THE - BARBIE - ADVANCE,..e... Mr. Crew s `successor will be ap-l pointed by the Civil Service Com-i mission when full details regarding the local service are worked out.` In the meantime, Mr. C. S. Raper,' of the Department .-\ccountin~g" Staj of the Toronto Dl.~,"Ll`l(.'t Office, is'. acting: Postnmster. = Spring Farm ork ` Far Behind Last Yeari Michael F. Mzihoney, Toronto" driver 01' the Dunforth Bus Lines motor coach which C011i(h'(i with :; cur (lrivcii by M1`. Geo. Pinkerton, 01' Orilliu, about :1 qL1u1'to1` of :1 mile south of "z1i11.~\\`ick on J:inu:u'_\' 1-3, re. in the death of .\I1'.~r. Pink- erton and . inju1'_\' to other ocn-uh2m`~' of the 0:11 . \vu.< found notI[ 1...... A, . :1 _\ . Ground Too Wet in Many%,_ Districts for Extensive ' Preparation. S[)l`lllj_" \\'o1'k on the land is far; behind time this )'e:u', all dist1'ict.s reporting the ground too wet and; hezivy to \\'01'k as yet. Some sec--; tions predict furniers will be able tol get on the land within a. few days.[ Others, more pessimistic, incline to the belief that it` will be ten days or; two weeks. I 1) In Western Ontario, Bruce, Gx'ey,iv Halton and Wellington counties pre-i f dict bumper crops of fall wheat be-! a cause of the late conditions. South-` c ern Ontario, also backward this spring, feels that fall wheat will not' y be so good unless farms are under-' 0 drained. In spite of the wet wea-ll c ther, Lincoln County reports many.t farmers have planted potatoes during` s .u. (pI0:L<.- n`\4ll\lL|-` ...J..._. LU u L' cur. turn to pz1:.:'e ve) "Von. XCIII. N0. Born in North Gwillimbury town ship, January 31, 1899, son of Mr iand Mi-s. J. J. Martin, the late Samuel Finlaiyson Martin held the distinction of being ~tihe largest baby born in Ontario, Weighing sixteen pounds, four ounces at birth. He at- ! tended Knox School in Innisl Town- ship as a boy and in the fall of 1916 9,] joined the 167 Battalion, with which` 5 he wemi overseas where he joined n the nineteenth battalion in France a being wounded at Vimy, from where he was ordered to return to Canada ; after several months convalescing in England. 1'. I'_'I3l1and Marsh Homes MEIQOITQ1 Mud `Popular Barrie |Man Passes in ;Toronto_H__>spital ` isamuel Fin1a)yson Mhrtin, aged 40 a. well-known resident of Barrie fo many years, passed away suddenly a Clhristie .St. Hlospitail, Toronto, on Monday at 1.15 p.m., following an operatfion for appendicitis. v\ `I .1 n -n-,,,L,,,,._ ;_--__ v The late Finlayson Martin, known; to hundreds as Fin, weighed near-" lly four hundged pounds and was asl congenial and good natured as he was large in stature. He was an up- holstere`: `Q trade and followed this profession in Barrie until about four! years ago when he accepted a posi-` `qtion with the Simcoe Hotel, wher he worked unI'il just a few day '| previous to his death. He was 31 member of L.O.L. 985, C1'aig'hurst,' 1` and a P1'esb_\'terian in religion. I l He is survived by his wife, the` Appeal Flreamn con"! `i former Florence S. Goudaur, of Oril V1Ct1OI1. ' `lia, whom the married in November, -` 1919, and one son, Vernon, aged 13; A. J. Tuck, local second-l\2md also by one sister, Ester, of Hami1- dealer, who lms been making the: ton; three l)1`otl1c1'.<, Jzunear, of lloblin,' front pz1_L'e.~: of the local press with .\Innitob-u; Harold, of Crosslzmd, and . 1'021Jlil1`511.\' 1`0C9nt1.\' t111`011."-J11; (,`lzn'l of Toronto, and three lialf-iliis z1ppez1ranee.~: in court on various` .si. .\I1'.~'. Rose CLnnming`.=, of <'l1zn':_'o.<, z1ppe211`e:l before .\Iu5,-'i.s't1`at;e Sp1'in5.:(lule, S:1.<.l<.; .\lr.~'. l-{em Carson, Compton JCW-< E1.C"l11 011 F1'ld1l.V M: \';=.nvuu=.-1', and .\lr.~:. Agnes Hadden,` ternoon clmrg_'c(l with . l`CZ11`lllS '\\'innipc3_-', Mun. iminua lie proper license and was He will be buried with fun mm ::`..4.~'t'.<.~'0(i 53-3 and costs, zunounting in mm. l.itC_\. on Thm._\.(-my ADI. 2-lull to $3(`.2.':, or an z1lLer1`.:1ti\-e of from (I. (J. S=nith'.< l*'nne1`z1l Clmpt,-l l V0 molmh-*3 in -1.4- _, -_ .,. . _ , ' WT" 'l`....'I. ..... . ..,`...... ...uA..l I... i ]C21.-tern Ontario, with s1ig`htl3! li-`qhter soil in some sections, has seen isome plowing during` the past week. `i Most section will be ten days `.0 two [weeks later than usual, however. l E Mortality in several Northumber- land County litters of pigs has been ;hip:h this year. Hastings County re-' lpoi-ts livestock coming through the lwinter in good condition, but some farmers are running short of feed, ! and hay is changing hands at the rate ` of $7 and $8 a: `ton. On the whole, maple syrup this 'year is only fair, due to the lateness of the season. Eastern 0ntari0 s '1' crop is selling at $1.25 a gallon. Sud- '. bury maple syrup is selling at $1.75 r`| a gallon. mili I` tury Tl1ur. April 27 I` from G. Clmpcll` I Ilcv. Dr. J. S. Slmrtt'_<.;` the" :.~1<:1'\'iCe. lnicrment; will Lzlliu place i in Barrie Union (7emcte1'_\'. I "-' '_" I ; the past week. I .\Ii(1d1esex is sending` fai1'1,\' heav; }. of cattle to Puffalo and. fother U.S. centres llhis week. The mounted division of the Barrie Police Force arrived at headquarters in state on Monday, when a. brand new bi- cycle, respiendanl: in black, gold and silver trimming, was usher- ed in for official inslection. ..-. u .u .1 . ,- ..u . .v. ..u........ -..~.u.-.5--a... After a brisk ride down the aisle from the front door to the office,` the Chief pronounced the new vehicle a safe, fit and pro- er means of transportation for members of the force patrolling the outlying districts. The u,,____,,.,.ln I2, - ._ _,!II I ,,,,L _.______.jj._j_._.j 16 Year Old Youth Carries ; Tm Loaded Revolvers: ...\, van, u. ...a.. -\,.u- g... mounbed" division will be put into immediate use in an attempt to curb the number of thefts and breakins on the outskirts of the town. %3 Police Cracking Down on Local Second Hand Dealer` ,4 Receiving Stolen Truck_ `A. J. Tuck Charged w1th;O1d Roots ,! Wheels and Tires Valued` Considerable inte viction. at Five Hundred Dollars--` at the ' Will cm! W and T*` ~ i roots of the trees 1 make way for a ne' . mu; 5' Mr. Tuck ll."|.`.f."li (limit, ,`me(ll:1te-l_\' entered an appeal. E Tucl: was zu'1'e. on Thu1's(l:1,\' on T-.molhe1' Cl`l1U'_L_," .u `lkhlln \\'L1.\T rep1'e.sented of Orilliu. who 1) y im- x '|lhim on Sanford St., of ve large truck wheels, complete with Firestone itires, . to be the property of ; Cu1'r:m and Briggs, 1\'orth York, and valued :14: |, He will appear on the l Cl`l2ll'j.1'(} on We(1ne.~'('la_v. receiving l ` of receiving` stolen ` i '_'00tl.~`, l'ollowing' the (lisco\'e1'_V on his i preiiiises and in :1 garage rented by ` over ve hundred dollars.| l V . V . u u, t`I\4\:lI hnvv-vs) nu y...u-. | Monday afternoon, coming out of Lob1aw s wearing a. grey semi-l tted woolen coa.~t - with light blue} accessories, consisting of a light blue felt hat, with a perfectly matching blue scarf, jlaponica dhoes and gloves and a grey purse. "l`....nA.-.u ..4`L.u......... ...1.~.-nan ! n uuu cu 5.Lc.v yuzacu Tuesday afternoon, glimpsed a Ibeautiful fox cape, shoulder length, i Sunday afternoon, walking'a1on;:| `Bradford St., wearing a grey tweed swu_1:}.rer coat with a. smart black It , , . . , n , ' . _' pancake style hat, wxbh blown ox `l fords, green gloves and purse. `\:f......l.... .05 . u . A A . . . ......... l\11 Dr. Alan Roy Dafoe, who has tended the Dionne Quintuplets since their birth ,is shown here aslhe appeared` at the hilarious party at New York recently at which he was initiated into the Circus Saints and Sinners, an organizationidevoted td fun. Tribute to his talent`. was paid when the degree Doctor of Litters was conferred on him as the climsax of an elab rate skit. Was It You (please turn to page ve) I Ross llackenzie. aged 16, off 15 Peel St., charged with breaking! and entering` a home in Allandale and! with the theft; of a bicycle, proved! `to be :1 walking; arsenal when arrest-. ed by police and frisked at the: station. Two fully loaded revolvers] were removed from this pockets, ac- cording to police, both of .22 calibre one being a. small lz1dy s gun said by Mackenzie to be the property of his sister, while the other, a larger gun, was the property of his sister s boy friend. The youngster was said to have removed the guns from the house without permisison, and the`. Advance is informed, displayed then to a number of Collegiate students nu..- -LL.... ......a'L.. A1..- ..........A... Comic Convocation" Barrie, Ontario, Tuesday, April 25, 1939 Fi Yew Know? : Fuel and Supply Company }m;1'vested `2,200 tons of ice on the bay this season, giving` employment to 35 men, four trucks and six teams oi [Ihorses for a considerable period of }time. That the Kempenfeldt product year averaged 16 inches in thickness and was of exceptional clarity and purity. 'I\'I....L LL... ....._.....L_._._ _..J ___._.__..L___, I That speaking of ice, the Barrie. I town, Tulips are on the way, robins "l`l1utCr0cu;~:ses are up about" are becoming more numerous daily, and even the odd crow is at hzuid awaiting the planting of ihe l'll.':l';` corn. 'I`h:;1t the advance scout for` `Uhe 1939 army of mosquitos was szlid to have been run over by a car_ at the corner 01' Dunlop and Mul-f caster Sts. as he squatted on the roadway prepziratory to making an |ob:se1'v\u.tio11 :Ilig`h'12 over the ice` lelds of liempenfeldt Bay. I I , _ ' ` ' I I That the ice went out of the bay on April 1st last year and will have to get a sudden move on to clear, by 1\'lay lsl. this .~:e2Lson. I |_~ .. -. ._.. ,......,,. 'Dha.-t- the operators and frequenters of local gambling joints are said to have a rather severe case of th (please tum to page ve) interest has been aroused corner of Eliza- beth Toronto Sts., where the cut down to new service sta- tion are being removed. Many of these trees were over 100 years old and their roots cause some little problem to remove I I _ -,, ,,_._;_ TL- auluc "um yluulcnu .. ........... via hand power route. The many spectators are enjoying the work and assisting with advice, which may or may not be ap-- preciated by the workmen. [Bradford Dr. Unable I To Reach Dutch District `Fined $20 or 30 Days oniM0unted Breaking and Entering Charge---Two Minors Sent to Industrial School. ``mounted Police \B4r3_oo Stolen :George Givens, 90-year-old Allan- '1 dale resident, who sustained injuries 1 necessitating his removal to the ` Rulyal Victoria Hospital when struck by a car at the corner of Glan-|` ville St. and Burton Ave. on April|~` 8, passed away on iTEhursday as a 1 result of the injuries received. Mr. Givens was reported to be progres.s- 4 ing favorably previous to the set-'_` ting in of complications which re '1 sulted in his death. ` The deceased was en-route to Barrie market, at which he was a regular `Saturday morning visitor, when he is stated to have stepped off the curb dinectly in front of 3.` car driven by Albert `H. I-Iuffman, of Orilliaa. Hu`m-an, who was said to be progressing at a moderate rate of speed, was not held by| `police, and Chief Coroner Dr. `A. Lewis stated to-day that no in- (please turn to page ve) I` 'A11anda1e Man Dies of I_nj.uies I hzwen t an Z1\'li1rdb1e house on my list at the present time, stated, `one real estate agent. The .-\dvance' l is informed that nearly every apart-: ] ment in town is lled and one or two: illenl Iisbute Agents have waiting`; lli. of persons anxious `.0 locate here as soon as there is El house L\'1liiZlble. I ! Geo. Givens Passes at Hos I ` pital Here as Result of In I juries Received When? Struck by Auto. I. ishortuge of Houses `ls Problem Here I An acute shortage of houses in `Barrie at the present time, a situa-- tion made more serious by the num- ber of families moving` from Trenton to this dia't1'ict in connection with activities at Camp Borden, is reporI-; nil ` HM0;t`z'cultural Socity % Drive Star%t_Satu1fdqy mm... x... I It is the aim of the Society to promote in the minds of the younger generation an appreciation of things horticultural and this year junior as` well as regular senior memberships` will be _o'ered. Senior membership tickets at one dollar entitle the pur-I chasers to one rose bush and a year's subscription to the Canadian Horticultural Magazine, while junior memberships at fty cen-ts, will en- title -tlie members to a year's sub- lscription to the magazine only. . . u . . . . . . V .. \lJ. ee..-D.e... .,...--.... Two other youtihs, also arreste: with Mackenzie, were sentenced to ' the `Industrial School at Bowmanvillejl I on the same charge, they having previous convictions registered again st them. Mackenzie was nes -twenty dollarrs or thirty days wihen he appeared in police court here be fore Magistrate Compton Jeffs. A ..1...4....... ......: ...- .....4...1..,... mm. | wCon:ide1'able building activity is zmticipated 'this summer, some of` which will doubtless be carried on` under the G0\'e1'nment nance plz1n.=,l .011 Sz1t.urday, April 29, the Horti-i cultural Society will he}.-`in its zmnual, canvass for membe1'.< when a p:1'oup' of young` ladies will sell membership `tickets for which the full value will` lbe donated in mercliamlise and liter-l i ature. -7. . .. . - - i Junior and Senior Members Sought by Society---Plan Town Beautication in` Honour of Royal Visit. A twenty dollar bill and ve ives, $45 in all,` was the loot stolen by a thief who entered the apartment of Clarence Dunn, Dunlop St., on Friday and broke into two travelling bags, the property of Miss Dunn,_sister of the tenant. The bags were lo- cated in Miss Dunn's bedroom. Local police, called to the scene to investigate,` believe the rob- be-ry is the work of someone who may have known that the money was contained in the bags as no attempt was made to dis- turb any other articles in the :1 B V L Tinew Type 118:? !Store To Open 4Here by May 24 Supplies Run Short---No Mail for Two Weeks for Sixty Homes---Dry Wea- ther Needed. ._ ...... vv 5c w uvapuui ngnr. away." I The last delivery was made Friday , '.by Roy Cousins, Bradford` dairy pro- prietor. He attempted to drive through the lanes of mud with his ; truck, but got bog'ged'down halfway him six hours to negotiate the road l in. He abandoned the auto and lsecured a horse and wagon. It took Pvn nnum. M... u_. ..-_J - 1m1(l-bog'ge roads ,tl1e little Dutch settlement oi` Ansnorveldt on 1110 Holland mzn*sl1 is today facing sllortage of food and supplies. An appeal for help was relayed from the village storekeeper, Mrs. A. Nienhuis over the only telephone in the settlement of 60 families. --... uau. uarneu 1161` 11108! I of the way. He put; her on the bus land the plowed back to look after {their three small children. She has some kind of stomach trouble and Ifhad to get to hospital right away. The lac-1*. rhlnxrnvu mm. ......A.. m..:.z-__ ..... Lilli`.I w ucguuate me Toad. I ve never seen the road in such a condition since the settlements on " the Holland marsh were opened," Mr. Cousins said. I just got an 'urgent call from Mrs. Nienhuis by . telephone. She told me they needed bread and milk badly. I don t know whether we'll be able to get to them ` (please turn to page ve) T. Crew Resignes ls Remembered By Post Office Staff I___v _'V_____,__,_,_, _,- V- .......... ~- I I haven t any bread or milk and I m running short of sugar and other necessary tihings, Mrs. Nein- huis said. Yesterday a poor woman who was sick and had to get to a Toronto hospital, had to Walk ithrougth the deep mud to get a bus lat the hig'hwa;y. uxly - .__c,_... .-._, . We couldn't get even -2 horse and wagon to go through Ilhe mud. Her husband half carried her most . nf` Hun umu L1,. "4. 1.... ._ LL- 1 , lFraw1ey Block Being Re- modelled to House Large Self-Serve A. 85 P. Unit. | By the time May 24th arrives, Barrie s main street will be consid- |e1'ably eniizmced by the presence of a new, modern, self-se1've Atizmtic and Pacific SeIf-Serve store with |vit1'o1ite front and up to the minute iintc-1'i01' of latest design. The new store will be located on luhe north side of Dunlop St., just }east of Owen, in the two stores V !'o1`mer1_v occupied by Simp. ;- Mail ;Ordcr and the Bz11'1'ie General Store, ;p1`ope1'ty of tho F1'z1wIe_v E.<`.ute, which has been Ic:. I_)_\' the A. and T3 C. Johns, 101 C111p})(') t011 St., J,]I:x2'1'ic c0nt1'z1ct01', is in ch.'11'g'e of oporz1tion:< with :1 crew 01' several ` men, who are at p1'c: en'gz1_u'ed in ;1'cmo\'in_s:' the brick wall 1'unn.'ng (please turn to page ve) 1The suc-ce.a< with which the mem- lhership drive meets will l:i1'g`ely de- termine the extent to which the So- iciety may go in its plans, as this is ;one of the chief means employed by the Society in raising` funds for con- templated works. Your co-operation in purchasing a membership ticket will not only distinguish you as be- ing materially interested in this public-spirited group, but will be re- in the knowledge that everything possible is being done to make Bar- rie a more beautiful and attractive centre, particularly in this historic year of the visit of the British Mon- archs to Canada. turned many times over in the sat-` isfaction Barrie citizens will receive In honour of the \'i.~'it of the King and Queen, the Barrie Horticultural _Socict_\' is p1:mning' special activity in town beautication t.hi;< year and ic-arne.~tl_\' solicit the support of 2111 !})uh]iL'-. citizens in this wor- = IIh_\' t.-n(leavou1'. rnv ... .. _ Isolated from the outside world by Ten Pages .LvLc AIL15lDvLuv\. uunuyuvu. u\.u.y A shotgun and two watches wer stolen from 1:he.A11andale home by ` the youths and were all `recovered with the exception of a. lady's wrist watch. Postmaster at `Barrie for 22 years, Thompson Crew retired from his position on Saturday, April 15, when he was made the recipient of handsome arm cilinaiir. Inspecto Storey, on behalf of the local Pos Oice staff, all of whom were pres ent, presented the chair `to iVIr. Crew stating that the gift expressed in small way the high esteem in which} M-r. Crew was held by his assistants Mr. Crew uhanked the staff on behal of himself and Mrs. Crew, who wa. also remembered with a beautifu bouquet. `.11.. {".......!r. uvill kn ..~.,...r.r..... -1r\ I Toronto Bus Driver Fouml ?Joi_