htar -..-. -_....... ..... ..._._. ...u.. unit! of spectators, while the centre : r0ac1\'vu_\' \\'n.< :1 jum'.:!r~ M d(``,w sorts, accompanied by hopeful Barrie Women s Canadian Club on` Tuesday evening decided as 2. body`; to do all in its power to assist wim war work in the community, and will propose to the local War Service] Council, when organized, that a. re-, crentional centre for Camp Borden soldiers be established here. The meeting was addressed by Lt.-Col. P. Hennessy, D.S.O., M.C., ..nr_-__ , ...,-......... >\I\4 .,.mu...u.u.u uua.v. addresser oicer commanding` the Royal adian Army Service Corps, and commandant Bmrie s E`r$`: mg Derby AK Previes Tim For E=Eundred~s getting their entries a(:1'05:s the ishing line in a variety of ... .1. ...,.1...:,..: ._....u`...... THE - BARBIE - ADVANCE Women's Canadian Ciub Piuns Entertainment | MP0: Sioliers ai ffampj \\'Ii:'~i1i1iu` and just plain coaxing. _ It \':;1s a fun fete staged by the Barrie Lions under the direction of C. W. I.ou:e, <-hnirman of the boys` and girls` work committee. R. M. Bibby and George Rmnsdaie started the motley crowd of canines at t'~_~ Post, Office. where assistants who were holding the dogs urged them in (In their host. in c-ow-rin5.~. Lhe dis- Lu1`.I`(` Lo 1110 Five Points. xvhese hope-,3 fui inastors and niistresses were do- ` ing everything in their power to :1t~`,` tr.:-I their (1oe"s attention. Q The event proved a laugh fest for} the hundreds who were on the side-; lines, as well as a lot; of sport for; the boys and girls. As no profes-_ sional racers were allowed and do{_zs_ Sewage Disposal Plant to Cost $80,066 -V01. X01111. Nb. T Q Recreational Centre azxdroy Scauis Gross ' 'Wo'ne'1 s Hostel ix` Sug-r m, = I far gestledlas War Wgrk of :'p'E'g'I6 an Apple ay; Urroup. ` ( I Boy Scout Apple Day on Sat- of the Can- ca mp Daici I and ; .._..,.. `......... -an \..u.auu.u uv. E The arrested men are believed re-1 `. for the theft of variousi articles from cottages belonging to Mm. Oscar Shank at Minet's Point. and according to police, they dispOsc.'dI `of a stolen radio earlier in the ai`-I Nternoon at :1 local scco11c1-l1aui'd stoma: | ,y, ,. AI . .. e . ......_.V.. .. .. ....,... .....\.u.n.. AAIJ-bA\.& us/\.IA\.: Check up at the gaol 1'esu1t;ed in' :discovery that the clothing they were; \VL':i1`i11g,' laclonged L0 merchants and, (ivy Lieaxlcrs in Bciieville. v At 8 p.m. Friday, Chief of Police! Alex. Stewart and Constable Ra}- ner, acting on :1 tip that a house: in the vicinity was to be burgla1'ized,! nabbed two much wa.nt;ed criminals` In the persons of Arnold Drummond, aged 19, of Nova Scoti/2., and Luci-.1 ;Lamellee, aged 22, of Montreal. The !:l1`1`e.sL took place on Gowan St. l n-1|... ...__..,.;.,..1 .___., ,,,, L,`-, `PAIR BELIEVED PART OF GANG OF FIVE RESPONSIBLE FOR SERIES OF BUHGLARIES IN ' PI{0V'L\'CE. I The two were arra.1gned before 'NI:1g'1sL1':1La, Common Jeifs on Satur- day morning and remanded in cus- tody until Oct. 27. 3. O11. :;`Lu1d:1y. Chief Cohsztzilale Alex. Kidd, of Belleville, nccompaniecl by `Constable Boothe, arrived in Barrie and iclentiecl the clothing the men` were wearing as having been stolen _fi`0m Belleville. The men were im- hieclizxtely turned over 1.0 the Belle- iville police, who tool; them back. It `is stated that they are also watcl 'for 21. series of some thirty robberies `hi him-l-;\'l1le, Cornwall, St. CaEl1:1r- `ines and other centres. They are al- `iegea to lmve confessed to the theft. [of furs from 8.. St. Catharines fr iclealei` and told of the disposition of the skins. Hawkestone cottages, bur- glzirizecl (luring the summer, are 9.1- so believed L0 be the work of the !pair. who are said to be part of n ! (Please turn to page ve) IVIRS. COUTTS T0 'I'R.-\.\'SFOR.`\I% LARGE EST.=1'i'E INTO THODERN` .-\l .>\R 1`Ml:I.\"l`a'-IIAS OPTION AT END OF YEAR FOR $G.iS()0.()0. I L . V . . . . . . . .. ..... ....- zxhoul, with the result that some darted into the crowd, some made :1 idetermined dash in the opposite `direction to which they were head- ed, and still others just sat down in _ the middle of the humorcdly took in the whole Lion as if tlicy lmd all the time , the world to think about it road and good-` situa- ` in f iMuci1 Wanted Suspects re i Nabbed Here; I .\u1,l1 shoes were not permitted, all the barefootcd canines were a little pcrplcxed as to what it was all ..|`.~..v ....`+h Han ..,.....I> 4-In-.4 ` for i 4 The 2.20 class (dogs undci` `Em.-i1(:.s) was won by George Burclitt V with his pomeranian Pa1" and ` Little; Gordon Courts was second; 2.22 (un- der 15 inches), Ray Plant. and Bill 2.24, under Reid and Marjorie Goring`. and free 1111, Ray Plant and Gc0r3_=e- 13:11`- ditt. 11; 18 inches, Donniv ; Money prizes were offered by the. Lions. for the winners, and whi1(`1 c\'o1'_v0no couldn't boast :1. winner. 1111 had :1 lot of fun trying and pro- Eclnimncl it one of the most amusing ` contests staged in Barrie in 21 long; time. The whole event was run off ` `smoothly with not 3. cat. nor a dog` `F1-=~,hr, `in sight, urday proved an unqualied suc-` cess, showing gross returns of $199.16, the Advance was inform- ('d by Geo. (J. Brown, clr.Lirn1z1n of the committee. Geo. Kight- Icy arranged time oil` from Camp Borden to assist with the work this year. The Boy Scouts` As- sociation is grateful to the pub- lie for the generous support again afforded this annual event. Barrie Town Council in special : session Friday evening voted almost unanimously Lo :1(:(:C])L Lhv 1'r-tin` v- mendntion of the special committee `result, the committee, C0m]Jl'isn(1 M` on scxvaigc disposal tenders. As a Ivlziyor 1-1. G. Robertson, Reeve Don- ald Mz1cLa1'en, D0])llLy-R(30`.'(,' J. N. Mills. Aldermen Buchanan and Cinn- (-ron, \`\'c1`e authorized to proceed at once `in securing the necessary man- d:.iLor_v order from the Provincial l'3cui'd of Health and the Municipal Board in order that the work migm proceed with the least po.~.~;il:lc Ciaunts `Ewes Acian n ' Sewage Disyosal Report Would Rush P.1a11s to Com~ pletion to Effect Saving for Town-Prices Good for 30 Days O111y--I{ey- stone Co. _Tender Accept- ed Conditionally. jja Simcoe Hall, on the corner of ` William and Baldwin Sts., seventy- odd roomecl building that costs the town of Barrie Lnree huncired (I01-z lars per year for upkeep and con- tributes nothing in the way of tax- aiion, has been turned over to Mrs.] I.~:abcila1 CouLLs, who pkuis to 1'c-` model at 1e1sL ll portion of the building inL0 modern 'c11)'1i'L|11L'uLs ` considerable i nntee their ' day If such authority \.*.'.vu!:l <..-nabl-_~ reeeiveci. ii the Lem) Lo eilect aw saving, as contractors) tendering on the job will not, guiir~ : prices beyond :1 t1iii't_`'-: ,and the tender submit- ted by the Keystone Contractors Limited, of Windsor. of $66,981.70, with wood stave pipes, or $72,457.30` Ls period with iron pipe. is (`0llSl(l9l`:1L`l`.' `.w1o'=.' the original estimate of the engin (Please turn to page ve) ka..AA1\4- Not only will the disposal system e1im*'31a11- 1110 1111l11.-a1111_\/: 1'e1111Ii1`ie11. 1-..\'i.s'1i11`;' i11 111211.11 11z11'1x 111' 1111- fiewn 1l1r0ugl1 the 0e11i11g of cellars, 111 501111: 1-;1s1-s (-,a11si11g 1:1,>11si11e.1'21b1e 11a111age 111 g'11111ls 111111 11111- 111-1'1_\', 111 2111111111111. 111 1111- 1`111'1-211` 111 1111-, 111-111111 111' 1111- 0131-upa111's, b111` it will 11'1111. 111'111 the ha) :1i'1-11111 :1 (11011ilC liability into a11 asset with 11111i111i1e11 pes- sibi1i1`ies. The a11\`e1'se ]_)11bli1-i1_\' \\'11i1-11 13;11'1`i1- has 1'e1-ei\`e11 1111'1111g1111111` 111e 1`1'1.\`i111-1- 1'1-11111 1'11i.~' s11111-1-1- alone is a inatter 111111: 121111101 111- 1ig_-;111'1_\' 11\'e1'111111<- ed by a ce111111u11i1`y which c1esi1'1.-s 111 111111-, a1l\';111- tage of its natural g`eog1'ap11ir,=a1 aclvantages as the gateway 1'0 Ca11a11a s 5.,-`1'ea11-s1` 5111111111-1' 111.-1_\" l1`1:e111 a purely sta11dp0i111', the pres- ent time is perhaps the 111-051 2l(l\'21.l11`z1}_,"(-11113 111 :1 qiiarter of a ee111'ury, and a similar opportunity 111a_\' 1101 present itself again in aiiother twe11ty-Ve years. .1_`l1e 1'e11(1er of the .1\'1.-_\'.s'111111- (,,'1111.s'11'11<-111111 00111111111) is 1-e11si.111.-1'a1)1y 1)L`111\\' 1111- 1-511111111111; 111? 1111- e11gi11ee1-ing rm engaged to take charge of the \\'111'1{, and inucli below any gure p1'0V'i1')11S1_\' 1-2-- vi. by 1'110s1- who have made a stud)` of the 101-111 si111211i1111. '1'.111- 111`.;'1-111-_\' 111` 111-11111-1-11111;" \\'i111 1111- \\'1)1'k f1'0111 an eee110111i1: .s1'z11111pei111' is 1111112111-111 111. the fact 1l1at prices, now at a record low, am- 11111 Kg-'11211'z1111`e1V-1'1 111-.\'1111`1: :1 111111111` 111 111i1'1_\' 1l;1_\'>'. \1'l11,.-11. 1111(11_-1- ]11'e.se11t eo1111i1`ions, a 11e11i1e i111-1'e21. 11111)` 111- e.\'pe1-11,-111. TL 3.. A4 J-l\I\ .1/1.2.... .1 ! .1 -I 1 1 \,.\l;\.\\\_u.. It is not the desire of 1110 <:01n1<-i.} to rush 1ln~u11_;h zm. (`.\'pcndi1I11`c of lis p1'0pm'1'ion in 0})- ])osi1io11 to the \\'i.\'l1CS 0|,` the 1':11vp:1.\'<*r.<, hm. lw- HO\'i11;: 1lm1 u` \';1.\`1 1n:1,j ml 1h<- l`zH(`}):1_'\`t`2`:~` .-ml in m~am'd' with the policy, to effect -.1 saving oi" m:m_\' 1lm11.<.z111 of (1(:H.'!l`.~= I>_'.' 1;xl;ia1g ;L(.1\ ;1111;a_g,'c of 1110 (>])])>l'111Ili1}' that now })1'0s0nt`s i`mc-Hf . Should H10 reqllired 1na11da1`o1'y order be issued by 1110 ] r0\'in<-iul :l30z1r(Vl u[' I-lC;1I1lI, and the pm- pusnl 1`(:(.'Ci\'() 1110 full san<:1.ion of 1110 ;\[1111i<-1'1).-1] Board, we believe that Barrio, in its ]_)1'(-.\`(m1 fin- allcial (,701ld?i1i(,Ill, should ])1'()(.'(`(,`(1 :11` mr-u with Ilnis 11nd<-r1z1kin}: zmd Hun 1110 3l,;1}'<>1' and Cuxlm-il un- (l(`.\'(.'l`\'ilLL`,' ml? lhv (-mn1nc1I(I211`im nl 1110 l'.`lI(*])2l.\`1'?'.\` fur Ilu,-ir ini1i:11"i\'<- in d<*21lin_g' 1n-o1n]>1I.\' with :1 pm- ]m.xiIiUl1 sn ul)\'i011s|_\' in the b i111<'n-sis ml tin- tmvlr. ].<`z11'-sigh`rc(1 (:itizc11s of .1-3m'riv who take 21 pride in H10 1`o\\'n and 2111- Z(f:1|(r11.\ of its p1'o;1'1'<~.<.~: and ])1'(>s1_)(`1'i1_\', will JL-ml thvir mo1'z1l s11ppm'1` 10 H10 '.L`o\\'.11 in tho dI<-<-i.~'iu11 ;n'1"1\'cd at 11'i (`\'v11ing' `full<.>\\'i11g T-zn'<'f11| (lv1ihm'211'i<)11 and 1m:1llll.~` nit ]>l;11m1'n}.:', In pnwvcd with Hm .s'(>\\'21;'(.` di.\`p().\`1| . \\`1'th H19 101151 })o.\`.s`i])l() doIz1_\'. |`I... .n..H5...... .\1\;1 . \'l ."\\9'W . . . . . . . . . . . . `47.. The \\'(-H"zu`c and 1,)1_`U_ ,`l`L`s.\' of z1'11_v (-(;1n1n11ni1T_\' 1111151 nd :1 basis in 1'hu \\'*H-Iwi11g' uf its -ci1i7.<~ns 2111d- from u s2111i [a1`i(m standpoint, the sc\\';1g'(_` dis- lmszll .\.`_\'.\`1L`lll is not only an il1l11l(.`(1iil1U .1u+<-c.s'.x`i1;`. but has long; })(:011 aulmt-z11od by 11110. P1-m'in<-izll {I-Eu.-1rd of Il<`uH l1. T*`1'm'n this zmgle 21l()il(`, 1`11v pr.- jcct is desm-\'.i11g of \\'11olc-hC;1rt0d suppurl, but 1'hm'e are :1 11111111301. of niiwr fzu-,`m1's \\'hi(-11 uolnbino m lnukc Thv 1n'o]>osa1l cspct-iz1Hy z11`1`1'a(-tive at this `time. 1 -11 .1 -II -. Barrie, Ontario, Thurday, October 26, 1939 Opportunitv Knocks .7 Michael MacLa1'en, aged 27, sentenced to one month in the c ty goal by Magismatc Compton on Saturclay morning. He was f ...:n.. ..r u._ u--m _c , u _ --.- ....., .......\. :;uiI`.;' of the theft of 3 dozen pairs of socks from in front of the T\vi.~'-5|: clothing store. Accused stated that! he had just been relcztsed from Owen: Sound gaol two days before he was; picked up in Barrie, having served` three months in that; city. g A14`...-..-a 13.-...+.... -nu-11...:..I.. ...u-.. ._1..-_1 1 Maeuren Gets ; ne Ffimnih for 2 mi: of socks! ... .....-....;:, \.lA veuuu-.u ;.;r" day evening, a letter was read from Mrs. Coutls in which .3119 oncreu Lo` take over the building and fourteen-` acre estate innnccliately on a rem-all basis with option to pu1`c:mse aL tha; and of one yc;11' should she nd L110: SEVERAL OTHER. CASES 1') VVITII IN POLICE COURT URDAY. .,...\... ...u.u..u AIL uuuv sung. I Alfred Porter, Hilisdale. who plead-1 ed guilty to driving a truck while `his license was suspended. was .'1.s'- ` sessed twenty dollars and c0st;~`,. amounting in all to $27.25, or an 9.1-! tcmative of thirty days in gaol. . "T`I~in nnnn AF (`Clan-Jn. Y1....A ,\.......I n: u.........n. \lA UIIAANJ u..`y.: nu 5uuA. ' The case of Charles Reed, aged 24.1` who also pleaded guilty to cI1'ivin;:'i'~ while his perimt was suspended. \vr.=[3 9. little di'erent. Accused had hixsp permit suspended in August for fail- '. (Please turn to page ve) 1. :1 J e`.< found | SAT- | I I A collision between a car and a... truck within the Camp Borden lim- `its late Tuesday resulted in the death :four hours later of Eclwzwd B. Me-` !Rae, 28, of 59 Queen st;., Humber. EBay, and injury to several others. ` McRae died in the Royal Victoria `Hospital here from 21 l'ract;ui`ed skull I and internal injuries. He was 1111-` conscious when taken from the car in which he had been :1 passenger. :The machine was. driven by Harry `Shaw, 55, of Toronto, an employee iof the Froiitcnace Construct-ion C0,, Elld in adclitioii 1 NICFLLLC, there gxvere several ouher workmeii employ- led by the smile compcuig; in Llic in-.;-` X chine. fa Barrio, Oct. 25.--Miss Elsie A. wuq "llliams, sunC1`intendent. 1'epo1'Lecl .1 total of 1.379 admissions, an incrc:1sv of 183 over last year, at yest.e1'c1aj;':-: annual meeting of the Royal Victo1'i'.; _ Hospital, held at the nurses` ruzsi-! "idence. I I . - r ICAR AND TRUCK MEET AT IN-' TERSECTION - SEVERAL ARE BRUISED ..x.\'1) SIIAKEN UP. . Toront Man Killed by Car At Cam Borden proposition attractive. According to Mrs. C(>u1;ts` : mvm, \\'h'1ch the ct/unud ;.;.- rental of $25 per month will be 1| Conn :.x.,\ r`. ..r ._u... 3 The truck, loaded with gravel. was .driven by Vernon Spencer, :20, icooksvilie, who was slightly injureni. Eshmv was taken LO CLL1111) Bo1`de21_ |mi1itary hospital, where it. was found` ;his injuries were not serious. Othe: [passengers \=.'e1'e shaken up and ibruised. l The truck and automobile met at {the intersection ox me main north-1 ?south street and Rogers st. Thu] iimpact turned the hc:u'il_v loucicdi it-ruck completely around, but the; `auto did not overturn. `j REV. N. C.-\TvII'BELL SPEAKER AT & SI_\'GH.-\'.\IP'`0.\' .\I\'I\ IVERSARY` e . 1 Rev. N. CE1n1DbL`ll, Vvorsley St.. 1'e-l `tired from the active 1ninis1,ry 10"! `the past sixteen years, returned to` !his; (t:111i11g_; on Siliiduy. Oct. 15, \\'hu:~._ 'he conducted zmniversary sm'vi:c.~. . l.`3il1_!;l1:l1n1)LOl1 Presbyterian Church |Thc church wzzs filled to capacity for, [the occasion, special music being` {provided by the choir of the United 'C1mrch. zmssistczl by members of the Anglican and Presbyterian Chu1'chu:`. I __.......I-.__1 -1. -:__ fins! aii `llINCRE:\SE OF 183 OVER LAST YEAR, .`~`.U!l !?RIN'l'ENDIif~l l` H.-KY`-1 She reported 210 births. as com-E `lparcd with 176. There was EL train-N` iing school in operation consisting of` .33 students, including ten seniors, ;:eleven intermediates and twelve 1)I""j-`V: :bat.io1ic1's, she statecl. - ....... .......,-..._, .... Lilli \./AA\.|A\/llk/An I-law. Campbell preached at Sing- hampton as 21 student 111issi01`~12`_V sjust previous to his graduation ;...:. Queen's University in 1886. and up- on completion of his theological l_--._ studies. was oered the pastorate C1." the Singhampton charge. Wieysiane Co. Tender __ Eccepted by founci 1 _____ ;1,379 Fa'Eiera__is Tiwie 4 ER! ll} a1`r_A.31' Lhc rst. two months. Im-N1` mediate alterations will be Ilhtdk` u;`i accou11n0(1=.1Le mxiling c)icnL.<. mud :r.!: the end of one year ms. Coutts re-H serves the right to purchase the pro-` petty for the sum of $6,500, or to re- ; tum it to the town, tor_:etl1e1' with whatever imp1'ovemehLs lmvu been! made in the Inmnzinm. ,,, ,__.._ __- .....-....\..: yuan un avnuu cases he Ilils actually worn out his welcome and is hesitant about L-::n`.i11uing this progrzun further. The Chic-I` will lxazvc no licsitatioll, ll0\\'L \'L`2'. in issuing 21 number of blue papers in the form of summonses, he states, :1 m;utLc which he plans going` into immediately. Extra cost to those eligible for poll tax is about ,,__, ___, 1,..- .... .. A word to the wise should be sufficient. Chief of Police Alex. Stewart who has become `.|. regular visi- tor reeently at the business phices and iiomzs of poi! tax de- linquents, told the Advance to- day that he believes that in some -_.u-...-.. -... run on hvcnty-live per cent. A ........1 4.. 41.- - At, the request of the Ontario Gov-T At $33 . Eiospgiial In Year `H-.. \I4 u -.n.uug,\. Lucyuaax prcuu pIU- '\'l(1C(l the necessary authority is grz1nLc(l by the Provincial Board of Health and the Municipal Board, , accepted the tender of the Key- istone CLmst1'ucLion Comp-_m_\' of l\V'. 1'..:~in;: Wood stave pipe and iron pipe on outfall, at $80,000.00. AY{':D DELAY Provided the above :'.LllUl0l'iLlS are frecelved, it will not be necessary to @9131.` `me pi'o_)'ect- by :1 vote, council was informed. The Dcpartinent. Sf `Municipal Affairs may arrange a. !public hearing in Barrie at which iany objections to the proposal may {be lienrd previous to granting nal fauthority to proceed, it was pointefl I `f1lIa' Z` J. .1 r- \i `iv v .uuJu..:u_;, cx:u\;;- ` Clark, Cubit-Nichols and Hal- 'bert opposing` on_ the grounds that they felt a major expenditure of this `nature should not be made without; `the question being put to a vote of the mLepa3'e1`s. All three L`3\'])1`CSSCd themselves as being lleartily in ac- cord with the plan, however. and `informed the press that they would personally support and vote for the project. 11-1` The two motions passed by coun- *ci1 covering the proposal were ac- corded a 10 to 3 majority, Alder- nsnn f1ovvI,- ..kN- \1:..|...1.. .. .1 1-V-1 l Motions passed by council were: 1. That the of the sewage disposal system be procccded fvciilw provicling a mandatory order be ,obtainecl from the Provincial Boarri 'of Health and the approval of the `Municipal Bo2,rd be obtained. i 2. That. the tender of the Kay- stone Construction Company on a. lbasis of wood stave pipe with iron pipe on the outfall, be accepted. sub- ject Lo'comp1etion of all legal form- alitigs neccssa1'y to enable the mun- lpicipality to proceed with the work. ' The Pro\'incial Board of Health l'~.a.<; :I.lrea(1;,' told the town that The SitU.`l`Ll0l.1 in Barrie has become ob- jcc1`..;;;`.i:.l.: u\`."11]g to tho r_li.s:cl1a1':._-0 of Please turn to page four) "Camp Borden is not a bad spot! in summer months when the 1112:; can enjoy outdoor recreation, and] get; out of camp by car to outside points, but with the approach of winter it becomes 3. desolate . C01. Hennessy said. CAMP \VILL GROVV C1-uimmg that there were about (Please turn to page ver Following a lengthy d')scu$i0n on lthe nmtter, Barrie Town Council, in special session Friday evening, de- cided to proceed with `me iu;~:tu1I'.1- tion of a sewage disposal plant pro- |j']'{]pr] `hp 11r1rInC(~n\-u mm \.....:o .. :.. ` W _ TIIIEVES GET $15.00 IN NEW MONE1'-FORCE REAR I.\II>(HV. Plan to Proceed with Work at Once - Vote Not Necessary if I-`rovincial Authority Secured. ! 4 Jucge Wismc1"s residence at. 16 E-1ui:~ SLi'cct. \vz1s the scene of a rob- fbery some time ciuring the past wee "when 21 rear window was forced ar fteen dollars in new issue currer . ' stolen, together with corona I meclals. of King George V. and r`nn....,. tr-. I The present executive will carry `on, including Frank A. Hammond, ' K.O.. president; Mayor H. G. Roberlrv mm, \/iuc-])l'CSidC11L; N. M. Thomson, ":.:~?1'ci:11'y, and C. C Parsons, t.1'an.:s- n-~r - > '; Financial report; presented for the "12-month period indicated a small "decit on the years operations after ~ depreciation had been considered. A '-`large expenditzure was made, now- `EH21, on n.amtenance and ll1n1)lOV% ,v-~- u `ug@ Wsmefs Heme Burglarized Judge (I-a._\'s at l~'.eepe1', I covered t emment, the scal year is being changed from Sept. 30 to Dec. 31, nun ..m..-...... hr ..1.. 1_- .__-.._., \a5h ,.- -. Police believe criminals now in custody were 1'c.sponsib1e for the 1 theft. Taker: ver Ey Simcoe Haii J Eajgie lady; 11oLied police. n-u:-- u.~1: _ ._U__. .... .- .1..." vv V\.I 1'eport.s of the 15-month bc rccvivecl some time in it was decided. 3 Wismer was away on , the time, as was his hou. Miss Della Glenn, who dis- Lhe theft; upon her rctum Lo 115:0 on Sunday. when she ._ 1:..- `l\ \ K \ K .1` - W, period J unu- With Mayor H. G. Robertson John R. (';o1(-nmn 11:; judgez), B=.m rst dog derby was stagccl on main street; Friday after four. ' block from the Post Ofcc to