Page Six 1 Mr. and Mrs. L. Beaver, Carol and Kenny Beaver and Mr. Lloyd Par- tridge, of Barrie, spent a. day last week with Mr. and Mrs. W. R. I Brown. | 1 1 I Mr. and Mrs. Joe Murphy were in` Toronto last week attending the fun-I eral of Mrs. Mu1'phy s father. : I nu... r\..4.,.|...... .....\,.l- .0. P\` LI...` 1111' u...u.; \JA ..-A... .u....y.._, .. .... .... .. The October meeting of the W.I. will be held on Thursday, the 12th, at the home of Mrs. Thos. Rogers. The program is under the convenor- ship of Health. The members are asked to tell some health stories. Roll call, a house remedy. 1 I Sympathy is extended to` the be__l reaved ones of Mr. W. Badgly, who passed away on Sunday morning. Also to those bereaved ones in the death of Mr. E. Harris, of Barrie, who passed on very suddenly after an operation. 11.... rim-.. ......I .....\ nu) ..:.. -, ....... .. 1 i Ben. Knapp and mother and sis- ,ter, Mrs. Alford, visited at A. New-! `man's on Sunday. .......... ..... ........_..._,. Old Man Winter visited these parts last week, making us feel that Win-' lter is just around the comer. MINESING STATION 4-;usn u .n.\\/OI`: More than 0.700 men and womvn are respollsilnlo for your I4-h-pllolw .~'-r\'i(-o C()ll!~`illl`l`(`l] [ho l'in-sl in the world. Day and night the so-rvivo vurric-s on without intvrruplinn. munn:-cl by :1 group of trzlilwd, 1-xp<-rI:n-ml h-l-phom- pvuplu who know their julw xunl do them well. Always Road}, I l..... 0 "nu ....... -....I mm. .........- ...._, . M1`. and Mrs. P. 0. Moore return-! Vled last week from a Lhrcc-day trip! to Manitoulin Island. u l M1`. Fred Knigm ,0f 'I`r:r.'m!u I711`- vcrsity, spent; Thzmksgiving wor,-k v-mi [with his parents, Rev. and Mrs. I . ' N. Knight. I 1ur:,... ~n.r.i.... v\;r..rV........II a......x.:.... .1 I . 'v B I On Tuosdzly. Oct. 10. a me(.-tin=_:; vrus held in the P(11'iSh Hall of the` Young People's Club of Barru-. Nov: omcers were elected, as follows: ' President. Anna Osborne; lst Vice-1 P1`CSi(1f}l1t, Agnes Firth; 2nd Vice-`, President. Ecl\\'zu`d Wysoglad; Troas-; The Treasure Trove contest was`; held at the Lions Club dance in the pavilion again last Tuesday night. The ve holders of lucky tickets wereunable to answer their questions, therefore 13 silver dollars were left for this week. Jack Doyle s orchestra. furnished the music for an enjoyable evening of modern danc- mg. ........L:..... ....... 1.._1.1 z.. \... 1.. ` atge-I.1ded. 1 A meeting was held in the town hall last Friday night for Red Cross purposes. Many Alliston residenins \_ ....... _. Misses Isabel Campbell and Mar-I |`-garet Scott visited i Saturday. Inn. -.....: ar.... 1: r\ in Barrie n,r......, I last! - __-..D-.... ` Miss Mary McCzL1'ro1l, l.(:;u:him5 :11` Wallaceburg. spent I`l1::nl::;;;ivi1:':! week end at the home of hr.-1' 1:211`-I `ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Mccznrrollg ,_...-. -._-. ..--.. -.--.,. ... -. ..--V.-..-..1 A bowling tournament was held rm; `the Alliston greens lust Thur:;duy.`i The winners received fowl. Twclvr.-1 rinks were in the competition. G(:n.|` Webb and partner, of Allandzxle, 1":-I` 'ceived turkeys; R. Irwin, 'I`orrmt,u.| lwon geese; B. Jones, Toronto, Looki `third prize. R. Bessu, :5Luynr:r,i fourth prize. also won geese. and Vir; i Coombs, Bradford, won fth prize,` chickens. Lunch was served by the Iadies of the club. Mr. Harvey Norris spent the week! `end at Kincardine. i Mrs. J. Hoey spent the Thankzz-1 giving week end with her parent:s.} |Mr. and Mrs. A. Burnett. Mr. and Mrs. John Murray at- tended Erin Fair on Monday and continued to Guelph for a. short ! visit. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. McLaren' spent the Thanksgiving week end 'with the latter s parents, Mr. and? Mrs. R. F. Garrett, in Barrie. ' I Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McKenzie, of Barrie, spent" a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. W .R. McLa.re1:. The'C.Y.O. began their Clxristiang Doctrine class on Sunday, Oct. 8,` with a large attendance. There were` a few new members Lhat have just entered High School. On Sunday` night the study group of the C.Y.O.' met at the Dezmery. After the` Unnaaor. ALLISTON AVENING It is 21 fumlzum-ntal too, in the telephone l)llh`lll(`.~'F~. 'l`lu- ll`l(`l)lI()il(,`. is uvailalvlc almost o\ vr'v\slwre-, :1 constant, dcpcmlulnlc service at small cost. ()l' more than five million conversations on Bcll Tvlvpllmw lim-s daily, thuuszuuls are made on impul.~'c -- :1 quick wish to talk innlnwdiuu-l_\' to .~'I.nnc in the next street, in 1111011101` town. or on zumlhrsxf continent. No rnattcr wlwro you are, you are never far from :1 gu.~`0]inc station: distribu,ti0n is 1110`i.~' of that business. ""0 dm1't kxlmv 1111011 or [0 what point you 111;1y11cxL 1s z1:1L 10 1:133-1.----:1o1.' do yu11,]11-1'l1z1ps. B11LiLis(:()111fo1`li11g to think that it d 111z1ll1rr, rc:1l|_\`, $1111-1: _\' 0:111 11|z11:<' :1 call \1'I1ercvn.r ynu zzrv. \\']H`lH,`V(`l` you ('h Use the for quick THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1939. Apple Day Sat. Oct. 21 stuclyillg The many friends and well- wishcrs of the Scout Training Movement are advised that the annual Apple Day will be held throughout Barrie and Allan- dalc on SATURDAY, OCT. 21, 1939 from 8 a.m. to 4 p,m. NERVOUS, WEAK We bcspeak for them a cor- dial reception when the trim Scout or Cub tinglcs your doorbell nr meets you in the nicc or cm the street. BUY-- BARRIE BOY SCOUTS BE PREPARED An Apple Advance Classied section results. late. Next church at 2 dc`. dale study group g:n'eL McKi1m011 BREEZING AROUNI) RECORDS 'Rl'*IVEAL THAT THERE IS A FIRE EVERY MINUTE! GENERAL INSURANCE mp MEN'S 21' RNISIIINGS Wedding bells will soon be ring- `mg in the village. Congratulations to Mr. and M1's.{ Wm. Schell on the a`r1'iva1 of a son.` COMPLETE .\ll'I.\"S l l7ilXISIIINGS CI)(\`H'I` (`I (`HF DON'T LET FIRE CATCH YOU UNPREPARED. IN- SURE W !'I`H RELIABLE COIVIPANIES. Nfridiif UN THIS RISK! St. Mary's (Ru T-Tn 1~n1r1 T .r\P1nn to) ..__ ____ __ L _, (By Harold Lt.-Plante) BRENTWOOD REPRESENTED BY PROTECT YOLT. PROPERTY ! It was decided to organ- ner roast before it is too ; Sunday there will be the Doctrine class in the o clock, and the Allan- will be held at Mar- {innonis and the Barrie be held at Eclwm'c.l Bi`ziy's~. T395 SlNC`:_`lI$ The community extends its sincer- est sympathy to Mrs. Wm. McQua.y and family in the death of Mr. Wm. McQuay, Sr. . .... , n.._--....a :1 (i`."'Lb`WER` mu 1 organ- 'e to: 111: ;s th( /5 . V ` s.~'mPL1:s IN ?)__,1 MADE-'l`0-)IE;\SL'Rl CLOTHING 'UR.\'lSIH.\'GS - TIES, SOCKS. SHIRTS SPORT (TLOTIIING f _ -- J' 131- c -<. _-_ I'1`I".'E' !)I\1\"I`1: 3.. ` ` I ....v..-- vonv "want an... "nu. ...... rnaavoavsu 1 Holiday visitors in the community` I were: Miss Wilma switzer, of Craig- ; vale; Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Tomlin and son Ward and Mr. and Mrs. Reyn- il olds, of Toronto; also Mr. Stan. L` King. of Barrie, with Mr. and Mrs. 1 Wm. Switzer; Oscar Chappell, Sud- s bury; Hyllard Chappell, Hamilton; ;Miss Myrtle Chappell, Mr. Jackson -; Dinsmore, Mr. and Mrs. Hortop, `Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Baugh-5 e;man, Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. `Harry Foyston, Minesing, with Mrs. i J. C. Chappell; Mr. and Mrs. Archie s! Gavin and the latter's mother, Arr:-| !skein; Mr. Osborne Thompson andf s Gavin and the latter s mother, Arn-I -!Mrs. Wm. Gavin. I We are glad to welcome Mr. and15 Mrs. Sib. Irwin, of Sask., who arel visiting relatives and friends in ourfl midst. Also Mrs. W. H. Ireland homefr again after spending some monfhsI_ with her son and daughter near Plenty, Sasl-:. 14-:..._ n..u. 1-....u-x..\...: mun 1\nm~ I A-..uu_y , xauunx. Miss Ruth Lockhead, with Miss` Jean MacKenzie, of Whitby. spent the holiday at the parsonage. Miss MacKenzie favored the congregation at the United Church with two beautiful solos Sunday afternoon. u.-__, 'lp___L:.. 1-v.....1............ ".14-I` 13:11 `Fall Suits and Overcoats nuuwu-/nu; uunuu -gun-....._, .. ......... .. Mrs. Martin Henderson, with Bill and Maude, and Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Reid, of Niagara Falls. also Mr. and Mrs. John Pirie and Mary, of To- ronto, spent the holiday at the Arn- o1ds'. __ _ .. .. . __,_ ,__ , The Confmternity of Christian .;\Irw"~wx'.'~ and the Sodality of the `B1C;~,.~cd Virgin are organizing :1 iV:.'x2'.1:11' for Dec. 5 and 6. The pro- cr-ods go to the renovation fund of the church. Mr. and Mrs. Hadley visited with! the la.tter's aunt, `Mrs. E. Cooper, on Sunday. 1 Mrs. G. S. Martin has gone to, {Humberstone for {L few days. 1 - - - -,, v<,,_._u_ ~rr:..v___..L..:..y.| , ............. .- _-_ .. _,._ Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kirk are now living on the sixth the house formerly occupied and Mrs. Jas. Gallaugher. I Miss Ann Barker spent the week `end at her home in King. ' I I Mr. Gordon Atkinson, of Toronto. ispent the week end with his parents. trnlla.-... .....:a....... 1... LL... ...._..._....xL.. MAKE IT A POINT TO SEE OUR NEH SEE OUR. FULL RANGE OF NEW ! Rev. Mr. Stewart has secured for this charge a missionary speaker to `address the members in Dalston `United Church on Oct. 24. nu, . .. Wed nesda y, _.....-.. \J ..... .. uu The Women's Association met at the home of Mrs. Wm. Gavin on Oct. 4. _.__u car, A 1-. vuu. I45: u.r_. -., A .-. , .._--_...._,, V-.. I Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Partridge open-I _e their home on Friday evening for 'the many friends of Mr. and Mrs. .1-Iarry `Muir, who gathered to tender I them a miscellaneous shower or gifts. ;The evening was spent in dancing. 'The best wishes of their friends gel with the young couple to their new home in Kirkland Lake. M1`. zmcl Mrs. F`. A. Richardson. Shirley uncl Donald, spent; the week ;cnLi in Toronto. u-....,...._, , ..,. . Misses Helen and Theresa Dumondv made a trip to Ste. Anne de Beau- pre, Quebec, last week. Miss Genevieve Desjardines has re- turned home after spending two weeks in Collingwood. 1 I `urer, Lloyd Rolston; Secretary. Ter- @053 Murphy. r1'u.,...n f\mP>I\u`- _.:n ,u_,L , , , , ,, --- pun. These ofccrs will elect councillors `at the next meeting. Mr. and Mrs. H. Crmson and son, of Toronto, spent Smurday at W. Ric11:21'(iso11 .s. Earl Richardson re- t.u1'necl home with them for the holi- ` Mr. Joe O'Connell spent ;und in Bclleville. Miss Beatrice R'1c11a1'dson wuck end in North Bay. CROWN HILL MANSFIELD 73 TORONTO STREET Arfbf um uuuac. I . Miss Irene Shaughnessy visited_( with her parents over the week end.'] -.;r._ -v....A.:... 1ur..`Dm'.-In unrlnrnrnnf Q 1 ~ .\. n Vtlilhln I Kirkpatrick u__ _-_.u_ 1:..- 1... FIVE POINTS CORNER L spent. the l the week }From Our District ---T I Miss Olive Sherring has gone to_ Toronto, where she has accepted a position. . Mrs. John Guest, of Stratford, Mr` {visiting her brother, Fred Jobbitt and `for a week before going home. '.a't S ...___ ....___.....u... _. ..-.___=_ _._-_. Mr ;\.u. -4 vv V u . . ~ . . V -.. a.,... ..v...... Mrs. Thos. Mu1len, of Barrie, spent the week end with her mother, Mrs.'. Sproule. Mrs. Sproule had all her` family with her on Sunday. ' ' ! ` Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Reynolds and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Pfander and sons, of Minesing, visited with; Mrs. Reynolds mother and sister at `St. Thomas over the week end. _n......._, . I Mr. Chas. McCarthy is remodelling his house. --' --"7.-- rw\........L. nnnn n uh-Mar} ` ! 1 Miss Mae Ferguson and Miss Ileenl fReyno1ds attended a reunion in To-l ironto Saturday night. ' ` Mrs. Fred Lyons and daughter! Manda, of Toronto, spent the holiday with M1`. and Mrs. H. L. Jennett. Mrs. T. W. R. Arnold, of Barrie, spent Sunday, Oct. 1, with Mr and Mrs. Geo. Banting. Mr. and Mrs. Andy Dobson, of Oshawa, spent the holiday with friends. '| Mrs. Bob Harris. Mrs. Margaret Robinson, of Aur- ora, spent the holiday with Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kenneth, of Toronto, spent the holiday with the 1a.tte1"s mother, Mrs. Florence Bant- mg. I `an. ...._x xx..- vn..-_: .:u.._._.. _c 111:.. Miss Belle Millar, of Barrie, spent lthe holiday with friends. -yur..- 1\r-.........-A. 7-u._1.:....._.. -1: A.... Mr. and Mrs. dermere, spent : ter`s mother. Mr. and Mrs. Chaplain, `Sound, spent the week their daughter, Mrs. Earl 31.... v~rr..1L.... n..-:u_ _.__1 end with: Reid. 1 Mrs. Walter Smith and daughter; Ileen are spending a few days with Toronto friends. Mrs. Jos. Cochrane, Mr. and Mrsi Bert Mcclean and children and Mr._ and Mrs. Howard Cochrane spent the`! |week end in Callander. ` WILLA LACA ycuuuuo um.` mu. ........ -..._. Mr. Justin McBride underwent a serious operation in Toronto and is steadily improving. ; n,m..x:.. ~.\.r..n...'.-1n cnnnf 'T"hn1`\L'Q-' |--3.... vsA\4 an V-...n.-uuxu. Mrs. Maude Broley spent 21 weeki Iwith her daughter, Aitkens, at: ` Windermere. I Miss Jean Cochrane. of Toronto, 5spent the holiday with friends. I ,...,. ......-... M--- -. l'l'VI.._..._L---l ..`..-.-.. ---- -..... Mrs. Ewart spent a day mother, Mrs. l ...__ .-.n_,-_ Mr. and Mrs. spent Sunday Isaac Jennett, Thornton. Mr. and Mrs. I. F`. Lennox and daughter Gertrude spent Sunday with Miss Genevieve Jamieson, of Thornton. Thompson with Mr. Jennett and Mrs. Mrs. Ellson, of Toronto, and Miss `Mary Kirby, of Thornhill, spent the holiday with their mother, Mrs, Kir- by, and their sister, Mrs. Reg. Arn- old. The October meeting of the W.I.| was held at the home of Mrs. Thos. Rogers. with sixteen members and .:.1t \`-s;:~.:r p1`(.'::`CllL. As; Health was the theme of the program. the topic, roll call and a paper were all onl this subject. Arrangements were] c.,inplet;d for the W.I. birthday party. which will be held in the. Centre Vespra hall the second Thurs- day in November. Invitations have bt~..n '-.\'tended to Mineslng and Cundles branches to zittond the birth- day party. The program will be unritrr the :supervision of the con- venor' on Peace. Both visiting L`0I'.s' to the program. Delegates ap- pointed to the Area Convention in Barrie on Nov. 14 and 15 are Mrs. Harry Dawson and Mrs. Oakley. Plans were made to have the an- nual pot-luck supper the hall. After hearing a letter from the provincial president in regard to the branches doing their share in the war work, it was decided to form 9. committee to look after the pur- chasing of wool and the distribu- tion of same. Miss Kenny and Mrs. Leslie Dobson are the committee in charge. vur..- branches are contributing some nun`.- on Nov. 3 in F M1`. and Mrs. H1I`l`j.' Dawson .f:1mi1y spent Sunday with Mr. ,Mrs. W. Webb, Minesing. ..-.- .... -..uv-._y I Recent visitors with M1`. and Mrs. HT. Thompson were M1`. and Mrs. E. Osborne and Elaine. M1`. M1`. and and J. Watcon and Mrs. all of Toronto. Hall 7.\ I1`.`5. __....,:,... Mrs. Rogers and Mrs. Leslie Dob- son attended the first lesson in Meat Cookery. This is the project that is being undertaken by the branches in Centre Simcoe District. This 100.11 leaders` class met in E1m_ vale on Friday. `Dnnrn-.5 .....:a...... ...:AI. 1-, - -- C0rre_s_13gndents\ :sl.C(luu_y uxquuvunb. } Miss Cecelia McBride spent Thanks- ; giving with Miss H. Forrest. 11:-.. vr,.a.:- /I1.-.... :.- onnnrlinn crumb` CENTRE VESPRA STROUD IVY ........_, .. ..,_. ....... IJI Jennett, of Thornton, last week with her Jos. Cochrane. ;. Fred Aikens, of Win- Sunday with the 1at-!, I and; _..1.._. ...:n, .7 The Barrie Advance .1;1d E "- The many friends of Mrs. John a Walwin are very sorry to hear of her .1 serious illness. She was removed to 0' the hospital on Monday. We sin- alcerely hope that she will soon be `fully recovered. is: and Mrs. George Lawrence mi Miss Reta. Parker spent Sunday rat Shanty Bay. Mi Mr. and Mrs. Brown and Mr. and is`: Mrs. Russell Harris spent Sunday at, er! Valencia. : Mr. Chas. Hickling, Sr., of Barrie, .is in the hospital in Toronto. He underwent an operation on Friday. ad "er..IJis many friends hope for his 1 th`. speedy recovery. ` I I | (Held over from last week) ! Miss Dorothy Bennett is spending` ' the holidays at her home near Mid- 2 land. El\'l1I`5' nu. Lvxnua 1.... -v......... | Miss Katie Allen is spending some` time at her home. l Mr. and M1`s. B. Deadman, of| North Bay, visited with the former s sister, Mrs. J. Schell. A mission was held in St. Mary's Church on Sunday. Monday. Tues~' day and VVednesd.-"my. The speaker] was Rev. Fatlier MacDonald. a Re-' clemptorist Father from Toronto, and` snme very unpressive sermons were given by him.