Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Advance, 28 Sep 1939, p. 5

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THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1939. -:$im... Ne_w_:-E THIS IS GRAPE WEEK We are well stocked with Blue or Green Grapes COOKING APPLES 6-qt. basket . . . . .. MIICINTOSH APPLES In in nu. LARGE CELERY 2 for . . . . . . . .. CABBAGE Each FRESH CARROTS 4 lbs. . . . . . . . . . .` 2%; size tins Cla.rk s PORK AND BEANS uu.:I.. 41...... I. nn Phone 407 Unix rxnu l)l.14l'lAV~3 While they last. each _COAT_S. CHANTLEQVS ..-...gn--u-5-r cmo61T1r_ \VE DELI`.7'.Z: `E5=7"** 29 WPHONE 535 coal Page Five 72 Owen St. 19; 15 Sizes 1, 2, l"l'm11'. Rn} 1o`= 15 Plum b1'11. I)lll`1<)I1 f"l`ml1 U \\'()()L zmd (`()'I"l'0.\'. .\'<-xx` Fall ;az1I'1`<-rm in [mp- ,ul:1r .\`]I.`l(l'4'>`. '/It-ll<-1'-]n'i<'("d! 390 e-__._-_._ .___, - !"`l((`,(`,(,` limrd. lillticm bz1('l(. niltu-. .`s`i'/ms .1 and 2. MEN S SOCKS .\ll \\'unl. In :1 \':ll`il"1'_\' uf xnlzlrt (-ul<>l11`.\'. Rihlwd. '/A-Ila .-I'-|n'i<'<'d ! 1ll(SHll'I.\"l` Ql'.\Ll'l`Y .\H<`..\'l`.\` :11 l\ I..\.\'(`).\`.\lH, :7 l IH(`IC.\`. ROBINHOOD FLOUR I On Sale Here FRESH DRESSED CHICKENS vv-u-urn-u-urn A an-r -I-Ina 111-pg-I vEGET&1i3_'." ` VOLUNTARY BOYS COMB1NAT_lOI`_~ISq_ SNOW sL_J1jrs $2.93 ,2, 87 Ail xxiooi b1z111k0,t cloth. Zipper ,Rn_\'i1l, (.`m'ul, "Blue. \\'i1`11 helmet. the collection of 1110 at the local offices, they U1` -\11k|c lu11gt11, lung sleeved. Full Hm b111"mn style. 790 and 89c cl them-E voiuntary that. m-' be able efcient and in my Can- limz and: I 1 ! DEAD LITTKER "W. , Food supplies had run so low since the city was surrounded by German ; troops two weeks ago that horses,'1 slain by s1n'a.pnel, were being cut! up in the street-s for meat. the Wang; saw station said before closing c1o\\'n.!j .1... ... .1. I ` -I-Id-I-5-5-I -5'-* "" -. `-``-`- I : lcominuecl from page one) ` were burrowing into debris and in ` some sections it was impossible to circulate in the streets to distributei food. | (Continued from 1)-.i:;e one) each locality to receive registrations.` A questionnaire will be SLli)l11itLC(`- containing a number of questions re- ` lative to the qualications of the various applications in a variety of necessary vocations. including the questions: Could you take children 5 or adults into your home LCl111)Ol`.l`-`1 ily, now or in an emergency. free 5 or for payment? ` E There is no happines apart from'< freedom. Freedom is [he sure heri- tage of those alone who have the courage to clefenc`. it. is the keynote of the questionnaire, which goes oni to explain: To every nation there comes from!` time to time. periods of national distress, caused by various untoward circumstances. such as eartliqtuikes " I , _..s.. r... ....... r-.. D ... .. . V v - V `V - ` H. I Fires were burning t;h1'oug'h0ut the 'city. the announcer said. and there was 21 shortage of water and men to ght them. 1-.- n_,. ._...... n1 1......_ __.- \..._~: .....- -., O-.- ...... .. "In the past 24 hours we had con- Linuous air raids by 200 planes. and shelling by heavy artillery, he said. iHundrcds of incendizu`y bombs caused xes. probably exceeding 50. Most public buildings are aame." 1-_:,9.:.W%F.i`*.?r?3.1E-..f- -- w. -.........-J ,_ ......... -- YOUR REXALL l)RL'GGIST WE DELIVER Allzlndalc Phones 7176, 148 Drop m. Imk, \.uuuun.:tuu\.s..;, ..u... ..., -..-....,......_- oods, tornadoes. crop failures. for est res, grave economic tlepi'ession.=`~. epidemics, war. etc. I That the Canadian women may be in a position to serve their hat ion at short notice in any of the above calamities it has been thought well that they should hand them- selves together into a voluntary scheme of registration, so ready prepared. they would to render intelligent and `fllClL`ll`t` service; with this in mind. an endeavour to find how many adian women would be willing and; able to take British and refugee} children into their homes. you are} asked l to consicler g questionnaire and the follow-' swering the same. I to assist by wi $2.98 59c 49 79 FISH Tuesday evening in honoLu~ of Miss Stella. Cooper, of Toronto, who is holidaying in town this week. The -.A-....... ......... rt\CI "dun Fn11 nuvarc and. I 1 Mrs. W. L. Beaver entertained 011'. llU1lU`L1._)1.ll'5 Au Luwu. nun.) Ivuusxu _...v rooms were gay with fall owers and` the evening was spent in playing ` cards. Mrs. Sydney Bishop was theii winner of the prize, a, cup and saucer. The tea table was dainty with lace cloth and centred with pink gladioli and fern in a low bow1.i` The pleasant evening ended with tea.~j cup reading. an-.... 1.. 1/rnn.-hanw and 1\/I'iQ Lzup 1 caunus. Mrs. Jas. McCartney and Missliv Lorine Keetch were week end guests 1 at the latter's home here. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Robinson were . in Detroit for the week end. Mrs. Frank Dobson is home after a week's holiday in New York. ` Miss Ethel Lundy, of Bracebridgc,' is" spending 2. two weeks` holiday 5 with her aunt, Mrs. W. Rayner. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hart and two `sons have returned from a visit; to 1 .Ne:\' York World's Fair. Miss Muriel Smith and Mrs. Sadie 3 -Wood have returned from Ottawa,!' where they attended the Easternl Scar convention. _ 1 Mr. M. D, Morrison is spending .2.` few weeks in Winnipeg visiting hisi` librother, J. W. Morrison. ` .-. ,_,,,._ 1.-.. . . A A n s up`! ;-uuu.u.., u. -- 1`/Iiss E05818 Spea1'11 has 1*... ';>eau:_\' parlor after a summer of hai1'c11'essing in ling. mr.~,.,. -n..u.. TI~ir.-\-\41nvv mat Miss Betty Kightley r Toronto after spending 21 her parents on Brock St. 11...'.\.-.1.. 1%` run. Yjnuvna-rl 1 '\\"mI (.`l1im-l1ill;1. \\'l1itc F11!` Collar. Si;.os `to -.1. \\'l1i1<-, Pink, Cm';1I, 111110. n \.\.n. N Mayor H. G Robertson, Town En-I . gineer E. O. Rawson and other mem- ' bers of the town council were in i Toronto on Tuesday investigating 1 plans for the proposed sewage dis- !posa1 plant in Barrie. I A `nus ycuL.uLo uu .n.uuu.. Friends of Mr. Howard Morris, Ad- vance subscription manager, will re- gret; to learn that his mother is ser- i.;1;1y ill in Ti11J'ury. rt ..-;..1..:....r. n..n nvrnnrlnz-3 H1! ...._-., ........,. Con;;ra.tu1ations are extended to} 'iMr. G. A. Ross Cowan, son of Lieut. 1 `Col. Alex. Cowa11, who \\'a:; calledi ito the bar last week and is comixwgl Ito Barrie shortly to practice law` with his father. A photograph of Mr. Cowan appeared in :1 Toronto ippel` in the above connection last |weel<. .... ..._, ... ... -_._..._,. wh {to a . ,,,u,, 1. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Meredith an-l nounce the engagement of their` elder daughter, Greta. May, to Wil-F bur McMa.ster, son of Mr. and Mrs.` lJos. Walton, Grenfel, the wedding to`, take place in October. ` 1 I I -. .. ..._-.., ' "W " IUD. I `I These courses, each comprising 12 1 . lessons, are taught voluntarily by lgraduate nurses, doctors, dietitians ' (Continued from page one) jand dentists. The instruction "I rowed in self-defense-to keepygiven. 11013 Only in the f1'm 05 19` dj11ne1- dress," she Sam iject under discussion is actually de- | warin, since I was \\'(.`L'.i`il`ig a Lhin`tu1`eS, but WheX`Ve1` DS5ib1e the Sub` l I I Miss Eigood told of the c0nvei`sa-,mn5tr9'ted before the eyes Of the tion she had during those long` hours Students- o1' rowing with her companion on: _-` the oar, Ralph Child, 21 22-year-old` - Bostonian, who had been attending a Student, Christian Movement", con- vention in Alnsterclam and who had 71 V _u__....... u.,. r'- . 4. iswpm ! |4A\/AA .... ....... .... ...a ` on` 22-year-olcl a con-' vention and cvclecl through England during the "We talked of the most common-`i iplaco things," Miss Elgood said. He Itold of the sights he had seen in England, and discussed the conven-' Lion he had attended, and mention- ed his ambition to enter the min- I I I I . i istry." rut... ncupants of the lifeboat talked to one` another all night. and `with so many` conversations it was really necessary` `to shout to make yourself heard." l ` _Miss Elgood was in the dining. | IDLLJ. . ` Miss Elgood stated that the 30 oc-lg room when the torpedo struck. Somehow, in the resultant darkness and groping, she found herself in! the kitchen. From there somebody` helped her to the deck, and she got ' into the lifeboat to which she had 3 been previously assigned. She said g the boat was equipped with an en- 3 gine, but nobody could run it, so ; they x`o\vc-cl instead. with six oars. E n-u-.. rr....L.. xr..I..,..-. uvnc z-irvhfnrl 7---... _ : T1115 is Iollowod by a lengthy 1isr;_ questions 1`e1z1Li\'c to the type of: Dice one mi_Lht be willing or ;1`x)`.o` to )erf01'm. . LIKE) iuncu Auomuuu. VVJULA .4... u..-... The Knute Nelson was sighted about midnight. and ares were lighted to show the rescuers the position of the lifeboat. A hoist was slung over the. side of the Knute Nelson and those in the lifeboat were raised one at a time by 11 pulley. The Knute Nelson landed the sur- vivors at Gnlway. l nuvy- _........ -11 ..... .4 turn .-. 1--\rvI'\V'\I1 We were all agreed that a`. 5'.?7')n'1 torpedo was red by the submarim. but missed its gaol," said Miss EI- good. We felt something move un- der our boat. ... ..u \r`\lVlhJl u!. L ULAA uuum. From Galway. Miss Elgood went to Belfast, Glasgow and Liverpool. s".i]in;1' for Canada one of two can- I-.-oycd Canadian liners which doomed nt Montreal Saturday. ENGAGEMENT The Barrie Advance retumecl to` week wi?.1| - I re-opened successful Port, Car- 1 Mr. and Mrs. A. McNabb, [1 me, visited with Mr. and _i Hutchinson. | Digging potatoes is the order of the day around these parts. Some- farmers think they will have 75 to `I00 bags to the acre. ' - .,,._g_,... ..L LVLIV. illllal. AVLL D. U . k)ll\vAQ IV 5444- ` I service next Sunday morning at !11 o'clock in the Baptist Church. ,4 :1... 1y......:.. I\ rzrnnfnl \ Following registmtions I11 (JCLUCK Lu uuc napumu uuun.... . Mr, and Mrs. Harris, of Grenfel, `spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. i Hutchinson. i __ __ . . .. .,,u_ .n A . . . n . . n 1 4 ` . ~ n - n n Q rrn [.lL\I.A.vA..n.I nu -- .n.uuu--- V. I (Continued from page one) business women`s clubs, youth or-- ganizations, groups in industrial re- fuges and even from ius_tituLions for the deaf and dumb, are asking for reliable information on home nurs- ! ing and what, procedures to adopt `in cases of emergencies. ` -. .. . n,,-.... -r-r,.....n 1\Tnvc bl.1UUh.. This course, which is covered in: twelve lessons, can be undertaken` by any group of women by simply! applying to Home Nursing Depart-` ment, Canadian Red Cross Society 621 Jarvis St., Toronto, or to the local branch of the Society. Red Cross Home Nursing Classes '1 will be starting soon. Applicants notify Red Cross Headquarters, '|phone 1595J, or Mrs. Little, phone. D 179%. - ...... .... .......L. nnnnnnielnn 1`) `UL L:'d.:l:b UL cuuu.-;'v.u\.u..-. | The Red Cross Home Nursing !Course has been carefully designed so as to answer the major problems in the home nursing eld, as well` as giving instruction in infant and: maternal welfare and in the Schaef- fer resuscitation method for drown- l ing, gas poisoning and electric .5, O..- Y , shock. 129 DUNL OF ST. at A. E. Smiws Furniture Store ' J.Q J..1.Avan4; ....-gr _> _ ()m--}>i(`<-<- style of print \\'uo1c11(-. .l3L1I1m1 l"|-H111`. IT):-up sent`. Pink and Blue. Si /,c.-gs: 2, 4, 6. of Guth- . SMETH I-Iayea. ' Mr. and Mrs. M. Firman, of To- ronto, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. Firman, Holgate St. . -1, _,._ _;.a...__.1:..... u..,. 1u'.-nu |AVAAhl. 4.1.. -..........., -....--...- Roy and Bob, are attending the New [York World s Fair. , Mr. Thos. Edwards, of Montreal,` and Geo. Reynolds, of Hamilton,` Mrs. D. Murray ,of Toronto, is vis- .ting with her daughter, Mrs. S. COAL.. `These rugs were purchased several months ago and arrived before the declaration of war, which means WE WILL NOT BE ABLE TO REPEAT .AT PRESENT PRICES. Genuine Oriental Rugs Made in India Childrens `Near PY3 !Ia.1Vi[3.~.S 9 A very good assortment of pat- terns and sizes to choose from, also a good assortment of Canadian-made Axminister and Wilton Rugs and Runners, which were bought before -A- --.. AJ-ununnrl JUMLLLLUL D, II ;Aa.\.aaa prices advanced. A Load of Comfort .. . E\'c1',\' load li\'cI'_\' lU:l(X m um um. a warm, (-umfort:x!:lc and economical winter for some 0110. Now. before the cold \\'('(1fh(`l` comes. is the time for YOU to order YOUR coal. Phone for service. The Bamis: ?:' i:1e!. .& Supply Ca. Foot of Victoria Street PHONE 999 #_j__________, I Read the Advance Classied Sec `tion. It pays. spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. W Reynolds. 1. -.._.. ` .... .. .. ._--_, ___,___. ` Dr. S .Da\'idson has returned home `after spending two weeks holidays ` in the Grand Valley district. _sLE's:PERs

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