THE - BARBIE - ADVANCE To obtain advantage of these tems, st0ves must be purchased and wiring contracts approved before May 31st. Miscellaneous Vegetables I_ `L Produce Public Utilities Commision Perfect Meals >_\: . . . . . . ..15c ...20c .sI.L={d $5 $7.50 . . . . . . uy .......u-. `.18-23c . 15'20Ci . 25_G0C1 . .20c` .10c I Mrs. Bertha Delahay Elliott, exe_ cutrix for the estate of the late Frederick Baxter Elliott, has sold the premises, printing plant and subscription list of the Alliston Her- ald to Harry G. B. Falkner, as of [date May 1, 1939. [ .u.a_\ A Lu. The Christian Endeavor of Chal- mers `Presbyterian Church held its closing meeting on Tuesday evening, May 9th, at the home of Mrs. Wan- less. ' | 1nv- n .4 rn ,,,,,. ,..J 115,- Luca. Miss Dorothy Tennant and Miss Margaret Scott spent Wednesday and Thursday in Toronto. A ,.L._-....... ....... L..1,l A.-. 13.44.." auu Luuta-.Aa_v Au LULUIIVUI A shower was held on Friday night for Mr. and Mrs. George King, at the home of the groom s parents. mu- 1..;....4. I....-1- ......:...-.. ....... 'I...dA ._uu.u. At 31 points in Canada and at three in the United States (probably \\':i.~:hi11.g to11, New York and Hyde` 1 -.u'k) the royal train telephone` cqtliplllcllt will be connected with - 1'e5.:'ula1' telephone system by means of special cables which will terminate near the truck on which the train will .~.-tand. At more than 20 of these points, the pilot train will also be connected with the l'1'ans_Canada Telephone System. '[`1\Iil\r\ ,,-.,.. f\9 Ll." I).-Jl 'l",.1.. I May 7th. Ten candidates were conrmd in St. Andrew s Church on Sunday, -nu pr: uy Lauc uuulc vx. unu: 5LUVlIla ycnuyuuaa The latest book review was held in the Alliston Memorial Library on Tuesday afternoon, May 9th. The book, Wilderness Wife, was re- viewed by Mrs. F. W. McDowell. l Read Advance C1-assied Ads. I-Pays. HYDRO THRIFT PLAN 20 PER CENT. OFF RETAIL PRICES I1 GOLD MEDAL ORANGE PEKOE TEA BAGS 2 . _ _I.... C-.. JELLO--assorI:ed avor; 7c This Week . . coon QAULITY BROOMS 2: L GOOD VQUALITY SCRUB- BIND BRUSHES . . . . . 1 GOLD MEDAL PREPARED `$sI; .`b`?,.ue ..... .. 10 Three Years to Pay $25.00 Wiring Allowance uu.<,uu-buuu, -u\,n :.v;u gun. AAJ\A\4 telephone ._,m.........,, .. -.......: . I0] 1110 royal train switchboard,- I witih:which was manufactured in the} .\Ionti-eal factory of the Northerniic wil1.ilectric Company, has many novelle` features. In order to prevent vi_ ` bration when the train is in motion it is mounted on a base of sponge rubber. Adjustable steel bars, with iubber ttin-gs, will maintain it in a Three employees of the Bell Tele_ rigid position even when the train phone Company of Canada have is going around sharp curves. To been assigned to telephone duties on use the term invented by automo_v H the royal train for the duration of bile manufacturers, the switchboardlb` the tour. They are J. M. Hay, as- has lloatin,g power. sistant \'ice_president; LeSueur The special room containing the` Brodie, exchange and toll engineer, switchboard has a window in the and H. 1*`. H. Smith, of the plant de_ door and on one side| .This room a.l_ paitment, all of Montreal. Their so houses the ringing machine work will include all public con- wlncsh is designed to operate on 32 tacts, the operation of the switch- volts direct current, instead of on board when the train is in motion the usual 110 volts. The cables and at all overnigxht "parkinu"' places i connecting the switchboard with and the maintenance of the t'(]lll1)_:x:llL'l1 of the cars were manul'actur- I G ll ment. 'ed by the Northern Electric Com__i .\'o women telephone operators pany especially for this purpose. will be on duty at the royal train ' Lneie are special telephone cable` acouplings between each car, and,`, iii" it is iiecessary or desirable, it: iwill be )o.ible to disconnect an . uxpress Your Loyalty it--ir fl`0l111til1: royal train without af) i and welcome to the ifecting the telephone circuits to the! i Rina ...s nnnn ``. 3`'.. .. TT A p... l I.'.I\\JlL I ILPI. lJl'1\. 25 in pkgn, for LUD l.`\l\lJ 9 oz. bottle ALLISTON La UISALVUD g)?GS 2 5c '39&3& Twelve Pages T. I5 Y ULCUKA HNC: W l'l'H Flags and Streamers 5 " $1.00 King and Queen Flag Holders for Automobiles for front and back, complete with 10 ags. 30 Elizabeth St. nvvnsvvw Weaymouth`s Df\l\I-I E'l`t'\I1l" BY DECORATING WITH $1.00 Telephone Equipment On the Rolu_l_ Train BOSK STORE "13'iib:T:' 4:; PER SET Barrie lsanilury Inspector {Is On Thelob Sanitary Inspector Harold Sharpel presented his first report at the renal ular meeting of the Board of Health Friday afternoon, disclosingl p . . 1 that many matters requiring atten_ tion had been looked into since the rst of the month, when he com_ menced duties. Local dairies and dairy supply stations had been visit-| ed, local bakeries called on and re- commendations made in some cases, slaughter houses had been given the /st`/|I\ I\1VI\\I ....A Q A n A ..........u..l..L3....,. | Anmnumuvvu I A letter from the Department 0154 Health officially approved the ap_ pointment of Mr. Sharpe. A 1.4.4....` .L'......,. A D I"....LA.- -1 ,...I.l u-.uuus.;. uvu-.n..; uuu uyvu snvuu nu. once_over and recommendations were made for eliminating a. smoke] vnuuuuuu vz. AVA`! `n.uu-A.kI\4u A letter from A. B. Coutts, clerk of Vespra Township, protesting the dumping of garbage from Barrie in that township was received by the iBoard. The secretary was instruct- jed to acknowledge receipt of the let- ter and to state that It would re- ceive the attention of the Board of i Health. switcihboard except. at certain day- time stop_overs` in the larger cities. In Ontario and Quebec, these points! are Quebec City, Montreal, Kings-' ton, Toronto and Niagara Falls.l [Local operators are being selected; . for this honor in each of these cities; and it is expected that their names` will be made public in a few days.- \ILL.......L LL- Ann! L....:.. ".311 L.` V01. X0111. No. 10. u. . Mu Ausauv yuwAAv A u a.\.vI u-u-Ju Although the royal train will be! in Ottawa for four days, it will bei unoccupied except on the last day" of Their Majesties stay in the cap- ital. iTlhere1'ore, no operators will` be required and the regular tele_ phone crew on the royal train will `be sufficient. I I The private branch exchange '.switcl1boa1'd in the baggage car, more familia.rly known as the royal switchboard, will be a one_position (that is, one operator will be on duty at :1. time) manual board, and [the locals connected to it will be manually operated-in other words, the operatur will pe1'.'on..ll_\' ask the `calling party for his number. I l'\..,. on 41. .I:u`-..,...L ...`,.. no` ,l magneto telephones. la ,,...._, ...q ..,-.. I Due to the different types of itelephone equipment in use in var- Iiuus pu1'L.~: of the Dominion, special telephones have been manufactured and lllsballetl ;.u. ' \.....u. nun I `.111: (Hi in.-t1'ume.i L1:.m.l can be useil in_ three way.~:-as dial telephones, as ()l'(llIll1'_\' manual telephones _;,.i.,`. or us` ln the latter? _ ' l instance, the user calls the operator! `by turning a crank. rm." ........1 l e .bcL', the New B1'uns\\'ick Telephone! 3 I 1 \J`.r\ guuurc (`(1, All mu; u..;AxuuL_y nun-..\...._| 3.0., The Bell Telephone Com. pany of Canada in Ontario and Que- Con1p;m;.' in New B1'uns\\'ick, the M:-.ritime Tclcu'1'aph and Telephone Companty in Nova Scotia, the Mani; toha Telephone S_\'.~'tcn1 in .\Iz1nit0ba,', xllc Sa1skz|t.L'he\\'u11 Govurmnmmt Te1e_`: `_.)h0nC-.~' in Sa. the Alberta` Government Telcphom.-9 in .-\lbe1't,z\,'; and the British Columbia Telephone, Comp:m_\' in British ColL1mhi'.1. ; \ LV..A._. A. _1 ..l..... . ... ...... pQl\\\\ v ...u.. vu.-.n 1 The Dominion Govermnent is as- .~;L1n1in'g the cost of the installatioxl ..o` 4!... 4...1,. . ...... .....n..L nun 0-Ln .,~........:, mu. uvuu v; vnlu Auuyu-....v.. of the telephone equipment on the royal train only. The cost of the l..L`lC`[)h0H8 equipment on the pilot `.l'2'-in and all other expenses, such as .~'pecial cables at the various sta_l `L.un.~', equipment, etc., are being. "value by the telepl1om.- compzmies` lopwzltixlg in the Le1'l`ito1`_\' couce1'n_l |\,1 :,. 'm.- 1)..n m.1,...L,...n F... I l l 1 \.,..`.l....._. Hnox Lmmtni From any telephone in any com- munit._\` on the route of the royal. tour, it will be possible to transmit lead the .-\cl\'~:.nce Classieds. pl10i0j.,"l'11pl`l.~' by telephoto. pays. _. CIIDCD DLLLII (AD 1` ., beingl nu compzm1es~ | Lory ephone Com_; 1 ario Que_" E ick Telephonv unswick, md 1 E tia. Maui.`- I Miss Vera Walt spent the week end with her aunt and uncle, Mr. iand Mrs. Mac Boyd, Stroud. I This community extends its sym_ `pathy to the Rev. and Mrs. Blake in the loss of a dear mother, who passed away with at stroke in To- ronto on Monday evening. `r u it 71 7 cu DI/au:.5 Ina: uccu D\`u|yyuu .... .. one of the most modern telephone =ystems in the world, it was o1cial_ ly announced here to-day by ;The Bell Telephone Company of Canada. Elaborate arrangements have been made so that any member of the royal party may communicate by telephone with anybody on the royal train-even when it is in mo. tion. nu mug-4. 4. am. -x;uv;u uuu u;;. ;.;. I EL. Jennett .attended the funeral of" !tzhe late Mrs. Blake in Toronto on Wednesday, also of the late Dl'.x Scott, of Cookstown. iasannvnuso Mr and Mrs. w. A. Millar and|d daughter Belle, of Barrie, and C|har_ lie Millar, of Antgus, paid a visit . with friends on Sunday. `, ` Boy Nearly Drowned '( As some of the obys were sh- : ling the other evening at the river, ilHarry linupp got into a deep holel "and was unable to bottom it and_ `neither could he swim, and only forI_ l Georgie Davis, Jr., and Claude Bant.. _ I ing coming to his aid, ihe would have _` {been drowned. That called off thel' " fishing for the rest of the evening. j * Christ `Church W.A. I ` The monthly meeting` of Christ ; Clhurch W.A. was held on April 28 . at the home of Mrs. Esten Davis. The president, Mrs. `Blake, opened the meeting" with prayer. Mrs. Lee gave the Bible reading`. Members, are asked to have articles ready forl I the bale for next meeting, to be held at Hrs. Fred Arnold's on May [ 18. Mrs. Blake gave. an interesting _ chapter from the study book. ;VLrs. V Esten Davis read a poem, Our 1 Pledges. .\l1's. E. Jennett is to take! the study book chapter next meet_ _' lllg. I ll .- fl,-U... C.u!tL .....l \T T..,.I- ` Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Jennett andl `daughter and Mrs. Baker and daughter Margaret spent .Sunday with friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Davis, Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Arnold and Mr. H. The Women's Institute met at the home of Mr. Harry Banting on Wed- ` nesday evening` with a good attend- ance. The meeting was on Agricul_ ture. \r m `V r\ . ....-. Mrs. S. McQuay is sick at the home of her daughter, Mrs. W. E. Banting. \Y.. ......l `K... \I.' A `AlI'iII.... .....J .5. Miss Glenn Smith and Mr. Jack` Bunting spent the week end with Toronto friends. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Caston are in Toronto, where l\'h's. Caston had an `operation in Western Hospital lust iweek. ! Misses Irene Ostrander and Bern- iice Nelson, of Toronto, were week `end visitors here. Mr. and M.h`s. Jas. Ellsmere, of Golden Valley, spent; the week end at E. E11smere s. ` \v u \v 1: n1 . _, ,1- 3 1 1 | I 9 I I 1 5 say 4... 4.4 ....... .y.n Mr. and Mrs. Roy |Da1ston, have moved .well s house. ' 'r\ . 1 1 Miss Bernice Jory, of Dalston,` |spent the week end at W. Coward s. This community was shocked to: `hear of the sudden death of Dr.l ]Hoskings in Hillsdale on Sunday` ` I \Y.... T..~ E\......\.. ,`......L .-. (Dun Anvvrv Furthermore, at all important gstops the train s telephone system fvill be plugged in to the nearest telephone exchange, and thus, by merely lifting the nearest telephone receiver, the King or any member of his party, will be able to place or receive long` distance calls to or_ from England or any one ot more! than 75 other countries throughout` the world. `.AAv.J|\Iub'3 nu ..;A-nuuuu. vu uaunnuca`-~ Mrs. Jas. Fraser spent a few days {in Toronto last week. \I- vvl n :11 -, . `I The 1'egu1u.1- meeting of .. the W..\I.S. was -held at Mrs. F. E. Steele's Thursday. ; -' M1`. and .\I1'.~'. l-Iu1'1'is, Bar1'ie, are! 1 ';. '.L few days with their -.. .l.n...-In-nu `H.-~ \/' Tnnnnlw I '.`,,...\.... .. .... "3 daughter, Mrs. 3% M1`. and .\Irs. I{u11x1et11. of To 9 5 of days last we 1'1`ho.<. Grifths. I... ..v.u..uv Acauv nay... | Miss Helen Burns, of Barrie, spent} the week end at home. | | \t 1 11' v `I7 1 1- Y7, lulu. "Lyn vuu nu uvnu-.. ` Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ward, of Ves_ pra, called at H. Greenside s on Sunday. / \1... I).-....... H...) \Y..` I).-.11 A4` N11,! ` i um. uu yug. I 1 The Women's Institute members! held :1 business meeting at .\lr.~I. 1.; 'I{e11 s on Tuesday p.m. I . \II. l...L.H.. \',\III.. .....I \I.. l .,...._..,. , : 1 Mrs. Perry and Mrs. Bell, of Mid- ilzmd, spent Friday with Hrs. Hodg- I . ' .\lr.~. 1:2. Luck is spending tlus, `month in .'1`ox'onto. .\I1's.\\'. J. Griiths, Cc:-`/'o1'd, spent Mlonduy with her son, Thos. I`..3llLl... I .. .... ...._, )Ii.~'.< Isabelle Neill) `Lorne Neilly spent the `lwith their parents. \ \YC.. l,'...I.I.`.... ('47.,-.1- . I ~`;_..___L "on. i Gnrifths. Montreal, May 15_'Dhe 12_car train which will carry Their Majesties on their tour of Canada and the Unit;_ ed States has been equipped with `L ...-_L .....,l,..... Lninnhnnn nun Lll\/IL you\.uu.:- I E .\[i.<.- 1\':\Lh1een Steele and Mr. P. i lusscll spent the week end at F. 1-2. Steele's. 1 .. n .1 CRMGHURST Barrie, Ontario; Tuesday, May 16, 1939 GILFORD M Irs. V. Jennett. I .\Irs. Wilfred Chafen and! ' Toronto, spent :1 couple , week with Mr. and 311-3. Avnn vA|\4|A Watson, of to G. Shela - and 311'. week end Mrs. Schiller, S1'., of Toronto, and other friends, spent Sunday with her son Matt. I Miss Helen Mlcliay attended the Girls Conference at Guelph last week and spent the week end in Toronto. 1 Special telephone arrzmg'ements' have also been made for the benetl of the officials, members of the press, and others, who will travel on the pilot train. It has been equip- ml with six telephones which will be available for service to amy point in Canada, Great Britain, the United States, or elsewhere at all overnight stops. There is no inter- communicating system between the cars of the pilot train, however. r\__ ._....1. F\c L1... 10 ..n..,-. A! 4.]...-\ D Mr. and Mrs. 0. D. Partridge at- tended the silver wedding anniver_ sary of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Partridge at Shanty Bay on Saturday. Report of Clowes Branch WJ. Annual Meeting President, Mrs. John Sheffield; '1st vice_president, Mrs. Victor Dicker; 2nd vice-president, Mrs. Jack Beardsall; secretary, Mrs. John Kay; Lunch Committee, Mrs. Dick- er and Mrs. Partridge; nancial l `secretary, Miss M. Gearns; visiting committee, Hrs. Hiealey, Mrs. Bert_ 3 ram, Mrs. Geo. Bidwell, Mrs. Dick~ ' er, Mrs. McLean, Partridge, Mrs. Emms; district director, Mrs. .Alex. Mklizuy; Rep. to district; an. lnual, Mrs. Sheffield, Mrs. MfcK.ay, Mrs. Partritlge; organist, Mrs. Emms; programme committee, Mrs. T F. Madden, Mrs. Ernest Bidwell, Mrs. Kenneth i\IcLean, Mrs. Rug- W. Emms; treasurer, Mrs. Alex. Mm` ....,l1L...... WY... T A.....J....1I -Quite a number from here at- tended the sale held by Harvey Os- trander, of Craighurst. Everyone wishes them success in their new undertaking. ' 1: . -r . . .1 Mr. and Mrs. Sunday at N11`. i Hill. Clowes Branclh WI. will meet. at: the home of Mrs. Ken. 1VIcLean on` Wednesday, June 7th, at 2 p.m. ' l I \. -. - -5 Mr. and Mrs. Herman Hayes, of` Edgzu`, spent; Sunday at V. Dicker's. Miss Mildred Gearns visited with Barrie friends last week. i Ross Bidwell, of B.C.I., called at his home here Saturday. I_ v I'\ . . .. Ross Andrews and his chum from Orillia were at V. Dicker s recent- ........................ .., ..-.-. -....._._ `man; auditors, Mrs. J. Beardsall, .;VIiss Bertram; press co1'responden1:,_ ; ;\`11';~.`. A. .\1)cJ;a.y, Miss R. McKay.` The Young People s Club of For- i lest I-Iomu United Church held, their lfo1'tnightl_\' meeting at the person. age here on Friday evening, May 5th. The program, in the hands of the C`itizp11ship Oohimittee un- der the leadership of Miss Helen! Johnstone, was interesting and heIp_} zful. There was a large turnout of .members and all enjo-yed themselves 5 thorougihly. ` n.... ,..-..-........\:L.. um. v.n.l,l,...,_.l Inn. ..........E,....,. i Our commun~it_v was saddened lastt `week by the death of one of our loldest and most esteemed residents `in the person of Mrs. Truman .\Ic_ .Mahon, who passed away on the {evening of Tuesday, I\'1"r.1y 9th. The ifuneral took place on Friday, the` `12th. A brief service was held at ;the house, after which the remains [were conveyed to Essan Church, of which the deceased and her husband had been faithful members for many years. The building was packed to vlcapacity with sympathetic friends, `many of wlhom travelled a long dis. tance to pay their last respects to one greatly beloved. The service was conducted by the pastor, Rev. - Howard, assisted by Rev. Dr. N. Campbell, of Barrie, and Revs. Haig Cruse and Wi. Interment took place in Essan churchyard. 1\/f..L1......!,. T\.... u-n-. .-lulu .-.1-;u..un.-l l LuLa \.u. mu. yuvu yuan. uvnv-e.-. I On each of the 12 cars of the royal train there is at least one telephone, each of which may be interconnected by means of the royal train switcihboard located in -__.... .11.. ..,...-4.......L,\,l ......... :.-. I . I We prmt letter heads. Wu. .....; . ....m... ......e..,... . Mother's Day was duly observed in the United Church here. The platform was decorated with owers land :1 large turnout of children and -friends attended the Sunday School service. In the eveiiing an appro- priate Mothers D;:_\' service was conducted by the pastor, Rev. R. Wiseinan. `E .\Ii.~s Iuih GEl1'1'(3tt. of Toronto, \'i. her ::1'umlmothL-1', Mrs. Ball, ; over the week end. 9 s. . a. 1. n \lI\;A . Mr. and .\I1's. toy Partridge ce1e,_i ibruted the t\vent_v-fth z1nnive1'sar_\' y of 1h..-i1-1mu'1'iz1g'e Saturday. About! fort.y 1'eluti\'(-S and friends Werei . present. `. ' \r.. u'..` \.1...._ 1....1 .. ..._... _.... 1 v1In\.n\.nI\.. I I Mr. Wm. Ad:1m.< haul 21 very suc_ lcessful sale on Tuesday of last} { week. } run -11 u -. . \.\4l|| , ' The village welcomes Mr. andg ` Mrs. D .McKin1:1_\' and family, of; l Jarratt. ` uunxuvhc ` Qiute a number of summer people, were at their summer homes for the week end. QHAWKESTONE SHANTY BAY CLGWES J\l_y(z|.L uLuAJL uvIAv\.uAAI\.lI.~A\.A Avusauwu Ail` an especially-constructed room in the combined baggage and sleeping` car, which is known as car number 11. As the King"s car, at the rear: of the train, beu.r.~; number I, cari 11 will be the second from the lo- comotive. In all, there are 16 telephione in- ~:trument;s on the royal train, in_' clutlingg extension sets in two of the czxrs, and two direct lines in the i{in::'_< cur. Trhe locals are nu1nber- ml 1 to H, but there is no local 1-) ! . Ernest Bidwell spent Wm. Luck s, Grown uuu any -av aux, gym. .1. Following are the average prices `received for various lines on Satur_ Butter, lb. . Fowl, lb. . . Chickens, lb. Eggs, dozen Trading on the Barrie Market :Saturday sihowed a decided improve- gment over the week previous, when imany vendors failed to dispose of all their produce and were left with considerable on their hands. A large crowd picked up most of the goods` offered considerably in advance of the closing hour. A rushing busi_ ness in owers for Mothers Day was noted, particularly in potted Iplants, while daffodils at two dozen for a quarter moved briskly. Veg`e_ table and ower plants made their appearance in increased quantities on Saturday and seemed to nd ready sale. Tomato plants at f_ teen cents per box and pansies at 20c. Potatoes brought 15c and 25c in baskets and $1.25 to $1.35 per 1.....- - vscn.-a Carrots, basket . . . |\.rIAALvvIa uuun-.u .... ....- Beets, basket . . . . . . . . . . Cabbage . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cooking Onions, basket . . . Lettuce, bunch . . . . . . . . Parsnips, basket . . . . . . . . Green Onions, bunch . Potatoes, basket - \ . . . . . Potatoes, bag . . . . . . . . 1 Rhubarb, bunch . . . . . . Turnips, each .. SaturdaLMurketsf wu-an Eggs sold at 18c to 23c, while butter remained rm at 25c and fowl brought 18c to 20c, with chick- ens 22 to 23 per 11). Tn1lnu-.1-.. ...... LL... l\CVl'\UIl\IIII\ v\\I:nr\u Buns, dozen . . . . . . .. Cakes, each . . . . . Doughnuts, dozen . . . . . Homemade Bread, loaf Meat Pies, each . . . . . . Mhffins, dozen . . . . . . . Pies, each . . . . . . . . . . . `Tarts, dozen . . . . . . . . . `Apples, basket . .- . .. . `Light Honey, 4-lb. pail Dark Honey, 4_Tb .pai1 . Potted Plants, each . . .. Vegetable Plants, box Pansies, box . . . . .. . . lWood, load ..... ..$3. The I\'.in'g s personal telephone is :_1 ;:old_ni.~zhc(l hand set, of the lat- ant bcl1_i11-base design, but the other `.cIC[)h0nes are standard instruments,` .-omc walnut and some black in