Shop At SAVEm ZELLER 3 Thrifty Buys RS BUY THE THINGS THEY L S-AND SAVING THE DIF1 provincial 1.... .u.~m- .., 1 corn uorer wci: ...u....., |ioi' this bad outbreak which was not-` `ed this year across Simcoe County.` 1 Victoria and Peterborough Counties. The {act that iittie or no attention` has been paid in this district tut clean-up measures has greaiy assist-' * ed the outbreak. 1' 2 borer were I... ,4 mnlnv TRULY TI-II SHOPPING The .- Saturday Featured S NEED BY DIFFERENCE! worst situation was re set corn producers, who some cases than over 5 It Pays to Professor L. entomologist at .>.. ....-n HM : s Iz`.V'orab1e 1.3 mostly responsible` ,,._ ;,.\. ..... .< .-m+_ local Osteopathic "lm" WFE";; `Physician, is attending a two-day we had the pie: i~.'L".,;1l clinic conducted by Dr. Percy _ , . Woodhall of Birmingham Alabama. ova. a thousand ' straight and enclle :12; 3h:g::3:n:::::r;::`::; at Nov. 6 and 7, at Cleveland Osteo-i Heard but Iew C` ipathic Hospital of Cleveland, Ohio. inanx `_v_h0 were County Treasurer D. H. Coleman frol `T e`l'1b` g? _w_ `has returned to his duties following uh *9 male ` a three weeks` visit in Western Can- man tor several ` _ _ , , whole the crop we 12Ld3.,~p'l`1I1Cl1.)'c3.11y\ in NIa1llL0i)8.,.\Vne1`.-3 appears to be Op [she visited at the homes oi his br0- J is u 5even_ye_` R323`:`i:`I,:;l1" .1 :1?::lniTIi::`:;e:: be frienbds`in theDPr2;irie provinces. Am,)mer thmkh: Jean Paterson, oi" Colln1g-`Cyue and Wayne; 1 ) J. Edwin Wilson, I `V! ` Miss 3`ezu'.s. iwood, and Miss Helen Butler, 14 Ross PEOPLE ` the week end in Guelph Perhaps the g `St-., spent `I come over the They may not ha they are zxcquir spirit; they are gL`l.lAU1' rum Lo 1: church and the community cent credit is due 1:) ;Friday evening, Oct. '37. Elsie A. Burns, Dr's.C., ztttendecl the aiiiitia`. ;(:o:i\'e1iLi<;1i and clinical conference of -. `the Associated Chiropractors of On- ,x%i,t:xriu, held at the Royal York Hotel. I \_'1'oronto, Friday and Saturday, Oct. 82a Dunlop Sn, r claim- 50 per I `-pacmc nuspmu UL -.-.- \ to cm weeks ` lada, p1`incipa1ly in Ma ulhe at home ithers and covered man: `xniles :`ene\ving acqua `friends in the P1`a.`u`ie 1 jwood, 1 '\St week e attended the 0.1 .... ..;.m- (`Er-f f Lindsay, visited in name we. unnu- teachers. DENTED BUT NOT BEATEN WALTON-_MEREDITH . The West may be badly dent: :;u`-.tunu wedding took placebut it is not beaten The land | 35 at the 110m`3".as fertile as ever in most; distrit Oi Mi`. mid Mrs. J. H. Meredith, Bar-`an it lacks is mo-1stm,e_ we L tie, when their eldei` (mughter, Gretu.\a Spot on the Boyne River wh the bmde 9i Wb ,twenty-five years ago it was bwe McMaster Walton, son of Mr. '.|,l\.(l`1~e.L deep. TWO weeks ago we .M_. `Mrs. Joseph Walton, Grenfel. Rev. ed across the bed of that 1.~wer_ ,E.. Lon; peri'o1'med the ceremony, Watched those big derrick mach]- `zlme xteticiing, music being played byiS_..JUp out ~-dugoubsn on farms n "Vm91'v of M'~'hen- ifeet deep, and the bottom was `v' m 1`'i"`3e byiciry as the top. Reo1'esL2Ltion 13' 53Wed:da.x1111ii11g of the streauis is b """"`--~~=~nr-nn hut mnrp snow and A quiet on Thursrlay, Oct. i\i:13/. EJL`a111e 2\.'i':s 113150 ` `rue `oxide, `.her father. was becoming int` uL;u\._. :Av~._ `-`her becomingly gowxxedid `in a {rock of French wine wool crepell `.wiLh umtching LLJIOIIEB and carried oi` ',l:uuqLxcL oi 1`nl1sxu-an and SweuLl1ea.rx.'H hoses. She \vus attemled by her sis- ` Ler Mildred, in a seal blue gown with` coronen, carrying baby: Mr. VICLOJ.` Howard, cousin` (1 as grooxximan. , -v~I1m`.;nu the cere- `mums. \ m'.U.'.'l1'1ng *1 `oi the grooux, ache Ha, grape :11-aue lyellow roses, 2 ';in navy blue ",<.-llow roses. Out, 01' to r u.Lu.u.w.., \(1 "~"*``lona.11, China, who is home on fur-. ~ lfleld, of Com.` Copeland told the Lllizir) Mrs. Win. Hug` n 26, at. me non.-..,as ,,:,.m, W W _ i Mrs. ie, where mugh` Re "` Wbu:'W`3nW`Ve t'W9m33 l`iei1ce some very iiiiciesiiiig, liiiiigs ~/lclvlaster wall;-,` about the china: of today, including lwood, and M1,: `VHS Walton Grendel Rev C T055 `hat We!` the fact. that he himself would raii~..; I of Stayiier. T) 9"`3mn3'- iiiachiiies go through an an. ,-.(,-,d by JM,:,_1_kbL-` eral from a c `~"` we:-Jvp fteen bombers bllan live in Ll o.~._v UIl\.ll.`3 lRoset. Akron; as Japanese uU_um,1_ Dot-blm gguild _`lioga Falls. 0` givcii iiiziri"i-age ( R.el o1'esLa.tloii aii-1`-good for the Jap5_ ', Pzicldlsoii, Mr. i ~ 1:.` son Stanley, W mm holding regular Thursday b`3m5 51;. Johns Aiiglicaii C';iur_-h police. \'i`.1`;/. 5.. 1;}. the xx edciing, her in ci~e1ielundenaken but more Sue wiih 11"-mud appear to be the only 5a1va_ prayer Services for `neh l)'.;Ll-L1llL'L oi *[~;1llSlll`d.1l SWel3Ll1e`d.1~|.lti011 oi` the West, 3 The Town) R.dn.JL,1._. -in. L._,~,~,.,_.k-1-_ The pambe 5' W 5.13" NEED HOME MARKET5 Eavcay Cooksiowns ouisiancliiis Lllllc--Yrctll` Rowe H: withi Western Canada this year pmduc_1. me Gordon Dawson, L0 mm W dison HEM ""hm`' Cumnen baby-`Q 1`-buL 40-0005300 bu5he13 Ofltheir team this winner. A.l1.`;'Ulle wlis.>"a1icl `Dalton- 5n |\vlieat, but. the trouble is to realize} has Seen Gordon in action on the K13 RC St, EVEYY e1eV -W1` homlice can Lesbliy to the fact; that he was 1u'1(l to rim `U-11 and `-`=3v09lis 9. human wliii-lwind on sliaies ziiid te1~y_ The 11 fl gieal. future bi:- in which sh. hockey eld. Wla bright, su lhe luck in fhC`p,, great ini `and things {Ll evening from Barrie actecl .011 me Grog V At the reception following the ce1'e-Vcuusb to coast is b mony, the bl`lClC Lllld "'l'0L)l1l were as- .._ ._ . 1 .de . - ~ , D xvearmg Lnllla ` Lle oadhd and standing in{he ought _m hme ~ yards and si ings unable to unload. fore mm in the slsted by the bride's lll()lhCl', shade dress wiili cors-age oi 1-,~,Lu.me1.S in many cases have large hope he g an he g"m'5 `me*'|l:eaps of wheat on the ground wait- Worm 939 15 lmtle, We hear Jackie Taylor, oi Allis-l .:i grape yellow and L ';'in sheer and corsage oltmg for Storage space_ Th ,;.,_n . . . .. ..~. .. . " 0 lose 01 U0 9313015 trade and DIOSDECR` 10* '1 ion. has _lL).Ll1E`d the Air Force. [pass to gel ' town guests included Mi',\1940 are not prom-,smg_ . It you want to get a taste of What h t b i ave o e l , and Mrs. T. H. Dicl-zey, Helen and What Canada needs, as we it the boys in the trenches along Ehwblulmer Wm Be-A1118 W fire, which Bernice, of Toronto; Mrs. H. Grim- -,5 a greatly increased population and {rigid Western from we ' mon and Miss Hazel, Of C0b0\-W3? the development of a, home market .1333, safe taste of c0u;.se) drive We, 1. t d J. E. Walker, Misses Betty ` ' _ 1"aF- A . . "" ,to Borden and watch Lhe niaiioevr- This see; " Walker, Marion Myers, Eloise Wern- couple left on 8. motor trip to Eastmg mere some times the roaring b`_ M 1 5 er and Ruby Ma.rriotl:, all of Mit- ern points the bride travelling in 2,1 of es. bung of tanks and lat Crgh C0 :1 .' _ D18-D.I'llm `- LllS'Sl1` U grey tailored dress with navy boucls` me of annmu, me becomes very real_ eau - ilsuc. You have to have El. special ise coat, L E chell. '- F11 "mg me "e"-`PV1n the ha? and iiiziichiiig accessories. _.__ ` I1ULl1lCtU. l\\\ uuuu u. x.., _ ;seeu the stuifeci ones at. Erie iitiulian exhibit at the Ex. Thes l1i`.Ll(.iC of the skins of the wa }which is 21. first cousin of the gm-oo. omy much smaller. Ikoala. bear is protected by the GYY Strange and morning . . . Shelley, the great Eng- W0l`1d. but lish poet, was expelled from Ox1' Aus- uccuuse 01' numerous pamphlets on} had N nvcu; 1.1t>re are some v unusual amlmals in the [we nominate the koa.1a. hear of traiia ;u1c`x the g'w.uL pandzt of Chmu Amemu ~,\,-mgh he conlposgd and two of the stzrangest. You've pum15m_.d _ _ _ Alemmder Pgpe a 11enu1L-like existence in Wmdsbr` }:`01 x:sL and did. much of his \}, Dickens used to becouxc ` acters Lhar. ~. --~- 1* i us iprobably all seen pictures of mu l.~.'..u't.)-x1L>LseLi, roly-poly koala (pro- lnouuced kw-.1h1aJ or perhaps you`va`Lhe1-e _ _ ;_ser:u Aus- 50 eugwsb-sq in ms 311 In-ali-;n\ exhibit These arcing wcpg, whunwer the P10; 01 me *`- T4`n\nh' l :1. Ilene Fell, following a vaca-' :1 ouunva, has resumed her`: L`.\. Lhe MagxsL1'aLe`s oice. istrate and Mrs. Compton Jes` . I-Ian uynnlr 1 grows to 9. weight 01 nearly two bun-. `dred pounds. In a.ppea.ra.x1ce St is somewhat like a bear; it is black and white and its eyes have a. de-| nite oriental slant. Most of the pandas captured are shipped to zoos Ln England or the United States, under supervision of the Chinese government. RSDAY, Pecullarmes of literary men Mark Twain and Robert Louis Stew-, enson cud most. 0! their writing in bed. This 15 a practice advocated, by the Chinese philosophers. who " - --U. .....a ohink rnOl`8 Clea;-- B etween_ Uuux. utnu D..\.__, mother, :'u-uue dress Corsage of )ses, the mother corsage oi` herimunber of fowl suppers, popular a{, : l[sWd:.s Ogce E `evems there this time of year. On`: '. e 5 . M:arsOVe(;u`1:h:Week every occasxon the church or the vmted M the home school was crovcded, `many commgh W` Mrs. Robinson` itxvemy-ve or't5.I mules. The prowl] J` A. Davies. 01 graxns were of at hxgh order, a.rrang- -` cd by the mlmsters and school in Barrie over the l `_ \ 1 -\ : \\'.lI`I.`I'`g Rqu NOT ` VLULLEKL \JAA\4u ..... _, ibit are?` he wallaby kan y The Aus- V -. t\h\. 011!` f.h8l'B ale I ut `J.`ncsu ulu` nu WW,` m``_`_`'_ e \V';1lllb).'iDLU,_-y Cam, my ;,_ `L51-Unw tum; hm. Vs mucn LU p1-d,cuc.`,Jly- Q 5h A115 L.oudm1 bclurc one er1unenL, and there,m,, the book lines 1'01" injuring thez11`5Lm.y ab0uL me VEYY PYUUL1 Of W9 R0315 London matron wh that it. has set. aside 21 mg M1-_ Shaw to Pink where Lhe adorablc fr-lends` Sam, mm als reign supreme. The almmmcemem --La fat, cheerful little fellow, be at home on 'ely woolly coat; which it ML Shaw gem b 0 keep sparklingly clean. with the crypt . eucalyptus leaves and the George Bernard S roma or the leaves clings ys. After eating itself 1n- _ _ - 0! eplcurean well-being, it A. ma Sewme 3 the crotch of 9. tree and "mead by leaps `"3 the arms 01 Morpheus. Canada M Li if you can get it! services between gseatue. Lethbric mt. panda is more rare than` ~L x_.\..,.| (thing and )5 and NIODLIBBJ 3-3 nese puuuaup......., ..-. me can think more a. reclmmg position, and at four o'c1ock in lh" A Barrie Advancu WVESTERNERS MAY 11:11: to Fl ` over a. Li 1' a F hamlet bu` many wh m `.20 years T1113 yea] W) the n. 1:; ` will `uh F.~\R.\IE'1 IIAVING GREAT DIFFL ('1`L'l Y IIARVESTING CROP BE- ` -" -" urn n:u\K?.: ST.-\L!{S. (Continued fl-om page one) a-o:oc-o-puc-...-ea--oa-um-..cpo-.uu.u~!l where once as high as 50 bushels of A~bh.d.S_eye \,.i,_,. of me Week and ""'`* the acre was grown` ilactivities . . . Mrs. G. H. ;\I'.1iLl;u~.'.`! FEW COMPLAINTS _ editorial director of the Toronto`: pleasuxe f mr`ng] Daily Star, spent Sunday in town . .` 3' 1119`5 Over M19531 Gordon Duttou and Lillian Stewart. ;st.1'-aighr. endless roads, stoppmgiwem down to the circus -m Toromt hamlets and farm homes. We-`Friday night . _ _ Mn Gem Am~u.L,wS5: "1 W5 `e `5`p`ai-"5! moughiof Toronto, visited at me home 0271 who considered wea1n11yimS Sister MrS_ A _H_ Kidd on Sun, 350- 'da-V 35 0 Teuetiday. Mr. Andrews had 21 very beau- `T1113 year there was more mo-`5t'm'e"; tiful bu-coloured reL1'iever with mm` years, and on the"The dug has an extremely a1.ism_- J mole me was better` EVeryneic1'at..ic pedigree '.u1<;l is worth hun~ : opuuxxistie. One say-stdreds of dollars Mn and uh`; Wu Scvenmr Cycle and t`h"e`~Wi11ia.m McLean, of AUi5i.UJ.1. and -.1 lzlwm more moisture next yea'lscore of other friends and 1'elaL'1\'ue, `Ahe1' mm it is 5 1fme`yer1a1so ga.thered at. M.1`5. b;1Cxd's hom::` 95 e 0V `Or 50 to bid goodbye to her mother Mrs `E E. S. Andrews, who left. for her home). T\/`l'r\nri'.1\' _ _ S-gw` I ) 2 V I _ I ` cy ale, worn -_. _....~.v. Another Luu cycle, M ezu'.5. PEO. L1` `~ m an community 11 school teac iion wages c ` CHANGED gret.aLe.sL change has people Lhemselves, have much money, bu ~ n.-.. .,....nir1nL_r me co-operativt .ear$. \ cl. Do KILLNLLBVVU; VI--v -v`V I in Saskamon on Monchy S=1w this `has. B-`me Davis on Sunday in R W, e people LhemSe1Ve5 \ lovely wine sw.Lg,ge1' coat w1Lh gray tn have ml fur collar and matching hat, Ammo Cxeory.-` a,cqui1`ing me co-ope1'ative`lArmStmng and her mom. learning to live iowhave been Vmvulg Ru\__ H H no help each other. The` Mrs_ Armstrong at the manse who is attending m`?`"`_my Centres and 11 1mj1"2\Queen's University, spent. the week :5 the pxeachels and Luetend at ms home in Low . Mm teachers--they don't; get; un-g red McFadden 01 Tommo 1150 NS 10 ember` We attended Mined her humc -.,\'cr L:.c \\'t.`uK cm ' ~ A: rnml r: ` - . ` mmers. DODU13-1\Mu1d1~ed looked very sxnart m a gr-a school have becoulel Jack Gregory_ 3`. Vancouver and Lethbridge and Edmonton. 'and and Vancouver. Be- m` sides these routes there are thirty- xesi three others throughout the Domin- m_` ion over which the huge silver- ;'winged planes y on regulzu wk schedules. These extend tram the t tip of Canada. to the Most of the ights to the north are made only (luring the winter. when the severe climate and heavy snowfalls make other means `of transportation impossible. At night the planes carry lights, much in the manner of a. truck. These lights are either green or red. So`: vteV'_ 7 1n'if you see what looks like a. gayly-l across the; ;"ed`tC0l0uTed comet ashing sky some night, it. will in all prob- Trans-Canada. Air Liner [ea-_-- ability be a pu1`su'mg its dauntless way A Marl ` risque ad More. 1!.` zoos Ies. lese wou -..D.,---.. 1111: wept. Lhu plot. 01 [awry culleu de.1Li1 . . . 511111;; `l15ru111,c Wu1.he1111g ue`1gk1I.s `Lu every pulfusher in bclurc 111121.115; a.g1'ced Lo ;pr1m, . . . We liked L111 `sLo1'y socially prom`1ne nt who, deszrous oi add- ` her list. of iamuu: t 11ends, her can} with me Lady So and So will i 'v Friday a.It.ernoon."K 1` back his own curd L cryptic message: e1's--Lut:_y uuuu o`-~' -- Iu.u:u. ud~vA -M-`-'-I zither. 3} iced `L popula-1\Mudre my an On` and black ensemble . . ,_._ .,.. nus` , . .., ..nm.r1ml IHP m7 \ience Vary uucu..;..., `aboub China including`! 5` ratng. I air Jap'a.11u.L- 1 3(Japzu1es.e Docsn`t to. `H....,.,: frnr rhp Jnns. Com are: z*fiemac;e_ % in 6.3749 Ewshlpi Join The - .,......, avd""` Ge01`#'-_` me Q. MM M, j 1" ``: '3`,-ood, after a short 2 ' ' ` era} was held from ho attending broLher, Chris. Padd weekhession 7' Sunmda n t ` ' ' Mn-`naxne was Elizabeu 1?o1'o11to,-also visfiwas born in Toss smart in WU! gTaY Daadgel :4-..) nr, Allis-I __...-___. . pass to get in now, and you also Rste ihave to be extremely careful not to =5 within range of the practice I makes it all rather com- a) p11cated_ he This seems to be a. season of bright. colours. We like Vivien Mc- Lnks 1`at- Cuish's new vivid green felt chap- ~ Hlynuvicn `Rettv Kidd's cer- end. '\W00(1, mun; a. mu... ..... _. `eral the home of her Paddison, lot. 13, con- _`cession Sunnidale. Her maiden _`name Elizabeth Paddison. She L'was '1`o;ssoronL'1o '.[`ownsh'u). y Feb. 15, 1875, when 11.5 a child she rbmoved to Sunnid-ale Township with ' ` parents. She lived 1n Akron. wlher .A.. 0'7 vn-:41`_'< where she was r - n During the past, two years ` borer has come to be 21. maj ace in parts of Simcoe Cour ticularly in Oro Township. - -~`- \Tnv-1-14 Qin1(`()P am terv . *` We`:-1 mg _ bright, " nu k....-..-_. , Ohio, for 27 years, !n1zu'1`ied to John R. IV. gdeceased her about |`For the past 14 years `Fed with her brother Isulxnidale. She was 1 .";Lhe Rebekah Lodge John Morris hu Great, Beyond )`\1' her puiuiim. \)AA\a ...-.. for where married Morris, who pre- deceased 17 years ago. For past years she had resid- ed on the farm in Qsunnidale. a member 01 Mile in Akron, Ohio. `, Those left to mourn are four bro- 'thers, William, Edward and Chris. |.P2LddiSOl l, of New Lowell, and Gar- ifieid, Coliingwood; two sisters. - Wm. Hughes (Anne) oi Calling- yilwood, i\/Irs. John Wood (Maud) _ `cf Stayner. Those attending the fun- L- distance were Mrs. Ed :iRoset, Miss Eve Cook, Guya- _ `hoga Ohio; Mr. and Mrs. Ed '_Puddison, Sam. Paddison and ;:~"son of Toronto, and others .3 ,Co11ingwood and Stay- ` hcx. ` pall-bearers were Messrs. Os- ~car Rowe, Harry Gordon. Geo. Pud- ,C.`1son, Harry Pea.rso1, Fred Wines `and Dalton Speers. The ministe: * \vas Rev. Stringer, of Staynel`. She T rest in Staynor Ceme- l tery. owers showed the esteem she was held. She was of 3`a sunny disposition and tool: 3 2*. interest in current events `and in general. >o2oo:<::o9u:o:u-pczu NEW LOWE passed away to ieyond on Oct}. 18, 1939. `I II.CHnr`r_ season colours. . likewise Betty Kidd s i\\\ K I\ Qx Uu \Jv~v- -~, -7,`. 1`i0S]_JlLCLl, Culling- . illness. The fun- `~~--~~ -`F hor- the comll; major men-I1 County, par- E Stewart , L. Page. North Simeon agricultural .'E`})l'E?~'.'.`l`.l11I .l\.'. saicl to-day. I experienced . Many farmers had great ciiiliculty in harvesting the cron mvihcr to the tangled ;mcl broken- down condition of the stocks. which required a great deal of additional labor for harvesting. There was 5.1-` n:n of croo. he of Queen s THERAPY my -_._ of LL I41 L :...-.. . _._, (`.\L`\`E OF BRC TI-IRIFTY FOLKS [VG AT ZELLER S- Seasonable T]