner is about leaving .this wince. I` Ll l'\ -Jr-15-1.. Al Kingston, Ontario, Canada. On Friday, the 17th Feb , At the Residence of \ Tomato, 151 February, 7187!. ,,,4__ ...._..vn.s I-:'.-'anuf::clurr of Tlnware. DRY GOODS STOVES, WATERPROOFS, aosmmr, BOSS. trio and R. WALDRON, CANADA 'BI.ANKETS, DI ADI?` TERMS : LOST, Wi1son s Bllilclings. ""'.2EFLsas, FANCY CLOAKINGS. FRENCH MERINOES.` I"l4'\r\I'\r\t1vr(\| ~. rrrrivoilru NEIL MCNEIL. 1 BLACK SILKS, A Linn! :1 THEIR STOCK OF Black Gros Grain and Glacie Silks, Gros do Suez and Corded Silks, Japanese Silks. Irish P u.ao On band, B large and varied Stock of cm. dian Manufacture, together with Trunks. Valises, &c.. &c. AND ALL KINDS OF GOODS KEPT I A FIRST-CLASS DR `GOODS STORE.` TERMS CASH. LADIES AND GENTS ll BOOTS AND SHOES.` given street. 17:... It has allrendy won golden opinions, and dur- ing 1871 no effort will be spared to make it the BEST. EDITORIALS and SELECTIONS of the highest order, and TEMPERANOE INTEL- GENCE from all parts of the world , leaned monthly at 30 cents per nnnum for uingle copies ; twenty to sixty copies, catch 25 cent! ; sixty copier and over, each 20 come. Postage prepaid. Premium for every Club of 'l_`wenty, $1 worth ofslenderd Temperance Books; every Club of Fifty, $2 worth ; Club: of One Hon- dred, $3 worth; Clubs of Two Hundred, $7 worth. Al\V!2`D"l`IQIl|l`D`Nl"I`Q :......o-.: .o . ....:(....... | British` o . ADVERTISEMENTS inserted at I uniforml rate of 10 cents per line for each insertion. Wivp fhnnannd nnhnnrihm-oz unnlad hv lh rit [RIB OI 1U 05033 per une IOK GRCD lB8l'll0li|. Five thousand subscribers wanted by the first of April. Send for a free specimen copy. Address `I A lll.3`Q' 'I`D A 'I"'I"{\\I %W-0BANBES AND LEMONS. HM FRUIT AND OYSTER DEPOT, MASONIO BUILDINGS, MARKET SQUARE, King Street. {BE subscriber has just received direct from England, a very ne auorlment ot'_ ' I C. lu- ------v-- AVING retired from the Grocery and E Liquor Ttade, begs to thank his nu- merous customers for their liberal _pntrounge in the past, and intimates for the future he will strictly conne bimselflo the A. an 1na_,!,,,'I.,_,! \ Coffee and Spice business.` In --.I..- n-nrnnoio nnnnn fn sc., ac. An iuspectioniis respectfully requested. I A 'ML`.Q I-IODW Kingston, June 20, 1870. W8 I nu UIHUI ynvugvul ......... V: J. A. KARO H. OFFEICE AND RESIDENCE-Enrl Street, between B330! and Wellington Streets. 172...... 1...: In `I70 six months, furnished or unfurnished, Poueuiol lay in, or earlier, if dun-ud_ gp. ply to Ibo Bhhop of Onuu-io.. Feb. 13. 'r.LAwa1zNcn cormen, Kingston, 10, K TA'l`UTORY_ DEED-Approved and carefully pnnted comes of the Short Form of Deed legalised by Statute, for sale at the Daily News Oice. Statutory Mort `egos and other `law fonnn kept on hand Kingston, Feb. 10,1371. ry---vv ~ -~--- --`-~ All order promptly attended to. I A Ichwccu un`v- nu... .. ....._.- Kingston, Jan. 10, 1870. LARGE SUPPLY RECEIVED THIS DAY. AND J. GARDINER INFORM THEIR CUSTOMERS WWDD l T A 1117 rr February, 1871. CHEAP AND VERY FINE, Tailors Wanted. I . TED, two rst-class Journoymen AILORS. Good wages will be pply to McNaughton &Co.,King CHEAPEST TEMPERANCE PER IN CANADA in the American Good Templar. +`rn, Feb. 13. -.1 A: .!S*B!!- R. TOWN S, GREAT REDUCTEONS FROM LEMON8. ENGLISII TO BE LET, ;UON1 I JAMES STRATTON, Peterborongh, Ontario. Publisher for the Proprietor. pecuuuy ncquumeu. ' JAMES HOPE. ,5 , ___- 5.--- __Boo1's AND sadns. In the following Goods they offer Special lnducements :- AL) .I..l\Jl LII Princess Street. Shawls ad Mantlea, Gloves and Hosiery, A snlendid mianrlmnnl UIUVUB uuu nualery, A splendid assortment of French Kid Gloves in Josephine and Double-button, Dress Shirt: and Collars, . ` Neckties and Scarfs, A complete assortment of Trimmings in Gimpa, Luca, Fringes, Satin Folds am` J ILPIDCSB DUKE, Irish Poplins, Silk Vclvets and Velveteens, French Merinoes and Empress Cloths, The New Sateen Cloth, Wool Barges in s vsrlety of colonrings, And s large assortment of Fancy Dresses, English and Canadian Twseds. Superne Brosd snd Narrow Cloths. TIT A Rare Chaneeto lake Money! AN OLD ESTABLISHED LARGE -:- YIVENDEBS will be received the under- Iigned until the n: In 0 Much for the entire Stock of Staple Ind Fancy Dry Goods. amounting to About $15,000. The Stock in All frank nntl Inll nun:-nu! 14th Dry Goods Business FOR SALE amounting lo IDOIII $10,000. The Stock in all fresh and well Iuorted, mud in: been bought on the` moat favousablo terms in the Engliah mnkeu, and nearly all ulnle. Tbgultuntion in one of the boat In Kingston, being in the very centre of the buslneu put of the city. Th hnnln hll hnnn Allnlialnul 'AI bin; an-I me any. I The house bu `boon oluiubed for the past thirty years, and in wall nnd favourably known throughout the surrounding country. The purchaser can have the lease of thn puuuu 0!] H10 IDYDIOG pl l.9. Further particulars an to terms, to. had by Applying to smuuguuus use uurroumlng country. purchaser can have the lease of the premises, in order to commence the Spring Trade. Th; Qonnly -HI I... and) -A -.. ....__l_ 3- .I._ The; Stock will be sold at so much i pound on the invoice pri.e. Further nnrlicnlnru an 1.: terms, kn . Mnrket Square. N.B.-'l`here in also in connection with the establishment an exeellentGil|i|g Twine trade, which turns over about $8,000 per year. The stock of Twine will be sold separately or with the Dry Goods. 9 n A 12-rv Luv uly uuuuu. P. HARTY. All pan-tie: indebted would oblige by calling And settling their accounts at once. D u 1370. AUTUMN J WINTER. 1870.} Egloiired and Fancy Silks in great variety. Magnicent Black Silks. New \Vool Serges and Satin Cloths. French Merinoes, splendid value. Fancy Dress Goods. Wool and Mixed Tarlans. Paramattas, Persian Cords. Bnratheas, etc` Winceys, very cheap, Ma.ntle.Velvets and Velveteens at all Wprices. Fancy Cloakings,white and'coloured. Millinery, Mantles, Feathers _andl plnxxvnra ;n n-ran} Uni-`nil! J.GdRDIWER Flowers in great variety. Sash Ribbons. i Real Thread Laces, black and while. New Kid Gloves. New Tweeds, Beavers and Pilot {`,`nl1-us gVll.lI.l.llCl J , &V.I.(1l.IIlC, I CC-MIJCI CI-I ` LVCVK J. VVCCLIB JJCIIVCIB (I-lJI.l .I. IIUI Cloths. Table Linens, Towe1lings,_Sheetings. Pillow Cottons, White and Grey Cottons, temar_kably IIIIIT I'll ; PQQ Iv lulu. uuu um: \/vwuunsu, ID] low prices. Cotton Bags, Cotton Yarn, Carpets and Oil Cloths. Kingston, Sept. 23, 1870. Notice to whom It may concern. HAVE GOIIENCED TEE RIIOVAL 0! NIGHT SOIL, and an {ally pnpu-ed (u thoioe i in good order) tocnudw sllorda-I left :1 the Chimney Viowu-'1 ooo, Oity Hall Building, IIOOI the Police Sudan. W. B. IOLLET, llllhnnvllle. Kingston, Jan. 25, 1871. To LET, 3 an OOIIIODIOUS HOUSE on Johnson _ sum, upfesentvoeenp by H: J, 0, Inland. Pouiluion on; In lay. - A unit In `HE Stock will now be found complete in L gll Departments, and best value in the w. CITY OF-IE1-NGSTON. NEW my GOODS. AT 1{ss s. ll. ITXTI Apply to =N0T_1_cE. FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS. L AND THE PUBLIC THAT FEBRUARY THEY OFFER, P. nurrr, G. S. HOBART, ladies! Hull. THE WHOLE OF GREAT SALE OF DRY G0`0Ds'i% The Great Sale of ) { Selling on": Selling off! %* % F `STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS F A ! mun `Great CLEARING SALE army :-jnjz OI EIIIII` I 631 III 0 Trade, combined without, I) ._ .II_- I .Lv.n.v.|.v 5.1`; \JI.I..-..l. -\J.LV f `X/`I!'O"~ - ILL now all thonhnaooftheirstock of DRY 60098335 TBIINDOUS SAOIL PICS, rogu-dbl: oleoot, In tho} nuthe all gold by tho 1:: February oonoquiap of ranking a chap in our buineu. Owing tosy oxuhadinqloaau our (Juan Trude, with `out _ ` .__ --.--J _------v -"-vw---- ~:r\.a`rIUO`U_I-Il\IIuIIPO` we are compelled tndovotonllouninhound nmmioa to than Dqmggg " , ` L be added everything nquisito fotstu-c1au0ntIl'IingluIblHIInIt. M x NAlJGE'l'0l& 00's In tho nee *' wl|oI.;|perhetHlguIrInuod., P m`.',hd Grey and -UNAUUDIUI C UU'U ll IX Iwlnnnperhesitiogusrnnuod. IMMENSE T3'f)UCTIE)Ns`1% Intending purchuors will find it to th'eIr nlnnugo to buy or Feb. 3, 1371. -31.1. l1HR(!)Fll. oFALANCE or nu: srocx or ran ronnowme GOOD8 wiLL_nn ` Lil-LULL .I. 12]. , N the puuinuof the uluctihu I you; O we-`yen ou Being. Anya: pan; NOD07`! Ill Ifuylnr Illexpouu enynvqtlo use by npplyungm . ' * JOHN IABKB, Pchnoulh. Ponlnonlh, Fab. [0, 1871. T mi: December, 1810. WANTED fan: nhelau Journeyman Tqilotl, . Al D OFF DA] Whito and (he Blankets. Bed, W hito an Fancy Flanneh. Beavers, Witneyn. Mantle Clothl. English and. Canadian Tweodl. Frank}: M n um.- nugnlu and. UL!!! French Merinoou. Coburgu. Lustres. Fancy sad Tartnn `Wu! D1_:.I_ JJIIBUIUUQ Dress Goods- Wool Plnidn. W; -QnG- DIIIDIIIOC Will! 00! Ready-Made Clothing Department. connelled to davota all our cinignnd muuim can thus: n-.u..... .. ... . and Gold Volvet, THE BALANOH OF OUR WYINIB -_WILL BI BOLD AT A All Goods Sold for Cash "only ntrmm uf: BRITISH _\_3sQ{I_:EH0UsE. `At McDONELL "S, AT F. X. ooUs1N AU & 009s.` Carpets IIIIIILP I mu-let. { cell It ted for r otylgs TRE4_r;NDgI;s.%`sACRIFICE. BARGAINS, BARGAINS, BARGAINS. STRAYED, jinnnaloln n..I_..: FORMER PRICES, Will be continued all this Ionth `us, Whitqeys, .-a R Very Cheap for Cash, AND CLOTHING wmto and Grey Oottons, _ Plain and Twilled Shootings in Cotton and Linen, . 1 Towels, Napkin: and Tsblo Glotlln E l. 8: J. GARDINER: T OFFERING 11 ' rang DRESS % 1 n,_ANNE1.s,1 PRINCESS STREET. - }" Benveig, / Pot `U1! 7 Pilot Cloths, Flannel: and Blitnkots, White and Grey Cotton, Bhoatinma in (".ntl'rm Ill: `I? ran 1-. x. comma ._t.oo's, , Orange nun Buildings,` Prinmn sea "K: loliAlIGll'l'ol in con; , 09'3" 0` 3535 F84 PI'iuoI,B|III|l. Bdnoul Skirts. Phid Shawls. Bnskful Shawls San IA: Elllu Gunll South. Shirt: -I union, rob: 1o, nu: '.\'*:w B 3 ` VELV _ pzmv B`LACI1vJ` ` nli Irg. BU: Janaloofo -IA.4vv 5 snZ'f}` 1 ALL AT an '{ mucus: % CARES AII superior nub. A r...h Inc J E Produce. ' U IO All [Id stock `n- D.-. Pulry,l Feb. )0. J a_p. 25. 1;NCY ; Jul. ll. upenor nub. A fresh lol d `II. I! SIRPLIJ I term nrly nll '19 .-ilv ` Woollen 1 cm AT_ AT GE}! HAGUE! ; [new gun Bull 11' here are mil ve hblel {, gum: 4 FlD(`(` S \ ab. 1- :ed to IW YORK PRESS DESPATCHES. gghkoepsie, .\'.Y., Feb. 14.-J:1c-)b bu-get, | name of Switzerland, for ptvoyma had been pnng his :1`- whrbuca Meyer, a native of GM`- }. `May he Asked her to be his wife M18241 He immediately drew a ' nld at tho vnnna inn-nun LU] [Huh - ad between the rk\r`intiuns :I-'( but I-Dd llarw .~ Il"I||~. HCIAL . I-`J. Iilill. ll` |IH|.llC`JIISll"] UYUW E Hilda! the young woman, kil1~ hiudy. He then turned the pis- lilf And red. the ball entering Huhuve the nose Dropping the dying ups bread~knife, he stab- ff three timns in the right side. It niouly. He was arrested and btbesurgeons, who prunounce him Iisdugerous cundaxion. Pub. 15 - Flour, Super Ex}:-1 Kg 7,00 ; Fancy, 66,60 f. um uper, 6.4010 ,50 ,ltlCu;d;`Ibw, 6.40 to 675; super '&' 54-'Ho650' Super V0.2 viugsoo :3 0,00 ;'ba our 3,00 10 lhb-Cuudn Fail, 0,00 to 0,00 , ":,lL., Vzgsueru 0,00 10 0,0408. 4. ar e - HIM. Buue.--Dniry 18 to Zgc ;p?v:ure- 3,1,0 190 nhu-} ots, 5,85 Lo 5,90 In 6,60 Gold In New York at 12 ml. Park In: `H '1: n. rm rm . D-;_- -mun 9,60 Uold in New York 1U1vPork. lea, 21,7510 20,00; Prime lIIn1'I,D0. lPnme, 15,50 to 16,00. Inns 168,75. Pm, 92 to 95. ' ll 2,00 barrel: ; market dull; linen: poned ~,, huldera asking nix: disposition to meet buy- ility p. . of round loxs of Cann- ?.50 for A} 1nd June delivrry. Qhd 1 auction! in when Hlinu ' (1119-110 us we. neu wr:.cx ho III for lowest grades No. rllndto 113 4d. Fnour 283 3d- --- --u-ucuunl In WD`3M Ihlllt; for May delivery. Pi'o- h'F5hly. Lml quiet Dressed but few otf-ring. Bauer ' ing. Ashes--'>o!s quiet `I Yiun Iud higher. k __`$ Itllkln 31 up... C01] .';I{C1.j L. IDITRIAL M ARK ET 3. I, ' g?` I "0113 | ,, curl Iel ' liters - zed, might turn` cull 'W"1ech.rea mu: his slaw ` ulllopj 3 re more than veri- ncl do what. they 0 It lucesnty - llgloil, Dr. Williams . `.1 The earlier Ienlcn us. 5 to '_'.h stream: :1 they mg nml. `gm EL:-E-run; (>`!!'l:hicn were saw I Baily ` AND CON)! ERCIAL. -u wear it 1,00. 4,000 bushels ; It 661 to 70 fur Pork dull and beav) `I mag; 22 nn o`-- '-` II: the African diamond elds mg Icconnm prevnululy rt`- ll of the Val River are new K"lm-m-kers. A met anus, which a lready mm, lbousxml .....y. \- DIAMOND FIELDS} eAf;..,.- -:, . - .. , _.-.. u--`nu lbousaI;l souls. sanguine repons, to be champagne to aw like . rlwnh tales of wonder. rubies and garuels have I) among the dense red P7 Ind Val Rxvers. The *1" *n true: to 1bc*London tuned in A previous 1.4.. II. nuLl.. L~A ` - nl *1 V `!\-VG IUY W95- heavy, at i 23,00 for old mesa Cheese quiet 3! He .-uu In i-I i, publubed ccnli---~-` continued. Dr. W11- ! lhlrply criticised for n or llnuluhng -mi. 'eIIed,mighL turn out |9|ll BI Khan. his man ,r...-usucq In `!.`}`l(`lD` ` I-I C`-Very