Now, darling, do tell me how you first came to know of your aection for me. `urn. __,,v 1, 1 v .- c .- . - n The Cause I I I 1 B:<'ii1.r:9.%I1r'>:%_9:l3li9:l The Christian Science Publishing society One, Norway Street. Boston. Massnchuse Massachusetts Please enter my tubscrmtlon to The Christian Science Monitor lot a period of 1 your $12.00 8 mnnrh: mm 1 vnnnrhn an an 1 .._....-I. -- zu- 8 rncmht 5600 3 months 53.00 1 mm Wednesday issue Including Mmznzlne Section: 1 year 32.60. I . uum vuuunai-I I Ir1IV JBIIAVQIE lVI\IIVI IV /11: l7lI`7'II1lll0Ild/ Daily Newspaper Ir. records for you the worid`s cienn. constructive doings. The Monitor does not exploit cnmu or sensation; neither does it ignore them. h'.:L deals correciivcly with them Features for busy men and all the fztmily. including the Weekly Mnpzxzzine Section ... nu.-.. vu _y-aux uuuu: l:VC1_Y ua.L_y uurougn THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR /In lmcrnanmml Dmlm Nmm-hum- -33 CORNER DUNLOP AND MULCASTER STREETS --_7V _ `-vw-r -uuuvvt will come to your home every day through I-HI: FIJDICTIAAI CI`Il!kll`l' A44-us---4; THE WORLD S GOOD NEWS All n,....... A -.... ;... spending- Mrs. Roy buu-.A gnu-.-yu.. \JAlAll\.Ir -u\.nu A4\4wu\4A.I An intoxicated fool drove a horse, + on the railway track at Victoria Har- ! bour last week, the good sense of the horse in refusing to go over -..__. ..:_1.,_- ............z...,J -,...:...._5 Vamole (/01 an R(`!lIM`II the vil- TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1939. 3 1 Buns, dozen Cakes, each . . . . . . Doughnuts, .o-.4 dozen Homemade Bread, 1 `Meat Pies, each .. Mufns, dozen -`Pies, each Tarts, dozen Inna Apples, basket . Beef, lb. . . . . . . Honey, 4-lb. pail Pork, lb. . . . . . .. Wood, load ..... J Iueets, basket . . . . . . . . . . . : Cabbage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cauliower . . . . . . . . . . . . . ! Cooking Onions, basket `5 Celery Hearts, bunch . . . Rhubarb, bunch . . . . . . . . ' Ca1'rot.<, basket . . . . . . . . . 5 Green Onions, 3 bum-l1e.< Parsnips, basket . . . . . . . . Potatoes bag . . . . . . . . . . . Squash, each . . . . . . . . Tu1'nip;<, each . . . . . . .. Vegetable Rlarrow Potatoes took a slight jump in price` on the market Saturday with a good demand in evidence for the popular tubers. Chickens were in good demand with prices ranging` from 20c generally to 22c for sel- ect broilers. The egg market has begun to reflect the approach of spring with an increased supply and a slight xveakenimg in price from the previous week. Prevailing prices Sz1turdz'1_\' were : Buxter, 1b. Chickens, lb`. ` I Eggs, dozen BARRIE MARKET MISCELLANEOUS mu win... damageq 17,1 VEGETABLES BAKING PRODUCE ' 155% . .a. .x ;u .$3.50 to $7.50 for ....50c .14-16c .15-20c .25-60c . .20c .10c .25-30c . 11-13c The S.,:i99n*.9-Ltd .16-15c ....10c .15-20c :i0c S-10c i-15c .10u 1-dc r-20C -250 Fuel Builders and Farmers Supplies I)l_lI'\lII? nn l\A To all towns on lines of T. & N.O. Rly., Nipissi;1;E3ex1t1*al R.R. and beyond `Cochrane on C.N. Rlys. to Kapuskaaing and Hearst. GENUINE Welsh Blower SCREENED $ 1 4.00 TON uvLuw an z\.:.u.nu5 uv 5v \lV\4L` I open bridge prevented serious; Equally low fares from all adjacent C.N.R. Stations mm. T TRAVEL ABGAIN? ....|.r..uu PHONE. 33, 94 nnlluyvlvll LVL Auco I `"011, suddenly I noticed that I became provoked when everybody called you a dummy!" F;ru, Train Service, lngormation from Agents T403 FEBRUARY 18th from BARRIE .....,I.,....5. | -_| Arm. .1. mmmen, of Crown Hi11_` _3visited her dau2;hter, Mrs. H. Foys-. B 4 t `ton, the past. week. Dnvv 1'.` Hr ___ ,1 3: mr 1 I 311'. and Mrs. Caverly entertained ;'.r. and Mrs. Angus Warnica and Riv. and Mrs. Jas. Hunter at euchre last week. II . -, ru, 1 nus vv The council met in Stroud tea room for their dinner as usual last Monday, Feb. 6t.h . . nuu_y In J.ULUll|1Uo I Miss Annie Fralick was made the 1-ecipient of a pretty brooch from! her chums at school on Friday af- ternoon on the eve of her depar- , wick. i l lure for her new home in Pains-I I l I The young people met on Monday! {evening under the (Christian .FelJ' Iiowship Convener, Miss Velma Chap- mar The recreation was in charge 101' Miss Mhxriel Carson. A_______ L1_____ 7 .1 1%. \/ .....m 4uu.uu.: rvouauu. | Among those attending the Stand- ard School at Minesing are Mr. Rus- sell May, Mrs. A. S. Maw and Miss- es Muriel Carson, Ruth Rupert and Fern Maw. 'The leaders of the, classes are .Mr. Madden, Dr. Alvin _ Perkins and Miss Gardiner. ` Hm'r_\' Ma_V.< and `G.eor_q'e G. John-! tton attended the East Simcoe Con-l . convention in Orillia onl ,W'edne.=day afternoon when CoL' `Gcor_r.:`e A. .Drew received the un-. 'z1nimou.~: endorsaion of the ridingni 'i!lw "rm1en .~ lmtitute held a, "special meeting on `I`hursda_v after-E mmv. an hour the nal address on Buymanship by Mrs. Harry Foy~-.' 1011. The talk and illustrations were \'e1-_v in.~7:ructive and should prove of much value to women who wish to `get the worth of their money while; {shopping. ` I `\T..r. 7 rv1_-,,,,,u n I! ovu- I I I I 'ial features, headlines and proof-l ..-.. .4..,r....;-.u.;a.u. i All interviews, news items, spec- rcadin'_<.r were the work of the stu-E dents. The only thing the students; didn't do was the setting up of type: and printing. Oflicials of the paper were: Man-` aging Editor, Jim Tod; .\'ew.< hidi- tor, Lorne McCordick; Headiiigs, Geale l-le\v. Make-up, Jack Pep- piatt; Society News, Elsie Smith, Helen .\'e:~:bitt and Lois Cane; Sub-I urban .\'e\v.=, Mona .-\rmstrong.5 Helen Hamilton; Church \'e\\'.<, Alice Belugin; Sports Fditors, Ken Johns and Gerald l3lij:l1t; I rinter.<' Devil, William Fraser; Proofreaders, Anne` Rogers, Bob Dixon, Jean Smith.` Barbara Davis; Advertising, Don` Eiines, Helen Walsh and Don Mc-,5 Bride. `.\..., mu. yum. wccn f Rev. F. W. and Mrs. Madden gspent Friday in Toronto. I I `M :.` \_...:- 1'.1,-1' 1 ` I The attendance at the Standard School being` held in the United Church "here for Sunday School i.('?:(.`h1`S, C.G.IJ'T. girls and young people on Wednesda_\' and Thurs-; day e\'enin_2's for three weeks, '-ea," :'2':1'if_'yi11g' to the leaders, Miss; G:1rdinei'. of Orilliaz Dr. Perkins,! ml` I3z\1'1'ie. and Rev. F. W. Madden,`. pastor. there being over seventy in attendance. Miss Mabel Carr, of Vandorf,' `spent the past week with Miss Elsie ' "loxvright. .\cquh lots day I 1 1 I {Advance Correspondents Present s _ News From thesnrrennding Distriel for last. Z LLER S Limited EDENVALE .-\1'mstrong' had the misfor-_ `get :1 cut on his lip which I *.'r= .=tif('he.= While decking 2' the Basket Co. on Sazur-I L MINESING CANg}]_I_)IAN'zNATI_9NAL STROUD all this week] Values ! Values E Values ! <.n,\. uucnuvvu_v uu Aug .uuuu;. I Mrs. Walter Corner returned ihome Satu1'da_v, spending 21] lweek in Toronto. 1- . . .. . .... . l CENT SALE ..._,- \/Al -....L.,...._,. 5 A:- the time of writing Mr. Law iis confined to his bed. We hope he 'will soon be able to be around ` w__uu.. Visitors over the week end were M1`. and Mrs. Joseph Pallas with :Victor Pallas; Jean Ralston at H. Ralstolfs; F. Grieve at J .Oxford s; Ace Boadway at `his home. i I l M'..,. xxr-14.M. r`,.....,... ..A......-,1 - V . u . . V u. I ! Haro-Id Payne and Thornton Stephens spent the week end in To- | ronto. .. .-- ,. .. . .-- I I ..... V. . ` Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Plant and Mr. ianci Mrs. Benson Morris motored to {Toronto on 1VIonday. ! `\TIr.-. T...\.... T.{`.".....'.... -O')\\\Jr L1_..| .-\,........ W. ....,..u.._,. n . . 1\I1.<:~: Irene Je"e1'1es spent the !week end with her aunt at Holland Landing. NJ ! .._ C1.`1 T1._._... 3,. ._`- J-.. .1.A .\'ewmarket, Feb. ll.-For the second consecutive j.'0Z11`, student. Newniurket High School again in-. vaded the newspaper publishing e1d.. Under Ihe direction of D. O. )I11ng'o\'an and Miss P. Johnson, ` Eng1i.~`h teachers of the school, the students published. in its entirety.;` this week s edition of the ;\'ewmar- ket Express-Herald. K II :...4.,.._.:-..._ j : Bliss Sylvia Barry is under the` doctor's care. Her many friends I `hope for a speedy recovery. 1 '!"l.,. .......l 4.1-. '_ .....L L'I..A ..11l- -_ nu]:-.. Lu: u .:y\.\.u_y x~.\.u\\.;_y. 9 The road through the village is l(Ian,Q'e1`ou.9 for cars on account of lthe ruts. I uu. vuuv. ` Mix I.loy..ti (`onn~1!, of Bond I14,-ad, nrenewed acquaintances in the vi]- 1 Ilage on Tlmrsday. ! A. u,.,. 4.:...- -4- `l\:I'.. I .. ... (Held over from last week) Mr. and Mrs. L. Rachar are in the city for a few days. Mrs. Rach- ar going to Lockwood Clinic for` examination. They will also visit Whitby before returning home. `MT-u T..L_ T\._`L...... .. -I......I.. 3.... - . y ..\-nu; \v1AAuA1A5 u u- Miss Eunice Morris is recovcrixlj. fiom an attack of appendiictis. i c<...-........1 ..,........ ........1,. 1: .... .. u.: \.I1 Several young people from this x-icinity took in the dance at Stroud did time. ' - . . | on F1'1(1E1_\' mg'ht and report a ;\`I.)`le]]_l I an 1: ,-. .. 1` . .. . Mrs. Mark M cMastet s two sisters he Misses Wilkinsons have return- ,1-., n I \.u nu r;u.5 us. | Mr. John Robinson and" Miss Irene Cleary were in Palermo last week to see the latter s mother who is getting medical treatments there. Mrs. Mary Rachar is under the doctor's care with heart trouble. We hope she is restored to her usual `health soon again. l The W. A. of the United Church Iwill meet at the home of Mrs. W. lMcCann s on Wednesday evening at '8 o clock, where the congregational imceting will also take place. 1 Mn: `EH-.. `D.-...t:..... .....J 4...... ........ Mr. and Mrs. John Broome and `Elwood were in Toronto over the `week end to attend the Caxton- Bmome wedding`. IT '1" \',.-.L:L4. .-.4` 'T`.\-...-...L.\ ...,\nL 1.1.;-1'1'o_\' Mic Macs and Stroud Trail Rang'e1`s played a game of ;h0Ck_V at Stroud on Saturday, Feb. 31:. I.r>'fro_\' winning 5-3. ` w:..,. 1:....:,... \r......:.. .-N Barrie has organized a public `Club to which $800 has been sub- scribed. A suitable club building :has been secured and fitted up with well-appointed billiard room, (two: tables); parlour with rst class: piano and `reading room. There; is also a gymnasium, bowling alley` and smoking room, -,all brilliantly- lighted up with gas. The annual` fee is three dollars. The County- Town is to be commended for this3 move and Orillia should follow its good example.-Orillia News Letter.` A- 2..L....:,...L...l 43...] .l..,.".. .-. L....\,.' vvunuu; `LICLVLU Lcl/uLuu|5 uvuauu Mr. John Dobson is slowly im- proving as his many friends will be glad to hear. unyuu---E, vv nu a/lav vanc yuuusu 3 Mrs. Flora Banting and two sons I were Sunday visitors at her father's and mother s, Mr. and Mrs. John Dobson. 4...,.,.... ...,\..,...5. Mr. T. Nesbitt, of -Toronto, .<,pent the week end with his sister, Mrs. 31. P. Reid. MIDLAND KHNANINNS PAY INTER-CLUB VISIT A number of Midland Kiwanis] H Popular Twice-A-Year Event That .Gives GREATER BUYING POWER to WUT9P`5. LEFROY The Barrie Advance I ` Several from here attended the funeral of the late Matt. Campbell, a young Essa Township farmer, who` died very suddenly at E1mg'1'ove and] was buried on Thursday afternooml 71"`!-`A .v......... .........`I.. ...... .41,.....:...... 4., uuuu-. An Indian named Thomas Jordan was killed while walking on :he rail- way track near Long'forrE Mills last S:u'L1i' nirht being .~:truck by the midnight train. The hod_\` was b;1dl_\' mutilated. He 5- .~'ixpp0.<-3d to have been iiitoxicateri. l._y vuucuuuu -.1`; nun. JJLUIVCUCL. ` The neighbors and friends extend; 'their sympathy to Frank and Fred` Green on the suddent death of their` father, Mr. Geo. Green. I |Ivv.u.7 uuAA\.\A uu .Luu;aua_y cl1bl7LllUU.l|. The young people are planning; to; hold an Olde Tyme Valentine box social in the Orange Hall on Mon-l day evening`, Feb. 20. All ladiesl :1Lt'en(lin_2' are asked to bring their: boxes. which will be auctioned off at 10 p.m. They expect also to have an ;'interesting- and entertain- ing program. mum. n,r.....1.. 12--...- ._.i__..z_._-.___-u , .u...,u, n||,I| u\.L yu;v.;uun. , The community Welcome Mr. and Mrs. Watson and family to our? midst from Maaple to the farm late-' ly vacated by Wm. Brewster. < 3111.... .....:...1.L-.... .._.1 .E_.:.__:]_ -,,.,, 1` ,,L In \_/Axnnnu. Week end visitors: Miss Glmiys` Spring`, of Toronto, with her par- ents; Miss Norma Gordon. of To-' ronto, with her parents. V 'T`1~.-. ,..-...-.......:L.. .....1..,....,. 1r.. A: u . . V . ; V x -u_y u. 5 The Women's Institute met at! the home of Mrs. G. L. Davis on` Wednesday afternoon. There was 3 good attendance of members and lscveral visitors present. The meet- ling was on Health, the convener be- ing Mlrs. Lee Banting`. Miss Irene Lowrie was guest speaker and gave a ne talk on the care of the teeth.| The tea hostesses were Mrs. T. Jennett, Mrs. G. Carruthers, Mrs.i Kirby and Mrs. B. McQuay. The} roll call was answered with a home remedy. The March meeting will be at Mrs. Fred Arnold s. ' Miss lvlargaret Arnold. who teaches school at Elmvale, is con- ned to her home here with a bad attack of the u. .. . I Club members paw an 1nter~club visit to the Barrie Club Monday night. The v1sitors were welcomed by President A. W. `Smith, and J. ` H. Cranston, president of the Mid: land Club, and Peter, Barr, vice- president, spoke briey. 71'... ......A....... uuuu -an L1-no-s Ln`-an Lg nub: ` ` \Veddinf: bells are ringing loudly these days. .VI`L.. 1xr,....-..:.. f.....L:L.... __--L _L' Your Pennies V. `-45 _...:.u u.;, Mr.~:. Alex. Black after spending` a mother in Orillia. 111, 1 1 ;u;.w -. week u; . returned \l\.\.-. \ . with :L.\_u. home her uh 1;. ub;.u.u. Miss Maude Keown entertained few `riends last W'ednesIdz1`_v even-1 ing. I \XY...I.).'..A. t\t\`1- ' ' I n.... ......_.... -. 1 ,___H,, Stu-ziems I11':"~ .`*.-i`fi3,..{ Pubishing I-VUOQ .. \.lA nu. u The students of the public school went to Thornt-on on Friday even- ing for a skating` party and all seem- ed to have a real happy time. I Stround United young people held" a skating` party on Tuesday nig'ht,.5 which was lam,-'e1_v attended. Some: of the ladies had a hot pork and: ben supper ready after_ skating in; the basement of the United Church.[ All reported having` :1 good time. I Miss Addie A1pine_ of Toronto,` spent last week at her home. 17.... `n... n..__'Iv -,_-. 1,__,,, ,,,,; ul.l\4A'v uuuu -u-.\.u (tn nun Iluun. Mrs. Roy Small was home part_ of last Week atte.1dinp; the funeml of her _qrandfa.'-her, M1`. Geo. Green. "Ur... K1,... T)l....I. .. . _ Lcalucuu D vnc 1.11.: I . 3 The visitors were then taken to the curling rink, where curling and bridge were enjoyed for a. couple of hours. CRAIGVALE IVY I, _. _, ,_, __ T_ ,_, _ _; 2, RETAILERS TOT!-IRIFTY CANADIANS badl i)[l":21l Im`ET 11151 \,un..,v up;-.. I _-, Mr. Edwzlrd and Clmrlie .`T_.:;tin. L '01" Toronto, spent :1 day with friends; 1 .n the village. 1.; The Hillsdale young` people spent _ ; a very enjoyable iime with Elmvale ,young people Monday night. u......,E,.... , Edward Greene, of Bracebridge, has been fined 50c and $3.50 costs for . a few matches a little after six o clock in violation of the early closing by-law. ` The G1`2`lVe11l ll11'St Banner is glad that the hideous prints that usually: adorn store windows on St. Valen-l tine s day are not as abundant as' usual. Method in Her Buying The vlady customer wished to buy in pair of slippers for her husband. _On learning that his foot-size was eight, the salesman told her that men generally bought a size larger. for comfort, when buying` house slippers. llC`L..'l'I T .._1.._ ..-.. _.'-~ .- 5--- 0"` 3 HILEEALE |\~..`,y`_`u I ushau I1 - , I gi :19 1nqu1red_ ve you Size I Oh, no, answered the 1ady,l ;rmly; if that s the case I ll take- 'sevens . . . You see, I like to be: `taken out sometimes in the even-' .n`.g'.---L0nd0n Evening News. 1 `Mrs. F. Ward spent a few daysl 111 Toronto. I Miss Margaret Morrison spent week end with friends in the lage. I NH 4...] \f..,.. F`..- `AKIN-.. V- Va... :`week end with M1`. and Mrs. Wilf. ' Warriner. . `hurst, 1.< . :1 few days \v1thv .1101` parents here. 4 ..... .._,. Mr. Allan Wan-iner spent the Mr. and )I1'.<. Harold VVest, 01" B:11'rie, .'~vpent Sunday with Mrs. A |;1own and family. Miss Lorizm )IcClinton of 31-M- 1r.. `m.J........) ._..1 r~L__..1:_ -n . `noun Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mil;1e1', of .Wyebridge, spent the week end with 13115. E. Miller. ---.u. 1.4: \.u1.;uu. M1". H. Wrig'htman is some time with M1`. and Fountain and family. T\II'.. A11... TIT-.. Miss Loretta Kirton spent 21 week Ewith her grandparents, Mr. and jMrs. Davenport. 2 `M|'.. TJ ur..:-.1-L...-... 1- _-.-..q:.._. -Gra.venhurst Banner. I-u . q .