Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Advance, 24 Jan 1939, p. 4

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The London Zoo is to have sev- eral young giant pandas from Asia. Y 1...... Dawn` nan`-a M-a v1-.-nun Frnrn - 1t s What You Can Do With West- inghouse That Counts. ? Westinghouse % Electric Ranges with the most complete cooking facilities ever produced for the home greater speed, ner cooking, and denite economies. New Features that bring greater convenience and a new wealth of satisfaction to electric` cookery. EXTRA LARGE BROILER EVEN BAKING TEMPERATURE for even broiling A Westinghouse Feature SLIDE LOCK Shelves The TELAGLOW Light COOKING TOP AND carry heaviest roast no forgetting to turn BACK in one piece for easy without tipping. oif switches. cleaning. You will want to see the WESTINGHOUSE models, for choosing a new range is like choosing a new home. In addition to new beauty, it must offer new facilities and new conveniences, plus the latest labor-saving im- provements. See the Westinghouse Ranges demonstrated at the HOME APPLIANCE SHOP or at the Cooking Scl1ool Friday. You will marvel at the latest de- velopments in cooking _ _ . THE WESTINGHOUSE AUTOMATIC CON- TROL SIMMER SWITCH AND ECONOMY COOKER, the maintained heat oven control. Place the roast in the oven, set the clock and forget about the meal . . the stove will do the rest. Dern(_mstraz`z'0n l':l.aL yuuu5 Exauu yuuuuu ;.v... .......... Lima, Peru, gets its name from; the River Rimac---mispronounced--I Lhat flows beside it. ' E Through the I-Iydro Commission's Purchasing Plan you can own a West- inghouse with a 20 per cent. discount and up to three years to pay. In this plan you save money all ways-on the initial cost and in a longer life range, for Westinghouse has new elements, the fastest and most durable, to save you time and current. 20 Per Cent. Off All Models There are eight models to choose from. . If you have a. small apartment or a. 16-room house, you will nd a. range in our display to t into your kitchen and be a. perfect servant. to be held at the Eight Models to Choose From You won't forget to see this new line while it is being offered at a consid- era saving . _ . REMEMBER-Westinghouse for better cooking, long life a d economical service. ,. FIVE POINTS Simmer SWITCH saves wa.tch1ng LI ' at 3 p.m. HOME APPLIANCE SHOP ` Page Four A wedding of much interest was` solemnized at ten o clock Monday morning, January 23, 1939, in `St. !Mary s Ohurch, Barrie, when Mar- igaret Edna, daughter of Mr. .and| `Mrs. Frank Osborne, Barrie, become` `the bride of William Leslie Hook,-I Camp Borden, son of Mrs. Clara` Hook, Barrie, and the late Mr. Wil-i Iiam Hook. Rev. M. Dodd officiated. uuun 'J.LVUl\o 4vv-. nan uvuu vnnnsnuvldvul The bride, given in marriage by her father, was charming in burgun- dy crepe with matching accessories. Her owers were Talisman roses and maidenhair fern. Miss Madeline Osborne, sister of the bride, was bridesmaid, wearing navy dress with matching accessories and carry- ing spring owers. Mr. Norman Osborne was groomsman and the ushers were Mr. George Osborne and Mr. Lloyd Partridge. The wed- .iding' music was played by Miss Mary -.'Cameron, and Miss Nora Gwuilfoye { was soloist. nu The reception was held in the Queen .' Hotel. The bride s mother, WEDDING (\_1I_o:_ne_:ys_canadian FAST ELEMENTS Fast HEATING OVEN save time and current has new conveniences F. J. KELLY, Proprietor I-lO0K-OS`BORNE \ Miss Alice C. Johnston, M.A., an '.0xford honor graduate in; Modern . 1 a lecturer at Bonar Law College, B; Ashbridge, England, was speaker at _ the Women's Canadian Club Mon- ""I day evening where she gave an edu- R`, cational and thought-provoking ad- I dress on Rehousing Great Bri- V tain. History and for the past ve years . 3 EEE '1iie'et' FREE % DEMONSTRATION was gowned in black with matching hat and corsage of spring owers. The groom's mother was in _wine. .......... -...`4-L vv1:v\A3 `I-uu+ gnu! nnrcnmn nf crepe The bride and groom W111 have a short wedding trip to points in On- tario before leaving for England, where Mr. Hook will take a three months training course with thel ,Royal Air Force. I land wine accessories. For travelling the bride chose a` beige coat with brown squirrel triml I l`UUll1 ILIUIIILCL was! un "any: with Wine hat and corsage of PHONE 424 The Barrie Advance On Tuesday evening. last, at Mrs.1t A. E. Creswicke s, was held the an- ] nual meeting of the Girls Bible Class of Trinity Ohurch. The retir- ing president, Betty Mattocks, pre- sided. Pat McBride gave the mis- . sion talk on the mission study book. Archdeacon Moulton ad- . dressed the members. Reports were .given by the secretary, Ruth ` Tracy; the treasurer, Kaireen Tyrer; _ the Social `Service secretary, Mar- , jorie Love; secretary of Entertain- : ment Committee, Catharine Higgins; B . after which the new president, Leah f Lowe, took the chair. The evening-i concluded with a social half-hour. tint , ( I I 1 I 1 element; bination I of hig t 1 a state (sounds '.\' -mre .+La1'ches . to vfgq-`etab1< `ful; The body is made up ot linoiuded Mr. and Mrs. Geo. 1-'oweii,i Montreal; Richard Powell, Chathaiii; M1`S- 13- L- S`CaVe1't: 3 fTm31` ipmnk Powell, Guelph, and M;-s,3writer for the Barrie Advance, ihasl .T1-.os. McKenzie, Oberon, Manitoba.;f01` the past few years been active-i 2- no in ily engaged in Canadian hanidicraftl S und advice W heard at,work in Toronto. Included in her: th TetS(1 _e.on Bui1:i`in Betterizictivities were: Teaching weaving e ec g !classes at the Y, holding a store for , BdieSm given by Dr `F A` Rb"the sale of hand-woven materials in; inson at the Public Library Hall last : the Bloor St. section journeying to I 2 V - ~ , 1; - d-1 . . Tuesmi ielnon D. 1:ch'e gpfj ei1Mae_ ;di'erent large Ontario centres as a Wcates t` 9 ay le ' 0 e 1 director to organize classes under esting remarks made by him: f`$30,-i the Comlnunity Welfare Council of 000,000 are spent every year `ill the iontario, whose office is at 24 Bloorg Umed States d" 3S that `"97 West. Mr. Ellsworth Flavelle in 21 either useless or pasitivedy harlll-Iiradio talk on Saturday afternoon , , 'd rt l~ t"b t t th it what you put into 112;" Man to-`lg? gful S,1c:W:l:_ 0 e W01 ` day doesn t know as much as a . . . caterpillar about how much and Badminton News, Hoatesses at what he should eat. The under-.' ' ,tlie Garrison Club tea Saturday af- ]-Vlng cause f dlsease 15 the P015011" ternoon were Mrs. Esten and Mrs.. illg` of the blood stream. Causes o'f;Litt1e. The Garrison A11 team is` this are: eating too much, eatingiplaying the Town (An team Tues_ too hurriedly, too much protein, tooidm. ]'1i`)`1A1t- Garrison UB1! team is much rened, devitalized toods,l|p1?-Ying the Town (B11 team Thu1.S_; which aie iobbed of then niinera iday night; `Garrison A team is` constipatiom Wmng m`|p1aying the Granite Club this coiii- `ibination of goods. The main trending. Fridav niwht at the Granite his theory is to use all food in:C1ub_ state as natural as possible' . . . `(sounds like Rousseau s Back to Mr. and M1.S_ J_ S_ Bmnton of '.\'-rxire doctriiie), `lot W C`bil Allandale celebrated their diamond and acids, '-Al pla..e of white weddin - - i 4 'inniversar' at their hon i use honev svru) etc use? g ` 3 - 18 - M -9 - 1 - ilast Sunday. On Saturdav evenin"-' I - is . .. . . . .. L __ . . _ _ Vegetable iaw oi steam \,i`.(3lTl' ll\`e1;the.\. held a famlh, dmnel, party. 5 Gil thein as this dest1`0_\'s their lllln-I on Sunday they were at home. A Free Demonstration and Lecture of } Last Wednehday evening Mrs. f A. Stephens entertained in honor I [her sister, Mrs. Thos. McKenzie, ` l Oberon, Manitoba. * # I I Out-of-town guests at the Poweil- 1 Stephens wedding last Wednesday f inoiuded and Mrs. Geo. Powel1,| ]Montrea1; Chatham;; `Frank Mrs. nu 1ur,17-._..:.. ('\1...-u-nu 1\/I'uuH`nhu 5 On January 19 a Toronto dailyu paper had the following note: New; instructions on `how civil marriage` sceremonies should be conducted,` `providing.-' among other things that "Chancellor Hitler s book, .l\`Iein` Iiampf, be presented to the bride and groom immediately after the: Irites, were issued by the Interior |Department to-day. The circular ii-uled such ceremonies must take` `place in 21 dignied setting, decor- nted with flowers and greenery, a {portrait or bust of the Fuehrer, and N |.~.n sxvastilca ag. - . mun u....... .. ` eral value. I W ` .\I1';<. J. M. Mills, president of i. Collier St. United W.M.S., has been. ,l1o.~:tess to the groups into which the b lmembers are divided. Last Tues-`I (day afternoon she entertained the lrrroup of which Mrs. W. G. Strach- h .-in and Mrs. Todd are leaders, and `::t which Mrs. J. T. Dougall poured`N itea; on Wednesday afternoon the 1' Igroup of which Mrs. Harry Smith`: and Mrs. H. J. Buchanan are lead-` V ers; on Wednesday evening, the |Evening Auxiliary; on Thursday t` afternoon the group of which Mrs. J. W. Merrick and Mrs. Chas. Smith . are leaders, and at which Mrs. S. J. Allward poured tea. I I I Saturday s Star had the following` interesting note: Nella Jefferisi succeeds Hugh E. Eayrs as president` of the Central Ontario region in the Dominion festival. She is the first lady to follow Eayrs, Robson and Stone in the difficult position` of diplomat to all contending groups, directors, authors and pro- ducers in this annual fever of" dramatic display before the nals-l to be held this year in -London. In! the public interest of dramatics, she: tackles a big job, without pay, ex- cept the satisfaction of seeing drama develop. ` Marionette News-l.ast Wednes- day at the Art `Centre, plays. de- signed especially for marionette pro- duction and written by members of the group were read. These includ- ed: A melodrama by Charles Rob-- inson, Joe Breaks Loo;~'e, b_v Em-I ily Bell; The Convertible Dwarf, by Betty Tamley; Triumph of John or Nick Carter Foiled, by. Betty Bell; Piglet and Pooh by; Betty Smith; You've Got me Under My Chin, by Douglas Patterson. ` Little Red Riding Hood was pre- sented to an appreciative audience S_0C|Hl\_7(NTS F Mrs.1by a group of ve girls directed b; I ; | Beth Sarjeant. [] ' .1 . nn 1, SPENCER 1N-DIVIDUALLY DESIGNED CORSETS Groups for production were` drawn up under the following lead- ers: Betty Tansley, Mrs. David Smith, Beth Sarjeant, H. D. Shep- pard, Betty Bell and Emily Bell, Charles Robinson. um 2124-.. 17!-.. .........:.J-...o- nu. Ulrax Aca Luluulnvsu Mrs. Victor Fox, president, was chairwoman of the meetirig and out- lined plans for work. . H. D. Sheppard gave some helpful direc- tions on the making of puppetts. 1 The present dance craze sweep- 4 iing the country is The (Inju11, icreated by `Cecil Da Costa, of To- -ronto. It is called a typically!` {Canadian version of the modern `craze for swing. Among Toronto schools were "it is being taught are Northern Vocational, Riverdale Col-N legiate, Margaret Eaton and Dan-I ~ forth Technical School. 1 in I | .. ... | I I ";the ' Mrs.; fLitt1e. A is 3} playing A [(1z1_\' ni5.1'ht; B *1|pIaying B Thurs- 'jday is` `lplaying fine` Friday night 71' r ` | playing Eing ; Club. fl '.~\lIandale. diamondl ._wedding anniversary home` ilast Saturday evenin;2' `;they family E Mr. Brunton, ofli `I home"! .t'rom 2.30 to 5.30 p.m. and from`, l7.3o to 10.30 p.m. Mr. and M.-.<.l 5-jJ. S Brunton received, Mrs Brunton 0 v- wearin_2' a black velvet ,9.'0\vn and a elnosegay of mauve sweet peas, vio- [,l lets and. yellow roses The tea tt table was lovely with tea roses and; n`::mil-ax. brass candelabra and white e t211)0r.<. In the afternoon, Mrs. E. .3531. Brunton, Hamilton, and Mrs. J.` 1-` D. Wisdom, Allandale, poured tea.. tr Those assisting` were Mrs. H. Vin-I 3` cent, `Toronto: .\`Irs. P. Holman, Al-1 _~. ton; llrs. Allan Brunton and Miss .\'o1-ma Pouclier. In the evening (1 .\lr.<. Margaret Holmes and .\Irs. B. .Gilchrist poured tea. Those assist-I m,-\- were 31;... Mable Riddell, Miss; Blarion \\'1.~iEo1n, Hrs. F. Kenney. .\Ir.<. A. Kelcey. Their cliildren, Wgraml children, great grandchildren, ,bother.<,n and sisters of Mr. and Mrs.` J. S. Brunton were present at theu celebration, as well as a large num- 3 her of their friends. The children. id, of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Brunton are: M',rs. C. W. Poucher, Mrs. W. D. :,Litt1e, Allan-dale; Mrs. `H. A. Rose-`'~ ' vear, Allan L. Brunton, Toronto; `I Mrs. C. Jackson and Miss Florence le Brunton, Allandale. Other out-of-'1 ly ,town guests present were Miss Jean` 's.1 ftown j hi :3 -ul .. Weekly Specials I-lettings in Tomato Sauce llc Brunswick Sardines Tuesday, Jan. 31st. Large Grape Fruit 4 for 19;: Small Oranges, Per Doz 6-Qt. Basket of Oranges - 3 for 14 Chantles Gro ery lat nve o'c1< I8 tily decora1 E *Inj1111*/' and silver x, child, and `YDiC811)"day cake e ROY UTTY ; sisted in auzht. 31`e`H1n mnthnr bjl.-kpplegatly Mrs. Applegath and son, [Bert Applegath, of Toronto, Mrs. -Hanson and son, Roger Hanson, of Vere`Toron1'.o; Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Brun- ::it,-1 ton, Hamilton; Mr. Douglas Brun- hep_ ton, Trenton. ..u-_--awn-\AIr I'|lI'I I`\I of Mr. and Mrs. Lew Beaver, cele- brated her fourth birthday on Mon- day, January 16th, when she entertained ten of her young friends. The afternoon was spent in playing games, followed by supper at five o'clock. The table was pret- decorated in pink, baby blue silver, with favors for each centred by a large birth- lday with four candles. Mrs. 1 and Mrs. Pearl Parr as- serving afternoon tea to 9 the mothers. IK I 111111! r||\n : \ Miss Carol Jane Beaver, daughter TUESDAY, JANUARY 24, 1939. % A young child's intelligence can be denitely changed by his envir- onment, for better or worse, so an Iowa State University psychologist {has reported. `C QZELLERS Inventory Clearance AMERICAN HOTEL, BARRIE ` Stop! Look! Listen`! ALL VETERANS You are asked to attend a social evening for all ex-service men in the Legion Hall, January 30, at 8 o clock pm. Whether you are a member or not, all are Welcome. Come and have a good time and get acquaint- ed. This is a get-to- gether social. Refresh- ments will be served. For further particu- lars see Secretary 16-oz Sodas, 210: 25 6-QEi:as%i{et 29 THIS WEEK Devon Tomatoes Classic Cleanser BIRTHDAY PARTY "` ` `V r~ T`! A _ _ . . .. Av T" i I Advance classied ads get results. T. R. KNIGHT 3 for 25 3 for 14: SALE _SDz A_pplgs 15c 39c All Ladies Cordially Invited.

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