n_)'U1g gut. as mm; at. ma pmposud upon. me d.:: 1; mm ap}_)t:aL' \..tu1L H. mm` .~.nuLLc:r. Lmee mcmm.-'..~ UJ. um Ur.iLu .-Lymg mun, Ur. nuuer nouuxuw, num. Luau.-nc_, an. LUUCD lime, u; p.1u. on .:uLu1'.xq_. lld pro-,g`z'am 1:1 Lorne b'a.11son, driver 01' the _~.1u\\' plow, aillll Lne plow haLd struck a cut out. a.. me curve and ahu about Iour 1eeL to one came of me` ruau. .ob1n.sou .~; truck tom; the btaue 01' .he plow out and went 01;, about 1&0 luel uown g1-age into ai snuwuauk. iobinson sum he maul ucun gumg about wemy miles am, now.` at me mm; emu cum` nu u1u11L! .;`an: .3 cu-uncu o1 Lurmug out Eu ..I,-.... .\1u_yor'r1. U. lack and l{t:c\'t:| A.-ugl1 W. u1'u11L no-nay took alllgn. over town wan Lox. Joy, J.11:pe<.-.u; oi Unul .-\\`1aL1on us. 1`urouL0, uuu _._, ., . I . I You were paying your full zu.-I Lention to your dr1\'i11,g' and not du- tracted in any way then 1" Crown .-X:to1'11ey Frank Hammolld, l{.L}., asked. I ".\o, 1 was not cii.:'L1'a.uLeu at, -4.1,` .v'cLu1'ned liobillson noncha.12:.nuy. "L W21: gwurg all my attemxon Lo nu unving. vuu... . And so each kopf cailiiv: and; bcckonin_-: until the mimlrop was! quite confused, but all at once he smelled the most delicious odor com- ing from one of the dooi'\m_\'_= inl which stood :1 l':1IllC`l` quiet little: plow an Laclie St. when it sudden- ly skidded out in front of him. H15 car struck the blade, ripping i`. o`.' `)t\"\;v\nI\>| 4-Alp! `Ln /\rIv\n`- 4.L,.\..\ ..... .l v\oL uw.\.u.n any wnuuu, ;AyyA;A5 AL uAL.| Robinson told the court there was a passenger in his truck, 21 girl friend. .5 hea.1'u eucu lauturuay t.:`\:;n .u.u me plow. ?? SURPRISE ?? IS coMmc.,,wATcn ran 11': Dl`U'.=; nun this year meeting of bl'oadLu:L on J aux. ;n,v.~\.uxu_u. ruxu nu. ; And the rnim11'op C110 hat xvorkshop. which he ntc-1'estin_-:, and he \\':x.< .1 1 V1 llbl'\'t.` uc-cu awed Lu pron-.u: xsw lirvvrrouovrvroici I/slur] mrw;pu 1: records for you the world`: clean. uonscrucuve doings. The I does not exploit crime or sensnziv-z: neither does it ignore put deals cortecclvely with them F-ca vures {or bus: men and The Christian Science Publishing Society One. Norway Street. Boston Massachuse Please; u-nu-r mo nut-mo--unnm-. o.. -rm- ns...4 u uuunc nu Jvuz uuulc CVCLJ uay uxuuugu THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR Au Inter-rxanomzl Daily .'\`ew.s/m{>or It. regard: vnr vnu (hp n-nl-Id`: nlnnn .ru-\nIrnntIu- a.u-..- -mu ..-_.... but coirecclvely lo} 5 (anally. inctudlng the Weekly M 9.gz.z`.nc section. I PCYIX OK 1 year $12.00 6 months 36.00 3 n.or.v.as $3.00 1 month SLM Wednesday issue. Including Txfizarinrv Ec-"t:nn' 1 '-`ear :2 C-0. 6 issues 251 For - 7--.. -.-.. will come to your home every day through uz f`I.ll)IE'l'lALI -r~u:Lu-2 unu--pa THE WORLD'S coop NJEWS u\'x:Xhl1;,', 311111 up.-..\..u..--_-.v --nu. ..\. - -ause the gnome lo: him magic work he did v1'n.o1' Lie I3 I I U .:u:1' p1`u`.`.u- A BIG Alzhough the attendance, due to il11;e='s 01` some of the candidates, . wa.~; not large, those who were p;.3vi1e;__'ed to enjoy instruction un- der Miss Howel. were more than 1 leased with the results achieved. Mr. H. Tomlinson also spoke on the theme Knock! Knock? Who s There? He named certain whose knocks were seeking" attention and interest of young people to-d J.Y, suchk as the flaring` advertisements in newspapers and magazines of liquor, gambling, e:c., the propa- ganda in connectior with Commun- ism, Fascism, Nazism, and the re- sults consequent upon answering such knock.~:. He then spoke of `Christ's knock and the necessity ;that young folks be trained to lis- ten and to respond to the appeals iof their Saviour and Lord. , While operating a combination lcutting box on the farm of Mr. L. W. .\lcLenan, Yonge St., south, on "Tuesday morning, Len. Smith, of lLenned,\' St., had the misfortune of having` his i'ig'ht hand caught in the ? i~:11i\`(::' of the machine. He was rush- ed to York Count; HospiLa', wne1'e lit wag found his hand was =0 uadly `mangled that iL was necessat; to amputate it at the wrist. `VNEEDLECRAFT CLASS :l\/LAKES PR.ESENTA`1`ION I ` lJepartmenL 01' .\Ii:'s Lillian Howell, of the W0- i.~;cn s lizstitute Division of the De- pu1LmenL of Agricul.u1'e, wno has I.n(:L'll coluiucring a class in needle- <;2-zii: in the board room of the local .-Xgriculture oliice, v...~. the recipient on lriday of a .i;:;'i.:;.' gm.-en English vase, present- ed on behalf of the class by Mrs. H. Mere-jith at the conclusion of the (IOL ' Mr. and Mrs. H. Tomlinson and 1 Mr. and Mrs. L. Singer-their quar- tetLe, duet and .9010 were much en- joyed. Aurora last Monday evening was of Lpecizll interest. Four of the iB.Y-ers of Barrie with a piano- Iaccordian provided the program of mn mung. Once more I am in the sky Looking down on elds and vil- lnrunn [Aurora special iB.Y-er.s I .... ..4.--.. - Page Seven 5..\,..... Who is your mn. ' *z1iud1`op. n1'3-_,.........." _..:.1 LL. I IOLLINGWOOD -.1..~..\' mess 5 CHARGE or CONVERSION ; . 1. --. uvu >1'me1 J11i::~.:\\`oo! 11`.0 .\\`.` cm` 1'. :1ppo:11`od in court We 2 efore .\f:13:i< r:=.te . \ Compznn 1d was rom:n1do1 on $1.000 ear in Barrie on .\I:1n'h '12`. nu _k n A\\n_V`\.\ A0 ... .\u.n . \u L. ~ ccepumve C01-pomtion. that ecember 222. 1938. at Collizmxxu king in pocxiession of :1 1 idge, prope1't_v of the Indus`. rceptance Co1'p.. Johnston did $'full_\' sell s;1n:e zmd receive 5 _.....s L- 1.: . ..~ ..._ . 1 `vert to his < ch sale and 3ft. (`ontr:n`_\' ' iminnl Code. an. uu. l.All|\4o When the next storm came thei raindrop i'oun;1 that he \vzis actual- ly glad to `be falling: throLr_:h the] air, racing: his friends. Smack~-he hit the yrround ; That made him laugh. The _<..-`round was hard but he could make his \vz1_v into it. He found that he like}. the darkness and the odor. But he had not gone far when he heard voices tailing him. The gnomes of the roots had opened all their little doors and were inviting him into their shops. . I work for :1 ne clump of` grass," called` one. I work for :1 lil_\'.`` said another." You can smell the rose smell e\'en in the shop," coaxed :1 third. )I_\`1nz1.ster is :1 weed. :1 very in-j dependent sor: of person." said an-V other. i . 1 v 1 , '1' 1 w 132 BAYFIELD STREET I LYOUR HORSES ARE NO STRONGER THAN YOUR H."R.\'E53 iv? \a-\ - up ;--._- The Obstinnle Raindrop A Story for Children beh:1'1 said the gnome. u 1 . 5 happy help in founsl u uu: ha-nuusvy. T. -drops of sea-water were very pati I. They sang to the home~ sick -tuaindrop, the showed him all sorts of marvels, they danced with him in the path of the moon. But still he wept for the clouds. At last they grew impatient. along home then! they sho ed together. Take hold of that sunbeam s hand. I-Ie ll hoist you up and good ri-ddance 1" The raindrop took the sunbeam s hand and as he rose into the air he asked the -. . . . . ..u. -.f the: Itrial uu- and UTOPIA ANGLICAN WOMEN'S AUXILIARY MARKED ITS 20th ANN1VERS'ARY.-HlSTORY OF ORGANIZATION BRIEFLY RE- VIEWED BY PRESIDENT-HIL- ARIOUS COMEDY GIVEN AT BIRTHDAY PARTY. The Women s Auxiliary of St. George s Anglican Church, Utopia, held their monthly meeting in the form of a St. Patricks social and birthday party on the evening of March 17 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ellis. Over sixty were . present and an enjoyable time was ' spent. F. N. Higginson acted as chairman. }Music was supplied at intervals during the evening by: lVUessrs. Dundas, Tiin and Ernest Ellis. The Bugginsville Uplift Society, a hilarious comedy in two acts. was the main feature of the lprogram. Seven ladies took part. |'l`he characters were as follows: Mrs. Snubbins, president. Mrs. Gil-' bert McMaster; Mrs. Tattler, vice- president, Mrs. Watson McCam1; )li`.~'.lCl11bb_\', secretary, Mrs. Don- aid llcllnstei-; Mrs. Muddle, treasur- er, Mrs. W. J. Miller; Mrs. Doo- little, Mrs. Hector Turnbull; Mrs. Scrubbit, Mrs. Fred McCann; Mrs. Yellit. Mrs. Harry McCann, mem- hers of the committee. The players acted their p:1rt.= splendidly and de- .~`(`l'\`C f_l'11t (`redit for time spent in 'pi`epm'in"' T-t. 'T`L,-. .\..A L `J..- TT.\...... `.1 . i The ;*nthe1'inq was then dividedl into four r:ro11ps: for contests, the 1n;u1e1'.< hem`: .\Ii.<.= Le'?a .\IcCam1, Mrs. W. J. Miller, Fred .\IcCa1m land Chas. .\IilT.~', S1`. M1`. )Iil1.~" 2-`roup won the most points. A} hountiful lunch was served hy the` ]:1dir*.<. The dining room table wasi vmxtrod by a lovely bi1'thda._V cake,` topped with twenty candles. ! l The 111-e.=ident. Mrs. Harry Mc- Cmm. who was also president at the thne the WA. [was orszanizerdy `on I\I:n`ch 19. 1919, told how mz1n_\' i%hin.-1.: had been accomp`1'shed dur- 1 iI`I_Q' the twenty _\'e:1r.=. How :1 small momhm'.-hip at first had ;'rown larg- `er. A number had p:1:<.=ed to their` 1-eward. Others had moved away. lSti11 the Society seemed to grow and cm-ry on the great work. F. N. |Hi:.1`_e`in.=on and Goo. Ellis co.`._<:)';1tU.- Iated the ladies on their .~pmn W0 rk. nu .. . .. .. .. 4 ENEGRO WOMAN ON RELIEF GETS NEARLY 3150,0005 Lu._y. u Fred Reader, of Gravenhurst, spent Thursday with Frank Elphick. f"...n.....\ `Xian ! A-l-` '1"|nunn+n nr\nv1`- ow... .......m._, ......... ...,......... George Wood, of Toronto, spent last week emd. at Andrew Miller :-7. ...,.......b _-.... --- ........ ._ , lages, I Looking down on mountains and valleys. Once more I see the men harvest- ing in the elds And the women plucking apples from the laden trees. The world is spread below me beautiful and many-colored; Once more I am in the sky! Never was 21 raindrop happier than this one when he found h11n- self again oating high in :he sky, part of a llO(. (.'j.' cloud. He began to tell the other 1'ain(l1`ops in the clouds of his experience in being" lost in the deep uneus_\` .~'l'1l. But they laughed at him. ' ll`X71...L .. l'.\..1I.l. 1:4.-1.` a'.\11n... ..,\ul .-....;. unu- the house. lworks in 21 :m_\' work I (Advance Correspondence) Mrs. Mary Rachar is visiting with her son Leonard at Whitby. Miss Frances Berthelotte has gone fto Kingston to spend some time `with her sister, Mrs. Fred McMur- Phiizxdelpla. )Ia1'ch 24.-.-\ Phila- Idelphia negro woman-on relief for lsix _\'ears-won almost $150,000 to- day in the Irish Hospital Sweep- ! .~tnke.=. ! while I _L':uess 1L take things easyi ' beamed Mrs. Pearl Mason, 38,; her two children pulled her` and friends trucked through ] ouse. Her husband, Be::j;m1En., I :1 g'ara_:e when there's! ..1. ,\ .1- H UTOPIA PHONE. 557 ning by! . u., s.JAAu1A. ua_\ . .1112 Cl, nu.` R..\I.P., St:1_\'ne1': Answer, 1v - | gallon to a customer. I 1 Pop Pinkle, Guthrie: Send`? 1 stamped addressed envelope for per-I i \ sonal reply. \\'o1'1'ied," Lef1'o_\': Throw your' \1`.(`. L in the front door. If it stays _ It: ovw: Lwo . it will be safe: to svtick your head in." TUESDAY, MARCH 28, 1939. .5m.. to other enqui1'e1`.=. will. 1, have to be given very briey as ] follows : I J, .T " hnn'\' R-ax" Ah:u':n- WA | -- 1- J. G., from Stroud, enquires: What can I do to increase the egg production from my ock of ten hens and six roosters; the whole six- teen of them are eating their heads off and I only get ten eggs daily. I I ! Joe L. from Hillsdale tells of a 1'athe1' serious mix-up in that dis- trict as follows: I | Sorry, Joe. the1'e s nothing we `do about it. .u. .a. .. ... made we. on lapse 01 two or three weeks, during which time the genius ? behind this column has been busily watching the south roads for -the approach of spring, correspond- ence has been piling up to such an! extent that it will be necessary now to go into part of it only briey. A lot of people have been hounded with a lot of trouble since the last appearance of this column, which would _ appear to suggest that the only way to keep the country on an even keel is to publish this mas- terpiece weekly. _ nun- I Mrs. T. W., Toronto St., wants | to know whether a poker or a roll-` { illfi; pin is the approved weapon fori` l dealing` with a husband who comes` home late at night with the excuse`- mhat he was detained at the office, `when in reality he wasn t detained at the oice at all and was only trying to spring an olti excuse,| rwhich Mrs. T. W. protests wasn ti ! even original. } I A local secondhand dealer was; haled before the magistrate on: Weiine. as a result of discovery` `by police of near1_\' one thousand imilk bottles on his premises. _ l I A raindrop who had spent all hlsf life in the clouds found himself one stormy day fallen into the sea. Int. .1. AL In A can` 4:1 wnnf .. . u \ xu:.ayu:LL: hope, we hope. .-\mi so to bed. EADLINET and HOOEY u\-~`sAu vv_~ u; .uuu: uc` .-Y1-3112"` (Bach). Bouree (Han3e'.), ".\Im1e`.to" (.\Io;:a1't.). La Cin- quanaine" (Gabriel-.\Ia1-ie). choral: Op0v.O1`1' Eyes (.\IacFa:~Izmo), .,...-.. --1_ 4.n.v,,v1 1 rs u u (Han H. Answer: Try trap-nesting the whole works. You may be sur- prised to nd that it is the roosters that are not doing their share. If such be the case, tie them on a setting of eggs and let them earn their keep by hatching out a brood of chicks. t 1 n 1 There was a. young woman fron Selarkey, She up and she married a darkie, And now for her sins, she has three sets of twins, One black, one white, and one khaki. Answer: While the rolling pin is favored by most wives, we prefer the poker. There is less bounce to it. Did you ever try tickling the soles of his feet with a feather 7 This is said to be awfully good in some cases and doesn't leave any marks. The only reason some house- wives haven t as many kicking around is because the pantry shelf won't hold them. ... J. J., Shan'._\' Bay: Ans` (sh 11 h n 'io1in. Jegu. J03.` of .\I:1n s De- .'- .n_,1,\ ."!\ u trv ~ bunny uay J.a.ucL. uuu mu. am... Oh, oh, oh 1 he said, 1 want to go home ! I want to go home ! un.. :.r.. 1..-bl" Iuara r-rind 2]`: I-~.. V... :43 v.,: \ .`L(l\.L u;n.uu' ,0,, 01' solo. Behold and See and: ut Thou Didst Not Leave; nndel`). Alfred Shepherd, with` `lin by David Gordon; organ. armonies Du Soil" (I{a1'g-Elem), "Toccat:1 (Nevin). .-.. .. o w o I'M hr..- .. .. A4\|\lL . .\U AlA(KAl C\Cll could read his wife's mind or` 3:: advance just what she in- r} to pull off next. The ladies `(now themselves, so how do} = {}\:`:C`C I should ? g ..\,..... u._- n u; an. completely next is: 1 lE.-:.on: Have pzrience; 1511': made in 21 da_\'. :1 `V will be zm.=wer- The Barrie Advance 11...- 1101116 L J. wauu. uu gu uuuu. . But it s lovely here cried all the drops of sea-water crowding about him. There are octopi and anemones and whales and all kinds of fascinating things to see. at ,I_._u_ ._......L L... rvl\n +1-nan: nv-in!` `-',.,_.._.`...... 3 L.l1L1IHL}(:l`.:` bull: \.'nu1ube;':` uuggxes-uxxg wagon: '.;nu 2.11:0 Liid expert work in cabinet makxng for a }_J<:l'iO(.i 01' five years. They then moved to Hillsuale, where Mr. Cl1L1l11b81`._'~.' conducted a SLlCCS:ILl1j&\\`e.1`;.` busine=.~', seven years later conmxg to Coldwater, where he has been engaged in the _e\\'el1'_\' busine.~s 1'01` the past fort`; : r I Mr. auu lira`. W. J. Chambers re- ceived congratulaL1ons yesterday, when they quietly ::::ieb1'aLed mea- ard wedding :mni\'ersa1';v. Mr. unambezzs, who \\'D.:. Lhu son 01' the - Lute .\l1`. and Mrs. ixober: L,'i1an1bers, 01` \\'e11cwor.h County, wan united Lo .'\1arg,a1~et Ti1111e_\ , 01 the sate Mr. and .\ir'~:. John 'l`inney, oi \u.~:\:}`, by the iev. Wm. hall, lletilouist mimster then at Hills- _ dale. I I I-11`. Chambexz 1'e:x`.a1 kz1 1.u._.'| `..:....;'L and young lookimg am; 1. Lu this 80:11 year. He 1: fond 01' motor- lmg and on Sum.'ay motored his ` r daughter .\Ia1'_V to Toronto, who hau; come up to spend the week end with her parem.<. Mrs Chambers, wilol `is m her 73rd year, is not in the Ibo:-1 of health. mu - -- I .`\l1'. L10)`-J Leatnerby was presen. unu gave a. repon on the recent meetmg 01 me .Leuuer=111p League `at. me Mapie Leal uuruells. 11:: stated that 11' the two om pame.< .. I Mr. Chambers came \vn.11 ins par- ems Lo Vasey when a .~.una1l child. AI.er their 111a1'r1=ggc they took; up residence in \'a=c.-;v, wuere .311`. uvgs \lA- us.-.-n.u. They have seven childre-1. Robert `of Z`-Zontreal, Jack, .\Iar_v and Mzrtle vof Toronto, Mrs. \ 5c1.or Thomas of `Flint, Alichiwan, and Mrs. L. Waters 01' London, and ve gx-andchi1dren.. , -, ,, , "4. 1.11:: 1_.eauc1';'mp '..\;'.a._.-,'ue meeL;ng tun L11u1.`:'uu)' c`\'L:111!`Ag. U118 1118111061` auggesteu t11uL Lt:.L0l\:.:Ld.L1l)11 we mun`. con1 o1-m to the ideas 01' the Leauerslnp League, me nlembers iwould put in a new party. ORlLLlA-- Mark Robinson, 23-year-old Bar- rie truck driver, was found not ` guilty of reckle_<:' driving by Magis- week when he testied he was not `di_~:1*acte_' in any way by a. girl Irate Bick in police court here last} friend when his machine collided witli the town snow plow. According to the evidence, Robin,- son was attempting to pass the OI Iascmaung uuusa vu acu- I don t want to see them, cried the raindrop. I want to go home. IIWL- .I.._..,. .4` nnn uynbnv umn-n vnrv _,,,U__, ,, ,, , icouunenci.-(1 021 a. Large acaie in me i\'2U.'10L1a' .:`BL`t1()l`.:` suxtame 1'01" 111: \\'01'}&. .-Lnother suggested me es- Lu.m1a'Jnnent. ul Im`. l1a.Lcne1'1es j.n1-ou`-ghour. Inc .~.a.....;_., and mm C$OI..DWATER-- mu up north at a nonnnal prxce. AL me next meeung mesa sug- cauuna \\'1l1 UK: alll :11 EU the gov- Special Announcement News of Our Neighbors LP. NED nnm THE` (`N IMM nu: nun uneu1plu_y;1;2:u:. =';Lua.L1on re- BOYS T CLEANED FROM THE COIUMNS OF OUR CONTEMPORAIHZS) RY.QR'P Watch this Space Next Week u.un._v lctklbllhll uu uuu. What 21 foolish little follow you are," they cried, you must be very` young. We all take our turns onl the earth. Sometimes we slide: down mountains in \vate1'falls.': Sometimes we flow in the dark veins of the land. or become par: of the w:1\'e.<. It's great fun. Nol one would ever want to be :1 cloud all the time. xx" .1 . . .1_