Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Advance, 14 Sep 1939, p. 7

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C.-\.\IERO.\` and CAMERON BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS. E 5 Owen St., Barrio. Phone 406 MONEY TO LOAN of Animals Division and Public Health authorities. These are: It The work in connection with the eradication of bovine tuberculosLs, which is one of the major activities towards the objective of disease free . live stock in Canada, was started 43 years ago with the free testing of herds with tuberculin. As Dr. Orlan| Hall, Associate Chief of Veterinary ilnspection, who has charge of the work, under Dr. A. E. Cameron, Vet- `erinary Director General, says, the `demand for the service in 1896 was `not great. but its introduction gave the owners of live stock an oppor- tunity to become familiar with the test and at the same time aorded an opportunity of determining the extent of infection in herds. Grad- iually live stock men saw the econ-I `omic value to them of having cattlrs . free from tuberculosis. They saw it was easier to sell such cattle for ex- port and also on the domestic mar- ket. At the same time municipal- `ities and public health authorities .......,s `A.....___ __ , _d. :.__:..._._L -_. Some time in the not too distant future the Health of Animals Divis- 'ion, Dominion Department of Agri- culture, hopes to have all cattle un- der supervision for the eradication of bovine tuberculosis and all othcr farm live stock in Canada as far as it is possible free from other dis- eases. Those familiar with the econ- I omic importance of the live stock in dustry and its relation to the im- provement of public health agree `that no more effective public ser- lvice could be rendered. `were becoming more insistent on 1 milk being sold from cattle known to be free from the disease. Consider- lable progress in eradicating tuber- culosis among cattle has been made Of the 8,840.000 cattle in Canada about 36 per cent. are now cnclei" `supervision. Of the total 4.762.000 -. ..- u__ w- run. , -5 .._`.-. ._._--. -. ...... --...... -........--- are in the Eastern provinces, of which 52 per cent. are under super- vision. !PROGRESS OF VVORK FOR ERADICATION OF BOVINE TUBERCULOSIS As for the compass itself, it was invented by the Chinese, and at rst' `was used only for guidance on land. [It was not until the year A.D. 300 `that we hear of it being used at sea. It was the Phoenicians, sailing around Africa, who first noticed that the sun rose in the east. They re- ceived quite a shock when they rounded the Cape of Good Hope and found the sun rising in the wrong quarter, but they soon tumbled to` the fact that the reason was because they were steering north again! _ know in 2. ash exactly where each jpoint is. This may not be very im- 5portant to a. landsman, but a sea- man must be thoroughly familiar with the compass. It wouldn`t do for a. helmsman to have to go round the compass looking for a point 11 an ofcer suddenly barked "Steer ' East-North-East ! ...- _.._, .. The reason of the spectacular success made by the clubs in the competitive lists of the exhibitions is readily ap- parent, for not only have the young farmers and farmerettes of Canacla produced exhibits of the highest quality, but by their ardor and en- thusiasm are giving a. new leadersliin to Canadian agriculture. There are many projects eiiiboclied in the programme of the work of the Boys` and Girls` Farm Clubs of Canada--live stock. eld crops, hor- ticulture and home economics. As results of this work. potato produc- tion in one area has been revolution- ized; in other disrticts, production of live stock has been raised to a liigh standard and in other areas thous- ands of bushels of grain have been added to production. i I In all agricultural fairs and ex-! hibitions that have so far been held` throughout the Dominion this year, no feature has been so outstanding as the work of the Boys` and Girls` Farm Clubs. This junior division of lcanadian agriculture is coniposed of lthe many and varied junior farm `clubs in all the provinces, the pro- `vincial and district grain, potato. calf, swine, poultry and other club: which are all co-ordinated througi: the medium of the Canadian Coun- cil on Boys and Girls Farm Work P1114. -4l\r\rV1\>4` Rt` LL... ....,.AA._....I,.._ _...\......_[ Masonic Tomplv Bldg . NIONEY TO LOAN Particular examples of excellent ! work were seen at the recent Ot- tawa exhibition when 177 boys show- ed high quality calves they had ac- quired and reared as part of their club work; also at the Lakehead Ex- Vhibition at Port Arthur, where .1 young farmer exhibited no less than 11 animals and the champion Hol- stein cow, all acquired as a result of his calf club work. In Alberta. '74 wheat clubs. approximately 1.385 boys, have built up a. substantial sup- ply of excellent seed for the pro- vince by seeding over 5,500 acres to registered, certied and improved wheat seed. In Ontario and other provinces, several ne herds of cat- tle can trace their establishment tcl `what the boys and girls of these Farm Clubs Giving i New Spirit to Pairs 2. ) BRADFORD ST. Across the Phone 7981 Suits Dresses Coats Carpets & Blankets a Specialty French Dry Cleaners `BANKFT0R0Nl'0 BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS. NOT- ARIES PUBLIC. CONVEYANCERS x Ylfnnnv On Innn in navy en-no at '. opportunities to help business men of ability and good character who require loans ior legitimate trade purposes. Lending money is one of the func- tions of this bank. We welcome V- v o..- Street from the Collegiate and Prince of Wales School DAILY FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY LOANS FOR BUSINESS SEN] END \VITH CONFIDENCE DI'.\'(`.-\.\' F. M('(`I'.~'\lG. l\'.(`. } PAUL H. ARMSTRONG. BA. | BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS. ETC MONEY TO LOAN Dunc Illa:-I: I)......:.. Incorporated 1855 |impson s ervc1e PENCILS - PENS - SCRIBBLERS NOTEBOOKS - DRAWVING BOOKS ERASERS. ETC. School Supplies WE HAVE THEM Dancing Every Wednesday& Saturday _ A-1'_ ! [Minet s Point .LI.l..1_Ll\J I) 0 Everything Supplied at Low Prices. mu, ,,..,......... The Boys and Girls Farm Clubs represent an active membership of more than 37,000, and every year since the movement began 25 years ago the membership keeps on in- Icreasing. The motto of the clubs is Learn to Do by Doing." clubs have been doin. In short, the fine work of the junior division is being carried out with enthusiasm in every province. rrn... ~n-....: .....i r~<:..1,.v 1:1....~. lnhc B.A. GASOLINE AND OILS IVL K) Ross Block DANCE Until Fulicher Notice BOB POWELL S Melody Men Splendid F1001` Sandwich Bar ADMISSION 10c Dance Tickets 4; for 25c` No Bother to Pirmic at Minet s r.`nn..uJI-.l-....- a.._...l:...`l ..4 cv..._-__z_:__..u_ Iocal and Long Dis- tance Trucking Service ]7ri\'<.- 17-11 --S:lf Cars Vally Taxi PHONE 44 183 Elizabeth St. Blue Taxi PHONE 45 Page Seven Surprisingly BARR] F. I U \V' ['5 18 Owen St a39L uuu. vvc Auu |.\Id an old scrap book: ` COLOSSAL MEDICAL FEES For his four weeks` zmtendance! at Sandringham. prior to the re-} covery of the King from typhoid in[ 1871. Sir William Gull received 350,-` 000. Twice this amount was paid to: Sir Morell Mackenzie for his treat-I Have you ever had the pleasure 01"] rriving a bill from the doctor foi- Q5 10 (mg 9. minor operation. Sure, who! 1 hasn't. And who hasn't wondered if the doctor didn t make 21 mistake] and include a. half dozen other minor { 1 operations in the same account--only' to`be deluded and enlightened when the account is certied correct by the good old doc. That line, For Pro-` fessional Services" can cover amulti-is tude of sins and knock the spots ol n a flock of ordinary pay cheques. But cheer up, others get nicked too. We ran across this clipping in. 1' I 1: n EADLINEH _and HOOEY I Embarrassing question: Would you[' mind lending me a. hundred of sugar. till Saturday ?" I THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1939. BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS, NOT-I ARIES PUBLIC. CONVEYANCERS.` tr-v~r-s L. G. W:I_T :I:_, `LLEJD FUDMAU. UKJIV VI: 1 ALVUEJN Money to loan in any sums at lowest current rates. f\-vn-s Q6 II- __ F. .\I:1('L:\RF..\', BA. STEVVART and STEVVART bicn: M;;sonic '1 :-mplc Bldg . Allandalc F arm_ and Fireside Pagjg GORDON L0.\'G.\I.-\.\' .. Professional Directory. . The economical compound pain Tablet ` .-\LEXANl)ER (`,()\V.-\\' BARRISTER Solicitor for obtaining p1'obat.L- of will. guax'd`mn.ship and administmtion and general solicitor. Notary Con-[ veyanccr. etc. J\n':..... 11.... ._.. ruv.._....u- nu; I BOYS and BOYS J IUKIH ill LU\\ U.\l l.'lLI`I'{'I1b rates. zt Floor, Masonic Temple Bldg.. Barrie. :11 `.\`1' LI 1'3;-hxn I-MAE. YOUR REXAL DRUGGIST VVE DELIVER M. H. Esten 1". \V0ods ETC. 406 Barri: Barrie Barrie I Mmugv to loan at lowest rate,-5 of I|1tL-rest. Ofce: 13 Owen St., Musoxxic Tcuxplc Bldg. Branch Oico .E1xm'a1e I n n_.__, 1 vs Ixv,....I.. E I Phone 82 DR. W. C. LITTLE Associate Coroner. County 01' Simcoe and DR. A. D. GRAY ()ico: 47 Maple Ave. Phone 213 Office Hours: 1 Lo 4 pm. and 7 to 9 pm., or by appointment. *1 GEO R. & I-ILSIE R. BURNS, Ds.C.' DRUGLESS THERAPISTS Electra. Hydro and Mechano Therapy 6 Electro Magnetic Baths I Electronic Diagnosis Foot Adjustments l h0n(- 405 for Appointment SZA Dunlop St. Barrie. I VVKILVLDLV ` Chxef Coroner, County of Simcoe ` Phone (31 0iCl.`-53 Collier St. | Ofce Hours: ; 8-9 a.m., 12.30-2 p.m., 6.30-8 p.m.l ,, , mil vwromnx onmjn OF NURSES] (BARRIE BRANCH) Well-Bztby Clinic, 2.30 to 4.30 every \Vedncsday--Miss I. Lawson. Application for nurse-`s services may be made direct or through doctors. ruxvnxtnp uu-Lh.`U'1'URS I Motor Ambulance in Connection {Open day and night Morgue and } Chapel in connection l Established 1869 Phnnn '1'---`A "- DR. C. C. FLEMING VETERINARIAN AND SURGEON 0i(-0: 48 Bnyc-ld $1.. Barrio I PHONE 811 I I . C. LLOYD FUNERAL DIRECTOR 47 Iilizahvth St. Phone 213 AMBLTLANQE SERVICE uuuvuuauu. I Thin jist give me a receipt feri !yer education in full. so some itherl {poor brute won't have to pay fer it [all over agin," said Pat, counting | out the two hundred samoleons. I uu: av Luuuu; "Well," replied the doc nonchalantwt 1y. as doctors have a habit of doing, .You know you have to pay for my 1 education." --- ' ~ A r - "7- - _......:..1. `run: I 1.1 ID11111011- i Pat had just received his pelican. `from the doc following an operation, It was for a. measley $200. , ....... . L I . :11 , _-u_. .. ;..............A-...-. -v . Lu vvuu AVA ; u . . . V u . ..._, .,,....... I i This bill; it's too tremendous, {said Pat. For why do ye charge [me so much?" ,4 L..- .1..- _.-_....L...1.....L 'ment of the late Emperor Frederick. The doctors who attended Queen | Victoria in her last illness received 2,000 guineas each. while Dr. Lap- poni`s skill in removing a syst from_I (`the Pope's side was compeiisatedfj .with 32,500. Dr. Dimsdale, for his 1 [journey to St. Petersburgh and vac- ` I cination of the Empress Catherine I 'II., received $50,000 as his fee, ` !$25.000 for travelling expenses and a `life pension of $2,500 a year., I I Some dough. say we! E Which reminds us of the ever witty E D 1.7 Irishman. _ . . ,-,, L ._-_-.-_...g |.:.. J. II. N. SHITII. MD. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON 0fTice--0wen St. Formerly occupied by Dr. L. J. Simpson) I News item: It, costs you more to! I . vn|' Fin.-nu n DR. VV. A. LEWIS SURGERY AND DISEASE OF WOMEN u f`nvuv-xfwv I\.- o:....-.. CHIROPRACTOBS G. G. .`i.\IIT}I & C0. FUNERAL DIRECTORS tor Amlmlnnr-n in r*nn.m..4: Omcc : 1st I] Phones 226-148 uuu Barrie, Ont. quietly. .. A .1 | Why does your brother, if he is such a good man. not hold 1`2xmily player?" thundered the bishop. I I l He has no family, meekly an- .~;wo1~ed the brother. WOMEN There are women who are wiLLy. There are women who are gritty; There are women who are \\'u;'Lh[ their weight in gold. There are women who are truthful. ' There are women who are youthful" Vvus there ever 21 womz_1n really aid? There are w)meh who are haughty. There are women who are naughty; There are women bright and sweet .`.. nn. .'.. 1.... .. THE SINFUL BROTHER. IL \\'as at a certain church meet- ing, and the good bishop was calling for reports. He had a rather stern, ,shcu'p mallner, which sometimes jar- Ired a mile on the nerves 01` the `more timid. By and by he came mi Brother B.. a lay delegate. i I ..n..no\-n.. -n --.I.._A- 4|... ,,-._._v I .... .. `There \ `VVus u -There .1, ... -. .....D-.- wuu -nu.-.-. as owers in June. There are women who have nmu.-d. There are those who've hesitated, And their lives are altogether out of` tune. I BARRISTER, SOLTCITOR. NOTARY ETC. Money to Loan Masonic Tt-mph` Bldg" Burriv I There There i There After that last. line we had better pull up stakes and quietly steal away in the night before some sweet young thing heaves a. rolling pin through the front window. ---A A..-- 5 I | t,hat .s I I 1 Well, the people are religious; what makes me think so. "What do you call religious? they have family prayers?" "some of them do and some 01 them do not. "Do you mean to say that a man may be a Christian and not hold family prayer? "Yes, sir; I think 50." '`Do you hold family prayer?" "Yes, sir," returned the brother ,.u,. -,.. ..__ .._, . "And yet you think a ` 21 Christian and not prayer ?" uT I......,` .. n_..-m..... _.u__ r---4 '- - I have a brother who is a better man than I am imd does not hold family prayer." "What makes you think that he 1: u better man than you are ? Everybody says so and I know that he is." 5 There . There : There then he had DO a.sphalL ...V...-. ..., `. ..._, ..-.-,,...-. Brother B., what is the spirituzxl condition of your church '3" demand-` ed the bishop briskly. "I consider it good," said the bro- n.. . E thug. I [live than it did your great: grand- ! father. ESTEN and ESTEN BARRISTERS i Solicitors in High Court of Jtxsuco, Notaries Public. Cnm'e_vanccrs Money to loan at Io\ve. current rnfna "Vvhat; makes you think its good," `went. on the bishop. 2 --117-11 .L.,. __-..._I.. _.., .,.,u g_,, I i All boys training to be sailors have- to learn these points by heart so that ` they can rattle them off at any mo- lment, and, what is more important, I It; is done in the following man- ner: North-South; North by East,- South by West; North-North-East,- South-South-West; North-East by I N01-th-south-West by South; North-I . East;-Sout:h-West; North-East by { Ea.st-South-West by West; East- ,North-East--We.st-South-West; East `by North-West by South; East.- West; East by South-Wes t by North; East-South-Easb-West-North{ `West; South-East by East; North-' West; by West; South-East-North- West; South-East by South-North- lwest by North; South-South-Eastr- lNorth-North-West; South by East; [North by West; South-North. In order to Box the Compa.ss"_ you do not have to put the compass. {in a large box. All you do is to repeat its thirty-two points in their correct order, starting from any point. and giving their opposite equivalents. He never used a fountain pen, Or kept a score; It costs you more to live, but men. Itfs worm more. - ...- . . . . . . . . . . . -.- ..... .......,c raising Ned. `e are women who are thrifty, '0 are women who are nift._v;" `o are women who are silenv-- but they're dead! had no pleasing pennant race. sunset hose; auction bridge upon his list, picture shows. never ran a touring car, never ew; turkey Lrot. as like as not never knew. gay sextets; ornate bars, 110 Lrolly cars. cigarettes. \\ ;ho1'e \I \V` H1101] ` 2'1 1'8 \VO H1811 I)l G. H. Esten Can You Box the Compass? I lull and slender short and tender, who are always --I-IOOEY. man may hc| hold Iamilyl The Barrie Advance, I There are three plans under which `the work of eradication of bovine- tuberculosis is carried on: 1. Ac- credited Herd Plan, the object of which is the eradication of tuber-I [culosis in pure bred herds. These. herds are tested free by veterinary inspectors employed by the Dominion Department of Agriculture Com- pensation is paid for reactors based on two-thirds of the valuation placed upon the animals by the Depart- I ment's veterinary inspectors. The latest gures show there are 8.520` fully accredited herds in the Dom- inion; 2. Supervised Herd Plan. This is a single herd policy appli- cable to grade herds irrespective of the number of purebred or grade animals they contain. No compen- sation is paid for reactors. but the owners receive whatever proceeds there may be from the salvage. There are SL182 >'.`.1p(.'i'\'is(`(l herds throughout the country: 3. Restricted Area Plan. The object of this plan is the era- ldication of tuberculosis in denite areas. At: least; Lwo-thirds of the cattle owners in any denite area must sign :1 petition for the estab-I lishment of such an area under this plan. The payment of compensation is based on the same liniitations and xnnxiinuxn v:11uaLion.< pI'()\'i(lCd under the Accredited Herd Plan. About 3,300,000catt1e are under the Rcsiri ed Area Plan. Cattle under all pol- . A. dun. ......-):...\o:..... 4 ..l.n..,...In..:.. There are seven impressive reasons why bovine tuberculosis should be eradicated, my officials of the Health ..r ;__:.___1_ Y\..1_:_._ -._.a ~n_.u_u.. is a. menace to public health; the public is (lemanding dairy pr0duct,s: obtained from healthy herds; itl causes serious economic losses tmjive stock owners; mes for tuberculosis eradication number about 3245.000. an increase from 2,332 cattle in 1916. BARRISTER. SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC

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