Cotton Displayed At Styles Show In Library -``Hall H .......Duu,;. uuu51.u.I,u1al.IU11b`. ' Some of the farmers are getting their ice in for the summer. pannnb u.'a3L....... 1.- 711,, Barrie Jail ` (Advance Correspondence) Mr. John Rumble While playing hockey at Coldwater, had his collar- bone broken. `\r__,, Ann 1 -r. . . .... .. H... All uu un: suuuner. Recent visitors to Toronto were M1`. and Mrs. Geo. Fagan and Joan, Al. Lemon, Mr. and` Mrs. J. John- ston and George, Mrs. Cox, Miss i\Ia1'_2'aret Scythes, Mrs. W. D. Scythes and Mr. F. Moran. Mrs. Scythes and Mrs. Johnston remain- ed for a while. ('on1inued from Page 1 , and later as your member in par- lizunent, has been to give service to `; my community and promote the in- terests of those whom I have the i l1on0u1' to represent. I will always be glad to be of service to those in my own riding and at the same time keep in mind the intere. of all the people in ` Canada. and as you have taken an l ` interest in the welfare of our coun- try, you can assist me by offering ` any.` constructive suggestions you 'r>.:1}' have. 14I>1 uvnu. u;\.-ncu. I Mrs. Alfred Porter spent a day with Miss Ellen Butler, who is very sick. Sorry to report Mrs. Wm. Hall is not improving very well. Nurse M. Dundas, of Vasey, is at the H|8.L1 S . Q.-n-my 4... ........__.4. mu ..- n.___u -r ...-.. uunua_y an uur uume nere. Born: To Mr. and Mrs. Murdock, Toronto, on Wednesday, March 8, 1939, (nee Orma Scythes, of Apto) a daughter. Congratulations. I Q;-nun AL` L1... 1'.......---- -~-- ~-' (Continued from page one) about an hour after they had dis- appeared, quite cooled off and hap- py to once again be safely conned within the comfortable quarters pro- vided by Simcoe Sounty at consider- able cost. It all happened this way: About two p.m. while assisting with some work aroun(lthe outside of the jail, two _\'ouLiil'ul prisoners, G. Thompson and Clifl. Davidson, under the wa1`chful eye of a guard who was standing not ten feet away, suddenly decided that spring was in the air, or soon would be, and they would prefer to be free to roam the elds and woodlands, rather than remain cooped up in the castle on a bread and bean diet. C`- ...:L'L.,...A. __._LI:. ,,,,, guuuug, U1. vaatzy, 1.5 an um 1313115 Sorry to report Mrs. Orval Jam- ieson is not improving very well. Mim N. Preston is spending a day with Miss Kate and Joe Hui- I-nn slipped. u11o\vin:: t" c':\.~hin:.:' to the ice. I ,1 . `I The Ladies Institute will meet at the home of Mrs. W. E. Barton on Thursday. rm......,. ...__ - - - .- v- - 4. nu; qua] 0 There was a social in the United Churcfh Friday night. Mr. Eugene Warriner, Mr. Doug- las Dawes and Miss Evelyn Barton spent the week end at their homes. (Advance Correspondence) Miss B. Richardson, of Barrie, spent Wednesday at her home here. Miss Margaret Scythes is under the doctor's care. `II/l':_._ n,.. -n u - - no. 4:. uarsuzl aI1(1 1V11'S. Wm. Hamilton have been conned to their bms with the u. Miss Marjorie Richardsqn spent last Sunday at her home `here. n,,,.,,. '1"- M M: 1|II _._ u . . .... uvuvv; D pa]. 6- Miss Betty Richardson ,of Anten Mills, is spending a few -days here. Mrs. I. Carson and Mrs. Wm. Leudershiilfague ...., s.-gun. \IlI Ln unuuu uuu U001]. Ullilu So, without public announcement, they looked at each other, then at the 5.-'uzu'(I, grured that they had the edge on him if it came '.'o a good` b1'i. trot, then, looking neither to port nor starboard, and with only a quick, furtive glance to the stern, they lit out in a rush down the bil- *l0w_v castle hill and straight across .\Inlcas`:e1' St.. gaining speed at every bound. xv Provincial Constables D. V. \\'hiLely and F. R. Dobson, duly `called in, Irackei the pair through the snow, straight to a barn on (`.up1u-1-Lon where, crouched in 21 co1'nor:m1 . from the |co1d, were none other than the two wanted men. I r. 1 . . - .- . i Noxv you see them and now you |don't," commented the guard` to 1 him'.-eH' 11:! he _:'Ianced at the tracks :in the snow that a minute before '.'.'c2'o (-0\'c1'cd with feet. He took `up the chase. but not being in r'h'.1: form. decided to call in the ..~...w..u .--uu. It being nearly time for the af- ternoon snack. they gladly accom- panied the C`0ll`.`3l.ZlblC.\' back to the castle, happy to once more be in _.;rl. clean. wm-an quarters where v \Lu.~unu_-. nu nu. u.\.. According: to Mr. was wo1'kin_.1' with Mr. time, thn only thi."._: t] unfortunate mun 1`1'ur; was the fact that the boat appeared to .~;1-.'.` in side to which hr \\';1_: " use Q5? _{\ jc3rd MI.f'I 'n;i_\'e on any occasion faken a selsh . partisan attitude. and, to! bf? vur bailot, failed] , ___.,_,`.`. .- -..-- -wtment is first cl:1ss and the r,uite palatable, even though mxiz,-'l1t at times become a little nu HILLSDALE Ari`? . I Weekend v1s11o1's `at Mr. and Mrs. J. H. .Seag'ram s were: Miss Jane Nichols, of I-lamikton; Miss Gertrude Lynd`, of St. Mary s; Miss Anne Marrett, of Toronto; Miss Brenda. McMann, of New York; Miss Adine Seagram, of Toronto. and Mr. Charlie Seagram, of To- ronto. Dr. and Mrs Fi. of ' spent. Sui-.da_\` '\iLh their [Mn and Mrs T. C. Fisher, (V1. --'v- I Mr. and Andy Carson are home from their visit to their 5011 Dr. Rollett. Carson, of Cleveland. Mr. and Mrs. Allbert br_\`s0n,i( Miss Dorothy .Pryso11 and Bill B13`-;] son spent Sunday in L'1ndsa1C, \'i.~:it-1} ing Mr. and Mrs. .Stewart B1'y=`on.l1 Mis G1-em Meltedith returned {oi Mitchell on Sunday after a two` weeks visit with her parex1t.s, 1112!} and Mrs. H. Meredith. '1` Mr. Jimmie &ep'h'ens spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and M13. R. A. Stephens. Mr. Reg: Blackstock, of Picker- ing Collegge, 'vi.=,itc-cl his mother,-.\Irs. Blackstock, `Eastv Saturday. Miss Betty Blackstock, of To- ronto, was home for the week end. I:`l..:.._.:._. -.e 17.. rvL_._._,-,_ uv n AvA4v\r' nu.) uvlllc LUL uuc wccn cuu. Friends of Mr. Chauncey Walker will be pleased to learn that he was` able to leave the Ro_\'a1`Victoriaf Hosipta} `bo~da.y considerably` improv-' ed in healfh. ` Mrs._ Bessie Inp;ram, of Toronto,`_ has been spending` 21 few days with her sister, Mr.a. W. E. Partridge, 21` Poyntz St. (.~\dv;'.Iu'v (,'orre.=pondence\ I A ne young people's meeting: was` held at the lmmo of .\Ir. and .\Irs.} Roy T1~.u'_v on 'I`ue. evening. The service closed with :1 social hour and games. 1 I171... 'Y`....H Dnnruny-a will hunts` Av` to co-operate for the common good, I will welcome your critic- .,.,...- .. ....,... ,-....u. public 2-.ff.2.ix7' on the pa people '"m the riding, and you for writing me, I am, .Sincv:-rely yours, ".'\Y7\'fV |\~ 11 1: Again assurim: you that I wel-, ome a more grenera`. inte1'e.~rt in ublic par: of all veople thanking vun 4 .-rp u...-.-.-:4:-..- m. T nvvu DODGE - D'E SOT0 DISTRIBUTOR BARRIE An Makes and M0 e s to Choose From IF IT HAS, you"re Teaay for a stylisin Easter. 1f it hasn't yI.rn'd better dash right down to the Hvgina Curl Shop to- .I_# YOUR HAIR has the crinoline spirit of Scarlet U'Hara and the sleek "n-rm`3ern'i ty of Holly- `wood glxmmr girls. Or has Zn. ersona.1s Your Hair This Easter uuu ;.',uuu...-. I . The Trail Rangers will meet on Friday evening at the home of Mr. Clarence B'own. , ' H. R. PALMER Regina Curl Shop .\,-..~.._u _uuun.:, 'DU.\'C.-XX F. MCCL .-\I(`:. EASY TERMS Toronto, parent..~:, , Toronto ' {Crop Improvement ` (Continued from pa'g`e one) `held in the interests of the farm- ers of Simcoe County to p'_'o.note crop improvement of all kinds and to assist in the e.\:chan.g`e of seed |_;'rai11 and seed potatoes. :Mulcaster St. Convention chairman is H. E. Simpson, Elmvale, president of the North Simcoe branch. Chzlirmuu of seed display is Wm. McM'=.ster. of Cookstovm, president of the South Simcoe branch of the .-\. I (Continued from page one) iopinion that the proposal affecting gMu1caster Street would not be in the ibcst iz`.`m`:2=t.t of 110 town from :1 traic ,reg'ulation standpoint. I ICHANTLI[R`S E Following is the report submitted [by Eng.-'ineer Rawson: ~n-._......:.:.__ 1.1.- n_._I,__A,._,v ,,, \v,,I ` Outsiders .,..g....... ..u...w... Regarding the Boulevzxrd on Mul- ca:~.-ter Street, beg to advise that I do not see how we can do anhing with this work this year, as it is not induded in om` n.~'timz1te.~'. 1 i I (Continued from page 0 jfeel they should be chosen jone man is required at the time to complete the force. vvvl u .. A While the names of all applicants, ftogether with the names of the local men who will appear are withheld by Ihe press at the request of coun- cil, it can be stated that the man `.~'`l8('U .`(l will be under forty years of age, council feeling that a young man, under the guidance of Chief Constable Alex. Stewart. augment- ed perhaps by a period at 21 police `t1'ainin2' school, would best full the I intere.~:t.~x I do not think it is in the best of the Town. to put this in on the street,--the street being 75 feet wide, take 15 fee: out of the centre, leavingr 60 feet. then cars parked on each side, taking` up an- other 30 feet, would only leave a drive of fifteen feet on each side. Yours sincerely, Engineer, E. O. Rawson. needs of the town. New Machineless Perman.ent `n~'vsw` KOOLERWAVF. .2.~1c?i~:1`$. . 1b with Chore ':.i131"1='o'{'c1eaner one) chosen. Only present I\ l`,...,.,. Flaked` Wheat BERR|ES-Pkg- 2 Pkgs. Handy .AMMm\n A 2% size tins TOMATO JUICE--tin. Phone 407 'The Library Hall was filled toll capacity l`}u11'.~,d-.1_\' afternoon when the Wabasso Cotton denmnstrzizion, sponsored by the Ladies .~\uxilia1'_\' 01' the First BapLi.-L `ChlH'Ci1 and con: r11cte(l by ;\I1`.<. Duval, of the W'z1basso Cotton (}o., Ltd., who was introduced by Mr. S. W. Moore. The event `took the form of a style show, 1`eveu1ing' the many practical and decorative uses to which cot- tons may be put. WY.` . A Y\I........... I C`I....I..I.. ....,-. _f,l,`.l HERRINGS :_ "I"__._L- | rIIDI\I\IlV\.IJ in Tomato Sauce--tm CHOICE MARMALADE 'otch style (like mother ` `e)-2 lb. jar . . . . I TUESDAY, MARCH 21, 1939. Inn: nu .--... uxnwkn --3 and .\1u1'iel Bortrzlxn. GROCERY mtinued from the .1, DALSTON EDGAR Br;'. whol 1 Owen at Ihel Eng: that saved the} in.=t:`.nt death; weiszht of the] to the opposite working; LADIES OF FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH SPONSOR -UNIQUE DEMONSTRATION. l 72 Owen St. .5` .v h(;at to ful` 11 23 10 lT _, gm, ;.u u nu. ctlllllkl) aAuu\\sul\ uu 3:'l`1mr.<\I:1_\' mo1'nin,2', Mztrch 16. o:1~ lithe south side of Charlotte St. She ` ., \\'n.< removed to the ho.~spital. where 410 was attended by Dr. J. H. N. Smith, who ordered her removed to ltlxe Toronto General Hospital, where I .~'no died on .\Ionday. { The funerztl of lhe lute .\Ir.<. ilinox takes place from the fumiI_\' 1re.<,idem-0 on T11111`s(i:1.y. .\I:n'c11 23. {:11 `2 p.m., for interment iz; D::2-.~I. ` Union Cemetery. OI I\'rLnsnc- nun:-.r<-\ Mrs. Wm. Speers, only surviving sister of the Corbett brothers, and who now lives with her daughter, Mrs. R. Bra=d'en, is in Her 88th` year and is seriously ill, relatives being called to her bedside. I Several members of the Masonic order here went to Toronto on Mon- day evening to be entertained by the brethern to a banquet. One of the worst storms of the winter prevailed here on Monday, the roads being blocked. Some are, asking the question, will spring ever` come. Providence in all His wisdom does everything right. Kl7-.lJ!..,.. L..I1.. ...... ..!......2_.... 1 :.. u_:-| (Advance Correspondence) Captain T. Lawrence, with his` wife, from Trenton, spent a few days with friends here, both looking well. sr 1:: (V , ,_u__ A,______;__g__,_ . ..... 5...... ......n.-. . I The quilt that was made andl tickets sold by the lzuiies of thel Z 2'osb_vte1'iaz1 congregation, Townlinel Church, was drawn after the sup- per held in the Orange Hall. The lucky number with the quilt wenti .to N. E. Dobson, Toronto. I Mr. Jas. Cunningham, who hasl I i been on the sick list, we are glad to report is much improved. 1').......... .........,... ...:II I... L..I.l 1.. (`IL ` will be given later. ..,..., QVLLJUIIIIIS ..6.... Wedding bells are ringing in thisu vicinity. More news regarding same VH1... .....:lA. LL..A. ....... .-.....J- _...I oun- M is vv Lvyvnv Au Annuwu uuy;uv\.u. I Prayer service will be held in St.` Jude's on Wednesday evening`, at 8| o clock. Rev. H. S. Blake will take I L-l1a1;2'e of the service. NlI'..-L.... T-L._ l'V....`l....A.A. -1` Vl`,..-__L_ Even thou}.-`h we have had some cold stormy weather, there are many indicz1tions that spring is 011' her way. The crows are cawing in! the bush, Lorne Archer has half aj E hundred baby chicks and a party of; I city folks week-ended at the Wardlefl cottage on the south shore of Orr. Lake. Me.<.~n'.~'. Bert and Willis Re_\'nold.~'.: of W_vebridge, have been successful` in securing` :1 good flow of water; ! for Mr. A. Benham, Orr Lake. Mr.` Benham has several beach lots on: the south shore of the lake. The5 Reynolds brothers got a good How! of water on one lot last spring and ,i'u1-ing` the summer made two un-, successful a'.ten1pts on the last lot,'; :oin;;' down considerably over 100! feet. The How they just nished \\':1.< reached at around 90 feet. I 17.. \..,_I_:_ n,,u, 1 Fall on Street LAll||r,\/ U1. aux. . Master John I is spending a uncles here. ... .\..u.u-.u uv uAuuuu. uu 1: Mr. Archie Hoskin has moved his 1`umi1_\` to Allenwood. UL- (Advzmce Correspondence) g .\f1-s. J. Stanseid is spending a, lfew days with her g'ran(Imother, 1 I .J....\.a_,. Those noticed up from Toronto, were Mr. Herbie Wham, Mr. J. Man-i teer and family, Mr. and 3113. H. Sheppard. Herbert and Harold Rid-: Jen` and Albert Ressie. Mr. Frank Brophy has been in: Gilford visitinr: Mr. .z1nd .\Ir.~,=. T.: l_ (}il)bon.~`. I j Mr. Cum'.~' and Mr. and Mrs. t`o]e.~:, of Roche .< Point, were guests: '01" Mr. and Mrs. Leo Trombfey. .` --.. nu nu-n .z_ . l`.`ll LHIII H'1lL'lul'L'(l her wrist. L" Conditions on Barrie st1'eet.=. re- isuitixvr from chzlngeable and un- 1 usual weather, have been such that the town nds it almost impossib'.e its copy with _the:_six_ua.tion-. ._ A.\t ...._v.: "LL/u ucn. 5LuIuAu1uLln-.'x`, .\1'r.<. Lazenby. I Mr. J. Singleton spent the week; `lend in Toronto. ' I 1; `v - - . . __ . ......b.... In the ;u`1'z111(l nale, depicting: Ll bridal scone. .\Iis.< Lola \\'a_vne G1'a_\', the bride, was assisted by Miss Fla! Knapp. b1*id and four little` ower _2'i)`l.<. I "*1... ,...4.f.... .l,,.. .-.. 4....` 2 I 1 i I I (Contimlcd from Pl\j.l'0 1) - 'rie resident, 1'esiding':1t 48 Loui.~:1_ St., fell on the s1ippe1\' sidewalk on xr......I. .u.u.....,.. 1 1` -.. \4ll nu ;.u;uu\u. .\I1`.~'. \'_\'.~re and Lois at 1 (.`z11'tc-r and Ralph were in 3 over Sunday. l Tknnn ALZAAJ .._ 1`-r an; l -... l OTHERS INJURED I Two other injuries in the form iof broken bones were reported to : town council llondny evening. ` i llizziheth 1"r:1.~ver_. 190 Blake St., sus- tnim-d :1 broken ':e_;'_v when she fell on the ; opposite 46 Pene- `tungx St. She was removeai to the ment. Royal Victoria Hospital for treat--N Mrs. Ch-.n'1es Birchzu'd. perton St, while wnlkimz }f'1eld St. between Worsley 1113:": on Fl.`-n':1j'. fell mm! 'L.._ _,__,, . BELEE EWART THORNTON ORR LAKE nu- and Mr`. ..I_L _, - -H .1; v n.L.. Corbett, of Toronto,: . few days with hisl uu L1u_v and Co-- ` fmctu1'e(l ...u-.\... _.,.... . The entire demon.~'trution \\'as fol- lowed with keen iwnterest by the 1:1r_u'e aurlience. Toronto C1211)- Buy- uu vsnnnv LG \.v|.AA.s.'\4 nu. 1J\.AnvA vllsnuuou Miss Florence Pugsley, ,of To- ronto, and Mr. Reid, of Niagara Falls, visited Sunday with the farmer's moth-er. up. 1; 1-! Colin Stewart has gone to Chicago Ito take a course in Deisel engines.` 17- 1*" n . nu ...... x... .2 AAl\JItLl'\a& . Miss Alma McCormick entertain- ed the Ramblers Club on March 8, iAt the close of the evening's fun the hostess served doughnuts and coffee. Last Wednesday evening `the club motored to Craighurst and enjoyed dancing to McCorkindale s orchestra. Ir V1 1.-. .. AVLL o KAALLI AlLJ.n?o A` L cu. L\rUy5CL DUII UL Dodsland, Sask., who are spending `the winter in Newmarket; Miss 3Faris and Miss B. Rogerson, of Le- `froy, visited Mr. and Mrs. Jas. ! Switzer last week. ` l'\ rt! 1 nuAs~v\.J._yI I The sympathy of the community [is extended to Mrs. Will Switzer in the loss of her father, who passed _away in the Orillia Memorial Hospi- I 1211 on March 3rd. I : (Advance Correspondence) I Mrs. J. S. Leonard has returned i home 1::rom 'I.`oronto after spending [some t1me wzth her daughter, Mrs. I Thqmpson. \Y.....-..... n,r..r<._-_,_ n \vI - .... . nyvvnu Norliian McCraw, of Niagara Falls, spent a few days last week With Marion Reid, i Norma Gord'on, of Toronto, was at her home, also Helen Bush, of .-\n_9;us, wi\h Florence Gordon. 1\,[`-,__ 1-) ______ __ ,,,,, . 1 1 l-..._.,...,, --nu L nuxcupc utuuuu. I Miss Brown was at her home in |B1'z1dford over the week end. | .\Ii.<.< Lillian Sprima attended the i .\`o1-mul dance with her sister Gladys jlast week in Toronto. 7 ____ __,_, (_-\vd\':mce Co1'1'e:~pondence) mi The Women's Association of the] an United Church held a ne Irish stew supper on F1'idu_\' evening`, l\I:11 ch 1'7. The supper \\'u.~: follow- ed with :1 choivo p1'0_;,-'1':1m. )I_\" Wild Irish Rose." by the uudlencegl duct by Dm'l.< .\lcl{:1)' and )Iz11`-`F. guorite I`:n`:1'i in.~1rumonl:1l by Blirnu SI`-<. ro:1.iin-4` by F1':ml< 11,11-.. , , ll , lvl (U) 0 t" l `....,~. nu. ux 4,v:.uu|.u. 3 I am sure everyone was looking iforward to a pleasant week end- `but Sun-day couldn t pass without "the usual snow storm. I .4 n LII`l\d`- Luau Iv sauna On Tuesday, March 14, the W0- men s Institute held their meeting at Mrs. Atkinson s. Roll call, what to eat to be healthy. Dr. Wildman gave an address on History of lslavery. ` (.-\d\'ance Con'espond'ence) I Miss Sillingston, of Toronto, is '\'i. her .-i. Mm. W. H. Tay- lor. ; A very successful social was held ? in the hall Friday evening,` proceeds Iin aid of Women's Institute. 3 Mrs. H. G. Martin visited friends in Barrie last week. | The W..-\. of St. Thomas Church _met at Mrs. Wilton )Ie_2;ill s Tues- lday of last week. \I .. _..1 `Y r - ~ i \.|\.u- ;cu_, U\t:1' Lm: weex end. 3 Quite 21 number attended the so- ,cial at Mr. and _\I1'.~j. \Vm. Brooks We evening. \VaAA:.m kn.~ ....- .. ....._. \IA. Auou wccn. ! Mr. and Mrs. T. Pattenden, of Barrie, visited with her mother, Mrs. Geo. Pe1'r_\', over the week end. ! n...'+,, .. ._LL-, I 1 .1 .v~uAA\.cuu.\ cvculug. Wedding bells are ring'in_9: loud] ; C-ongratualtions. E Mr. W. K. .\Io1'1'i.< spent Sun`? ":1 his home in Toronto. AVAVIIUV: I ` The euchre and dance held here`; iFriday night in the Communit_\l I all, put on by the Junidr (`on. vzxtive.=, was well attended. Mr. 3.-:.v1 .\Ir.~'. Rowe were present. 311`. {owe took the platform and _:u\'e n \'o1`_\' suitable a(l(lres's, touching on .. very important subjects. K F`2'rst prize went to Mr. T. Reyn-1. `,ol(l.<. second to .\I1'. Mel A_v1'es;` ~l:ulie.< r: to `Mrs. Geo. Henry and second to Mrs. O. R. Black. ` Quite :1 number attended the rink la-re Sz1tur night. -c---:-- 1 Mrs. T. Reynolds ` has returned I ;home after vistinr.-' her dau;2'h1er in} " Toronto. | I nu - - - Lm:'1oNs v.....u - .~ .-u. .\..--u.. u_. A Auun Madden, . H:1rr_\' S!o.~.<(>1". :1 very: interestinfx :u1(i1'cs- by Rev. W. Sto\\'art. "St. P;m'ick':- .\Ie.<. toL Our Dz1_\`:" 1'ecit:1tion. .\Ia1'g.rue1'ite; .P;1'id_-:0: ciuot. Jr-:m I`IickIin;: zmdi L m 122. ion: rim-1. hy llulon Mc- -.. .\.-.... 1 FLESHANTY BAY Almond and Cucumber Velvetta Eahn Jergen's Lotion, 23c, 43c, Camphor Ice Lotion. .25c, Phone 5 T-Creme of Almonde % Special 39c _ Robertson s Drug " Store CROWN HILL OPP. POST OFFICE cmilcvnnr: Afandule Mun ((`I`T `u 1`? P11`; 1 nu--:1 2'! STROUD Fred Rogerson, of D T) nnnn no. .. -I.` T A 4. . nvu We Deliver loudly. 1,2'in_9.' Tne Barrie Advance .25c .25-39c engines. .. '1'`. 89: 43c [Weekly Specials`