t"U%AY, menu. 4, `SUBMITTED AT TIME OF PERMANENT IDEAL BEAUTY SHGPPE eliminates Frizzing or Over Treating of Ends of Hair -(-1;atent :.{aed"f3r;1~ia1 No. 247-309) Announces The Re-opening of the IDEAL BEAUTY SHOPPE $1,000 W. T. CAMERON PHONE 356 5 CLAPPERTON ST., BARRIE -_--------- 1:9. for a Name Mr. and Mrs. R. A. :Coopc; and Mr. and Mrs. Graham Christie lspent "Sunday in Toronto. \r.. __..1 \.r___ n_.,-L, 1-v, . _Periect Work -vy\..u. -uuuuuv un. J.VLUllUUl Mr. and Mrs. Corbett Harvxe; o O1-illia, visited Dr. and Mrs. Harvie on Sunday. 11.. ....,J 11 ... . .. .uu,_, cu. vv . Aug. uunnv ac Miss Nellie Langman, of Barrie, . the week end at `nu home here. `Ir .-. .. . .. . Miss Edith Prince spent the week ,end with friends in Dalston and rc- p01't.~' 21 very pleasant visit. 111'. and ;\Ir.~:. Angus Wa1'ni.'-.1; 351. and Mrs. O. R. Black, Mr. amt -4311-5. T. Reynolds and Mr. and Mrs. -j Cn\'ei'le_\' spent 21 very ple.-xsari: `evening at car .< at the home of 1 311'. and .\Ii';<. J22 Hunter last week. :ifte1"\'hich a dainty an` ' teznptiiif: lunch \\'as served. `t M1`. 1111-; .\I1'.~'. C`z1ve1'ley were en {Lertained at dinner '1'. `he .`rmn'r; of " Mr. and 312's. G.eo. Ram:~,dale, Bar- 3 Erie. on 'l`L1e.adu_x' l Vlll ~....\.._, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Drinkeil, of .\Ieafo1'd, visited with the ormer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Drim ell, last week. Mrs. Drinkell is at present `in the Barrie Hospital. `\Tu (` T alnrlho ..-K.` `|\,`I'....|.......... :_ l Z\'I1'.'.Henry Dwinnell is moving Iback to his farm on the eig1.th con- cessioll this week, recently nccupie-1 by his son, Wm. Dwinnell. 17.. ....A \r.._ r~-- r`< _ _ . . _. -1` M1-. and Mrs. Ivan Gvauy, of '20- ronto, visited the latter s parent.-. M1-. and Mrs. W. A. Malcoxm. over the week end`. I Ir 71- n .-.. ~ ,_;;L.o-ruu nu uu. ;.vou.;u; ;Lvayu;a.A. Mr. G. J. Ha1~d'y, of Marknam, \`i. at W. M. Bunt . Tl/I _n `kY,.1I.'.. T ..._........_ - Tl____,! .4. Ills) Jun, Ivlu. JJVVlllllCLl- Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Garrow, of Li0n s Head, are visiting the lat- te1"s. parents, Mr. and M25. Wm. Te1'r_v. `I\.f.'.... 17-1...- 117:, ,,, n 1 1 Iv..- ........ uuuo . Mr. -H. E. Simpson had Lhc irk- fortune to break his left urn: last week when a chain broke and hit him. "-1 IV 4.\.,.4_u. Miss Velma. VVil1s, or Saskatoon, visited Dr. and Mrs. H.a.rvie last uv.u.1.- Home Appliance Sh0p__ Dr. Corcoran, Mr. A. T. Cooper and Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Black visited Dr. Turnbull, Barrie, on Sunday. ' M11`. Grant Archer's house or. the highway, about tw omiles north of Elmvale, was completely idc;-.i.rs;ycd I-my Am; An 'I`..,..-4.... ..u......,..... ..c .4uu v u.u.., vv uc v\IuIyAcuCL`_y uuau\.y\.u bry fire on Tuesday afternoon of last week. It was, .,onl|y partly covered by insurance. Nc1Lhe1' M1. or Mrs. Archer were at (home at the time. -1 I\ vs: v . . V y . . . . \.. Died--0n Friday, March 24th. ,E11en Butler, of Flos Township, In her 815%: year. Funenal was held from the home of Oscar Johnston on Monday vafternoon. (Held -over from last week) THE MOST EFFECTIVE STOMACH TREATMENT TRTO N STROUD ELMVALE Page Seven MINESING $1,009 Proprietor Completing the Picture of a T _; :.;_.. ,\. Mrs. Allen Quickfall, of Bridgeport, Ont., had just arranged a huge bouquet of Chrysanthemums, their Golden Wedding Remembrance from assembled children and grandchildren, when the telephone rang. It was a call from Kindersley, Sask., and the voice of Roy, her son, greeted her. \Vhat a surprise on such a day! Mrs. Quickfall writes: "We like to pass on to other sons and mothers the value and satis- faction to he obtained through the medium of telephone contacts, particularly so when the dear ones are scattered over the country. GOUJEN WEDDING Low Cost 1939. 0 W71)` wait for (1 Golden Wedding? Next time there is a family celebration call up by Long I)ismncr-. Make it a real surprise. And remember this. it costs so little, you loo, will be surprised. Phone 424 Miss Ethel Johnston_ and Min: Bernice Young`, of Toronto, spent the week end of |)Iarch 25th at Iheir respective homes. 1,l':~- `Iain..- f`...`...`.._..l _ 7. i ! the lev. F. VV. Madden is planning 3. Good Frida.y service of The (`Ir-F cuit, when the Sa:r2.mrrni 01' the; Lord .= Supper will be administer-| .- --- o I -.I C`......I..`I ...!'lI ..'l..... I... u; .n. AI-OVIII I I Glad to hear that Mrs. H. Pratt 3 is able to enjoy a car ride again. i` | Times are getting better, as ouril 1 t1-uc-ker has purchased a new truck., : I s un.-.n .- uuyyux. nu; us. ctullllllluul I ed. Special music will also be` rextderetl. The sap s 1-unnin . Everyone seems glad` to see thei : after the severe winter we've` had. I Uiss Ann Constable, of Torontofl spent the week end with her brother; George. I )I1:=. Walter Allan entertained thei W..\I.S. at its monthly meeting on. \r,.....1. 1n E I Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lucas ente; I ; ruined the 5th Line Bridge Club on` E_ Tue.-'da_v and believe all enjoyed an E old-fashioned sleighride. i r~1...: L- -..,. ~L..L IA ... 1- A r......-` to see that Mrs. J. A. Lucas; gis able to be around again. ' \f,-~~ 'Tr1l'\\`\'\l\l'u -1` fn._..._..L.. 3.. LA]: \)A u l|AuL|\.\4 ulvlbllxlhlhu ! I The school here held a toboggani I party F1'idzL_\' afternoon and werel entertained to weiners at the home .01 Hrs. C. Pratt. I my 1 1: 1!! -u-. uu.u .u.oy\.\.vnv\. uuunua. Mis Velma Crawford, of To- ronto, is spending` some time at her home here. no nun. uu Ln. cuuuuu a5a|u. 1 Miss Thomas, of Toronto, is holi- `d:1_\'in`: with her parents, Mr. and .\Ir.<. S. Thomas. ' nu `(Held over from last week) E\'er_\`o11o is srlzul to see M1`. G0... ' .-\rnoI3.` out a_u`z1in after his st:-1'iou.<. : i1ln0<.=. mu. . Tu0.<( her 4 f like .-\. A. SMITH T110 W'omen .-I Institute met at! be home of .\Irs. John Cook out, 'uo.<<!:1j.', .\I:n'c-h `.21, :1 pleasing: nun-` my on the pro*_Q`1':nn being` (1 so'0` y\' .\Ir.~'. Lorne .Johnst.on. % \v r\ 1 3 .4 well D:1!'('_\' PAINWICK TYRONE The M.M.M. Club met at .\Ir=.j Beilb`_\"s home on 1`ue. e\'enin'_*" and had a jolly time. how` :11 I:v..~'t and the busy t:1ppin_L the tree; M anager. is st.1_\'ix::-t`; time. as she} not imp1`0-- :`.'.n-.- would I Death claimed a well-nown resi- [dent of Barrie on Saturday, March `[25, in the person of Joseph Dunn, Iwho passed away suddenly at. his residence, 200 Bradford St., follow- iling a stroke. Deceased was in his I 8 1st year. Iii ' 7' . ` Born at Barrie, on November 16, 1859, the late Joseph Dunn moved `to Gravenhurst in 1881, where he Eresided until 1912, when he return- led to Barrie again, where he had `been a resident ever since. De- `ceased was a member of the Bro- itherhood of Railway Trainnien for for:_v-six years, retiring from active lservice on the C.N.R. on pension i some years ago. A l A devout member of St. Mary s `Roman Catholic Church, the late " Mr. Dunn was also a member of the Holy Name Sor:iv;ty. On November 119, 1938, .\'Ir. and Mrs. Dunn cele- brated their fty-fth wedding an- niversary. ' " I 1 Surviving are his widow, t`.~:<:-' sons, Bert of Toronto and W. F. 01" Miimico; three d:1ug'hter.<, Margaret` at home, .\Ir.<. M. J. .\IcBride, Bar- 'rie, and Cecile, of the Beli Tele- iphone staff, Barrie. Also one bro- |t11e1', John, of Bracebridge, and 1 seven g`1`z1ndchi1d1'en. 3 TL- .l`..........l `A....I,.A .......-lunl-nrl Ln `uuv win b;uuuu--unuu. The funeral service, conducted by "Rev. Dean Cllair, was held from St. .\lary s Church on Tuesday, March 28, the lz111:e number of friends and relatives gathered to pay their last respects revealing the esteem in which he was held in the commun- ity. ' a`... V7 an 1-1! Pall-bearers were Harry Fell, Ed. Kearns, J. J. Brennan, Lorne Bur- rett. P. .J. Koran and Wilfred Firth. Interment took place in St. .\I:u\".< Cemetery. The Baptist mission 1Ci1'cle met" at Mrs. D. .~\1'mstrong .~: on Thu1`.<- day af1ernoon. Mrs. '1`. Hindle. who is visiting: here with her hll.-'- bzmd, gave a talk on mi.~:.<:i0n \\'0I`~ in China. `: . 771 -1 .1 =.\'f1`:1`:: OBITUARY I. omrolled hiefs. JOSEPH DUNN {{n:r`woo .... \_...\.. under tho The Barrie Advance VVith over fty ladies attending, the regular monthly meeting of the Szayner Women s Institute was held at the Wilcox Inn on Friday afternoon. Mrs. Frank Watson pre- sided:, and in the absence of the secretary, Mrs. C. B. Wheeler, Mrs. W. Ross was appointed. 1'4 nvnn Anni.-`In.-I "l'\ n . . n u A n ~ n n u ` UI\ n. Avvuu Iron: uyyuunvuuo It was decided to express appre- ciation to Mr. Gould for his interes; in the erection of a new skating rink and the willingness of the mem bers to assist; also that the Boy Scour; organization would receive whole-hearted support. 1\I|'-an T.-.1... `|\;f..LL...... -....J 1|/I !-.- ... V........ . __,1_D. an A Trzul Ranger group has been: _\[m`(.h 17_ .. - .' 3 ._ _ _ ..- ._.` olgamzed mth I1 L \Io11.aon a ! leader. They meet each F1`id:x_\' i mg-ht m the ba. of t11r:;,nm_,dM,nm uvu. Anvuas uuu uuyyva. VI Mrs. John Mathers and Miss Helen Glenn rendered veny pleas- ing solos, accompanied by Mrs. H. Hawins. Mrs. John Collins gave a reading entitLed Farmer Grump at the Women's Institute. 1- u - .1 nnrv nu. n vuuus u A.AAaI/Lvuovsn Rrefreshments were served in the dining room of the inn by the hos- tesses, Mesdames Cauthers, `Gould, Kirkwood, McA1-thur and Mathers. f\u.. 'l'_`l ".l.... ...........:.,.L....,J-...1. I/I`. 4.xA; xx" vuu, ua.\.:xA. uu Lu. anu. uhuuuua. er. Our Hydro superintendent, Mr. Percy Glenn, has completed twenty- ve years of service with the Hydro Electric Power Commission of On- tario. As a young man he became interested in the work and was em- ployed by Mr. Joseph Knox, who operated a plant here prior to the introduction of the Hydro to the town. Mr. Glenn was imniediaively employed by the Hydro Commission, and in the past twenty-ve years has seen the services grow rapidly from about one hundred in 1913. The `Quarter Century Club has re- cognized the services of Mr. Glenn in a letter recemily received by him. -r~ 1. n. nun. 3 Excelsior Station D.U.D., Stay- jner, Tpcated in the Sunday School room of the United Church here, broadcasxted the "Kilorkur pro- ` gram last Thursday evening, with i Mike Beare as station announcer. mu 1 n .1 vs 1- .....,.. ........, .. .,........... .......,......... The members of the Excelsior Bible Class transformed the Sunday School room into a broadcasting ` station and four members of the class, with three members of the Progressive Class, composed those taking part in the program. Even the commercial by the announcer landing the health-giving virtues of Ki1orkur" were not lacking. "I'\`L.._.. 1...... -1-.. ALL-.. ....J......... a.Luv:.nuL vv\.:.\. uuv u.a.\.auu5. There ,were also other features, including a sin`,-song, guitar selec- tions and games. Lunch was served by the members of the Progressive Class and the evening` brought to a close by the singing` of Goodl Night, Ladies. 1|/l'.. A 1|/l'......_... 1...... .....L..`l`l,.,J l\ -u5,u- , L4c4.\AA\..1- Mr. A. Morrow has installed a new refrigerator counter in his store of the very latest design. It adds not only to the eiliciency of the handling of perishable goods, but to the general smart appearance of Mr. lVIor1'ow s store. `IV 1:? .u ,1- Mr. Hartley Weatherup. son of Mr. and Mrs. OtLo Weatherup, who has been wilh the Canadian Nation- al Telegraphs at Trenton for the past nine years, has just been pro- moted by the company and moves to Barrie at the end of the month, takin_: ch:n'_u'e of the telegraph ofce in that town. A -1 - u n r1 1,, _:L.._L,J Ill Lllcllz |.UVVIlc Ogi1vie s Beauty Salon, situated in Cla1`k s block, is having: a formal oopening en Thu1'sdai_\', ;\`I:u'ch 30th. 'l`h<.-re will he 21 complimentary tea and lecture. We welcome this mod- ern salon to our town. The snowplows have been work- ing: hard in this (listrict, opening up the roads for traic since the storm of last. weekend. On the second line toward Creemore there is room ofr only one vehicle at places, and the snow on either side of the road is in huge piles. `The newly organized Boy Scout Troop held its first meeting in the Town Hall last week, with Mayor Blackburn giving the members a .____. :..s..:. ......1 `n11! 'l"hn Q:-nn-_ Anubv 1 . . . . .. The Scout` _:i\ ing' most inspirational talk. The Scout- ma:~vter, Mr. Kenneth Allen, with Craig` Brodie and Fred- Morrice, as a.<. conducted the meeting ..I "-r\ .........:n..H.-.n 1.. Han r-nnrf Autuxnuuv -...._, ...\.\. \.u\.I| ; A in United Church. K Ill} \.' V1Ul'l'll}U .~=ec'.'um1`_\'. Bert Gould, Ciare U01`- rice and Stan Groves were appoint-- ed Patrol Leaders. The meetings will be held eveny Tuesday evening in future and we condently look forward to the Stayner group be- in-5: ihe best In the district. )Ii.<: Helen Walker and GIILI JJCLI4 \J\Jul.\A Au Isabel _L 1.1.. il.`.`l."LilllL.`, LVUIIUULDISU mu. uu........b -.:ml the ox'_;`ax1izz1tiox1. In the court of honours, the Quartermaster is (`lure Morrice and Bert Gould is `I'1_,,L f`_..I.l f"...., "14\\~ |u;_; un. u\..-./ v.. mu. ....-_.-- Birkett, mn'.=e9-in-training at the Royal Victoria Hospital, Barrie, spent the week end at their respec- tive homes here. ac. nu ,,1,,.1_ rv_._u.._. ..t m.. LI\l: nuHu:.~. 1n:u:. .\Ii.~:.< Elizabeth Gartlan, of To-i ronto, vi; with her parents, Mr. and ;\Ir.~=. J. R. Gartlan, last week end. Ir 1 _ 1` 1`\___-.. .....- i.. "`I\ ` UHU. M1-.<. J<-.<.~'e E. Done)` was in To- ronto last week visiting friends. Mr. Frank Gieu spent the week end with his mother, Mrs. Peter Gi'en. A n ,,,,x \A':__ `r7..A.I_I....... \1llIL'IIa .\Ir.<. Geo. Ross and Miss Kathleen 'Rn.~~'.< \'i~vi`.od in Brantford last week ml with I\I1's. E. Cole. 1v \r..___... 11I.......:...L4. Advance Correspondence) IIU '~\ XLH Jll. I'Jn \J\)A\.- 111'. an} Mrs. Uervin Plowrightl STAYNEII Barrie Jail Breakers Now Serving Term In British Columbia mmo REPAIR: Missing sincc he escaped from Barrie jail in 1935, Harvey Hagan, 21, of Orillia, has been found serv- ing another term in a Bri`.'. Col- umbia jail, according to word renew- cd by chief constable Wllliam Cars- According to Chief Carson, Hagan in 1935 was found guilty on 14 charges of breaking and entering. and was sentenced to two years less one day, definite, plus lx momhs indeterminate in the Ontario Re- formatory. He was taken to the county jail at Barrie to await trans- fer to the reformatory and while there escaped. `(T ..... :....&`...........l T`l'....__._ _._ __~. .- H .......r ..... .. \lA. Inn A); re-arrested and brought back to Barrie to stand trial on a cnarge o1 escaping lawful custody. He wlll then be required to serve whatever sentence the court hands down on that charge, in addition to the two and a half years to be served o.. the old sentence. nu. n .u (` IllA|4L \. vuvuyvuu I am informed Hagan 13 serving three "months in lCa.mpbeII River British Columbia, for receiving stolen goods, the chief `declared. On completion of his term he will be .... ........-.L..,.l -.._..l L..-._._L; L- .1, I On exhibit. at the British Indu.--E 11'ie.~:lFai1' thi.~' year is an anti-alv-j craft sea1`chIi_:l1t vchich throws a. 10,000-watt beams and is designed [for Lono.'.`on defense. ` and daughter were in Toronto last Sunday. Miss Etta Buckingham has return- ed home after a pleasant holiday; in Buffalo and Chicago. I Miss Mrie Cauthers is spending a` I few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.k M; J. Cauthers. .. rvu .u....:.n ..u. u. uuumu.;a. Dr. Harry Murphy, of Toronto, has been at his home here. rru , f\ `-1 n Anuu uuuu an nun uvxuc ucxcu | The Orange Hall was the scene; of a largelry attended old-time dance, on Friday evening and all report a most enjoyble time. JENNY LIND CANDIES lb ****-*=- }2!}'}'` a ' .x -. 3v-3` GET RID OF THOSE ANNOYING: NOISES. BE CERTAIN YOUR 3 RADIO IS PERFORMING COR-5 RECTLY. WE WILL INSPECT IT FREE. The Nut Shop 43 ELIZABETH ST. Remember her at Easter with a pound of $lO00 AMAZING NEW DISCOVERY Over-t1`eati11g and f1-izzing has baffled 1121i1'd1'essers smce the rst croqumole was given. .__ -g 4 Beautiful Permdnents N0EJ_L1_qed by Ihis`NEW DEVICE .1 1T. BAH nnn 5......---.._--: ___ _..___ __ ._--__,_, _ ",7 (Our oil finished Permanents are secondrtro none) $1,000 for a% Name \I.n.n.n..a..n W. T. Caaneron 43 ELIZABETH ST. Five Points