Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Advance, 24 Jan 1939, p. 8

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LOST--0ne suede glc knitted grey checked gl one nding same wo` greatly by informing at 565W. Mr. Fred C. Wareham and fam- ily wish to thank their many friends and neighbors for the oral tributes, acts uof kindness and expressions of sympathy shown iuring their; recent sad bereave- ment. 8 McCULLOUGH-At the R.V. Hospi- tal, Barrie, on Satu1'dz1_\', Jan. 21, 1939, Florence Ellen ;\IcCu1loug"h. I rla'.u_2'hte1' of Mr. and Mrs. P. Mc-I Cullourzh, Shzmty Bay, aged 18' Months. Mrs. Chas. A. Kelcey and Mr. and Mrs. C. Norman Kelcey wish to extend their deep gratitude to their many friends and neighbors. to the Barrie Tanning Co. and fol- low workers for their kindness, s_vmpath_V and oral offerings dur- ing the loss of their husband and father. 5 E Banting (Continued from page one) ' Deputy-Reeve W. J. McMaster was the only member of council who I did not have to make a second run to maintain his seat, having been accorded the office by acclamation. f1-._._ _:1I-.... ..1.....I....l ........u 1..."... zupuunuuu unnv vn vu Councillors elected were Isaac Jennett, who headed the poll with a total of 733 votes; Howard Bant- ing`, who came next with 677, and Jack Haugh, who also made the grade by polling 676. `Defeated candidates were Irwin Miller with . 638 and George Wilkinson with 518, 1 . L,- _.,II!A__ ___t U10: Complete returns by polling sul- divisions will be found on another page of this issue. l lwife, `Ethel Ida Lamas; one son, Norman, of Toronto: one sister, Mrs. W`m. .Pe!1ow, and Ewo bro- thers, George and Richard, of To- ronto. CARD OF THANKS CARD OF THANKS FOR RENT-Large, co! furnished bedroom, suit person. Warm, very Phone 53, Advance. T Deaths Births lWa.rde`nD9:11 ey (Continued from page one) Warden, proposed by Reeve Dut- ton, Mr. Downey expressed his ap- preciation of the condence placed in him by fellow members of coun- cil in bestowing upon him the honor of Wardenship. Twelve years ago, Mr. Downey stated, he was initiated into municipal affairs in Vespra Township, and was pleased to have the privilege of having Mr. Johns- ton, the man who moved his or!- ginal nomination, as a guest on this Ioccasion. Mr. Downey expressed regret that the accommodation available did not permit him hav- -ing a great many more friends present at the banquet. Telegrams from the Mayor of Collingwood and from Dr. L. J. Simpson, Minister `of Education, were read. express- ing their disappointment at being iunable to attend. 1, 1 1- 1! in TUESDAY, JANUARY 24, 1939. ..........., nu u-.n.uu. I In closing his address, Mt. Dqwney said: HT ..... ........ ....._...I L- L_'l.- LL- ./vnu\._u cu-u . *1 an1 very proud to take the Vvhrdendp of .Shncoe County to Hm le Townp of Veqwa and on behalf of the people there xvould Hke to extend lny thanks to the councn an: 1 - nun nnnnn .. Other speakers who spoke briey during the evening were: Mr. Downer, M.P.; Reverend Madden, Ex-Warden John Carlton, of Bee- ton, Superintendent of the House of Refuge; the Mayor of Penetang; Capt. Buchanan, of Collingwood. and others. Chicken Thief \l V ynuvlvuc u\.\.aaAuua. I Wakeeld, who stated that he was born in Australia, resided at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Simp- son, who testied that Wakeeld was at their home on the night of the robhe1'_v. The day following Wakeeld sold between 40 and -15 ldressed chickens to Kenneth Keith, {manager of the Dominion Store at B1`Z1(li01`(l, who testied that the chickens were in poor condition and that their crops had to be removed because the birds had not under- [gone the usual starving` process.- `Two -bags that gave evidence of having contained chickens were lfound in the rear of Wakeeld's FOR SALE--Leather ying coat. . . -.__1 _......... n1v\nnY\ Fnv n11\r`1(| ' Incriminating evidence against Wakeeld was produced by Provin- cial `Constables Robert Beatty and .Grant Wood-ward in a reproduction of the tire marks of Wakeeld`s car, consisting of three worn tire marks and one with a distinct Cl'0.`S block tread located on the left .front wheel, which corresponded to the marks followed by Mr. Iiirkup and the police oicers immeciiately followixrg the theft of the chickens, and (traced to the Simpson farm, where Wakeeld was staying. I 1.. -...........L:..... .................A. I` .... ..._ . vsnun Are you an e asked the Crown. 111,1, 0 11 -u u.,un.u mu, \JLII vv u. Wakeeld hurriedly proclaimed that he did not consider himself an expert, but that he had visited one or two on previous occasions. xxr..1...;-...1.: ...L.. ._L..L-J u._. u , This is the poorest jail I have ever been in, Wakeeld told Crown .-\tto1-ney Frank Hammond in cross- examjnation, referxmg to `.his stay in the local castle while awaiting H4511 us Lrial. 1;. LA] | Woods. \\.0 l1rvI1 I u ll\/A \r vv \I\\4A-vnxu vv uu ova; nub. In presenting argument, Crown Attorney! '.H'21mmond [declared that the evidence submitted by Simpson's was pre-arranged with Wakeeld in a meeting at the jail and should not be believed. Reliable Companies, Prompt Settle manta. PHONE 441 A. F. A. MALCOMSON (Continue;i from page one) )o(I;<. BARGAINS IN WOOD NOTICE--Choice maple slabs, no edgings, only $3.50 per truck- load, or two heaping loads, $6.75. Body maple and beach, $3.95, or two loads, $7.75. If its wood. just name it. We have it. Oliver E. Carson.. Phone 1413, Barri`: _'-1`_ho_ Home of` GOOD INSURANCE -' va. FORTY YEA% expert For 0 ` - n Jalls `Zn POTATOES WANTED--Hig~hest ; cash prices paid. We furnish` bags. Oliver E. Carson, 17 Boys St., Bare. Phone 1413. ucvv, nu..- ,-.-. Advance Office or phone i Id. uuncu .....-.. sin-g Elevator. AITDD1 `DWII./AC1`, Llcu. L u.,, 4..- 11 (HeWitt s Hill). __j__j__ `UK E. -\L:l`4---Ln:uuu::. u_v .3 ......., , heavy and warm, cheap for quick sale. Apply at Advance, where coat may be seen. 4i _, Rates: 1c per word. .9.-: per word charged each insertion, min- imum charge 25c. B-x numbers and Apply at the Aovance, 10c extra. C1assied advertising accepted up to 12 o : nck noon Tuesday. a Page Eight FOR SAl)E--A quantity of turnips and corn in shock. Will trade for live stock. Apply A. Gib- bons, Lot 9, Con. 13, Innis- J. 24-31. Classified Ads suede gluvu: ........- glove. Any- ! would oblige glove inside. .1 ...1.m. Anv. comfortable business central. run. -.. W the owner . tires e 185. J. 17-24-31 . and Notice is herebv given that an Ad- iourned sale of lands in arrears of taxes in Hue Counfv of Simcoe will he heir?` in t`m= Cmmc-.i'l Chambers. . Court House. Barrie. on M1 haven`: not 901d at the rst S1P.11Y1YP,.=R'IF faves awn naid before czd date. win he sold without re- . -5-an `Cl vc. A+. f}.== -vale the Sevnw munici- nnliae of Hm ('.mm+v of Simcoe re- :-cwwn Flw v-Whf. +n hid the amounf ='hnwv- :I= n~"?mr 11 `rmrr-Iwasze of any lnv ~11 n+' Hm Into. YOUNG GIRL desires to assist in housework. Phone 1414J. J 17-47 ,.. .. .....~. I (`nvae of H79 said Hsfs hf lands 9: ntlvm-f-1cp/3` (-9?! ho wen i?! mv A9 -`yr-n_ Tn rh=fm11+, nf n-:nrmen r of have: at q}-vnvm on mid 1v'=+. nn n* lknfnw-p T11n=3nv_ 17110 9.4`1 dav Of ,`l'nv-v1nvv_ 1029, 91+ H19 hour of two n-'n'lnr~l- 11 +119, nftcwnnnn. T JIM` 215 +1-n+ Hmp_ v'n Hm. t'7n1mr~?1 Chamber. (`tam-+ Urmcp. Rm-r: nrnvnrui fn sell V-w mu!-:1? mu-Hn-n 4-`hp mid lands 4'0 nav anrh nrvanrm foqether vth thn . ~Tmr:re.< thereon. .-..,,.,~.,_,_ ` .....V.., Januarv. 1939 .1. GUNSTONL`. .9. Co. P.TJ'ILDT".RS AND (`.0N`I`RAC= I`ORS Cottages and A" Kinds of Repairs '!-\. IL. rrlnce Job Gunstone The annual meeting of Essa Road Presbyterian Church was held Wed- nesday evening, Jan. 18, with a good attendance. Encouraging reportg `were presented by all organzations of the church. During the year 1938 there were 16 additions to the roll of members, two were removed by certicate and one was ordained Ito the holy ministry, R. A. Sinclair, B..~\. The roll now stands at 219. The total amount raised by the congregation was over $4..000.00, of which $209.00 was for missions and $171.00 was raised by the W.I\I.S. and the Mission Band. About $1,100.00 was spent during H. __ ........:...- um-1 rlnr-nrstinn About u,1uu.uu was agony ........t, the year on repairs and decoration of the church building. . The choir `purchased new caps for themselves. ! Messrs. A. Marshall, J. Ardel and L. Melson were elected to the Board . of Managers. _.___. OF LANDS IN ARREARS OF TAXES An:-1.--ucr. --uuu-" un slur-l\.\.aI:. T1-'ren.=uw=r .= Ofr-e. Court House. "WW9. (`'``'"'`n. We 11% dav of ............- 1 non ESSA ROAD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH " I WALNTED--Rye and buckwheat. All other kinds of grain bought and trucked from your barn. Mine- Phone Minesing A--C n ........a In the County of Simcoe l'l'VI\"l7'VY. Eliourned Sale u 1nuunc. 1J(llL|\4I vu Tuesdav. January 24th n4-01-Lnn BARRTF} C H. CoYem an. f`-____n___ -2 ! `Phone 1154W Phone 228 Clothes Cleaned and Preuocli Spotless Cleaners. Phone 270. (1-1-.. 1_--l... 1-.....-. `In.-.4-' nvvnlrnl-\nn rxuvallucn Hear Dr. Geo. `Little, Toronto, outstanding speaker, at community meeting in First Baptist Church, Clapperton St., Wednesday evening,i Feb, _1, at 8 p.n2. Offering at the door in aid of expenses and W.-C.T.U. school prizes. 3 apuueau vnuunncn o. - uv....- ... u. i `Sales books, loose leaf systems and ofce supplies for sale at the Advance. -I\ f! 1 ELL`- rn_..-_L- illxams For- W\ANTET'--Carpentry, anything in building, alterations, buiIt-in cup- boards, etc. L. Latanville, 26 McDonald St. Phone 910R 44 ._?:___.__. I (Continued from page one) employee, and think that savings should be effected. ` Thus there is the possibil_ity of the incompetent man making the value of a responsible position loo]; smaller in the eyes of the pub1ic,| he said. ` I 4 He felt that were a set_ standard` of examinations required of all` municipal employees the chisellers` whuld be cut out and those already` holding ofce, if able to qualify `at the examinations, would stand ini higher regard as their particular; positions warranted. Valuable Residence and Garden Near Barrie Under and by virtue of the power; of sale contained in a certain mort-I gage, which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offered, for sale by public auction by H. A. Grose, Auctioneer, at the QUEEN'S HOTEL, BARRIE `-on- ' SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 11 ` 1939, at one o clock p.m., the 1501-; lowing property : 5 That nnrf. 01 the North half 0f| Now is the time and Barrie is the place to purchase a new Electric Range on splendid terms. Read the Advance `Classied Ads. The Advance appreciates your news items. Telephone 53. lowing property That part of the North of Lot 12, Concession 14, in Town- ship of Innisl, about seven acres, more particularly described in Reg- istered Instrument No. 16920 (save and except parts conveyed by Reg- istered Deeds Numbers 8752 and. 8235). a nu Hnn m-rmm+.v is said to be a {CUB LU `cl lcacxvc uaun Terms: Ten per cent. of the pur-! chase money at time of sale, bal-, ance within thirty days thereafteni I:\..n n-:v~Hr-Invc will be madel within tmrty Gays `l'.ne1'ea.1u:1'.) Full particulars will be made known at the time of sale, and in the meantime may be learned from! the undersigned. i V` - V, 0, 15-1.-.. .35). On the property is said comfortable four-room cobble stone clad dwelling house and a small! barn. 1 rm... m.m~.m-+u mm `mm nFFm-ed suh-! barn. I The property will be offered sub-' 'ect to a. reserve bid. ` 'r....._... '11.... nor nanf nf fh 'nm`-` WOOD FOR SALE--Body hardwood $7.50, and hardwood `imbs $5.00 cord; mixed wood $6.00 cord. Apply E. Barron, 98 Wellington St. E. Phone 1.596J J. 1'7-24 Locals MORTGAGE SALE Esten & Eaten, Mo:-tgagee'a Solicitors, I'!_.__.:_ l\..I. I I 1 `1 he, Barrie Agivanr-o L5u5uu -- .......-. Barrie, Ont. `W. 0. Mcliinnen 3 (Continued from page one) 1 While the 1938 fair was looked back on with satisfaction from many angles,` increases inhqulanltity and quality of entries being recorded in most departments, the nancial pic- ture, due to adverse weather condi- tions, is not the best. Receipts `from all sources totalled $8,842.74, with disbursements amounting to $8,210.25 and outstanding cheques `totalling $1,430..72, leave the Board 5wii:h a bank overdraft of $1,798.23 :and a total decit of $3,228.95. 11 (V \I`_ ..... _ ._ 4.1.- I irimmcial Comlition , , ! (Continued from page one) jChairman of Finance Reeve W. J. `Cunningham stated : (:n.... 1...... ..-L.. .13.... -Inon ...:'I1 1.... l uuuuuusuunu uvuvuu Our tax rate for 1939 will be for this year s expenditure only, `which should be about $85,000 less lthan in 1938, and a reduction oi` ione mill is easily possible. Untill improvement in agricultural condi- tions becomes :1 reality, keep the Irate down. Our present overdraft 1at the bank, amounting to $220,- 000, is more than provided for by unpaid levies, $169,000, and $59,- 000, being the department s liabil- lity on County roads expended in [193s, totalling $228,000. l Mr. Cunningham suggested spec- ial consideration for the townships of Tiny and Tay in view of their inability to meet the heavy assess- 'ment levied upon them and the fact ithat they have been unable to take jadvantage of secondary education, "for which they have been charged. ` ESTIMATES SUBMITTED LIVE STOCK FOR SALE--York- shire Hog, eligible for registra- tion, serviceable age, also Mas- sey-/Harris pulper. Apply J. Switzer, Barrie, R.R. 1, Highway TJ'l`|\ n 4 lTT-._-LL .. .....a I uurxn 1.-u uvuunn - . H-4 Estimates submitted by County` Treasurer D. H. Coleman for 1939:; are as follows: n . -n- n Annnlll 1 Revenue `.Levy, 4 mills The death of Chas. A. Kelcey, Wellington St., who passed away at the home of his son, Charles Nor- man Kelcey, 6 Caldow Road, For- est Hill Village, on Wednesday, Jan. 18, in his 65th year, came as a dis- tinct shock to his many friends in `Barrie and district, where he had lresidied all his life. n1-_.-._L_ L`-.. ..-......:.. ICBIUCU an uh: Ala vs l Removed to Toronto for examin- ation following a leg injury at the `Barrie Tanery on November 14, Mr. Kelcey passed away four days later after contracting pneumonia. Prev- ious to his injury, M`1'. Kelcey, who was born at Kempenfeldt Village on `November 9, 1875, has never re- quired medical attention and folir-w- ed his trade as a dyer at the Bar- rie Tannery for 45 years without missing a single day. A .-urn.-.'l...u. A4-` 'l"u-3-:34-11 An riinan I uuaalus A member of Trinity An,._:Iican Church, the late Mr. Kelcey was also a member of the Masonic Or- der and the C.O.F'. He was an ac- tive sportsman, being particularly an zuusu. um . l : `nterested in lacrosse. t "1! II ,,,_I __'L3-L ..__.. ..__.1.-AL I HLUlU\3l4Cl.l LU nausuaavo The funeral, which was conduct- ed under Masonic auspices on Fri- day, January 20, took place from 3\IcDougall and Brown's Funeral Chapel, 646 St. Clair Ave. W., To- ronto, by motor to Trinity Angli- lcan Church, Barrie, where the ser- vice was conducted by Ven. Arch- gdeacon C. A. Moultonv. Interment `took place in Barrie Union Cemetery. A............ ` nH-nv-nlinnr 4-l-no fun- uuun ynuu: Au uauu; pun... \_n.......u..,,. Among those attending the fun- em] from a distance were Mrs. G. E. Cook, of Pittsburgh, Pa.; Mr. and Mrs. G. Kelcey, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Lamas, Mr and Mrs Wm Pei- low, Mrs F. H Knight, Mr. and Mrs. C. Archibald Kelcey, Mr. and` Mrs.. R. Kelcey, Mrs. W Walker, .1111 of Toronto. yr 1 9, ,,___,.:._,.Q L.. L:.. I General Good Roads . . . . . Reforestation . Maintenance of Nancy Deferred Items, 1938 .I-2..2L \4 mg A\IlA\l Court House . . . . . . .3 Administration of Jus- A..'.._ .xunuuu`;u;uu uuuu u... out: tice . . . . .. . . . . . 28,765.00 Charity and Welfare. 107,000.00 Education .. .. . . . 10,800.00 A dministration and A nu. -nu I\I\ FOR SALE-One $18.00 Hot Water! Car Heater,, used one season, good as new, half price. Apply M" -1---- :9 =1 .1.-.-..;\.u ..u\,... decit . . . . Miscellaneous u UL LULUIII/\Jn Mr. Kelcey is survived by his cituary CHARLES A. KELCEY .$ 9,800.60! .$111.47o.oo . 238,680.00! $3.-3o,15f0.0o] 37,500.00! 119,346.00 5,500.00`. z 200.00| 5 65s.ooi 25,581.00` [ Committee; (Continued froni page one) County Property - Councillors MaoLaren, Toner, Spicher, Cunning- ham, Higginson, Dermottf Wilson, Thompson, Luck, Evans, Patterson, lDutton, Ne , Gratrix, Hartman, lcoombs, Cummings, Borrow, Bra.w- ley, Irwin, Oliver, Horne, Simpson, l|Todd and G. Miller. FOR SALE--Four used tubes, 550x19. Phone .'| Reforestation-Counci1lors Barr, Toner, Spicher, Dermott, McMaster, Brawley, Livingston, Neff, Benson,| Gratrix, Wilson, Borrow, Tudhope, Scrannage, Oliver, Asselin, Todd, Drinkwater and Dutton. Railways and Cana1s-Counci11ors Cumming, Evans, Barker, Miller, McMaster, Curry, Hartman, Dutton, H. Grant, Irwin, Todd and Drink-` I 4 ] water. Printing--Councillors Cunningham, Luck, Middleton, Brawley, Miller, -McMaster, Hartman, Dutton, H. Grant, E. Mi1ler,,ReyI1o1ds, Irwin, Mills, Simspon and Home. f`.....J-3 A2-.. I` .... ...'11A.... f"._....-'L.. ..... Au uauuuyvu uuu 4;.v;uu. Contingencies--Councillors Coombs, Gratrix and Patterson. -Equalization-Counci11ors Neff, Higginson, Evans, Benson and Todd. A .....2....1L...... f`_.._.-:'l1...._ YY.`__.!._ ...5E,....,....., ........., ........w.. 9...`. L\JL|\.lo ` AgricuIture--Councillors Higgin- |son, Neff, Luck, Barker, Dermott, `Evans, Barr, Toner, Gratrix, Cum- ming, Wilson, Borrow, Apperly, Todd, Simpson and Drinkwater. House of Refuge--Counci11ors Livingstone, Brawley and Downey. I T an-..1.~L..v. f` .... n.`I1....,. Y ........\..,..\ .......a....v.u.., ......v-nag uuu a4vIIAAv_yI 3 Legis1ation-Council1ors Lawrence |Mi11er, Barker, Thompson, Patter- son, Cunningham, MacLaren, Brack, McMaste1', Cumming, Dutton, Mid- dleton, Benson, Curry, Grant, Ap- ;,er1'y, Reynolds, J. Grant, Asselin, Horne, Scranage and Tudhope. uuu. PA:T-TERaSO:N-At the ___ fI11__..._J..-. 1'-.. R.V. Hospi- 1n 1., ML. L41. tal, on Thursday, Jan. 19, to Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Patterson, R.R. 2, Barrie, a son. DICKEY-At the R.V. Hospital, on Saturday, Jan. 21, to Mrs. Lorne Dickey and the late Lorne Dickey, Barrie, a dau'g;hter.A .a.-;.;4:.uuvAu AAV m ;-uul;. DALEY-At the R.V. Hospital, on Friday, Jan. 20, to Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Daley, 58 Parkside Drive, I ,- . 'COOKE---I Hamilton, on sacur-! I `day, Jan. 21, 1939, Rev. Charles Henry Cooke, B.A., 98 Carlton St.. Toronto, in his 34th year.` Resting at the Funeral Ch; el of- J. H. Robinson Co. Ltd., Hamil- ] ton, until Tuesday noon and will ! then be conveyed to St. Giles i United Church for .=e1-vice on Tuesday at 2 pm. In:'.rment in- Grove Cemetery, Dundas. - FOR SALE Boy s blue overcoat,] size 14 years, price $4.00. Phonel 580M. J. 17-24. h |

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