c-The sowing of clean seed is th -.f,'Sf.n in nrnfnwlo fut-rhino n\*, 1st. Floor. Masnnic Temple Bldg`., Barrie. Pee-an '.\vT I -T T7`cl'rn1 ; in Higlz Court of Ju>.i.ice ties Public, Ccmveyancers to loan at lowest c11rrent; rates. M to Loan LEGAL UL ETC. LONGMAN G. A. Ross Cowan J. F. Woods Barrie Barri: THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1940. any . the v How often in our civilization men train specially to become athletes, [ignoring the mind greatly and the spirit altogether, while others train the mind specially and are puny iphysically and lacking spiritually. Q11:-n'|u J-Inn-A In .- r _____ -.... .... ..u .... ub uyuauus-.u_y. Surely there is a lesson for us here, that our natures. being tri partite, should be equally developed on every side, and that real perfec- tion in any one part is dependent on the perfection of the whole How many hours a day does the Iaverage Christian spend (or should `we say how many minutes) to per- fect that spiritual life that extends on past the grave ? 1r______ 1... .-n,.._up._ uJ.1u.|uA.Iu A. J. Simon... .11 W. H. Keller .` Midland Orillia. W. Mackenzie. .12 S. R. Samjeant.` Extra end. :; A.uuaL-' Bert H111 Doug. Ramsay Ange Hartman Clive Johnston Capt. R. L. Hindman ;Bob Malcomson W. L. Mackenzie.10 A. J. Simson ...s in view. The Perfect Man is shown up as physically, mentally and spiritually sound and active. None of these elements are trained at the expense of the others, but all kept `equally balanced. 7... . _L_,, u. u -35:11:11 no UU. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Motor Ambulance in Connection Open day and night Morgue and Chapel in connection Established 1869 'l'hane 82 *n...._.:. .. . 1 . U. LLUIU FUNERAL DIRECTOR 47 Elizabeth St. Phone 211 AMBULANCE SERVICE _jT.________j. DR. W. A. LEWIS SURGERY AND DISEASE OF WOMEN Chief Coroner, County of Simcoe ._A1\Th_ These Fine Aluminum Saucepans p., A.,..;;.;.....p,;.e,_ Your Alternative Opinion May be the I/Virme You will be proud to own this Beautiful BQRGFQETEB-THEBm%mE'!'E% . _._.Vv-._'-....\.4.. `u `.5. .LAL1LOUA\JA15 - -- Orillia Barrie ` S. R. Sarjea.nt..10 N. C. Johnston.` DR. W. C. LITTLE Associate Coroner, County of Simcoe and `VICTORIAN ORDER OF NURSES (BARRIE BRANCH) Well-Bah): Clinic, 230 to 4.30 every Wr=r1nest1ay--Miss I. Lawson. Application for nurse's services may be made direct; or through doctors. DR. C. C. FLEMING VETERINARIANV AND SURGEON Omce: 48 Bayeld St., Barrie PHONE 811 ! -...... .w......- | Barrie Barrie * A. J. Simon....10 R. F. Garrett . .8 Midland Orinia Ont. Hosp. W. H Ke11er...17 Dr S. J. Home 7 Midland Barrie 9 W. Mackenzie..13 H. Armstrong ..12 ` ("Iv-i11io ""----` - ` LIKE. A. U. UREA! .0f`fice: 47 Maple Ave. Phone 213 [Ofce Hours: 1 to 4 pm. and '7 to I 9 p.m., or by appointment. `GEO R. K; 1*.L. R. P.Um\'~:, DRUGLESS THERAPIST: Electro. I-I_vd:~o and Mr-ch-ann T ' I _'1;Llm Magnetic Baths. I Elvctrmc Diagnosis: Font. Ad justments. Phone $05 for Appointmc $29 A nuhw. C4 82A A !_ Midland, Jan. 31.--w. L. Macken- izzes Midland rink defeated A. J. - Simon s Barrie foursome 10-8 in the nal of the British Consols curling icompetition played last; night. Nfinn ..;1.,. run... r\..:n:._ A. un- -:uVu- DR. R. N. MMEPHERSON PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Phone 61 0fcc-58 Collier St. Oice Hours: 8.30-9.30 a.m., 1-3-p.m., 6.30-8 p.m. These Fine Aluminum Acldilionul Prizes. i____.r---..\.... ,4.-._,\.u Auou u15uu. ` Nine rinks from Orillia, ormia land competed in the single rink competition for :1 British Consols I trophy, leading up to the Mucdonald aBri:-1' competition. Preliminary game: ! Barrie Orillia. Ont. Hosp. } A. J. Simon....11 J. Thomson " --F1rst; Round- `n._....:- - Ontario Hospital. Barrie and Mid-` 1*UrIi'T1::{i'. DIRECTOR; J. II. N. SMITH. M.D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON 0 ic9--0w<*n St. (Fn1'm:2x'Iy occupied by Dr. L. J Sixmasom Barrie I"()()h -103 . Dunlap St. ....-_--.._.-"11 v;::Ti:ENARY ..Cm'Eing.. HAL-I DR. A. D. GRAY I": 1\,I'....I.. A.... 1')`: MEDICAL TTUP.SII`.7% } -FNE BAEOMETER COMBINED WITH ACCURATE THERMOMETE-R To be Given Away in Our New I . 4 iv}, P. C. LLOYD N|"lP'D A1 . `l'\1"I:n:1rvI- D-...... . Yours for 'I`ruth, 111-.11-I --F1na.1- Page Seven _---- wu':l1L-`- Appointment 1')... OUU Barrie, OII1. Midland BEREAN. JA>/ Therapy Simcoe Flo-ur &Feed Co. and Carload Groceteiia, Barrie, Ont. Contest Closes Evening of Saturday March 30th, 1940 ONE BAROMETER AND 24 SAUCEPANS WILL BE GIVEN AWAY i='s'r m'iE This Fine Instrument ---up I Iulv lllalllllllvll with English Movement. the Crops, Seeds and! Ont. Dept. of Agri-1 T, I Clean seed should be 11 bright; plump. uniform sample, pure as to` variety, free from all foreign mat; ter, Including seeds of other culti- Get Your Mable Leaf (Cream of The West) Flour at It is the duty of every farmer to iendeavour to increase crop produc- tion at the present time. This can and should be accomplished by in- [creasing yields per acre, thereby. ilowering costs of production rather. 'than by increasing the total acre-: lage under crop. It costs little more lto produce 2!. 70-bushel crop of oats I u than it does a 50-bushel crop. The sowing of lean. xvell-graded seed of` a recommended variety will make! `this possible providing climatic and soil conditions are favorable. l . . I vated crops, diseased grams, small.` lshrunken grains and weed seeds. ..m.\L .... u,,,, u,,,, :- __,- ____._--. c,_.._..... .~-.... . . . V .. n.:vw\AAIu V I Ontario has been fortunate in: having two good crop years. We do not know what; is in store for us mi i1940, therefore, farmers are urged no make sLu'e that they have Lhcirj 1940 seeding requirements in hunci.` Clean and grade a suicient amoum :01 seed for your own use. Do not leave this important work until you- ;bin.s' are lox-.'." V x I 1 I I imilicicxmt or an `own, purchase from your nei: in-IacLeod. When a well-cleaned and graded sa1np1e is sown of :1. 1'eco1n1nen(1ec' variety, one may expect; a. vigorous I and uniform s_;`e1'n1ination, strong i plants capable of resisting unfav- orable weather conditions and dis-` case. a uniformly ripening; crop, liar-` vested with a minimum loss and of the best marketable quality, also cleaner farms, greater yields, higher` grades, better prices and more pro- Rh to the one who comes nearest to naming the Thernicmerer and Barometer readings for the Monday (12 o clock noon) foiiowing the closing date of the contest, this magnificent, accurate, combination was Q E ii `,3 ._ mt. H is `Saw :2 AND ADDITIONAL PRIZES as stated below for others who come next nearest to being correct. I May be Detcnnining; Factor in Suc~ cess or Failure of farming Oper-* uiion-9. says J. I). )Iuc-Lead, Out. 1 V Dept. of A::ricu1turc. It is all so Ea/sy-Y0u merely ll in the blank which We supply with purchase of Maple Leaf Flour. BLANKS SUPPLIED `gr ; agm g gag AS FOLLOWS:- ' 4 V`/3TH 98 lb. BAG MAPLE LEAF What will the Thermometer read and what will the weather be like at 12 o'clock (noon) on the Monday following closing date of this rtnnfesf`? l.l.LL\J (LI. Lei Li kzlklb of this contest? . _ - ___C,_. neighbor,` suitable sed e high qua] Cream of the West You quality '.ld\ l.SCS O v. \.....u. ..n.n.u, A-1 Q __.- _- .,`.c'step in prof1t,ab1e farming may easily be 2-. determining I in me ~suc:.-cs.s or failure of 1 .-.____ ,_ _ ,. - _ __ I'm bouncing em off that. How the deuce," asked the of-! cer on the rie range, have you` got those four bulls? Your range is six hundred yards. but your sight, is set at three hundred." Said the young militiamanz Seei that rock halfway along? Well.` I .....-.... V `t Y'yes," answered Jim in a wor-' ried tone. It's my brother Joe. 1 [recognize his handwriting." 1 a Lady : Indeed, and what is the `little ship in front? ; Gob: Oh, that's just. a. tug, Smith topped his car at a ctesa-i late crossroads and yelled to a`. farmer who lay in 21 cart. "Hey,f Jargc, is this the way to C1'oydon?"' 'T`hn 6`.-. ..._ .... .. n Y_. in - > say, how did you know my namn is Jarge ?" he asked. ` I guessed it," said the motorizty ] I`hen," said the farmer as he`, drove on, guess you} way to Croy-j ' don." . How are ye enjoying the Tam?" Ach, it s a great life. It's tho` `rst time I ve had peace since I married ten years ago. The postman on a country routel called Jim out and handed him 3: black-edged envelope. | Looks like somebody died," he `....x.x I Chuckles... ,..,U., _, ...... H". uud ` The farmer raised tonishment. seed expert of Kl ! .\.;.. x . 1. fag operations, Gob: Yes, mamn. That's a man- \` u.n.. H Lady: "Yes. of course. A tug-of- var. I've often heard of `m:m. "" I tug} The Barrie Advance 311113 . i Rev. and Mrs. Haughton went _!Toronto on Tuesday and M UlPhyI1is Haughten returned wi ' them. 9 I Shirley Hubbard, aged 5 in Apri1,l has started shing young. She caught an 8`;- .~-pound trout while out with her father here. I Mr. and Mrs. T. Tapper and Mr.` `and Mrs. Haley have been visitorri .at the home of Mrs. A. Hubbard. - I Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Graham I I were in the village during the week . Mr. E. V. Wilson, Mrs. Crook and; :Mr. J. Broo1~: were in attendance at; `;the St. Thomas Church V'0SL1`3 : `n.<:;'L;1~.g. 21L which Mr. C. Raikew 4`.`.'u3 uppeintczl People's '\Vz11'den, M1: .`E_ V. `Vi1sun. Delegate to Syn0d,: jancl Mr. John Brooks, alternate. A? \`r)Lu of cc1`.:lL,l-'_-1_`.cx;' to the family Of; the late Mr. Houston was also 1):`.s:--i !u;1. [. \\'v:`1'e received h'o1n the] _Wumen`:s Guild, the W.A. and the "Organ Fund. A hearty vote of :thanks was also ;`i\`en to all those. '\vho had in various ways hclpedi zhn.:nu- H. ......4- .... .. l ' ` ' I The water question is getuing ser-' ious around here due to wells going ;dry. I A large number from here went. to Guthrie for the hockey match between Shanty Bay and Guthrie. the result being shanty Bay 6. Guthrie 2. Result of previous game, Shanty Bay 5, Oro 1. Next game, Hawkestone and shanty Bay. 1 A denite number of bushels pe. acre are required in order to pay for the production of the crop. If the total yield per acre is below this :11111>u11t. 21 direct loss will be` the result. This is true not only of` crop production. but also of all other industries connected with agriculture which are more or less dependent on the economical production of eld crops. I j The ten minerals which the U.S. ,War Department lists as strategic `are manganese ore, nickel, chrom- ium, tungsten, tin, aluminum, anti- lmony, mercury, platinum and mica. . v...-.- .. \........-, nu, . . iorgan A hea: during the past year. trym E;-,.1,`..=`,'..;; IEI nmcv nmn III EWLEEEXF] IE SHANTY BAY FLOUR lulnntldul I-av _-_- .. \v .-v; . Luke claims to have had 3. per- fect understanding" of all the things of which he wrote, from above," for that is what ANOTHEN (from the very first means). Moreover, he wrote these divine facts in or- der (see Luke 1:3) and so we go to the record of Luke to learn the sequence of events in the life of Christ, and we will quickly notice that these many events and say- ings that are peculiar to Luke alone. are especially designed to show forth His perfect manhood. (Note chapters 1:, 2:, and 3:, 4: 16-30;` 5:1-11, 7:36-50, 10:1-42. 11:1 to 12:59. 13:1 to 18:17, 19:2-28). Luke shows how the perfect Man was the Friend of publicans and` I isinners and shows how His intense lsympathy and compassion went be- yond the narrow limits of national pride and prejudice, as in the par- able of the good Samaritain (10: | 30-37). `.-,__ _- ..v .. `....,--~\.vA_y. But Luke s account gives us agaiui a. new and different picture 01; Christ ,as the Son of Man, Je-| Hovah`s Man, the Perfect; Man, as` it is written, Behold the Man. Whose Name is the Branch (Zech. 6:12). It is a beautiful tribute to the life that this Man lived, that! His Worst enemies acknowledge His `perfect example, so that even the Jews who deny His Messiahship still acknowledge Him as a great prophet. There are three important factors! in crop procluction-weather condi- tions. over which farmers have no. control; soil conditions. over which` fzmnors have partial control, and the condition of the seed that is sown. over which farmers have al-! most complete control. When one considers this latter fact, the folly of sowing poor seed is apparent` Mr. MacLeocl states. ' Now the perfect Man will need 9 most accurate family history. and this we have in the third chapter ' of Luke, who gives us His genealogy `rich!-. hnnlr fn A:-Iona '71-\1\ DUNCAN F. MCCUAIG, K.C. PAUL H. ARIHSTRONG, B.A. BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC. MONEY TO LOAN Rneu `Illa:-I: n__..:- .~-..nuu.; auu DALVVAIVI BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS, NOT- ARIES PUBLIC, CONVEYANCERS Money to loan In any sunu at ` lowest current. rates. 18 Owen Rt - n-__.I_ ---~y ----v ax"... uu 44.40 5\.uca.1U5_y ' right. back to Adam, who was al I on-s A4` finally ro.nn\ gr:-I'):"of~"G-;)_d" (3:88). 1- ._u__ The parables of this book, that are not elsewhere recorded, all show up that sound logic of sanctified; common sense that. God`s children` are exhorted constantly to use. The teaching of His disciples and His. arugments with the religions, sects ; and politicians all savour of thati same sound logic. rrn..- ...1_..1- ..... ._1 -1: v..1__ _____ -_` IBARRISTERS. SOLICITORS, NOT- `ARIES PUBLIC. CONVEYANCERS. 'E"'T`f" I ,_,._._, _. ............ .., ...... BARRISTER. SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC .. u..u_uv Masonic Temple Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN 1V1 L) Ross Block CLEAN SEED FIRST STEP | IN PKOFITABLE I<`AR.MlNGI A Oice : point to do it perfectly A\t\4\4AI\4\A J.LAAlL AA\ 9 Mark, howeve` -, sees Him ideal servants who came to Fat'.her s will, and failed not 1::..+ r..1..... ..~,.A...`L -,,-, loicez 13 Owen St.. Masonic Temple 'R1r1u- Tlvqnr-h mnn `F!`.mun'|n J. R. Boys BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS, NOT-S ARIES PUBLIC. CONVEYANCERS. [ | ETC. S I. Money to Loan I Office, Masonic Temple Building, [ 17 Owen St., Barrie. E ` Alexander Cowan I H BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY 1Df'rIr1 ' (N0. 28) I I We have briey reviewed the re-I cords of Matthew and.Mark con-. cerning the earthly life of our Lord! Jesus Christ and found mac Mat- thew views Him wholly a.s Israel's` rightful King, Who came to His owl?` possessions but `Vhose own people `received Him 11 1 n'_..x_ 1, , -...--- _. ._._. --a-... The whole record of Luke comes alive when one reads it with this Money to loan at lowest rates of Interest. culture, Toronto. DONALD F. M:1cLAIlEN, B.A. 1\`I:u`.onic Temple B'u1;:., Barrie LIUC. 10 LJVVUII Elm, LV&l1DU1lIU LCIII} Bldg. Branch Oice .E1mva1e STEWART and STEWART )D'I "l"E1`l'Ic1 nrxr 1-p-u-rn-uxv-..- --. iiihlv iartzi ..Pr0fessional l)irectory.. GORD ON COVVAN & C0/AN ESTEN and ESTEN BARRISTERS BOYS and BOYS . F arm News .