Page Eight Jllulnuagn, ....u.._,.........., ..._. . . ,, There were 134 articles given out. RED (TROSS NEWS `Inc name ux GOOD INSURANCE FORTY YEARS self. The e for the` increasos` the co-I 1e. l umers co-I '3' bri- and they 3 The Barrie Women's Institute mo: Ion Tuesday. Feb. 6. in the Omx1;5.~ '1-Iall, Elizabeth St., with 24 mem { bers present and the president, Mr:-: H. Me1'edit;h, in the chair ! Mrs. Cavanagh and Mrs. O'Connor] Kcyach`: contributed readings, which ,werc much enjoyed. It was decided lto contribute to the Central War Charities Fund. The- members are continuing to knit for the Red n__.._ RUSSELL-At her home, 32 Bea.- conseld Ave., on Saturday, Feb. 3, Sylvia May Russell, beloved wife of George A. Russell, in her 63rd year. Resting at Ross J. Craig's Parlors, Queen St. West at Dunn Ave.), for service on Wednesday at 2 pm. Interment in Prospect Cemetery. `HOUSTON--At Hawkestone, on Sat- urday, Feb. 3, James Houston, be- . loved husband of Elfrida. V. E Barnhardt, in his 86th year. Fun- ` eral from his late residence, Hawkestone, on Tuesday, Feb. 6 I Service at the home at 3 p.m. In- terment in East Oro Cemetery. 1 'TIPPING-At Coldwater, Sunday, 1 Feb. 4, 1940, George Thomas Tip-u I ping, beloved husband of Alice Har-I 1 riett Leaper, in his 86th yeah! i I Resting at the home of his (laugh-l 1 `I ter, Mrs. Frank Buchanan, Cold- I water. Service in St. Mathias Church, `Tuesday, Feb. 6, 1940. at, 1.15 p.m. Interment at Goldwater.` DeRIVERS---At the R.V. Hospital!` Barrie, on Sunday, Feb. 4, 1940,! ` Rebecca Mariam Fowler, beloved; l I I 3 in e 5 wife of Frederick Joseph DeRivers, in her 45th year. Funeral from` Barrie W J. Meets `ft "T I WANTED-Chnice young Tamworth 1 boar, serviceable age. Apply Ad-l Vance Office or phone 53. (2883 l Barrie Liberal Association MEETING IN Police Court Chambers, Wednesday Feb. 14, 1940 V\vrI ___ - r._... The purpose of the meeting will be to make necessary arrange- ments for the Convention to be lrld in Stnyncr on Wednesday, February 21, 1940, at 2 p.m.; for the election of officers and other buslness. K. A. (`.AM`l`.n.nN_ Sc-or-nfaru ...WAT(`.H WINDOWS FOR SPECIALS... Zell@r s I.gim.:.i.ted Starts Tuesday Many Outstanding Specials Offered for this Twice--a-vear Event DEATHS THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1940; the family residence, 82 Sanford St., on 'I`uesday, Feb. 6, at 2 pm. Interment in Barrie Union Ceme- tery. 'WANT'ED-E1ectric brooder stove and coal-burning brooder st.ove.1 Apply Box 273, the Advance. (273); LU ll : rll EDWARDSBURG SYRUP Domestic SPY APPLES 1: n4 "1!"....I.-4 Greening APPLES c 6-Qt. Basket ..- . . . . . . 19 SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY ONLY NO. 1 CREAMERY BUTTER 31 LB. K. A. CAMERON, Secretary. 39` .25 17 PU11. Dn.Lu:u--n~;uu........ ._-_-_ conveniences, large garden, or exchange for smaller Apply 47 Bayeld St. e?_:________ 3:150 qu'd.uuuy utuvw. u..._, _- Earl Carson, phone 606111. *_ ' 1 WAN I`ED-Roomy wardrobe, walnut] x preferred. Apply to T. M. FleL- E cher, Thornton. (237) 5 I clan, '3U Murqucuw Ioouuu. ...-- risun Mdtors, 82 Bradford st! Phone 325. 1 WANTED TO RENT-'I`wo or three! unfurnished rooms, by middle-i aged couple, no children. Attnux. Young, General Delivery, Bar-` _ I me. (285) 1 n WANTED TO RENT-10 to 50 acres, with buildings. dening. Would rent for term of years if suitable. Arthur Young, 138 Collier St., Barrie. (275) 1 suitable for gax--` Pnone Lisa. rumu; ...~.... ..... laying nuahes, bran. shorts. white` mlddlings, wheat. barley. oats, cracked com. cornmeal, pk starter grower, fattening mash, and baledl hay and straw. Bread our, any quantity, highest quality, at low- est prices. Call in and see our complete stock. Open Saturday` evenings. (49) AUTOMOBILE PARTS -- Super1as- tic Tire Sales, Associate Dealer to- Czmadian Tire Corporation, prices same as current catalogue. H. F. Fruliclz, Dunlap and I\.h11(:-astrx` cf: PERMANENT '.~\\'E SPECIALS For a short time we are offering our regular high quality permanent. waves at half price. Morning Spec-`. ial, regular $2.50. now $1.25; $3.50i.\ pcrmanents for $1.75: $5.00 perman-2 ents. $2.50. Ideal Beauty Par1our,l-2 W. T. Cameron, Prop. 5 Clapperton" St. (249) f C < r PI.AS'I`ERII\'G AND REPAIT.S- Work neatly done in town or out. Renew those old ceilings with anew puzzo nish, any color or design. Cornice work, also Frank Hmvea, 32 Cumberland St. Phone 95W. (Qt!) brickwork. ` KLEEREX-The Quick Healing ` salve. Quick relief from Eczema, Psoriasis, Pemphigus, Erythema, Acne, 130115 and most skin a11ments.l soc, $1.00 and $2.00. For sale at Douglas Drug Store. MENI WANT VIZM ? TRY RAW OYSTER Tonic. OSTREX Tablets to pop up the whole body quick! _-; .:..u..I..A...I .16. u-nan-u Av-c+ bu pup up mu. wuun. ..u.._, .,......... It not delighted with results first packngo. maker refunds its low`. price. You don't. risk a penny. Call, wriu: Douglas Drugs in Barrie and all other good drug stores. 1' 4 all Sts. FOR RENT -_. FOR SALE--7-roomed brick -.- ....,. 1...-an cra rpn WANTED PERSONAL warurooe, \\'2i.11lul;1 VI i 3 5 ; c * c lT-'I`wo 115, middle-ic Attnu: , Bar- H T-10 acre:s,] house, ` garage, ` house. _? Baby Chicks Notice is hereby given that abl- credltors and others having claims against the Estate of Cleatus G. Hinds, late of the Town of Barrie, in the County of simcoe. Merchant, ,deceased. are required on or before `the Twenty-seventh day of Febru- ary. A.D., 1940, to send by post pie- paid. or to deliver to the under- signed, Solicitors for the Adminis- ltratrix of the estate of the said dc-I lceased, a. full statement of their claims. duly veried, and the nature of the security, if any, held in them, and after said date the Ad- ministratrix will proceed to distri- bute the assets of the said Estatt among the parties entitled theretcl having regard only to the claims 01 which she shall then have had notice. 1-mm.-1 nf uawin (" this I l Notice is hereby given that all`. _ persons having any claims againsiu, the late GeorgeDavid Shannon, who 1 -died on or about the 3rd day of `December, 1939, domiciled in the lTown of Barrie. in the County of jsimcoe, are required to forward to 1; the undersigned, Solicitor for the! Executors of the Estate and effects '| of the said deceased, theirdlnamesl`. addresses and full Pattie` ars in. . wwriting of their claims. ,' And take notice that after the '*15th day of February. 1940, the- 'i|Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased, hav- `ing regard only to the claims oi t] which they shall then have notice _ ` and that the said Executors will noi `-`be liable to any person of whose ;claim they shall not then have re- `ceived such notice. I n,...,: ..+ YIN-nhnhn-r rm. `)|'H'k .-um nonce. l Dated at Barrie, Ontario, this {Twenty-seventh day of January: `A.D., 1940. l I 54-...--` 9. ecnmnul : CV31 VCLA DUUIL Dated at I of January, I FOR SALE-'7 chunks. Apply M"; W. H. Watson. Lot 21, Cor. 9 Innisl. (284) _ Nation is 1:!-1`rh`\ "jvun that all ':c1'(-r1it_m's rmd mhvrr, having claims n',au:!in. Hw I"..~mLn of William -;Thompson Mmv. lutv of the Town- -'ship of V("~`}.`Y"l. in the County of Sixncrw. Ff1`.`!}1!'!'_ (?!'(:("!S(!d. are re-l quired on or before the Fifth day n! March. AI). W40, to send by postl - prepaid, or to deliver to the under- signed, Solicitors for the Executors of the said Estate, .1 fun statement ` of their c1nim.'< r'nl\' veried, and the I. nature of the so(:11r1ty, it any, held 5_ by them. and after said date the Lt Executors will proceed to distribute 41... ........L.. -6` C`r\ ....(.I 11-4-5- .__.__.._._ t . v 1 fl NODICE 15 LIUFISUJ EIVCLI HEB Ill creditors and others having claims against the Estate of Fredwin ` Thompson, late of the Township of Tnv-M-:1 in Hm: mzntv nf imnna `F (270) 1.I1111:5111, 111 DIR: uuuuuy Farmer, deceased, are required on Ar hnfnvsn +ha 'T`mn1fH\ And (If? 1"'r11'IIlUI`. UUUUHDCU, EIIC l'G.]_llJI.l UH I or before the Twelfth day 037 February, AD., 1940, to send by post prepaid or to deliver to the undersigned, Solicitors for the Ex- ecutors of the said deceased. 9. statement of their claims, duly veri- ned, and the nature of the secur-I ity. if any, held by them, and aim} said date the Executors will prov ` ceed to distribute the assets of the` said Estate among the parties en- titled thereto, having regard only tel the claims or which they shall then! have had notice. Y'\.t.-u-I at `l2n-v-In IN-n6-win `Ml-l (266) Solicitors for the Executon. LIUVU H'd.U HULIUC. Dated at Barrie, Ontario, this, Twelfth day of January, AD.. 1940. Stewart & Stewart, Barrie, Ontario, 3. LJ-, L010 Stewart & Stewart, Barrie, Ontario, Solicitors for the Administratrix (278) of said Estate. i 1 `DI ERIC, bDULl\4l|All D 1 UL Ullli IIAILCUIIIAJI 3 full so<:ur1ty, them. nftr.-r the distribute the assets of tho :---ml among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice. hnfnrl nf, `Rnrrin (Into!-In thin. 4 uucy hllllll DIICII llll. VI.` uuu IIUDIUC. ` Dated at Barrie, Ontario. this Fifth day of February, A.D.. 1940. ' Sitvvvart &: Stewart, Solicitors for the said Executors, (280) Bare, Ontario. FOR SALE-Chevro1et 4-power unit, complete with governor. Elcctc` pump jacks made to order. Pnedi R. Day, Shanty Buy. (232) FOR SALE--Dry hardwood, cut foot! long, $4.50 per box load, delive.-:ed;l also quantity clover bay for sale. (211) T I Notice is hereby given that all` n-m-turn:-e and nf.`|-nan: `hnvino nlniml! NOTICE TO CREDITORS LEGAL NOTICES Notice to Creditors Notice to Creditors Notice to Creditors UU11 UULIUC. Kitchener, this 20th day ary, 1940. I G. Harold Shannon, 1 19 Queen Street North, I Kitchener, Ontario. Solicitors for the Execubors. I --........ --.-., --_.-_._ _ ..._- ;s. The Corporation of the Town of P! Barrie hereby gives notice that 1t '_",has. under Section seven of the "misaid Act, deposited with the Min- 0u|1ster ofPub1ic Works at Ottawa. __-......A 4.. H`; mm. nf H-an Dnaiztrnr 3184110 In [-116 Llu-llic U1. uuu xvuglnulaa. 1. of Deeds of the County of Simcoen r` at; the Town of Barrie, a. descrip- .tion of the site and plans of an 5`outfa11 pipe proposed to be laid un- dam thn umftlrrsx of Kemnentemt Bnvn U 0111:1811 plpe propuauu bu uc rauu uu-' der the waters of Kempenteldt Bay at the said Town of Barrie. in from of Lot Number Five, Plan Numbex `Fifteen, for the said Town of Bar- |..I- FOR SALE-Eleven pigs, weighing 100 lbs. Apply Douglas S. Day, New Lowell, Ont. (274) LID the expiration of one month from [the date of the rst publication 01 Seven of the said Act apply to the Minister of Public Works at his omce in the City of Ottawa, for ap- proval of the said site and plans [tor leave to construct the an out- tall pipe. ntp at the Town of Barrie. in AND TAKE NOTICE that aftez i this notice, the Corporation of the `N Town of Barrie will under Section * mu pipe. Dated at the Town Barrie, the County of Simcoe and Province of Ontario, this 18th day of Janu- ary, A.D., 1940. The Cornoratlan `L116 \JUl`[lIJl1IInlUll of the Town of Barrie. Per their Solicitors, Messrs. Boys 8. Boys, 13 Owen St., Barrie, On- ltario. (262) TREASUREIVS SALE OF LANDS FOR ARREARS OF TAXES | ~ ' . By virtue of a warrant Issued by s the Reeve of the Township of Essa, of lands in arrears of taxes in the Township of ESSA. will be held at the Court House in the Town of Barrie at the hour of two o'clock a bearing date December 1st, 1939. sale in the afternoon of Monday. April l15th, 1940, unless the taxes and costs `are sooner paid. 1\TnHm=- in ha:-rphv given that the! `are sooner pam. Notice is hereby given that the list of lands for sale for arrears of taxes is being published in the On- .tario Gazette on the 6th of January. `on the 3rd of February, and on the 2nd of March. 1940. auufx mat copies of said list may be had at my oice. Treasurer's Office, Utopia. Ontario, this 10th day of December, 1939. Jim Hunter, the talking reporter or the Toronto Evening Telegram, will be the guest speaker at; Burton Ave. United Church on Friday, Feb. I 16th. l The women of the three ihlandale 'chuIches will meet in Essa Road` `Presbyterian Church on Friday at.` II3 o'clock. There will be a meeting in the basement of the Minesing United 1Ch1u~ch on Friday at 2 p.m., to .organize for Red Cross work. Dr. T. Atkinson and others, of Bar- 'rie, will be present to speak. All in terested are urged to be present. The Minesing C.G.I.T.are having a crokinole party and box social on Friday evening in the Continuation gschool. There will also be 21 p1'o- `gram. Ladies with boxes admitf-J, `free. They are hoping for :1 go`-" } turnout. ~ FOR THE BEST OF'FER-Bu.1ck Wrecker, 30 Chev. Sedan, '30 Graham Sedan. 29 Graham Se- dan, '30 Marquette Sedan. Mer- . .--1. .._.. or) 11v-n dfnrd St_ ` Valentine Dance and Cards, Wat` lnosday, Feb. 14 ,in Barrie Lvzgirm I-1:111, under auspices of I3:m`it: Brzmch, Czmzttlialx I.c;:im, and |I..:1clics' Auxiliary. Jil,n<:-J lunch. Ml- mission 25c. (286) ,_-. ..- ....... --- _..-.-.~. The local Red Cross Society has received $73.55 proceeds of the Paul. Bu! recital which took place in the ` Collier St. United Church on Tues- day evening, Jun. 30th. I u-_ __._u 11.... n_____L ut__.__ _L . The Women's Day of Pr:1:,`r:r service will be observed in B-.1rri~: on Friday, Feb. 9, at. 3 p.m., in the Szxlvutirm Army Citadel, Collier t. nu-- L____ ..___..x_, ..1..u... ._A- 7-|..._.x.. Mayor, accompanied by Mrs. Mayor," . -_... . I Mr. and Mrs. Grant. Mayor at-1 tended the cavmm Club afternoon', tea at the Royal York Howl in To-`j tomato on Sunday afternoon Mr. wuu the guest soloist on this occur] I ._., .....-. .....-. . .-. ..._, ... ..... .., V..." The two service clubs of with the town council, are `the initiative in organizing :1 ibcr of Commerce In Barrie. THE NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTECTION ACT nu:-.1154 .u..o.~..... _. .......`, .._~..... .,.- `me tmumauon of the new pipe or-` gun in the First. Baptist Church.l `Ohppcrwn BL. It is hoped that in- `ut.ulIn.l.lun will be completed so that It can be used this Sunday. 3 (212) Coming Events Rapid 1.- n__A_ .____________._____ !OR SALE-At the Simcoe Flour azl Peed oo.. 85 comer St`... 3ame.`. - --_ ..___. . '_ G ` R.S.C. 1927, Chapter 140 -p u- - _. Township of Essa l"nunIv nf Eh-nan Iownsmp U1 nssa. County of Simcoe N. The Corporation I {Ins Town on! Ral- J. H. Bell, Treasurer. ,, ,,_ 5 LOCAL The Barrie Advance C0-OPERATION (Continued irom page one) : and tons of fertilizer annually and: have eectecl net- savings of froml 15 to 20 per cent. FOR SALE-Typewriter Desk, Que- bec Heater, 50 ft. `/.-in. pipe, 30, ft. Square Track and Ro11ers,"\ quantity of Insulating Board, Electric Drill. Merriam Motors, 82 Bradford St. Phone 325. i The United Farmers Co-operative 1 Company,` doing a total business oi over 10 million dollars a year, actbi` as the wholesaler for most of thest ` district co-operatives, supp1yiuy,| ` them with all kinds of farm sup- . plies. A new development in the past two years has been the l1aud- . ling of a group of electrical um.-1i~ ances marked with the Co-up. brand name. This has been mudc possible by joining the super-whole sale in the United States callec National Co-operatives Inc. This 1: a. combination of ten large whole- sales. At first National Co-opera- tives had articles manufactured by private factories specications, now, however, they are manufacturing their own trac- tor in their own factory. to co-operative The co-operative marketing otin `farm products has also developed successfully in Ontario. One and one-half million cubic feet of cold storage space is owned ~co-opera.tive- ly by fruit growers. Ninety per. cent. of the ue-cured tobacco grow- ers of Ontario belong to 9. co-oper- ative marketing organization whicb'T `has been able to effect a. price in- crease of from 7c to 9c a. pound There are 2,600 Ontario members in the Canadian Co-operative Wooil I Growers. Two benets have result--I 2 ed from the action of producers: 3 co-operatives. The rst is improve f ment of the quality of the goods i produced through education carried_ 5 on by the organization itself. The second is increases in price :, product produced, which . benet not only those in . operative, but those outside. i I The development of consumers co-` operatives in the eld of household` goods, groceries, clothes, etc., is just starting. some of the farmers co- operatives are handling these goods, one at Dundalk is doing a $150,000 business a. year. There are four ~ other similar co-operatives in the same district. `There are about a- dozen urban co-operatives in and around Toronto. In Timmins the Consumers Co-operative is doing a . business of three-quarters of `, L million dollars 9. year. ..-.u . ,,,__,A. _:...__.::......L 4.1.:...... ..L..\..x. unuuu... ..u......... .. _,-...-. The most signicant thing about|` the co-operative movement in On- tario is that apart from the mutual fire insurance companies, the great- est growth in the movement has oc- `curred during the last ten years. During this time people in town and country alike have come to the con- clusion that they can and must solve their own problems. They have been ghting the battle fox dentneracy on the home front and their measure of success is the h0pF and the challenge of the future. (Next week: Co-operative in Simcoe County) CHIMNEY FIRE _ At; 8 pm .Monday the re gacle was called to Mac's Fish `Chip Store, Dunlop St., where encountcrccl 11 Chimney fire of mu- jor proportions. The blaze was (`fi- tixiguislietl with \'m'_v little t .mnagu to the pmpe1`t_V. Some states have reserved st,renm.= and ponds for exclusive use of wo- men anglers, and Connecticut has 5; women sh warden who does teach-' ing duty. ........,_, ,,..... Mrs. Skvlly. Nliss; Spry. Mr. J. AI MacLnren, Mrs. Dumvorth, M1`.<., Jes, Miss 13. Mccuaig. Mr. L. Chantlcr, Anonymous, M. W001is0n.| -Ina ._..4:,.1.V. .......\.. nu} The Red Cross \vis11o.<; to thank the following for (I onntions received during the past week : `rm. .-u_..11.. 1ur:.... av..." air 1' A I `Reliable Companies, Prompt Settle- ~ ' mum. A. F. A. MALCOMSON PHONE 447 __________.__.___._.____} FOR RENT-Large furnished bed room in comfortable home, cen- tral. Use of telephone, etc. Ap- ply Barrie Advance. .- i