are times that married` we differences of opiniong 1 matters and are bettm: until they come to see{ r s point of view, or ayrree .. .. LL-.. ....L.'....L -..:u_-..x. proper p(V is found eleven, re you I :1 of Christ 1 order is . falling int ... \4ll\l\.|- L\I asking for into the hands Av Iv vuu u Christ, L is the 1.. , ` t, without 9 tearing: ;' matters his Wife any. If 1 the pro- 9 the hus- needs of `nus.--. no 1u\.vLuvu nu mu. ununu ` The percentage of population ef- `fected by separation and divorce at `the present is very small, but just las soon as there is one more move in the wrong direction by adding causes for divorce, that are not `God given, and separation laws -`made use of to feed the divorce cases, the percentage will creep up `surprisingly fast. -The next step and it will be like it is reoprted of some of the States, where if a man ignores in his sleep his wife can get la divorce and if the wife does not cook the breakfast bacon to please iher husband, he can get a divorce. "FLA f`...................L ..-__._____-_ ,....l uuquullll, uv nun gcu a ulvuzuc. . The Government recognizes !thlO\'0F, g'a11_2`: .murderers, etc., `but they do not recognize these 'bandits that stca1,hu.<.Ibands, wives and children away from their right- Iful place, taking what does not be- Il0ll_Q` to them. By their actions they place shemsclves in some of the ;'wor; classes of criminals. The Epublic would be surprised to know What some of them are people that `think they are somebodies. The Govermnenr owes it to t11e people they represent to protect the family life from this source of trouble be- fore, not after, it is brought to I 1-nln 1.-nvu uuu uuu uL Lulllllldllullltllb. If I do not stop soon, you will have to put an extra sheet in your paper in accommodate this letter. That would be one way of expand- ing your paper business. I know whereof I speak in the matter of this letter and yet the half has not been told, but enough said, for the present, at least. `T-_..__ 9 M-sing the words of the Apostle Paul, I would say in regard 0 his letter that it is written by per- mission and not of commandment." T-I. Y .1- ._-4. -4.-- , "- "now on disblay at the following dealers Robinson Hardware, Barrie A.E. Smith Furniture Co., Barrie W. A. Hanna, Altandale A two-team schedule this year. Mr. Foyer tells us that Midland has dropped out. Thats tough. With Midland out that just leaves Barrie and Orillia, but what battles they promise to be. The tournament will be held at Newmarket on the 3rd and 4th of February. It was held here last year with Orillia and Newmarket the visitors. It was a huge success and we look to a mp-roaring time this year. Hi-yo, silver! Well, there just isn't any more. so until next week, this is your maestro, l mean correspondent. signinr: off. These orchestra lead- ers, you know. Midland gym is very small and` teams playing there found it very difficult to play on and Midland dropping out is some advantage, al- though they always put up some great games. ` C The girls too are waiting im- patiently for the sc;'hed?ule and tournament. Mostly, I believe, the tournament. Oh, gee, there must be some handsome brutes in New- market,, or is it the climate. I wouldn t know. phenominal, colossal and what have l you. TUESDAY, JANUARY 24, 1939. Collegiatuh IE! C: I Barrie, Jan. 19, 1939. mu-ova Yours sincerely, `I 17 uh M CLARY Ild. vnnu an nu If the man- family life foundation from under u WLed9.9s!91;%JLF}eb- 1st .1-gg;._.-__r-. Miss Ruth Onley ODDFELLOWS HALL, BARBIE Iooking School One Important Date is with MONTREAL \A JJJ-I I-ll-III TORONTO GENERAL 1 'rr\I-nr\Lv-I-nu u Am Use of Canada's recently inaugur- ated transcontinental air mail ser- vice has stepped up the mail ser- vice over long distances to a speed that would have sounded fantastic only a few years ago, Poatmaster AT THE this coming Week day. A letter for Vancouver leaves Toronto at 12.15 p.m. and arrives at its destination on the West Coast at 5.20 a.m. Eastbound mail for ontreal is in the Quebec `City via Ottawa at 3.85 p.m. when posted in Toronto at 12.55 p.m. L.~I DJ-nag: LON DON Crew informed the Advance to- st-'n`:'1"." lIl\r\\I Ilrill \.n.a.n.I vv LLLUJ WINNIPEG xcl-`r Product KIT `'17 A IIICI DI WARES LIMITED KIKIIIDISI` INA! I` All`! It A `IN. Page Twelve radar A-I5LI.nnI..I-I-111 CALGARY VAN COUV ER Director of the Home Economics Research Division of General Steel Wares Limited. Miss Onley will spend the enre week in `Bare. She wl be found on the ground oor of the Oddfeows Hun .th the Mr.-Clary Range exhibits. She wl answer aH your quesons and give you exceent advice on niodern (0O1\ B-.`_\`. ELECTRIC RANGES MISS RUTH ONLEY In painting Civil War guns and gun carriages for exhibition in military parks and monuments, the US. National Park Service now uses the old paint formulae in Un- ion and Confederate ordnance man- ] uala. Advance classied ads get results.` The Barrie Advance ndlu Ll|[:||_ ,uu;, uvvv wvnvcc. .Ll/ wuuxu SAVE uuuu cl I There is a class of people that: legitimate standing` in society. This `particularly disregard the Lord s;would be the opposite to hardness wz1rnin_Q*, as found in this samegof the heart; it would be more like` Scripture, namely, part of the 6th_softenim:: or enlargement of the` verse, which says, What thereforefheart. It would not be like the` God hath joined together, let notcurse it sometimes is now, where man put asunder, It means noth- a man marries one woman and runs in}: to them, so long as they are around with another single woman, _2`etting' well paid for what they are `or another man's wife, making out- doing`, even if others suffer, Theyicasts of them in decent society. may have the separation laws of, They have no claim to the man and ithe land behind them, and other'he sometimes does not care if their laws, but they will have to answerylives are ruined or what becomes of to the Lord God, and the Lord them. Jesus Christ, for their actions. There might be the argument that What they would do under a wide-iwomeir should be allowed to have -open. divorce law is hard to imagine. I more than one husband in some When men -get so presumptuousgcases. The argument fails for more that they believe that they can hidefreasons than one. Woman was behind man-made laws that in op-`made for man, not man for woman position to God's laws, and defy, (Genesis 2, 18, 21, 22 and 23). Him by their actions, you can easily, (You would hardly believe this see which side they are working for. was true the way some people in-: nu _LI'l ........LL.... ..'lnn.~ I-1-.n+ 4-ova-I-`nu-a in n4~11nw nnru-\ln .~ nfniun 'iixT1A1L SERVICE side, as |get rig] parties and wh` they sta .1 `LA vvvxx ..v.. BUC WHICH blur: uucy cu. There is still another class that are the cause of a lot of married couples becoming separated, and of- ten divorced. This class of people have a contemptible, selsh, inter- fering disposition; some with the spirit of vultures, hovering around, with a keen eye, looking for the nub 1: 3 l `i 2 r r s t 2 least sign of trouble, so that they. can come in for some selsh bene- t.. Some of them are after money, and if they can get anywhere up to one or two hundred dollars, or more, out of the unfortunate victim, they are satised, for the time be- ing, until they nd another victim, or victims. Another section of this same class have a desire for the favor of the husband or wife, so they work to that end. There is another class that have the spirit 1 1I,_!._ .1--. . . _ . . . ..... class of trouble God s 0 much 211 |v;. v .,_n.-.., This class h themselves i: I reward they `efforts is th [they get fro: ' trouble and This class work, or e` 1. to poison inuence. boldest of have the 5 `and the V . 1 , .... -. First of all, it would be best tol Iread Chap. 19 of St. Matthew,i verses 3 to end of 9th, to nd outL what the Lord said about it. To` make other reasons, beside the one` given in this Scripture reference as" a cause of divorce, would be trans-; gressing the Lord s denite state-' ment of facts, as recorded for this generation. There is only one way to settle this problem safely, and: that is to leave the reason for di-` vorce to the one cause as dened in the Scripture. If the law of the land is not that way now, it should be amended to that effect. I be- ilieve there is only the one. reason for divorce, in the present law; right now, and if so, it will takei care of all cases coming under it.; For anyone to make easier divorce, laws and in anyway defeat God`s3 law would make themselves re-T sponsible for the results. We havef no authority to change His 1aws.; Now is the time to protest before; it is too late, and the whole nation` 1 1 n , 1 _,,,1' lvvanac sun u\...n.\.uv.. nanny; u... uuvub-n,` so it would be just as well to make a few comments now before they discuss the subject. There is not a thing I could say, or anyone else, that would be worth reading unless it was in line with God s word and plans. 1TL'....l. -2 _I1 :1. --__..1_'l L. 1...]. L- I the pea; _g'ranted `not so believe, I help to cau` 'heart, of a ward their i 1)u1'ticu1a1`1y IUOIIGY, TWO imp0rtantD ATES ........ ..- ,.-..,..- _-- -_. -- -.,.,,_ and are trying to upset] order of things. I am veryl afraid that they well end up: in the lake of re and brimstone, if they do not repent of their ways. `I : -.-._ ...l ....... .. 4.1..` Jnnil L1...` u uucy uu uvv Lcyunnu xu. uuuu. wage. If our adversary, the devil, the director of the forces of evil, can get people to make laws contrary to God s laws, and have people. make use of them, or have them make restricting laws, that neverf were intended to be, and have the people under them blame God for them, he has gained points of ad- vantage. In the first instance they are under condemnation for break- (Continued from page eleven) again in session and they may take up this question of changing the di- vorce law before they are through, l_. n. _.-_--u 1... _`....a. ._ .....n 4... .....1... f Letter to the Editor vipers, Va... the xxlueu u; ve i V the jo' D..- zies live, when t} u'd -get .'tS the e from c: ble poi will :, even ey, so long : -_...... LL-.- .. H(`1'0 _\~m1 will .500 `rho .{ am0L1.-3 new 1\[cClar~' E1o<~1ri<- Rz111;'v in use, \vi th Miss On10_V ex- pm-1Tl_\' dommustmti11g the marvels of Me- (`|z11'_' l>z1] and cooking. D0113` 1111s: this dz11`<~. D0n 1' 1niss'Ruth ()11Ioy. the 101 he spirit c e viper, 1 job and 5 well as rht into th f victims. uvuu 3 their * .u.u.u with I : has 1 gun nu Avuvng he endish ( )m causing 0 poisoning give even spend ong a they Ieir victims The most pei u nun. AA\1\4u\o .. by foul means e_v get well es captivate one, ns. Everyone ople are out 1` lot : .a.: vu- the Fm` 1n':1(vt`i(-a]1_\' 21 <-on rur_\', Canz1dim1 11011. have follnd tho }.[oC`1m'_\' R;1np;o 21 superior 1'a11g'v. -\f ror 100 _\'oa1's` oxpm-ionc-e if is on'L_\f natllral to expeot to nd a better oven, more eo011om_v uuauuuu. vb T` 1 their deadly : no desire to particular; the et in return fol n 11 11-1 Er life" I Work ; the o1 r they camp rork from th< 1e outside. house where 1 u/nu; vsnnn byu :tims with 1;] 0st persistent : are the ones t both the vult 7 ri ._ -1- 43..-... LL .. an \.,u.,.......,.. ` ( DIICBU Ill 01' h Sthem apa YONG Of these I worse fo to cause 2 and Chd iD'g UP'5etIthe'_v wou ;. verylpey order r upfband to md his wif ,1! L1_-:_. ___.._ .1 u aA\. vv law ar; the `urn for t delight other pe : their 1 e their t (1 their uua V1. `.|.I; estab1ishe;i up right the in-5 vulture 1 . a poison. benet' Le only )1` their M Clary Electric Ranges L 7 get LL- u nu They re the r fair, ...u;_y nu uuua lawn. From the standpoint of the Chris- tian, the single life is the highest ideal in following the Lord. The Apostle Paul (the Moses of this age) advised men to not even marry one women, but he did not forbid them to`rmarry. {n his letter to Timothy regarding Vqualications of ) a bishop and deacons, `he said that , ithey must be the husband of one tgwife. One could reasonably infer ) ' from this that the ordinary man 3 could marry more than one woman. siTo the best of my knowledge, at -;the present time, I do not know 01 `any law of God that forbids aman 5 having more than one woman for a I wife, so long as he is married to ifthem. It says, What therefore `God has joined together, and it ap- pears that .God s marriage is :3. mar- riage of the hearts and souls, of a 1 man and woman, the woman as a - helpmeet for the man. 1They become 1 `as one esh and should be of one vgmind and purpose, to serve God. 2 [The children would be the seals on .ithe marriage contract in the sight 3 ' of God and man. There are some 5 E married people that do not desire -ichildren, but anyway, that is their 3 own private affair. There are `.iothers that desire children, but are ;(lenied that blessing. In a case like ,thi.<:, it could be arranged that the 1 3 1 l}hu.~:band could apply to the 'govern-, 3 I ment of the country to grant him f.I`:r\ 1`l-,L'_'lll2 to marry another woman tl\\'itli011t having to divorce his first awwife. The first wife to retain all lLhe 1'i_;'l1t.~: of a wife before the law, t;Lmle>.< by her actions she forfeiteul 3 some of them and the law saw fit t to reduce her claims accordiiigly. 3 ` The 1e_c;islato1's could easily look af- - ter laws to protect the rights of the 3 :two wives. It would give both a` ti ;;would 2301 like ` rsofteninge` zfheart. the- t` curse -' ,` 2 zlor man s ',`casts 3, .`'he - lives l 3 `lsame time, without God s condemna-` Jxlesi` 2`,1`, ""2'1,"'"'I22 ,(You `terefere in other people s affairs, `and try to run them out of order, `land upside down). It is nowhere recorded that a woman could have` jmore than one husband, at the, .tion; in fact, it warns very much= ' against it. ` ;`|with0ut mwife. ithe Eunle.-.< r of ; -`The a ;would {of softening fheart. `curse a gcasts ,They `he `lives ,women `more icases. ,'reasons `made ,(Genesis ;was people `recorded `same condemna- `against There are some bossy women ,that ght their husbands tooth and `nail in nearly everything they do, and even try to domineer over them. This kind of woman by her` of con-` one of her hus-E `betrayal of her `dence becomes band s most deadly enemies and puts him at a terrible disadvantage in dealing with the problems he has to face. This kind of a woman might ~ be cured by the knowledge that her husband could get another wife if she did not behave herself. She `would then be ghting for her hus- band instead of him. and woman in 1st Corin- hians, Chap verse 3, But I would have head of every man is and position the,` ghting against` God s position of man know that the` this spirit in them might die a nat- ural ileath. It heartbreaking and sickening to see the way these a_s:em;.- for the dc-vil are so pcr.<.ist- ent in coming in between a husband and wife and children. There sceni.-' to be nothing; that will stop them. They will stoop to anytliing to gain `their ends. In some cases there is willing co-operation on the part of the husband or wife in this devilish ,game. There has been case after case where they have taken sides and inuenced the husband, or wife, to such an extent that one of them ,has consented to put their life part- ner and mate in jail, or to poison, stab or beat them to death, so that they could marry some one else. It has been more so the case where either one has `had considerable money to make it doubly attrac- tive to these sly schemes. It does not matter to these workers of iniquity if the children are neglect- ed or what misery or su"ering their actions cause in the family, even to the death of some of its mem- bers. Some of them are so brazen that they even tell of what they have done, as if it was a joke. They come from far and near to the fray under all kinds pf` disguises, and excuses. It is one of the first signs of social decay. If riages, the homes and 13 broken up, the stones are taken out the whole social an-d national struc- ture. It has been one of the signs iof the downfall of the social, nation- ial and spiritual life of generations gback as recorded in the Bible. fected the as l ignores `a her thieves, ilelaw ` the h Eupset thi ,trouble : tor the d. g There i icouples h ..... ,.....L.._ ft u.4.u u each ,, _ W... U ,,v..... \)J. ..o.., .. ugnt. to disagree on the subject, ;these interfering gangs apart and making ,worse for the man and iand children, if there are ithey would try to help in the iper order, namely, to help -band take care of the his wife and family, it would unite them, but instead of doing that the} take sides with the wife against the husband to cause a division. 11 would be a real Lord's blessing if Ithere were stiff penalties for thesc [trouble mongers interfering in mar _ried people s affairs from the wrong angle. The Bible refers to then as bmrybodies in other men's mat- ters. They have to have victims to feed of! and if it was made dan- gerous and unprotable for them, ;.uu.\.- 4.; nunu g be] g 0 God's prop ing God s laws, and in the sefiondl case they are under condemnation as complainers. The blame really rests with the people that allow the devil to use them, to make laws con- trary to God s laws. 17..-.-. LL- _L;..,7,,,,, . 1- .u an 1 certain ft alone u ch other A..- I..J._..` _,..,,...,. .,.. ..... se m `se max tht V A &. ..1... ......- u-.14. head \ the 111 any u\.. this elex Id 5 3f m sad of the ne head ' And devil. \. `cA-A\4 have The Second Important Date is to see the new