THE - BARBIE - ADVANCE All Householders Not at Present Using Electric Ranges Tuesday Afternoon Wednesday Afternoon Monday Afternoon Evening . . Thursday Afternoon Evening . . Friday Afternoon Evening . -Use It FROM .2.30 p.m. V01. XCII. No. 47. .2.30 p.m. .2.30 p.m. .7.30 p.m. Barrie, On-tario, Tuesday, January 24, 1939 WITH THE SPLENDID CO-OPERATION OF ALL OUR ELECTRICAL DEAL- ERS AND WIRING CONTRACTORS HAVE ARRANGED THAT, FOR THE MONTHS OF FEBRUARY, MARCH, APRIL AND MAY- ' Purchasing The Public Utilities Commission willwpay the cost `up to $25.00 on each such installation, the balance of installation cost to be paid by the property owner to the Commission, who pay the contractor. ' The Barrie Public Utilities Commission ELECTRIC RANGES and Rangettes nmy be purchased by resid.e11ts of Barrie from any Barrie or Allandale dealer at `:20 per cent. less than the regular retail price. Initial cash payme11t, 10 per cent. of purchase price; n1i11in.1u1n cash pay- ment, $10.00_ Financing THE COMMISSION will nance the purchase of electric ranges at 5 per cent. per annum, for a period not exceeding three years, Without further nance charges of any kind. This applies to all who are not using an electric range, ir- respective of whether they are using gas, coal, wood, or other means of cooking. Cooking School THE COMMISSION has arranged with all Barrie and Allandale electrical con- tractors to install the necessary wiring where changes are necessary for a new range installation on a uniform basis of price. This price is considerably below the regular cost of such work, due to the advantages accruing through the pur- chasing power of the local Commission in co-operation with the Hydro-Electric Power Commission. The work will be of a uniformhigh standard. Select your own electrician-the prices are set by the Commission in agreement with the con- tractors, all of whom are adhering strictly to them. ` Installing All contracts are subject to err dit approval by the Commission. Twelve Pages ll Cooking School and Display of various makes of modern Electric Ranges will be held in the Cooking Demonstration will be conducted by representatives of the various manufacturers of Electric llanges and the demonstrations will be both interesting and instructive HYDRO isYOURS Announcing Barrie s First . Electric Range Campaign Jan. 30 to Feb. I. O. O. F. TEMPLE