'I`.\LITIE.\' occvu ox HIGH- WA YS-B.-\TI~IEI{ KILLED BY CRASIIING PLANE. { MORE THAN HALF NATION S FA-l 1 x eunuch uuuuruu 1L5 smuxer (10210. ` At; least 252 persons had been kill-1 ed in automobile accidents, res. plane crashes. by sshootings and, other violence as the last day of the four-day holiday began. The total neared its end. f\u1n I-nun Anny} n n A 6 I. : lltfklltlkl Hub um. I One htlntlrcd and thi1'ty-six of the fa.ta1iLics--more than half-occu1'1'cd on the highxvays. Fifty persons, (Please turn no page four) I Royal Train Plans Not Likely to Be Altered I New York. May 30.--Death took its t1'ib'.1t0 to-(lay as the United States honored its soldier dead. ` Ar. Inna.` 959 nn\'cr\r\u hnr] Ium Inn 1 33 County Gonstables Form ; Newly Orgggjzed Police Force`; , Cannot Route Train )1 Through Barrie and Or- j;A_ illia. Chairman of Royal Tour `Wires. According to latest available in- Vol. XC,lIl.I. No. 12. formation in connection with the re- turn trip of the King and Queen, Barrie and Simcoe County residents will not have an opportunity of greeting Their Majesties at Washago where the train stops for water and coal, the train will not be re-routed through Orillia and Barrie and the closest point at which Their Majes- ties may or may not make an ap- pearance will be at Beaverton. In other words, at 2 pm, to-day, the committee working to appease the disappointment of the thousands who missed seeing Their Majesties at Midhurst had made little headway and had nothing of a denitely en- couraging nature to offer. 'l\/I'avrn- `L1 (1 `Dar-Ir nF (\~pi1l:n "pkg in attendance on the King and Queen when they visit London, Ont., on June '7 and may continue with their Majesties until they cross the border at Niagara Falls. 'T`hP (`Intnv-in 'Dm-.u~nim- ..n+..........J L- I! Premier Mitchell Hepburn will be uunucr 21.1, J.Vl :1gE:LI'a. r'aus. The Ontario Premier returned to his Queen's Park office Monday, still bubbling with the enthusiasm for their Mnjesties which he franklyl confessed after his first meeting `mt-.11 the King and Queen last Mon- day. uay. It may be that in his younger and less responsible years Mr. Hepburn{ may have been accused of holding lthe Crown in light regard. No basis |for such a. cl12u'ge remains. It is very [plain that their Majeaties have com- pletely captivated their first minister in their province of Ontario. I T-In frnn'..-Iv if` cl-u-in m-ln~.ir.- H-l ll-lappy Hephurnig !May,Take;r:ip WithgM9;g_arch |u1 uucu piuvuiut-: U1 U11La1`10. ` I He frankly, if shyly, admits it.{ [And he is as keen as a debutante! labout his second invitation to at-l tend their aMjesties in London, TO MEET DUPLESSIS AC` fhn can-um Hnan ring-I1H'n f`~n. J.VLl;A1`J.l. AJU.l.`uI:.:DDJ.D ! At the same time. despite the `Royal visit, politics contiuue to pur- `sue the Ontario Premier and Monday he was faced with reports that his` 11:`i(?I1d.<.hin xvifh 13n-nmim- ml -run-inn |uL`u;unL: ui\:zx>uu:b 1U1' L/diiauzl. L I merely expressed my own opin-`I ion. which I believe is the view of; Him people of Ontario. I don't think; `M. Duniessis can quarrel with tl1'.1t. i ` POSITION UNCHANGED ` 1 It is also suggested that M. Du- plessis may suppox't Mr. King in :1 federal election," said the reporteix; I don't; know anything about` that." answered Mr. Hepburn. But your position in regard to -Mr. King is unchanged?" (Please turn `.0 pz1.g'e four) 3 1 Ln: was xaucu wxuu Lcpul Lb Luau 111:5 e 1 A ~ . - .' . ` . .' , -.1'lC11dbhlp wxth P10111181 Mauuce` C `Duplessis had cooled. The rumor. 1 v I had it that Lhc fentenbe co1'dia1ei1. betwen the tw prnmiers was , mpicily disinteg1'at;ing. ` But Mr, Hepburn spiked the _~t.o1'ies. I think just as much of} iM-aurice Duplessis as I ever did. In: 'fact I am planning to arrange an; early meeting with him to discuss ,11m1tc1's of mutual interest," he saidflc I Rnf it hqrl hnnn nun-nrm+nA Fl-unI<\L I .ul(hL|.L`lh UL iuuumi uiutresb, ne sa1c1.| [ But it. had been suggested that! 'M. Duplessis is disappointed about, |_\'m11' fo1`th1'ig'ht demand for adequate; |c .eL'e1isc measures for Canada." `L T I~nnvn1\* cxvr\I'L:uz w... A... .-...:.. clay. stated that no particular nud-i ist colonies within the County had? been drawn to his attention andi that he did not think that this mat-E tor would take up a great deal of the time of the force, We believe we have an eicient organization that will assist greatly in maintaining law and order generally," Mr. Hammond I I stated. E uuuxaszug uauuJ.:: UU ULLUIC. Mayor H. G. Pack, of Orillia, who with other members of the committee have made every effort to have the train re-routed through this sec- tion, was in telephone conversation with Mayor H. G, Robertson, of Bar- rie, last evening. Mayor Pack stat- ed that he had received a wire from Dr. E. H. Coleman chairman of the Royal tour, in response to his re- quest to have the train makea ten- minute stop as Washago and have it routed from the east side of Lake Simcoe to the west side through Orillia and Barrie with s1o\v orders. The wire, Mayor Pack stated, read as follows: ! ! , Following are the County Con- stables appointed and the districtsl they will represent: ' Adja1a-W. D. Thompson, Alliston. I Alliston-Harold Morrison (chief). ` Barrie---Alex. Stewart (chief), t 1 vv....,............; All-\IAAVL.-JII Robt. Craig, J, R. Weaymouth. B1-adford-Walter Reeves. Collingwood - Lorne Davidson; (chief). Coolis&;own-Chas. Blackmore. Creemore--J. L. Marshall. Essa,--John Ellis. Utopia. Flos--Robt. Burke. Elmvale, Innlsl-Cli'ord Carscadden. Craig- vale; Harry Ferrier, Belle Ewart. . Matchedash-Wm. Prince, Cold- '\v-abet`. R.R. 1. Medonte-Neil Matheson. Warmin- ister; Joe Drury, Moonstone. Midland-Wm. J. McDonald u-bier); Wm. G. Nicholas. Noftnwn Dmmi n...... I nyuncu, W111 U. NLCHOIBS. ! Notta\\'asag-Robt. Royal, Dune- `din. ! r\..,. nu.....A. .~4,,, ,1 , A ~- Scottish Rite Order Conve_ns in Barrie I I Barrie, for the past two days has been the centre of activity for members of the Scotish Rite Order, Rose Croix and Perfec- tion Lodges during the semi-an- nual reunion in the Vale of Barrie. Members were present from many adjoining districts including Collingwood, Owen Sound, Bracebridge, Parry Sound, Orillia. Bert Pritchard of Graven- hurst `entertained with sleight of hand at the social meeting Monday evening at which mem- bers entertained their wives. A musical program by pupils of Edmund Hardy was a fea- ture of the occasion followed by dancmg. UH. Oro-A1bert strachan, Oro Station. (Please turn '10 page four) CONSTABLES APPOINTED _u,, icomplete Postal Delivery ` Starts Here June Isl Barrie s new postal delivery service goes into effect ofeinlly on Thurs- day. June 1st. when five new letter! carriers will commence delivery of smail to all wards of the town, thus {eliminating the necessity of persons` wcalling at the Post Ofce boxes.i rwhieli will be in time almost entire- 'ly eliminated. Changes are taking place at the Post Ofve at the pres- .ent time to accommodate the new service, partitions are being` moved land new furniture installed with :1 ;view to speeding up and making `more eieient the handling of mail here. Barrie. henceforth, will be` `supplied with 24 hour receiving" and despatching service. It will no long- ;er be necessary for persons to use lthe box at the station for the mail- ;ing of late mail. All letters and {parcels posted at the Post Office up l to within thirty minutes of [min 3time will be despatched day and .`night. a night man being ret;lined ffor this purpose, I RI<`.\l'l`Al.< I\l(`I?I7Jlc1'.` \:au.u:L`, D . UILISIGB. 1 Expert instruction is being given' the new carriers and it is the hopei of the Department; that citizens will; find the new service eiicent and. satisfactory in every way. 3 Six Routes Cover Barrie` And A11a11:1a.` e-- V-" `x:3.~*:-'I" I Close at 6 p.m.--2`.i.'I-Ioy11Jr Service for Receipt anzli Despatch of Mails Not permitted under any circum- stances to change the route; the best that can be done is to have the Royal train at Bea.verton. "I"|hn train rm it-c rm-`um a..:.. nun I un4n vv nnua Postal delivery has been divided! `into six sections. each ward compris- ling a section, with a man for each. and a spare man to take care of holidays. sick leave, etc. Following is the manner in which the routes havei been allotted: ' \N"nrl 1 r~_ `LT `I1!-..-...&..._. tn---J A uccu uuuuwu : Ward 1, G. H. Wharton; Ward 2. T. A. Grant; Ward 3, C. H. Bowles; Ward 4, C. Hughes; Ward 5, Thos.g Kerr; Ward 6, R. Kightley; spare carrier, S. Garside. `Fhrnnrf inchounnn :. u...x...... _:__-.-' Read the Advance Classied Page.| It Pays. Britian s J?3;::rny Exparids This is a scene in 9. London cap factory, one of many establish- ments operating at top speed mrmufacturing equipment for the thousands of men who will don uniforms when Britain's compuls- ory military training measure beomes effective. An estimated 200.000 men will form the first class to be called up. Tlehtc nnnroHrm- n4- 6-. Barrie, Ontario, Tuesday, May 30, 1939 SIX WARDS ..1:..-.._. I umy ucuvcu w1Ln nreaxrasb. } He recalled that when Propaganda Minister Goebbels opened the fair he ihad received no ovation. Only when ;he suggested that Germany's col- lonies must be returned was he ap- .p1auded. I 'T`hn cnnnlnau nine .'...4-.....:.......: L.-. 1- Tine Gne, Jail Anothe; In Two Liquor Cases uuc .n.u_yu1 maul an neavercon." ` The train on its return trip will not; pass through Beaverton, but a short distance east of there at 9.40 standard time the morning of June 6. Regarding a 10-minute stop at Washago for water and coal at 8.50, Dr. Coleman said Their Majestiesl would not appear there because it was too early in the morning. n.r........ 1-:..,.v- ..A.AA.,\.1 - .__.._L,-,,, , _,,u,1[ |{l-lad Butter Ration For Breakfast Only !In Nazi Germany _j._. i B.G. Newton, past president of the Toronto Kiwanis Club, who has re- Ecently returned from Germany as `guest of the Government at the Lei- pzig` Fair, .-'1r.1dressed the Barrie Ki- Iwnnis Club last evening on conditions `he noticed during his trip. I During the \vhn'lr- h~in hp mm ho ' puxuucu. The speaker was introduced by J. IA. McLa1'en and thanked by Albert` {Bryson. }Early Bird Got Worm } ; Also Caught Finger; I Richard Lee, 44. Bradford, paid $150 and costs for having liquor il- legally, and Charles Britnell. 23. An- gus. was sentenced to two months for keeping liquor for sale, when each pleaded guilty before Magistrate `Compton Jefls on Saturday morn- img. `D1-nninr-Sn! r Y`1,,, . -- I Provincial Constable Frank R. Dobson told the court that in com- Ipany witi'f P.C. Robert G, Beatty, he had 1`?'.i(1CC1 the Lee premises on April 2 and seized a quantity of beer mluecl at $30. Constable Dobson said /Britnell had purchased 3,024 pints of ibeer-in 89 days, an average of 34 ipints. 3. day. apt to develop rickets when fed on the mash that chicks thrive on, Uni- versity of California scientists believe t.hcans\ve1' is that the young turkeys ;ir:cl 10 times as much vitamin D as the young" chick does. ' I I . . " Iiivstigniiiig why baby turkeys are ` I puuuu uu lIlL' IITSL auempu. But the hook pierced his finger as he was taking the fish off. and Campeau had to drive to Meaford with the hook dangling from his hand. He had it cut out and then return- ed to [120 strcaun again to fish. Mcafor, May 30-Albert Camp- eau. Meulbrd fisherman, got up early to go fishing, with the idea that the early bird catches J10 worm." Cumpcau was right, for he did catch :1 g:'ocd-sized v!"`(`! trout weighing two pounds on the first aticmpt. hook nim-r-ml hie Millions of men in Europe are engaged in preparations for killing each other, Dictators glorify the perils their soldiers will face in war. So we welcome on the front page the kind of a man who is unafraid to live dangerously. but who risks nobody s life but his own. _,.__ -_._._, --- ....V --...-.....5. Mayor Pack stated a meeting wouldl be held in the next few days to con-! sider Dr. Coleman's telegram. Mean-| while Washago is proceeding` withl plans to welcome Their Majesties.l 150 1egi011ai1'es. under the leadership of A. E. Smith, Orillia, will be pres-t S I ent to form a guard around the train. Donald Brown, Glen Huron. was elected President of the North Sim- coe National Conservative Association at the annual meeting held at Stay- ner Monday evening, attended by an enthusiastic gathering of over two hundred. iVI.r. Brown succeeds Mayor H. G. Robertson, of Barrie, who was a nominee for the position for another term, but who asked that his name be withdrawn in favor of the other candidates. Others nomin- ated were Geo. Johnston, Minesing;g and A. J. Sullivan, Stayner. M12, Johnston also withdrew his name,` leaving Messrs. Sullivan and Brown` in the field, a ballot vote deciding the issue in favor of Mr. Brown. ` The election of officers was pre-1 sided over by J. T. Simpson, of Bar-`. rie, the following being the complete` I slate : The oodlights were kept burning at, Croydon Airport until 11.30 last, night and when oicials orderedl them turned off, it was like an` epitaph. At 3.30 a.m. (10.30 p.m.,| E.D.T) Smiths plane was certain to be down That. hour marked the maximum flying time of his gasoline supply under the most favorable con- ditions. Ta or: nPx'r\u1:n1 lqn `r\..:I.. 17! ..... Mn unuuua. In an editorial, the Daily Express said: `Car and Truck In Collision ` I-Ion. D1`. Manion, Rev. Downer. Mayor J. T. Simpson and DDPQIDI London, May 30.--Hope was aba.n- The Baby ClipI3e1`"-Smith s name cloned to-day for Thomas H. Smith.,f0l` the 570-Imlihd machine I30 91'd U.S. aviator. who took off from Oldlwith a four-cylinder, 65-horsepower Orchard Beach. Me.. in a midget:118l11e-Was believed to have been plane Sunday morning bound for D0il l5 T01` Siyfle Head. Ireland. But somewhere in Europe." and who`befo1'e the Sunday take-off Smith hasn't been seen since. answewd Questions as to his des- There had been many reports from iiiiition Withl "Elli`0l39 i-`I 85 C1036 various places in Englaiicl and Ire- 88 I can tell." land of Smith itcxviiig been sighted, PARENTS KEEP UP i30i"E but each of these reports were prov-jFL1ER WILL BE RESCUED en unfounded and oicials feared hei Ciarkshurg. W. Van May 30 - had been lost in the Atlantic, per-;T0mmy Smii h S DE1i`91itS kept an 1111- haps a few hours after his take-`night Vigil beside their radio and off. Weather conditions at the start telephone hoping every minute for were not favorable and there was a W01`d their 5011 had escaped death 011 snowstorm over the Atlantic off New- 3 t1 3-D3-A319-331 ight they tried in foundland. vain to hilt Tlfhlln Innathnnlna kn."-.~ k...-...~1-.+ Smith., Old] midget: "somewhere who` Frw.n..A x~...I knn... .n.. ...`.-.\..L.. r .... ..` U_\ K/Llclllllb L_1t!.\\/Axlllh. U1 1VJ.'ll1JHJ I1\C. The taxi driver, who had just pulled up to the curb on the 013-; posite side of the street to lot 211 passenger out, turned across thel street into the Arena gateway to complete the turn in the oppositel direction. The Adams truck, travel-. ling west. collided with the side off the car, causing considerable dam-{ age to the taxi and to the front of the truck. 1 No personal injuries were sueredi in the accident. 5 `Abandon Hope for Ocean Plyer ! Believe Craft Down in Ocean Donald Brown Heads Simcoe lconservatives aouum. i The men are on all the time. re- ceive lllu-Zu.`l`at( remuneration and act; largely because of their desire to serve in their community for the preserva- tion of law and order." Constnblei Butler is reported as stating. N0 NUDISTS According" to :1 report in the To-i ronto press. "moonlight bathing," which has been the cause of con-, siderable complaint from Simcoei County beach resorts, will occupy` the attention of the newly formed constnbulary in an attempt to dis-. courage this form of impropriety. } CFOWII Attornev Fmnk `H'mnmnnd' At 8 am, Monday. an accident` occurred on Elizabeth St., at the` Arena gateway, when a truck, own- ed by Frank Adams and driven by .Vernon Adams, 51 Charlotte St;._ collided with 21. Valley Taxi driven by Charles Hawkins. 51 Maple Ave. "T`hn tnvi rlrivm` whn hnrl iimf Glen Huron Man Succeeds; Barrie Mayor - Other Officers Elected at An-; nual Meeting 3 New Teachers For B.C.I. Stuff; Newly Appointed Executive To Name Convention Date .l.- DJIIIIIJDUII rlllkl ILLF-,"cl1 PRESIDENT- Donalcl Brown, Glen Huron. VICE-PI{ESIDE.\'T John Woods, Barrie. SECOND VICE M1's. T. H. Burton. Barrie. SECRETARY-TREASURER 1.1 `.\/rillin IJ ZUHM \KT 1'` rnnrn r\vn Three new teachers have sign- ed contracts to commence dut- ies at the Barrie Collegiate Sep- tember lst, their applications having been approved by the Board of Education. Teachers are: Miss Mary Crew, Barrie, Modems; Mr. H. E. Chadburn, Toronto, Mathematical specialist and Robt. Loffree, Burlington, Cmercial Speocialist. HONORARY PRESIDENTS 4 lit: 1. .`\ I\ Millie, Col. Geo. Drexv. ' H. G. Robertson Edgar Jamieson. IFRTT . e. *__.. -` Whitby, May 30t;h-The Ontario y Mayor's Association and the Domin- __ ion Association of Mayors are a. n`\vash-out; the railway problem is no problem at all for anyone with "courage and some brains"; OLtawa s -latest aI.tCmpt.s at ship scuttling is ithe wheat bonus: the system of ed- ucation in Canada is simply vil1an- ious." and the property owner is a "sap to stand for it any longer. These and many other directly- placed Bonian shafts were re- {leased from an apparently full quiver '\\'hen Mayor Jomieson Bone. of Bel- leville addressed :1 Whitby Rotary :1 , Club today, ` Ipln-men +111-n n nilwn 'Fnnv\ uuuxusc DLILD Auuu. U1. unproprlecy. Attorney Frank Hammond.` when questioned on the matter to- Final Solution is Nation- 1 al Government, Be11evi1- 1e Mayor Asserts-As- sails Waste. . I E I L x >\:vcu1u;:'.. `cI.ulrU11L1b'L1 uy it gaulermg OI }over two hundred, which elected }ofIicers for the coming term. It; was xdecided to hold the Convention meeting in the evening this year and to dispense with the formality of a. nominating committee in favor of an open nomination at which delegates twill have full control of the choice .-of a candidate to represent this con- I stituency. I Nfnvnr T-T ('4 Dnhnrfcnn nf `Darrin nuuu uucy uuzxuy gut H, CUHIIBUIJIDII. "We know Tqmmy is down now. but where is our job," sadly de- clared the father, a lawyer who looks like :1 southern colonel with his white hair and goatee. yuunc uuiut: uy UUIM4 LU1` my SEKE." Having no advance notice, the 60- year-old parents were amazed when informed early Sunday that Smith was poised in Maine for his effort to span the ocean. They told of trying to reach him by telephone to plead that he abandon plans for the flight. but Smith .had been gone an hour when they finally got a connection. We knmv 'T`nmrnv in rirmm nnm vum IIJLIIIK While lengthening hours brought no report of the flyer's fate, the `Lstoical mother prayed she still would `be able to dispatch this cablegram `penned soon after Smith's take-off: I ('1nn;rrnt.n1nf.im~m 'T`r\rnrvnr `Dianna ' Gordon Graydon M.P. scor- } es Increasing Debt Pol- icy of Liberal Govern- ; ment, Urges Economies pcuucu auuu `:1Lu:l.' Dlull/HS bake-OIIZ Congratulations, Tommy. Please come home by boat for my sake. Having` advance nntinn, thn an- l cuuucu\;_y. Mayor H. G. Robertson, of Barrie, presided at the opening of the meet- 'ing. with County Clerk J. T. Simp- son taking charge of the election of ofcers, and Donald Brown, newly- xelected president, taking charge fol- lowing his election to oice. Past President Mayor Robertson expressed `his appreciation of the loyalty dis- `played by the Riding during his term of ofce and announced the meeting dates for the Young Conservative Association to be held at Creemore on June 7th, and the annual meet- ing at Toronto on June 17th. GORDON GRAYDON, M.P, Gordon Graydon, MP. for Peel County, guest speaker of the even- ing. brought a stirring address to the gathering in which he urged a cur- tailment of wanton waste and exces- jsive expenditure as curneu out by ,the present Federal administration, `and a return to a pay-as-you-go" policy as the only means whereby national bankruptcy may be avoid- erl. ]Says Taxpayers `Are Saps to istund Burden cu Federal election . `,highly probable, M1`. 'providing serious Inte plications do not aris iccup An open date, most convenient to 3 June 7th, to be named by the newly- -`appointed executive, was chosen for the North Simcoe nomination meet- ing" at the annual meeting of the Association held at Stayner Monday evening. attended by a gathering of Lover two hnndrpd mhir-h n1nr-tnrl ABOLISI-I RADIO TAX 3I.l':. Things have changed greatly in (Please turn `to page four) J |.'ULli.ly , (Please turn ral in October was robable, Graydon felt, International com- arise to delay the p:1_<:;c foul`) Ten Pages 252 Lose Lives In 11.3. Holiday Q I-lonoiiitg Dead